Living With Grief

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Living with grief

When should grief be classified as a mental illness? More only dangerously simplistic, but also flawed. The
often than is current practice, proposes the American evidence base for treating recently bereaved people
Psychiatric Association in its forthcoming fifth edition of with standard antidepressant regimens is absent.
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders In many people, grief may be a necessary response
(DSM-5). Previous DSM editions have highlighted the to bereavement that should not be suppressed or
need to consider, and usually exclude, bereavement eliminated. For some, though, whose grief becomes
before diagnosis of a major depressive disorder. In pathological (sometimes known as complicated or

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the draft version of DSM-5, however, there is no such prolonged), or who develop depression, treatment
exclusion for bereavement, which means that feelings with drugs or, sometimes more effective psychological
of deep sadness, loss, sleeplessness, crying, inability to interventions such as guided mourning, may be
concentrate, tiredness, and no appetite, which continue needed. WHO’s International Classification of Diseases, See Comment page 591

for more than 2 weeks after the death of a loved one, currently under revision as ICD-11, is debating a See Perspectives page 608

could be diagnosed as depression, rather than as a proposal to include “prolonged grief disorder”, but it
normal grief reaction. will be another 18 months before that definition will
The death of a loved one can lead to a profound, be clear. Bereavement is associated with adverse health
and long-lasting, grieving process, which is movingly outcomes, both physical and mental, but interventions
described in an essay by Arthur Kleinman in this week’s are best targeted at those at highest risk of developing
Art of Medicine section. After his wife died, it took a disorder or those who develop complicated grief or
6 months before Kleinman’s feelings of grief became depression, rather than for all.
“less acute” in his own words, and almost a year on, he Building a life without the loved person who died
feels “sadness at times” and harbours “the sense that cannot be expected to be quick, easy, or straightforward.
a part of me is gone forever...I am still caring for our Life cannot, nor should not, continue as normal. In a
memories. Is there anything wrong (or pathological) sense, a new life has to be created, and lived with. After
with that?” the loss of someone with whom life has been lived and
Most people’s experiences of grief would align with loved, nothing can be the same again. In her memoir to
Kleinman’s. It is often not until 6 months, or the first her husband, Nothing was the same, Kay Redfield Jamison,
anniversary of the death, that grieving can move into comments: “There is a sanity to grief” in contrast to her
a less intense phase. Grief is an individual response own experience of bipolar disorder.
to bereavement, which is shaped by the strength of In Kleinman’s words, “My grief, like that of millions of
relationship with the person who has died, being male others, signalled the loss of something truly vital in my
or female, religious belief, societal expectation, and life. This pain was part of the remembering and maybe
cultural context, among other factors. Malcolm Potts, also the remaking. It punctuated the end of a time and a
in an essay in this journal in 1994, after the death of his form of living, and marked the transition to a new time
wife, said: “Grief is an astonishing emotion. It is the tally and a different way of living.”
half of love and it has to be....Anguish, body-shaking Grief is not an illness; it is more usefully thought
weeping, grief: a biological behaviour that had been of as part of being human and a normal response to
latent and unused in my brain...I would not and could death of a loved one. Putting a timeframe on grief is
For DSM-5 see http://www.dsm5.
not forgo it. Grief has to be.” 18 years after his stillborn inappropriate—DSM-5 and ICD-11 please take note.
daughter was born, Steven Guy said: “I have moved on; I Occasionally, prolonged grief disorder or depression For the essay by Malcolm Potts
can talk about the day she died and not cry, sometimes... develops, which may need treatment, but most people see Personal paper Lancet 1994;
343: 279
She has changed me from the shy insecure person I was who experience the death of someone they love do
For Steven Guy’s story see
then to the openly emotional, caring, supportive, and not need treatment by a psychiatrist or indeed by any Comment Lancet 2011;
strong man I am now.” doctor. For those who are grieving, doctors would do 377: 1386–88
For more on health outcomes of
Medicalising grief, so that treatment is legitimised better to offer time, compassion, remembrance, and bereavement see Review Lancet
routinely with antidepressants, for example, is not empathy, than pills. ■ The Lancet 2007; 370: 1960–73 Vol 379 February 18, 2012 589

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