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Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee
compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used
under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License.
See for more information on the compatibility license.
Several new feats are featured below for members of the nagaji race. These feats list the race in their
prerequisites, prohibiting other races from taking them. Also presented below are a number of racial
character traits, first introduced in the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player’s Guide. ™

You have perfected a martial fighting style emphasizing You can fascinate others for more than just a moment.
unarmed strikes and your own natural venomousness. PREREQUISITES: Cha 15, hypnotic gaze racial trait, nagaji
PREREQUISITES: Adder Strike, Spit Venom, nagaji BENEFIT: You can use your hypnotic gaze ability a number of
BENEFIT: You can use the Adder Strike feat (see the Pathfinder® times per day equal to one-half your Hit Dice (minimum 1). If
Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat ™ sourcebook) with your you use this ability for two or more consecutive rounds, the
Spit Venom feat, blinding creatures that you strike. hypnotism effect is continuous.
Additionally, you may activate your hypnotic gaze ability as a
ENTANGLING PIN full-round action. If you do, the save DC of your hypnotic gaze
Using your nimble limbs and serpentine flexibility, you can pin is increased by +2.
opponents in a way that even further restricts their mobility. NORMAL: A nagaji with the hypnotic gaze racial trait may use
PREREQUISITES: Dex 13, Improved Grapple, nagaji that ability once per day.
BENEFIT: Creatures that you pin gain the grappled condition
for as long as you maintain the pin. NAGAJI MAGIC
You can conjure and command slithering serpents.
HYPNOTIC MASTERY PREREQUISITES: Cha 17, serpent’s sense racial trait, nagaji
The depth of your gaze can stop any creature in its tracks. BENEFIT: You can cast charm animal as a spell-like ability once
PREREQUISITES: Cha 15, character level 8th, hypnotic gaze per day, but only targeting snakes and serpentine animals.
racial trait, Hypnotic Stare, nagaji When you reach 9 Hit Dice, you can cast snake staff once per
BENEFIT: The hypnotism effect produced by your hypnotic gaze day (see the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game: Advanced Players
ability can affect creatures with any number of Hit Dice. Guide). When you reach 13 Hit Dice, you can cast dominate
NORMAL: The hypnotism spell can affect up to 2d4 Hit Dice of monster as a spell-like ability once per day, but only targeting
creatures. serpentine creatures.


You possess some portion of a naga’s social grace and insight. You have learned to spit poison with only your voice.
BENEFIT: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Sense BENEFIT: Your effective caster level is increased by +1 for spells
Motive skill checks, and both skills are always class skills for you. with both verbal components and the poison descriptor.


As described in the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide ™, alternate racial rules allow
you to exchange standard racial traits for new ones, such as those presented below.

HYPNOTIC: Nagaji with this racial trait receive the Hypnotic SERPENT’S SCENT: Nagaji with this racial trait can use their
Stare feat for free, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. reptilian tongues to “scent” the air, gaining the scent special
This racial trait replaces the armored scales trait. quality with a maximum detection range of 10 ft.
Nagaji with this trait also take a -2 penalty on Perception
SERPENTINE STRIKER: Nagaji with this racial trait deal +1d6 skill checks, and lose the benefit of their scent ability if their
points of damage with melee attacks performed as part of a mouths are covered or forced shut.
readied action. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. This racial trait replaces the low-light vision and serpent’s
This racial trait replaces the resistant trait. sense traits.

As described in the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player’s Guide ™, archetypes are variant
sets of class abilities which modify their corresponding base classes via the use of alternate class
features. When a character selects a class, he must normally choose to use the standard class features
found in the class's original source – the exception is if he chooses to adopt an archetype. Each alternate
class feature presented in an archetype replaces a specific class feature from its parent class.
When an archetype includes multiple alternate class features, a character must take them all – often
blocking the character from ever gaining certain standard class features, but replacing them with other
options. All other class features of the base class that aren't mentioned among the alternate class
features remain unchanged and are acquired normally when the character reaches the appropriate
level, unless noted otherwise. A character who takes an alternate class feature does not count as having
the class feature that was replaced for the purposes of meeting any requirements or prerequisites.
A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none
of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as another
alternate class feature. Racial archetypes are typically available only to members of the indicated race,
though such options rarely interact with the racial traits of that race.


