Unit 7 #Marked

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11/6/2018 Online Submit Tool - MyILC

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Assessment of Learning: Teacher-

Lesson 20: Intersections of lines and planes in 3-space

Properties of vectors
You are near the end of this course. This is your final Assessment of Learning, which is used to
evaluate your work based on established criteria and to assign a mark. Your teacher will provide you
with feedback and a mark. This Assessment of Learning is worth 24% of your final mark for the

There are four Tasks in this Assessment of Learning.

Task 1: Knowledge and Understanding questions

1. Determine the angle between each of the following pairs of vectors. (10 marks: 5 marks each)

a. u⃗ = (2, −4) and v ⃗ = (1, −3)

b. p ⃗ = (−1, 4, 5) and q ⃗ = (3, −1, 3)
2. Find the slope of the vector that is perpendicular to the scalar equation 6x − 3y + 2 = 0. (2 marks)
3. Write an alternate vector equation for the following line. Change both the point and the direction
vector: w⃗  = (4, −1, 3) + t(−2, 1, 7) (3 marks)
4. Determine whether the angle between each of the following pairs of vectors is acute, obtuse, or
neither. (4 marks: 2 marks each)

a. a = (10, −4, 1) b = (3, −2, 2)

→ →
b. p = (0, 4, −3) q = (7, −2, 1)
5. Given the vector equation of a line in 2-space, (x, y) = (3, 2) + t(2, 4) , write a scalar equation
for the line. (4 marks)
6. Write a vector equation for the line that passes through the point P (–1, 0, 3) and is parallel to the y -
axis. (2 marks)

Task 2: Thinking questions

→ → → → →
7. Given ,
u = (4, −1, 1) v = (1, 3, −1) , and w = (2, −5, −13) , demonstrate that u,v , and

are all perpendicular to each other. (4 marks)

8. Write vector and parametric equations for the line that goes through the points P (–3, 5, 2) and Q(2,
7, 1). (5 marks)
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9. Find Online Submit
the scalar, vector, and parametric equations of aTool - MyILC
plane that has a normal vector
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n = (3, −4, 6) and passes through the point P (9, 2, –5). (10 marks)
→ →
10. Given two vectors u = (16, 5, 2) and v = (3, −2, −2) , find the following: (6 marks: 3
marks each)
→ →
a. The coordinates of the projection of u on v .
→ →
b. The magnitude of the projection of u on v .

Task 3: Communication questions

11. In your own words, describe the types of intersections that can be formed by two lines in 3-space.
Define each type of intersection and provide a diagram for each. (8 marks: 2 marks each)
→ → →
12. Given u = (−3, 7, 2), v = (6, 2, 1), and w = (−2, 3, 8) , verify the following arithmetic
properties of vectors. (12 marks: 4 marks each)

→ → → → → → →
a. u × ( v + w) = u × v + u × w

→ → → → → → →
b. u ⋅ ( v + w) = u ⋅ v + u ⋅ w

2 2
→ → → → ∣→∣ ∣→∣ → →
c. ( u + v ) ⋅ ( u + v ) = ∣ u ∣ + ∣ v ∣ + 2( u ⋅ v )
∣ ∣ ∣ ∣

13. Describe how the dot product can be used to determine whether two vectors are perpendicular.
Create a question with vectors in 3-space to illustrate this property. Be sure to solve the question as
well. (5 marks)

Task 4: Application questions

→ →
14. Given l
= (6, −1, 0) + t(3, 1, −4) and l
= (4, 0, 5) + s(−1, 1, 5) , find the intersection of
→ →
land l . (7 marks)
1 2

15. Find the vector equation of the line of intersection of the following two planes:

4x + 3y − 2z + 7 = 0 and x − 2y + 5z − 1 = 0 (7 marks)

16. Determine whether the following system of equations has a single point of intersection. If so, find
the point of intersection. (7 marks)

4x + y − 9z = 0

x + 2y + 3z = 0

2x − 3y − 5 = 0

17. Find the shortest distance from P (–4, 2, 6) to the plane 2x − 3y + z − 8 = 0 . (4 marks)

Feedback and marking

You will receive three kinds of feedback:
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teacher will highlight the phrases on the Submitthat
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MyILCdescribe your assignment to show you

how you have done. () My ILC

Your teacher will also provide you with detailed comments about the strengths of your assignment,
the areas of the assignment that need improvement, and the steps you should take to improve your
work in the future.
The final piece of feedback that you will receive is your mark. Each of the four categories of
knowledge and skills is weighted equally at 25 marks, making a total of 100 marks. The final mark
on this Assessment of Learning is determined by your teacher based on their professional
judgement of the requirements for the assignment.

Pay careful attention to the following rubric. This rubric will be used by your teacher to assess your
work. You should refer to it too, so you’ll know exactly what your finished assignment should include.

