TRK Tatsuno Sunny Xe Euro Electrical Wiring
TRK Tatsuno Sunny Xe Euro Electrical Wiring
TRK Tatsuno Sunny Xe Euro Electrical Wiring
Document: Installation instructions for fuel dispensers sunny‐XE EURO, Attachment 2 ‐ Electrical wiring
File: IN031‐CZ_02_SunnyElektrickéZapojeniRev00
Version and date: Version 00, 20 October 2011
No of pages: 9 (including the cover)
Prepared by: Ing. Milan Berka
TATSUNO EUROPE a.s., Pražská 2325/68, 678 01 Blansko, Czech Republic, tel.+420 516 428411, http://www.tatsuno‐
Pražská 2325/68 • 67801 Blansko
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 516428411 • Fax: +420 516428410
e-mail:, http://www.
© Copyright
This manual and its parts must not be copied without the consent of
Instalační instrukce pro výdejní stojany OCEAN BMP4000.O EURO, Příloha 2 ‐ Elektrické zapojení
CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 3
DISPENSERS ..................................................................................................................................... 5
DISPENSERS ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
ATTACHMENT 2.1.2. - SCHEME OF THE POWER SUPPLY DISTRIBUTION BOX XT04 .................................... 6
ATTACHMENT 2.1.3. - SCHEME OF THE DATA DISTRIBUTION BOX XT15 ................................................................ 7
This attachment provides examples of electrical wiring and distribution boxes for all variants of the SUNNY-
XE EURO fuel dispensers, both the suction version, when the dispenser has its own pump and meter, and the
remote version, when the dispenser has only a filter and meter, while it is connected to the station’s tank with a
central pressure pump.
At the time of publication, the content of this attachment was accurate. The producer reserves the right to
change the technical parameters of the appliance or its attributes without a written notice, since the technology is
constantly improving and developing.
All rights reserved. No part of the manual may be reproduced or transmitted without a written consent of the
company TATSUNO EUROPE a.s.
TATSUNO EUROPE a.s., www.tatsuno‐
Document versions
Instalační instrukce pro výdejní stojany OCEAN BMP4000.O EURO, Příloha 2 ‐ Elektrické zapojení
TATSUNO EUROPE a.s., www.tatsuno‐
Intake Outlet
Power supply cable to the engines Power supply cable to the engines
1 Type: FABER KABEL type Y‐JZ 4 x 1.5 (recommended) 3 Type: FABER KABEL type Y‐JZ 4 x 1.5
Connection: main distributor <‐‐‐> XT04 Connection: XT04 <‐‐‐> dispenser head
L1 engine power supply phase black 1 (c1) L1 phase 230V black 1 (c1)
L2 engine power supply phase black 2 (c3) L2 engine power supply phase black 2 (c3)
L3 engine power supply phase black 3 (c3) L3 engine power supply phase black 3 (c3)
PE safety protection conductor green‐yellow (zz) PE safety protection conductor green‐yellow (zz)
Power supply cable to the counter Power supply cable to the counter
2 Type: FABER KABEL type Y‐JB 3 x 2.5 (recommended) 4 Type: FABER KABEL type Y‐JB 3 x 2.5
Connection: main distributor <‐‐‐> XT04 Connection: XT04 <‐‐‐> dispenser head
zero conductor for protection of the zero conductor for protection of the
Ns brown (hn) Ns brown (hn)
counter counter
Ls phase for protection of the counter light blue (sm) Ls phase for protection of the counter light blue (sm)
PE safety protection conductor green‐yellow (zz) PE safety protection conductor green‐yellow (zz)
This distribution box RK 002/6 is the version Ex II 2G EEx e II T6 and it has a European type certificate FTZÚ 02 ATEX 0021. In the box
