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Implementing Controlled Composition to Improve Vocabulary

Dinamika Ilmu
P-ISSN: 1411-3031; E-ISSN: 2442-9651
2015, Vol. 15 No. 1

Implementing Controlled Composition to Improve

Vocabulary Mastery of EFL Students
Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam, Indonesia

The purposes of this study was to know how (1) Controlled composition
teaching techniques implemented by the English teacher at SDN 027
Samarinda to improve vocabulary mastery, and (2) Controlled
composition teaching techniques improves vocabulary mastery of the
sixth grade students of SDN 027 Samarinda. This research used a
Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the research design. The subject of
the research is the sixth grade students in the 2013/2014 academic year
that consists of 43 students. The instruments employed in this study were
observation checklist, field note, and vocabulary test. The result of the
research showed that in cycle 1 the students’ achievement did not fulfill
the minimal criteria of success. However the result of the cycle 1 was
better than the preliminary study. The criteria of success did not fulfill in
cycle one, some enhancement of the implementation of Controlled
Composition were made in cycle two in the form of: Instruct the students
bring dictionary, give more examples English sentences, guide the
students find the mining of words in the dictionary and write a paragraph,
more motivate the students and preparing a media/ picture .Meanwhile
the students ’achievement in cycle two showed that fulfilled the criteria of
success. Based on the findings and discussion, the conclusions are: Firstly,
Controlled composition was implemented well by the teacher of SDN
027 Samarinda. Controlled composition was implemented and gave
impacts in: (a) increasing the students’ vocabulary mastery significantly,
(b) making the students able to spell the vocabularies, (c) making the
students understand the meaning English words, and (d) making the
students able to pronounce English words quite good. Secondly, Controlled
composition improved the students’ vocabulary mastery; it was only
20.9% of the students who achieved the English passing grade in the

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Implementing Controlled Composition to Improve Vocabulary

preliminary study, but then 81.39% of the students achieved the English
passing grade in the end of cycle 2.

Keywords: vocabulary, controlled composition, CAR

A. Introduction
Learning English means learning the elements and skills in the language.
Vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and spelling are language elements, while
language skills are listening, writing, reading and speaking. In the process of
learning a foreign language, the ability to understand the language greatly
depends on one’s knowledge of vocabulary besides the other elements of
language itself. Therefore, vocabulary is one of the important language elements
that learners must master. The learner who has more words has better chance in
practicing English. The learners can more easily master reading, listening,
speaking, and writing.
McCarthy (1990) states that the biggest component of any language
course is vocabulary. In addition, Nunan (1998) states that in the early stages of
learning and using a second language, one is better served by vocabulary than
grammar. This reason is strongly supported by Nunan (1998) who argues that
the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second
language use because without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use
the structure and functions. We may have learned for comprehensible
It can be said that the main point of learning language especially learning
English is vocabulary because vocabulary influences the ability of students in
learning English. If students have many vocabularies well, they can learn the
Elements and skill in the language easily.
To learn and master vocabulary, the learners need appropriate method
and appropriate material (Fauzan, 2014). Based on pre observation in SDs, some
English teachers still use a traditional method for all materials. The teacher
presents the material by focusing on grammar rules, memorizing vocabulary,
translating text, and doing written exercises. Reading, structure, and writing are
the primary skills that the students work on, by giving little attention to speak
and listen.
Those conditions result in the following: 1) some students will forget the
material easily because they are not active during learning process or involved in
learning process directly; 2) there are no good atmosphere and environment of
learning process in the class because there is no interaction or response between
students and teacher. The students just sit in their chairs and listen to teacher’s
explanation. It will make students bored. They do not enjoy the learning process,
as strongly supported by Harmer (2007) who states that the students must be
encouraged to respond to texts and situations with their own thoughts and

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experiences, rather than just answering questions and doing abstract learning
activities. The teacher must give them tasks which they are able to do, rather
than risk humiliating them.
English vocabulary is one of the elements in teaching English at the
elementary school. Vocabulary is a basic competence that has to be reached by
students in order to get other competencies like reading, writing, listening, and
speaking. It is difficult to master the other competences without mastering and
understanding the vocabulary. Nunan (1998) argues that the acquisition of an
adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because
without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and
functions we may have learned for comprehensible communication.
Learning process which focuses on the teacher is no longer suitable. It is
because our brain is continuously finding meaning and saving meaningful cases,
and learning process has to involve students in finding meaning. Teaching and
learning process has to make it possible for the students to understand the
meaning of their learning material.
Students as the learning subject are the starting point in teaching and
learning which measure the success of the teaching learning process. Teaching
and learning can be successful when the students can directly feel the advantages
of learning materials by experiencing and learning it. There are many other
factors supporting teaching and learning process, such as the using of
appropriate media, learning materials which support teaching learning process,
class management, and teacher’s ability and creativity in developing and
managing learning process optimally.
When the teaching and learning process takes place, problems would
appear to the teacher. They have problems of how to teach them in order to gain
satisfying result. The teacher should prepare and find out the appropriate
techniques which are implemented to the students. A good teacher should
prepare himself or herself with various and up-to-date techniques and mastering
the material in order to be understood by students, and make children interested
and happy in teaching and learning process in the classroom.
The teachers should concern that teaching vocabulary is something new
and different from student’s native language. They have to take into account that
teaching English for young learners is different from adults. The teachers have to
know the characteristics of young learners. The teachers need to prepare good
techniques and a suitable material in order to gain the target of language teaching
to the children.
Based on the pre-observation done by the writer in the sixth year of SDN
027 Samarinda, teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesian SD faces
many serious challenges. The problems are the students find it difficult to spell,
understand the meaning and pronounce English words.
Some factors can cause these problems, like: (1) the way English words
are written differ from the way the words are pronounced; (2) the rare use of the

