DLP Main Objectives
DLP Main Objectives
DLP Main Objectives
Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
Melor Md Yunus
Faculty of Education,
University Kebangsaan Malaysia
Learning Science and Mathematics in English has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Since the abolishment of English for Teaching Mathematics and Science policy (PPSMI), the
Ministry of Education has introduced an initiative named the Dual-Language Programme
(DLP) in 2016. This study aims to identify the level of readiness and confidence among the
students in this programme. In tandem, it also aims to discover the difference in the level of
readiness between Form One and Form Two DLP students as well as gender influence.
Respondents were 145 DLP students comprising 80 Form One and 65 Form Two students.
This study employed five-point Likert scale questionnaire as the instrument and open-ended
questions to validate the findings. From the data analysis generated by SPSS 19, the level of
readiness and confidence among the DLP students was moderate. The findings further
revealed that there was no significant difference concerned between the variables, class and
gender. English language mastery was found to be one of the main factors influencing the
students’ readiness towards this programme. To sum up, the DLP is a positive move put
forward by the government aimed at valorising the standard of English among the students
via the learning of Science and Mathematics. However, more initiatives and efforts are
deemed essential to the execution of the DLP towards progressivism.
The issue of teaching and learning Science and Mathematics has long been discussed and
debated in the Malaysian Education System. Some parties have advocated that the learning of
these subjects should be conducted using the national language, which is Bahasa Melayu
whereas some have proposed that the English language should be made the means of
instruction for both subjects. Learning Science and Mathematics in the English language
serves as a two-pronged approach, aiming at enabling students to have the access and
exploration of knowledge in order to compete globally and to increase the marketability of
the students in the working field. As proposed by Hudson (2009), Science education and
English literacy development must be core elements in EFL preservice teacher education if
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Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
The case of English competency and proficiency is an endless story and debate in the
Malaysian education system. Thang, Ting and Nurjanah (2011) claimed that Malaysian
students display poor effort in learning English even though its importance is generally
acknowledged. This is in consensus with Melor and Saiful Islam (2017) who claimed that the
proficiency of the English language among Malaysians has not seen much improvement since
1970. Despite the fact that the Dual-Language Programme is a voluntary policy, few issues
have been raised over the first two years of its inception. At the beginning of 2017, hundreds
of Indian NGOs and Tamil language activists held a protest in regard to the implementation
of the programme in Tamil vernacular primary schools. They claimed that worries arose
regarding the future of Tamil education if English or Bahasa Melayu were fully used in the
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ISSN: 1675-8021
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Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
teaching of STEM. Adding to that, they were concerned that schools would have fewer
teaching hours in Tamil which might lead to the parents abandoning the school (The Star, 3
January 2017). Concurrent to the protest, Penang Deputy Chief Minister II had also appealed
to the Ministry of Education to abolish the Dual-Language Programme. Quoting from Malay
Mail (29 December 2016), the DLP was introduced without consultation and feedback from
education experts and the public while some parties have labelled the DLP as a new version
of the PPSMI. Dr P. Ramasamy, the Deputy Chief Minister of Pulau Pinang argued that DLP
will destroy vernacular schools and it is a danger to the vernacular schools in the country.
In addition, the National Education Action Council Chairman, Datuk Zainal Abidin
Borhan claimed that Malay students will be victimised by the DLP. Similarly, the President
of Parti Amanah Negara, Mohamad Sabu believed that the implementation of DLP would see
the country regressing into an era of colonialism. He opined that ‘We do not agree that
English be the main medium for education. Doing so will see us having to overhaul the entire
education system, complication matters for our teachers and gambling away the future of our
students (Borneo Post, 3 April 2016). Furthermore, the Pena chairman, Dr Ibrahim Ghaffar
claimed that the implementation of the DLP will bring about discrimination between the
schools in the urban and rural areas as well as the vernacular counterparts. He stated that
‘educational policies should be applied universally, rather than on a selected group. It is
discriminatory for the programme to only be available to the schools involved in the pilot
project. Not only that, this discrimination will also lead to a widening gap between urban and
rural schools (Borneo Post, 3 April 2016).