there can be used only terminals WAGO type 262-130 and 262-230 in the version EEx e II. Maximum load on one connection terminal is
3A/550V if the cross-section is 0.5 mm2 and 12A/550V if the cross-section is 2.5 mm2. Permitted conductor cross-section ranges from 0.5
to 2.5 mm2. The length of the insulated part of the conductor is min. 9 mm and max. 10 mm. Cable clamps M20 x 1.5 are in the version
Instalační instrukce pro výdejní stojany OCEAN BMP4000.O EURO, Příloha 2 ‐ Elektrické zapojení
Intake Outlet
Communication cable for the data line Communication cable for the data line
1 Type: FABER KABEL type CY‐JZ 5 x 0.75 (recommended) 2 Type: FABER KABEL type CY‐JZ 5 x 0.75
Connection: kiosk <‐‐‐> XT15 Connection: XT15 <‐‐‐> dispenser head
1 signal 1 black 1 (c1) 1 signal 1 black 1 (c1)
2 signal 2 black 2 (c3) 2 signal 2 black 2 (c3)
3 signal 3 black 3 (c3) 3 signal 3 black 3 (c3)
4 signal 4 black 4 (c4) 4 signal 4 black 4 (c4)
5 shielding shielding (ST) 5 shielding shielding (ST)
Signal description on the connector of the box (based on the communication protocol type)
Notes: This distribution box RK 002/6 is the version Ex II 2G EEx e II T6 and it has a European type certificate FTZÚ 02 ATEX 0021. In
the box there can be used only terminals WAGO type 262-130 and 262-230 in the version EEx e II. Maximum load on one connection
terminal is 3A/550V if the cross-section is 0.5 mm2 and 12A/550V if the cross-section is 2.5 mm2. Permitted conductor cross-section ranges
from 0.5 to 2.5 mm2. The length of the insulated part of the conductor is min. 9 mm and max. 10 mm. Cable clamps M20 x 1.5 are in the
version IP66/68. The cable CY-JZ 5 x 0.75 does not have the green-yellow conductor installed. The description on the box connector
depends from the data line type. As a rule there is used a data line with a PDE protocol.
TATSUNO EUROPE a.s., www.tatsuno‐
Instalační instrukce pro výdejní stojany OCEAN BMP4000.O EURO, Příloha 2 ‐ Elektrické zapojení
Distribution boxes XT04 and XT15 are described in Attachment 2.1.2. and Attachment 2.1.3.
Intake Outlet
Power supply cable for switching the pressure pumps in Power supply cable for switching the pressure pumps in
the tanks the tanks
1 Type: FABER KABEL type Y‐JZ 7 x 1 (recommended)
2 Type: FABER KABEL type Y‐JZ 7 x 1
Connection: main distributor <‐‐‐> XT08 Connection: XT08 <‐‐‐> dispenser head
shared conductor for switching the shared conductor for switching the
M0 black 1 (c1) M0 black 1 (c1)
pumps pumps
M1 phase for switching the pump 1 black 2 (c2) M1 phase for switching the pump 1 black 2 (c2)
M2 phase for switching the pump 2 black 3 (c3) M2 phase for switching the pump 2 black 3 (c3)
M3 phase for switching the pump 3 black 4 (c4) M3 phase for switching the pump 3 black 4 (c4)
M4 phase for switching the pump 4 black 5 (c5) M4 phase for switching the pump 4 black 5 (c5)
‐ backup black 6 (c6) ‐ backup black 6 (c6)
PE safety protection conductor green‐yellow (zz) PE safety protection conductor green‐yellow (zz)
This distribution box RK 002/6 is the version Ex II 2G EEx e II T6 and it has a European type certificate FTZÚ 02 ATEX 0021. In the box
there can be used only terminals WAGO type 262-130 and 262-230 in the version EEx e II. Maximum load on one connection terminal is
3A/550V if the cross-section is 0.5 mm2 and 12A/550V if the cross-section is 2.5 mm2. Permitted conductor cross-section ranges from 0.5
to 2.5 mm2. The length of the insulated part of the conductor is min. 9 mm and max. 10 mm. Cable clamps M20 x 1.5 are in the version