Mac Tools Catalog No 14 1947

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F:Y t
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36 Emmett Road
P. O. 8or
All tools in our line are designed and
manufactured to withstand requirements
of the job for which they were intended.
Our tools are guaranteed to do this iob.
Please note certain tools shown are
marked "Not Guaranteed" which is ne-
cessary because of the nature of the tool
and which is customary. Every tool we
sel! is guaranteed against defective work-
manship or material and will be replaced
when proven so within these limits.

We cannot replace tools that are worn

out because of use; tools made obsolete
by changes ir design required by new
mcdel cars: tools which have been abused
or used carelessly; which the me-
chanic has attempted to redesign.

We know the mechanic will be reason-

able and fair in the matter of replace-
ments, as so shall we.

Final judgment as to whether a tool

should be replaced rests with our ad-
juster working through our Authorized
MaC Distributors. The policy as to guar-
antee is for your protection and will be
carried out on fhe basis of mutual fair
Copyright 1947 Mac Allied Tools €orp.

q Pr ntec lr l- 5. A
CREER 5l.ii'i?I"T
...Xgflu.uiilEl' - L,t t.!: 1,,,


The Mac Allied Tools Corporation is affiliated

with The Mechan;c's Tool & Fotge Cornpany
of Sabina, Ohio. The tools as illustrated in this
catalogue are sold by regular authorized "MAC
DISTRIBUTORS" throughout the entire (Jni'
ted States, serving the "PROFESSIONAL
Our policy is and shall continue to be one en-
abling us to furnish our customers the Finest
Tool made at the most reasonable price pos-
sible. Our method of selling makes possible
befter Service and Quality Tools by elirninating
all possible overhead.
"MAC TOOLS" are sold everywhere. Look
for the trade name as shown on the front and
back cover pages of this catalogue. fn purchas-
ing "MAC TOOLS" you will insure yourself
the ownership of tools of Proven Quality, with
continued unequaled service by experienced
and trained representatives.
Management of "MAC ALLIED TOOLS COR-
PORATION" is by men who have been in the
Mechanics Hand Tools business for many, many
yeats. They are equipped with valuable ex'
perience which assures sound judgment with
regard to the tools in our line being of proper
design and quality for their intended use.
rffe have grown rapidly due to quality of "MAC
TOOLS" and service given by "MAC TOOL
DISTRIBUTORS", as well as to the confi'
dence our customers have given our line.

rhank you for this support and hope to serve

you long and well.


Airline Tools ond Fittings
Kwik-Change Couplers with both Male and Female
Plug connecti,ons save valuable time. These are used
wit[ all air operated equipment such as Blo-Guns, Paint
Sprayers. Aii Hammefs, etc. These items listed below
are a necessity for garages and service stations.

08 867

qe %weq

?ll Kwik Coupler and Plug 108 4-in. Blo-Gun Extension
716 Male Coupler Body 520 Air Hose Repair Kit.
867 Noprene Washer for Air
727 Male Plug Only Lines
728 Female Plug Only 868 Neoprene Washer for Blo'
107 Blo-Gun Gun

Ford-Chevrolet-G.M.C. Trucks Axle

Housing Dies

Place the die on the back of the thread and back off
tdfi;h the damaged thread. This tool is made from
attov lIeet and th&oughly heat-treated' It is another
"TOUGH TOOL FOR TOUGH JOBS" and will stand
the gaff.
RD' 5-chev' Truck '2t1" ' LG
RD-l0-Ford Truck, Federal Truck-.-...-.-.--' -. ---.--2r/+ - 16

Page Tuo
Bottery Corrier

SureGrip self-locking ends positively holq- the heav'

iest batteiv without danser of slipping. The greater
the weieht the tighter they grip. EXTRA LONG to
handle the new 20" batteries
gi- s-Short Type Cells assembled side by side
BLl0-Long Tipe Cells assembled end to end
Bushing Remover ond Replocing Set

fire-se-toots aie maae of a high g1a-de sfeel, heat

"- a"a t"mpered for hard use and long life'
ffi"-"ottiA" aiu*"tutt are perfectly true with each
bushing remover and replacing set de-
signe'd to meet the dlmand o-f tlre up-to-date -garage'
All Passenger Car Bushings arrd a- Large
Percentage of truck and Tractor Bushings
No. 875

Generol Purpose Bushing Service Set

Sneciallv desiened to remove and replace ,"gofit u'

weli as tfie extia thin bushings in all popular sizes
ftom lz to 1% ID. Handles for this set are sized to
be used to remove and replace 5/16 and 7e valve guides'
No. BD-72-Set complete in case
Weisht 3% l\s.
Page Three
Abrosive Grinding Wheels
Norton wheels are made from natural aluminous
oxidL abr"sive . . . fully vitrified-giving yorlthe iinest'
best cuttinE wheels you ever used. All 60 G-rit wheels
iri-""u.iJ-?wi;;io" tin" general purpose work. AII 3q
6r]t-*iiirr ate g".ae:'o-" which grinding'
is grade and
better for heavier and rougher

