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Saint Martin’s University Biology Journal May 2006, Volume 1

Bacteria in Household Sponges: A study testing which physical

methods are most effective in decontaminating kitchen sponges
Nicole J. Tate, Saint Martin’s University, 5300 Pacific Avenue SE, Lacey, WA 98503. This
work was supported by Saint Martin’s University.


This study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of various physical methods for
decontaminating kitchen sponges. Sponges were distributed to participants to be used in the
home on a daily basis, after which time they were collected for analysis. Bacterial concentrations
were determined using the spectrophotometer. A sample from each sponge was submerged in
nutrient broth, and incubated for 48 hours at 37˚C. Once the samples had been incubated the
nutrient broth was tested for optical density. The sponges were then cleaned using several
physical tests, which included microwaving at 30 or 60 seconds, boiling, dishwashing, and
washing in the washing machine. The dishwasher had the largest bacterial reduction, reducing
bacteria by 57.3%, followed by boiling, with an average bacterial reduction of 47.2%, and the
washing machine with an average bacterial reduction of 43.2%. Thirty seconds and 60 seconds
of microwaving had no statistically significant reduction compared to the uncleaned control. The
results of my study suggested that high temperature in combination with washing is more
effective in reducing bacteria in kitchen sponges than using heat alone.


Kitchen sponges offer an ideal place to 6.5 million cases of food poisoning
for harmful bacteria and other pathogens, reported in the United States. Sponges,
such as viruses, to grow. Some of these which may contain a large amount of
pathogens include Escherichia coli, pathogens, are a common way for bacteria
Salmonella, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and and other food-borne pathogens, such as
Enterobacter cloacae (Ikawa and Rossen, Salmonella and E. coli, to be spread
1999). There have been many questions as throughout the kitchen. If the sponges are
to which methods of cleaning and adequately cleaned, the spread of pathogens
disinfecting sponges are the most effective. from kitchen surfaces and sponges to
Sponges are commonly used in kitchens humans may be greatly reduced. Ikawa and
around the world to clean surfaces such as Rossen (1999) tested both chemical and
cutting boards, pots and pans, dishes, physical treatments for decontaminating
countertops, sinks, refrigerators, faucet kitchen sponges. Methods included
handles, and stovetops (Ikawa and Rossen, chemicals such as bleach, hydrogen
1999). Using sponges to clean surfaces, peroxide, isopropyl alcohol, all purpose
which may be covered with harmful bacteria, cleaner, ammonia, and distilled vinegar, as
and then using them to clean things such as well as physical methods which included the
dishes and faucet handles, may allow the washing machine, dishwasher, boiling and
bacteria to spread to places where we can the microwave oven. To be an effective
come in direct contact with them. method for cleaning a sponge, it had to
According to Ikawa and Rossen reduce bacteria in the sponge by at least
(1999), each year there are an estimated 5.5 99.9%. In the first part of the study the

