Martin Faulks

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M"rtin F"ulks

On Febru)ry 2, 2017


With M)rtin F)ulks

F)lcon Books is presenting ) series of interviews with se)soned

Hermetic pr)ctitioners )nd those who follow ) spiritu)l discipline.
The )im being to sh)re the wisdom, knowledge )nd underst)nding of
these pr)ctitioners with those just beginning the p)th )nd )s )n
inspir)tion to us )ll. The focus of these discussions )re guided
tow)rds the spiritu)l seeker.

Presenting tod)y )n interview with M)rtin F)ulks who is ) Fr)nz

B)rdon pr)ctitioner, te)cher )t Seshen School of Hermetic
Medit)tion )nd )uthor )t F)lcon Books. He )lso h)s ) successful
YouTube ch)nnel which offers inform)tion r)nging from self-
development to demonstr)tions of medit)tion under )dverse
conditions. You c)n )lso visit his website.

A cordi)l welcome M)rtin. Th)nk you for sh)ring with us your time
)nd wisdom )long this journey.

 by M"rtin F"ulks (July 2016)

When I w(s young I felt dr(wn to medit(tion. Every d(y I used to sit
(nd pr(ctice the ide(l st(te of mind. Then I would try to bring th(t
(w(reness, good will (nd inner tr(nquillity into my d(ily life.
L(ter on,  I found myself dr(wn to medit(te in different pl(ces,
In the noise of the city,
In the c(lm of the woods,
Next to the se(,
Or in s(cred spots.
As time p(ssed I found myself pr(cticing my (rt in pl(ces which
m(de it h(rder to keep ( c(lm focus. I found myself se(rching pl(ces
(nd situ(tions of (dversity (nd distr(ction.
But (s my (bility deepened (nother ch(nge occurred, I bec(me
tr(nsported in my mindʼs eye,
As if I w(s entering ( re(lm of pure consciousness
Or going into some dre(m.

With d(ily pr(ctice I found I could rise

Through v(rious (re(s of this world,
E(ch more be(utiful (nd subtle th(n the next.
Through st(r like re(lms
And (re(s of pure be(utiful light I rose.
Whenever I found myself un(ble to go further
I s(t p(tiently in c(lmness
And found with d(ily persistence,
My he(rt w(s purified,
And I would (scend higher.
Now I sit (t the g(tes of the pl(ce we go to when we fin(lly w(ke up
(nd our body is no more.
Perh(ps one d(y the doors will open (nd I c(n sit in gentle
contempl(tion within.

1. F)lcon Books: I wonder if you could exp)nd on this )nd sh)re )

little more of your journey with us, from growing up with this ide)l to
m)nifesting it.

M)rtin F)ulks: Th)nk you very much for including my poem in the
interview. Cre)tive writing )nd )llegoric)l t)les h)ve )lw)ys been )n
import)nt p)rt of hum)n n)ture, ) w)y of expressing ide)s )nd
concepts, in ) w)y th)t is e)sy to underst)nd )nd )ppro)ch)ble.

Growing up stories were very import)nt to me. As ) child, I h)d no

concept of ) Hermetic Adept or Bodhis)ttv), but I felt ) c)lling )nd
se)rched my environment to find something which it m)tched to. I
found myself f)scin)ted by mythologic)l t)les )nd heroic figures. For
me the ide) th)t some speci)l event, discovery or process could
suddenly reve)l our inner potenti)l, or bestow us with speci)l
)bilities, w)s f)scin)ting.

I spent ) lot of time re)ding comics )nd w)tching films )nd )lw)ys
felt th)t the r)dio)ctive spider, m)gic potion, or speci)l discovery
w)s just )round the corner. As time progressed )nd I grew older, I
st)rted to look )t pr)ctic)l w)ys to improve myself )nd to move
tow)rds the go)l. I dedic)ted my time to the pr)ctice of m)rti)l )rts
)nd spent )s much of my w)king life pr)cticing )s possible. My best
friend )nd I )ttended three m)rti)l )rt cl)sses ) d)y, five d)ys )
week. We truly believed in our te)cher )nd the )rt we were
pr)cticing. So much so, we often took things on f)ce v)lue even
when they didnʼt work.

