Writing Numbers in English - Fractions and Decimals: Exponentiation 5 5

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The expression "53" is pronounced as "five, raised to the third power" or "five to the third"
There are two specially-named powers: "to the second power" is generally pronounced as "squared",
and "to the third power" is generally pronounced as "cubed". So "53" is commonly pronounced as "five

 Simplify (x3)(x4) Copyright © Elizabeth Stapel 2000-2011 All Rights Reserved

To simplify this, I can think in terms of what those exponents mean. "To the third" means
"multiplying three copies" and "to the fourth" means "multiplying four copies". Using this fact, I
can "expand" the two factors, and then work backwards to the simplified form

Anything to the power zero is just "1".

This rule is explained on the next page. In practice, though, this rule means that some exercises may
be a lot easier than they may at first appear:

 Simplify [(3x4y7z12)5 (–5x9y3z4)2]0

Who cares about that stuff inside the square brackets? I don't, because the zero power on the
outside means that the value of the entire thing is just 1.


Writing numbers in English – Fractions and

In English we say simple fractions like this:

 1/5 – one fifth

 2/7 – two sevenths
 2/5 – two fifths
 3/4 hour – three quarters of an hour
 6/10 mile – six tenths of a mile

More complex fractions are usually expressed by using the word over.

 317/509 – three hundred and seventeen over five hundred and nine

We write and say decimals like this:

 0.276 – nought point two seven six (US Zero point two seven six) (NOT 0,276 –
nought comma two seven six) (NOT 0.276 – nought point two hundred and seventy

Fractions and decimals below 1 are usually expressed with of a + singular noun

 three quarters of a ton (NOT three quarters of tons)

 0.2765 m – nought point two seven six five of a meter

Note that decimals below 1 can also be followed by a plural noun.

 0.2765 m – nought point two seven six five meters

Fractions and decimals over 1 are usually followed directly by a plural noun.

 two and a half hours (NOT two and a half hour)

 1.7 meters (NOT 1.7 meter)




4. 1/2 A HALF
Several answers are accepted here: "ONE HALF" AND "A HALF"

1/2 = one half

3/4 = three quarters
1/8 = one eighth
4/2 = four over two or just two (since 4/2 = 2)
5/6 = five sixths
10/10 = ten out of ten
a/b = a over b
But frankly for any fraction you can just say x over x and people will get it. In fact I usually just say five
over six. it's easier

one half
three fourths
one eighth
four halfs
five sixths
ten tenths
a over b or a divided by b


Numbers in English
English Vocabulary

There are two main types of numbers:

Cardinal Numbers - 1 (one), 2 (two) etc. (Used mainly for counting)

Ordinal Numbers - 1st (first), 2nd (second) etc. (Used mainly for putting things in a

Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers are normally used when you:

 count things: I have two brothers. There are thirty-one days in January.
 give your age: I am thirty-three years old. My sister is twenty-seven years old.
 give your telephone number: Our phone number is two-six-three, three-eight-four-seven.
 give years: She was born in nineteen seventy-five (1975). America was discovered in fourteen

Notice how we divide the year into two parts. This is the form for year up to 1999. For the
year 2000 and on, we say two thousand (2000), two thousand and one (2001), two thousand
and two (2002) etc.
Ordinal Numbers

You can normally create Ordinal numbers by adding -TH to the end of a Cardinal Number.

Ordinal numbers are normally used when you:

 give a date: My birthday is on the 27th of January. (Twenty-seventh of January)

 put things in a sequence or order: Liverpool came second in the football league last year.
 give the floor of a building: His office is on the tenth floor.
 have birthdays: He had a huge party for his twenty-first birthday.

Cardinal Numbers

 1 - one
 2 - two
 3 - three
 4 - four
 5 - five
 6 - six
 7 - seven
 8 - eight
 9 - nine
 10 - ten
 11 - eleven
 12 - twelve
 13 - thirteen
 14 - fourteen
 15 - fifteen
 16 - sixteen
 17 - seventeen
 18 - eighteen
 19 - nineteen
 20 - twenty
 21 - twenty-one
 22 - twenty-two
 23 - twenty-three
 30 - thirty
 40 - forty
 50 - fifty
 60 - sixty
 70 - seventy
 80 - eighty
 90 - ninety
 100 - one hundred*
 101 - one hundred and one
 200 - two hundred
 300 - three hundred
 1000 - one thousand
 1,000,000 - one million
 10,000,000 - ten million

* Instead of saying One Hundred, you can say A hundred.

e.g. (127) one hundred and twenty-seven OR (127) a hundred and twenty-seven.