Ord. No. Diameter Width Arbor Grit

GW8 t/2" lz' 60
1/2" 36
s/+' a/2" 60
GWl2 o
GWl4 6" '/4 Yz' 36

Flexible Wire Corbon ScroPer

This Scraper has a claw-like encl that s-crapes clean

flexible, it goe.s- into all curves of
'' tti"--.i"i"gi You
cvlinder^heads, eet it all with this scraper'
are irade strong with oil-tempered
rp;ir;; ;1;;:-- rn"y fit the curve -of everv piston head
without fail.
Oitler No. CS-10-10" Long, 1" Wide.
"GETS to the POINT"
Can be bent or twisted and won't
break. You can use it in awkward
corners where you ean't get with
a steel "point file." Will not short
Order No. FS-l-Length 41/2"
Order No. FS-2-Length 41/2"
.025" Thick
Point Files

This double cut 'Iungsten fiIe is i;he type Preferrecl

bv all mechanics for filing breaker points. IIas the
:finE"t hold" on the end oJ handle.
Length o. A.
OrderNo. Cut Length
PF- 5 23/+" o
PF-10-.025" Thick 23/a" 5u

Page Four
Heovy Duty Wheel Brushes
The Quality material used for these wire brushes
and excellent workmanship make them the toughest
and longest lasting on the market. The crimped wire
bristles will wear evenly, thus giving maximum amount
of wear right down to the arbor.
Any size may be had
in any size arbor hole,
ftom r/2" up. When or-
dering be sure to spec-
ify Arbor Hole.
A sturdy adapter for
mountinE wheel and
cup bruihes to a drill
chuck. Can be had with
t/+', Ye' or %" shank.
Cadmium p lated for
rust prevention,

Ord. No- Dia. No.

Ord. Size
ww-4 CA-l Y+"
ww-6 6', CL-z Ve"
ww-8 CA-3 Vzu

'Heovy DutY
Corbon Cleoning Brushes
"Cable Twist" carbon or end brush
is rnade of high strain music tYPe
rvire tightly twisted into knots se-
curely fastened into a 1" diameter
metal cup and fitted with a t7n' di-
ameter spindle shank. Brush Part
extends 7r/+" olut,
We also carry the Carbon Cleaning
Brush in crirnped wire not twisted.
No. WB-1. O. der No. WB-5

Hond Wire Brush

Wire Brush with Screw Eye attached. High grade

blush with long curved handle. Prevents injury. to
operator's hand. Just what you need for cleaning dirt,
dust and other foreign matter from rims and wire
Order No. WB-l0-*Length 14"

Page Fiue
Quolity Feeler Gouges
10 Blade,S%"long
Contains 1 each
.002, .003, .004,
.005, .006, .00?,
.008, .010, .012,

Order No.

Combinotion Feeler Gouge

Order No. FG-2

t0 lTtn Blades l0 3ye" BladeE
Sizes .012 .018 ,024 .028 Sizes .002 .005 .008 .013
.013 .020 .o23 .032 .003 -006 .010 .015
.014 .022 .004 .007
I Coil Point File
Moster 25-Blade Gouge

Order No. FG-3

Sizes: .0015 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .010
.011 .012 .013 .014 .015 .016 .018 .020 .022 .024
.025 .028 .030 .032 .035
Speciol Chevrolet Feeler Gouge
Contains four
Tz"wide blades
-- .006, .008,
.013 and .032
thtee r/+" fin-
and .040 thick-
nesses. Also a
Order No. FG.4 float depth
gauge, tungs-
ten file and 3" scale.

Page Six
Speciol Ford Gouge
"Go and No'
Go" Feeler
Gauge .025
- plugs
for spark
on models ttBtt
and V-8, .022
for valves
model .022
with narow
tin for distrib-
utbr on m,odels
ttAt' and ttBrtt
Order No. FG-5
.017 for valves
on model 'A," for V-8 distributor, .014 with nar-
row end for V-8 distributor, .014 for all val.ves on V-8,
.013 for valves on models "A" and "8," and .035 for
spark plugs on model "A.t'

Spork Plug Gouge

This Gauge
consists of one
each .022,.025,
.02?, .028, .030,
.032, .036 and
Order No. FG-6 Gauges.

lgnition Gouge
Blaae bizes
.012 .013 .014
.018 .020 .022
.025 .028 .032
"035 dnd File.
Order No. FG-7

Broke Gouge

Contains one
each .006, .008'
.010, .012, .015,
.0\6, .020, .022,
and .032.

