Applying SOA Principles in Informatica - Keshav Vadrevu

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SOA Principles in Informatica®


Agreed, there are many books on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Most of these
books discuss implementation of SOA either as a vendor-neutral framework or with regard
to the programming language such as Java. But the IT world has evolved a lot since Java
was first introduced. The evolution of Data Warehousing has brought in a whole new set
of technologies to the mix. Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tools in particular have
evolved from purely transformation engines to high performing data
integration/processing engines. Software such as Informatica PowerCenter have evolved
from pure ETL tools to Data Integration (DI) engines that are capable of processing
enterprise data at faster speeds through a robust and reliable framework. Beyond the
traditional relational databases and flat files, these data integration engines provide out of
the box connectivity to legacy systems (such as mainframes), technology standards (such
as LDAP), messaging queues (such as JMS), enterprise applications (such as SAP), cloud
based applications (such as, social media applications (such as Facebook)
and Hadoop. Evolution of these DI engines has created a need to revisit the way we have
traditionally implemented SOA in the enterprise. SOA can now be delivered faster on a
more reliable platform with unlimited scalability – all with the same set of developers and
expertise that the organizations already have.
Imagine an organization’s need to build a “Legacy Wrapper Service” around a mainframe.
A Legacy Wrapper Service is intended to wrap around a legacy system to eliminate any
direct access to it. Elimination of this dependency makes it easy to retire the legacy system
and also enables the consumers of the system transparent of the data store for any future
upgrades. Eventually, when the system is retired, the legacy wrapper service will be
pointed to the new system/data store – effectively having all of its consumers upgraded in
one go. The requirements for building such a service at the minimum will be to establish a
reliable connectivity to the mainframe, read the data off of it, transform the data format
into a relational format (as an example), and expose the data, say, as a web service.
Consumers can then be redesigned to use this web service instead of directly accessing the
mainframe. Even though the core requirement is only to build a wrapper around the legacy
system, there is an implicit requirement to perform the data transformation so as to convert
the mainframe COBOL format into an open format like XML. Advantage of such a
transformation is that the consumers do not have to worry about the details of the actual
data stored in the background and can purely focus on the business logic. Now, for a team
of programmers to develop such a solution, they would need to perform at least the
following major activities:

Establish connectivity to mainframes

Read data off mainframes and parse it using COBOL layout
Transform the data into XML format
Expose the program as web service

Now, each of the above steps requires a different skill set and the whole task obviously
requires multi-faceted resources. Besides the technical capabilities to perform the above
steps, testing itself is a huge challenge because each of the above steps requires a different
set of test cases. It is very important to note that the effort spent in designing and
developing the code to transform the data into XML format is only a small portion of the
overall effort. Additionally, the code needs to be tested for its reliability, scalability and
performance, and benchmarks need to be established. Now consider the alternate of using
a Data Integration tool such as Informatica PowerCenter to build such a service:

Establish connectivity to mainframes an out of the box connectivity available via

Read data off mainframe and parse it using COBOL layout an out of the box
functionality is usually available to parse the layout from the source and translate to
PowerCenter universal data format
Transform the data into XML format out of the box transformations such as XML
Generator can be used to generate XML content from PowerCenter universal data
Expose the program as web service a Web Service Hub is setup in which any
PowerCenter mapping can be exposed as a web service
Assuming that PowerExchange and Web Service Hub are already setup in a given
environment, developing such a legacy wrapper service (in its simplest form) is only a
matter of minutes compared to the tedious programming approach. Also, consider the time
it takes to test both the solutions. With the PowerCenter solution, the only element that
will be tested is the true logic behind the transformation to XML, whereas in the
programming approach, more time is spent on connectivity and the web service exposure
than the pure transformation part of it. This example is not intended to showcase the DI
technologies as a replacement for programming languages or as a one-stop solution for all
programming needs. This example just highlights the need to revisit the technology usage
for Data Integration needs. After all, one of the fundamental drivers for SOA is the need to
reduce the time spent on integrating applications.
SOA is a costly and long term investment, from which an organization does not benefit
directly. But its value is undeniable. When an organization merges with another, and needs
a new system integrating the existing ones, the benefits of SOA can be felt. This book
takes a drastic new look at implementation of the SOA in a very cost effective manner by
leveraging off the shelf products which provide a great head start in development and
reliable means of maintenance.

What does this book cover?
This book does not attempt to solve all the SOA problems by proposing Informatica
products as solution, instead it looks at the SOA problems that can be solved with
Informatica products and attempts to explain implementation approaches for the same.
This book assumes the reader to be familiar with the Informatica product suite. While the
reader is not expected to be very experienced with these products, a basic understanding of
what the product does is assumed. Each section of this book addresses one or more SOA
principles and design patterns and discusses a possible solution using Informatica product
suite. Reader is advised to know that there may be several other alternative solutions that
are not discussed in this book. This book does not aim to arrive at the best Informatica
product based solution for each SOA principle and design pattern. However, it strives to
provide a starting point to Informatica product consumers in solving their SOA problems.
Before you read this book…
This book uses the conventions and design patterns as discussed by Thomas Erl and others
in the SOA Design Patterns and other books published by Prentice Hall as its base
standard. While it does not try to re-interpret the patterns discussed in those books, it tries
to apply Informatica context to the same. Hence some contents referred here may be
copyrighted by Prentice Hall.
How is this book organized?
This book begins by setting context for Services in the new age. How we design, develop
and maintain a service has drastically changed as the technologies evolved. Hence this
book begins by introducing different services in the context of the new technologies.
There are several Informatica products that help develop a specific type of service. For
example, Informatica’s PowerCenter can be used to build enterprise level Data Integration
services and Informatica’s Data Quality product can be used to build sophisticated Data
Quality services. The second chapter of this book discusses various Informatica products
and the specialised services that can be built using them. In chapter 3, the book discusses
various SOA design principles and how they can be implemented using various
Informatica products. Chapter 4 discusses SOA Design Patterns in the context of
Informatica products.
Scope of this book
SOA is more than Informatica products. Informatica products offer technology and
functionality that is above and beyond SOA. The scope of this book is only limited to the
overlap of the Service Oriented Architecture and the features & functionality of
Informatica products related to it.

Within the Informatica product suite, this book focuses only on some of the products, that
too only SOA related features of the products. This book does not intend to teach you
Informatica products. Purchasing this book does not entitle you to any free license of
Informatica software
SOA or not?
One of the fundamental principles of SOA is to be vendor neutral, however this book’s
primary focus is to help build SOA services using Informatica product suite. While this
appears as a contradiction, this, in fact, is only a supplement. The book’s primary purpose
is to help those who would like to build services using any of the Informatica products.

Terminology used
Some terminology used inside this book is very similar to some of the products and/or
product features provided by Informatica. Hence it is important to understand what the
author is actually referring to. Unless otherwise stated, the term “Mapping Service” refers
to a mapping that is used as part of a Workflow that is published as a Service and not to
the Informatica feature named Mapping Service. Similarly, “Workflow Service” refers to a
workflow that is published as a Service and not any Informatica product feature.

I owe my first and largest debt to my wife, Divya, who supported my efforts way beyond
what was fair to expect. Thank you. Your name belongs on the cover of this book every bit
as mine does. I also want to thank Thomas Erl, the author of SOA Design Patterns by
Prentice Hall. He is every bit of inspiration for me to write this book

Contacting the author
Author can be reached at
Linked In: Keshav Vadrevu
Introduction to PowerCenter
PowerCenter is a Data Integration engine that can perform high speed data extraction,
transformation and loading. Its rich GUI based Integrated Development Environment
allows rapid development with minimal code. PowerCenter has an extensive
transformation language and its code does not need to be compiled. Using vibe virtual data
machine underneath, PowerCenter allows universal data access. In other words, a mapping
can be written to access one data store and can be modified to access another data store
without affecting rest of the logic.