The same rule applies for one thousand (a thousand) and one million (a million)

Notice that you need to use a hyphen (-) when you write the numbers between 21 and 99.

With long numbers, we usually divide them into groups of three which are divided by a
comma. e.g. 5000000 (5 million) is normally written as 5,000,000

Ordinal Numbers

 1st - first
 2nd - second
 3rd - third
 4th - four
 5th - fifth
 6th - sixth
 7th - seventh
 8th - eighth
 9th - ninth
 10th - tenth
 11th - eleventh
 12th - twelfth
 13th - thirteenth
 14th - fourteenth
 15th - fifteenth
 16th - sixteenth
 17th - seventeenth
 18th - eighteenth
 19th - nineteenth
 20th - twentieth
 21th - twenty-first
 22th - twenty-second
 23rd - twenty-third
 30th - thirtieth
 40th - fortieth
 50th - fifieth
 60th - sixtieth
 70th - seventieth
 80th - eightieth
 90th - ninetieth
 100th - hundreth
 101th - hundred and first
 200th - two hundredth
 300th - three hundredth
 1,000th - thousandth
 1,000,000th - ten millionth

The Number 0

We normally say 'zero' for the number '0'.

BUT when we give our telephone number, we often say O like the name of the letter O.

e.g. 505-1023 = five-O-five, one-O-two-three

Fractions and Decimals

We use ordinal numbers (at the end position) to talk about fractions.

 1/2 - a half
 1/3 - a third
 2/3 - two thirds
 1/4 - a quarter (a fourth)
 3/4 - three quarters (three fourths)
 1/5 - a fifth
 2/5 - two fifths
 1/6 - a sixth
 5/6 - five sixths
 1/7 - a seventh
 1/8 - an eighth
 1/10 - a tenth
 7/10 - seven tenths
 1/20 - a twentieth
 47/100 - forty-seven hundredths
 1/100 - a hundredth
 1/1,000 - a thousandth

Notice that for 1/4, you can say a quarter OR a fourth.

IF we have a whole number with a fraction, we use the word AND between the two parts.
e.g. 2 3/5 = two and a three-fifths
For parts of whole numbers, we use a decimal point (and NOT a comma).
e.g. 2 1/2 (two and a half) = 2.5 (two point five)

If there is more than one number after the decimal point, we say each number individually.
e.g. 3,456.789 = three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six point seven eight nine.

The exception to this rule is when we are talking about dollars and cents (or pound and pence)
e.g. $21.95 = twenty-one dollars, ninety-five (cents). Saying the word cents at the end is


ESL Lesson Plans: Decimals, Fractions, and

Ordinal Numbers in English
Ordinal numbers are used for indicating order. The following ESL lesson plan explains how to
teach English language learners how to form the ordinal numbers in English as well as
combining cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers to form decimals and fractions. Also
included is a printable download.

Ordinal Numbers

Begin by second part of the number lesson plan by teaching ESL students how to form ordinal
numbers. Ordinal numbers are numbers used for indicating order. The majority of ordinal
numbers are formed by affixing the -th suffix onto the cardinal number:

 1st – first*
 2nd – second*
 3rd – third*
 4th – fourth
 5th – fifth*
 6th – sixth
 7th – seventh
 8th – eighth
 9th – ninth*
 10th – tenth
 11th – eleventh
 12th – twelfth*
 13th – thirteenth
 14th – fourteenth
 15th – fifteenth
 16th – sixteenth
 17th – seventeenth
 18th – eighteenth
 19th – nineteenth

However, note that first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), and fifth (5th) are irregular: first (1st)
and second (2nd) must simply be memorized, but third (3rd) and fifth (5th) are related to the
spelling and pronunciation changes of the cardinal numbers thirteen (13) and thirty (30) and
fifteen (15) and fifty (50). Also point out the slight spelling change in ninth (9th) and twelfth

For multiples of ten, a final y changes to an ie and then the -eth suffix is affixed to the end of
the number:

