Different Types of Behavior

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Types of
“Overt & Covert Behavior”
-”overt” is the behavior that
can be manifested.
-”covert” is the behavior
that is not observable.
Conscious & Unconscious Behavior”
-”conscious” action that is
within one’s awareness.
-”unconscious” refers to the
behavior which is done due to unconscious
Voluntary & Involuntary Behavior”

-”voluntary” done with man’s full

will and discretion.
-”involuntary” those actions
are cone automatically.
“Simple & Complex Behavior”
-derivative behavior from
environment cause and effect.
-relational behavior from
subjective mental processing of the
“Rational & Irrational Behavior”
-”rational” it is the action that is done with the reason.
-”irrational” actions that are done automatically.

“Rational & Irrational Behavior”

-”rational” it is the action
that is done with the reason.
-”irrational” actions that
are done automatically.

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