190 Btlpt-Spanish
190 Btlpt-Spanish
190 Btlpt-Spanish
You will be limited to five attempts to take a certification test. The five attempts include the first attempt to pass the examination and four retakes. The five attempts include any of
the test approval methods (PACT, EPP, out of state, charter, and CBE). All attempts taken before September 1, 2015 count as one attempt. If you choose to register again for the
same test after completion of the fifth testing attempt, your scores will not be counted towards certification and you will assume responsibility for test fees paid.
For an explanation of how to read your score report, see Understanding Your Scores at http://www.texes-ets.org/media_libraries/pdf/understanding_your_tecp_scores.pdf.
Print a copy of this score report for your records.
Responses that receive a score of 7.5, as yours did, typically demonstrate a relatively high degree of competence in
response to the Simulated Conversation prompt, but they contain very few flaws. A score of 7.5 indicates that your
responses appropriately address the task and respond to almost all parts of the conversation, but they reveal one or
more weaknesses in the following areas on which the scoring rubric is based.
Task Completion--The degree to which the response addresses and completes the task
Topic Development--The ability to construct a response that relates to the topic and includes the elements in the
thread of the conversation
• The responses relate to the topic and include all or almost all elements in the thread of the conversation.
Language Use--The overall quality of the response, which includes organization, register, fluency,
pronunciation, vocabulary, and control of structures
• The conversation may demonstrate a moderate degree of control of a variety of structures; some grammatical
errors occur.
• The conversation may demonstrate an appropriate vocabulary with occasional errors such as making up words or
code switching.
• The conversation may demonstrate a moderate level of fluency with occasional hesitance; there is some
successful self-correction.
• The conversation may demonstrate good pronunciation.
• The conversation responses may be organized and have some coherence.
• The conversation may usually use an appropriate register.
You are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the pertinent sections of the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency
Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190) preparation manual to better understand all aspects of the constructed-response
Responses that receive a score of 6, as yours did, typically demonstrate a mid-high degree of competence in
response to the Question & Answer prompt (the first of two), but they contain a few flaws. A score of 6 indicates that
your response addresses and completes the task, and it generally corresponds to the following areas in the rubric.
Task Completion--The degree to which the response addresses and completes the task
Topic Development--The ability to construct a response that relates to the topic and contains supporting evidence
Language Use--The overall quality of the response, which includes organization, register, fluency, pronunciation,
vocabulary, and control of structures
• The response demonstrates a moderate control of a variety of structures; some grammatical errors occur.
• The response demonstrates an appropriate vocabulary with occasional errors such as making up words or code
• The response demonstrates a moderate level of fluency with occasional hesitance; there is some successful self-
• The response demonstrates good pronunciation.
• The response is organized and has some coherence.
• The response usually uses an appropriate register.
You are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the pertinent sections of the Bilingual Target Language
Proficiency Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190) preparation manual to better understand all aspects of the constructed-
response questions.
Responses that receive a score of 4.5, as yours did, typically demonstrate some degree of competence in response to
the Question & Answer prompt (the second of two), but they contain obvious flaws. A score of 4.5 indicates that your
response addresses and completes the task, but it reveals one or more weaknesses in the following areas on which
the scoring rubric is based.
Task Completion--The degree to which the response addresses and completes the task
Topic Development--The ability to construct a response that relates to the topic and contains supporting evidence
Language Use--The overall quality of the response, which includes organization, register, fluency, pronunciation,
vocabulary, and control of structures
• The response may demonstrate a lack of control of a variety of structures; frequent grammatical errors occur.
• The response may demonstrate a limited vocabulary with frequent errors such as making up words and code
• The response may demonstrate a low level of fluency with frequent hesitance.
• The response may demonstrate fair pronunciation with interference from another language.
• The response may be disorganized and have little coherence.
• The response may use inappropriate register.
You are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the pertinent sections of the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency
Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190) preparation manual to better understand all aspects of the constructed-response
Responses that receive a score of 7.5, as yours did, typically demonstrate a relatively high degree of competence in
response to the Oral Presentation prompt, but they contain very few flaws. A score of 7.5 indicates that your response
appropriately addresses and completes the task, and it reveals one or more weaknesses in the following areas on
which the scoring rubric is based.