Order'No. FG-8

Page Seoen
Piston Gouqe

8 Blade,9" long.
Contains 1 ea.
.002, .003, .004,
.005, .006, .008,
.010, .015.

Order No. FG-9

Stondord Feeler Gouge

9 Blade, 3r/2" long.

Contains 1 each.004,
.005, .006, .007, .008,
.010, .011, .013, .015.

Order No. FG-16

lgnition Gouge
Contains twelve blades,
lW' lons, 3/16" wide.
One each .013, .014, .0f
.017, ,018, .020,.022, .025,
,028, .030, .032, .040. Ev-
erything you need for
points and spark plugs.
Order No. FG-15
Generol Purpose Feeler Gouge

Order No. FG-25

Consists of 25 blades from .0015 to.025 inch inclusive.
Most complete for general repair and machine shop
Page Eight
Feeler Gouge Stock

Stock in 10' rolls, put up in convenient slotted boxes'

in following sizes.
Size Size
'.00i';;i;10' xa/zxl}' '013 x%x10'
.007 .025 xlizxlO'
.ooa iy,"to' .0t4 xL/zxtl' .ors *t1rxtl'
'.001 ;i;"io' .oos xyr*ro'
:005 .0t5 xlzxll' .030 x%x10'
;i/r;10' .oro xyr"ro' .018 x%x10'
'.008;;i;10' .032 x1/zxt0'
'.0v2 xyrxro' .020 xa/zxrl'
.oir '035 x%x10'
:006 ;t;;io' vt7,x70' .022 xr/zxrl' .ons *t1rxto'
Extra Blades, AnY Thickness
Individual Blades or Packages'of Six
as shown below

9" Ions t1r" wide.
312,, x t7r,, 2$" "* r7r", l!/2" x L/1_61'
In Packlees (o Btaais pef fack) 3t/2" -Blades' V'
Sfides.--Foidwiirg sire.: .002, .003, '004, '006,
.008, .010, .012, .013, .015.

Feeler Stock
Holders are excellent for
roll stock use. A small
supplv of anY size stoek
cair^le kePt in the single
end, being pulled out as
Our \2" Blades also are
handy in these Holders.
The double end holds 2
sizes stock for valve work.
One end for intake valves,
the other for exhaust
valves. Mechanics like
these Holders.
Order No. FG-10
Single End-Lensth 612"
Order No. FG-ll
Double End-Length 6"

Page Nine
De Luxe Hock Sow Frome

Good, rigid construction with perfect balance reduces posibility of

blade "whip" breakage and make this hack aaw easy to work with.
The handle and rear lrcrtion are a one-piece design with hand aper-
ture large enough for ample knuckle clearance. Red pyralin hand
grips give a 6rm hold and stand out in attractive contrast to the
full-plated and highly polished frame.
The handle is underslung and designed so power is delivered along
the Une of the blade . . . resulting in emier, faster cutting-
Accommodates all standard blades.
Order No.
IIS-5-De Luxe Hack Saw Frame.

Low Bock,Hock Sow

Low backed llack Saw using all steel constrnction for 10" sas
bladee. AU parts are fully heat treated, and the blade is adjustablc
through the handle in securing the desired tension.
Order No.
IIS-3-Hack Saw.

Stondord Hock Sow Blodes

Made by special procees frcm ffnest tungsten steel assuring tough,

uniform temper md degree of hardness throughout the blade . . .
They cut faster, easier, and retain their cutting power longer.
Blades are the reenlt of nany yearg erperience in blade manufac-
ture and of the highest possible quality.
SOLD IN Dozen Lots Only.
Order No. Length
IIS- 6-Junior Blades---4" Length
HS-10 10" Point
ES-12 12" -24 Point
High Speed Blodes
tn hand frame or power machine, the Eigh Speed Blade will
deliver maximum cutting service on any materid, at higher tpeeds'
rithout dang€r of shattering. Dvery wer of hack saw blades can
proft by the elimination of breakage, the raving in time. the faster
cutting'speeds, and reduction of accidents made pmible by thia
remarkable blads
Order No. Iength
Hs-loH 10"-24 Polnt
ES-129 t2"-24 Poi^t
Junior Hqck Sows

Order No.
ES-l-Tapered Back
gs-2-Straisht Back
There hacksaw franes are the ideal bushing and tubing Baw for
ertremely hard to reach places. Equipped with a standard 6-inch
finetooth pin tjpe bladecuts smmthly-remov€s very little stck.
Esy grip-non-slip, screw type handle adjusts blade tension,
Plated and Rustproofed,
Page Ten
Threod Restorers

A few strokes across battered threads produce a true new thrad-

nut will then go on easily. These tools are real trouble and time
Ord. No. TR-l-Thread Restorer-has E thread Eizes-ll, 12' l3'
14, 16, 18, 20, and 24 threails to the lnch.
Ord. No, TB-2-Thread Restorer-has 9, 10, 15, 16' 20, 26' 28' snd
32 threads to the inch.