PowerCenter architecture is based on client-server model. It consists of PowerCenter

server and PowerCenter client tools. Below is a list of all of the components that are part
of the PowerCenter architecture

PowerCenter Domain
In its simple terms, Domain can be defined as an environment. You will have a
PowerCenter domain for each environment. For example, if you have Development, Test
and Production environments, you essentially create 3 different domains – one for each
environment. Domain information is stored in a set of tables, which are created and
configured as part of PowerCenter server installation. These domain tables store metadata
related to services within the PowerCenter, users, groups, etc…

Informatica Node
A node is a machine participating in the Informatica Domain. Typically, a node consists of
CPU, Memory and Disk. A node can be active or passive depending on the services it is
hosting. Informatica domain can consist of more than one node. These nodes can host a
wide variety of operating systems such Windows, Linux, HP-UX, etc. Informatica server
software is installed on each node participating in a domain.

PowerCenter Services
A domain consists of several services, such as license service, PowerCenter Repository
Service and PowerCenter Integration Service. Each of this service provides a unique
functionality to clients.

PowerCenter Repository Service (PCRS)

A PowerCenter Repository is a set of tables created when your Informatica Administrator
creates a PowerCenter Repository Service during post installation process. The entire code
that a developer builds is stored inside the repository. Repository contains hundreds of
tables, whereas PowerCenter stores the developer’s code within these tables very
intelligently. It is hard to manually look at these tables and comprehend and hence, they
should be left alone unless there is a dire need to look at them. Along with developer’s
code, repository also contains metadata like definitions of the tables used by the mappings,
source and target connections, etc…

When the developer runs a Workflow (a job in PowerCenter), its information is fetched
from the repository. Thereafter, the runtime statistics are stored back in the repository
again. Hence the repository is a key and live element in PowerCenter architecture

PowerCenter Integration Service (PCIS)

An integration service is the engine that actually runs PowerCenter workflows (jobs).
Integration services continuously interact with PowerCenter Repository to fetch the
information of the job it is about to start and keeps the repository up-to-date regarding the
status of the job, including the processed row counts. Each workflow is assigned to an
integration service. Each integration service can run one or more workflows at the same
time. Workflows can also be scheduled to run on Integration Service at specific date/time.

A grid is a collection of nodes. A PowerCenter Integration Service can run upon an
individual node or on a grid. When an Integration Service runs on a grid, it automatically
load balances the workflows that it is executing, such that the resources (nodes) are
optimally utilized. When a node in the domain fails, integration service can be configured
to failover the workflows running on that node to another node(s) to provide a seamless
failover of the jobs.

Putting it all together

Now that we have a basic understanding of each component, let’s take a look at it all
together. See the picture below.

The above picture represents a single Informatica domain, containing 3 nodes. Out of
these, two nodes (node 1 and node 2) are participating together to form a grid. An
integration service is running atop of this grid. Node 3 is hosting a PowerCenter repository
service, whose repository tables lie in the schema 1 of the database server. The schema 2
of the same database server hosts the domain metadata tables. Informatica server software
is installed on all the 3 nodes.

While there are many possible configurations for the given nodes, the one above is an
example for understanding how the components fit together in the Informatica
PowerCenter architecture.

PowerCenter objects
As mentioned before, PowerCenter Repository consists of several tables that hold the
different objects created using PowerCenter client tools. In this section of the book, we
look at different types of objects that can be created in a PowerCenter repository using
various client tools. With a few exceptions, objects in repository are hierarchical in nature
as discussed below.

Folders are the top level objects that can be created within a repository. A folder
consists of several objects that form PowerCenter code. Most of the objects
created by a developer during the lifecycle of development are stored within a folder. This
includes mappings, sessions and workflows. It is typical to have a folder for each project
being developed in the repository. It is not uncommon for customers to have hundreds of
folders in the same repository, even though the performance of such a repository depends
on the amount of objects within each folder and the number of users connected to it at any
given time. Examples of folder names are:





Sources are table definitions imported from a database into the PowerCenter
repository. These table definitions are used while developing mappings to define
the attributes to read from. Once imported, the table definitions remain independent of the
underlying database. Hence, if a table definition in the source database changes, it needs to
be re-imported again. Sources are stored within folders. Thus, a source can be imported
into multiple folders. In which case, each definition is unique and must be maintained
separately. Sources can be grouped into data sources. They must be unique within a data
source. So, within a given data source in a given folder, there can be only one source
having a certain name. Developers can organize the sources into different data sources as
they see fit. However, each source definition can be associated with only one data source.
The same data source can be imported into PowerCenter repository under different data
sources. For example, a source table “employees” can exist in data sources “Data
Warehouse” and “Data Mart”. These two table definitions need not be identical. But “Data
Warehouse” data source itself cannot have two tables of the name “employee”.

Conceptually similar to sources, targets are table definitions imported into
PowerCenter repository to define what attributes are being written to. Targets are
also stored within folders, although they do not have any grouping (such as data sources).
Hence, every target definition within a folder must be unique, where uniqueness is defined
by the table name.
Transformations are not only the most fundamental objects in PowerCenter
repository but are also the most important. Fundamentally, a transformation
processes the data. This includes modifying data, reordering it, transposing it and, in some
cases, generating it as well. There are several built-in transformations such as sorter, rank
and aggregator. But developers can also build custom transformations and embed java
code into PowerCenter. Each transformation is built to perform one unique operation on
data. Developer can combine any permissible combinations of these transformations to
meet their data processing needs

Columns in transformations are known as ports. Data once read from a data source is
converted into PowerCenter’s universal data format. All the transformations exchange
information through the ports. While writing the data to the target, PowerCenter
Integration Service converts the data from universal format to native format of the target
databases. Therefore, the source and targets contain columns, whereas the transformations
contain ports.

Mappings are units of code that read data off one or more sources, optionally
transform it and write it to one or more targets. A mapping, in its simplest form, is a data
flow that defines how the data moves from a given source to a given target and how it is to
be transformed in between. In a simple pass through mapping, the data is written as-it-is to
the target without any changes. In a more complex mapping, data may perform change
detection, then sort, aggregate and finally calculate summary of transactions and load
them to the target.

Mapplets are reusable mappings. While a mapping has one or more sources and targets,
mapplets have generic inputs and outputs. Hence a mapplet by itself cannot used in a
session. A mapplet must be used in a mapping to be able to execute it. While a mapping
can be used to created many sessions and hence considered reusable, mapplet allows the
flexibility of reusing a set of transformations without defining specific source or targets

Session Task
When a mapping is created, the developer defines the data flow from a source
to a target with or without transformations in between. These source and target
definitions might have been imported previously using the source analyzer and the target
designer. It is important to note that while doing so, PowerCenter only imports the table
definition and does not retain the connectivity information such as the database name, user
name, password. This is ideal because when a developer imports table definitions, he/she
might have done so with their individual logins which usually have read only access to
data. However, when the job runs, we would like it to use an application having write
access to it. This keeps the application independent of any individual credentials. So the
connectivity to the source and the target needs to be specified to be able to execute the
mapping. This is exactly where the session fits in. A session contains connectivity and
runtime information for a mapping. The session itself does not have any code but it is
linked to a mapping and associates the runtime configuration to it. While a mapping
defines “how” the data flows, session defines “where” the data comes from and where it
goes. A session also defines other runtime metadata such as commit interval,
schema/owner name overrides, etc.

A workflow defines the logical order of execution of tasks such as
sessions. While a session itself is linked to a mapping and hence indirectly
defines the data flow between a source and target, most data integration applications are
usually more complex than interacting with a single source/target. When there are multiple
sessions involved, there usually is an order in which they need to be executed. For
example, before loading transactions data, one has to ensure that the customers’ and
products’ data for the corresponding transactions is up-to-date. This ensures the data
integrity and avoids any key violations. Hence, a workflow is created where the order in
which the sessions need to be executed can be defined. Sessions can be configured to run
in sequence or in parallel or a combination of both.