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English language; (3) the lack of understanding of the teacher about who the
children are; (4) there is no media used in teaching and learning process; and (5)
the method used is not suitable for the students.
An appropriate method for teaching English for children is very
important because appropriate method determines the result of teaching
vocabulary, that is, improving student’s vocabulary mastery. There are many
methods that are appropriate in teaching English such as task based learning,
experiential learning, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).
Controlled composition teaching and learning involves students totally in
learning process. Students are motivated to be active to study the materials of
learning suitable with the topic. Controlled-composition emphasizes on the
process of students’ involvement in order to be able to find the materials they
will learn and connect it with the real situation, so it will motivate the students to
apply what they learn in their daily lives. Learning in controlled-composition is
not just listening and take notes but learning is direct experiencing process. By
that experience, it is hoped that students’ development can happen; they do not
only develop cognitive aspect, but also affective and psychomotor aspects. By
using controlled composition, it is hoped that the students find the learning
materials directly (not given by the teacher).
Controlled-composition can be considered one of CTL techniques. It can
be concluded that CTL is learning method whose process of learning involves 3
aspects, students as learning subject, teacher as mediator and facilitator, and the
situation which is set by the teacher to get effective and planned learning
process. Every different part of CTL contributes to help the students understand
learning materials and assignments which connect with those materials. Students
are assisted to form a system which makes it possible for the students to see the
meaning and remember the learning materials they have studied before.
Contextual teaching learning is one of the methods appropriate in teaching
English for children. In a CTL learning environment, students discover
meaningful relationships between abstract ideas and practical applications in a
real world context. Students learn something by experiencing by themselves.
Considering the importance of implementing a method in teaching
English, the writer decides to carry out a research on “Improving Students’
Vocabulary Mastery using Controlled composition at SDN 027 Samarinda using
a Classroom Action Research.

B. Literature Review
Vocabulary is a very important element in learning foreign language
because its role as the essential part in communication. Hatch & Brown (1995)
argue that the term vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a particular
language or words that individual speakers of language might use. According to
Ur (1996) vocabulary can be defined roughly as the words teacher teaches in the
foreign language. The term “words” here means that the new item of vocabulary

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maybe more than a single word, for example, father-in-law and police office,
which are made up from two or more words but express a single definition or
idea. In other case there are also compound words called as multi-word idioms,
for example, call it a day, where the meaning of the phrase cannot be deduced
from an analysis of the component words.
In general, vocabulary refers to the meaning of word and not merely its
pronunciation. Here, vocabulary is not a letters construct together to become a
word and how to pronounce the words correctly but it is a group of letters that
have its own meaning. Madsen (1983) defines vocabulary as the total number of
words in language, words known by person or used in particular book, subject,
or list of words used with their meaning.
Another expert, Murcia (2001) states that vocabulary learning is central to
language acquisition, whether the language is first, second, or foreign.
Vocabulary is important for communication. McCarthy (1990) also states that
vocabulary is the biggest component of any language course. Vocabulary often
seems to be the least systematized and the least well catered for all the aspects of
learning of foreign language.
Vocabulary is always an essential part of English as a foreign language
instruction material. Everyone who learns a language must learn the vocabulary
of the language first in order to make the learning process is easier. So, it is
necessary for the students to enrich vocabulary continually. According to
Cahyani (2014), the young learners ideally master 2.500 up to 5.000 words to
support the learning of a language.
Teaching vocabulary is clearly more than just presenting new words, it is
also teaching the meaning and how to use them in correct order. Ur (1996)
proposes five needs to be taught in teaching vocabulary, namely: form, grammar,
collocation, aspects of meaning (such as denotation, connotation,
appropriateness, synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, co-hyponyms, super-
ordinates, and translation) and word formation.
Controlled composition and guided composition are writing for early
stage of children that teacher helps students to write. Hyland (2003) states that a
teacher should emphasis on language structure as a basis for writing teaching is
typically a four-stage process: familiarization, controlled writing, guided writing,
and free writing. In addition, Hyland (2003), then explains that in
Familiarization, the learner are taught certain grammar and vocabulary, usually
through a text. In Controlled writing, the learners manipulate fixed pattern, often
from substitution tables, In guided writing : learners imitate model texts, and free
writing, the learners use the patterns they have developed to write an essay, letter
and so forth modelled and shared writing are also called as guided writing or
guided composition.
According to Raimes (1983) there is difference between controlled and
guided composition. The chief difference between them is the amount of
control imposed in the activity/exercise. In controlled composition, students

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work/do something with the text and outcomes are more fixed as a result. Thus,
controlled composition is more closed-ended. In controlled composition
activities there is one perfect answer for each question, or at least a highly limited
set of acceptable answers for a specific task or question. Controlled writing is
generally considered to be more form focused. Students don’t need to be very
creative in controlled writing activities.
Guided composition tends to impose more guidelines as to how the
writing should ensue but doesn’t necessarily control the specific forms necessary
to completing the writing. These types of task are often more meaning focused
or have a focus related certain aspects of the composition process. Controlled
composition generally focuses more on forms, or the writing part of writing
while guided writing tends to focus more on bigger idea of planning and
integrating many skills or the composing part of writing.
Hyland (2003) states that in guided compositions, the learner are given
short text and asked to fill in gaps, complete, sentences, transform tenses or
personal pronouns, and complete other exercises that focus students on
achieving accuracy and avoiding errors. Hyland (2003) also argues that guided
composition are based on the assumption that texts are objects that can be
taught independently of particular contexts , writers, or reader, and that by
following certain rules, writers can fully represent their intended meanings.
In addition, Oczkus, L. (2007) states that guided composition is a scaffold
method in teaching writing by using several instruction, such as modeling
thinking aloud, engaging students in shared reading, guiding in cooperative,
guided writing and encouraging students to work independently. The chief
advantages of using controlled writing classroom are its control and flexibility.
The advantages of the ability to control the specific outcomes of the writing
activity cannot be overestimated. This is an advantage both from the teacher’s
and students’ point of view. From the teacher’s point of view controlled writing
activities may take a relatively short time to create writing.
Controlled writing activities are fundamental to teaching literacy to
children or adults. Controlled writing focuses on establishing grammatical
patterns, sentence structure, punctuation and word order. Controlled writing
exercises can help students learn how to express themselves effectively in proper
English. Guided writing is an individual or group activity where learners use
word maps to organize their ideas and write texts. A word map is a diagram
used in guided writing to help writers organize their ideas. Related words are
written to show their relationship to a central topic or concept.
In teaching writing, vocabulary also needs to pay attention. Control for
students is also given not only for grammar but also vocabulary or diction.
Harris (1969) states vocabulary’s mastery/diction plays an important role in a
language, especially in the writing activity. The choice of vocabulary could
describe the writer’s knowledge. The number of words mastered by the writer
could indicate that he/she mastered a number of concepts. Mastery of

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vocabulary can be improved by listening or reading a lot of books.

