Notes and Documents Ramon Lull and Ecstatic Kabbalah 170
Notes and Documents Ramon Lull and Ecstatic Kabbalah 170
Notes and Documents Ramon Lull and Ecstatic Kabbalah 170
RAMON LULL AND ECSTATIC dignitates they may be the result of the
KABBALAH influence of common sources and Scotus
Eriugena may indeed be considered just
However, there is still another area of
In memoriamFrances A. Yates Lull's thought whose possible affinity to
Kabbalistic issues is worth a detailed dis-
cussion: namely Lull's theory of ars combin-
HE POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP between some atoria. I should like to analyse briefly the
of Ramon Lull's views and the Jewish probability of the historical relationship
Kabbalah has already been discussed by between this important facet of Lull's
several scholars; according to J. M. Millas- thought and the ecstatic Kabbalah. As the
Vallicrosa, Lull might have been influenced starting point of our discussion I shall first
by the Kabbalistic conception of the Sefirot discuss an illuminating remark of Pico della
in his doctrine of dignitates Dei.1 A more Mirandola on this subject. The confirmation
cautious opinion can be found in Charles of Pico's observation on the affinity between
Singer's statement:2 'Lull was under strong Lull and Kabbalah constitutes the major
Neo-Platonic influence, and into Neo- point of the following study.
Platonic thought he was able to fit Cabalist In his Apologia Pico della Mirandola de-
development'. scribes a certain kind of Kabbalah in these
Indeed, the studies of the late Dame words: 'quae dicitur ars combinandi ... et est
Frances A. Yates seem to finalize this issue: it simile quid, sicut apud nostros dicitur ars
is most probable that Lull was influenced Raymundi, licet forte diuerso modo pro-
by Christian Neo-Platonic sources such cedant'.6 The nature of this ars combinandi is
as Pseudo-Dionysius whose views reached described by Pico thus: 'Illa enim ars com-
him through the works of John Scotus binandi, est quam ego in conclusionibus
Eriugena.3 Yates's conclusion regarding the meis uoco, Alphabetarium reuolutionem'.7
Neo-Platonic sources of Lull was accepted by Indeed, in one of his Kabbalistic Con-
Gershom Scholem4 and, unless further clusiones, Pico asserts: 'Prima est scientia
studies uncover new material, it seems that quam ego uoco Alphabetariae reuolutionis
the influence of the theosophical Kabbalah correspondentem parti philosophiae, quam
on Lull's conception of dignitates Dei can be ego philosophiam catholicam uoco'.8
disregarded. If there are some similarities According to these assessments there is a
between the Kabbalistic Sefirot and Lull's certain affinity between ars Raimundi and a
certain brand of Kabbalah, whose main
subject is the combination of the letters of
* This the alphabet. This Kabbalah is compared by
study was presented as a lecture at the III Pico with the catholic, i.e. universal or
Colloqui d'Estudis Catalans a Nord-America, University
of Toronto, 17 April 1982. Two distinguished scholars
of Lull's thought who attended this lecture, J. N.
Hillgarth and R. Pring-Mill, kindly encouraged me to
pursue the line there proposed, a first result of this 5 See Scholem, ibid., index, s.v. Erigene. G. Sed-
ongoing interest being the present observation.
1 'Algunas relaciones entre la doctrina luliana y la Rajna, 'L'influence de Jean Scot sur la doctrine du
Cabala', Sefarad,xviii, 1958, pp. 241-53. See also L. I. Kabbaliste Azriel de Gerone', Jean ScotErigeneet l'histoire
Newman, JewishInfluenceson ChristianReformMovements, de la philosophie,Paris 1977, pp. 453-65; M. Idel, 'The
New York 1925, pp. 182-183, where the author asserts Sefirot above the Sefirot' (Hebrew), Tarbiz,LI, 1982, pp.
that 'it is certain that he [i.e. Lull] made use in his 242-43, 246, 261, 267, 277.
6 Opera Omnia, Basle 1572, p. 180. Many years ago,
interpretation of Scripture of the Jewish methods of
Gematria, Notaricon and Ziruf and regarded the my friend Shalom Rosenberg, of the Hebrew University,
Kabbalah as a divine science and a true revelation of kindly pointed out to me the possible relationship
the soul'. This statement is however based upon the between Lull's and Abulafia's usage of the circles;
false assumption that Lull is the author of the spurious however, we shall see below that his remark, already
De auditu kabbalistico. adumbrated by Scholem and Yates (see n. 9 below),
2 The Legacy of Israel, ed. E. Bevan and C. Singer, does not take into account the particular usage
Oxford 1927, p. 274. Abulafia made of circles in his works, where apparently
3 Lull and Bruno-Collected Essays,i, London, Boston they are never employed in order to discover new
and Henley 1982, pp. 78-121. theological or scientific information.
4 G. Scholem, Les Originesde la Kabbale,Paris 1966, p. 7 ibid., 181.
412 n. 58. 8 ibid., p. 108.
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Commentary on SeferYezirah,Przemyl 1853, fol. 18a (p. 173) Strasbourg 1617 (p. 173)