A worklet is to a workflow what a mapplet is to a mapping. Worklet is a
group of session tasks. Worklets can be reused within one or more

Services in the Data Integration

“Services are units of logic independent from each other and implement only
one action”

Defining a Service
Defining a service is much easier in theory than in practice. This is probably the
most elementary and the most complex question when implementing SOA with
non-traditional technologies such as Informatica PowerCenter. Typically, when
dealing with SOA, we refer to services as enterprise entities. When using
Informatica technology suite, services come in all shapes and sizes. Let’s take a
look at some of the use-cases below:

Shared Services team would like to build a service that returns a standardized
country name for a given country code
A business unit wants to build a service that processes an invoice when an
invoice number is given
Compliance team would like to build a service that takes customer information
as input and masks any sensitive field and returns masked data back.

In a typical programming world, all these implementations are interfaced with a

main class containing a main function. Depending on the complexity of the logic
involved, this main class may rely on one or more class/jar files. In a non-
programming world, it is much more complicated than that. Now consider the
examples above being built using technologies such as Informatica PowerCenter.
For the first two requirements, each of this solution will be a workflow. Depending
upon the complexity of the logic involved, this workflow may contain one or more
mappings within it. However, for the third requirement, an Informatica Product
such as Dynamic Data Masking® can be used to provide this service out of the box.
Technologies like Informatica PowerCenter® and Dynamic Data Masking® are
built to enable developers to rapidly develop solutions that are easy to run and
maintain. To provide such capability, these technologies use a very different
approach to build solutions. Hence, a new thought process is needed when building
services with such technologies. This new thought process also changes how and
what we look upon as a service depending on the service we build. In this chapter,
we discuss different kinds of services that can be built using various Informatica
products. True use cases for these types of services and their implementation
approaches are discussed in detail in upcoming chapters.

As we will see in detail later, we will regard workflows in any Informatica product
(such as PowerCenter) as a service. While it is technically possible to build a
workflow that does not qualify to be a SOA service, such workflows are out of the
scope of this book. This book looks at many Informatica products – but all of them
through the SOA perspective. While there may be several use-cases for many
Informatica products and/or features, only the ones that are useful for SOA
implementations are discussed in this book.

This chapter of the book introduces several Informatica products that we discuss
later on. Each of these products is used in its own way for successful SOA
implementation. Not all products are needed to build a service. But this book
attempts to cover the suggested technologies for different kinds of services. For
example, a data integration service and a data quality service can both be built
using Informatica PowerCenter, however using right technologies for the right
needs help in building efficient services in faster and reliable way with a low
maintenance cost and greater return on investment.

Data Integration Services
For the services to be truly enterprise-class, they must be built with SOA principles
inside out. In this section of the book, we will attempt to understand how different
features and components of Informatica architecture can help us build different
kinds of services. It is important to note that unless otherwise stated, Data
Integration Services in this book refers to any service built in Informatica’s Data
Integration technologies (like PowerCenter) and not the Informatica’s product
feature named Data Integration Service (used along with Model Repository to run
DQ jobs). Reusability is the core principle for building services. Hence, we begin
by taking a look at different levels of reusability available in Informatica
PowerCenter. The picture below shows a hierarchy of the objects that can be
created in PowerCenter alongside the reusable components of each of the objects.

As shown in the above diagram, PowerCenter offers reusability at every level of

the product. Typically each workflow can be regarded as a service (web service or
otherwise). Now each of this service can be comprised of one or more components
(Worklets, tasks, mappings, etc…). So, the simplest service will be one workflow
containing one session (and hence one mapping). This mapping may or may not
contain reusable transformations within it. However, while building a workflow,
each mapping in itself should be looked upon as a service and SOA principles must
be applied on it to the meaningful extent. So, every mapping service (not to be
confused with the Informatica’s mapping service feature) will have its own
contracts (inputs and outputs) with its action well defined. Let’s use the picture
below as an aid to understand this:
A mapping service, has atleast one or more input interfaces (sources), one or more
output interfaces (targets) and necessary transformations in between. It is possible
that the input and output interface of a mapping is one and the same as the
workflow service it belongs to. This happens when the service (workflow) contains
only one session. Though, often more than one mapping may be required to build a
service in PowerCenter, in which case, the service may look a little more complex
than above.

Data Quality Services
Conceptually the same, data quality services are usually built in the Informatica
Developer tool (next generation platform) on same lines as a PowerCenter
mapping. However, services developed in Developer tool can exist as standalone
services within developer or can be embedded as components into PowerCenter
mappings, thus allowing them to be part of PowerCenter Services. Data Quality
Services can leverage several out of the box features to parse, match and
standardize the data.

Data Archive Services
Typically, Data Archive jobs are stand-alone jobs that run at different intervals
than usual data integration or data quality services. The need for a data archive job
to be exposed as a service usually occurs when there is a need to perform live
archive in the midst of a processing. For such cases, data archive jobs can be
exposed as components, both into PowerCenter mappings and workflows. HTTP
transformation can be used to invoke the data archive components from within a
mapping. When an archive component needs to be executed between PowerCenter
mappings but still part of the same workflow service, it can be executed via a
command task.

Masking and Subset Services
Informatica’s Persistent Data Masking can receive sensitive data (such as credit
card numbers) and mask them so that the original sensitive data is protected.
Informatica’s Data Subset services are used for Test Data Management to extract
subsets of data from a master dataset. This is extremely helpful to bring data from
production environments to non-production environments without losing the data
integrity. Masking and Subset tasks rely on the PowerCenter framework to execute
the masking and subset functionality respectively. Hence, Masking and Subset
services are typically PowerCenter services executing as PowerCenter workflows.
Masking functionality can also be exposed as components (transformations) within
existing PowerCenter services.

Virtual Data Services
Virtual data services help expose existing data stores and data integration logic as
services that can be consumed by other SOA services. They can be built using the
Informatica Data Services™ framework in next generation platform

Service Oriented Design Principles

Standardized Service Contracts
“Service contract is an agreement between a service and its consumers for a
successful information exchange”

Irrespective of the technology that is used to implement SOA, Standardized
Service Contracts play a vital role in a successful implementation. Designing a
service contract is one of the first tasks to be performed before actually
implementing a service. A contract is to a service what data model is to an ETL
application. Contract is a crucial design element that determines how the service
will be consumed and also, to a certain extent, defines/restricts its levels of
reusability and scalability. Contracts can be defined as sources/targets in
PowerCenter and as logical or physical data objects in the Informatica Developer.
These objects can be created as reusable objects within shared folders to enable
them to be reused within the Informatica domain. Enforcement of the source/target
definition is implicit in Informatica products and no additional coding is required.
For example, if the source is an XML file, an XSD can be used to import the
definition of the XML file. Once imported, no logic needs to be written to parse
the input file to read/process XML tags and values. By default, the contracts
(source/target) are not tightly coupled with a mapping. It means that the same
contract can be reused in several mappings without any additional coding. This
also presents a challenge of the contracts being overused causing a negative
coupling (unwanted dependency) between the contract (table definitions) and the
service logic (mappings). One of the best practices is to separate any service
contracts into a folder by themselves (a shared folder) and govern its usage. Strict
enforcements are recommended to allow a careful usage of these contracts.

