Fisiologi Pengaturan Tekanan Darah SILBERNAGL 2
Fisiologi Pengaturan Tekanan Darah SILBERNAGL 2
Fisiologi Pengaturan Tekanan Darah SILBERNAGL 2
The blood flow must be regulated to ensure an ◆ Local metabolic (chemical) effects: An in-
Cardiovascular System
adequate blood supply, even under changing crease in local concentrations of metabolic
environmental conditions and stress (cf. p.74). products such as CO2, H+, ADP, AMP, adenosine,
This implies (a) optimal regulation of cardiac and K+ in the interstitium has a vasodilatory ef-
activity and blood pressure (homeostasis), (b) fect, especially in precapillary arterioles. The
adequate perfusion of all organ systems, and resulting rise in blood flow not only improves
(c) shunting of blood to active organ systems the supply of substrates and O2, but also accel-
(e.g., muscles) at the expense of the resting or- erates the efflux of these metabolic products
gans (e.g., gastrointestinal tract) to keep from from the tissue. The blood flow to the brain and
overtaxing the heart (씮 A). myocardium (씮 p. 212) is almost entirely sub-
Regulation of blood flow to the organs is ject to local metabolic control. Both local meta-
mainly achieved by changing the diameter of bolic effects and O2 deficiencies lead to an up
blood vessels. The muscle tone (tonus) of the to 5-fold increase in blood flow to an affected
vascular smooth musculature changes in re- region in response to the decreased blood flow
sponse to (1) local stimuli (씮 B2a/b), (2) hor- (reactive hyperemia).
monal signals (씮 B3 a/b) and (3) neuronal sig- ◆ Vasoactive substances: A number of vasoac-
nals (씮 B1 a/b). Most blood vessels have an in- tive substances such as prostaglandins play a
termediary muscle tone at rest (resting tone). role in autoregulation (see below).
Many vessels dilate in response to denerva-
tion, resulting in a basal tone. This occurs due Hormonal Control of Circulation
to spontaneous depolarization of smooth Vasoactive substances. Vasoactive hormones
muscle in the vessels (see also p. 70). either have a direct effect on the vascular
musculature (e.g., epinephrine) or lead to the
Local Regulation of Blood Flow (Autoregulation) local release of vasoactive substances (e.g.,
Autoregulation has two functions: nitric oxide, endothelin) that exert local para-
◆ Autoregulatory mechanisms help to main- crine effects (씮 B).
tain a constant blood flow to certain organs ◆ Nitric (mon)oxide (NO) acts as a vasodila-
when the blood pressure changes (e.g., renal tory agent. NO is released from the en-
vessels constrict in response to rises in blood dothelium when acetylcholine (M receptors),
pressure; 씮 p. 150). ATP, endothelin (ETB receptors), or histamine
◆ Autoregulation also functions to adjust the (H1 receptors) binds with an endothelial cell
blood flow according to changes in metabolic (씮 p. 280). NO then diffuses to and relaxes
activity of an organ (metabolic autoregulation); vascular myocytes in the vicinity.
the amount of blood flow to the organ (e.g., ◆ Endothelin-1 can lead to vasodilatation by
cardiac and skeletal muscle; 씮 A and p. 212) inducing the release of NO from the en-
can thereby increase many times higher than dothelium by way of ETB receptors (see above),
the resting level. or can cause vasoconstriction via ETA receptors
Types of autoregulatory mechanism: in the vascular musculature. When substances
◆ Myogenic effects arising from the vascular such as angiotensin II or ADH (= vasopressin;
musculature of the lesser arteries and arteri- V1 receptor) bind to an endothelial cell, they
oles (Bayliss effect) ensure that these vessels release endothelin-1, which diffuses to and
contract in response to blood pressure-related constricts the adjacent vascular muscles with
dilatation (씮 B2a) in certain organs (e.g., kid- the aid of ETA receptors.
neys, gastrointestinal tract and brain), but not ◆ Epinephrine (E): High concentrations of E
in others (e.g., skin and lungs). from the adrenal medulla (씮 p. 86) have a
◆ Oxygen deficiencies generally cause the vasoconstrictive effect (α1-adrenoceptors),
blood vessels to dilate. Hence, the degree of whereas low concentrations exert vasodilatory
blood flow and O2 uptake increase with in- effects by way of β2 adrenoceptors in the myo-
creasing O2 consumption. In the lungs, on the cardium, skeletal muscle and liver (씮 C). The ef-
other hand, a low PO2 in the surrounding alve- fect of E mainly depends on which type of
oli causes the vessels to contract (hypoxic vaso- adrenoceptor is predominant in the organ. α1- 왘
constriction; 씮 p. 122).
Hypoxia, ischemia, organ perfusion abnormalities, centralization of circulation
Plate 8.14 Regulation of the Circulation I 215
Cardiovascular System
1525 L/min,
L/(min . kg organ)
depending on fitness
Maximum Relative to
blood flow organ weight
Blood flow Relative to
at rest organ weight
Blood flow
ct tes
tra troin
(he er
Parasympathetic system
(salivary glands, genitalia)
Vessel stretch
Myogenic reaction Adenosine, PCO2 ,
H+, K+ etc.
