Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation in senior high
school. A Senior High School student has to undergo work immersion in a business
organization/ establishment whose work requirements are related to the specialization.
Through this work immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiarized
with work-related environment related to their field of specialization. The guidelines
said work immersion can range from 80 to 320 hours that the students will enable to
become familiar with the workplace, experience workplace simulation and apply their
competencies in areas of specialization. Education Secretary Leonor Briones said
“Work immersion is a key feature in senior high school curriculum. It can be conducted
in different ways depending on the purposes and needs of the learners”.
“Work immersion will help develop among learner’s life and career skills and
will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or employment,” the
guidelines read. “Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that partner institutions
will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace or hands-on
experience, and additional learning resources,” it added. It helps us to improve our
skills in different field and being hands on to what really like to take in college in
related course that can be an experience and can help in the future.
“Schools and students should not be asked to pay the senior high school partner
institution for any work immersion activity conducted. Fees for work immersion must
only be set after consultation with parents,” added the guidelines.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
This is our first day in the work immersion in Lopez St. Jude General
Hospital. At first I was a little bit nervous and excited at the same time, excited
because I can experience, learn anything about my selected course and nervous that
I will make mistakes. The first thing that we did is to tour around in every
stations/facilities of the hospital like lab, nurse stations, radiology, offices and
many more. After some tour with Sir Eric, he assigned us in our selected stations
and he assigned me in the nurse station. After that he introduce me as a student .At
first I don’t know what to do because they seemed busy so I decided to sit down on
the chair. After a minute of waiting one of the nurses asked me some random
questions so I answered it honestly.
They gave me a book and they said that it’s all about nursing that maybe it
can help me in the future. I read the book and take down some notes. While I’m
taking some notes one of the nurse called me and give me a task and that is to write
the headings of the some patient record or details. She teaches me how to do it
properly and I think I did it correctly. I’m so glad because at last I did something
that can help them even if in small thing. Lunch break, my classmates and I
decided to eat outside the hospital. Afternoon, like what I did in the morning I did
it again in the afternoon which is reading, writing, and talking. When the shifting
hours, other nurses go home and the new nurses are the one that I spend with my
remaining hours, they are all kind to me and thoughtful. That is my first day in St.
Jude General Hospital and I’m glad and excited for the next day, and next until the
This is the second day of our work immersion and unlike the first time I
didn’t feel nervous but excited for the new experience that I can do. Like what
happened in the first day the first thing that I did is read the book with some
nursing backgrounds and take down some notes again because I want to. After,
they gave me again a task that is writing the headings of the patient’s record or
details and I can say that I improved a little because I remembered the things that
they taught me yesterday. And the next that I did is coming with the nurse when
she does the rounds with the patients and she taught me how to take blood pressure
and how to use it and the parts of that. And the day goes by I read, write and talk
again like the usual. While in the afternoon they gave again the task like what I did
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
This is the third day of my duty or work immersion in St. Jude General
Hospital and I can say that everything seems fine. The next station that I will
experience is the laboratory where everything is important and machines are
everywhere. This is where the medical technologies belong, they examine blood,
urine and everything need to know what is the doctor needs to make them their
own diagnose about the patient. One of the med-tech said, the most important thing
that I need to remember always when I’ am in the lab is do not make any mistakes
because that is important.
This day the only thing that I did was inventory of the in-patients and out-
patients record and observed them what they doing when they examine blood and
urine. The dos and don’ts like you need to think that everything is hazardous and
you need to take care yourself first do not involve in any disease. I observed them
in everything that they do even in the afternoon, again I do the inventory and how
it goes. The first day on the lab is exciting and nervous like the usual feeling but
when I knew who were I with, they nice to me and I feel happy and like in the
nurse station they also gave me some advices about what is I need to take in
college, they said I need to think carefully and what I really like to do in the future.
They all kind and thoughtful to me and that were my experience in my third day
with them and I hope till the last day.
This is my fourth day and last day in the laboratory and I can say that it’s
worth it and fulfilling. I learned so much with them, with the med-techs they teach
me everything they want me to know begins with the basics, and they showed me
their everyday routine. I observed them how they do Hematology, also spelled
haematology, is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the cause,
prognosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to blood and
urinalysis which is the test of our urine. A urinalysis is used to detect and manage
a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
This is my fifth day and my next station is in the pharmacy which is the
health care service, which comprises the art, practice, and profession of choosing,
preparing, storing, compounding, and dispensing medicines and medical devices,
advising healthcare professionals and patients on their safe, effective and efficient
use. At first the only thing that I did was read a book about the pharmacy manual
and look everywhere that full of medicines and products relate in medicine. They
gave me the small basket where is full of medicines and others and I bring it to
the E.R and gave to the nurse on duty, I did that many times. And I did the
inventory of the senior citizens discount and the inventory of the prescription of all
the medicine had been charged or use. And also I help them by arranging the
medicines in the right place, and sometimes they ask me if I can bring the
medicines either second or third floor. I enjoyed my first day in the pharmacy.
This is my sixth day and last day in the pharmacy, I can say this day I did
only one thing I think. The only thing that I did today is the product inventory
which is I will write all the products that is in the pharmacy and what their brand
name, generic name, quantity and their expiration date. I count them one by one if
it is bottles, ampule, tablet, and capsule. After that I also count the same medicine
in the stock room like I did earlier. After the physical counting the next thing that I
did is to see the encode counting if there are has the same amount. I’m happy in
my last day in pharmacy because I feel like I did so much even in little things.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
It’s my 7th day in Saint Jude and the next station is in the radiology which is
the science dealing with X-rays and other high-energy radiation, especially the use
of such radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, including both
ionizing radiation such as X-rays and nonionizing radiation such as ultrasound ,
also known as roentgen ology. It’s my first day in radiology and I observed all
around and saw many machines connects in radiology ,I’m not familiar with those
things ,how they used it and what are the functions of each but one of the stuff
showed me how the process in every x-ray of the patients, I can say that I
understand it very well. The thing that I did aside from observing was inventory of
the patient’s records from that day.
