Effect of Coal Moisture On Denitration Efficiency and Boiler Economy
Effect of Coal Moisture On Denitration Efficiency and Boiler Economy
Effect of Coal Moisture On Denitration Efficiency and Boiler Economy
KEYWORD: Moisture content of coal; Gas inlet temperature at SCR system; Thermal calculation;
Denitrification efficiency; Cost
ABSTRACT: Taking a coal-fired unit as the research object, the denitrification efficiency and cost
of SCR system are analyzed under burning-coal with different moisture. Though thermal calculation,
the gas inlet temperature at SCR system was calculated, then the denitrification efficiency was
gotten from the graph of denitrification efficiency and SCR system inlet temperature. Then the costs
of the coal and SCR system operation were estimated . The results showed that as the coal with 35%
moisture dropped to 15% moisture, the gas inlet temperature of SCR system deceased about
10˚C,denitrification efficiency increased to 67.4% from 54.3% and the cost of coal and SCR system
operation dropped more than 24 million a year.
Coal quality is an important factor influencing the boiler running economy and environmental pro-
tection. In reality, due to factors such as the unstable coal quality , a variety of non-designed coal
has been burned to meet the coal combustion and environmental requirements. Based on the above
reasons, this article will study on the relationship among the moisture content in the coal and SCR
inlet smoke temperature and denitration efficiency and so on.Many scholars have conducted in-
depth study and achieved fruitful results about the content of this article.Including the influence of
coal quality on the exhaust temperature, boiler efficiency, coal consumption[1,2]slagging,the stability
of combus-tion[3] and the change on the boiler thermal effi-ciency[4]. Coal moisture changes have
the effect on the power plants economy[5-7].
On the basis of previous studies and in the view of environmental protection, this paper will focus
on the influence of coal moisture on the denitration efficiency and economy. First we should
calculate the coal moisture influence on the SCR inlet smoke temperature. Then, building a
relationship between coal moisture and denitration efficiency according to the SCR inlet smoke
temperature and denitration efficiency curve. Thus it is concluded that the influ-ence of coal
moisture on the denitration effici-ency.Using the calculation results to discuss further the situation
of the boiler economic operation. It provides the reference for the denitration efficiency improved
and costs reduced.
Research object
Taking a power plant boiler and its checking coal types of Guangdong as a object, its as-received
moisture was 35% and the calorific value is 12800 kJ/kg. Gradually reducing the moisture on the
basis of this standard was 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%. The other components changed accordingly.
The change of calorific value can be calculated accord-ing to the following formula (1)[8] .
The influence of coal moisture on received low calo-rific value:
(100 − M ar 0 )
Qar 0,net , p = (Qar1,net , p + 25M ar1 ) − 25M ar 0 (1)
(100 − M ar1 )
where Qar0,net,p is the low calorific value of raw coal; Qar1,net,pis low calorific value of changed
coal;Mar0 is the water of raw coal; Mar1 is the water of changed coal.The calculation results are listed
in Table 1.
Where Vdaf, Aar and Mar are the absolute deviation from designed value;Qnet,ar and ST are the
relative deviation from designed value.
Coal moisture range is from -5% to 5% . Due to the reasons such as power plant coal storage
conditions and the type of coal and the weather changes, the scope of boiler coal moisture change is
difficult to meet the above requirements.Therefore, studying the effect of moisture on SCR inlet
smoke temperature has a realistic significance. In addition, the require-ments of water deviation
between the largest and smallest is about 10%.However the water deviation calculated is about
20% considering the actual situa-tion.
Table 3 the part thermodynamic calculation results
Computer projects Raw Moisture changes
Moniture in coal/% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15%
Theoretical combution
temperature/˚C 1814.73 1859.52 1907.63 1940.5 1954.5
Exhaust gas 150.60 143.10 135.50 130.80 128.80
Boiler thermal 91.65 91.87 92.46 92.74 93.14
Fumace exit gas 996.25 997.72 994.52 987.96 985.48
Actual fuel 222233. 219483. 215461.4 212864.8 210956
consumption/kg.h-1 6 0 .4
SCR inlet smoke 414.95 414.98 413.94 410.87 405.93
The coal calculated is derived from raw coal which changed water content. In order to analyze
the subsequent boiler economy, different moisture of coal consumption(B’) have converted into
corresp-onding raw coal consumption(B) according to the type (2) in the Table 3.
100 − M ' ar
B = B'⋅ (2)
100 − M ar
where Mar is the raw coal moisture, Mar is the moisture of coal quality after changed.We can see
from Table 3 that coal consumption is arising trend with the increase of coal moisture.This is
because the reduced moisture increase calorific value.When the water rose from 15% to 35%, coal
consumption rose from 210956.4kg·h-1 to 222233.6 kg h-1. Unit fuel can produce smoke gas
quantity from 6.17 m3·kg-1 down to 5.24 m3·kg-1 and reduce the rate of 9.53%.
The influences of coal water on the smoke temperature
The relations between coal with different water and SCR inlet smoke temperature, combustion
and exhaust temperature are shown in Fig 1. As you can see, SCR inlet smoke temperature with the
same as outlet smoke temperature from heating surface with declining coal moisture. This is a real
downward trend.When moisture content decreased from 35% to 15%,SCR inlet smoke temperature
dropped nearly 10˚C. Theoretical combustion temperature rose from 1814 ˚Cto1954 ˚C and rose by
about 140 ˚C.Exhaust temperature reduced from 150˚C to 128˚C and fell by about 22˚C.
Fig. 1 SCR inlet temperature ,exhaust temperature and smoke theoretical combustion
This trend may be due to the reason that coal moisture increased from 15% to 35% making
calorific value of coal fell.The theoretical com-bustion temperature will be greatly reduced. At the
same time, it also will lead to a rise in coal consumption.Therefore, the smoke quantity will rise
sharply. Increased smoke volume and lower com-bustion temperature will reduce the effect of
heat convection at the heating surface.The flue gas temperature dropped amplitude decreases and
the logarithmic temperature difference of heating sur-face reduces.So the temperature dropped
along the gas flow direction become smaller.The SCR inlet smoke temperature and exhaust gas
temperature are increased.
The influences of coal moisture on the denitration efficiency
The relations between SCR inlet smoke tem-perature and denitration efficiency are shown in
Fig.2.The figure shows that when SCR inlet smoke temperature changes in the range of 380˚Cto
396 ˚C, the denitration efficiency increased with the rise of the flue gas temperature. Denitration
efficiency reached the maximum when the flue gas temperature is 396˚Cor so. So the plant
denitration system optimum reaction temperature is 396 ˚C.When the smoke temperature continues
to rise, denitration efficiency began to decline.When the smoke temperature rise to about 410˚C,
denitration efficiency would be reduced to 59.8%.
According to the Fig.2 and the calculated SCR inlet smoke temperature, we get the relations
among coal moisture, SCR inlet smoke temperature and denitration efficiency. It is listed in Table 4.
Table. 4 Relations among coal moisture, SCR inlet smoke temperature and denitration efficiency.
Computing projects Moisture changes
54.3 54.3 54.8 60 67.4
Table. 4 shows that when raw coal moisture up to 35%, denitration efficiency is about 54%. Den-
itration efficiency increases when the raw coal moisture falling.Coal moisture decreased from 35%
to 15%, the denitration efficiency increased from 54.3% to 67.4%.The reasons for the trend is likely
to be SCR inlet smoke temperature (denitration temperature) of the research units is higher than that
of catalyst optimum reaction temperature.When the denitration temperature is greater than the
optimum reaction temperature, the NH3 will react with O2 and NOX generated. Den-itration
efficiency become lower because of higher concentration of NOX[11-13]. It appears a phenom-enon
that denitration efficiency decreases with the increase of denitration tem-perature .
The influences of coal moisture on the denitration cost
Fuel consumption decreased by 11277.2 kg/h when coal moisture decreased from 35% to
15%.According to the provided data from power plant, a ton coal prices by 360 yuan and the boiler
running 6000 h a year, which can get coal cost down 24.3588 million yuan a year. Coal moisture
content is reduced causing nitrogen element content is relatively higher, but the total coal
consumption is decreased. For convenient, SCR inlet NOX concentration is calculated according to
the designed standard of 550 mg/m3. NOX emissions can be calculated from the smoke gas quantity
and denitration efficiency. The environmental protection department for NOX emissions proves fee
methods[14]. With 200 mg/m3 for the prescribed discharge standards can calculate the
corresponding NOX fines. Further increases in denitration effi-ciency will increase ammonia
consumption and the cost of denitration. Ammonia consumption costs will be achieved under the
condition of ammonia nitrogen ratio 1:1. 2 and ammonia price 3000 yuan a ton. This article will
ignore other costs such as the artificial and denitration operation electricity. It is adopted that small
proportion in the cost of coal and denitration .All the results are listed in Table 5.
Table 5The summary of estimated cost(ten thousand yuan a year)
Moistue Ammonia
Coal-fired Polluta- Combined
in coal consumption
cost nts fines cost
(%) cost
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