Thralls to the naga, these clerics worship their powerful ancestors, drawing the beguiling but poisonous power of the naga from
their zealous and often near-mindless convictions.
A naga servitor has the following class features.

Class Skills: A naga servitor adds Knowledge (dungeoneering) to his list of class skills, and removes Knowledge (nobility) from
that list.
Naga Thrall (Su): A naga servitor does not worship a deity in the traditional sense. Instead, the servitor worships the naga – or
perhaps one or more specific naga in particular. A naga servitor gains access to only a single domain – not two – and must
choose that domain from the following list: Charm (including the Lust subdomain), Darkness (including the Moon subdomain),
Earth (including the Caves subdomain), Knowledge (including both the Memory and Thought subdomains), Liberation, Magic,
Protection (including the Defense subdomain), Trickery (including the Deception subdomain), and Water.
A naga servitor with the resistant racial feature does not apply the bonuses granted by that trait against the poisons or mind-
affecting spells, supernatural abilities, or spell-like abilities of naga. Against non-naga creatures, these bonuses are doubled.
This ability alters the domain class feature, and replaces one of the cleric’s domains.
Spellscale Focus (Ex): A naga servitor begins play with a special divine focus; a naga scale that grows out of her own scaly flesh.
The scale, which falls off shortly after it grows in, must be held or worn in the same manner as any other divine focus in order to
satisfy the divine focus component of many of the cleric’s spells. If the naga servitor’s can never truly lose his divine focus; if the
spellscale is lost or destroyed, he grows and sheds a new scale in 24 hours. A harm spell stops the scale from regenerating for
24 hours, but nothing else can prevent a naga servitor from naturally regrowing his spellscale focus.
Servitor’s Fangs (Ex): A naga servitor gains short fangs capable of delivering a unique poison. Whenever a naga servitor makes a
successful grapple check to damage an opponent, he may choose to bite his opponent, dealing 1d3 points of damage as if using
a natural bite attack. As a standard action, the naga servitor may bite a creature that is bound, helpless, paralyzed, or similarly
unable to defend itself. Any creature so bitten must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half the cleric’s class level + the
cleric’s Constitution modifier) or become affected by a subtle poison that weakens the will of creatures subjected to it. A
creature that fails this save takes a -1 penalty on Will saving throws against divine spells (and against the cleric’s hypnotic gaze;
see below) for 1 minute. At 8th level, this penalty is increased to -2, and at 16th level, to -3.
Hypnotic Gaze (Su): At 8th level, a naga servitor gains the ability to fascinate others with his gaze. Activating this gaze attack is a
free action and imparts the cleric with the gaze for 1 round; creatures that meet your gaze must succeed on a Will saving throw
(DC 10 + one-half the cleric’s class level + the cleric’s Charisma modifier) or become fascinated for 1 round. Creatures grappled
by the naga servitor take a -2 penalty on this saving throw, and maintaining or moving the grapple does not break the fascination
effect. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; System Reference Document. © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Jason Buhlman, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Advanced Player’s Guide. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason
Buhlman, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Buhlman, Brian J. Cortijo, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson,
Tom Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publushing. LLC; Authors: Jason Buhlman,
Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor. The Book of
Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with
Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content
from TSR. Abandoned Arts Presents: Amazing Races: Nagaji! © 2014, Daron Woodson; Author: Daron Woodson, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
and Skip Williams.

Design and editing by Daron Woodson.
Open Game License v 1.0 © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license.
Learn more about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game at

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