Pancha Pak Shish Astra

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Panch Pakshi astrology is a Tamil astrological method that uses 5 birds - crow, peacock, cock, vulture and owl - to predict personality, health, luck and auspicious times based on one's birth star.

Panch Pakshi astrology divides time according to the 5 birds and their activities of eating, walking, ruling, sleeping and dying. It can be used to find the auspicious panch pakshi based on one's birth star and moon phase at birth.

The 5 birds represented in Panch Pakshi astrology are crow, peacock, cock, vulture and owl.

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Panch Pakshi
Dr. Vandana N.Purav
P.D.Karkhanis College of Arts and Commerce, Ambarnath

Email :


Panch pakshi is an exotic South Indian ( Tamil ) method of predicting the Vedic Astrology.
The Pnach bhutas -five elements air, water, fire, ether and earth are present in all heavenly bodies and
also in all living beings. The five elements are represented by five birds The five birds Crow,
Peacock, Vulture, Cock and Owl are the representatives of different birth star signs. Using this
method one can find the good or bad time according to his representative of sign bird .In this paper we
try to investigate the birth star of different signs using PanchPakshi .The Pnach bhutas -five elements
air, water, fire, ether and earth are present in all heavenly bodies and also in all living beings. The five
elements are represented by five birds.

Key words: Panch Pakshi ,birds ,birth star signs

This divides time into five birds that is called "Panch Pakshi" - Panch this means five as well as
Pakshi meaning 'birds'. The specific five birds assist you to find the right instant to start an important
operation. The different names of pakshis or birds in Pancha Pakshi are owl, peacock,
vulture, rooster as well as crow. Every bird is allotted 2 hours 24 minutes of time once every day and
every night. These birds are said to be responsible for five duties namely: consuming or eating ,
sleeping, going for walks, ruling and also dieing.

Eating -This activity is nothing but renewal of body cells and thereby renewal of functions is thus

Walking - To eat birds has to do earning. for earnings birds has to do the movements. The
movements are the walking activity.

Ruling - The process of earning itself is the activity of ruling.

Sleeping - After eating , walking and ruling the system gets exhausted, resulting the need of sleeping.
Relax process is the sleeping activity.,

Dieing- By repeated process of these activities the body in which soul resides, completely
degenerates and reaches an extreme point when functioning of these activities is no more. The soul
departs from the old body to take rest and enter into another new suitable body by way of

The panchpakshi is determined from your birth location, birth star and ascendant. Using Panchpakshi
personality, Health, Lucky colour, Lucky Direction and your auspicious deity can be find out.

One of the five birds is assigned to every human being as the controlling power based on the Birthstar
of the person and the Paksha of the Moon at the time of birth.

Volume 8, Issue VI, JUNE/2018 Page No:681

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

It helps in selection of auspicious time and also for answering queries .This is popular in Tamil

It is also helpful for those who want to quicken the result of Mantrasadhna and preparing and
administrating Ayurvedic Drugs to get amazing results .of the Moon at the time of Birth.

There are two Pakshas- ShuklaPaksha and KrishnaPaksha and 27 Nakshtras divided in 12 Moon

These Birds are powerful when they rule and least powerful when they die .To find your Birth
PanchPakshi , you should know your BirthStar according to Vedic Astrology and Paksha

The Following Table gives Birth Stars and PanchPakshi according to Paksh at the time of Birth.

Sr. No. Nakshtra ShuklaPaksha KrishnaPaksha

1 Ashwini Vulture Peacock
2 Bharni Vulture Peacock
3 Kritika Vulture Peacock
4 Rohini Vulture Peacock
5 Mrigasihirsha Vulture Peacock
6 Adra Owl Cock
7 Punarvasu Owl Cock
8 Pushya Owl Cock
9 Ashlesha Owl Cock
10 Magha Owl Cock
11 Purvaphalguni Owl Cock
12 UttaraPhalguni Crow Crow
13 Hasta Crow Crow
14 Chitra Crow Crow
15 Swati Crow Crow
16 Vishakha Crow Crow
17 Anuradha Cock Owl
18 Jeshtha Cock Owl
19 Moola Cock Owl
20 Poorvashadha Cock Owl
21 Uttarashadha Cock Owl
22 Shravan Peacock Vulture
23 Dhanishtha Peacock Vulture
24 Shatatarka Peacock Vulture
25 Poorvabhdra Peacock Vulture
26 Uttarabhadra Peacock Vulture
27 Revati Peacock Vulture