2a 2b
local local
Endothelin-1 (ETA)
PGF2a ,
thromboxane Bradykinin,
왘 adrenoceptors are predominant in the and metabolism have changed. If the neuronal
Cardiovascular System
blood vessels of the kidney and skin. and local metabolic mechanisms are conflict-
◆ Eicosanoids (씮 p. 271): Prostaglandin (PG) ing (e.g., when sympathetic nervous stimula-
F2α and the thromboxanes A2 (released from tion occurs during skeletal muscle activity),
platelets, 씮 p. 102) and B2 have vasoconstric- the metabolic factors will predominate. Va-
tive effects, while PGI2 (= prostacyclin, e.g. re- sodilatation therefore occurs in the active
leased from endothelium) and PGE2 have va- muscle while the sympathetic nervous system
sodilatory effects. Another vasodilator re- reduces the blood flow to the inactive muscles.
leased from the endothelium (e.g., by brady- Blood flow to the skin is mainly regulated by
kinin; see below) opens K+ channels in vascu- neuronal mechanisms for the purpose of con-
lar myocytes and hyperpolarizes them, leading trolling heat disposal (temperature control;
to a drop in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. 씮 p. 226). Hypovolemia and hypotension lead
Cardiovascular System
1 Cerebral cortex
Pressor area
Circulatory center
in pons and
medulla oblongata Parasympathetic
Depressor area
Vagal nuclei
Inhibition cranial nerve
nervous system Vagus
nerve (X)
Sympathetic trunk
Spinal cord
cardiac action
Aortic pressure Increases
cardiac action Common
SP AP carotid
Ventricular Veins
pressure SP
(a1 adrenoceptors)
Venous pulse SA
SA SB AV node
AP Arterioles SA node
(After Paintal)
2 Afferent action potentials (AP) SV
from circulatory sensors
218 Regulation of the Circulation (continued)
왘 heart to increase its activity (heart rate, sion leads to stiffening of the carotid sinus. This may
conduction and contractility). Their effects on also contribute to decreasing the sensitivity of
Cardiovascular System
signals along afferent nerve tracts (씮 D3a/b) in the systemic arterial blood pressure. The
that extend centrally from the pressosensors in general criterion for diagnosis of hypertension
the aorta and carotid sinus (씮 C, green tracts). is consistent elevation of resting blood pres-
The main purpose of homeostatic control is to sure to ⬎ 90 mmHg and/or ⬎ 140 mmHg dias-
maintain the arterial blood pressure at a stable tolic and systolic, respectively (씮 p. 208). Un-
level. Acute increases in blood pressure treated or inadequately managed hyperten-
heighten the rate of afferent impulses and acti- sion results in stress and compensatory hyper-
vate the depressor area. By way of the vagus trophy of the left ventricle which can ulti-
nerve, parasympathetic neurons (씮 C, orange mately progress to left heart failure. Individuals
tract) elicit the depressor reflex response, i.e., with hypertension are also at risk for arterio-
they decrease the cardiac output (CO). In addi- sclerosis and its sequelae (myocardial infarc-
tion, inhibition of sympathetic vessel innerva- tion, stroke, renal damage, etc.). Therefore, hy-
tion causes the vessels to dilate, thereby reduc- pertension considerably shortens the life ex-
ing the peripheral resistance (TPR; 씮 D4a/b). pectancy of a large fraction of the population.
Both of these mechanisms help to lower acute
increases in blood pressure. Conversely, an The main causes of hypertension are (a) increased
acute drop in blood pressure leads to activation extracellular fluid (ECF) volume with increased
venous return and therefore increased cardiac out-
of pressor areas, which stimulates a rise in CO
put (volume hypertension) and (b) increased total pe-
and TPR as well as venous vasoconstriction ripheral resistance (resistance hypertension). As hy-
(씮 C, blue tracts), thereby raising the blood pertension always leads to vascular changes result-
pressure back to normal. ing in increased peripheral resistance, type a hyper-
Due to the fast adaptation of pressosensors tension eventually proceeds to type b which, regard-
(differential characteristics, 씮 p. 314ff.), these less of how it started, ends in a vicious circle.
regulatory measures apply to acute changes in The ECF volume increases when more NaCl (and
blood pressure. Rising, for example, from a water) is absorbed than excreted. The usually high in-
take of dietary salt may therefore play a role in the
supine to a standing position results in rapid
development of essential hypertension (primary
redistribution of the blood volume. Without hypertension), the most common type of hyperten-
homeostatic control (orthostatic reflex; 씮 p. 7, sion, at least in patients sensitive to salt. Volume hy-
E and p. 206), the resulting change in venous pertension can even occur when a relatively low salt
return would lead to a sharp drop in arterial intake can no longer be balanced. This can occur in
blood pressure. The circulatory centers also re- renal insufficiency or when an adrenocortical tumor
spond to falling PO2 or rising PCO2 in the blood produces uncontrolled amounts of aldosterone, re-
sulting in Na+ retention.
(cross-links from respiratory center) to raise
Other important cause of hypertension is
the blood pressure as needed. pheochromocytoma, a tumor that secretes epi-
In individuals with chronic hypertension, the input nephrine and norepinephrine and therefore raises
from the pressosensors is normal because they are the CO and TPR. Renal hypertension can occur due
fully adapted. Therefore, circulatory control centers to renal artery stenosis and renal disease. This results
cannot respond to and decrease the high pressures. in the increased secretion of renin, which in turn
On the contrary, they may even help to “fix” the raises the blood pressure via the renin–angiotensin–
blood pressure at the high levels. Chronic hyperten- aldosterone (RAA) system (씮 p. 186).
D. Circulatory reflexes
Cardiovascular System
Carotid and aortic Atrial (Bainbridge) reflex
sinus reflex (depressant) (excitatory)
4b 4a 3a 3b 3c 4c
Efferent Afferent Afferent Efferent
SA node
AV node
Vasodilatation Stretch
1. Venous return rises
Arterial blood pressure rises Stimulus Atrial pressure rises
Pressosensors in:
a) Aorta 2.
Sensors d) Atrial and venous
b) Carotid artery stretch sensors
c) Left ventricle
Vasodilatation 5. Tachycardia,
Response myocardial contractility
Cardiac output Peripheral resistance
decreases decreases