Look at the example above. A single source definition is used in two mappings:
one is published as a service, other is not. Reusing table definitions between
services and non-services is highly discouraged as this causes a negative coupling
between the two mappings. If the regular mapping in this case needs to change, it
has a direct impact on the service due to the common source. Similarly, when the
service needs to be updated, it has a direct impact on a mapping that is in no way
related to it. In the picture above, (b) is the dependency that should be avoided.
This dependency can be resolved by creating a different copy of the same input
definition – one copy to be used by services and another that can be reused among
regular mappings. So, a possible solution for the above will look like this:
The contract (table definition) that is used by the service mapping can be reused
among other services, but not by the mappings that are not published as services.
Similarly, the table definition that is used by the regular mapping is not to be used
by any service mapping. This will mean that there will be 2 physical copies of the
same definition, but the cost of maintenance for these two objects is well justified
in the long run by eliminating the dependencies. In an ideal scenario, such
dependencies should be avoided one level up by organizing the service and service
related objects into a different folder than the regular ones. See the picture below:

As shown in the above picture, services should be organized along with their
dependencies into a different folder in the repository than the regular objects.
However, objects in the corresponding folders should be reused up to a meaningful

Service Loose Coupling
“Service loose coupling refers to the ability of the service to reduce the
dependency among the service contract, consumers and the service itself”

By default, services are tightly coupled to their contracts/definitions in both
Informatica platform. This is primarily due to the metadata driven approach that is
used during the design and development in these platforms. When a service
changes, its’ consumers must be updated to ensure continuity of the information
exchange. Similarly, when a service contract is updated (to accommodate new or
updated metadata), the service and its consumers must be updated. There are also
times when a consumer is more advanced than the service itself and is maintaining
a backward compatibility with the service. This chain of dependencies makes the
services overly complex and very difficult to maintain. Now, let’s look at this
scenario with an example. Let us consider the scenario of booking air travel tickets
online. There are many service providers (airlines) that provide flight and
reservation information. There are also several consumers (travel booking
websites, travel agencies, individuals directly booking from airline websites, etc.).
Some of these consumers are themselves providers again.

In the above example, each airline is acting as a service provider, whose services
are consumed by travel websites (such as Expedia, Kayak…) and also by
individuals directly accessing the airline website to make reservations. Travel
website 1, in this case, is consuming services provided by all the airlines and is in
turn providing services to user 2 and user n. In a complex environment like this,
the impact of a change to service contract could break the communication between
the service and its consumers and hence potentially impact the business. Now, if
Airline 1 has updates to its service contract, it needs to be backward compatible so
that travel websites 1 and n do not get affected. Similarly, travel website 1 should
also be loosely coupled to its contract so that if the changes are applied to the
contract on the travel website side, the underlying logic still remains unaffected
and does not impact its communication with other airlines. In real-life scenarios as
this, Service Loose Coupling plays a vital role in keeping the communication
between the services alive and still allowing the services to expand/upgrade their

When a service is developed, it needs to use its contract to perform business rules
and process the incoming data. So there will always be an intrinsic dependency
between the service and the contract. However, this should not stop either service
or the contract from evolving independently. When a service and its contract allow
each other to evolve independently, the coupling is referred to as positive coupling.
Otherwise, it is referred as negative coupling. Based on how a service is built,
there are different kinds of coupling – some positive and some negative.

Logic-to-contract (contract-first)
This is a positive coupling because in this type of coupling a service is
always built on the contract. In this type of contract, a service contract is
first completely defined and a service is built based on the specifications
already finalized. The Informatica platform encourages usage of this
coupling, since a mapping is considered invalid until the source and target
definitions are defined for it.

Hence, the contract needs to be in place before the mapping is built.

However it is a common practice (often due to time constraints of the
project) that development of a service is started with a draft contract and as
the contract evolves, so does the service. This practice is highly
discouraged due to the fact that the time that is saved at the beginning (and
more) is spent later doing modifications and testing a service that is built
on half ready contracts. This throws the reliability of the service in to
question and also eventually leaves less time for the service to be tested
before it goes live.

This type of negative coupling exists when the definition is built on
existing logic. While the recommendation is always to build the contract
first, at times, a contract is built on a logic that is already exists. This often
happens when an existing legacy system such as a mainframe process
needs to be published as a service.

Look at the picture above. A wrapper is built around a legacy system to

publish it as a service. Typically in scenarios like this, the goal is to
eventually replace the legacy system with minimal or no affect to its
consumers. In such a scenario, the wrapper service must be built to be
compatible with the legacy system. In the process, the wrapper might carry
forward some limitations that originated in the legacy system. This has a
direct effect on the service contract as the contract is built around the
wrapper logic. Eventually when the legacy system is replaced, the wrapper
and the contract must be updated to eliminate the previously known issues
and limitations. The primary purpose of the wrapper service is to minimize
such a need for change. Hence when contract-to-logic must be applied,
adequate precautions need to be taken about the service contract so that the
contract is scalable enough even after the legacy system is

This negative coupling is typically applied when a service contract is
designed around an existing data store object such as table(s) or file(s).
This is usually the case when the data store object is already used by
several processes in the organization and the impact of modifying the
existing data store object is significant. This is a common scenario when
services are built on existing data warehouses or data marts.

Contract-to-implementation couplings are typically considered negative

coupling as the contract is influenced by a data store which creates a
certain dependency between the two. However, this is also a common
approach taken to publish services out of existing systems, where the
service is merely exposing certain data attributes of the data store as part of
its contract. Hence eliminating the need for several processes to perform
reads and writes from /to the data store. Since the service is purely an
interface of the data store, this coupling can be considered positive in the
sense that it is creating an abstraction layer on top of the data store.

When contract-to-implementation coupling is applied using Informatica

PowerCenter or Informatica Developer, it is recommended to have anchor
transformations (Source Safe and Target Safe) as they reduce the
dependency between the data store and the mapping logic as shown above.

Exposing technology/vendor proprietary information in a
contract/definition is a negative form of coupling known as contract-to-
technology. Service Oriented Architecture is a vendor-neutral architecture
and hence the architecture should be maintained in a vendor-neutral way.
Exposing vendor or technology specific parameters is not only
discouraged, in fact, it should be avoided by all means. If a service is
implemented using a technology like Informatica PowerCenter, an example
of such negative coupling is to have lookup cache file names or aggregator
cache size, etc. in the input or output contracts.

In an ideal SOA world, consumers merely adapt to the service design and
do not influence it. However, there may be cases, where one or more
consumers drive the design and development of a service. In such a case,
the service is known to have a contract-to-functional coupling. This is
common when a service is being built on top of an existing data store such
as a Data Warehouse or Data Mart. In such scenarios, typically the service
contract and logic is driven by the expectations of the groups that
eventually will be the consumers of the services. In such cases, this may
have a positive effect on the service as the service can be designed to be
more robust and also to have high utilization rate. However, for a service to
be enterprise-ready, this kind of coupling should be avoided as much as

Typically, consumers of a service access the elements of a service before a
service is actually built. It could create a coupling called Consumer-to-
implementation. This is considered as negative coupling because of the
dependencies between Service objects and non-service objects. In a
PowerCenter environment or in the Informatica Developer, this could
potentially mean that when a service is built, it is attempting to reuse
existing reusable objects.
While reusability is good in general sense, in this case, it creates unwanted
dependency between a service mapping and a regular mapping. In the
example shown above, there are two mappings – a service mapping and a
regular (non-service) mapping that have instances of the same reusable
transformation. This is a perfect example of consumer-to-implementation,
assuming that the regular mapping existed even before service mapping is
built. Hence, the service is built with a negative coupling known as
consumer-to-implementation. To resolve this dependency, it is
recommended to make a copy of the reusable object and use the new copy
within the service. This copy can be reused in several services that are
eventually built.

The picture above shows a possible resolution for a consumer-to-
implementation coupling. As seen above, a new copy of the reusable
transformation is created and one copy is reused among all service
mappings whereas another copy is reused across all regular mappings. It is
important not to create dependencies between service objects and non-
service objects.

