L Pic Camp Management Plan
L Pic Camp Management Plan
L Pic Camp Management Plan
User Manual
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
Requirements .................................................................................................................. 1
Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 1
Getting Started ................................................................................................................ 2
Analyse Allowable to date ................................................................................................ 3
Import To-date costs ........................................................................................................ 4
Cost Adjustments ............................................................................................................ 6
Release the costs ............................................................................................................ 7
Cost rate .......................................................................................................................... 9
Cost worksheets ............................................................................................................ 11
Subcontract costs .......................................................................................................... 12
Subcontract Cost code ........................................................................................... 12
Net worksheet Cost code........................................................................................ 13
Cost & Allowables at completion.................................................................................... 15
Set up next valuation ..................................................................................................... 16
Backup or Copy the job .......................................................................................... 16
Valuation setup ....................................................................................................... 17
Cost & Allowables is used to monitor the financial performance of a project. The current
allowable generated by Candy is compared with the current costs as captured in the
accounting system like BuildSmart®.
Whilst it is important to understand where a project stands financially at any point in
time, it is more important to have the ability to forecast the financial status at completion.
The Cost & Allowables module provides all the tools necessary to achieve these goals
and thus assists the project team to make valued decisions in order to maximise the
profitability of a project.
To summarise, Cost & Allowables is used to analyse:
To date Allowable v To Date costs.
Remaining Allowable v Remaining cost.
At Completion Allowable v At Completion cost.
There are a variety of documents and reports available which can be customised to the
requirements of the project team.
In order to get the most benefit out of Cost & Allowables, the user should have a good
knowledge of Candy Estimating & Valuations as this manual will refer to the bill
document, valuations, worksheets, resources, project codes and Subcontract Manager.
The following is a list of definitions for the terminology used in this manual:
Allowable to date - Actual quantity x Net rate
Cost to date - Imported cost to date
Variance to date - Allowable to date - Cost to date
Allowable remaining - Remaining quantity x Net rate
Cost remaining - Remaining quantity x Cost rate
Variance remaining - Allowable remaining – Cost remaining
Allowable at completion - Final quantity x Net rate
Cost at completion - Cost to date + Cost remaining
Variance at completion - Allowable at completion – Cost at completion
Getting Started
The Cost & Allowables documents can be found under the Cost & Allowables menu (1)
below, and then to Document Manager (2). By using the “New document” button (3),
there are a variety of standard documents that can be selected and then customised by
using the “Customise” button (4).
Analyse Allowable to date
To ensure the correct comparison between Cost & Allowables, it is essential to measure
the actual quantity on the same date as the cost close for accounts.
Select document reference 1.1 Cost & Allowables by Period and open the document,
Press Calculate to summarise the latest information.
The above document shows the To-date, Remaining and At completion Allowables for
the current Valuation.
The Task code column is included by default in this document. The BuildSmart®
accounting system has both the Task code (Activity code) and Cost code (Ledger code)
for more comprehensive financial reporting. If your accounting system does not make
use of Task codes then this column can be deleted from the document (see below).
Import To-date costs
The To-date costs can be imported as follows:
1. Using a text file from accounting software package.
2. From an Excel file.
3. From the Candy Material received module.
4. From BuildSmart® accounting software.
From the Cost & Allowables document manager, select document 3.1 Cost Import.
Select Tools > Import costs to-date > Import from file. Use the explorer to find the
text file and import the file.
To complete the import process, select from the available columns headings (1) below,
which match the headings (2) of the imported document.
The Code description does not require matching as Candy already associates the Cost
code description with the Cost code.
When the import is complete, the imported information needs to be checked against the
Candy information for differences:
1. Select Tools.
2. Select Housekeeping.
3. Select Check import file.
4. Select the codes for checking.
5. If the imported file is not fully compatible with information within Candy, a
message will be displayed advising which line/lines are not compatible. These
lines can be filtered out and displayed.
6. It is most likely that the column headings in the import document which are not
defined as cost codes in Candy. These should be deleted using Control + Delete.
7. Once the file has been corrected, run the Check import file again and you
should get a message, “Validation successful”
Cost Adjustments
After the costs have been imported, further adjustments can be made by the site
personnel to reflect the “true” costs to date. These adjustments are made to the imported
costs on the same document, 3.1 Cost import. Adjustments can be made under the
following headings:
1. Re-allocation – costs that have been misallocated can be corrected. The total of
this column must always add up to zero.
2. Accruals – known costs that have not been captured in the accounts ledger.
3. SC Liability – the difference between the subcontract Pay amount and Due
amount. Go to Subcontract Manager > Subcontract document manager >
Document reference 3.1 Subcontract summary, to see these amounts.
4. Materials – materials that may have been pre-purchased but not claimable in the
current valuation, such as materials off site.
5. Contras – contra charges that have yet to be processed.
6. Residual – pre-purchase of equipment such as formwork which must be written
off over the period of the structure.
7. Other – any other cost adjustment.
8. Notes – to explain the reasons of the cost adjustments.
Release the costs
Having made the adjustments, the adjusted costs can now be released for comparison
with the allowable.
From the document 3.1 Cost Import, select Tools > Release costs for Cost &
The “Actual cost” column will now be used in the Cost & allowables documents and now
termed as To-date cost.
The screen shot below displays the To-date financial position of the job as the Actual
allowable is compared against the To-date costs of the job broken down into the project
codes (Task & Cost).
