DsHPCOM, Data Sheet, Hart
DsHPCOM, Data Sheet, Hart
DsHPCOM, Data Sheet, Hart
Description Features
The HPCOM is a reliable HART hand held configurator for • Hand held configuration and monitoring for HART
field devices. It simplifies configuration or data analysis in field instruments at the field or control room.
the field. The HPCOM has communication compatibility
with all HART field instruments. The HPCOM is used at • HART interface plugged with robust connector.
process control plants for commissioning, diagnosis,
• Software driver for over 350 existing HART
data monitoring and configuration changes of HART
• New driver can be developed upon customer
specification or DDL source file.
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Software Overview
The HPCOM software includes 4 preloaded applications:
HPCOM, HPCGraph, HPCLogger and HPC301. Fig. 1. - HPCOM Box Contents
The main application of the HPCOM, allows Before setting up your HPCOM, please verify that all box
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Enter the registration code received at the registration Polling for Multiple Devices
code prompt. A successful code will notify the user To poll for multiple online devices within an address
and the registration screen will no longer appear at the range:
startup of HPCOM.
1. Select the checkbox next to the “From/To” option.
2. Choose the start and end search addresses from the
corresponding drop down menus located next to the
“From” and “To” options respectively.
3. Select the “Poll” button.
Polling by Tag
To poll for an online device by tag:
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Fig. 7. - Various Editable Fields The HPCOM Device Driver files follow a naming
convention of “mmddrr.prc” where: mm = HART
Device Drivers
Manufacturer Code
The HPCOM software is based on the Device
dd = Device Code rr = Hardware Revision Code
Description Language (DDL). This language was
created to offer a standardized method of detailing
all the variables, commands and parameters of a
specific device as well as to describe the basic menu HPCLogger
structure and layout that the end user should see when
The HPCLogger application enables the user to log
communicating with a manufacturers device. Device
variables over time automatically or manually and store
description files are created by the device manufacturer
these variables for later trending or processing. The
and allow the device parameters and menus to be
stored logs can be easily transferred to your PC.
displayed and structured as the manufacturer intended.
The HPCOM software builds on these DDL’s to offer
compatibility with a range of HART devices directly
from your Palm PDA.
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The HPCGraph application allows the graphical
trending of up to 4 variables simultaneously from any
HART device. Graphs can be customized and saved for
offline viewing.
Starting HPCGraph
To start HPCGraph, follow the steps below:
Fig. 11. - Manual Logging After you have started HPCLogger and polled for
Transferring Logs to a PC devices follow these steps to select which variables will
To transfer logs to a PC, follow these steps: be graphed:
1. Install the Springfield Conduit software into your PC 1. Select a device from the Live List.
with the Palm Desktop software. 2. Select the check boxes next to the variables you
The Conduit software can be downloaded the product wish to graph. The color underneath each check box
CD from www.springres.com. corresponds to the line color of the graph (Figure
2. Execute a Hotsync between your Palm and your PC. 12). If the device supports command 33 of the HART
3. The newly created data files will be located in the specification, variables other than the default may be
<palm folder>\<user name>\Datalogger directory graphed by selecting the “Spec Monit” button. From
of the PC.The naming convention for these log files the specific monitor screen, 4 variables may be selected
are dMMDDXXXXXX.txt where: MM is the devices from the 4 drop down lists. Check the boxes for the
manufacturer code in hexadecimal format (for example, variables you wish to graph (Figure 13).
3e for Smar) 3. Select the “Graph” button when are selected the
DD is the devices type code in hexadecimal format (for variables.
example, 01 for the LD301)
XXXXXX is the devices serial number in hexadecimal
4. Open the text file
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Settings Start Stop Done
Only devices which support command 33 of the Button Button Button Button
HART specification will support custom selection of
graphing variables. Devices which do not support
this command will only log the default variables as Variable List
described previously and will not have access to the Window
Xmin Xmax
X Axis Scroll Buttons
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Offline Graphing
The graphing data is automatically stored to the Palm
for review.
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Springfield Research reserves the right to make changes to design and functionality of any product
without notice. Springfield Research does not assume any liability arising out of the application or
use of any product. Springfield Research logo is registered trademarks of Springfield Research.
HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation.
© 2017 Springfield Research Corp. All rights reserved
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