 20th – twentieth
 30th – thirtieth
 40th – fortieth
 50th – fiftieth
 60th – sixtieth
 70th – seventieth
 80th – eightieth
 90th – ninetieth

All other numbers above twenty follow the -th suffix rule in combination with the rules for the
first nineteen numbers and the multiples of ten. For example:

 21st – twenty-first
 100th – one hundredth
 101st – one hundred and first OR one hundred and oneth*
 110th – one hundred and tenth
 1,000th – one thousandth
 1,111th – one thousand one hundred and eleventh
 1,000,000 – one millionth

*The use of oneth in higher ordinal numbers is nonstandard but often used by native English


Next introduce the words for the decimals:

 0.X – tenth(s)
 0.0X – hundredth(s)
 0.00X – thousandth(s)
 0.000X – ten thousandth(s)
 0.0000X – hundred thousandth(s)
 0.00000X - millionth(s)

All decimals follow the singular-plural system for English nouns in that the number is spoken
as the digit followed by the name of the decimal with any decimal larger than one taking the
plural –s marker. A period is placed between the whole number and the decimal. For example:

 0.1 – one tenth

 0.2 – two tenths
 0.01 – one hundredth, one one hundredth
 0.33 – thirty-three hundredths
 0.001 – one thousandths, one one thousandth
 0.654321 – six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one millionths

Decimals may also be spoken as whole number-point-digits. Zeros are spoken as zero or oh.
For example:

 0.1 – point one, zero point one, oh point one

 1.25 – one point two five
 6.425 – six point four two five
 2.1368 two point one three six eight
 1.057 – one point oh five seven
 4.0098 – four point zero zero nine eight


Finally teach the ESL students how to form fractions in English. The numerator (the top
number) is spoken as a cardinal number and the denominator (the bottom number) as an
ordinal number. However, half is used in place of second and sometimes quarter in place of
fourth. For fractions in which the numerator is larger than one, the denominator takes the
plural -s suffix. English fractions are also written with a hyphen between the numerator and
denominator. For example:

 1/2 – one-half
 1/3 – one-third
 2/3 – two-thirds
 1/4 – one-fourth, one-quarter
 4/5 – four-fifths
 99/100 – ninety-nine one hundredths, ninety-nine hundredths

Fractions may also be spoken as cardinal number-over-cardinal number. For example:

 1/2 – one over two

 1/3 – one over three
 2/3 – two over three
 1/4 – one over four
 4/5 – four over five
 99/100 – ninety-nine over one hundred

Read more: http://www.brighthub.com/education/languages/articles/59563.aspx#ixzz1LwPEFuK5


Converting Fractions to Decimals and

Decimals to Fractions
Although it can seem like converting a decimal to a fraction is difficult, it’s actually pretty
logical. Just remember these two facts and you’ll do fine: A fraction is really one number
divided by another, and a decimal can be read aloud. How will these facts help you? Read on
to see.

Converting Fractions to Decimals

Converting fractions to decimals is much easier than doing the opposite. After all, a fraction is
just one number divided by another, right? If you actually divide the numerator by the
denominator, the result will be a decimal. You can do the division by hand or with a calculator
– either will get you the correct answer.

For example, look at the fraction ¾. How can you convert it to a decimal? Divide 3 by 4. If
you do it on a calculator, you’ll get the answer right away: .75. If you do it by hand, it won’t
take you much longer. Try it.

Note: There are some fractions that turn into repeating decimals when you divide their
numerators by their denominators. For example, try converting 2/3 into a decimal. Whether
you do it by hand or with a calculator, the result will be .6666666…. It will never stop! We
write these results as decimals with a line over the repeating number. For example, you would
write the above repeating decimals as .6 with a line over the six.

Converting Decimals to Fractions

It’s easy to convert a decimal to a fraction, assuming that you know how to read a decimal
correctly. For example, you would read the decimal .2 as “two tenths” – which is actually a
fraction! So .2 = 2/10. You would read the decimal .25 as “twenty-five hundredths,” so .25 =
What if you’re not sure how to read a decimal correctly? What if you’d read the two decimals
above as “point two” or “point two five”? If so, just follow this rule. Count how many digits
are after the decimal point. When you write your fraction, put a one and that many zeros in the
denominator. For example, look again at .25. There are two digits after the decimal point – 2
and 5. Therefore, you would know that the decimal has two zeros, so it would be 100.