The focus of this study, as the title indicates is readiness. In the context of this study,
readiness is defined as “The state or quality of being ready; preparation; promptness; aptitude;
willingness. Prepared for what one is about to do or experience; equipped or supplied with
what is needed for some act or event; prepared for immediate movement or action” (Turnbull
et al, 2010). So, this is where the concern arises. Are the DLP students really prepared to join
the programme? As mentioned earlier, students’ agreement to join the programme is not
among the criterion listed for the DLP to commence. It is their parents’ consent that matters
more. Bearing that in mind, the students will most likely to suffer should the programme fail
to reach its aims and objectives. In fact, the students are the ones who will have to undergo
the consequences of the DLP. Hence, this study is intended to identify the readiness of the
students enrolled in the DLP as well as to understand the factors influencing their readiness
level. In order to achieve these aims, this study addressed these research questions;
1. What is the level of readiness among the students enrolled in DLP?
2. What is the level of confidence among the students enrolled in DLP?
3. Why are the DLP students not ready for the programme?
4. What are the problems faced by the DLP students undergoing this programme?
5. Is there any difference in the level of readiness among the DLP students based on
class and gender?
Learning Science and Mathematics in English language is not an easy task to do. As put
forward by Zuraini (2014), teaching and learning Mathematics and Science in a language that
is not the learner’s main language is complicated. This is indeed true in the Malaysian context
where English has become either the second or third language for majority of the students.
The students will need to be competent in the target language in order for the learning process
to succeed. In fact, this might be challenging as the students will have to deal with the
language aspect and the content knowledge of both subjects. However, the teaching and
learning of Science and Mathematics in the English language should not be perceived as
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Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
troublesome as it may somehow benefit the learners as well as the teachers. As claimed by
Setati and Adler (2000), learning Science and Mathematics have elements that are similar to
learning a language, since both disciplines involve a specific register, set of discourses, as
well as conceptual and abstracted forms. Moreover, Hand et al. (2016) argued that Science
cannot exist without some form of language, that is, one cannot explain old or construct new
science knowledge without language (mathematical, graphical, verbal, or iconic). This
somehow augments the idea that students learning both subjects in English will find some
similarities pertaining to the learning aspects.
Learning Science and Mathematics in the English language enables students to
explore the knowledge globally and at the same time, increases the potential of the students in
the workforce. In addition, it also increases the students’ contact hours to the English
language, that may indirectly enrich their language competency and proficiency. The
programme is in line with one of the goals in the Malaysian Education Blueprint (2013-2025)
which is to produce students who are at least bilingual in the Malay language and English
language (Ministry of Education, 2013). Undeniably, some students believe that they learn
better in the English language than Bahasa Melayu. Melor and Saiful Islam (2017) are of the
view that studying Science and Mathematics in English does facilitate their understanding
better than in Bahasa Melayu. As a result, students who are given the opportunity to learn in
the English language will be able to engage themselves better in the language, which
indirectly enables them to perform better in the subjects. Faizah, Marzilah and Kamaruzaman
(2011) argued that ETeMS has a crucial role to play in developing students who are
competent in the English language so they can keep pace with the rapid advances in science
and technology.
In addition, dual language (DL) education has also been practised in other countries.
Steele et al. (2017) asserted that dual language immersion schools, which provide native
English speakers and English learners with general academic instruction in two languages
from kindergarten onward, have shown recent and rapid proliferation in the United States of
America. To note, Tran et al. (2015) further emphasized that dual instruction programmes in
elementary schools have become prevalent all over America. This indicates that DL is not
new to the field of education system. Japan has also started the dual language programme
since 2013 in order to support the expansion of the International Baccalaureate diploma
programme in Japan secondary schools. According to Yamamoto (2016), the Dual Language
IB DP policy was a strategic decision to enhance dissemination of the Diploma curriculum,
pedagogy, and learning outcomes, even at the cost of compromising on the initial vision of
enhancing global higher education mobility in and out of Japan and on the creation of global
human resources with high-level English-language communication skills. This reinforces that
DL is commonly used in the education system. According to Tran et al. (2015), DL offers
promising results regarding language proficiency, reading and writing, academic achievement
in reading and Mathematics and attitudes towards schools.