I remember when we were given ) book th)t cl)imed to h)ve

methods of performing ) speci)l form of medit)tion th)t would le)d
to us g)ining the power of seven men. We s)t in the positions it
described )nd followed the bre)thing exercises ex)ctly. We were very
dis)ppointed when we didnʼt see )ny signific)nt ch)nge to our
physic)l strength. Likewise, when we were t)ught pressure points
th)t were supposed to immobilise or knock )n opponent
unconscious, we were dis)ppointed when pr)cticing with one
)nother th)t they didnʼt seem to do )nything other th)n c)use p)in,
no m)tter how h)rd we hit. Our instructor informed us th)t they were
very, very specific points )nd h)d to be hit very )ccur)tely. So we
p)id )n )cupuncturist to m)rk on our bodies the ex)ct loc)tions )nd
struck them with ) h)mmer, only to find th)t once )g)in they were

As we progressed through our teen)ge ye)rs our explor)tions went

further )field )nd we discovered Buddhism )nd yog), ) discipline my
friend dedic)ted his whole life to. I w)s se)rching for something
more, to me, the yogic texts were not open )bout the purpose of their
exercises )nd I felt th)t m)ny of the pr)ctices were confused )nd
incomplete. I rese)rched into the Western tr)ditions )nd found ritu)l
m)gic, but to me, the long dr)wn out words )nd re)dings, the figures
dr)wn up in the )ir )nd memorised routines were ) b)rrier to
inter)cting with these spiritu)l forces, not )n )id. I w)nted to go
directly to the source in order to control, see )nd inter)ct with the
m)gic)l force itself.

I st)rted designing my own system b)sed on the elements. I s)t in

contempl)tion )s to how to directly cont)ct )nd m)ke ) connection
with the hidden forces. I c)lled this p)th ‘Element)lismʼ )nd truly felt I
w)s cre)ting something new. About th)t time, )s f)te often does, )
gift )ppe)red in the form of ) book c)lled Modern M)gic by Don)ld
Mich)el Cr)ig. Amongst the exercises, there were some th)t r)ng
true for ex)ctly wh)t I w)s )ttempting to do. I )sked )t Atl)ntis Books
() shop in London) )bout the sources )nd this is when I discovered
Initi)tion into Hermetics. The moment I opened up the book I knew it
w)s something speci)l. The very system
I w)s )ttempting to recre)te from some dist)nt memory le)d it to my

I w)s just 16 ye)rs old )nd it took me ) ye)r to est)blish ) solid

routine, st)rting )nd stopping )nd often becoming discour)ged, but
)fter my 17th Birthd)y, I m)n)ged to rem)in st)ble. Since then I h)ve
pr)cticed for 2 hours every d)y, missing only one session in the ye)rs
th)t followed. At the )ge of 39, I c)n honestly s)y this h)s been the
most rew)rding pr)ctice of my life, something th)t I view )s the
gre)test blessing )nd the most wonderful honour.”

2. F)lcon Books: I wonder if you could ple)se el)bor)te ) bit on when

you spoke )bout cre)ting )n ‘ide)l st)te of mindʼ in this discourse.
Wh)t methods did you use to )id you in developing )nd m)int)ining

M)rtin F)ulks: I h)ve )lw)ys pr)cticed the m)gic)l tr)ining regime

outlined in Fr)nz B)rdonʼs system )nd I believe this to be the most
effective, b)l)nced )nd s)fe regime of Hermetic tr)ining )v)il)ble.
Whenever I h)ve found it h)rd to m)ke progress, to m)ster )n
exercise or to develop )n )bility, I h)ve looked )round the world )nd
se)rched for someone or ) tr)dition who h)ve speci)lised in th)t
)re). I would find ) w)y to spend time le)rning from them, tr)ining
)nd just being )round people who )re better )t wh)t I )m trying to