One last point – don’t leave the fraction as 25/100 or 2/10. Reduce it! For example, .25 =
25/100 = ¼.

Note: What if there are digits before the decimal point? Make sure to keep them out of the
fraction. The digits before the decimal point represent a whole number, so they should stay in
front of the fraction as part of a mixed fraction. For example, 34.2 would convert to 34 2/10 or
34 1/5.


Converting Decimals to Percents and

Percents to Decimals
Have a test on decimals and percents coming up? No sweat. This tutorial will give you the
tools you'll need to convert between decimals and percents easily so that you can ace that test.

Changing a Decimal to a Percent

To convert a decimal to a percent, just move the decimal point two places to the right and put
a percent sign afterwards. For example, to convert .02 to a percent, you would move the
decimal point over two spaces to get 2%.

Note: If there are not enough digits to move the decimal two spaces, just add a 0 at the end and
move the decimal past it. For example, to convert .3 to a percent, move the decimal two spaces
over and add a 0 as a placeholder, which will leave you with 30%.

Also remember that every whole number has a “hidden” decimal at the end. For example, to
convert 3 to a percent, you would move the “hidden” decimal to the left of the 3 two spaces to
the right, which would leave you with 300%.

Converting a Percent to a Decimal

To convert a percent to a decimal, just do the opposite. Move the decimal point two places to
the left and remove the percent sign. For example, to convert 31.2% to a decimal, you would
move the decimal point two spaces to the left and remove the percent, which leaves you with
Note: As before, remember that whole numbers have a “hidden” decimal at their ends. For
example, to convert 31%, you would move the “hidden” decimal to the right of the 1 two
spaces to the left, which would leave you with .31.

In addition, remember that there are also “hidden” 0s before every whole number. For
example, 4% could be written as 00004% as well. Therefore, to convert 4% to a decimal, you
would move the hidden decimal to the right of the 4 two places to the left, inserting a 0 to the
left of the 4. Therefore, 4% as a decimal would be written as .04.

Converting Percents to Fractions and

Fractions to Percents
Read more: http://www.brighthub.com/education/homework-

Have a huge test on conversions between percents and fractions? Not sure where to start? Start
right here with these easy conversion methods.

Converting a Percent to a Fraction

Converting percents to fractions is easy – just put the number over 100 and simplify. For
example, 5% = 5/100 = 1/25, and 150% = 150/100 = 1 ½.

Why does this work? If you think about it, the definition of a percent is really just “out of a
hundred.” If you have 50% of something, what you’re really saying is that you have fifty out
of a hundred, or 50/100.

Converting a Fraction to a Percent – Method 1

Converting a fraction to a percent is more difficult, and there are two methods you can use to
do it. In the first method, you would change the fraction so that it has 100 in its denominator.
This method only works easily if the denominator is a factor of 100.

For example, let’s say that you were trying to convert 21/25 to a percent. You know that 25 X
4 = 100. In order to multiply the denominator by 4, you also have to multiply the numerator by
4. So 21/25 X 4/4 = 84/100. Because the definition of percent is “out of a hundred,” 84/100 is
the same thing as 84%. So 21/25 = 84%.
You can do this with less complex fractions as well. For example, let’s say you wanted to
convert 2/5 to a percent. You know that 5 X 20 = 100, so you can multiply the numerator and
denominator by 20, which gives you 2/5 X 20/20 = 40/100 = 40%.

Converting a Fraction to a Percent – Method 2

The first method seems simple enough, but remember that it only works if the denominator is
a factor of a hundred. What do you do if the denominator is not a factor of 100? You use the
second method of converting a fraction to a percent. The second method has two steps:

Convert the fraction to a decimal.

Convert the decimal to a percent.

For example, to convert the fraction ¼ to a decimal, you would first convert it to a fraction (1 /
4 = .25). Then you would convert the decimal to a percent (.25 = 25%).

See these articles for more details about converting fractions to decimals and converting
decimals to percents. With these methods under your belt, you'll be converting fractions to
percents and percents to fractions in no time!

Read more: http://www.brighthub.com/education/homework-


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