Undoubtedly, DL develops high level of proficiency in both languages. Students
enrolling in this programme will benefit themselves in terms of their language repertoire. In
the case of Malaysian education system, students learn and have more contact hours in
Bahasa Melayu via other subjects since it is the medium of instruction in the schools. To
reiterate, the purpose of introducing English as the medium of instruction in the teaching and
learning of Science and Mathematics is mainly to enable students to keep up with the
developments in science and technology by making it possible for them to access information
about science and technology, which is mainly available in the English language (Mohd
Fadhili et al., 2009). Therefore, the students will have better access to the English language
through this programme, through the three subjects, Mathematics, Science and English. To
further illustrate, assuming the student’s first language is not Malay, he or she will develop
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Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
three languages competently as the exposure to the other two languages in school increases.
The research conducted by Lindholm-Leary and Howard (2008) demonstrated that most Dual
Language students were rated as proficient in their two languages, particularly by the upper
elementary grade levels and students made excellent progress in both languages across the
grade levels in both 90:10 and 50:50 programmes. In fact, English language learners were or
more likely to be classified by state assessments as proficient in English if they were
participating in Dual Language Education programmes than if they were enrolled in English
mainstream programmes (Lindholm-Leary, 2012).
Numerous studies have been conducted pertaining to this issue. Firstly, Melor and Saiful
Islam (2017) conducted a study on the pre-service teachers majoring in Science and
Mathematics options concerning their perceptions on teaching Science and Mathematics in
the English language. The findings denoted unfavourable perceptions, in which more than
50% of the respondents disagreed to teaching both subjects using the English language.
Moreover, 74% of the respondents claimed that it was troublesome to teach the subjects in
English. As mentioned, Tran et al. (2015) in their study on the effects of Spanish English dual
language on students’ achievement in Science and Mathematics focusing on grade 3, 4 and 5
students came to a conclusion that students who enrolled in DL programme outperformed
their counterparts on non DL programme in both Science and Mathematics. In addition, the
findings highlighted the potential impact of DL programme on the teaching and learning of
Science and Mathematics, especially for students from diverse backgrounds such as on the
language proficiency, reading and writing, academic achievement in reading and
Mathematics and attitudes towards schools.
In addition, Noriza et al. (2011) in their study on the lecturers’ level of readiness to
teach in English presented positive results. 65% of the respondents claimed that the lecturers
delivered the content in the English language satisfactorily. Furthermore, about 60%
respondents admitted that the lecturers were ever ready to help when students encountered
any difficulties in learning the subjects in English. Conversely, Tuah and Mohini (2010)
found that students’ readiness in their study was at the moderate level. They distributed a
survey to find out the students’ readiness, interest and confidence to 309 third-year students
in one of the public universities in Malaysia. However, the respondents supported the
implementation of ETeMS and believed it is crucial for them to master English for their sake
of their future workforce.
In addition, Isahak et al. (2008) conducted a survey alongside Science, Mathematics
and English tests upon 3903 primary 5 students. The result revealed that more than 85%
students said their Science and Mathematics teachers code-switched in teaching the subjects.
An average of more than 80% students expressed that they did not understand or did not
really understand Science being taught in English, though they had been learning the two
subjects since 2003. Another study by Julianus (2007) concluded that the main problem faced
by the Science and Mathematics teachers in a secondary school in Ranau was the students’
lack of proficiency in English. Another reason was the lack of facilities in implementing
teaching of Science and Mathematics in English. Finally, he also concluded that the level of
proficiency among the teachers involved also contributed to the difficulties in implementing
the policy.
Johari, Nor Hasniza and Meor Ibrahim (2006) conducted a study on 120 students in
the rural area in regard to their learning of Mathematics in English language. The respondents
in this study agreed that teachers’ factor assisted them in their learning well. They also
believed that the teachers would provide assistance to them whenever they faced difficulties
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ISSN: 1675-8021
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in their learning. This is similar to Noriza et al. (2011). Prior to that, when ETeMS was in the
early years of implementation, Juriah Long’s study found that about half of the students in
both urban and rural schools were worried because they found it difficult to follow Science
and Mathematics in English. This was one of the results from her 2005 survey of over 7 000
Form 2 students nationwide and she found the concern was greater among Malay students,
those in rural schools and poor students (cited in Elizabeth & Aniza, 2008). All these findings
are important to measure if there is any difference when the subjects are taught in the English
language on a compulsory and voluntary basis.