Some general guidelines

In Informatica PowerCenter and Developer, one can follow the below
guidelines to reduce/eliminate negative coupling:

Use only necessary ports (columns) from the source in the mappings
Deliver output for only the ports that are used/modified within the service
Where applicable, avoid customization of entire SQL queries and try to
leverage ‘filter’ and ‘order by’ attributes that are defined separately. This
will cause the Informatica platform to dynamically generate queries at run
time, reducing the dependency on unwanted columns
Do not bring unwanted columns into lookups and joiners
Do not carry forward the ports that are no longer needed. If a column is
only needed in the first few transformations, do not pass it through all the
way to the end

Service Abstraction

“Service abstraction refers to the ability of hiding the underlying service

details from the consumers so that loose coupling is preserved”

Abstraction happens in Informatica products at many levels. Services exposed in

Informatica platform can be accessed by non-Informatica applications without
having to know any of the technical details of the service, except its interface. So,
it is safe to say that the services built in Informatica products are by default
abstracted. Since Informatica services are built on a reusable framework, it is also
important to apply service abstraction to every layer within the service workflow.
The simplest way of applying abstraction and reusability within Informatica
platform is to build several reusable components and embed these into their parent
objects. For example, when abstraction is applied to a PowerCenter mapping, the
transformations within the mapping are now moved to a Mapplet and the Mapplet
is used within the mapping instead of individual transformations.

As shown in the picture above, the mapping logic is abstracted into one or more
Mapplets. The number of Mapplets is determined by the business logic and the
amount of reusability expected out of these Mapplet components. Similar concept
can be applied to workflows as well.
In the example above, a workflow is abstracted by moving the tasks into a
Worklet. The advantage of such abstraction is clearly seen with complex
mappings/workflows. Abstraction not only makes the objects easier to access
without knowing the implementation details, but also helps in increasing the
readability of the mappings and workflows, by grouping the objects within them
based on the business logic they represent. This also creates a layer of reusability
by business logic, so that in future if another service requires the same set of
activities to be performed, it can simply reuse the Mapplet/Worklet. These
Mapplets/Worklets can also be built in shared folders to create an additional layer
of abstraction.

Service Reusability
“Reusability is the ability of the service to participate in several solutions
solving different business problems while still staying true to the action it is
intended to perform”

There are two aspects of reusability, viz., Reusability within the service and the
Service Reusability. Reusability within the service refers to the reusability of the
components that comprise the service; while the Service reusability refers to the
ability to reuse the service as a whole. Reusability of a service is primarily a design
consideration ensuring that the contracts are as generalized as the logic within the
service. There are no technical limitations on how services built in Informatica
platform can be reused. However, whether or not a service is reused in an
enterprise, is primarily driven by several technical and business factors. Technical
factors include the ease of using the service without having to develop wrappers or
customize the existing service. Business factors include the business problem that
the service is built to solve and how frequently this problem is encountered within
the enterprise.

Reusable services
Once built, a workflow service, can be leveraged to solve several similar business
needs. Informatica platform provide several features that enable such workflow
reusability. The most important feature is “Workflow Concurrency”. Workflow
Concurrency refers to the ability of executing several instances of the same
workflow at the same time. At the outset, this does not seem much, but when
combined and used with features such as Parameter files, this evolves to be a
powerful aspect. With proper design considerations taken into account, a workflow
can be built to be dynamic enough to receive several parameters from a parameter
file instead of directly being specified within the tasks themselves. So, when such
a workflow is enabled for concurrent execution, a different parameter file is passed
to each instance, thereby regulating where the workflows sources from or targets
to. These parameter files can also be used to regulate and control other aspects of
the workflow, such as lookup queries.

The above picture depicts a workflow published as 3 different instances – each

instance running with a different parameter file. This parameter file typically
contains different input/output connections, paths (if source/targets are files),
lookup connection, and dynamic parameter values and so on. This enables the
same service to be published as multiple instances, all using the core logic
underneath. Workflow variables along with assignment and decision tasks can also
be used to build a dynamic workflow service. For better control, each of these
instances can be named so that that particular instance can be tracked, monitored
and audited for future purposes.

Reusability within a Service

A service can only be as reusable as all of the components that it is made up of.
Informatica platform have heavily reusable frameworks. This section of the book
talks about different capabilities available in Informatica platforms that enable us
to build service with highly reusable components. This is not the same as Service
Reusability because Service Reusability refers to how we can reuse a service itself
to help solve several business problems. The current topic, reusability within a
service, however, deals with the components that the service is made up of and
focuses on reusing these components across different services. By reusing
components across different services, services can be built over a robust set of

A service is typically built using several components. A workflow service is built

using sessions (mappings) and other tasks (such as command tasks, decision tasks,
etc.). Mappings themselves are built using sources, targets and transformations. In
both Informatica platform, objects at almost every level can be made reusable.

As shown in the picture above, every level of object that can be created has an
equivalent object type that is of reusable nature. For example, transformations can
be reusable or non-reusable. Reusable transformations are created outside of a
mapping and an instance of such transformation is invoked from within a mapping.
Non-reusable transformations can be created within a mapping and are limited to
the scope of a mapping. A non-reusable transformation created within a mapping
can always be promoted as a reusable transformation. Similarly, transformations
can be grouped together into Mapplets that can be reused in several mappings.
Sessions can also be reusable and used in several workflows or non-reusable and
used in a single workflow. Sessions or other tasks can be grouped into Worklets
that can be reused across different workflows. Thus every object type within the
Informatica platform has corresponding reusable object type.

For a service to be robust, reusable and enterprise class, a clear distinction must be
made between the reusable and non-reusable components.

The above picture depicts several layers of reusable (identified with underlined
text) and non-reusable objects. Note that for simplicity, Worklets are not
represented in this diagram. In the above example, Transformations T1, T2 and T5
are non-reusable, whereas transformations T3 and T4 are reusable. T4
transformation is also reused twice in the same mapping Map2: once as part of
mapplet M3 and once directly in the mapping itself. Transformation T5 is non-
reusable and is used only in the mapping Map2. Transformation T3 is reused
between Mapplets M2 and M3. Mapplets are, by design, reusable components.
However, in the above example, Mapplet M1 and M3 are used only once in
Mapping Map1 and Map2 respectively, whereas Mapplet M2 is reused by both the
mappings Map1 and Map2. At the workflow (service) level, Session S1 is a non-
reusable session that is only used once in the workflow W1, whereas Session S2 is
a reusable session that is used in both W1 and W2 workflows. W2 also contains a
non-reusable session S3. This explains the various levels of reusability available
and how a complex mixture of reusable and non-reusable objects can be used
within the Informatica platform.
Service Autonomy

“A Service is autonomous if it has little or no dependency on the resources that

it has little or no control on”

To be autonomous, a service must rely as less as possible on external resources

that it has no control on. Typically, these resources are databases, flat files or data
stores of some kind. Such dependencies cause reliability issues with the service.
As the service becomes more and more reusable, it becomes imperative that the
service remains autonomous. When resources are shared between the processes
and one of the processes continues to perform heavy usage of the shared resource,
contention occurs. This contention causes the other process to slow down – most
of the times, waiting for the first process to finish its activity. If the shared resource
is a data store, one of the following approaches is applied to preserve the service

By replicating locally, we make a copy of the data store that a service is sharing
and store it local to the service itself. This causes the service to have full control
and unique usage of the service. Another approach is to cache the data store locally
and perform periodic refreshes with the main data store. These are two different
use-cases used in two different scenarios. When the local data store needs to be in
sync with the main data store, it is a good idea to create a replicated copy locally
and then perform a database level replication (or another form of lower level
replication) between the main dataset and the replicated copy. However, if the
service is relying on the data store for read-only purposes, it can simply be cached
for faster performance and the cache can be refreshed at regular intervals carefully
chosen not to impact the service availability or the service performance.
The simplest solution for resolving dependency on an external data store is to
replicate it locally to the service. As part of this approach, all the data residing in
this data store is copied locally. Every time the data store is changed, the changes
are replicated in the local copy as well. The latency allowed between these
databases depends on the business data stored in and the importance of having that
data visible in replicated database as soon as possible. There are several ways to
implement such a replication:

Database level replication

If the data store is a relational database, database level replication can be used to
sync the changes happening in master database into the replicated database.