To begin with, my tr)ining w)s )ll )bout m)stery of the exercises l)id
out within B)rdonʼs books. My focus w)s on developing these
)bilities )nd improving my m)stery of the spiritu)l powers. Little did I
know, by neglecting everyd)y m)tters in f)vour of ) complete
emotion)l )nd intellectu)l focus on the Hermetic p)th, I w)s missing
out on one of the most import)nt )spects. In truth, our tr)ining is to
ch)nge our everyd)y w)king consciousness. This is )n insight th)t
not m)ny when they first st)rt the p)th, )re re)dy or )ble to see. As I
tr)velled from te)cher to te)cher )nd from tr)dition to tr)dition, I
st)rted to g)in more of )n insight into this mystery. And in this sense,
the most sublime te)chings c)n be found in the most mund)ne.
Through our spiritu)l exercises, we improve )ll of our ment)l f)culties
– our memory, our im)gin)tion, the cl)rity of thought, emotion)l
integr)tion )nd b)l)nce, )w)reness, the )bility to st)y on t)rget, our
concentr)tion, our good will, comp)ssion )nd virtue. All of this
tr)ining cre)tes ripples which tr)nsfer into d)ily life. However, if you
m)ke your exercises your focus of your d)ily existence, you c)n
)ctu)lly sometimes forget to fully employ )nd tr)nsfer the )bilities
you h)ve g)ined through your tr)ining into every w)king moment. For
this re)son, it is import)nt to m)ke life the focus, not the exercises.

In ) sense we need to live ) m)gic)l life, to use our spiritu)l )bilities

in every moment. This I believe is one of the most powerful methods
of tr)ining, to m)ke sure th)t Hermetic skills )re ) p)rt of your
norm)l, everyd)y skill set. So when you t)lk to others, you pr)ctice
your cl)irvoy)nce, by sensing the energies surrounding the situ)tion,
emotions )nd true go)ls the person h)s inside of them. When
w)shing, you rid yourself of neg)tivity. When you dress, e)ch item of
clothing h)s signific)nce )nd power. When you lock your front door,
you send ) w)ve of protection )round your house. When you kiss )
loved one goodnight, you p)ss ) blessing to them. You put your
intention in your letters )nd em)ils. You send ) he)ling force to those
you meet who )re ill. In this w)y, you use the )bilities you h)ve
g)ined through your Hermetic tr)ining in every w)king moment. This
h)s turned out to be the most powerful lesson in tr)ining for me.

3. F)lcon Books: Could you ple)se expl)in the turning point in your
life where you felt ) shift in consciousness )nd ) coming out of
du)lity into oneness. W)s there ) distinct moment th)t you bec)me
)w)re of this, or w)s it more of ) gr)du)l unfolding )nd how did this
)ffect your life?

M)rtin F)ulks: The Hermetic p)th is truly be)utiful, in th)t it is

ongoing )nd unfolds in m)ny subtle )nd interconnected w)ys.
Sometimes you will find th)t your progress comes with big
bre)kthroughs or epiph)nies th)t dr)m)tic)lly ch)nge your
perception of the world. Often it is ) gr)du)l )nd )n )lmost
imperceiv)ble process in which your underst)nding, )nd indeed your
c)p)city for underst)nding, )re growing within e)ch w)king moment.
Anyone who tr)ins in this p)th for ) signific)nt length of time will
discover th)t the )bility to perceive )nd underst)nd is connected
with their development )nd c)p)city on other levels, this brings
)round gre)t improvements in life on )ll levels.