This study is based on the Constructionism Learning Theory, proposed by Papert (1980).
This theory states that learning is an active process creating meaning to understand the world
from different experiences. It promotes student-centred, discovery learning in which students
utilise what they know in order to gain more information. In addition, it also further explains
how students might acquire knowledge and learn. In other words, students will learn best by
trying to make sense of something on their own with experience as the guidance to help them
along the way. Whenever students encounter something new, they have to reconcile it with
their previous ideas and experiences, which may change the belief or discard the new
information as something irrelevant. Learning can work best when they are active in creating
tangible objects in the real world. Moreover, they may be facilitated by the teacher who
functions as the coach assisting the students to attain their own goals.
Constructionism is an educational philosophy which emphasizes that learners
ultimately construct their own knowledge that then resides within them, hence each person’s
knowledge is as unique as they are. In this study, the students who have the language
competency will find that they are able to engage with the lessons well. Prior to that, students’
level of confidence will also demonstrate their readiness towards learning both subjects in
English. When their surroundings are supportive, it will also contribute to their positive
attitude in the programme. The supportive environment is represented by the teachers’
assistance, parental and peers’ support as well as the infrastructure that assists the learning
process. Therefore, the readiness in learning both subjects using the English language will be
demonstrated once the students are competent enough in the language, highly confident and
motivated via the teachers’ assistance, family support and sufficient resources and learning
The research design of this study is quantitative in nature. Data were collected through a
survey and open-ended questions. It employs cross-sectional survey research design as this is
done by collecting and analysing data at one point in time only (Holmes, Dahan & Ashari,
2008). This helps the researcher to gather the needed data and analyse them without taking a
long time. The instrument was adapted from Tuah and Mohini (2010). It is a five-point
Likert-scale questionnaire. Kothari (2011) asserts that Likert-scale is a good instrument of
choice because it is relatively easy to construct. In addition, she further added that each
statement included in the Likert-scale is subjected to empirical test for discriminating ability,
easy to be used and requires less time to construct. As for the instrument, it consists of three
sections, namely the demographic profile of the respondents and followed by readiness and
confidence constructs. The questions posed in the demographic profile of the respondents are
class, gender and the general question on students’ readiness of the programme. The
readiness construct consists of eleven items while the confidence construct has twelve items.
At the end of the questionnaire, the respondents would need to answer open-ended questions,
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ISSN: 1675-8021
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Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
which are ‘What makes you ready/unready to learn Science and Mathematics in English’ and
‘What is the problem you face in this programme’. These open-ended questions presented the
views of the respondents pertaining to the issues related to the programme. In addition, these
questions were designed to capture the unheard voices of the respondents.
The respondents involved in this study consisted of 145 DLP students from secondary
schools in one of the states in Malaysia. The selection of the respondents varied as some of
them were from the urban areas while some came from the rural areas. The respondents were
made up of 80 Form One students and the remaining was Form Two. They were chosen
based on purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling technique was used intentionally
because it is believed that the students have been through the main concept being studied
(Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). Regarding the data collection, the researcher distributed the
instruments and explained the purpose of the study and the items available in the
questionnaire to the respondents. The findings were then analysed using SPSS Version 19
and descriptive statistics involving frequency, percentage and mean were employed.
Inferential statistic and T-test was also employed to answer the research question. As for
identifying the level of readiness, the mean score was categorised into three classifications.
Low level refers to the mean score of 1 – 2.33, moderate level implies the mean score of 2.34
– 3.66 while the high level constitutes the mean score ranging from 3.67 – 5. The findings
generated will be discussed in the next section.
There were 145 respondents involved in this study. The demographic profile of the
respondents is presented in the table below.