Vocabulary mastery can be observed from two sides: quantitative and
qualitative. Quantitative vocabulary mastery is seen from the quantity or sums
of vocabulary mastered by the students. In this case, the students should
master the vocabulary as much as possible, so they are able to communicate
actively with those vocabularies. While qualitative vocabulary mastery consists
of knowledge, meaning of words, and structure of words. It will support the
students to choose the appropriate words, so it can support the effectiveness
of the language use. And the students should master both of them in order to
make their writing good.
Controlled composition is a method that focuses the students’ attention
on specific features of the written language. Controlled composition provides
three steps: to rewrite a passage, to make change, and to correct errors. It can be
a good method in reinforcing grammar beside for reinforcing vocabulary. Fisher
& Frey (2008) say that during guided writing, teacher use sentence or paragraph
frames. These frames, models, or templates help students internalize
conventional structures.
Controlled composition can also be taught using a various way and the
use of pictures. Handayani, Dantes, & Ratminingsih (2013) state that the
application of guided writing strategy allows an instruction with dozen of
examples of student work, reproducible worksheets, students-friendly activities,
teacher-friendly assessment rubrics and create ways for students to share their
writing, therefore students can have writing with confidence and competence.
Handayani et al. (2013) also believe that guided writing strategy can make the
students enjoy when they were given activities that enabled them to be dynamic.
The students were given some guidance by using pictures or clues for their
writing task. They were also allowed to make a group to discuss their problem
before they made their own writing.
Controlled composition can also be taught in group of works. Fisher &
Frey (2008) states that guided writing involves the teacher working with small
groups of students, based on their assessed performance. During guided writing,
students apply what they have learned from focus lessons and collaborative
learning with varying degrees of support from the teacher.
There are some advantages of controlled composition. Hyland (2003)
states that controlled composition develops learners’ confidence and fluency by
providing a text frame to complete, a parallel text to write, a draft text to edit, or
other activities that involve reworking or finishing a model. (Reyhan, 2012)
argues that guided writing is considered as the techniques which enhance the
student ability.
In addition, Reyhan (2012) states that guided writing techniques helped
the student to made more correct sentences and mixed it together into one or
more complex sentences. Guided writing provided grammatical aspect which
students applied in their composition, especially in sentence combining.

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Handayani et al. (2013) claim that guided writing activity provides not only
written but also oral assistance to students. It can help the students where they
begin to write and compose their writing. Handayani et al. (2013) also claim that
guided writing strategy could help the students to be more active in participating
in teaching learning process.
It is not only for the teachers, the use of controlled composition has the
advantage for the teacher. Dean (2004) claims that guided writing is an excellent
tool to employ in the learning classroom. The teacher has the opportunity to
work closely with the pupils, and to see exactly how well those learners are able
to manage the tasks set for them.
Cross (1995) argues that one good thing about controlled composition
technique is that it is such written work which is either right or wrong, so it can
be corrected quickly by the students themselves in class. Another good point is
that everyone is involved and an occasional written task offers a change of pace.
There is control of sentence structure and accuracy in mechanics so that students
write correctly the first time and does not practice errors. From the statement
above, it can be concluded that the strength of controlled composition are the
end of task can be corrected quickly by the students themselves and also the
students can write correctly the first time and does not practice errors
From the explanation above, we can give conclusion that controlled
composition can be used by students who is the writing is characterized by
frequent error and lagging fluency. Students who practice many manipulation
and transformation can sharp their awareness of conventional usage. For
example is about grammar. In addition, controlled composition need sentence
To support theories on writing and vocabulary, the researcher reviews
other theses that relate to topics the researcher investigates. Taubah (2011)
conducted an action research on: Improving Writing Skill through Guided Writing.
(An Action Research at the First Year of SMAN 2 Sragen in the Academic Year of 2010/
2011). The purpose of his research was to know whether guided writing can
improve students’ writing skill. The result of the research showed that guided
writing could improve students’ writing skills. The students became aware of
how to use correct spelling, correct punctuation, correct capitalization, correct
grammar, and organize the idea into coherent paragraph. There were some
advantages of guided writing method, such as the students vocabularies were
increasing, the students got the concept of writing clearly, the students were
confident, and the students’ awareness was improving. On the other hand,
guided writing also had some disadvantages, such as it took a lot of time to carry
out, it made the students feel bored, and it took a lot of effort from the teacher.
Vayyey (2010) conducted an action research on Improving Writing Skill
through Guided Writing (A Classroom Action Research at the Third Year of SMU Negeri I
Karanganyar). He found that guided writing could improve the students’ writing
skill. Through guided writing, the students showed great interest to be actively

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involved and participating in the teaching and learning process. The students
were able to construct sentences correctly. In this case, the sentences they
constructed were based on the researcher’s explanation and examples. They also
used more vocabularies in their writing. The improvements of the mean scores
showed that there was an improvement on the students’ writing skill. Therefore,
it could be concluded that guided writing could improve the students’ writing
Both studies are different from the study the researcher will conduct now.
The first study focuses on writing and the second study focuses on vocabulary.
The recent study focuses on vocabulary using writing. In this recent study,
teaching techniques are writing and the teacher controls students’ learning
strategy. Learning strategy is focused on the mastery of vocabulary, so this
recent study is different from the previous studies. However, ideas to develop
the teaching strategy and teaching materials support the previous studies.