Informatica PowerExchange® CDC

Informatica’s PowerExchange Change Data Capture product can be used to
capture the changes in the source and a PowerCenter mapping can be used to
publish these changes in Real-Time to the replicated database.

Informatica Data Replication® (IDR)

IDR is a real-time replication system that is independent of the database platform
and is a highly scalable solution. If the data store is an Oracle database,
Informatica’s Fast Clone® can also be used to read huge volumes of data to be
loaded into the replicated database.

Informatica Ultra Messaging® (UM)

Informatica Ultra messaging is an event-based low-latency system that promises
zero second latency to transfer events/data between two systems. While
Informatica Data Replication® is used to replicate data stores physically, Ultra
Messaging® can be used to transfer or sync events between two systems.

At times, though technically possible, replicating data may not be feasible. Some
such scenarios are:
Sensitive data in the shared database; Replication means increased risk and
High performance is required and I/O from the replicated database is not
providing enough read throughput
In such scenarios, Informatica platform provide an ability to cache the data so that
the replicated data remains in memory for the entire execution of the service. This
cache can be made persistent for faster subsequent loads of the service or even for
parallel instances of the service running at the same time. These cache files can be
“named” so that cache(s) used and maintained by a given service remains unique.
Dynamic caches can be built so that the cache files are kept in sync with the
changes happening in the primary data store. Dynamic cache allows records in the
cache to be dynamically updated at run time to keep up with the primary data
store. These caches can be leveraged via a lookup transformation in the mappings
so that input data can be looked up against the cache to fetch any additional
information. Few caveats that need to be taken into consideration while using
cache approach are:

Caches can go out of sync with the primary data store unless carefully designed
Caches are good for small to medium sized data sets, but for larger data sets,
caches may result in swapping; thus counter effecting the performance
Caches cannot be queried outside of Informatica platforms, where as a
replicated database can be queried separately

Service Composability

“Service Composability principle, when applied, reusable services themselves

are composed of other reusable services”

A service composition typically consists of a controller and several contributors.

These contributors are built to provide functionality to the controller services and
can also act as controllers themselves in other compositions. For the services to be
able to act as both, controllers and members, their service contract and the service
logic have to be very carefully designed with great emphasis on reusability and
scalability. Service Composability differentiates itself from the Service Reusability
by focusing on the service’s ability to be reused in different compositions with
ideally no changes to itself. While being used as part of the composition, the
service itself can be either a controller or a contributor. The reusability principle
focuses on the ability of the service to be reused with no distinction of being a
contributor or a controller.

The above picture shows a workflow containing several tasks invoking another
workflow using a command task. The command task, in this case, can execute
either a workflow service or any other external service via a command line
interface. Informatica Informatica platform provide command line interfaces to
invoke the workflows. The command task can be synchronous or asynchronous. In
synchronous mode, command task will wait for the workflow WF to complete its
execution and return back. In an asynchronous mode (no-wait), the command task
will invoke the workflow WF and will NOT wait for it to complete. The Workflow
WF itself can have another command task that invokes another workflow or
external service and so on. This showcases the ability of workflows developed in
Informatica PowerCenter to either call or be called by another service.

SOA Design Patterns
Design patterns are important in any solution developed using Informatica products –
SOA or not. However, they have a higher significance and emphasis in SOA based
solutions. SOA solutions are built to be reusable enterprise-wide and hence there is a
natural emphasis on reusability which starts with proper design. There are many design
patterns that need to be taken into consideration for a successful SOA implementation.
This book discusses some of them in context of Informatica product suite. While some of
the design patterns are discussed here in a non-traditional way, the focus remains on
enabling the users of Informatica Suite to implement successful SOA solutions.
Agnostic Services

“Agnostic services implement logic that is needed by more than one solution
and are usually part of addressing more than one business problem”

Agnostic services implement logic that is needed by more than one solution and
are usually part of addressing more than one business problem. Hence separating
the agnostic logic from non-agnostic logic plays a key role in determining if and
how the service will be reused, at least in part. The distinction must be made very
clearly to avoid any misconceptions in the future.

Informatica products such as PowerCenter have built-in features that help

designers with this problem. The reusable and non-reusable objects are developed,
grouped and maintained separately, making a very clear separation of the intent of
the object’s original design. For example, transformations that are reusable are
designed in the transformation developer, whereas non reusable transformations
are directly placed in the mapping itself. Similarly, when more than one
transformation is used to build agnostic logic, Mapplets can be used to group them
together with a predefined input/output contract (structure). These reusable
transformations / Mapplets can further be reused in several mappings in
conjunction with logic that is separate (non-agnostic) for each mapping itself.

As shown in the picture above, every layer of objects in PowerCenter has an

equivalent layer of reusable objects – all the way from folders to transformations.
Depending upon the logic that needs to be exposed as reusable components, they
can be defined as reusable transformations or Mapplets or reusable sessions or
Worklets of shared folders.

Defining a set of reusable components that a service needs to build or needs to

reuse ahead of the service development, helps in building robust services on
reusable framework. It also helps in defining these reusable objects with a sense of

In an agile development environment, the clarity of agnostic and non-agnostic

logics may develop over a period of time, in which case any non-agnostic objects
such as transformations can be converted into reusable objects. When a non-
reusable object is converted to reusable object, the parent objects that use them
(mappings in this case), will be automatically updated to use an instance of this
new reusable object. This “build now reuse later” framework helps develop
services in all kinds of lifecycle models.

Often, the business logic to be exposed as an agnostic service is too complex to fit
into a single mapping. In such scenarios, the sessions (mappings) can be grouped
together into Worklets and reused in more than one workflow/service. When a
workflow service consists of logic that is agnostic and non-agnostic, agnostic logic
can be placed within a Worklet to differentiate from the non-agnostic logic.

Agnostic Service Declaration
It is not unusual for the design / development cycles of SOA solutions to span
across longer periods of time. It is very important to assume that the people
involved at the beginning stages of SOA implementation may or may not be
involved towards the finishing stages of it. There could be various valid reasons.
For example, highly specialized team is needed in the beginning stages to setup a
scalable and highly performing solution. But a different or less specialized team
may do the job to develop the solution based on the specifications already
provided. People also move from one team/place to another, raising a need for new
team members to continue the work. Hence it is very important to declare the
agnostic and non-agnostic objects and services clearly. PowerCenter allows its
users to design, develop, maintain and organize the agnostic and non-agnostic
objects with clear distinction. Reusable objects are catalogued differently at every
level. See the picture below:

Visual representations are also used to differentiate between reusable and non-
reusable objects. A usual practice is also to have shared folders dedicated to
contain only reusable objects that can be leveraged in one or more non-shared
folders in the repository via shortcuts. Metadata properties can be used to
document additional properties of the objects to indicate to future team members
on the intent and the suggested usage of the corresponding component.
Additionally, naming conventions such as prefixing the objects with “r_” for
reusable objects also help to catalogue the reusable objects, thus aiding in easy
search and reuse in future.

Atomic Service Transaction

“Service should have the ability to control its transactions without impacting
other service calls”

Services should be able to control the transactions they process and determine at
run time whether to commit or rollback the data they processed. PowerCenter
provides transaction control transformation that allows the services to determine at
runtime what to do with the data they have received. Services can choose to
commit, rollback or continue the transactions based on logic built into the service
itself. This transaction management can also be controlled by setting up a record
count based transaction control at the session level that can once again be either
dependent on the source data or the data that is generated by the service itself.
Now consider an example. Assume that a service is being called to process invoice
data. Ideally the service should commit data pertaining to each invoice as and
when it has completed its processing. Logic like that can be implemented within a
mapping by comparing the current invoice number with previous invoice number
and issuing a commit after the last record for the current invoice and before the
beginning of the data for next invoice. Complex logic can be built in to the
transaction control by using the data being provided by the other transformations
in the same mapping or parameters and variables.