Saint Martin’s University Biology Journal May 2006, Volume 1

sponges were rinsed and then contaminated water with detergent to rinse, before the tests
with the laboratory grown bacteria to were conducted. After obtaining cultures
simulate a used sponge. The sponges were from the National Institute of Public Health
then cleaned using the various physical and and The Environment and also from Difco
chemical methods. They then tested the Laboratories, the cultures were maintained
same methods using sponges that were used at 80ْ C in vials. From these cultures,
by consumers in their own home. In the suspensions were made and three different
laboratory, the results were much clearer contamination levels were prepared. The
than when they were testing sponges used two surfaces were contaminated to a
by consumers, due partially to the fact that measurable concentration and were then
they had a consistent sample of types of sampled immediately afterwards to test
bacteria in the laboratory. They also which pathogens could be recovered. The
speculated that their unclear results may be transfer rates of pathogens on surfaces to the
due to the bacteria in the consumer sponges sponges were then tested. In this study, they
being more resistant to treatments than the found that some of the antibacterial
laboratory grown bacteria. The only dishwashing liquids tested reduced bacteria
conclusion was that the treatments which by 99.999% in that laboratory. However
were determined to be effective in they also stated that there was no evidence
laboratory studies could be used to decrease to support that the same dishwashing
the amount of bacteria in household sponges detergents would be effective in a typical
and would help in reducing cross household situation, due to the higher
contamination. No results were definitive resistance to treatments shown by bacteria in
when it came to decontaminating sponges the common kitchen. The sponges that were
that contained resistant bacteria. This study tested in households were shown to collect a
showed the effectiveness of some physical large number of bacteria within the first
treatments, but did not address which three days of use, after which time the
methods would be most useful in a typical amounts did not increase, as the sponges had
household setting as opposed to the reached their maximal loads. The sponges
laboratory (Ikawa and Rossen, 1999). were tested with both regular and
According to Kusumaningrum et al. antibacterial products to see if either
(2002), exposure to pathogens may occur by significantly reduced bacteria. None of the
either indirect contact with contaminated products used proved to be effective in
objects, or indirectly, through airborne eliminating bacteria found in household
particles. They also indicated that some sponges (Kusumaningrum et. al, 2002).
bacteria, such as E. coli, Staphylococcus In a study by Mattick et. al (2002)
aureus, and Salmonella, could survive on the survival of Salmonella, Campylobacter
hands, sponges and other objects for up to and E. coli was tested. The study examined
several days after contact. This study tested variables such as hard or soft water, the use
the ability of certain bacteria to survive on of detergent, and survival during drying.
stainless steel surfaces and began by Dishes were soiled with bacteria and were
preparing two different stainless steel then washed in a bowl of warm water with
surfaces, one that was 20 x 20 cm2 for detergent. The study also examined the
bacteria survival tests, and the other was 50 possibility of cross-contamination onto
x 80 cm2 for cross-contamination tests. The sterile dishes, sponges, counter tops, and
surfaces were washed and sanitized, using items placed on contaminated surfaces from
hypochlorite solution to disinfect and hot dirty water. These tests found hard water did

Saint Martin’s University Biology Journal May 2006, Volume 1

not affect the survival of E. coli, and for the water, and samples were taken and swabbed
most part, Salmonella survived towel or air- onto a Petri dish, which was incubated for
drying on dishes. During towel drying, twenty-four hours. The levels of bacteria
contaminates were transferred to the cloth were determined using a laser counter or
during every test, regardless of the colony counter. The tests showed that the
organisms present. It was also found that dish drops formulation used at 5ml per
pathogens were commonly transferred to sponge reduced microbial populations by
sterile dishes from the contaminated dishes, 99.99%, whereas commercial products
although it was rare that they were then reduced populations by 99.90%. The
transferred to food. The transfer of bacteria in the untreated control sponges
contaminants to sponges, on the other hand, survived the washing, showing that there
was a much more common occurrence. This was a great difference in the reduction of
study showed that the transfer of pathogens bacteria when a detergent was used.
from contaminated dishwater onto sponges, Antibacterial hand soap only reduced
and then onto countertops and dishes is bacteria by 33.9%, and the antibacterial
possible (Mattick et. al, 2002). sponge only reduced bacteria by 45.1%;
Nielsen et. al, (2002) tested sponges these results were not significantly different
to determine the effect of dishwashing liquid from the control (Nielsen et. al, 2002).
on the bacteria growing in sponges. The Kusumaningrum et. al (2001)
sponges were first cleaned of the examined the use of dishwashing detergents
preservatives found in the sponges upon as an aid to killing pathogens commonly
purchase, as these preservatives prevent found in the kitchen, such as E. coli,
growth. These preservatives are washed out Salmonella, S. aureus, and Bacillus cereus.
of the sponge within a couple of uses in a This study tested detergents with and
typical kitchen. The organisms that were without food residue present. The study
used to make the inoculum were 2 species of began by obtaining 6 new sponges and
gram positive bacteria, 4 species of gram dishwashing detergents from a local
negative bacteria, and 1 species of yeast. supermarket. Used sponges were also
The dried, rinsed sponges were placed into a obtained from earlier laboratory experiments
bag with deionized water and inoculum. The on the survival of pathogens in new sponges.
sponges were mixed by hand to ensure that The used sponges were washed in hot water
they were mixed thoroughly with inoculum. with an antibacterial dishwashing liquid and
A sample was taken from the bags to then allowed to air dry before being stored at
determine the initial quantity of inoculum room temperature for 1 to 2 weeks. The six
and excess water was squeezed from the new sponges were contaminated with the
sponges before they were treated with bacteria suspensions and were stored at
detergent. To simulate conditions in a room temperature, and were tested for
typical home, organic matter was added to bacterial concentrations on various days.
the sponges to act as a food source for the The main difference between this study and
bacteria. Once prepared, the recommended the study done by Nielsen et. al (2002), is
amount of hand dishwashing detergent was part of this study was actually conducted in
added to the bags containing the sponges, households to test the efficiency of
which was then mixed by hand. The antibacterial dishwashing liquid used by the
inoculated sponges were allowed to dry at consumers. The importance of this study
room temperature overnight. The next day, was to determine how detergents increase
the sponges were rehydrated with deionized the effectiveness of physical methods of

