Petition To Remove Conditions On Residence: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Petition To Remove Conditions On Residence: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Petition To Remove Conditions On Residence: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Use Reloc Sent Reloc Received
Only Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
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Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
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Petitioner interviewed on (mm/dd/yyyy) / / / Approved under INA 216(c)(4)(C) Battered Spouse/Child
To be completed by an Select this box if Attorney State Bar Number Attorney or Accredited Representative
attorney or accredited Form G-28 is (if applicable) USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
representative (if any). attached.
16. Is your physical address different than your mailing Part 2. Biographic Information
address? Yes No
1. Ethnicity (Select only one box)
If you answered “Yes” to Item Number 16., provide your Hispanic or Latino
physical address below.
Not Hispanic or Latino
1.b. My parent's spouse because I am unable to be 4. U.S. Social Security Number (if any)
included in a joint petition filed by my parent and my ►
parent's spouse.
5. A-Number (if any)
OR (Select all applicable boxes in the next section.)
► A-
Waiver or Individual Filing Request
Physical Address
My conditional residence is based on my marriage or my
parent's marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, 6.a. Street Number
I am unable to file a joint petition with my spouse or my and Name
parent's spouse, because: 6.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
1.c. My spouse is deceased.
6.c. City or Town
1.d. My marriage was entered in good faith, but the
marriage was terminated through divorce or 6.d. State 6.e. ZIP Code
1.e. I entered the marriage in good faith, and, during the 6.f. Province
marriage, I was battered, or was the subject of
extreme cruelty, by my U.S. citizen or lawful 6.g. Postal Code
permanent resident spouse.
6.h. Country
1.f. My parent entered the marriage in good faith, and,
during the marriage, I was battered, or was subjected
to extreme cruelty, by my parent's U.S. citizen or
lawful permanent resident spouse or by my Part 5. Information About Your Children
conditional resident parent.
Provide information on all of your children. If you need extra
1.g. The termination of my status and removal from the
space to complete this section, use the space provided in
United States would result in an extreme hardship.
Part 11. Additional Information.
Child 1
Part 4. Information About the U.S. Citizen or
1.a. Family Name
Lawful Permanent Resident Spouse. If Filing as (Last Name)
a Child Separately, Information About the U.S. 1.b. Given Name
Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident (First Name)
Stepparent Through Whom You Gained Your 1.c. Middle Name
Conditional Residence.
2. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
3. A-Number (if any)
1.a. Spouse or Former Spouse
► A-
1.b. Parent's Spouse or Former Spouse
4. Is this child living with you? Yes No
12.h. Country
Physical Address NOTE: Read the information in the Form I-751 Instructions
before completing this part.
24.a. Street Number
and Name 1. Are you requesting an accommodation because of your
disabilities and/or impairments? Yes No
24.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
2. Are you requesting an accommodation because of your
24.c. City or Town spouse's disabilities and/or impairments?
Yes No
24.d. State 24.e. ZIP Code
3. Are you requesting an accommodation because of your
24.f. Province included children's disabilities and/or impairments?
Yes No
24.g. Postal Code
If you answered "Yes" to Item Numbers 1. - 3., select any
24.h. Country
applicable box for Item Numbers 4.a. - 4.c. Provide
information on the disabilities and/or impairments for each
Child 5
4.a. I am deaf or hard of hearing and request the
25.a. Family Name following accommodation. (If you are requesting a
(Last Name) sign-language interpreter, indicate for which
25.b. Given Name language (for example, American Sign Language).):
(First Name)
25.c. Middle Name
27. A-Number (if any) 4.b. I am blind or have low vision and request the
► A- following accommodation:
30.f. Province
30.h. Country
Part 8. Spouse's or Individual Listed in Part 4.'s 4. Spouse's or Individual's Mobile Telephone Number (if any)
Statement, Contact Information,
Acknowledgement of Appointment USCIS 5. Spouse's or Individual's Email Address (if any)
Application Support Center, Certification, and
Signature (if applicable)
Provide the following information about the spouse or
individual listed in Part 4.
NOTE: Read the information on penalties in the Penalties
section of the Form I-751 Instructions before completing this
3.f. Province
Spouse's or Individual's Certification
Copies of any documents I have submitted are exact photocopies 3.g. Postal Code
of unaltered, original documents, and I understand that USCIS
3.h. Country
may require that I submit original documents to USCIS at a later
date. Furthermore, I authorize the release of any information from
any and all of my records that USCIS may need to determine my
eligibility for the immigration benefit that I seek. Interpreter's Contact Information
I furthermore authorize release of information contained in this
4. Interpreter's Daytime Telephone Number
petition, in supporting documents, and in my USCIS records to
other entities and persons where necessary for the administration
and enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.
5. Interpreter's Email Address (if any)
I certify under penalty of perjury, that the information in my
petition, my responses to each question, and any document
submitted with my petition were provided by me and are
complete, true, and correct.
Interpreter's Signature
Preparer's Statement
6.a. Interpreter's Signature
7.a. I am not an attorney or accredited representative
but have prepared this petition on behalf of the
6.b. Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy) petitioner and with the petitioner's consent.
7.b. I am an attorney or accredited representative and
my representation of the petitioner in this case
Part 10. Contact Information, Statement, extends does not extend beyond the
Certification, and Signature of the Person preparation of this petition.
Preparing this Petition, If Other Than the NOTE: If you are an attorney or accredited
Petitioner representative whose representation extends
beyond preparation of this petition, you must
Provide the following information about the preparer. submit a completed Form G-28, Notice of Entry
of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited
Preparer's Full Name Representative, with this petition.
1.a. Preparer's Family Name (Last Name)
Preparer's Signature
8.a. Preparer's Signature