As shown in the picture above, the service can apply several transformation rules
and decide, based on the business logic and the resultant data, whether or not to
commit it. This gives great control to the service logic to decide on demand the
action it needs to perform on the transaction.
When data that is part of the same transaction needs to be transferred between
services, either real-time exchange can be made or the data can be stored in a
temporary storage that is later read by the subsequent information. For example, if
a mapping is invoking another service via a web-service, using a web-service
consumer transformation, it can pass the data to the service and receive its
response back in real time and determine whether or not to commit the data that it
has processed so far. However, if the services are built to execute in a batch mode,
data may have to be temporarily written to a file or table, so that the subsequent
mapping can read, process this data and write back a response, which is again read
by this service. Control data is written along with business data to enable a
seamless handshake.

Consider the following use-case to understand such a batch based process hand

Imagine a Data Quality service “DQ Service” that is invoked by several other
services. Now a Service “Service A” needs to pass some customer records to the
DQ Service and receive a response back. Only records that are standardized by the
DQ Service are loaded to final target and other records are purged out. Such a hand
shake can be implemented by building a process control table that is used by both
the services. Each service relies on this table for a specific status. For example,
Service A will publish records into this table with the status Submitted . DQ
Service will then lookup on this table for any Submitted records and once
processed, will change itsstatus to either Processed or Rejected . Service A will
then continue with the records that are of status Processed and then respond

Service Façade

“A Service façade is an interface between the service contract and the service

A service façade acts as an interface layer between the service contract and the
service itself. This enables the service to be loosely coupled with its contract and
thus to be eventually invoked with multiple contracts reusing the same core logic.
In a given mapping this can be implemented by pushing the entire logic of the
mapping into a Mapplet and using the mapping only to bind the Mapplet with its
contract (source / target definitions).

Let’s look at the example demonstrated in the picture above. In this example, the
service is built of only one mapping. The original mapping consists of 1 source,
several transformations and 1 target. In this case, the service consists of the
mapping which has both service contract and service logic defined in it . After
applying the Service Façade SOA pattern to this mapping, the logic is now
embedded in the Mapplet and the mapping is simply invoking an instance of the
Mapplet. Now, the mapping itself does not contain any logic and is just acting as a
façade binding the service contract (table definitions) to the service logic

In real enterprise-class solutions, the mappings may be more complex than the one
shown above. In such a case, it may not be possible to embed the entire logic into
one single Mapplet. Designer can divide the entire business logic into multiple
Mapplets, with each Mapplet preferably containing a unit of work and then
integrate them together in the mapping.
When such integration requires transformations to be placed in between Mapplets,
these transformations can be developed as reusable transformations so that the
whole set of transformations and Mapplets can be used together in multiple

When a service constitutes of multiple mappings, there are different ways of

applying the service façade pattern:

1. Implement service façade pattern to each mapping individually

2. Implement the service façade pattern to the whole workflow

The difference in these approaches is primarily based on how service logic is built.
If each mapping within the workflow is meant to be a task service in itself,
accomplishing subset of the activities that the service is intended to deliver, then
the service façade approach is applied to each mapping individually. In this case,
the workflow will pretty much remain the same before and after applying the

When a service workflow is built of several mappings for technical reasons (such
as performance) and does not intend to serve sub tasks of a service individually,
then the service façade pattern should be applied to the whole workflow. In this
approach, the first and the last mappings in the service act as interfaces for the
service, thus allowing any conversions that need to take place in between. The first
and the last mappings together form the façade that abstracts the workflow
implementation details from the outside world. The first and the last mappings in
this case are referred to as Input Handler and Output Handler for the service
respectively. This approach is discussed in detail in the upcoming SOA Design
Pattern: Multiple Service Contracts.

Canonical Schema

“Services with different data models for similar data require additional data
transformations increasing complexity”

Services operating on similar data should have a standardized data model on which
they operate. This reduces the need to apply additional data transformation
requirements, thus decreasing the time and effort taken to build additional services.
This is not just an SOA problem, but is a general problem seen quite often in IT
applications. When several applications are built that operate on similar data but
with different data models, the exchange of information between these services
becomes complex and additional services are needed just to perform such data
transformations. This can be eliminated by properly designing the data models at
the beginning of the service development. This increases the design time of the
application but eventually reduces the time taken to integrate the application with
other applications in the enterprise. While Informatica suite does not provide any
out of the box functionality to help such data modelling, B2B Data Transformation
product helps integrate such existing services in the enterprise with minimal effort.

While Informatica B2B Data Transformation® (B2B DT) does not help define and
design standardized data models for the services, it helps integrate existing
services with different data models easily. B2B DT provides a reusable framework
to convert any format into any format. B2B DT also provides several accelerators
to speed up the development of such transformations. These accelerators include
support for several industry standard data formats such as HL7, NACHA, SWIFT,
etc. B2B DT can also transform structured, semi-structured and un-structured data
into any of the pre-defined or custom defined formats. B2B DT can be used as a
bridge between existing services until they are migrated to a common data model,
eliminating the need for the data transformation.

Multiple Service Contracts

“Service logic must be loosely coupled from the service contracts so that the
same service can serve varied requests through multiple services” “contracts”

A service can be built to expose different contracts or interfaces for the same core
logic. This ability of a service is referred to as Multiple Service Contracts.
Typically, to achieve this, several service façades are built on top of a service to
enable multiple interfaces. The core logic of the service is still the same and is just
reused through all these façades. Different approaches are adopted to adapt this
SOA pattern depending on the number of mappings that a service is made up of.

Service built using a single mapping

When a service is made up of a single mapping, all of its logic is
encapsulated in a Mapplet and Mapplet is then used instead of the
transformations in the mapping. A mapping, thus simplified, will only have
a source and a target with an invocation to this Mapplet in between. A
service built this way will look like this:

The greatest advantage of this approach is its simplicity. The mapping will
have (apart from the Mapplet) one or more sources, anchor (source safe /
target safe) transformations and one or more targets. The entire logic is
embedded in to the Mapplet. In case transformations that cannot be
embedded into a Mapplet are to be used, the logic can be broken up into
several Mapplets with these transformations defined as reusable and placed
directly in the mapping itself.

Service built using multiple mappings

Applying SOA Design Pattern when multiple mappings are used in the
same workflow is a little more complex process. In this approach, all the
sessions are encapsulated into a Worklet. Now the Worklet itself is
preceded and succeeded by two sessions, each acting as input and output

When the service needs to interact with multiple service contracts, the
workflow is replicated, with each instance invoking the same Worklet with
different input and output handlers.
For traditional sources/targets such as databases and files, these input
output handlers can be simple mappings. When semi structured and
unstructured data needs to be processed, these handlers can be built using
sophisticated technology such as B2B Data Transformation. This helps the
service to be reused with multiple service contracts regardless of whether
the contract is structured, semi structured or unstructured.

Contract Centralization

“Contract centralization avoids consumers from directly approaching the

underlying service resources / logic by streamlining the contract”

Typically, by the time a service is built, there are several consumers directly
accessing the same resources/logic that the service is built on. These consumers
prefer to access the resources directly. However, this causes burden on governance
of the resources/logic and gives rise to scalability and reliability issues. Hence all
consumers should eventually be migrated to go through the service and its
contract. This eliminates consumer-to-implementation.

The picture above shows an example of such consumer-to-implementation and

how it is avoided with contract centralization. This can be achieved by using the
resources/logic in the mappings and removing individual access to the resources.
However, this needs to be completed over a span of time with proper plan to
migrate the users so that there is no downtime for existing systems while migrating
on to the new service

Validation Abstraction

“Abstracting the validations of the contract from the service helps protect the
service logic from frequent changes to validations”

Validation rules are necessary to prevent invalid data from being passed into the
service logic and hence limit the service exceptions. However, combining the
validation rules with the service logic causes negative effects as the service logic is
impacted every time the validation rules change. This can be reduced or eliminated
by abstracting the validation rules from the service logic.