Saint Martin’s University Biology Journal May 2006, Volume 1

decontaminating sponges. This study clean and rid sponges of bacteria, some of
considered the differences between bacteria which could be harmful or pathogenic. I
grown in the laboratory and the bacteria that tested bacteria found in sponges used in
is actually found in consumer homes. All of actual homes, as apposed to laboratory
the organisms tested showed rapid growth in grown bacteria, as bacteria found in the
laboratory conditions; except S. aureus and home seems to be more resistant to
B. cereus both decreased in number below treatment. In this experiment, I expected that
detection levels in reaction to low the methods of treatment that exposed the
concentrations of dishwashing detergents in sponges to the highest temperatures would
test suspensions. E. coli and Salmonella be the most effective in decontamination. I
maintained their concentrations for up to believed that the microwave would produce
twenty-four hours after being exposed to the the highest temperatures and would
detergents. After 24 hours concentrations of therefore be the most effective method.
all the bacteria began to decrease. The
sponges that were used in consumer homes Methods
on a daily basis came in contact with
detergents at least once a day, and showed I began this study by obtaining 70
no dramatic decrease in bacteria. The synthetic sponges with green scrubber pads
consumer sponges were tested both with on one side and distributed them to my
antibacterial and regular dishwashing soaps participants, which included classmates and
over a two week study. This study found coworkers. The sponges that I used did not
that some brands of dishwashing detergents contain any anti-bacterial preservatives;
are effective in reducing bacteria in test therefore all I did to prepare the sponges was
suspensions, but none were effective in used remove them from the packages and
sponges. This study evaluated how distribute one sponge into each numbered
detergents can make a difference in the zip lock bag. Once the participants received
effectiveness of dishwashing machines their sponges, they were instructed to use the
(Kusumanungrum et. al, 2001). sponges as they typically would on a regular
In the study I conducted, 48 used basis using no methods of cleaning, other
sponges were tested to determine the initial than rinsing, when done using the sponge.
bacterial concentrations in them. After initial After two weeks, the sponges were
bacterial counts were established, different collected from the participants and taken
decontaminating methods (heating in the back to the laboratory for testing. As
microwave, boiling, washing in the anticipated, not all of the sponges were
dishwasher, and washing in the washing returned in time to be included in the study,
machine) were performed. Unlike the other because of which the sample size for each
studies, my study focused on testing only test had to be reduced from 10 sponges to 8
physical methods for decontaminating sponges. The control group underwent the
household sponges. The sponges that I used same tests to determine initial bacteria
in this experiment were used by consumers concentrations as the other groups did, but
in their own homes; I did not do testing on were then allowed to sit at room temperature
bacteria grown in the laboratory, as the (about 25ْC), while the other groups
strains may differ from those found in the underwent the physical cleaning tests. All
home. sponges were allowed to sit at room
My main objective was to determine temperature for 48 hours to simulate a
if there is an effective physical method to sponge that had been sitting out on the