C. Research Methodology
This is a qualitative research. A qualitative study is designed to gain
information concerning with the current status of phenomena and directed
toward determining the natures of situation as it exist at that time of study
(Sugiono, 2008). The phenomenon, in this study, is the teaching process
implemented in the SDN 027 Samarinda. So, this research is called qualitative
because it focuses on the process of the English teaching in the school.
This research used a Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the research
design. CAR is a kind of research that involves students and some people like
the teacher, lectures, simultaneously. The purpose of CAR in this research is to
improve the researcher’s teaching quality of controlled composition teaching
techniques and the vocabulary mastery of the students.
In this study, CAR was done through repeated cycles and there were two
cycles in this action research. Each cycle consists of four steps: planning, action,
observation and reflection. The activities of each step of the cycles of this study
was based on Stephen Kemmis dan Robin McTaggert guidance. Activity of a
research in CAR is a series steps starting from preparing teaching materials and
teaching techniques for the research (planning). Then, the materials were taught
in the classroom (action). During the action, the researcher observed the
teaching activities to collect data (observing). Then, the researcher analyzed the
This study was done from designing vocabulary materials. The researcher
gave treatments through cycles to improve the vocabulary mastery of the
students using controlled composition. In this technique, students were asked to
write ideas based on the controlled writing activities. Aspects of writing, such as
grammar, punctuation were not focused specifically. But the researcher focused
on vocabulary the students use in writing. Even though was this study focused
on the improving of vocabulary, in writing process was also emphasized. In

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order to see the students’ understanding to the writing process at the end of the
cycle, the researcher gave a test on vocabulary. The objective of this study was to
see vocabulary improvement through writing activities.
This research took place at SDN 027 Samarinda. The researcher chose
this location as the place of this research because the researcher is one of
teachers in this school. The subject was the sixth grade students in the
2013/2014 academic year that consists of 43 students. The researcher chose the
class because the students were lack of vocabulary and the researcher as the
English teacher at the school needs to improve the students’ mastery in
The researcher did a preliminary study in the beginning of the research to
see the real problems faced by the teacher in the teaching vocabulary. Based on
the problems the researcher found appropriate strategy to solve the problems.
After conducting preliminary study, the general plan was designed.
This research began with a preliminary study. The preliminary study had
done on 4 February 2013. The initial idea of this study is the condition in the
class when teaching English takes place. In SD levels, English is taught as
compulsory subject but the status is local content. The reference of teaching is
SK (Competency Standard) and KD (Basic Competency) stated by the Ministry
of Education in the English curriculum for SD.
Based on the SK and KD, the objective of teaching English for SD is to
use English for accompanying actions. This means that English is taught for
medium of instruction together with Bahasa Indonesia. The basic knowledge of
English that include vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation are taught
simultaneously. Vocabulary is targeted to 500 words after graduate from the
sixth grades, and basic grammar such as to be, to do, plural, tenses are taught. In
addition, correct pronunciation for the words being taught is also taught. In this
study, the initial idea of research is focusing on limited vocabulary the students’
mastery. In reading a sentence, for example, students translate one by one the
words in the sentence. If teaching grammar, the teacher should translate first the
meaning of the words used in the sentence.
This idea motivates the researcher to focus this research on improving
vocabulary through a technique that involves grammar. Therefore, the researcher
focused teaching vocabulary using controlled composition. The researcher used
controlled composition rather than guided writing. In controlled composition,
the students are given free topics and they can arrange their own sentences or
words. Although the topics are limited, students are free to choose their own
sentences. In guided writing, the focus is to repeat or replicate sentences the
teacher provides before. So, in guided writing, students do not use their own
words but replicate the words available. Here, students just memorize the
meaning of words, so that learning vocabulary does not take place in guided

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A preliminary study had been done to see real condition of the students
in the classroom in learning vocabulary. This preliminary study was conducted
by the researcher’s collaborator. From the observation and discussion between
researcher and collaborator, it was found that the book is not enough to learn.
Additional materials for teaching vocabulary, such as media, handout, are
needed. Teaching strategies need variation and innovative.
Based on the formative test on vocabulary given by the teacher, it is
found that students’ score was below. The students’ score did not achieve the
minimum passing grade yet, because the minimum passing grade is 67. The
highest score is 80 (or B) and the lowest is 50 (or D).
The preliminary study indicated that most students’ English achievement
was below the passing grade, 67. Based on the result of preliminary study and the
test conducted by the school, the researcher wanted to carry out a research with
the purpose improving student's vocabulary by using controlled composition.
Based on the data, the researcher found that the students were still far
from success to reach KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). The students’
Achievement English passing grade only 9 (20.9%) and 34 (79.069%) did not
reached English passing grade. The researcher knew what the problem faced by
the students in vocabulary mastery .The researcher taught the students in the
classroom, they had still low motivation when they were learning, lazy open
dictionary and media was not interesting.
Planning is a stage where careful preparation is made before doing the
action. The researcher analyzed the problem found in the preliminary stage and
designed a solution the problems. The researcher did the activities include:
preparing teaching strategy by using controlled composition, designing lesson
plan, developing research instrument, and determining criteria of success.
In this study, the researcher used controlled composition as a technique
to teach vocabulary. Using controlled composition, teacher can let students to
use their own vocabulary. Teaching strategy using controlled composition was
done in three steps.
The lesson plan is on teaching vocabulary is developed by the researcher
and the collaborator. It is developed based on the syllabus of the school based
curriculum therefore it incorporated such elements as instructional objectives,
instructional materials, instructional media, methods/ techniques, procedure of
presentation, and assessment. After choosing the controlled composition
techniques, the researcher designed the lesson plan. This lesson plan was
developed by considering the following items that include in PP 41/ 2007. The
researcher used the procedure of presentation was designed for 4 meetings in
one cycle. Three meetings were used to implement teaching strategy and one
meeting for formative test. The first meeting is used to introduce theme and
imitating paragraph or composition. The second and third meeting was used as
developing students’ own creativity to develop controlled paragraph or
composition. After three times teaching, the researcher gave a formative test on

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vocabulary. The formative test was conducted at the fourth meeting to end the
Results of analysis in meeting 1 to 3 and result of formative test was
analyzed. The result was compared to criteria of success. If the result is below
criteria of success, the researcher would conduct the second cycle. Procedures
of conducting the second cycle are similar to the first cycle. The difference is
teaching materials are modified, and teaching strategies are innovated. It is
designed that the research would complete and found success after two or three
The researcher conducted the procedure of assessment after doing all the
process above. There were two kinds of assessment used in this study: process
assessment and product assessment. Process assessment was used to assess the
students’ progress in learning process. The instrument to collect data includes
observation checklists and field notes.
Product assessment was used to see students score in vocabulary. The
researcher used vocabulary test to assess the mastery. The test was designed as
multiple choose.
The criteria of success refer to a target students should achieve to end the
research. If criteria are achieved, no more cycle is needed. If students do not yet
achieve the criteria, more cycle should be conducted. The criteria of success is:
the teaching English was considered successful if : (1) 75% of the students have
reached the English passing grade, 67, as determined by the education
department of Samarinda.(2) The students’ score in vocabulary achieve average
70%, and (3) students were actively involved in the vocabulary activities up to 75
a. The students’ Vocabulary comprehension.
This study would be considered successful if 70 % of the students got the
score equal or greater than 70 and the mean score 70. The consideration of
this score is based on standard of English subject is 67.
b. The student’s were actively involved in the vocabulary activities
To see if the students were actively in the teaching learning process, result
observation is used. The collaborator observed the students’ activities during
the implementation of controlled composition strategy by using observation
checklist. The students would be considered active if 75% of the total
students actively participate. The researcher also used field-note to record
information during instructional process.

