Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
How to cite
Paugam S. (2016), Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe,
[Italian Sociological Review, 6 (1), 27-55]
Retrieved from
[DOI: 10.13136/isr.v6i1.122]
1. Author information
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Socials, Equipe de Recherche sur les
Inégalités Sociales, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Paris
Corresponding author:
Serge Paugam
Experiencing unemployment, especially when it lasts longer than the legal period
for receiving allowances, threatens the organic participation bond in post-industrial society
as it raises questions, at least partially, about both the material and symbolic recognition
of work and the social protection that stems from employment. The question is whether
or not unemployment, goes together with a breakdown of the other types of bonds.
the lineal bond (between parents and children), the elective participation bond (between
people chosen based on affinities) and the citizenship bond (between individuals united
by a core basis of rights and duties within a political community). If it does, we have
to support the spiral hypothesis, if we look to the second, we are inclined to defend
the compensation hypothesis (the break in the organic participation bond is
compensated by the maintenance, even the strengthening, of the other types of bond).
This article is based on in-depth interviews conducted with unemployed people from
seven European Union countries (France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece,
Romania and Ireland). It contributes to demonstrate that unemployment in a period
of crisis increases the risk of a process of impoverishment and spiralling breaks in
social bonds, but it is also in particular in the Southern countries at the origin of a
process of coping, based on forms of compensation. The lineal bond is in these
countries a basic resource to compensate the break in the organic participation bond.
1. Introduction
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
Table 1. Definition of the different types of bonds according to the forms of protection and recognition
Types of social bonds Forms of protection Forms of recognition
2. A qualitative survey
The survey took place in seven European Union Member States (France,
Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Romania, Ireland). In each country, we
interviewed people from two types of place: a large town (often the capital of
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
the country) and a small town remote from a major metropolis (Paugam,
2014). We did not attempt to study all the socio-occupational groups, but gave
priority to populations at the greatest risk of combining unemployment and
poverty. We decided on that basis to interview people chiefly from working
class backgrounds (blue and white-collar) coping with unemployment since
the onset of the crisis. This choice was also justified by the assumption that
we would, in this way, have a better chance of being able to study strategies to
cope with unemployment and poverty.
The type of approach that we chose was the in-depth face-to-face
interview. This type of interview is based on the mutual trust between the
interviewer and the interviewee. It has less to do with asking questions than
with getting people to talk; in other words, the interview guide provides a
framework for dialogue on specific points and is not a questionnaire to be
answered). Where necessary, the interviewer may merely offer fresh
encouragement or ask for further details. The idea is that interviewers to some
extent become ‘midwives’ in the sense that they ask interviewees to put
themselves entirely in their hands and overcome any hang-ups that they may
have because they are afraid, fear that they will be badly judged or perceived,
or are keen to conceal anything that may appear to be undesirable or even
deviant behaviour. The interview was preferably held in the interviewee’s
home so that the interviewer could observe housing conditions and standards
of living in general and then use their observations to interpret the
information gathered from the interview. In some cases, the interviewees
preferred to be interviewed elsewhere than their home, often in a public place
or a café. The in-depth interview is a comprehensive interview in the sense
that it involves a sociological interpretation which attaches as much
importance to the facts recounted by interviewees as to the meaning that
interviewees give them and the various rationalisations that they put forward.
Our goal, which we achieved, was to interview at least 15 unemployed
people in each country. The final sample included 111 people. Table 2 below
shows the breakdown by three criteria: gender, age and place.
In each country a more or less equivalent number of men and women
were interviewed, to the extent that the overall sample had an almost equal
breakdown of 55 men and 53 women. We felt that it was important to choose
people from three age-groups: 35 and under (start of working life), 35-50
(mid-working life), 50 and over (end of working life). In total, the sample
included 27 people in the first group, 40 in the second and 41 in the third.
Lastly, we also achieved our goal of having as many people from urban as
from rural backgrounds (68 and 40 respectively).
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
Overall, bearing in mind that there is no ideal method, the solution was
often to use a range of methods to contact people and to try to correct, for
each country, any selection bias that may have been introduced.
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
professional life. This organic participation bond then provide individuals with
a socio-occupational status and regulate the system itself, with the result that it
can then be called an ‘organicist’ regime. In such a regime , independence
from one’s parents is synonymous with successful social integration. It is
therefore sought as such. Being dependent on parents at an age at which it
seems proper not be dependent in view of the social norms in force may bring
about feelings of social failure. The proportion of young people between 25
and 34 living with at least one of their parents is one indicator of the norm of
autonomy (Table 4).