4. F)lcon Books: For those who )re st)rting out wh)t encour)gement
would you offer to them?

M)rtin F)ulks: The best )dvice I c)n give to )nyone just st)rting their
tr)ining, is to m)ke sure their focus is completely cle)r )nd
undivided. Your mission is to set up ) const)nt tr)ining routine which
you fully underst)nd )nd fully eng)ge with.

This m)y sound obvious, but, bec)use to progress we must ch)nge

)nd improve ourselves, we will come up )g)inst our own
shortcomings. This m)kes us uncomfort)ble )nd so of course, when
we )re uncomfort)ble we try to return to our previous st)te, the
st)tus quo. We often find )ll sorts of interesting b)rriers )ppe)r to
diffuse, divide, distr)ct or discour)ge us from continuing. This
doesnʼt )lw)ys )ppe)r in )n overtly neg)tive f)shion. Sometimes this
c)n come in the form of too much excitement, which le)ds to us
)ttempting to follow multiple tr)ditions )nd te)chers )nd thus more
th)n one very intense course of instruction )t the s)me time. Often )
student will find th)t when they st)rt to pr)ctice, they find
themselves dr)wn to switch to something different just )t the point
where they )re )bout to m)ke progress. This is underst)nd)ble
bec)use it is n)tur)l to look for )n e)sier w)y of doing things. To find
) different )ppro)ch r)ther th)n tr)nsforming ourselves to meet th)t
ch)llenge. Sometimes we will even tell ourselves th)t the exercise we
)re doing is too e)sy, but yet we )re f)iling to meet the criteri) th)t is
set forth before us.
Wh)tever form of distr)ction or b)rrier th)t )ppe)rs, it is import)nt
to look )t it so we c)n utilise this energy. M)ny people w)ste their
energy on over thinking or t)lking )bout the p)th r)ther th)n
pr)cticing it. Re)ding m)ny different books h)s the s)me effect of
diffusing their energy in m)ny different directions. M)ke sure your
focus is developing your own )bility, not on self-expression, not on
comp)r)tive religion, or the exploring of different cultures. Of course,
we need to underst)nd the underlying mech)nism of wh)t we )re
trying to do, )nd study is ) very positive thing, but letʼs not let )ny
other pursuit t)ke up the energy th)t we re)lly need to put into fully
eng)ging into the ch)llenges the p)th puts before us. Stick to the
instructions given to you by the letter )nd m)ke sure your sights )re
)lw)ys set on the next )chievement th)t you need to overcome to

5. F)lcon Books: For those who )re seeking m)gic)l )bilities wh)t
)dvice would you offer to them?

M)rtin F)ulks: The )bilities )re n)tur)l side effects of your own

evolution, they )re very import)nt )nd your desire for them is
something you c)n use for gre)t benefit )nd to keep yourself
motiv)ted. Developing these )bilities gives you ) me)ns to help
those )round you )nd to benefit the world. It is however, import)nt to
remember th)t to grow good fruit the focus needs to be on the tree
itself, m)king sure th)t you w)ter its roots, not the br)nches from
which the fruits )ppe)r. The s)me is true on our p)th, focus on
improving your own )bilities through exercises )nd these powers will
come )s n)ture t)kes its course )nd your p)th unfolds.

6. F)lcon Books: Wh)t did you find w)s the most effective w)y in
de)ling with the soul mirrors?

M)rtin F)ulks: To truly tr)nsform )s ) person you need to eng)ge

with the )re)s which you find h)rd in life. This often me)ns moving
outside our comfort zone )nd doing things you h)ve never done
before. When we find )n )re) of life ch)llenging often we build
b)rriers th)t protect ourselves from f)cing those ch)llenges. Often
we will dev)lue th)t skill or )re) of functioning )nd cre)te el)bor)te
re)sons why we do not wish to improve ourselves in this )re). For
this re)son, itʼs import)nt to be very honest, to look )t your life
objectively )nd open yourself up to wh)t people )round you )re
s)ying )nd wh)t ch)nges life is )sking for you to m)ke.