During ShuklaPaksha Birth Awastha

Pakshi Death- Negative Awastha Day- Positive Awastha Night - Negative Awastha
Vulture Thursday Sunday Friday
Saturday Tuesday
Owl Sunday Monday Saturday
Friday Wednesday
Crow Monday Thursday Tuesday

Volume 8, Issue VI, JUNE/2018 Page No:682

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Cock Tuesday Friday Wednesday
Peacock Wednesday Saturday Thursday

During KrishnaPaksha Birth Awastha

Pakshi Death- Negative Awastha Day- Positive Awastha Night - Negative Awastha
Vulture Tuesday Friday Tuesday
Owl Monday Thursday Wednesday
Crow Sunday Wednesday Thursday
Cock Thursday Sunday Monday
Saturday Tuesday Saturday
Peacock Wednesday Monday Friday
Friday Saturday

Characterisation of a person related to Panch Pakshi Shastra: The Five Birds Cock, Crow, Vulture,
Owl and Peacock are the representatives of Panch Pakshi Shastra.

Cock -If the panch pakshi of a person is cock the personality of a person is serious in nature
,knowledge and intelligence reflects in all areas. Short tempered person which is not good for health,
you have to think for others and not to show off.

Head and Neck are the two parts of the body that you have to take care. North is the Lucjy direction
for you., Lucky color is Green and Idol is lord Ganesha

Crow - If the Panch Pakshi of a person is crow then the person will have a strong desire of material
pleasure in life and give birth to other desires after fulfilling one., hence it is advisible to limit your
desires otherwise you will not be happy person. Person maintain calm and composure in life and goes
ahead in life.

Health problems are related to food and eating habits also you have to take care of nose and private
parts of the body. Lucky direction is North -West and Lucky color is Red and Idol is Sun.

Vulture - If the Panch pakshi of a person is vulture then the behavior of a person is childish,
stubborn like a child , naughty but having good sense of humor. Person is not serious towards life,
likes to travel hill stations and like sweets. Mental and storage capacity of a person is high. Good
creative skills inclined towards music.

Health - Nerves and bones related problems also skin problems .Lucky direction is East , Lucky color
is white and Lord Shiva is your God.

Owl -If the persons Panch pakshi is owl, his personality is confident and energetic, ambitious, hard
working dedicated and short tempered that is to be controlled. Person gives helping hand to others
but dreaming in a day. The quality of behavior is intelligent and knowledgeable and happiness in life.

Health problems are related to lower abdomen, mouth, inflection in blood. Lucky direction is South
and Lucky color is Golden and God is Lord Vishnu.

Volume 8, Issue VI, JUNE/2018 Page No:683

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Peacock - If the Panch Pakshi of a person is Peacock, you stick to your own decisions maintain
balance in behavior and controls your anger but your confidence is low and gets emotional about past.
You are calm in nature and don’t get angry.

Health related problems are of heart thus don’t take mental stress also you have to take care of hand ,
shoulders and private parts of the body. Lucky direction is midpoint of each direction and Lucky color
is black and all idols of God you worship.

Thus this is in brief prediction of a person according to his Birth star- Panch Pakshi. Thus these
Panch Pakshi plays a vital role in predicting the behavior of a person as well as health.

Conclusion -The Panchpakshi astrology is a Tamil Astrology used to find the auspicious time
according to birth star of a person by taking into consideration five birds crow, peacock, cock, vulture,
owl and their activities. This shastra is used to predict the personality, health, lucky direction, lucky
color, auspicious deity of a person.


[2)] Biorhythms of Natal's of Moon by Prof. Dr. U.S. Pullipani

[3] http://


Volume 8, Issue VI, JUNE/2018 Page No:684

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