Signs and Signals

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School Year: 2016-2017

Name of Teacher: POSITION:

School: Calubian National High School District: Calubian Division: Leyte Region: VIII
Professional Development Goal:
To enhance my teaching competence in utilizing information and communication technology and learning, integrate and update relevant ideas to enrich
the lesson and allocate time for personal growth and professional development through educational research.

Objectives Methods/Strategies Resource Time Frame Success Indicator

What Competence will I enhance? What professional activities What will I do to access What do I expect to What NCBTS competence would What learner’s
will I undertake to achieve resource? have accomplished I have enhanced? performance would have
my objective? the activities? been improved?
a. To enhance my teaching Attend seminar and training Register in the Division Summer of 2013 Teacher demonstrate skill in the Gain knowledge in the use
competence in utilizing on ICT. Training on ICT. use of Information and of computer.
information and communication Communication Technology in
technology. Teaching (Strand 4.7)
b. To update and integrates, relevant Attend seminar and Dep.Ed., School Summer INSET of Integrate relevant scholarly Increase learners’
scholarly works in teaching and training. Administrator, Master 2013 works and ideas to enrich the performance in al subject
learning. Teachers. lesson as needed (Strand4.1.8) areas on DAT and SAT
c. To allocate time for professional Attend or participate in Dep.Ed., School Semestral break of Allocate time for professional Increase learners’
growth and development of educational seminar and administrator. 2012-2013. growth and development of performance.
teacher. workshop. teachers. (Strand 7.1.2)

I am a professional teacher; I am responsible for my personal and professional growth. Henceforth, I commit my best to attain the goal and objectives I have set hereunto for my
professional development, not only for my benefit but also for my schools improvement and most of all, for my learner’s progress.

Signature: __________________________________ Date: _________________________

Attested to: ________________________________ Date: _________________________

Advised by: ________________________________ Date: _________________________

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