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
particularly for the unemployed and other non-working individuals in this age
group (excluding students)? The greatest increases were observed in Greece,
Spain and Ireland where there were respectively 1.40, 1.39 and 1.35 times
more unemployed/non-working individuals in the 25 to 34-year-old age
bracket living with at least one of their parents in 2013 than in 2007. Among
these three countries hard hit by the crisis, the increase for all individuals in
this age bracket was much lower, and in Ireland, it was even negative. So it can
be said that in these countries the family served as a particularly significant
buffer during the crisis, particularly vis-à-vis those not in the labour market.
‘I have my children, so… but I don’t want to bother them either, especially not in
that way. People need to look out for now themselves. Anyway, I still see them a
lot.’ (Man, France, 59 years of age, lives alone, unemployed for 6 years, rural
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
‘I’m lucky to have a family, absolutely. But my family isn’t a money faucet, either,
and I’m not their child, they have children, you know what I mean? There are
also limits, you can’t become a burden to your brothers and sisters or your
relatives, it isn’t right, it goes against nature – or even of my child! I’m going to say
now that you have your degree, you’ve studied well, you’re going to take care of your mother!
That’s totally ridiculous!’ (Woman, France, 46 years of age, single, lives alone with
an adult-age child, unemployed for more than 6 months, urban area).
‘My family also comes to my rescue, that’s for certain... But I’m someone who really
doesn’t enjoy receiving help from others [...] okay, I do prefer to save up longer for
something that I really want to do or to have, so, yes, my family also buys lots of things for
my child because they realise they are expensive and that if I pay for all of it, it’s really
tough.’ (Woman, Germany, 27 years of age, single with 1 child, unemployed
since 2008, urban area).
So even though many of those surveyed in the sample said they could
count on their local network or their family to make ends meet or to help pay
for special purchases, others refused to accept. There are several possible
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
‘There are plenty of problems, but here in X the jobs haven’t disappeared, so more or less
everyone has something to do. There is invisible aid – we have oil, grapes, the pensions of
our parents who live with us, it’s not like in Athens, where a couple that has lost their
jobs is done for.’ (Man, Greece, 55 years of age, married with 2 children, non-
working partner).
3 In Romania and Ireland, this rate is also nearly 60% and for the 25-54 age bracket,
the rates averaged 74% in Portugal, 67% in Romania, 65% in Ireland, 55% in Greece
and 63% in Spain during the period studied.
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
parents’ retirement and whatever money I manage to make. But if I run into trouble we’re
all sunk. There’s no way out (Man, Greece, 40 years of age, farmer, single, rural
‘My grandmother, yes. She lives in San Sebastian and she does give us, like, three hundred
(euros) per month or, for example, to help me pay hairdressing school tuition… I always
can rely on family, or should be able to.’ (Woman, Spain, 25 years of age,
single with no children, unemployed since 2009, urban area).
The norm of familialist solidarity does not only pertain to youth. It is also
found with older people, such as this 53-year-old woman who has been
unemployed for several years and works illegally in the informal economy.
‘Well, there’s always someone who gives you a hand (…) For everything, multiple
things, whether it is having dinner, then you are not charged, everyone pays yours, which is
also a way of helping, or ‘I bought something’, and they give you a Tupperware, so, things
like that...’ (Woman, Spain, 53 years of age, lives alone, long-term unemployed
and undeclared work, urban area).
Note, however, that family solidarity has its challenges and is subject to
strain. In order to benefit from extended assistance from one’s family, one
must have parents who are well-situated enough to respond to those needs.
But in a crisis context, the social strata that were once insulated from poverty
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
and were in a position to help out their unemployed children can suddenly
find themselves in dire financial straits. Under these conditions,
intergenerational redistribution is no longer a given. This does not necessarily
mean that the parent-child relationship is broken, but that family solidarity is
not robust enough to effectively avoid poverty (Laparra et al., 2012).
The familialist model of the southern countries has traditionally been
based on the pivotal role of the ‘male breadwinner’, who through his stable
position in the working world was able to uphold the standard of living for his
wife and family, including his grown children and even his dependent parents.
The crisis has often had the immediate effect of disturbing this balance. In
many cases, it is the male breadwinner who has lost his job and so himself has
become dependent on his family.
