This document provides a classification key for identifying igneous rocks based on their color, texture, and composition. It includes descriptions of common igneous rocks such as granite, diorite, gabbro, peridotite, rhyolite, andesite, and basalt. The key differentiates between these rock types based on characteristics such as their light or dark color, the presence of phenocrysts, grain size, and whether they have a glassy, vesicular, or fragmental texture.
This document provides a classification key for identifying igneous rocks based on their color, texture, and composition. It includes descriptions of common igneous rocks such as granite, diorite, gabbro, peridotite, rhyolite, andesite, and basalt. The key differentiates between these rock types based on characteristics such as their light or dark color, the presence of phenocrysts, grain size, and whether they have a glassy, vesicular, or fragmental texture.
This document provides a classification key for identifying igneous rocks based on their color, texture, and composition. It includes descriptions of common igneous rocks such as granite, diorite, gabbro, peridotite, rhyolite, andesite, and basalt. The key differentiates between these rock types based on characteristics such as their light or dark color, the presence of phenocrysts, grain size, and whether they have a glassy, vesicular, or fragmental texture.
This document provides a classification key for identifying igneous rocks based on their color, texture, and composition. It includes descriptions of common igneous rocks such as granite, diorite, gabbro, peridotite, rhyolite, andesite, and basalt. The key differentiates between these rock types based on characteristics such as their light or dark color, the presence of phenocrysts, grain size, and whether they have a glassy, vesicular, or fragmental texture.
Composition Texture Key Igneous Home Page Shaded boxes can be clicked to see a picture. White, Gray, Pink; Light Color black minerals rare GRANITE C O AR S E Intermediate Color Salt and Pepper • white/black 50/50 DIORITE GRAINED Phaneritic; crystals Dark Color No light minerals; dark gray to black GABBRO seen by eye Light Green; Olivine and/or PERIDOTITE granular; some black Pyroxene; no feldspar
Light Color White, Gray, Pink RHYOLITE
FINE FELSITE GRAINED A light to intermediate colored rock which cannot be positively idenified.
Aphanitic; no crystals Dark gray typical
visible; uniform Intermediate Color but other colors too ANDESITE Dark Color Dark gray to black BASALT Phenocrysts of RHYOLITE Light Color orthoclase and/or L ARGE quartz PORPHORY C R YS T A L S (Phenocrysts) Intermediate Color Phenocrysts of amphibole and/or plagioclase ANDESITE PORPYRY in groundmass Dark Color Phenocrysts of olivine BASALT PORPHYRY
G L A SS Y Black, red, brown
conchoidal fracture; breaks along smooth curving surfaces OBSIDIAN
Light Color White to gray; spun
PUMIICE glass look and light weight VESCellular; I C UL A R Dark Color Black, brown red SCORIA and light weight full of holes; often light wieght Dark Color Black, gray to VESICULAR and heavy brownish BASALT small, welded VOLCANIC TUFF FRAG - Any color; volcanic fragments; often stretched out volcanic fragments M ENT A L cemented together angular volcanic fragments larger than VOLCANIC 64 mm BRECCIA