Task Completion--The degree to which the response addresses and completes the task
Language Use--The overall quality of the response, which includes organization, register, fluency, pronunciation,
vocabulary, and control of structures
• The response may demonstrate a moderate degree of control of a variety of structures; some grammatical errors
• The response may demonstrate an appropriate vocabulary with occasional errors such as making up words or
code switching.
• The response may demonstrate a moderate level of fluency with occasional hesitance; there is some successful
• The response may demonstrate good pronunciation.
• The response may be organized with some coherence.
• The response may usually use an appropriate register.
You are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the pertinent sections of the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency
Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190) preparation manual to better understand all aspects of the constructed-response
Responses that receive a score of 7.5, as yours did, typically demonstrate a relatively high degree of competence in
response to the Support a Situation/Opinion prompt, but they contain very few flaws. A score of 7.5 indicates that your
response appropriately addresses and completes the task, and it reveals one or more weaknesses in the following
areas on which the scoring rubric is based.
Task Completion--The degree to which the response addresses and completes the task
Topic Development--The ability to construct a response that relates to the topic and contains supporting evidence
Language Use--The overall quality of the response, which includes organization, register, fluency, pronunciation,
vocabulary, and control of structures
• The response may demonstrate a moderate degree of control of a variety of structures; some grammatical errors
• The response may demonstrate an appropriate vocabulary with occasional errors such as making up
words or code switching.
• The response may demonstrate a moderate level of fluency with occasional hesitance; there is some successful
• The response may demonstrate good pronunciation.
• The response may be organized and has some coherence.
• The response may usually use an appropriate register.
You are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the pertinent sections of the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency
Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190) preparation manual to better understand all aspects of the constructed-response
Responses that receive a score of 12, as yours did, typically demonstrate a high degree of competence when replying
to the Letter, Memo or E-mail prompt, but they may contain very few flaws. A score of 12 indicates that your response
fully addresses and fully completes the task and generally corresponds to the following areas in the rubric.
Task Completion--The degree to which the response addresses and completes the task
Topic Development--The ability to construct a response that relates to the topic and contains supporting evidence
Writing Skills--The overall quality of the response, which includes organization, register, and the proper use of
structures, vocabulary, and grammar
You are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the pertinent sections of the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency
Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190) preparation manual to better understand all aspects of the constructed-response
Lesson Plan 12 8
Responses that receive a score of 8, as yours did, typically demonstrate a mid-high degree of competence in the
Lesson Plan prompt, but they contain a few flaws. A score of 8 indicates that your response addresses and completes
the required categories and generally corresponds to the following areas in the
Task Completion--The degree to which the response addresses and completes the required categories
• The response addresses all categories (school grade, vocabulary, materials, procedure, and assessment) but
some points are not fully elaborated.
Content Development--The ability to construct a response that relates to the topic and contains supporting evidence
Writing Skills--The overall quality of the response, which includes organization, register, and the proper use of
structures, vocabulary, and grammar
You are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the pertinent sections of the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency
Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190) preparation manual to better understand all aspects of the constructed-response
Responses that receive a score of 8, as yours did, typically demonstrate a mid-high degree of competence in the
Opinion/Position Essay prompt but contain a few flaws. A score of 8 indicates that your response addresses and
completes the task and generally corresponds to the following areas in the rubric.
Task Completion--The degree to which the response addresses and completes the task
Topic Development--The ability to construct a response that relates to the topic and contains supporting evidence
Writing Skills--The overall quality of the response, which includes organization, register, and the proper use of
structures, vocabulary, and grammar
• The response is organized but some parts are not fully developed.
• The response demonstrates a moderate control of a variety of structures.
• The response demonstrates an appropriate vocabulary with occasional errors such as making up words or code
• The response contains some errors in grammar and/or conventions of the written language but they do not
impede communication.
• The response usually uses an appropriate register.
You are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the pertinent sections of the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency
Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190) preparation manual to better understand all aspects of the constructed-response
Note: Please allow 7 to 10 business days after the score reporting date for your test scores to be posted in your Educator Profile on the Texas Education Agency (TEA)
website at http://www.tea.state.tx.us before contacting TEA credentialing staff or submitting your online application for certification. Application for certification does not proceed
automatically based upon receipt of your scores by TEA. To apply for certification you must go to the TEA website and follow the application for certification instructions.
*Passed/Not Passed status is based on the total scaled score for each test. See the Preparation Manual and the Registration Bulletin, at http://www.texes.ets.org, for a
description of the characteristics of each score report.
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