‘My children, I want them to live their lives... I don’t want... no, no. I don’t like it. I just
don’t like to disturb anybody, not even ‘name of friend with whom he lives’ (Man, Spain,
57 years of age, separated, due to unemployment, 2 children, urban area).
‘And I had to tell my mother ‘For 2 or 3 weeks I won’t have money to eat... ‘, and she ‘Oh,
don’t worry, we’ll work something out’...’ (Woman, Portugal, 26 years of age, couple
with children, unemployed more than 1 year, working partner, urban area).
‘I’ll tell you, for example, the meat we eat is mostly paid for by my mother-in-law. We go to
the butcher, we order it, my mother-in-law goes there, pays, we don’t even know how much it
is (Man, Portugal, 59 years of age, couple with children, unemployed for more
than 2 years, working partner, urban area).
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
‘He [the son] wanted to [contribute financially]; I told him, ‘If I need it, I’ll ask you ‘. So, I
didn’t want him to. (…) [Question: It could be out of necessity, it was not in the sense
that…]… Yes, I also told him that ‘If I need it, I’ll tell you’, but, for now, I still have
some money in the bank, I’ll keep trying to find some odd jobs, I’m holding up.’ (Woman,
Portugal, 54 years of age, single-parent family, unemployed for more than 2
years, urban area).
‘I know that they are not satisfied with the situation that I have, but I also don’t want to
have..., I don’t want to be a ... a charity case for my daughters, is out of the question; I’d
rather walk around with 20 cents in my wallet, because I don’t want that, I want to get a
job and...’ (Woman, Portugal, 62 years of age, lives alone, unemployed more
than 1 year, rural area).
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
man we just mentioned who lives with and cares for his parents also has a
brother in his immediate circle. He acknowledges that both his brother and
sister-in-law see him as a member of their family.
While family solidarity in the southern European countries plays an
important role in reducing the risk that unemployment will lead to poverty,
this does not imply that the aid provided in northern countries in the name of
national solidarity leads to a weakening of family support. This must be seen
above all as the effect of a social system (Wolff, Attias-Donfur, 2007; Börsch-
Supan, Brandt, Litwin, Weber, 2013). When a large segment of the population
is equally disadvantaged, family solidarity is the logical collective response
needed to stave off poverty. Reciprocal exchanges serve an important
purpose. Each individual gives and reaches out, since everyone else is doing
the same in order to make it through hard times. This is why in areas with
severe unemployment and poverty, there is a greater likelihood of finding
long-term familial solidarity based on a reciprocity which has been imposed by
the need to confront hardship collectively4. While family solidarity may not
have entirely disappeared in the most economically developed regions, it
nevertheless no longer serves this vital function. The individual desire for
autonomy and the reduced homogeneity of families leads overall to a more
flexible, more informal, and also more fragile form of family solidarity. When
the exchanges within the family become strongly skewed in one direction, they
may prevent recipients from giving and from reaching out in their turn, which
ultimately can only serve to disqualify them.
As we have seen, lineal bond may provide help in coping with the crisis.
Is the same true of elective participation bond? This bond is forged by
socialisation outside the family during which individuals come into contact
with other individuals whom they get to know in various groups and
organisations. This socialisation takes place in many different places: the
neighbourhood, groups, circles of friends, local communities, religious, sports
and cultural organisations, etc. As part of their social learning, individuals are
both constrained by the need to be integrated, but are at the same time
independent in so far as they are free to build their own network of belonging
within which they can establish their personalities in other people’s eyes.
4 This observation draws on Mauss’s theory on gift giving, which is particularly salient
in the analysis of familial solidarity. (On this point, see also: Paugam, Zoyem, 1997).
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
redundancy in the early 2000s also bears out the overall trend towards a
weakening of social bonds, especially elective participation bond (Roupnel-
Fuentes, 2011). What conclusion can we reach on this issue from our survey
The interviews confirm that one of the immediate effects of
unemployment is to reduce social life. That does not mean that friends
disappear from one day to the next and that unemployed people all end up
experiencing a social vacuum. Friends may continue to play a valuable part in
warding off day-to-day loneliness. Many unemployed people told us that they
had valuable relationships with friends on whom they could still rely. More or
less generally, however, whatever the country in question, our unemployed
people stressed that the intensity of their social life had been drastically
This is not to say that friends vanish overnight and that the unemployed
all end up facing a social vacuum. Friends may remain supportive. Many
unemployed individuals told us that they had enduring friendships on which
they could still rely. But in all of the countries we looked at, the unemployed
nearly universally observed a dramatic ebb in their social life. This can be
explained both the high cost of maintaining social relationships (drinks,
rounds at the pub) and by feeling stigmatised.