TABLE 1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents
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As illustrated in Table 2, the highest scoring mean was from ‘I can read in English
well’, with 3.96. This explains that the respondents in this study are very confident in terms
of their reading capabilities. However, when comparing this item with the other four items
related to language skills, the results demonstrated contradicting findings. Items (2) ‘I can
write in English well’, (4) - ‘I can understand the information in English well’ and (5) – ‘I
can communicate in English well’ scored 3.66, 3.47 and 3.35 respectively. This is even
concurrent to the item (6) - ‘I can understand the textbook, notes or reference books in
English well’, with 3.58 mean score. In addition, only 64.8% of the respondents agreed that
they could write well in English, 51% could understand well in English, 40% claimed that
they could communicate well in English and 54.5% agreed that they could understand the
textbooks, notes and references in English well. The results show that the respondents were
more well-prepared in their reading skills, as denoted by 80.7% agreement. Hence, all these
might have contributed to the lower mean score for item (1) - ‘I can master the English basic
well’, which scored 3.46.
The other two items that scored high were (10) - ‘I can understand the exam
instructions in English’ and (11) - ‘The use and learning in English is supported by class
environment’, with 3.74 and 3.84 respectively. About 2/3 of the respondents agreed that they
have no difficulties in understanding the instructions in the exam while about 70% of the
respondents believed that the class environment supports their learning process. This is
reiterated in the responses when some of them pointed out that the teacher plays a dominant
role in creating a conducive environment in the class for the learning process to take place.
An interesting point to ponder here is on the two least scoring items, (7) - ‘Activities done to
improve English master is sufficient’ and (8) - ‘Various learning facilities in English is
sufficient’ which had 2.95 and 3.27 mean score respectively. Only 32% of the respondents
agreed that the activities done are helpful for the students to improve their mastery in the
English language. Correspondingly, less than half of the respondents asserted that the
facilities provided are enough to assist the learning process. This implies that the activities
and facilities need to be improved to make the teaching and learning process better.
For the next construct, the three highest scoring items came from the items related to
the teachers. The highest scoring item (2) - ‘Teachers teach me when I have problems in
learning Science/Mathematics in English’, with 4.22 demonstrated the fact that students need
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ISSN: 1675-8021
GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies 136
Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
the teachers to assist them in their learning. This is crucial, in this case, as a number of the
respondents did not learn the subjects in the English language when they were in primary
school. As teachers have been equipped with the DLP training, they should use the
knowledge they possess. This is also concurrent to the next two items related to teachers,
item (3) with 3.99 mean score and item (6) with 3.93 mean score, in which teachers vary their
teaching methods in order to attract the students’ attention as well as to ease the students’
understanding. It is essential for the teachers to use different ways of teaching so as not to
hamper the students’ learning process. One student might be learning in a different way from
the others. It is also important for the teachers to teach in proper structure. They ought to
follow the syllabus and try to engage with the students in order to ensure the students could
follow the lesson well.
The three least scoring items in this construct portrayed the level of confidence among
the respondents. Item (12) - ‘I can follow the lesson if the teacher uses English fully in the
class’ had the lowest mean score (2.97). It somehow indicated that students hoped for the
lessons to be taught in English and Bahasa Melayu. In fact, respondents were unsure if they
can learn well if the teachers used full English instruction in the class as reported by 47% of
the respondents. This is challenging for the fact that the teaching process should be conducted
fully in English. If the teacher applies code-switching, it will defeat the purpose of this
programme. Furthermore, item (5) - ‘I am brave to give opinions in English to my friends’
that scored 3.08 indirectly reflects the finding related to the speaking skill in the earlier
construct. This emphasizes that respondents are unsure of their communication skill or
perhaps afraid to voice their views using the target language. Item (7) - ‘Learning
Science/Mathematics in English is easy’ which scored 3.08, enlightens us that the
respondents are not in total agreement with this, which might be caused by the lack of
language or content mastery.
As mentioned earlier, open ended questions were also posed to the respondents. Two
questions ‘What makes you ready/unready to learn Science and Mathematics in English?’ and
‘What is the problem you face in this programme?’ were asked at the end of the questionnaire.