Saint Martin’s University Biology Journal May 2006, Volume 1

counter before undergoing any treatment. To microwave. Two groups of sponges were
determine initial bacterial concentrations I microwaved in a GE Turntable microwave
punched a hole, about 1mm in diameter, in with a power of 1550 watts: one group for
each sponge using a cork borer, which is 30 seconds and one group for 60 seconds to
designed to punch holes in corks. The determine if the amount of time a sponge is
sponges were then returned to their sealed microwaved effected the results of the
bags to incubate at room temperature. The treatment. The sponges were individually
circle cut out from each sponge was placed removed from their containers and
into a test tube containing 4ml of sterilized microwaved one at a time, making certain
nutrient broth. The nutrient broth was made that the sponges were kept moist with
with 4.8g of BioPro Premium Nutrient Broth distilled water at all times to prevent the
(concentrated beef extract and concentrated sponges from igniting in the microwave
Bio-Gel Peptone) per 600ml of deionized (Ikawa and Rossen, 1999). After 8 sponges
water. The nutrient broth was then for each time increment were treated, they
autoclaved in a Barnstead 14-48823 were then cooled and set aside in new, clean
autoclave for 20 minutes at 121°C. The airtight containers until being tested for final
tubes were allowed to incubate at 37ْ C for bacteria counts. The third group of sponges
48 hours to allow adequate time for bacterial that was treated was boiled for 10 minutes in
growth. A test tube with sterile broth that regular tap water in Lacey, Washington.
was allowed to incubate with the other tubes These sponges were also set aside for further
was used as a blank to set the testing after allowing some of the excess
spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer water to drip out of the sponge and after
used was the Spectronic 20 by Bausch and cooling.
Lomb and was set at a wavelength of The final two groups of sponges
686nm. The broth from each tube containing were treated using the washing machine and
a sponge cutout was then decanted into a the dishwasher. For the washing machine,
cuvette and the percent transmittance was each of the sponges was washed alone in the
measured using the spectrophotometer. The washing machine with detergent on the hot
percent transmittance was then used to cycle. The detergent I used was the Kirkland
calculate the optical densities (O.D.) of Signature Fresh and Clean Scent Ultra
bacteria in the sponges using the formula: Laundry Detergent. I ran the tests using
O.D. = (100/%T). After determining the detergent, as it is common to include a
initial bacteria concentrations, I began detergent when using a washing machine.
treating the sponges with the various For the dishwasher, 4 sponges were loaded
physical methods of treatment. on the top rack and 4 on the bottom rack of a
Each of the 5 test groups and the Hotpoint dishwasher set on the normal wash
control group contained 8 sponges. The at high temperature. Dishwashing detergent
control sponges did not undergo any was also used in this treatment. For the
physical cleaning treatments other than a dishwasher, the brand detergent I used was
simple hand washing with warm water at the Safeway Lemon Scented Gel Dishwasher
end of the two-week period. The control detergent.
sponges were left in airtight containers while After the treatments, the sponges
the other groups of sponges were being were tested for concentrations of bacteria.
tested, then they were tested once more for All of the sponges which had undergone
final bacteria concentrations. The first treatment and the control sponges were
method of treatment was the use of the tested for bacterial concentrations. A hole

Saint Martin’s University Biology Journal May 2006, Volume 1

was punched out of the sponges making

certain that the hole was in the same region
of the sponge as the first. The cut-out was
then submerged in a test tube containing 4ml
of nutrient broth and allowed to incubate at
37°C for 48 hours. The broth was then
pipetted into a cuvette and was run through
the spectrophotometer to determine the
optical density of bacteria in the sponges.
From the initial and final concentrations, I
calculated the percent reduction to
determine the effectiveness of each
treatment. Using the program Minitab, a one
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
conducted to calculate P-values. After P-
values were determined, Tukey tests were
performed to compare the effectiveness of
each treatment against each other and the


The results of my experiment

showed that boiling, dishwashing, and the
use of the washing machine were the only
methods of treatment that were statistically
significantly different than the control
group, which did not undergo any treatment.
In contrast, the microwave at both 30
seconds and 60 seconds showed no
significant difference from the control. Since
the control group did not undergo any
treatment, it appears as though the
microwave had the same effect on the
sponge as if they had not been treated at all.

A one way ANOVA showed that the

sponges before treatment were not
statistically significantly different from one
another, meaning that they were all equally
contaminated before undergoing any
treatments (D.f=5, F=2.10, and P=.084 ).
Figure 1 shows that there was a reduction in
bacteria by all treatments, even the control.

Average Optical Density 1
0.6 before treatment
0.4 after treatment

microwave 30 s

microwave 60 s

washing machine

Method of Treatment

Figure 1: Comparison of optical densities before and after treating contaminated kitchen sponges. Averages
with standard deviation error bars for before and after each treatment, with each treatment group containing 8
Reduction of Bacteria

Average Percent

microwave 30 s

washing machine
microwave 60 s

Method of Treatment

Figure 2: The effectiveness of various physical methods for decontaminating kitchen sponges, for
sample sizes of 8 sponges per treatment. Shown are average percent reductions of bacteria for
each physical treatment with error bars of one standard deviation about the mean.
Saint Martin’s University Biology Journal May 2006, Volume 1