Implementing is the stage in which the lesson plan or strategy is applied.

Steps for implementing the action plan are described as follows. The researcher
as the teacher handled teaching process of vocabulary using controlled
composition strategy. The researcher was assisted by a collaborator who acts as
the observer to see students’ and teacher’s activities during the teaching and
learning process. The observation was carried out simultaneously with the

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implementation of controlled composition strategy. To make the observation

more accurate, the observer used observation checklist and field note.
Implementation means to give actions. Here the researcher gave actions
in line with the plan of cycle. This study is designed to give actions in terms of
cycle. One cycle consists of 3 meetings for teaching vocabulary and 1 meeting
formative test, so one cycle had 4 meetings. If one cycle is not enough because
students progress in learning does not achieve criteria of success, the research
would be continued to the next cycle until the criteria of success is achieved.
Observing is to see and check the real condition of an object. In this
study, observing is used to see the teaching process using controlled composition
and students learning strategies. Here, the researcher was also collecting process
data during teaching-learning process.
Data gained from observation checklists and field notes was used to
confirm the process. Data on students’ involvement during the instructional
process observation checklist and field note was used. Data on students’ scores
was taken from test on vocabulary.
The data of the research are process and product data. Process data are
student involvement in the teaching and learning of vocabulary using controlled
composition strategy. The product data are score on vocabulary test after
controlled composition is given as the actions.
Instruments employed in this study are observation checklist, field note,
and vocabulary test. Observation checklist was used to collect data on implementing
lesson plan and controlled composition strategy. The observation checklist
contains list of students’ activities and teacher’s activities during implementation
stage. The observation checklist for measurement of students’ activating while
learning process such as response ask and answer, happy, enjoy, enthusiastic.
Field note was used to record information during implementation of
strategy that might not be covered in the observation checklists, such as
classroom interaction, classroom atmosphere, and feed-back from the
Test was used to collect data on learning result. The test was used to see
the students’ achievement on vocabulary. The vocabulary test was taken from
the students’ workbook and the test for semester exam. That is why, the
researcher did not try-out the test. The test was administered in the end of a
meeting and a cycle. The time duration test for the end of the meeting was about
15 minutes and the number of items was 10-20 numbers. The kind of the test
was teacher’s made in the form of completion, matching, fill in the blanks,
arrange the words, sentences and paragraph. The time duration in the end of
cycle test was 60 minutes and the numbers of items were 50 numbers and kind
of the test was multiple choice. In the preliminary study, the researcher used
scores from formative test given by the class teacher.
Reflection in this study is the final stage. It is done at every meeting and
at the end of every cycle. The researcher and collaborator examined the

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implementation of the actions in the whole process. Data from implementation

and data from test was analyzed. The result of data analysis was compared to
criteria of success to draw a conclusion. If all the criteria of success were
fulfilled, the action would be ended. If one of the criteria of success was not
achieved yet, the study would be continued to the next cycle by revising and
improving the plan.

D. Findings
The section presents the research findings and discussion based on the
analysis of the collected data obtained during the implementation of teaching
vocabulary using controlled composition. The findings and discussion of the
study are presented based on the score of the students’ vocabulary, the result of
observation checklist, and field notes. Meanwhile, the discussion involves the
discussion of teaching and learning vocabulary procedure through controlled
composition and improvement of the students’ vocabulary.

1. Findings of the Study of Cycle 1

This section presents the data found in the first cycle. It covers (1) the
result of observation toward the students who involved during the teaching and
learning process of vocabulary in three meetings of the first cycle and (2) the
results of the students’ vocabulary achievement.

a. The students’ involvement in the Teaching Learning Process

In the implementation of controlled composition, the researcher acted as
the teacher who conducted the teaching and learning process. The
implementation of the action in three meeting is elaborated as follows.
The first meeting was conducted on Monday, 24-02-2014. The focus was
about the introduction of the teaching vocabulary using controlled composition.
To begin with, the teacher entered the class and greeted the students. The
teacher checked the students’ presence list and signed it. It was found that no
students was absent so the number of the students was 43. After that, the
teacher explained the instructional objectives that would be achieved. She told
the students that they were going to discuss about “My time table”. Besides, she
also explained the activities that would be done.
The teacher taught the students by showing the words related to the
topics of the meeting. She asked the students mention the meaning of those
words. Many students were confused and did not know the meaning most of the
words. The teacher asked the students open their English dictionaries.
Unfortunately most of the students did not have the dictionary. The teacher
found that the students made many errors in their vocabulary.
The last activity of the meeting was doing reflection on the whole
activities going on in the vocabulary class. The reflections made of that day were:
1) the teacher instructed the students to bring dictionary in the following English

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meeting, and 2) the teacher gave more examples of the English vocabularies and
writing English sentence / paragraph.
The result of the collaborator’s observation has shown that in the
teaching learning process, in the first meeting and the pre activity the teacher had
done the greeting, checking the student’s attendance and motivating the
students but not efficient or much time. The teacher did not explain the purpose
of the lesson clearly. The teacher showed the pictures of the topic and used small
pictures. Next in main activity at ask answer the teacher just to the students rise
hands to give response, but not response to the lower students. While the
students made the sentences and paragraph the teacher did not monitor the
class. In the post activity the teacher did not give the students motivation for
their work and the time was not enough, not all the students were active in the
The collaborator gave some suggestions to improve the quality of
teaching and learning process as well as the students’ achievement. She
“In pre-activity, the teacher should give more motivation to the students and use
the time efficiently. The teacher should activate the students’ prior knowledge,
explain the purpose the lesson clearly, and prepare the bigger pictures. In main
activity, the teacher should give more attention to the lower students and
monitor the class. In post-activity, the teacher should give motivation for the
students’ work and ask them more active in the class”.