My 8th and last day in radiology, at first like the usual I observed every time
when there is patient in the radiology, how they process each and every details of
the patients record. I talk to the stuff and we make conversations because I didn’t
doing anything that time, also there is no patients at all. After some time she
decided to ask me if I can encode the patients record that day and of course I’d
love to do that because as I was saying I didn’t doing anything and I am happy to
help her at the same time. Before I live we take picture and that is ma’am Donna
and I’m happy we make memories even if in short time.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
It’s my 9th day and next is in the nurse station 3rd floor A because in this
floor there are two nurse station A and B unlike in the 2nd floor there is only one .In
this station I have a companion which is Russel one of my classmate who also a
student assistant, at first we introduce ourselves with the nurses in that station.
After an hour the doctors arrive in the station and he did the check-up in every
patient who are assigned with him and we decided to come. Because safety first the
nurse gave us a mask and we apply it ourselves. They do the rounds and we just
come and observed. And also I did some headings like in the 2 nd floor nurse station
and after that they didn’t gave us any task so we just observed them because every
time my classmate ask if they has a task to give they always say they haven’t
anything in their mind .
It’s my 10th and last day in Lopez Saint Jude General Hospital and so
many happy memories I had because all of them who are part of this hospital were
all kind and they accept us wholeheartedly. The thing that I did today was came to
the doctor and nurses did the rounds where every patient that assigned to that
doctor who need to check-up. And also I return the medicine that no need and I
bring some urine of the patient to the lab for examination. Because it’s our last day
in the hospital we say goodbye but not definitely that’s goodbye because we may
come again for our graduation so we said bye to the doctors and stuffs and those
people who became part of our ten days. And of course we also take pictures with
them but not all because the others are their day- off or they went home already
because their shift is finished. I’m so happy that I did my immersion in Lopez
Saint Jude General Hospital because they treat us right and one of the doctor said if
someday we became doctor, med-tech and other that connects in medical field their
hospital are open with us and I feel like I learned so much with them and that my
experienced in St. Jude.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
headings of the
SEPTEMBER patients
19, 2018 admission
records, B. SUINAN
reading and
noting some
Coming with
the nurse in
their rounds,
20, 2018
THURSDAY Learned how to
get blood
pressure, MR.ENRICO
bringing the 8 hours B. SUINAN
urine on the
lab, photocopy
the patients
about CBC,
21, 2018 urinalysis, and B. SUINAN
Helping to
make some
MONDAY SEPTEMBER cotton balls,
24, 2018 observing them 8 hours MR.ENRICO
how the B. SUINAN
process of cross
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
SEPTEMBER arranging and 8 hours MR.ENRICO
25, 2018 checking some B. SUINAN
Bringing the
medicines to
the E.R. helping
26, 2018 medicines are
correctly 8 hours MR.ENRICO
manage, B. SUINAN
inventory of
senior citizens
Observing all
the machines,
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER and the process 8 hours MR.ENRICO
27, 2018 in radiology B. SUINAN
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
Coming with
the doctors
check-up, MR.ENRICO
MONDAY OCTOBER 01, writing 8 hours B. SUINAN
2018 headings
Cutting and
helping in
papers to do,
bringing the
urine’s patient
TUESDAY OCTOBER 02, in the lab, 8 hours MR.ENRICO
2018 returning some B. SUINAN
medicines that
are not needed,
and coming
with the
doctor’s check-
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
Doctors is of the noble job aside being a teacher ( )I can say that working
and servicing health may be one of those jobs that are hard, I’m not saying that
other jobs are easy but it’s just not hard as in medical field. Being in the medical
field is not so easy because the lives of people are depending in your hands.
Responsibility is important and hardworking for this job. Taking care and giving
all their best to cure the patients are those inspiring things that I can never forget in
my whole life. In our everyday lives we faced different challenges in our life,
different problems we encountered and sometimes we come up to the point we
want to give up in our lives but if we can all see those lives of other people in the
hospital we can say that they choose to be strong for their loved ones, they choose
to fight, they choose to live and be with to their family who are waiting for them,
that can inspire us to continue what we are now who are much stronger and
believing in ourselves. In Saint Jude so many things I realized when I spend my ten
days with them, many lectures and advices that sometimes I forget them because
they are so many. I realized that anything in this world is not easy as much as I
Being with the doctors, nurses, pharmacist, med-techs, and red-techs gives
me so much information with their daily lives in their work and what are those
hardship and struggles that they facing every day. Even their personal problems
may not be in the workplace because personal emotions can affect your job. I saw
those things in their job like how they deal with the patient, talk to them and give
their best to cure and diagnose their disease, and how they take care of them. They
give so much inspiring situation even if this job is tiring and many hardships can
encounter. I’m happy that I spend my ten days with them.
Work immersion help me to realize what I want to take in college and gives
be inspiration to make a better choice or decision on what to pursue. I know that
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Lopez, Quezon
So far we didn’t encountered big problems on our workplace because all the
staffs are kind accommodating and thoughtful. Maybe the our rotation because the
time allotment is just really too short for the given time in the different
departments or stations, we want to extend our time so that we will know more
things and do more things and enjoyed it for an exact experience. And also
sometimes they didn’t give us any task even if we asked them but we understand
them that some things are the professionals doing but we want to help in any way
so that the time may not waste and every hour are worth doing.