Based on the open ended responses, R3, R9, R22, R145, R43 and R51 for instance, reported
the following:
‘I am ready because I can remember English easier’ (R3)
‘I am ready because I like to talk in English’ (R9)
‘I am ready to learn Science and Mathematics in English language for my future’ (R22)
‘I am ready because I love English’ (R145)
‘I am ready because I can answer in English’ (R43)
‘I am ready to join this programme because it is more fun than Bahasa Melayu and I can
understand the subjects well in English’ (R51)
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These excerpts underlined have illustrated the unreadiness of the students is affected
by difficulty to fathom and answer questions in English, limited proficiency in the English
language, sense of disliking the English language, learning English is related with hardship,
inability to respond and converse using the target language, low self-esteem in using the
language and negative perception of the English language. In addition, this emphasizes the
importance for the students to arm themselves with a solid foundation in the English language,
to ease their learning of Science and Mathematics in English. In examining the problems
faced by the DLP students, R1, R94, R101, R4, R85, R80, R41, R77, R88, R60, R63 and
R114. reported the following;
‘I’m okay with Maths but not Science cause it’s too difficult to answer in English’ (R1)
‘The explanation in Science in difficult’(R94)
‘I cannot understand the teacher’s English’ (R101)
‘I cannot explain in English’ (R4)
‘Difficult to understand because I learn in Malay in primary school’ (R85)
‘I don’t understand the questions in English’ (R80)
‘I cannot communicate well and hard to understand the questions’ (R41)
‘No problem in Maths but Science needs English sentences and Science words’ (R77)
‘I cannot speak in English and shy to speak in English’ (R88)
‘I don’t know many words in Science and Mathematics’ (R60)
‘I cannot understand some Science words when translated into English’ (R63)
‘Difficult to understand few words and never hear the words before’ (R114)
It is evident that language issue, as underlined has been the dominant obstacle
impeding students’ readiness towards this programme. Instances such as difficulty to answer
questions in the target language, inability to understand English questions and words,
incompetence to speak in English, ineptitude to explain in English and limited English
vocabularies are found to be some of the hindrances encountered by the students in their
learning process. Those problems might indirectly dampen their interest in the programme as
they find difficulties pertaining to the language aspect. In addition, this situation might also
lead to the deterioration of their performance in the subjects. With that, students should
possess competency in the English language, that will later assist them in comprehending and
digesting the lesson better.
Table 4 describes the level of readiness between form one and form two students.
TABLE 4. T-test Result on Level of Readiness between Form One and Form Two Students
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TABLE 5. T-test Result on Level of Readiness between Male and Female Students
Then, another independent samples t-test was conducted to compare the level of
readiness between male and female students. It was found that there was no significant
difference in the level of readiness between male students (mean=3.576, s.d=.610) and
female students (mean=3.496, s.d=.442); (t=0.924, p=.357). As shown via Table 5, no
significant difference was found between the male and female students pertaining to their
level of readiness. However, it is interesting to note that the male students were more ready
than the female students in this case. Perhaps, there are more reasons contributing to this
finding which can be discovered in future research.
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ISSN: 1675-8021
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Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
Amerrudin and Sarimah’s study (2012) whereby speaking is the most important English
language skill among the four language skills in the increasingly globalised world today. In
fact, this finding reiterated Ashairi (2014) in which majority of the respondents agreed that
speaking skill is the most difficult language skill. Students should be encouraged to converse
using the English language, especially in giving justification of their answers. They should be
made anxious-free of making mistakes and willing to come forward and offer their views
because Nair (2000) asserted that students should be made to feel that learning to speak
English could be fun. With that, a more interactive learning process will take place.