The second meeting was conducted on Thursday, 27-2-2014. Because the

meeting was the continuation of the first one, the topic was as same as the first
meeting. It was about “Daily Activities / Friend Schedule”. To begin with, the
teacher greeted the students, and asked them whether everybody was present at
that day. Then, the teacher explained the instructional objectives and described
the activities that would be done in that meeting.
In this meeting, the teacher checked the students whether they brought
dictionaries. Some of the students had, but some forgot. Many students brought
dictionaries, but they preferred to ask the teacher about the meaning of some
words. The teaching learning was more enjoyable because some students had to
make an interview with their friends about their daily activities. In this meeting,
the teacher found that many students still made many mistakes in their
vocabularies writing, only few students were good in writing.
The last activity of the meeting was doing reflection on the whole
activities going on in the writing class. The reflection was made of that day were:
1) The teacher instructed the student not to be lazy finding the meaning of
words in the dictionary and 2) The teacher should try harder in teaching and
guiding the students find the meaning of words in the dictionary and write a

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The result of collaborator’s observation shown that in the teaching

learning process, in the second meeting and pre activity the teacher had done the
greeting, checking the student’s attendance but at the motivating the students for
learning today less motivation. In main activity the teacher did not enough
explanation so the students not enough understood and less attention to lower
The collaborator asked the teacher to do some corrections and
improvement of her teaching. She suggested:
“The teacher should give more motivation to the students. The teacher should
also give explanation properly and clearly to the students, so that they could
understand the lesson easily.”

The third meeting was conducted on Monday 3-03 - 2014. The topic of
the meeting today was “Daily activities / Diana Rosa Daily Activities”. The teacher
started the learning activities by distributing the students’ vocabulary which had
been done in the second meeting. Then, she explained the objectives of the
lesson and the activities they were going to do.
In this meeting, many students know many words related to the daily
activities vocabulary. They know both in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Many
students did the task (writing paragraph) slowly. They still made mistakes in the
punctuation and misspelling of some words. There was no enough time to
complete the implementation of the teaching plan in that day due to the
slowness of the students.
The reflection was made in that meeting were: 1) The teacher should
motivate the students find the meaning of the English words and tell them the
topic for the following meeting and 2) The teacher should remind the students
how to use the punctuation, word spelling, and the use of teaching and learning
The result of collaborator’s observation shown that in the teaching
learning process in the third meeting, the teacher had done the activities in pre
activity, main activity, and post activity. The teacher changed the atmosphere in
the class: the teacher had clear explanation about the topic just in the post
activity the teacher did not give motivation to good student’s writing.
The collaborator suggested the teacher to do some adjustments in order
to improve the quality of teaching and learning process. She suggested:
“The teacher had done well in the implementation of pre and main activity in
the teaching and learning process, but the teacher should give more motivation
to improve the students’ vocabulary.”

Those findings were supported by the result of observation forms that

showed their active participation in the teaching and learning process of writing
activities in pre, whilst and post writing activities in the first, second, and third
meeting of cycle 1 (see Table 4.1). In the first meeting, there were 60% students

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who participated actively in the teaching and learning process. There were 65%
students involved in the learning process in the second meeting, while in the
third meeting, there were 72% students who participated actively in the teaching
and learning. From the students’ participation, it indicated that the students were
less motivated in the teaching and learning of vocabulary. It indicated that the
first criteria of success (75% students’ active participation) had not been

Table 1: Students’ Participation of Cycle 1

Cycle 1
1 2 3
Performers 26 28 31
Percentage 60% 65% 72%

b. The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Based on the result of the students’ vocabulary mastery, there was little
improvement of students’ average score from the students’ vocabulary mastery
on the preliminary study to the students’ vocabulary mastery on the first cycle.
The preliminary study indicated that most students’ English achievement
was below the passing grade, 67. In the preliminary study, it was only 9 students
(20.9%) who achieved KKM (Kreteria Ketuntasan Minimal). In the end of cycle
1, it shows that 17 students (39.53%) achieved the minimum passing grade. It
means that it was still below the stated criteria of success, which required 75% of
the students who got at the same as or above the minimum passing grade 67.
In addition, the improvement at the first cycle has been show at the
following table .

Table 2: The result of students’ achievement in Cycle 1

Indicators Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4

implementing Friend Diana Rosa Formative

My time table Schedule daily activities test cycle 1

Students’ 10 13 17 30
Percentage 23,255 30,23% 39,53% 69,8%

Average 65,37 66 71,65 78,07

The table above has shown that in Cycle 1 Meeting 1, there were 10
students (23.25%) who achieved KKM. In Cycle 1 Meeting 2, there were 13

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students (30.23%) achieved KKM. In Cycle 1 Meeting 3, there were 17 students

(39.53%) achieved minimum passing grade (KKM). The formative test there
were 30 (69.8%) who achieved KKM. The average in meeting one, 65.37,
meeting two 66, meeting three, 71.65 and the formative test in the cycle 1
average was 78.07. These findings have shown that there was a slight
improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery from meeting 1 up to meeting
3 in Cycle 1 of the implementation of controlled composition to the teaching of
vocabulary. Based on table 4.2, the researcher decided to continue her teaching
to the second cycle, because it was still under the criteria of success.

c. Reflection of Cycle 1
From the findings of the teaching and learning process and the students’
vocabulary mastery in the first cycle, the implementation of controlled
composition did not yet give satisfactory result on the improvement of students’
vocabulary mastery. The students’ score were not fully active in teaching and
learning process as revealed by the observation checklist and field note. Only 72
students were active in the teaching learning process (The criteria of success was
75%). The average score of students’ vocabulary of cycle 1 was 78.07.
However there were only 30 students (69.8%) who achieved English
passing grade (67.0). It means that the students’ participation and students’ score
did not achieve the score criteria of success. Therefore, the implementation of
the action plan still needed to be improved so that it could achieve the criteria of
success of this study.
Considering the unsatisfactory performance mentioned above, the teacher
made a decision to continue the action to the second cycle. The lesson plan and
preparation of the study in the second cycle were revised and improved. Some
adjustments were made to improve the implementation of controlled
composition in cycle 2.There were:
1. Instruct the students bring dictionary
2. Give more examples write English sentence / paragraph;
3. Guide the students find the meaning of words in the dictionary and
write a paragraph;
4. Motivate the students;
5. Tell the students the topic for the following meeting.

