1x2 - Oil Cet
1x2 - Oil Cet
1x2 - Oil Cet
Operational excellence
in the oil and gas industry.
Volatile oil markets affect industry and consumers alike, but producers
are among those most impacted. The need is for cost containment and
efficiency, not just in the short term, but for the future. Employees need
to be able to access multiple sites from wherever they’re located, and have
the right amount of contextualized data to help make the right decisions.
This helps to minimize downtime by predicting failures before they occur,
taking appropriate actions to avoid such failures, or respond fast to an
unexpected problem by being able to accurately and quickly diagnose
the issue and move the correct parts and personnel to the production site.
As the oil and gas industry is seeing more of its existing oilfields mature,
growing demand has to be met in other ways, often in hostile, remote
locations. Subsea installations, for example, present a variety of challenges
including water pressure, temperature, access for service, and the cost
of deploying vessels for installation and service. In existing fields, mature
assets with declining production need very efficient maintenance
schedules to keep production profitable.
Risk and
Regulations and reputation dictate that producers take
every measure possible to avert health, safety and
environmental incidents. Effective production control,
condition monitoring and predictive shutdown systems
are fundamental to safe and secure operations in remote
locations. Used to best advantage, rather than being a
barrier and an additional cost, an effective safety strategy
using the right equipment can be a productivity driver,
maximizing efficiency and minimizing downtime.
Talent and
In the oil and gas industry 60 percent of employees are over the age of 45*.
Continuing staff shortages and high staff turnover have an impact on asset
safety. At the same time, operations move further offshore in search of
natural resources and into new environments in sometimes remote locations
onshore. Staffing facilities such as these requires a precise blend of training,
experience, knowledge and career years in hand that can be hard to find,
and can involve expensive relocation.
can provide the solution
As circumstances change, digital automation technologies support the
industry in finding new ways to ensure demand is met. Cloud, mobility and
analytics offer the flexibility and the real-time production information to help
operators respond appropriately to dynamic market conditions and make
better business decisions wherever they’re based.
Having the right staff with the right equipment reduces operating costs
and increases productivity. Essentially, the technology available today makes
it possible to get closer than ever to operational excellence and the business
value attached to this.
Capitalizing on
The Internet of Things
Across industry sectors, smart production processes are seeing devices and
machines beginning to control and regulate themselves. Initiatives globally
are applying the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), connecting devices
that communicate via the internet. Guided by our industrial expertise, and
accelerated by advances in the enabling technologies that bring the IoT to life,
we’ve developed The Connected Enterprise, a model that enables producers to
harness information and put it to work.
The oil and gas industry can learn from other industrial sectors, and adapt
technology to suit its own specific needs and meet its own business goals.
in terms of OEE
Energy companies have implemented process
instrumentation systems to increase uptime and
optimize production. However, the energy industry
has historically lagged behind other industries in the
area of asset performance, often referred to in
manufacturing as operational equipment effectiveness
(OEE). The Aberdeen Group reports that on average, oil
and gas companies have OEE of about 73 percent
compared with process industry leaders with scores in
the high 80s.
Combining operations, maintenance, and quality measurements in a single
key performance indicator, overall equipment effectiveness is an objective
way of collecting the lifecycle performance of processing equipment.
Variations in OEE for a piece of equipment directly relate to the business
performance of a plant. The events and responses to those variations can
be used to turn condition-monitoring data into valuable maintenance,
reliability, and safety information.
There are differences, of course, between oil and gas and other industries.
In manufacturing, if a machine produces 10,000 parts, and it goes down,
at the end of the shift it will be a number of parts short of its target. In oil
and gas, if a compressor goes down, it reduces production, but the dynamics
are more complex, so it is more difficult to measure the impact.
Historically, accessing information from pumps, lifts,
wellheads and other equipment was a labor-intensive
and sometimes risky process. Onshore, workers had
to drive from well to well and physically gather data.
Offshore, most platforms needed to be manned
to monitor and operate it or operations and
maintenance crew needed to move by boat from
platform to platform to do this.
Today, oil and gas companies can remotely access and monitor machine
data with fully automated and integrated systems to help capture and send
data from a remote-asset site to a centralized location.
Remote monitoring technologies enable operators to access and manage
equipment and production data across multiple applications from one
single location. This technology seamlessly integrates software, hardware
and sensors to extract important operational information across a variety
of production equipment and applications and feeds it back to a centralized
location in real-time. Centrally-based operators can continuously monitor
current operating conditions, troubleshoot any potential issues, and make
process adjustments at an earlier stage to help increase uptime.
to support operational excellence
By connecting devices and equipment using modern
technology, operators are better able to gather
and analyze data, and transform it into actionable,
real-time production information. These connecting
technologies enable collaboration between global
and remote operations, assets and people, resulting
in faster problem-solving and improved innovation.
Equipment and devices are transformed into intelligent assets capable
of reporting a wealth of production information including energy and
diagnostics, with the convergence of IT and OT driving a fully integrated
approach, from the plant floor throughout the organization and across
the supply chain.
This provides access to the vital business information that supports better
decisions, increasing productivity and helping to meet demand more
precisely and cost-effectively.
a more intelligent Information
(IT)/Automation (OT) network
To help oil and gas producers take steps towards
connected production, we have developed
a five-stage maturity model that incorporates
measures and best practices necessary to achieve
effective change in both technologies and
organizational cultures. We have also partnered
with Cisco Systems®, Microsoft®, Panduit®, and
others to establish an OT/IT knowledge bridge
for industrial operators.
STAGE 4 Collaboration
Defined and
STAGE 2 working data
Secure and capital (WDC)
STAGE 1 network and
Assessment controls
remotely monitors critical
assets via the cloud
Hilcorp Energy Company, which operates
oil-drilling platforms off Alaska’s rugged Kenai
Peninsula recently upgraded its pump controls
using medium-voltage drives, which are remotely
managed by Virtual Support Engineer from
Rockwell Automation. This standard off-the-shelf
service helps to keep this critical piece of
equipment operating within specified parameters.
Real-time monitoring speeds troubleshooting, with data from
Hilcorp’s drives coming directly to a Rockwell Automation
global support center via the cloud where it is analyzed in
real-time, 24/7/365
intelligence solution enhances
visibility for energy pipeline operator
A major North American transporter of liquid
and natural gas lacked access to reliable data
from their pipeline network, threatening
performance, profitability and even pipeline
and product integrity.
Cybertrol Engineering developed a production intelligence strategy
for the pipeline network based on the FactoryTalk® software suite for
improved integration with varied information sources. The new
system dramatically improved visibility into operating conditions:
Information anywhere
Turning data into information available in real-time to anyone,
anywhere creates a smarter, more productive workforce.
Using global expertise, both internal and external, helps to
keep operations running at capacity.
Protected assets
With visibility across operations, you can better protect your
company’s assets wherever they are, through a safer, more
secure architecture.
Optimized assets
A connected production environment improves energy usage,
equipment reliability and longevity, and provides expanded
capacity from existing assets.
Improved maintenance
Automating maintenance can increase efficiency and minimize
risk of catastrophic failures and process disruptions, while
maximizing equipment reliability.
Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK), the world’s largest company dedicated to industrial automation,
makes its customers more productive and the world more sustainable. Throughout the world, our flagship
Allen-Bradley® and Rockwell Software® product brands are recognized for innovation and excellence.
For more information on our oil and gas solutions, please visit:
FactoryTalk, PlantPAx and Virtual Support Engineer are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. Cisco Systems is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Microsoft is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. Panduit is a trademark of the Panduit Corporation.
Publication OAG-AP027A-EN-E – May 2015 Copyright © 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.