Whilst there are variances between Allowable and Cost, there are no variances forecast
in the remaining work to completion. Future cost variances can also be analysed in
Candy. Future costs are influenced by:
A change in the rate of a resource.
A change in the production outputs as used on the original worksheets.
A change in the amount of waste allowed by the estimator.
The necessity to employ another subcontractor with rates that differ from the
allowable rates.
A far more accurate financial forecast can be achieved by making use of the following:
Cost rates (future resource rate adjustment).
Cost worksheets
Subcontract manager.
Cost rate
It is inevitable that during the course of a project, the price of resources will change. To
analyse the effect of these price changes, the cost rate has to be entered.
Go to Estimating > Document manager > Document 2.3 Resource list with cost
The Final rate (allowable rate) is displayed in (1) above and must not be altered. The
Cost rate (2) defaults to the same as the Final rate but can be adjusted as necessary.
Changing the Cost rate does not change the allowables but does change the forecast
cost to completion.
In this example a buying saving was achieved on the aggregate but cements cost more
than the allowable.
The result of updating the resource costs now gives a very different picture, as can be
seen in the Remaining Variance column (1) below.
Before updating Resource cost rates
Cost worksheets
Production outputs used for the original estimate may also need adjustment to reflect the
current conditions on site. Similarly, waste allowances and other variables may require
To do this open document 5.1Bill with Cost rates for Cost w/s adjustment and select the
worksheet requiring adjustment.
Select View (1) > Flip to Cost worksheet (2).
In this exercise the production output is to be reduced from 25m3/day to 20m3/day and
the waste allowance reduced from 7.5% to 4%..
Notice that the title of the worksheet is clearly shown as Cost Worksheet (1) above and
after changing the production output the cost rate now differs from the net rate (2).
Subcontract costs
Forecasting the cost to completion for subcontract work, has been simplified by using
Subcontract Manager.
The Cost & Allowable will be reported against the subcontract accounts (ledger) code
without changing cost or allowable worksheets, even if there are multiple subcontractors
to one or more BOQ items.
This is possible by identifying the “Subcontract Cost code” and the “Net worksheet cost
Subcontract Cost code
The Subcontract Cost code is the code to which the payments for this subcontract are
allocated. This code will typically be the ledger code used by the accounts department to
identify the cost against the subcontractor.
To define a Cost code, go to Definitions & Settings > 4.1 Cost Codes (Ledger Code).
In this example there are two subcontractors executing the same bill items, namely GBD
Excavations Cost code 801 and KP Plant Hire Cost code 802.
Once the Cost codes have been defined (above), go to Subcontract Manager (1) below
> S/C (2) and then to the Details tab (3) of the subcontractors assigned to do this work.
The Subcontract Cost code is selected from the dropdown box (4) and will be the code
that the cost and allowable is reported against. In this example, the Subcontract Cost
code is 801.
Net worksheet Cost code
This is the cost code of the subcontract resource in the worksheets of the current
subcontract bill.
In the example below, the column 16.3 Resource Cost code list has been added to
document 1.1 Subcontract bill which indicates that the Net worksheet Cost code for the
items in the subcontract bill in this example is 900.
Follow the same procedure for Subcontractor “EARTH2” but in this case the Subcontract
cost code would be 802 and the Net worksheet code 900.
After following the above procedure, the following rules need to be adhered to in order to
calculate the subcontract costs to completion:
1. From the Cost & Allowables > Document Manager > Document 1.1 Cost
Allowable by period > Costs & Allowables settings, make sure that under
“Advanced calculation options” that “Costs for subcontract items from
Subcontract Manager is ticked as indicated below.
2. The total of the subcontract due quantity must equal the Actual quantities in the
main contract Valuation. If there is a difference a message will be displayed for
you to make the necessary corrections.
3. No subcontract “Due” quantity may exceed the “Final awarded quantity”.
4. The total “Final awarded quantities” must equal the “Final bill quantities”. Go to
Subcontract Manager > Document Manager > Document 2.1 BOQ with
Subcontract allocation to check for any differences.
5. If rules 2, 3 or 4 have not been obeyed there will be a message displayed for you
to correct the error.
6. Internal bill items must be created where the main contractor and subcontractors
are undertaking work using the same bill items.
Cost & Allowables at completion
By using the three methods described previously, we now can calculate the forecast cost
to completion. Allowable at completion is calculated using the Final quantities x Net rate
and the Cost at completion is the sum of the Cost to date and Remaining costs. This
information is used to determine the financial performance of the project at completion.
Open the document 1.1 Cost & Allowables by period and calculate:
The changes that were made to Resource costs, Cost worksheets and Subcontract
Manager are all reflected on the above document and the resultant variances to
allowables are shown in “Remaining Variance” and “At Completion Variance”.
Set up next valuation
Completion of the Cost & Allowables documents is probably the final stage in the
valuation cylcle and at this point it is important to set up the next valuation.
Set up next valuation will copy all the To-date quantities and costs into previous.
Backup or Copy the job
It is good practice to backup or copy each valuation job before entering the next
valuation quantities. Eventually there will be an electronic copy of each valuation
which can be referred to if required.
Go to the job manager, and Duplicate job (1) below.
Valuation setup
To setup the next valuation select Valuations > Main > Valuation setup
Once the next valuation is confirmed, the current valuation will be archived and
the details of the new valuation required as below.