Our Hermetic exercises, of course, c)n very much help us )s these

involve improving )ll )re)s of our ment)l functioning. The key to
success is to bring the skills )nd )bilities you le)rn in your tr)ining
into your norm)l functioning consciousness. Your m)gic)l tr)ining
exercises )re just th)t, they )re tr)ining, which is to be used in every
moment. In this w)y we move gr)du)lly to m)gic)l life. The more we
develop the more fully we eng)ge with e)ch t)sk. With time the
pr)ctitioner will find themselves dr)wn to pr)ctice the things they
find h)rdest in life, this is ) sign th)t the soul mirrors )re becoming

7. F)lcon Books: Wh)t would you s)y for you w)s the most
ch)llenging )spect of this p)th for you )nd how did you conquer th)t

M)rtin F)ulks: Aristotle w)s once )sked “Wh)t is the h)rdest thing

for ) hum)n to m)ster?” His )nswer w)s silence. From the Hermetic
point of view, silence is ) very import)nt skill. It is for this re)son,
Fr)nz B)rdon notes repe)tedly th)t ) m)gici)n should not t)lk )bout
his own person)l pr)ctice or progress unless to his te)cher. The
m)stery of inner silence is directly linked to our )bility to m)ster the
control of our words. A m)gici)n, therefore, should tr)in both in
t)ndem in order to g)in self-m)stery.

8. F)lcon Books: When one spe)ks )bout being ‘Enlightenedʼ, wh)t in

your opinion constitutes this st)te?

M)rtin F)ulks: From the Hermetic point of view Enlightenment is )

st)te of being in tot)l h)rmony with )ll things.

9. F)lcon Books: Could you ple)se sh)re with us wh)t for you h)s
been the most rew)rding )spect of this journey?

M)rtin F)ulks: It seems to me th)t )ll of us h)ve our dre)ms )nd

)spir)tions on life. For some this is m)teri)l, they wish to live in
be)utiful surroundings, h)ve positive people )round them )nd do
something to help the m)teri)l world. Others seek intellectu)l
knowledge like the histori)n who wishes to tr)vel into the p)st or the
scientist who wishes ) cle)r vision of the underlying mech)nisms of
the universe. There )re some like Enoch who longed to w)lk with the
)ngels or Agripp) who wish to cultiv)te spiritu)l )bilities to help his
fellow m)n. I c)n honestly s)y th)t my tr)ining in the Fr)nz B)rdon
system h)s brought )ll I h)ve ever dre)med of )nd more. It h)s been
the gre)test blessing )nd most wonderful honour to pr)ctice.
10. F)lcon Books: M)ny people )re working on steps 1-8 )nd look
tow)rds steps 9 )nd 10. Steps 1-8 )ppe)r to be focused on
developing ) skill set where)s steps 9 )nd 10 )ppe)r to be more
focused on developing ) rel)tionship with ) person God. Could you
offer your opinion on this )nd how the tr)ining ch)nges beyond step

M)rtin F)ulks: The Perfect Discourse of Hermes Trismegistus st)tes

th)t either )ll things )re of God or )ll things )re from God. In
Hermetic tr)ining, )ll things )re interconnected. Often you will find
th)t )n )bility le)ds to ) new underst)nding )nd vice vers). This c)n
be seen in the Corpus Hermeticum where it is s)id th)t “just )s the
body once it h)s g)ined perfection in the womb goes out, likewise
the soul, once it h)s g)ined perfection, goes out of the body…the
perfection of the soul is the knowledge of wh)t is.” To st)rt with the
norm)l individu)l needs to develop himself )nd fully b)l)nce )nd
integr)te the elements within himself, only then )re the l)ter steps
within his c)p)bility.