Submission - Not Submitted

Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge and Calculates the Calculates the Calculates the Calculates the
Understanding size of an angle size of an angle size of an angle size of an angle
Calculate the between two between two between two between two
size of an angle vectors with vectors with vectors with vectors with a
between two limited some accuracy. considerable high degree of
vectors accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
Calculates the
Calculate the Calculates the slope of a Calculates the Calculates the
slope of a slope of a perpendicular slope of a slope of a
perpendicular perpendicular vector with perpendicular perpendicular
vector vector with some accuracy. vector with vector with a
limited considerable high degree of
Determine an Determines an
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
alternate vector alternate vector
equation for a Determines an equation for a Determines an Determines an
line alternate vector line with some alternate vector alternate vector
equation for a accuracy. equation for a equation for a
line with limited line with line with a high
whether the Determines
accuracy. considerable degree of
angle between whether the
accuracy. accuracy.
a pair of vectors angle between
a pair of
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is acute, Determines Online is
vectors Submit Tool - MyILCDetermines Determines
obtuse, or whether the () My
acute, ILC
obtuse, whether the whether the
neither angle between or neither with angle between angle between
a pair of vectors some accuracy. a pair of a pair of
Find the scalar
is acute, vectors is vectors is
equation of a Finds the scalar
obtuse, or acute, obtuse, acute, obtuse,
line given its equation of a
neither with or neither with or neither with
vector equation line given its
limited considerable a high degree
vector equation
Create a vector accuracy. accuracy. of accuracy.
with some
equation for a
Finds the scalar accuracy. Finds the scalar Finds the scalar
line given
equation of a equation of a equation of a
information Creates a
line given its line given its line given its
about the line vector equation
vector equation vector equation vector equation
for a line given
with limited with with a high
accuracy. considerable degree of
about the line
accuracy. accuracy.
Creates a with some
vector equation accuracy. Creates a Creates a
for a line given vector equation vector equation
information for a line given for a line given
about the line information information
with limited about the line about the line
accuracy. with with a high
considerable degree of
accuracy. accuracy.

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Thinking Verifies Verifies Verifies Verifies
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Verify perpendicular perpendicular perpendicular perpendicular
perpendicular vectors using vectors using vectors using vectors using
vectors using dot products dot products dot products dot products
dot products with limited with some with with a high
accuracy. accuracy. considerable degree of
Create vector
accuracy. accuracy.
and parametric Creates vector Creates vector
equations for a and parametric and parametric Creates vector Creates vector
line given two equations for a equations for a and parametric and parametric
points in 3- line given two line given two equations for a equations for a
space points in 3- points in 3- line given two line given two
space with space with points in 3- points in 3-
Determine the
limited some accuracy. space with space with a
scalar, vector,
accuracy. considerable high degree of
and parametric Determines the
accuracy. accuracy.
equations of a Determines the scalar, vector,
plane given the scalar, vector, and parametric Determines the Determines the
normal and a and parametric equations of a scalar, vector, scalar, vector,
point on the equations of a plane given the and parametric and parametric
plane plane given the normal and a equations of a equations of a
normal and a point on the plane given the plane given the
Calculate the
point on the plane with normal and a normal and a
plane with some accuracy. point on the point on the
coordinates of a
limited plane with plane with a
projection Calculates the
accuracy. considerable high degree of
vector Cartesian
accuracy. accuracy.
Calculates the coordinates of
Calculate the
Cartesian a projection Calculates the Calculates the
magnitude of a
coordinates of a vector with Cartesian Cartesian
projection some accuracy. coordinates of coordinates of
vector with a projection a projection
Calculates the
limited vector with vector with a
magnitude of a
accuracy. considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy.
Calculates the vector with
magnitude of a some accuracy. Calculates the Calculates the
projection magnitude of a magnitude of a
vector with projection projection
limited vector with vector with a
accuracy. considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy.

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Communication Describes Describes Describes Describes
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Describe various ways various ways various ways various ways
various ways two lines can two lines can two lines can two lines can
two lines can intersect in 3- intersect in 3- intersect in 3- intersect in 3-
intersect in 3- space with space with space with space with a
space limited some accuracy. considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
Verify various Verifies various
arithmetic Verifies various arithmetic Verifies various Verifies various
properties of arithmetic properties of arithmetic arithmetic
vectors properties of vectors with properties of properties of
vectors with some accuracy. vectors with vectors with a
Create a
limited considerable high degree of
question to Creates a
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
illustrate the question to
relationship Creates a illustrate the Creates a Creates a
between question to relationship question to question to
perpendicular illustrate the between illustrate the illustrate the
vectors and dot relationship perpendicular relationship relationship
products between vectors and dot between between
perpendicular products with perpendicular perpendicular
Solve a
vectors and dot some accuracy. vectors and dot vectors and dot
question related
products with products with products with a
to Solves a
limited considerable high degree of
perpendicular question
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
vectors and dot related to
products Solves a perpendicular Solves a Solves a
question related vectors and dot question question
to products with related to related to
perpendicular some accuracy. perpendicular perpendicular
vectors and dot vectors and dot vectors and dot
products with products with products with a
limited considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.

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Application Finds the Finds the Finds the Finds the
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Find the intersection of intersection of intersection of intersection of
intersection of two lines in 3- two lines in 3- two lines in 3- two lines in 3-
two lines in 3- space with space with space with space with a
space limited some accuracy. considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
Determine the Determines the
vector equation Determines the vector equation Determines the Determines the
of a line of vector equation of a line of vector equation vector equation
intersection of a line of intersection of a line of of a line of
between two intersection between two intersection intersection
planes between two planes with between two between two
planes with some accuracy. planes with planes with a
Find the point
limited considerable high degree of
of intersection Finds the point
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
of three planes of intersection
Finds the point of three planes Finds the point Finds the point
Calculate the
of intersection with some of intersection of intersection
of three planes accuracy. of three planes of three planes
between a point
with limited with with a high
and a plane Calculates the
accuracy. considerable degree of
accuracy. accuracy.
Calculates the between a point
distance and a plane Calculates the Calculates the
between a point with some distance distance
and a plane accuracy. between a point between a point
with limited and a plane and a plane
accuracy. with with a high
considerable degree of
accuracy. accuracy.

This submission will be available to you once you have completed the previous unit.

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