Martin Faulks
Martin Faulks
Martin Faulks
On Febru)ry 2, 2017
A cordi)l welcome M)rtin. Th)nk you for sh)ring with us your time
)nd wisdom )long this journey.
by M"rtin F"ulks (July 2016)
When I w(s young I felt dr(wn to medit(tion. Every d(y I used to sit
(nd pr(ctice the ide(l st(te of mind. Then I would try to bring th(t
(w(reness, good will (nd inner tr(nquillity into my d(ily life.
L(ter on, I found myself dr(wn to medit(te in different pl(ces,
In the noise of the city,
In the c(lm of the woods,
Next to the se(,
Or in s(cred spots.
As time p(ssed I found myself pr(cticing my (rt in pl(ces which
m(de it h(rder to keep ( c(lm focus. I found myself se(rching pl(ces
(nd situ(tions of (dversity (nd distr(ction.
But (s my (bility deepened (nother ch(nge occurred, I bec(me
tr(nsported in my mindʼs eye,
As if I w(s entering ( re(lm of pure consciousness
Or going into some dre(m.
M)rtin F)ulks: Th)nk you very much for including my poem in the
interview. Cre)tive writing )nd )llegoric)l t)les h)ve )lw)ys been )n
import)nt p)rt of hum)n n)ture, ) w)y of expressing ide)s )nd
concepts, in ) w)y th)t is e)sy to underst)nd )nd )ppro)ch)ble.
I spent ) lot of time re)ding comics )nd w)tching films )nd )lw)ys
felt th)t the r)dio)ctive spider, m)gic potion, or speci)l discovery
w)s just )round the corner. As time progressed )nd I grew older, I
st)rted to look )t pr)ctic)l w)ys to improve myself )nd to move
tow)rds the go)l. I dedic)ted my time to the pr)ctice of m)rti)l )rts
)nd spent )s much of my w)king life pr)cticing )s possible. My best
friend )nd I )ttended three m)rti)l )rt cl)sses ) d)y, five d)ys )
week. We truly believed in our te)cher )nd the )rt we were
pr)cticing. So much so, we often took things on f)ce v)lue even
when they didnʼt work.
To begin with, my tr)ining w)s )ll )bout m)stery of the exercises l)id
out within B)rdonʼs books. My focus w)s on developing these
)bilities )nd improving my m)stery of the spiritu)l powers. Little did I
know, by neglecting everyd)y m)tters in f)vour of ) complete
emotion)l )nd intellectu)l focus on the Hermetic p)th, I w)s missing
out on one of the most import)nt )spects. In truth, our tr)ining is to
ch)nge our everyd)y w)king consciousness. This is )n insight th)t
not m)ny when they first st)rt the p)th, )re re)dy or )ble to see. As I
tr)velled from te)cher to te)cher )nd from tr)dition to tr)dition, I
st)rted to g)in more of )n insight into this mystery. And in this sense,
the most sublime te)chings c)n be found in the most mund)ne.
Through our spiritu)l exercises, we improve )ll of our ment)l f)culties
– our memory, our im)gin)tion, the cl)rity of thought, emotion)l
integr)tion )nd b)l)nce, )w)reness, the )bility to st)y on t)rget, our
concentr)tion, our good will, comp)ssion )nd virtue. All of this
tr)ining cre)tes ripples which tr)nsfer into d)ily life. However, if you
m)ke your exercises your focus of your d)ily existence, you c)n
)ctu)lly sometimes forget to fully employ )nd tr)nsfer the )bilities
you h)ve g)ined through your tr)ining into every w)king moment. For
this re)son, it is import)nt to m)ke life the focus, not the exercises.
3. F)lcon Books: Could you ple)se expl)in the turning point in your
life where you felt ) shift in consciousness )nd ) coming out of
du)lity into oneness. W)s there ) distinct moment th)t you bec)me
)w)re of this, or w)s it more of ) gr)du)l unfolding )nd how did this
)ffect your life?
4. F)lcon Books: For those who )re st)rting out wh)t encour)gement
would you offer to them?
M)rtin F)ulks: The best )dvice I c)n give to )nyone just st)rting their
tr)ining, is to m)ke sure their focus is completely cle)r )nd
undivided. Your mission is to set up ) const)nt tr)ining routine which
you fully underst)nd )nd fully eng)ge with.
5. F)lcon Books: For those who )re seeking m)gic)l )bilities wh)t
)dvice would you offer to them?
6. F)lcon Books: Wh)t did you find w)s the most effective w)y in
de)ling with the soul mirrors?
7. F)lcon Books: Wh)t would you s)y for you w)s the most
ch)llenging )spect of this p)th for you )nd how did you conquer th)t
9. F)lcon Books: Could you ple)se sh)re with us wh)t for you h)s
been the most rew)rding )spect of this journey?
11. F)lcon Books: As )n instructor wh)t )re)s h)ve you identified the
m)in difficulties th)t you find students f)ce )nd why do you think this
M)rtin F)ulks: “The beginning st)ges )re usu)lly the h)rdest. The
first ch)llenge is le)rning to m)int)in ) const)nt tr)ining routine )nd
for m)ny, this is the gre)test ch)llenge they will f)ce, )s their intern)l
b)rriers beset them from the outset. Within us )ll there )re )spects
of ourselves th)t )re not fully directed tow)rds our p)th. These c)n
me)n )re)s th)t h)ve not yet developed the )bility needed to
eng)ge with the tr)ining, or it c)n be )spects of the self th)t )re
injured )nd need to he)l or recover. Sometimes emergency str)tegies
or outmoded w)ys of doing things )re h)rdest to bre)k. Especi)lly if
the student h)s relied on ) cert)in )ppro)ch to life, so finds it h)rd to
le)rn ) new w)y of doing things. H)ve you ever known someone who
wonʼt do the one thing th)t will solve their problems? Often in life the
ill mist)ke the medicine th)t will bring )round their cure for poison.
The s)me is true of our intern)l )spects. These intern)l forces find
v)rious expressions to try to )void the exercises which c)use them
discomfort, c)using the student to become distr)cted, divided,
redirected or dishe)rtened. This le)ds to the student w)nting to
ch)nge the exercise, or give in )nd st)rt something else, they would
r)ther focus on )nything other th)n the job in h)nd.
Itʼs the te)cherʼs role to find ) w)y to n)vig)te this situ)tion )nd to
help e)ch student recruit, redirect )nd reintegr)te )ny intern)l
objections so )s to be )ble to fuel their further progress.
12. F)lcon Books: Could you ple)se tell us more )bout your
investig)tion into )ncient Western Medit)tion rese)rch )nd how to
become ) p)tron.
If you would like to see the techniques come b)ck to life ple)se visit
my P)treon p)ge to see the full schedule )nd to find out how you c)n
get involved )nd lend your support.
14. F)lcon Books: Could you ple)se expl)in to us more )bout the
)ncient origins of Hermetics from your rese)rch?
15. F)lcon Books: I w)s wondering if you could tell us ) bit your future
title Enlightened Living. Wh)t inspired you to write it )nd how do you
feel it c)n benefit others?
When you re)d Enlightened Living you will le)rn ) set of very
powerful methods, insights )nd observ)tions th)t will )llow you to
bring these )ncient Hermetic principles into your life. It will show you
how to )pply your m)gic)l powers to your d)ily life, so )s to be )ble
to fully express the principle ‘)s )bove so belowʼ )nd to m)ke your
life p)rt of your m)gic)l tr)ining. In this w)y, it will )id you in
overcoming pl)te)us in tr)ining )nd help you move forw)rds in your