5 Little Pumpkins
5 Little Pumpkins
5 Little Pumpkins
1. Content and Standards: List standards that are aligned with the content, the text, and materials.
(These should be listed with your curriculum and standards documents.)
a. CC.1.3 K.D Name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling
the story.
b. CC.1.3 K.G Make connections between the illustrations and the text in a story (read or read
c. CC.1.2.K.L Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
d. CC.1.1.K.C Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
e. CC.1.2.K.A With prompting and support, identify the main idea and retell key details of text
f. CC.1.2.K.G Answer questions to describe the relationship between illustrations and the text
in which they appear.
3. Essential Questions: List essential questions (Usually, this is in your curriculum documents.)
What are some good strategies to help us understand the text to retell a story using details?
How can I show an understanding of rhyming words?
4. Materials and Equipment: List all materials and equipment to be used by the teacher and students.
Tell how they will be used to meet the objective.
5. Instructional Objective: State what students will know and be able to do at the end of this lesson.
Fill in the blanks:
Students will be able to retell fictional text and identify rhyming words based on text being read
to them.
6. Instructional Procedures: List instructional strategies and learning experiences that are in
alignment with the objective(s). Include information about what teaching strategies you will use
to engage students. Include information about what type of technology, manipulatives, etc. you
will use to facilitate students meeting the objectives.
a. Before: Anticipatory set, minilesson
a. Students will be seated on the floor in their special spots
b. Introduce the story of the Five Little Pumpkins
c. Tell students to pay close attention to what is happening in the story
d. Read 5 Little Pumpkins.
1. Have students identify rhyming words.
2. Have students think/pair/Share with a partner to discuss what happened in the
7. Assessment: Tell how you will know if all students have met the instructional objective. What
tool(s) will you use to measure if all students can meet the objective?
a. Teacher will observe and listen to students during
i. Think/share/pair
ii. Group retelling
iii. Group conversations
Differentiated Instruction: Tell how you will meet the needs of all learners during the lesson. This has to be in
alignment with the objective. Look back at the objective and think about how you can support the learners in
this lesson. Will you differentiate content, process, and/or product? Will you make it more challenging or do
you have students that need support in meeting the objectives