2. Findings of the Study of Cycle 2

This section presents the data gained in the second cycle. It included the
number of students who involved during the teaching and learning process of
vocabulary in three meetings of the second cycle and the result of the students’
vocabulary mastery.

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a. The students’ Involvement in the Teaching Learning Process

The implementation of Cycle 2 dealt with the teaching of vocabulary by
using controlled composition which involved both the teacher and the students
through the activities which were conducted in pre-teaching, whilst teaching and
post teaching stages. The specific instructional objectives and time allotment for
each meeting of the cycle were similar to those in Cycle 1. The divergence was
only on the topic and sub topic. In this cycle, the topic was “Food and Drink”.
The first meeting of Cycle 2 was done on Thursday, 10-3-2014. The
teacher opened the class as introductory action of the first meeting. After
opening the teaching and learning process, the teacher checked the students’
presence. There was a student who was absent. Then, she described the
instructional objectives that would be taught. After that, the teacher paired the
students and asked them to make conversation.
In this meeting, the topic of the meeting was Food and Drink and the sub
topic was “How to make a cup of coffee”. The students were more enthusiastic. The
teaching and learning atmosphere was exciting because the students made
conversation about their favorite food and drink. Their writing was getting
better. The students’ vocabulary mastery improved significantly. Few students
were not active in the conversation. They looked so shy, but it was okay. They
were still learning.
Before finishing the lesson, the teacher asked the students express their
feeling related to what they had learnt in front of the class. Then, she gave
feedbacks and comments to the students. The student’s work in this meeting was
good. Finally, she closed the class.
The result of collaborator observation showed that in the main activity at
example make sentences, the teacher explained the lesson very fast.
The collaborator suggested the teacher to do an adjustment in order to
improve the quality of teaching and learning process. She suggested:
“The teacher should explain the lesson briefly and clearly, particularly when
the teacher gave an example of making a sentence.”

The second meeting was conducted on Thursday, 13-3-2014. As soon as

the teacher entered the class, she greeted the students and opened the lesson.
She asked the students with some simple questions on the students’ condition
and activities. To begin the main activity, the teacher asked the students about
their works in the previous meeting. She led them review the activities they did
in the previous section.
In this meeting, the topic of the meeting was Food and Drink and the sub
topic was “How to make a glass of avocado juice”. The teacher gave less guidance to
the students make writing. Almost all the students made writing in their book
and finished work on time. The students were able to spell the vocabulary about
food and drink. The students understood the meaning English words. The
reflections made in this meeting were: 1) the teacher hopes the students make a

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better writing in the following meeting and 2) the teacher should add the
teaching content richer than the previous meeting.
The result of collaborator in the second meeting showed that: in pre
activity, main activity and post activity the teacher had done all the process. In
this meeting, the collaborator did not give the teacher any suggestions, because
she thought that the pre activity, main activity, and post activity had been done
well by the teacher.
The third meeting was carried out on Thursday, 17-3-2014. The teacher
began the lesson by asking some brief questions to stimulate the students’
attention to the main activity of the day. She then distributed the students’
vocabulary and gave a brief explanation about the instructional objectives that
they should do in this meeting. In this meeting, the topic of the meeting was
Food and Drink and the sub topic was “How to make a plate of gado-gado”. The
teacher gave less guidance to the students make writing and just focus to the
passive students. Few students asked the teacher about the content of learning.
After being corrected, the students only made few mistake in their writing. The
students were also able to pronounce English words quite good. In this third
meeting, the collaborator also did not give the teacher any suggestion; because
she thought that the all activities of the teaching and learning process had been
done well by the teacher.
Those findings were supported by the result of observation forms that
showed their active participation in the teaching and learning process of writing
activities in pre, whilst and post teaching activities in the first, second, and third
meeting of cycle 2 (see Table 4.3). In the first meeting, there were 79% students
who participated actively in the teaching and learning process. There were 79%
students involved in learning process in the second meeting, while in the third
meeting, there were 88% students who participated actively in the teaching and
learning. From the students’ participation, it indicated that the students were
highly motivated in the teaching and learning of writing. It indicated that the first
criteria of success had been achieved..

Table 3: Students’ Participation of Cycle 2

Cycle 2
1 2 3
Performers 34 34 38
Percentage 79% 79% 88%
b. The Students’ Vocabulary Achievement
Based on the result of the students’ vocabulary mastery, there was better
improvement of students’ average score from the students’ vocabulary in the
preliminary study and first cycle to the students’ vocabulary in the second cycle.
In the end of cycle 2, it was shown that 35 students (81.39%) achieved
the minimum passing grade. It means the students have reached the English

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passing grade, as determined by the Education Department of Samarinda. The

improvement at the second cycle has been shown at the following table.

Table 4: The result of students’ achievement in Cycle 2

Indicators Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4
implementing Food and drink Food and drink Formative
Food and test cycle
drink 2

Students’ 22 31 35 39
Percentage 51,15% 72,09% 81,39% 90,69%

Average 75 77 80 85.74

The table above shows that in Cycle 2 Meeting 1, there were 22 students
(51.16%) who achieved KKM. In Cycle 2 Meeting 2, there were 31 students
(72.09%) who achieved KKM. In meeting 3, there were 35 students (81.39%)
who achieved KKM. In the test of cycle two, 39 (90.69%) who achieve KKM.
The average in the meeting one 75, meeting two 77, meeting three 80 and the
average test cycle two was 85.74.
These findings have shown that there a significant improvement of the
students’ vocabulary mastery from meeting 1 up to meeting 3 in Cycle 2 of the
implementation of controlled composition to the teaching of vocabulary. The
overall evaluation of the implementation of guided writing in the teaching of
vocabulary is presented below.