In particular, the dishwasher The microwave treatments were not

produced the greatest difference after having statistically significantly different from the
undergone treatment. The dishwasher had a control (Figures 1 and 2).
mean percent reduction of 57.3%, meaning Discussion
that it had the lowest bacterial
concentrations after treatment. I expected the microwave to be the
A one way ANOVA test showed that most effective method, as I believed it
the sponges after treatment were statistically would expose the sponges to highest
significantly different from each other, so a temperatures. The results of this experiment
Tukey test was used to determine which failed to support this hypothesis, as the
methods were different from the control. dishwasher was found to be the most
The sponges that had gone through the effective method reducing bacteria by 57.7%.
physical treatments were statistically Rather than the microwave, the methods that
different (P<0.0001). This showed that the physically washed the sponges were the
methods of treatment did have some effect methods that eliminated the most bacteria.
on the sponges, reducing the bacteria. The Since the dishwasher was found to
results from the Tukey test showed that be the most effective method, it is possible
microwaving for 30 seconds and that washing the sponges while exposing
microwaving for 60 seconds were the only them to extreme heat is the most effective
two methods that were not statistically way to remove bacteria from kitchen
different than the control (Individual sponges. This would be a good hypothesis to
confidence level 99.53%). test in future studies with larger sample sizes.
As shown in Figures 1 and 2, I speculate that the water in the dishwasher
dishwashing the sponges showed the biggest was very hot when it reached the inside of
difference in before means compared to the sponge, killing and then rinsing away the
means after treatment (mean difference = bacteria, while the microwave left behind
0.3917). Next after that was boiling with a plenty of bacteria. Since a detergent was
mean difference of 0.3599, the washing added in both the dishwasher and the
machine produced a mean difference of washing machine, the detergent itself could
0.3348, microwaving for 60 seconds had a have played a significant role in reducing
mean difference of 0.2113, and bacteria in the sponges. It is possible that in
microwaving for 30 seconds had a mean the microwave tests, the sponges were
difference of 0.0456. The mean difference of heated but none of the contaminants were
the control group was 0.0911. removed, such as hairs or food particles,
Out of the methods tested, the best in which gave the bacteria in the sponges
cleaning the sponges was the dishwasher, nourishment so that they could continue
which reduced bacteria by 57.3%, after multiplying. The lack of microwave
which was boiling which reduced bacteria cleaning effectiveness may have also been
by 47.2%. The washing machine was the affected by the nature of the sponges. The
only other method that was statistically sponges where about one inch in thickness
different than the control, with a bacterial and were very porous, which may have
reduction of 43.2% (Figure 1 and 2). provided protection for the bacteria in the
Microwaving at 30 seconds had a mean center of the sponges. I did not test the
reduction of 8.4%, and the microwave at 60 temperatures of the sponges to see if the
seconds had a bacterial reduction of 29.7%. interior reached the same temperatures as

Saint Martin’s University Biology Journal May 2006, Volume 1

the exterior of the sponges, this would be a being an effective method, meaning that it
good factor to consider in a future study. reduced bacteria by 99.9%. Since none of
If I were to do this experiment again, my methods reduced enough bacteria to be
I would like to test the temperatures that are considered effective, I would recommend
that if you are going to use a sponge to clean
surfaces in the kitchen it would be best to
being reached in the sponges during each clean the counters with a disinfectant after
treatment so that I can analyze if there is a wiping then down with the sponge. The best
correlation between the temperatures course of action may be to limit the length
reached and the amount of bacteria that is of time a sponge is used or to eliminate the
killed. I had assumed that the microwave use of sponges in the kitchen altogether.
produced the highest temperatures and
would therefore be the most effective Acknowledgements
method. A test measuring the temperatures I would first like to thank Dr.
reached in the sponges for each method of Margaret Olney and Dr. Mary Jo Hartman
treatment would need to be conducted for their assistance in the laboratory and
before testing those methods for with analyzing the data obtained. Thank you
effectiveness so that an accurate correlation to all who participated in my study and to
could be made between the temperatures those who helped with the editing of my
reached and the amount of bacteria killed. proposal and lab report. I would also like to
The main difference between what I have thank Elizabeth Syverson and Rachael
already done and what I would do in a future Schroll for watching my practice
study is to look further into what presentation. Finally, I greatly appreciated
combination of treatments work the best. Inga Marcus and Cheryl Guglielmo for their
For example, I would further test heat and help using the laboratory equipment and
washing in combination. I would also like to ordering the supplies needed to conduct this
test how much of an impact the detergents experiment.
had on the effectiveness of the washing
machine and the dishwasher.
An addition to testing whether Literature Cited
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with extreme heat is more effective in Bradford M.A., Humphrey T.J., Lappin-
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effectiveness of those methods. Microbiology, Ninth Edition.
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methods tested for cleaning sponges reduced
the amount of bacteria in the sponges, I did
not find a method that fit the criteria for

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