‘…I went as far as the pub and looked in the window, I saw them, but I didn’t have a
[expletive] fiver to buy the first pint, so I looked in and I knew if I got in, If I went in, you
know it would happen, you know, so I drove all the way in, I got in went to the pub and
looked in, I seen everybody and I went [expletive] home.’ (Man, Ireland, 50 years of
age, couple, unemployed since 2008, unemployed spouse, urban area).
Some look for strategies which will not only prevent them from slipping
into relationships of dependence toward their acquaintances (or families), but
also allow them to withhold the real reason for passing up certain activities:
‘So I often say I don’t feel like it. But it isn’t true that I don’t feel like it, it’s just that I
don’t have the money’ (Woman, Germany, 42 years of age, single with 1 child,
unemployed since 2012, urban area).
‘Before, we mingled with people who both made a good living, but now we’ve distanced
ourselves a bit. Not because we don’t like them or because they splash their money around,
but because we can’t keep up with them. Impromptu things like going out to dinner or seeing
a show. You cannot do it, you always have to back out and say something like ‘No, we
can’t do it’. And after a while it becomes uncomfortable and we kind of fall out
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
However, the subject of costs does not generally seem taboo since friends
who may or may not be working also face challenges that can easily be
explained by the crisis and austerity policies.
‘But then again most of our friends would be in pretty much the same position there’s nobody
really going out for extravagant nights out because even people who are still working at this
stage they’re struggling with all the austerity measures.’ (Man, Ireland, 55 years of age,
married, 2 children, unemployed since 2010, disabled partner, rural area).
‘I was making good money at my first company, I mean really good, and had a lot of friends,
it’s true, and then when things went south, many of them disappeared. Your status
changes and you find yourself alone.’ (Man, France, 45 years of age, divorced,
4 children, unemployed for more than 2 years, urban area).
‘It’s different now – some [friends] have become closer and others have disappeared. The
crisis really caused havoc. Casual acquaintances who just wanted to meet up for a drink
have disappeared… Now that you have no money, you don’t go out. People nearby who you
like come around to visit. A few superficial relationships are eliminated. But you become
even closer to your true friends. So you separate the wheat from the chaff.’
(Woman, Greece, 51 years of age, single mother, urban area).
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
‘When I was raising [my son] and looking after my nieces, my world got very small. It was
mostly family, maybe one or two outside friends. But when I went to VTOS [training
programme], I made some fantastic friends who were in exactly the same boat as me and,
actually, they’re coming to my house tonight just for a chat. But I made fantastic friends and
all in the same boat and we still - we’re keeping in contact.’ (Woman, Ireland, 59 years
of age, single with no children, unemployed since 2008, rural area).
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
Table 5. Trust in the European Union, national parliaments and national governments from 2007
to 2013 in all EU Member States among all the people polled and among unemployed people
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2007/2013
All 57 50 47 42 41 31 31 1.8
Unemployed 52 47 37 37 36 25 23 2.3
All 43 34 32 31 33 28 26 1.6
Unemployed 33 26 21 22 21 11 16 2.1
All 41 32 32 29 32 28 25 1.6
Unemployed 31 23 22 20 22 16 14 2.2
Source: Eurobarometers (spring of each year). Question: For each the following institutions, can you
tell me whether you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
‘I think it’s a basic mistake to have trust in companies. Companies only have one goal and
that’s to make a profit. The common good is not one of their goals. And this is really a
problem today, because we give power to the banks, to companies and to lobbyists, and
politics is stuck in between, and that is the mess we’re in today. The only thing we have left
of value is the schools, but I think they are also in very bad shape, because there as well…’
(Woman, France, 44 years of age, single, no children, graphic designer,
unemployed for less than 6 months, urban area).
But while there was concern among those we interviewed in France, the
criticism of institutions was not systematic. In spite of everything, many
unemployed French people still recognize that some public services continue
to function well. The health system, for example, is viewed positively overall.
In short, while there is real distrust of institutions, it is the pervasive sense of
decline that the crisis situation has exacerbated.
Neither is there widespread distrust toward institutions among the
German unemployed. As we saw earlier, while unemployed Germans may
criticize the functioning of Job Centers, they recognize that employment
services for the recently unemployed are now noticeably more welcoming and
efficient. While unemployed Germans’ comments on their institutions may
generally seem fairly nuanced, it is in large part because the impact of the crisis
on their economic and social situation has seemed milder. However, the issue
of low wages is often mentioned.