11. F)lcon Books: As )n instructor wh)t )re)s h)ve you identified the
m)in difficulties th)t you find students f)ce )nd why do you think this

M)rtin F)ulks: “The beginning st)ges )re usu)lly the h)rdest. The
first ch)llenge is le)rning to m)int)in ) const)nt tr)ining routine )nd
for m)ny, this is the gre)test ch)llenge they will f)ce, )s their intern)l
b)rriers beset them from the outset. Within us )ll there )re )spects
of ourselves th)t )re not fully directed tow)rds our p)th. These c)n
me)n )re)s th)t h)ve not yet developed the )bility needed to
eng)ge with the tr)ining, or it c)n be )spects of the self th)t )re
injured )nd need to he)l or recover. Sometimes emergency str)tegies
or outmoded w)ys of doing things )re h)rdest to bre)k. Especi)lly if
the student h)s relied on ) cert)in )ppro)ch to life, so finds it h)rd to
le)rn ) new w)y of doing things. H)ve you ever known someone who
wonʼt do the one thing th)t will solve their problems? Often in life the
ill mist)ke the medicine th)t will bring )round their cure for poison.
The s)me is true of our intern)l )spects. These intern)l forces find
v)rious expressions to try to )void the exercises which c)use them
discomfort, c)using the student to become distr)cted, divided,
redirected or dishe)rtened. This le)ds to the student w)nting to
ch)nge the exercise, or give in )nd st)rt something else, they would
r)ther focus on )nything other th)n the job in h)nd.

Itʼs the te)cherʼs role to find ) w)y to n)vig)te this situ)tion )nd to
help e)ch student recruit, redirect )nd reintegr)te )ny intern)l
objections so )s to be )ble to fuel their further progress.

12. F)lcon Books: Could you ple)se tell us more )bout your
investig)tion into )ncient Western Medit)tion rese)rch )nd how to
become ) p)tron.

M)rtin F)ulks: In the modern d)y we live in ) kind of spiritu)l d)rk

)ges )s f)r )s our n)tive western spiritu)l tr)dition is concerned. The
m)n on the street is f)r more likely to know the s)yings of Buddh)
th)n the te)chings of Pl)to or Imhotep!
In )ncient times we h)d ) complete system of te)chings with ) wide
r)nge of methods of )dv)ncement. The temples would te)ch s)cred
gymn)stics to b)l)nce )nd he)l the body, )nd they h)nded down
techniques of he)ling to correct the mind when things went wrong.
We used to h)ve our own tr)ditions of bre)th control, lucid dre)ming,
of opening the energy points on the spine )nd of m)ny more
pr)ctices we no longer h)ve )ccess to. These tr)ditions were
recorded in )ncient documents, but due to historic)l events the
modern pr)ctitioners h)ve h)d to fill in g)ps with orient)l disciplines
)nd tr)ditions which h)ve been more widely promoted. However, I
believe th)t much of it is being rediscovered.

I propose th)t western civilis)tion will only reg)in its self-)w)reness

when its spirit returns. When we once )g)in restore )nd indeed live
by the tr)ditions our culture w)s built upon.

If you would like to see the techniques come b)ck to life ple)se visit
my P)treon p)ge to see the full schedule )nd to find out how you c)n
get involved )nd lend your support.

13. Wh)t do you feel )ncient Western Medit)tion c)n offer?

). Wh)t do you feel is missing from modern d)y pr)ctices?

M)rtin F)ulks: Our )ncient tr)dition h)d ) very specific focus, to step
beyond yourself )nd to become ) living god. It w)s ) be)utifully
joyful )nd exp)nsive pr)ctice, which )llowed you to step beyond
yourself )nd gr)sp your higher n)ture.

In those d)ys there w)s ) dyn)mic )nd exciting Hermetic community

working together to be in tune with everything good in the universe
)nd to m)nifest this goodness on e)rth. This community h)d gre)t
v)lue )nd protected pr)ctitioners from )dversity, giving them )
positive pl)ce )nd environment to grow in. The whole feel of the
pr)ctice )t th)t time w)s uplifting )nd evolution)ry.

b. How do you feel we c)n benefit from these te)chings?