In addition, this study also posits the idea that the learning process is encouraged by
the class environment, which is the second highest scoring item. About 70% respondents
agreed that class environment places a big impact on the learning process. It can be said that
teachers become the source of contributing factor towards students’ ease of learning. As a
number of the respondents did not previously learn the subjects in English, the assistance and
support from the teachers who were involved in ETeMS is of paramount importance. This
supports Thang’s et al. (2016) study in which they proposed that Malaysian students believe
that teacher-centred approach to learning is more effective. To note, many respondents
affirmed that the teachers’ assistance in the learning process has helped them to be more
confident about the programme. They reported that ‘teacher teaches very good’, ‘teacher
explains well’, ‘teacher uses easy words to understand’ and ‘teacher explains when I have
problems’. Teachers play a pivotal role in this programme. This finding supports studies by
Noriza et al. (2011a) and Johari, Nor Hasniza and Meor Ibrahim (2006) on the role played by
teachers in ETeMS. It should be taken into account that teacher is at the heart of the
educational process and it highlights the importance of the teachers to engage students in the
learning process. This is parallel to Siti Salina, Ramlee and Mustapha (2014) who put
forward that teachers are encouraged to create an enjoyable learning environment by
developing activities suited to students. When the students find the excitement in the learning
process, this will indirectly develop their confidence level much better.
Apart from the teachers being the element of environmental support in the students’
learning, the influence of supporting activities and facilities should not be discarded as
denoted in the theory. Facilities and activities pertaining to English mastery improvement
will enable the students to enrich their language proficiency, indirectly boosting the students’
confidence level. This will contribute to the students’ level of readiness participating in the
programme. Although no resources are provided to the schools, DLP schools and teachers
can collaborate to share facilities that will aid the learning process. Ashairi (2014) proposed
that environment is seen as one of the factors contributing towards students’ lacking of
competency. Therefore, crucial steps need to be undertaken to stop the environmental factor
from adversely affecting students’ readiness and confidence level in the programme.
Concerning the level of confidence among the respondents, only three items recorded
high mean score. All the three items are related to the teachers’ ways of teaching and
assistance, which again supports the Constructionism Learning Theory focusing on the role
of the teachers. This posits the idea that teachers play an important role in instilling the
confidence level among the students, especially in the teaching and learning of Science and
Mathematics in the English language. This is supported by Siti Salina, Ramlee and Othman
(2014), that teachers are encouraged to create an enjoyable learning environment by
developing activities suited to students. Teachers play a dominant role to ensure the students
feel comfortable and confident in learning the subjects as argued by Ahmad Zamri (2016)
wherein teacher is an important factor in determining quality as well as the success of the
STEM integration programme. If teachers are unable to assist the learning process, students’
motivation and confidence level might decline. In this case, teachers’ role is highly demanded
in order for the teaching and learning process to take place well. This is even reinforced by
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Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
Ong (2009), that teachers’ way of teaching is indispensable in increasing students’ learning
outcome and achievement in Science and Mathematics.
The respondents’ level of confidence is considered to be at the moderate level, similar
to their level of readiness. It is also worth mentioning that almost half of the respondents
were unsure if they could follow the lesson conducted fully in the English language. This is
in line with the theory underpinning this study in which if they are unsure of their confidence
level, this might affect their level of readiness and it is demonstrated in the findings. In
addition, this indicates that the respondents are still uncertain of their beliefs in learning the
subjects using the English language. This is an important indicator for the teachers to ensure
that the students are comfortable with learning both subjects in the English language. This
finding was in assonance with Tuah and Mohini (2010) whereby 45% of the respondents in
their study claimed that they would face difficulties if the English language was to be fully
used in their teaching and learning process. Students should be given the platform for them to
boost the confidence in the learning of both subjects using the English language. It should be
noted that Ong and Tan (2008) opined that the purpose of teaching Science and Mathematics
in English is to enable students to acquire proficiency in English while learning Science and
Mathematics. Although Lay and Kamisah (2017) proposed that Malaysian students’
achievement in Science and 21st century skills is not satisfactory, it is with ardent hope that
the perception can be changed by means of the DLP.
This study has demonstrated that the idea that the students are still unsure of their readiness in
embracing the change in the teaching and learning of STEM subjects. Their level of readiness
is found to be moderate and this is greatly caused by their incompetent mastery of language.
In contrast, teachers’ assistance is found to be prevalent in the DLP. Though the respondents
clearly denote the importance of learning in English, their uncertainties are inevitable.
Mastery of language as well the dearth of facilities to support students’ learning are some of
the issues that need to be considered and solved in implementing the DLP. Undeniably,
students’ competency of the language is one of the major issues contributing to their lack of
readiness in the DLP. Indeed, this is a positive move aimed at valorising the standard of
English among the students via the learning of STEM subjects. However, it is crucial to arm
the students with the necessary level of English mastery in order those problems as
mentioned by past studies will not affect the implementation of DLP.