Table 5: The Students Who Achieved KKM each meetings in Cycle 1 and 2
Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting
1 2 3 1 2 3
10 13 17 22 31 35
Percentage 23.25% 30.23% 39.53% 51.15% 72.09% 81.39%

In Cycle 1 Meeting 1, there were 10 students (23.25%) who achieved

KKM. In Cycle 1 Meeting 2, there were 13 students (30.23%) achieved KKM. In
Cycle 1 Meeting 3, there were 17 students (39.53%) achieved KKM. This
findings shows that there a slight improvement of the students’ vocabulary

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mastery from meeting 1 up to meeting 3 in Cycle 1 of the implementation of

guided writing to the teaching of vocabulary.
In Cycle 2 Meeting 1, there were 22 students (51.16%) who achieved
KKM. In Cycle 2 Meeting 2, there were 31 students (72.09%) who achieved
KKM. In Cycle 2 Meeting 3, there were 35 students (81.39%) who achieved
KKM. This findings shows that there a significant improvement of the students’
vocabulary mastery from meeting 1 up to meeting 3 in Cycle 2 of the
implementation of controlled composition to the teaching of vocabulary.

c. Reflection of Cycle 2
Based on the results of the analysis of both teaching and learning process
and the student’ vocabulary scores in Cycle 2, it could be inferred that controlled
composition could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. This can be
examined from the criteria of success defined in this study.
In Meeting 3, there were 35 students (81.39%) achieved; the average and
participations have reached the English passing grade. Whereas, the teaching
English was considered successful if 75% of the students have reached the
English passing grade, 67. It means that the students have already achieved the
criteria of success. Because the students have already achieved the criteria of
success, the researcher decided not to continue the teaching to the next cycle.
The researcher showed the indicators the students’ improvement in this
cycle from the students were more enthusiastic in learning, the teaching and
learning atmosphere was exciting because the students made conversation about
their favorite food and drink, the students’ writing were getting better, the
students were able to spell the vocabularies, the students understood the
meaning English words., the students were also able to pronounce English
words quite good, so the researcher decided the students’ vocabulary mastery
improved significantly.

E. Discussion
This classroom action research was conducted based on the problems of
the students found in the six grade of SDN 027 Samarinda, based on the pre-
observation done by the writer in that school on Monday 4 February 2013 . The
problems of the students were they felt difficult to spell, understand the meaning
and pronounce English words. The vocabulary formative score was still low. It
did not reach KKM /Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal .The students’ average score
were 60.7, there were only 9 of 43 students could categorized to reach KKM.
Based on the result above, the researcher knew that the students had problem
and to overcome those problems by implemented controlled composition in
teaching vocabulary.
The result of the students’ participation shows that in Cycle 1, there were
60% students who participated actively in the teaching and learning process in
the first meeting, there were 65% students involved in learning process in the

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Implementing Controlled Composition to Improve Vocabulary

second meeting, and there were 72% students who participated actively in the
teaching and learning in the third meeting. The result of the students’
participation shows that in Cycle 2, there were 79% students who participated
actively in the teaching and learning process in the first meeting, there were 79%
students involved in learning process in the second meeting, and there were 88%
students who participated actively in the teaching and learning in the third
meeting. The result of the students’ participation can be seen in the diagram

Diagram 1: The result of the students’ participation

The result of the students’ vocabulary mastery shows that the average
score of preliminary study was 61.51, the average score of the students’
vocabulary in the first cycle was 78,07, and the average score of the students’
vocabulary in second cycle was 85,74.

Diagram 2: The Result of the Students’ vocabulary mastery

The data obtained from the students’ vocabulary mastery showed that 39
students (90.69%) achieved the minimum adequacy criteria (67.0), while 4
students (9.30%) achieved below 67.0. It means that it was above the stated
criteria of success, which required 70% of the students got at the same as or
above the minimum adequacy criteria.

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Implementing Controlled Composition to Improve Vocabulary

Concerning the implementation of the action, there were some revisions

on the teaching procedure and media in the teaching of vocabulary from the first
cycle to the second cycle.
Some adjustments were made to improve the implementation of
controlled composition in cycle 2. They were:
1. Instruct the students bring dictionary;
2. Give more examples of English sentence / paragraph;
3. Guide the students find the meaning of words in the dictionary and
write a paragraph;
4. Motivate the students;
5. Tell the students the topic for the following meeting.

Those adjustments brought a good impact to the implementation of

control composition in Cycle 2. It could be inferred that controlled composition
could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. This can be examined from the
criteria of success defined in this study. First, the students had been more active
in the teaching and learning process as seen on the observation checklist and
field notes that all activities were implemented appropriately. Second, the mean
score of the students’ vocabulary obtained in the test of cycle 2 was 90.69% who
achieved KKM, it was greater than or equal to 67.
In the preliminary study, it was only 9 students (20.9%) who achieved
KKM. In the end of Cycle 2 Meeting 3, it shows that 81.39% of the students
achieved the English passing grade. Whereas, this study was considered
successful if 75% of the students have reached the English passing grade. It
means that the students’ scores achieved the criteria of success. Some reflections
that the teacher could note in Cycle 2 were:
1. The students were more enthusiastic.
2. The teaching and learning atmosphere was exciting because the students
made conversation about their favorite food and drink.
3. Their writing was getting better.
4. The students’ vocabulary mastery improved significantly.
5. The students were able to spell the vocabularies.
6. The students understood the meaning English words.
7. The students were also able to pronounce English words quite good.

This result was in line with the statement of Raimes (1983) that most
controlled composition tasks deal with punctuation, indentation, connecting
words, and spelling. Controlled composition focuses the students’ attention on
specific features of the written language. It is good method of reinforcing
grammar, vocabulary and syntax in context. In controlled composition, the
students are given a passage to work without have to concern with content,
organization, finding ideas, and forming sentences. They just write the given

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Implementing Controlled Composition to Improve Vocabulary

passage down, making a few specified changes which usually related to

grammatical or structural nature.
This result was also in line with the result of Taubah (2011) and Vayyey
(2010) proved that guided writing could improve the student’s writing skill.
Through guided writing, the students showed great interest to be actively
involved and practicing in the teaching and learning process. The students were
able to construct sentences correctly. They also used more vocabularies. The
improvements of the mean scores showed that there was an improvement on
the student’s achievement.

F. Conclusions
This classroom action research was done to overcome the problems in
teaching of vocabulary in the sixth grade students of SDN 027 Samarinda.
Controlled composition was implemented done well by the teacher of SDN 027
Samarinda. Controlled composition was implemented and gave impacts in: (a)
increasing the students’ vocabulary mastery significantly, (b) making the students
able to spell the vocabularies, (c) making the students understand the meaning
English words, and (d) making the students able to pronounce English words
quite good. Controlled composition improved the students’ vocabulary mastery;
it was only 20.9% of the students who achieved the English passing grade in the
preliminary study, but then 81.39% of the students achieved the English passing
grade in the end of cycle 2.


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