M)rtin F)ulks: Our modern pr)ctice l)cks underst)nding. We know

wh)t, but few of us know why. The )ncient te)chings cover f)r more
in respect to how ) p)th of development works, why we would be
c)lled to such ) pr)ctice, wh)t the purpose of life is )nd wh)t role )
m)gici)n t)kes in the gre)t h)rmony of the universe.

c. How do these pr)ctices comp)re to B)rdonʼs te)chings?

M)rtin F)ulks: Fr)nz B)rdon w)s ) dedic)ted student of the Ancient

Hermetic Te)chings, something th)t becomes )pp)rent to )nyone
who re)ds the Hermetic). Fr)nz B)rdonʼs works )re the gre)test
technic)l guide to pr)ctic)l m)gic)l pr)ctice )nd le)ves the
philosophic)l outlook down to the individu)l. Those who feel )
connection with the pure current of Hermeticism will find th)t )ncient
te)chings compliment B)rdonʼs p)th perfectly )nd bring )n
incre)sed sense of celebr)tion )nd inner h)rmony to their pr)ctice.

14. F)lcon Books: Could you ple)se expl)in to us more )bout the
)ncient origins of Hermetics from your rese)rch?

M)rtin F)ulks: When Alex)nder the Gre)t liber)ted Egypt from its

Persi)n c)ptors, two cultures with gre)t wisdom )nd insight
combined. The M)gick)l tr)ditions of Ancient Egypt met with the
philosophic)l tr)ditions of Greece. The Greeks identified the Egypti)n
god of m)gic Thoth with their own messenger god c)lled Hermes.
History shows th)t the Egypti)n priests )llowed people of both
genders )nd from )ll cultures )nd tr)ditions to join wh)t we now
know )s the Hermetic Order. In f)ct, it )ppe)rs th)t )lthough n)tive
Egypti)n priests m)de up the m)jority of the order, they )lso h)d
m)ny Pyth)gore)ns, Jews )nd Christi)ns in their r)nks.

W)nting to keep the hieroglyphs secret, they worked with Greek

members of the order to tr)nsl)te the te)chings into Greek texts,
using the (then) modern philosophic)l style. A process you c)n see is
h)ppening )g)in )s m)ny )ncient te)chings st)rt to be described in
psychologic)l l)ngu)ge, which is more )ccept)ble in our d)y. During
this process, something be)utiful h)ppened. The Egypti)ns knew the
m)gic)l pr)ctices from both tr)dition )nd direct experiences, but the
Greeks )sked the questions )nd possessed the cl)rity to bring the
underlying mech)nisms of the p)th of spiritu)l evolution into focus.
The )lchemy between the two cultures h)ve left us with gre)t gifts,
which )re the texts we now possess.”

15. F)lcon Books: I w)s wondering if you could tell us ) bit your future
title  Enlightened Living. Wh)t inspired you to write it )nd how do you
feel it c)n benefit others?

M)rtin F)ulks: During this interview, ) few themes h)ve )ppe)red.

The first being th)t the origin)l focus of Hermetic pr)ctice w)s to
become )t one with the gre)t good. To be in tune with )nd to express
the underlying force of truth, light )nd goodness in the world.

The second being th)t Hermetic exercises do not ) m)gici)n m)ke.

To truly t)ke th)t role you need to t)ke those skills )nd th)t mindset
into every moment of your life, you need to live ) m)gic)l life.

When you re)d Enlightened Living you will le)rn ) set of very
powerful methods, insights )nd observ)tions th)t will )llow you to
bring these )ncient Hermetic principles into your life. It will show you
how to )pply your m)gic)l powers to your d)ily life, so )s to be )ble
to fully express the principle ‘)s )bove so belowʼ )nd to m)ke your
life p)rt of your m)gic)l tr)ining. In this w)y, it will )id you in
overcoming pl)te)us in tr)ining )nd help you move forw)rds in your

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