On the other hand, more initiatives and efforts are needed to execute the DLP more
efficiently. This ought to be done hand in hand by all parties, from the top position of policy
makers to the ones at the micro level of the simple management, i.e. practitioners. Ania and
Widya Hanum (2017) asserted that the policy implementation process takes time, requires
research and reflection that will result in new ideas, new ways of doing things and, inevitably,
new problems. It should be noted that even if the students are ready towards this programme,
the success also depends on other aspects of implementation. As noted by Mohamed Yusoff
(2014), equal opportunity to access quality education for all is a crucial policy for Malaysia.
This study provides some insights into the problems pertaining to the implementation of the
programme, particularly on the influence of language mastery aspect. In addition, it also
intends to enlighten the policymakers about the aspects that can be improved to improve the
programme and make it better. As for future research, more respondents in other
geographical locality can be involved in this study to provide more information and insights.
Studies comparing the students’ level of readiness between types of schools can also be done
to cast light on the issue researched.
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To sum up, DLP is a programme made to cater to the needs of certain parties that are
more prone to using the English language in the teaching and learning of Mathematics and
Science. With the aims of strengthening the English language as well as exposing students to
the STEM field, it is also concurrent to Goal 4 of Sustainable Goals Development, which is to
ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities
for all. Undoubtedly, the aim of this programme is very significant in enriching students’
language competency and building their knowledge repertoire in the STEM field. This is
even posited by Faizah, Marzilah and Kamaruzaman (2011) in which ETEMS has a crucial
role to play in developing students who are competent in the English language so they can
keep abreast of the rapid advances in Science and technology. The findings in the present
study revealed that improvements must be taken to ensure the success of this programme. As
stated by Cone (2014), with support from both leaders and the community, having qualified
teachers, and starting the programme early in a student’s educational career, dual language
students are able to learn a second language and have comparable test scores with traditional
students. Thus, the Malaysian education system needs to undergo a comprehensive
transformation if it is to meet the ambitious vision and aspirations of a Malaysian who is
ready and willing to tackle the challenges of the 21st century.
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Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
Hi. This study is meant to discover the students’ views regarding the implementation of
Dual-Language Programme (DLP). Kindly, please fill in all the details required and mark
(X) on every item. Your cooperation is highly valued and appreciated. Thank You.
1 I can master the English basic well
2 I can read in English well
3 I can write in English well
4 I can understand the information in
English well
5 I can communicate in English well
6 I can understand the textbook, notes
or reference books in English well
7 Activities done to improve English
master is sufficient
8 Various learning facilities in English
is sufficient
9 I use reference books, reading
materials and exercise books in
10 I can understand the exam
instructions in English
11 The use and learning in English is
supported by class environment
1 The teachers’ teaching style in
English is easy to understand
2 Teachers teach me when I have
problems in learning
Science/Mathematics in English
3 Teachers teach Science/Mathematics
in English systematically
4 I can answer the questions from my
friends in English
5 I am brave to give opinions in
English to my friends
6 Teachers like to use many ways in
teaching Science/Mathematics in
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021
GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies 145
Volume 17(4), November 2017 http://doi.org/10.17576/gema-2017-1704-09
7 Learning Science/Mathematics in
English is easy
8 My English skills is enough for me
to understand Science/Mathematics
in English
9 The questions given by the teachers
are easy
10 I answer questions in English orally
11 I present the work in class using the
English language
12 I can follow the lesson if the teacher
uses English fully in the class
Please answer these two questions and write your responses in the space provided.
1. What makes you ready/unready to learn Science and Mathematics in English?
2. What is the problem you face in this programme?
Dr. Mohamed Yusoff Mohd Nor is a senior lecturer in the Department of Education
Leadership and Policy at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He is
best known in the area of educational planning and research, educational leadership as well as
management and change management.
Dr. Melor Md Yunus is an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation
at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She is best known for
establishing the integration of ICT in teaching and learning English as a Second Language
eISSN: 2550-2131
ISSN: 1675-8021