As shown in the picture above, validation rules can be abstracted into a Mapplet
and any requests that do not meet specific validation rules are filtered out (or
reported as exceptions) before they proceed to the core service logic. This protects
the core service logic from any exceptions. This also abstracts the validation rules
from the service logic so that both of them can be developed or improvised
independently. When versioning is enabled, the validation rules and core service
logic can be developed, versioned and deployed completely independent of each
other and still maintain different versions for audit and traceability purposes. The
error log helps keep track of any validation errors. In case the data being
transferred is sensitive, the error log can be built to skip the data and just log the
error code and error message, indicating the validation rule that failed.

Logic Centralization

“Logic centralization helps in reusing service logic and hence avoids building
redundant functionality”

Without proper governance in place, functionality that is already built into a

service can be redundantly developed in other services over a period of time.
Hence, the service logic should be centralized and reused in any future services.
When a service is being built, a strict enforcement needs to be in place during the
design phase to ensure that the service is appropriately reusing any functionality
that is already available in the enterprise. While this is primarily a governance
issue, the technology that the services are being built on, should also provide such
a framework. Fortunately, both Informatica platform provide this kind of
framework. The core service logic can be embedded into one or more Mapplets
and the Mapplets are used in the actual service. Hence the entire core logic is
divided into one or more Mapplets that can be reused in any number of future

As shown in the picture above, once the core logic is embedded into reusable
components such as Mapplets, the logic can be reused in other services as well.

Agnostic Capability

“Service logic should be divided into agnostic capabilities that can be reused

Agnostic services contain service logic that can be reused later. However, at times,
service logic is quite complex and is made up of more than one capability. These
capabilities are sometimes needed in other services and are usually rebuilt. This
causes redundancy of the core logic that should be avoided. These capabilities
need to be identified first before any technical solution is applied.

Once identified, these capabilities are then published as Mapplets in Informatica

platform. If the entire service logic is already published as a Mapplet, this Mapplet
can be broken up in to several simple Mapplets, with each operating on a
capability. Each of these capabilities can be reused in other services. Since each
capability is an object by itself, they can be used in services by themselves or can
also be used in any combination together. The only impact of such a solution is
that over time many objects are reused, causing several dependencies between
services. For example, if “Capability 1” needs to be updated, it has to be updated
for all the services together. If there are a lot of consumers depending on these
services, the impact of updating each capability is huge. Hence, proper governance
needs to be established around the development and usage of the services.

Agnostic Context

“Agnostic (multi-purpose) logic should be separated from single-purpose logic

for proper usage of the services”

When a service is built, it is built with specific functionality in mind. This

functionality might include logic, that is built exclusively for this service (one-
time) and also the logic that is potentially reusable for other services in future.
These two kinds of logic should never be mixed together and should be kept
separate. Ideally, these two kinds of logic should be designed and developed
independent of each other, though they are used together in a service.

As shown in the picture above, the service logic that is already built as a Mapplet
is now split up, so that agnostic logic is now published into the Mapplet and non-
agnostic logic is built directly into the mapping. For readability and governance,
the non-agnostic logic can also be placed into a Mapplet, but should not be present
in the same Mapplet as the agnostic logic. In such a case, a proper naming
convention should also be used. For example, a Mappletcontaining agnostic logic
can be named with a prefix mplt_r_, whereas non-reusable Mappletscan simply be
prefixed with mplt_ . This provides a clear distinction between the purposes served
by each Mapplet.
Functional Decomposition

“Functional decomposition encourages division of complex business logic into

smaller manageable logic modules”

Typically, a service is built to solve a business problem. A large business problem

is made up of several small business problems. If a single complex solution is built
for the entire business problem, it can only be reused as a whole. This limits the
service reusability. If some of the functionality of the service is needed as part of
new and evolving services, this logic needs to be redundantly developed as there is
no way to reuse parts of the original service. When functional decomposition
design pattern is applied, the business problem is broken into several smaller
problems and when a service is built to solve the business problem, it is built such
that it comprises of different components – each component solving a specific part
of the business problem. This increases the reusability of the individual
components along with the service itself.

As shown in the picture above, the mapping service is broken into different
Mapplets, with each Mapplet publishing one capability. Each of these capabilities
(Mapplet) can be versioned and managed independent of each other.

Service Encapsulation

“Functional encapsulation refers to the service’s ability to encapsulate its

solution logic from its consumers”

When solution logic is built, it is usually confined to the boundaries of its

implementation. These boundaries can be expanded and the logic can be published
as a service so that it can be reused across the enterprise. If the logic is built within
an Informatica Mapplet or mapping or Worklet or a workflow, it can be published
as a web service so that it can be invoked by services built using non Informatica
technologies seamlessly.

The picture above demonstrates PowerCenter logic published as a web service.

The web service encapsulates the solution logic built in PowerCenter so that any
program that can make a web service call, can invoke it. For the programs to be
able to invoke the web service, they just need to know the contract details without
any implementation details. A web service thus built can also be invoked by non-
Informatica programs such as Java, .NET etc.

To publish PowerCenter mapping(s) as web services, Logic Centralization design
pattern must be applied first. Thus the core logic gets published into the
Mapplet(s), while the mapping(s) serve as an interface between the contract and
the logic itself. Then the corresponding workflow can be published as a service
workflow. For Informatica programs to reuse the agnostic solution logic, they can
directly access the Mapplet(s) and/or they can invoke the web service using a Web
Service Consumer transformation. If the Mapplets are being reused in other
Informatica programs, care must be taken not to have service mappings and
regular mappings share the same mapplets. Non-service (regular) mappings must
not use these Mapplets to prevent consumer-to-implementation coupling. For
regular mappings to reuse the solution logic, they should invoke the web service
just like any other non-Informatica program.

If the solution logic consists of more than one mapping, then the logic
centralization must be applied to all the mappings that are part of the workflow and
then it should be applied on the workflow itself to push the sessions and tasks into
reusable Worklets. These Worklets are then published within a workflow and the
workflow is exposed as a service.

Rules Centralization

“Business rules should be centrally governed to avoid multiple

implementations of the same solution logic”

Business rules are built to solve specific business problems or part thereof. Each
rule represents a set of conditions applied on a chunk of data and an action that
needs to be taken when the conditions are met. When the conditions are met, the
rule is said to be fired. The action then taken can be a simple transformation of the
input data or can be a complex business logic, involving data elements from
several datasets. In either case, a business rule defines logic that addresses a part or
whole of a business problem.

Solution logic pertaining to business rules should be developed as Reusable

transformations or Mapplets or Worklets depending on their complexity. These
objects should be stored and maintained in a Shared Folder and shortcuts of these
objects shall be used in various service mappings. This centralizes all the rules into
a single shared folder.

Based on the business problems and the solution logic, one or more services are
built based on one or more rules. Rules typically do not have any interfaces and are
simply pluggable components for services. When a service is built, it usually has
an input contract, one or more rules, (occasionally some non-agnostic, service-
specific solution logic) and an output contract.

Picture above shows a single-mapping service that is built in PowerCenter. Each

Mapplet is a business rule that has come together to form a service logic. This
mapping is then used in a workflow that is published as a service.

Inventory Endpoint

“Instead of exposing all services in an inventory, an endpoint service can be

built that exposes only pre-determined service capabilities”

Imagine a Service Inventory containing several services. Due to many reasons,

including security and governance, exposing all the services within the inventory
may not be feasible for all the customers. In such cases, endpoint services can be
built to serve these customers. Endpoint service exposes specific services within
the inventory to specific customers.

In the picture above, a mapping service is invoking 3 services: Service 1, Service 2

and Service 3.

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