p6 XLSmappings

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Activities columns and fields imported from XLS files

Columns Field Name

WBS Code wbs_id
Calendar Name clndr_id
Percent Complete Type complete_pct_type
Activity Status status_code
Activity ID *** task_code
Activity Name task_name
Remaining Duration remain_drtn_hr_cnt
Original Duration/Planned Duration target_drtn_hr_cnt
Actual Start act_start_date
Actual Finish act_end_date
Activity % Complete complete_pct
Primary Constraints cstr_type
Primary Constraint Date cstr_date
Secondary Constraints cstr_type2
Secondary Constraint Date cstr_date2
Project Codes proj_catg_XXXXX_id Though not marked (*) Project Codes cannot be updated or imported.
Activity Codes actv_code_XXXX_id
All UDFs


Columns marked with an asterisk (*) in the export file indicate that they are calculated fields or non-importable fields and are ignored during import.

If you modify a field name in the export file, the column will be ignored during import.

*** Refer to the Project Management Help topic " Updating Unique Columns" for information about updating these columns.
Expenses columns and fields imported from XLS files

Columns Field Name

Cost Account ID acct_id
Activity ID *** task_id
Expense Item *** cost_name
Document Number po_number
Vendor vendor_name
Actual Cost act_cost
Remaining Cost remain_cost
Budgeted/Planned Cost target_cost
Budgeted/Planned Units target_qty
Unit of Measure qty_name
Expense Description cost_descr
At Completion Cost total_cost
Actual Units act_units
Remaining Units remain_units
At Completion Units at_completion_units
All UDFs

The Activity Status column is used as an indicator in the Expenses/Resource Assignments/Activity Relationships section
of the export file. This column is ignored during import.

You can update Activity Status in the Activities subject area.

Columns marked with an asterisk (*) in the export file indicate that they are calculated fields or non-importable fields
and are ignored during import.

If you modify a field name in the export file, the column will be ignored during import.

*** Refer to the Project Management Help topic " Updating Unique Columns" for information about updating these columns.
Relationships columns and fields imported from XLS files

Columns Field Name

Successor *** task_id
Predecessor *** pred_task_id
Relationship Type *** pred_type
Lag lag_hr_cnt

Columns marked with an asterisk (*) in the export file indicate that they are calculated fields or non-importable fields
and are ignored during import.

If you modify a field name in the export file, the column will be ignored during import.

*** Refer to the Project Management Help topic " Updating Unique Columns" for information about updating these columns.
Resources columns and fields imported from XLS files

Columns Field Name

Calendar Name clndr_id
User Login Name user_id
E-Mail Address email_addr
Employee ID employee_code
Office Phone office_phone
Other Phone other_phone
Resource Name rsrc_name
Resource ID rsrc_short_name
Title rsrc_title_name
Default Units / Time def_qty_per_hr
Unit of Measure unit_id
Resource Codes rsrc_catg_XXXXXX_id
All UDFs
Columns marked with an asterisk (*) in the export file indicate that they are calculated fields or non-importable fields
and are ignored during import.

If you modify a field name in the export file, the column will be ignored during import.

You cannot import any global data, such as resources and codes, that does not currently exist in the Project Management database.

*** Refer to the Project Management Help topic " Updating Unique Columns" for information about updating these columns.
Resource Assignments columns and fields imported from XLS files

Columns Field Name

Activity ID *** Task_id
Role ID *** role_id
Cost Account ID *** acct_id
Resource ID *** rsrc_id
Remaining Units remain_qty
Budgeted Units/Planned Units target_qty
Remaining Units/Time remain_qty_per_hr
Budgeted Cost/Planned Cost target_cost
Remaining Cost remain_cost
Actual Start act_start_date
Actual Finish act_end_date
Actual This Period Cost act_this_per_cost
Actual This Period Units act_this_per_qty
Resource Curve Name curv_id
Actual Units act_qty
At Completion Units total_qty
Actual Cost act_cost
At Completion Cost total_cost
Original Duration/Planned Duration target_drtn_hr_cnt
Remaining Duration remain_drtn_hr_cnt
Units % Complete effort_complete_pct
Remaining Lag remain_lag_drtn_hr_cnt
Unit of Measure unit_of_measure
Resource Codes rsrc_catg_XXXXX_id
All UDFs
Columns marked with an asterisk (*) in the export file indicate that they are calculated fields or non-importable fields
and are ignored during import.

If you modify a field name in the export file, the column will be ignored during import.

*** Refer to the Project Management Help topic " Updating Unique Columns" for information about updating these columns.
Default columns per subject area

Activities Activity Relationships Expenses Resources Resource Assignments

Activity ID Predecessor Activity ID Resource ID Activity ID
Activity Status Successor Expense Item Resource Name Activity Status
WBS Code Relationship Type Activity Status Resource Type Resource ID
Activity Name Predecessor Activity Status Budgeted/Planned Cost Unit of Measure Role ID
Start Successor Activity Status Actual Cost Role ID Cost Account ID
Finish Predecessor Project Remaining Cost Default Units / Time Resource Type
Resources Successor Project At Completion Cost Price / Unit
Predecessor WBS Start
Successor WBS Finish
Predecessor Activity Name
Successor Activity Name
Predecessor Primary Resource
Successor Primary Resource

Blue text indicates that the column is required for importing and exporting. The column cannot be removed from the export template and must exist
in the import file to import successfully.

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