‘Germany is not getting sorted out. I don’t think it is. Who is doing well in Germany? The
people working for peanuts? No one is doing well, having to work 8 hours a day and only
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
bringing home € 600, you can’t call that “doing fine”’. (Man, Germany, 53 years of
age, single with 1 child, unemployed since 2007, urban area).
‘I think an awful lot went wrong with this country when the government decided that they
needed to look good in Europe rather than look good to their own population I suppose.’
(Woman, Ireland, 32 years of age, single, 3 children, unemployed since 2012,
rural area).
‘Some of the European things that come in are good, with the farmers, grants for farmers
and things like that but, it seems like we have given control away from Ireland, they have
borrowed all this money and then like it’s just getting ridiculous, like if we also if we had
maybe our own currency again like we used to have probably would be better, because
England seem to be doing better and their own currency and they don’t have as much
European control over them.’ (Woman, Ireland, 22 years of age, single with no
children, lives with her parents, unemployed since 2012, rural area).
Nevertheless, the deep distrust felt toward the Irish political class and to a
lesser extent toward the European institutions, did not translate into
democratic disengagement.
‘I do vote, but what’s the point? Do you know what I mean? I do vote. I mean, a vote…
I’m very proud of voting, because a vote is your chance to voice your opinion, but I mean,
there’s no this group or this group, they’re all just the same.’ (Man, Ireland, 48 years of
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
But the disillusionment seems even more acute in the southern European
countries. The following excerpts portray the climate in Greece and in
‘I’ve stopped listening to the commentators. I’ve stopped worrying about politics. It
just tells me that it’s every man for himself in life.’ (Woman, Greece, 43 years
of age, married, 1 child, working partner).
‘We don’t trust the politicians anymore, because they have been a total disappointment. We
can’t believe a thing they say anymore. [....] There is also this downgrading of education by
the government and it forces us to dig our hands into our pockets to pay for extra classes, you
know, but meanwhile we pay our taxes and are supposed to have an education system, but
this current downgrading of education is very disappointing...The parties have taken over the
State, and we don’t see any difference. The State has even become our predator.’
(Man, Greece, 55 years of age, married with 2 children, non-working partner).
‘My country is over, my country has no hope for me. Neither to me, nor to my wife, nor even
to my son or my son-in-law! My country, simply died. My country, if it continues to be
ruled by these people, by the idea of the people who are now governing, my country will die
soon’ (Woman, Portugal, 29 years of age, single-parent family, unemployed for
more than 2 years, rural area).
6. Conclusion
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe
country, and in Germany and France they knew how much they owed to the
education and health systems.
Overall, the coping strategies of the unemployed are strongly different in
the European southern countries comparatively to France and Germany. If
the lineal bond is in Spain, Portugal and Greece a basic resource to compensate
the break in the organic participation bond, is because this type of bond plays a
regulative function in the whole society. While an integrating bond attaches
individuals to groups, a regulating bond has an additional function consisting
of producing a set of rules and norms the influence of which modifies the
initial normative conception of the other types of social bonds within a given
regime. The regulating bond, thus defined, generates values and principles of
moral education likely to permeate the rest of society. If we consider that the
function of an attachment regime is to produce overall normative coherence
that enables individuals and groups, beyond differentiation and their potential
rivalry, to form a society together, we can identify a specific attachment
regime for the European southern countries as a familialist regime. This is the
reason why the unemployed from these countries find more easily in the lineal
bond a basic resource to cope with their economic and occupational
difficulties. In France and Germany, the regulating bond is the organic
participation bond. The regime is not ‘familialist’ but ‘organicist’. In this
regime, the system of social protection is quite advanced along the path of
decomodification but remains fragmented into a myriad of separate sub-
systems, thereby expressing a logic of statutory distinction and categorical
claims with regard to access to specific rights and to defence of previously
gained benefits. Is the reason why the Unemployed in France and Germany
are more likely to research coping strategies in using first the resources given
by the local or national institutions which are specialized in the protection of
the unemployed.
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Demazière D., Arauyo Guimarães, N., Hirata, H., Sugita, K. (2013), Etre
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Durkheim, E. (1893), De la Division du travail social, Paris, PUF «Quadrige-
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Italian Sociological Review, 2016, 6, 1, pp. 27 - 55
Serge Paugam
Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe