Trojan BLDG., Poblacion City of Biñan, Laguna Tel No. (049) 511-9278

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Trojan Bldg., Poblacion City of Biñan, Laguna

Tel No. (049) 511-9278


Course Code : MM4 (ADVERTISING)

College : Business Department
Department : Business Department
Degree Program : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Instructor : Mr. Brian G. Melliza
Consultation Period :
Course Description :

This class is designed to explain advertising, its role in society and business. All aspects of advertising
may be covered. By the end of the class you will understand how advertising works: from the base
research and strategy to the media buy and creative. You will also know how to measure the success of

Course Learning Outcomes (LO):

On the completion of the course, student is expected to be able to do the following:

Institutional Graduate Program Graduate Outcomes LO Learning Outcome

Outcomes No.
Effective Values-Oriented Professional LO 1 Distinguish advertising from other
Communicator types of marketing communication
Values-Oriented Responsive Leaders LO2 Choose an appropriate method for
Professional collecting data for market research
Goal-Directed Technology Driven LO3 Develop an advertising budget that will
Professional produce a Return on Investment
LO4 Invent an IMC promotional plan using
Globally Competent Goal-Directed Professional various elements of the promotional

Final Course Output:

As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student has to do and submit the following:

1. Solution Documentation that highlights the following:

1. Distinguish advertising from other types of marketing communication ___(LO1)

Differentiation on the role and purpose of advertising using different reference books and
reading material for the subject

2. Choose an appropriate method for collecting data for market research_____________(LO2)

Distinguish the alternative sources of advertising as properly described and delivered in the
main source of books and reading materials

3. Develop an advertising budget that will produce a Return on Investment___________(LO3)

The application of research of the different technology applied in the creation of advertising
method that will offer a fast and efficient ways to produce and distribute goods and services
to the target and potential market consumer

4. Invent an IMC promotional plan using various elements of the promotional mix______(LO4)

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Design a new efficient and effective way to create and apply advertising methods with
elements opportunity that will further enhance the application of providing the fast delivery
of goods and services to target and prospected market consumers

2. Assessment Report on another student’s database design that highlights the following:

1. Distinguish advertising from other types of marketing communication______________(LO1)

Assessment focuses on the evidence that a student can understand and comprehend the
different role and purpose of advertising methods using the basics, principles and

2. Choose an appropriate method for collecting data for market research_____________(LO2)

Assessment evidence that the students can understand and comprehend the different
alternative sources of advertising methods and techniques

3. Develop an advertising budget that will produce a Return on Investment___________(LO3)

Assessment that the students can apply a thorough research on different technology applied
in advertising

4. Develop new efficient and effective franchising business opportunity___________ __(LO4)

Criteria that the students can apply create and design a new advertising applications and
methods which is efficient and effectively will distribute goods and services to target/
prospected market

3. Personal Realizations that highlights the following:

Document your personal realization and designed to develop & enhance the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes in the applications of advertising in accordance with the industry standards. A
student is required to have the following skills in distinctive areas of studying franchising: firstly,
he must be proficient skills to comprehend the basics, principles and fundamentals of
advertising. Secondly, he must be able to understand the different types and provisions of
advertising to implements the basics, principles and fundamentals of the subject. Thirdly, he
must be able to apply the needed technological innovations of advertising.

Rubrics for Assessment:

Throughout the course, the level of achievement will be measured using this rubric. The same rubric will
be used for your self-assessment during each learning, assessment activities and consultations.

CRITERIA 5 – Efficient 4–Very 3 - Satisfactory 2 - Average 1 – Needs

Satisfactory Improvements
Knowledge of Efficient Very Satisfactory Average Needs
Concepts and comprehension satisfactory comprehensio comprehensio improvement
Principles of the subject comprehension n of the n of the comprehension
matter that of the subject subject matter subject matter of the subject
requires less/ matter that that requires a that requires a that requires a
minimal requires a least minimum constant maximum
guidance from minimum guidance from guidance from guidance and
the subject guidance from the subject the subject follow through
facilitator the subject facilitator facilitator from the subject
facilitator facilitator
Solution Documentation
Distinguish Efficiently Very Satisfactory Averagely Needs
advertising discuss and satisfactorily Discuss and Discuss and improvement to
from other design all discuss and design some design not all completely
types of activities which design some activities activities discussion and

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marketing cover the activities which which cover which cover design of all
communicatio knowledge, skills cover the the the activities which
n and attitudes knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, cover the
required to skills and skills and skills and knowledge, skills
study attitudes attitudes but attitudes and attitudes
advertising required to limited to required to required to study
study require in the study of of advertising
advertising study of advertising
Choose an Efficient Very Satisfactorily Averagely Needs
appropriate discussion satisfactorily on some highlight some improvements
method for presentation on discussion discussion or presentation
collecting data covers the all discussion presentation presentation covering the
for market knowledge, skills
presentation covers the covering the knowledge, skills
research and attitudes covers the knowledge, knowledge, and attitudes
required to knowledge, skills and skills and required to
prepare skills and attitudes attitudes prepare
advertising attitudes required to required to advertising
required to prepare prepare
prepare advertising advertising
Develop an Efficient on Very Satisfactorily Averagely Needs
advertising all the satisfactorily on some Not all the improvements
budget that discussion on all the discussion discussion or report on all
will produce a covers the discussion covers the covers the the discussion
Return on knowledge, skills covers the knowledge, knowledge, covers the
Investment and attitudes knowledge, skills and skills and knowledge, skills
required to skills and attitudes attitudes and attitudes
understand and attitudes required but required but required to
comprehend required but limited to limited to understand and
advertising limited to understand understand comprehend
understand and and advertising
and comprehend comprehend
comprehend advertising advertising
Invent an IMC Efficient on all Very Satisfactorily Averagely Needs
promotional the discussion satisfactorily on some the not all the improvements
plan using covers the on all the discussion discussion on covering the
various knowledge, skills discussion covers the covers the knowledge, skills
elements of and attitudes covers the knowledge, knowledge, and attitudes
the required to knowledge, skills and skills and required to apply
promotional apply the skills and attitudes attitudes the concepts of
mix concepts of attitudes required to required to advertising
advertising required to apply the apply the
apply the concepts of advertising
concepts of advertising
Assessment Report
Distinguish All work All work Some work Not all work No discussion on
advertising instruction is instruction is instruction is instruction is all work
from other secured secured secured secured instruction is
types of following following following following secured following
marketing standard standard standard standard standard
communicatio interpretations interpretations interpretations interpretations operating
n of advertising of advertising of advertising of advertising interpretations of
according to the according to according to according to advertising
reference books the reference the reference the reference according to the
and reading books and books and books and reference books
materials as reading reading reading and reading
required to materials as materials as materials as materials as
identify the required to required to required to required to
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problems and identify the identify the identify the identify the
solutions problems and problems and problems and problems and
solutions solutions solutions solutions
solutions but to reference according to to reference
limited to the books and reference books and
requirements reading books and reading materials
of the case law materials as reading as required to
required to materials as identify the
identify the required to problems and
problems and identify the solutions
solutions problems and
Choose an All assessment All assessment All assessment Not All No assessment
appropriate contains on how contains on contains on assessment report on all
method for to demonstrates how to how to contains on assessment All
collecting data ability to demonstrates demonstrates how to assessment
for market interpret the ability to ability to demonstrates contains on how
research applications of interpret the interpret the ability to to demonstrates
advertising applications of applications of interpret the ability to
according to the advertising advertising applications of interpret the
reference books according to according to advertising applications
and reading the reference the reference according to advertising
materials as books and books and the reference according to the
required to reading reading books and reference books
identify the materials as materials as reading and reading
problems and required to required to materials as materials as
solutions identify the identify the required to required to
problems and problems and identify the identify the
solutions solutions problems and problems and
as accorded to as accorded to solutions solutions
provision of provision of identify, requirements,
the subject the subject on select, and ability to identify,
a limited prepare the select, and
ability to needed prepare the
understand provisions, advertising case
the procedure ability to problem
following the perform the provisions, ability
prescribed process to perform the
requirements, procedure as process
accorded to procedure as
provision of accorded to the
the subject subject
Develop an All assessment All assessment Some Not all No assessment
advertising contains on how contains on assessment assessment or assessment
budget that to demonstrates how to contains on contains on report on all
will produce a ability to demonstrates how to how to assessment
Return on interpret job the ability to demonstrates demonstrates contains on how
Investment requirements, interpret job ability to ability to to demonstrates
ability to requirements, interpret job interpret job ability to
identify, select, ability to requirements, requirements, interpret job
prepare and use identify, select, ability to ability to requirements,
perform set-up prepare and identify, identify, ability to identify,
procedure use proper select, prepare select, prepare select, prepare
following job applications, and use proper and use proper and use proper
requirements, ability to applications, applications, applications,
ability to submit perform the ability to ability to ability to perform
complete ideas procedure perform perform procedure
according to job following job procedure procedure following job
task schedule requirements following job following job requirements,
but limited on requirements requirements ability to
the ability to but limited on but limited on interpret details,
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interpret and the ability to the ability to ability to submit
details, ability interpret interpret complete ideas
to submit detail, ability details, ability according to task
complete ideas to submit to submit schedule
according to complete complete
task schedule ideas ideas
according to according to
task schedule task schedule
Invent an IMC All assessment All assessment Some Not all No assessment
promotional contains on how contains on assessment assessment or assessment
plan using to demonstrates how to contains on contains on report containing
various the ability to demonstrates how to how to on how to
elements of interpret the the ability to demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
the provisions of interpret the the interpret the ability to the ability to
promotional advertising provisions of the provisions interpret the interpret the
mix advertising of advertising provisions of provisions of
advertising advertising
Personal Realizations
Personal Reflections and Realizations Realizations Realization are Needs Personal
Realization Action Plan are reflections are reflections lists of what Realizations and
were conferred and action plan and action has been Action plan
and reflected against plan against learned in the
upon further to learning, learning, process and
improve self- personal personal action plan is
realizations and characteristics, characteristics, list of what
action plan skills and skills, and needs to be
attitude. attitude learned
Realization further
were conferred
for validation

Other Requirements and Assessments:

Aside from the final output, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:

 Develop an advertising budget that will produce a Return on Investment (LO3)

 Develop new efficient and effective franchising business opportunity (LO4)

Grading System:

Concepts and Principles with Understanding

And Application Assessments and Oral Exam 20% Knowledge of Concepts and Principles x 0.2
Solution Documentation 50% Solution Documentation Rubric Rate x 0.5
Assessment Report 20% Assessment Report Rubric Rate x 0.2
Personal Realizations 10% Personal Realizations Rubric Rate x 0.1

Passing Grade: 1.0

Passing Grade conditions: All rubric rates are 1.0

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Week Topic Learning Teaching and Methodologies /

Outcome Learning Activities Assessment Tasks
1.1 What Is Advertising?

1.1.1 Advertising: Definition

Web Media: North Carolina State Open Forum Notes Taking
1–2 University: Dr. Jonathan Casper’s LO1 Lecture / Brainstorming
“Advertising” Discussion
Film Showing
1.2 The Advertising Industry Slide Presentation
2.1 The Effects of Advertising

2.1.1 Social Aspects of Advertising Lecture / Notes Taking

3-4 LO2 Discussion Brainstorming
2.1.2 Ethical Issues of Advertising Film Showing Research
Slide Presentation Assignments
2.2 Advertising Regulation
3.1 Marketing Communication

3.1.1 Communication Models

3.2 Consumer Decision Making Lecture / Notes Taking

5–6 LO3 Discussion Brainstorming
3.2.1 Influences on Consumer Decision Film Showing Research
Making Slide Presentation Assignments

3.2.2 Cultural Aspects

4.1 Market Data

4.1.1 Types of Data

4.1.2 Primary and Secondary Data

4.2 Market Research Lecture / Notes Taking

Discussion Brainstorming
7–8 4.2.1 Consumer Behavior LO3 Film Showing Case Study Research
Slide Presentation Case Presentation
4.2.2 Research Methods Case Study Assignment
Case Discussion
4.3 Market Share

4.3.1 The Market Analysis

4.3.2 Measuring the Market

5.1 Segmenting the Market

5.2 Choosing a Target Segment

Lecture / Notes Taking
9 – 11 5.3 Positioning the Brand LO3 Discussion Brainstorming
Film Showing Case Study Research
6.1 Budgeting Methods Slide Presentation Case Presentation
6.2 Managing a Budget
7.1 Branding

7.2 Employing a Strategic Framework

Lecture / Notes Taking
Discussion Brainstorming

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12 – 14 7.3 Setting Objectives LO1 Film Showing Case Study Research
Slide Presentation Case Presentation
8.1 Integrated Marketing Case Study Assignment
Communication Case Discussion

8.2 Elements of the Promotional Mix

8.3 The Promotional Plan

9.1 Advertising and Media

Reading: VMS’ “Measuring Media

Coverage Effectively”

9.2 New, Non-Traditional Media

9.2.1 Web and Email Media LO4 Lecture / Notes Taking

15 - 16 Discussion Brainstorming
9.2.2 Mobile Media Film Showing Case Study Research
Slide Presentation Case Presentation
9.2.3 Social Media Case Study Assignment
Case Discussion
9.2.4 Other Media

9.3 Media Strategy and Planning

10.1 Ad Production
Lecture / Notes Taking
10.2 Executional Discussion Brainstorming
17 – 18 LO4 Film Showing Case Study Research
10.3 The Advertising Campaign Slide Presentation Case Presentation
Case Study Assignment
10.4 Evaluation Case Discussion


Belch and Belch, Advertising and Promotion, 9th Ed., ISBN9780073404868. Published 2012




1. Punctuality – please come on time, late beyond 15 minutes grace period will not
be allowed to enter the class marked as absent
2. Always be ready – quizzes, case study/ case analysis are announced ahead of time for
evaluation and presentation
3. Output oriented – attendance is a must as output is based on performance from
quizzes, seat work and case study/ case analysis presentation
4. Honesty – always practice honesty as the best policy as students must be aware
of their actions inside the classroom as to avoid unethical practices
such as cheating and conduct unbecoming of a student.

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Project and Grouping

1. Maximum number of students per group is five (2).

2. By a given week, students are required to submit the following:
a. Hard copy of group research to be submitted to the professor on the prescribed deadline date.
b. Able to present either individual/ group debate
c. Confirmation Form that proves that the project was submitted on time including its date, time,
and signature of the professor.


1. Professor will schedule a consultation hours regarding the course matter.

2. There should be at least two (2) hours consultation per group per two (2) weeks
3. Professor will leave notes or communicate online if there are some necessary arrangement on the
consultation hour.

Class Sessions

1. Students are allowed to use electronic gadgets which are intended only for gathering information related
to the course.
2. Students are allowed to use digital cameras to capture writings on the white board only at the end of each
3. Should a student miss session, they should be responsible for what was announced or discussed.
4. Graded activity is important and has an impact to students’ assessment.
5. Every student will have the chance to lead the entire class in prayer.
6. Students will help the professor in preparing the LCD projector and setting the chairs.
7. The students will present an excuse letter if he or she cannot attend the class.


1. Attendance will be checked.

2. Attendance policies will be strictly implemented.
3. Attendance to make-up classes are not required.

Submission of Requirements

1. Requirements are to be submitted physically to the professor or by means of an online applications.

Ensure that there is receiving copy of the requirements or must be sent back if it is in online mode.
2. E-mail and contact number will be given to the students.
3. The professor will acknowledge the receipt of submitted documents.


1. The professor will suggest that communication will be open. Any suggestions and recommendations are
to be entertained inside the class.
2. The students should avoid creating negative feelings with each other. It doesn’t help the learning process.
3. Everyone is entitled to give his or her feedback inside the class.
4. Brainstorming in group discussion is utmost appreciated.
5. Group effort must be applied for group divisions
6. Individuals assigned for the task could share notes and ideas



Submitted by: Checked/Evaluated by: Approved:

Mr. Brian G. Melliza Ms. Wenifreda P. MIranda Mr. Rito A. Camigla Jr.
Instructor Program Head Academic Head

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