Ring Groove Tool

Careful Mechanics use STA-

clean or deepen grmves to Pro-
note better ring action.
Exoerienced and Discriminating
tvlechanics use STA-PUT RING
LAND TOOL to cut back Piston
lands because'they know what a
difference it mak€s in the job.
u/i"o use STA-PUT
Menhnnics use
Wise Mechanics
or bevel lands for they appre
of added Prota-
ciate the value of Prota-
tion given their labor and rings'
Order Piston Size
RG-l 2l/2" tu 4a/-' Passenser Care
RG-z 4V-" to 6'True]iis
RG-? Land Reducing Cutter & Post
RG-ll Cleaning & Deepening Cutter & Posl

Self Feedlng Tube Cutter

With Reamer

A sturdy compact special spring 8t€el tube cutter for /a 9t

Copper, Brass and Lead tubing. 'o
Cutter and Reamer are made out of high grade tool steel'
Place tube in cutter and Slive t/2 to Va tum- o-f thumbisnut, th-e
L'"li-i"-UiJ rrane-giving a lradual feed until the tube severed'
No added turn on the thumb nut is necesary'
A speedy job without denting the tubing and a mininum burr lg
the result.
Order No. TCI 4y2" lo\g, iL/2" Qapacit!
Order No. TC2 5" long, a/a" Cspacity
Oia"" No. fCC Cutter Wheel OnlY

Page Eletten
oolamJ aEDd
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aulllalsu! srluaqcau 5ul]rexa PuB patll{s.{lq6!tl lsou oql asBold ol
poiirrruira il1euo111puocun
-ascluriilceur ara srossorduoc tulll u91s!d Ind-Y.LS
Pall!{s IIB .tq paz!uSorrJ^,tllsBa aq plnoqs
suoll€JgllBnb snoaS€iu"^pE .{ueu os rosarduoo SulU uolsld slql
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rerr!'l a^lo^ r{tloqs allll't
AInYn} NtAOUd v/
Volve Guide Cleoner

When you've cleaned out a valve guide hole with one of these toolg,
you know it's really clean . . . no gum-no s3a$91-1e sgglg is
ielt. Th"v are buili to work in m electric drill (prefgrablv-Yrl').
fire tiaais being flat spring stock are extremelv flixible and give
i very fne cutting action . . . correct tension for -various size
of griides is lsgrlated by the adjusting nut 1$ to 96" capecitv.
Valve Guide Cleanerg
Order No. VT-20

V-8 Vqlve Guide Puller

Absolutely the most efficient, de-
pendable Valve Guide Puller on the
market, Saves time-doeb a bet-
ter job. Valve assemblY can be re-
installed with the use of "VALV-
PUIrL," too . . . without removing
carbon from bore in cylinder block.
Will not bend valve stem. "VALV-
PULL" is small, but mishtY. \Mill
outlast ordinary valve guide pull'
ers many times.
No. VP-10

Chevrolet Volve Spring Compressor

Designed to fit all Overhead.Valve Spring Motors that are within

range of the tool. use thil tool for the
i;{";; to .o-ore"" valve springs when you
i;f-'Ti il ;;i;;A .iit aiiusting which has three
'r$::#ii;:lil"*"**"$:"*;ll"i*'t"tl'ip"";",;"i"]f 'T'::i','l;
-tirt -hoid
irrJi'lf-r, rieclesa-rv to handle whiie removing the
tlii"i".'-riJ-"-ooth' itreanlined, "round finished end prev.ents
iliiri*', *iii"tiiil-,-6i i"jo"i to tlie hmd when putting the jaws
into the springs.
Order No. VC-30

Page Fourteen
Super Quolity
Forged Boll Pein Hsmmers

Machinists' Ballpein Hammers of splendid workmanship, temper

and style. Well balanced and will give ercellent renlce.


NO. LBS. ozs. NO. LBS. OZS.
2 BH-20 I {
Bf,: ? 4 BIJ-24 I 8
BH. 8 ::.. I Btr-32 2 ..-.
88.12 'i' 12 BH-40 2 t
BII-I6 BH-48 I

Plostic "Mqcloid" Tip Hommers

Soft, brt tough tips of plastic which are easily replaceable,

Especially useful for fitting piston pins, wrirt pins, gears, bear-
ings, tapping valves, ignltion and distributor work. Two popular
rizes. Center is quality steel with frst quality hlckory handle,
which is eecurely anchored.
Order No. PIf- 8 Round Face la/4" Dir. a/z lb. llVt" Inns
Order No. PH-16 Round Face 196" Dia. 1 lb. 1194" Lona
Order No. PH- 8A Dxtra Tips for lz lb.
Order No. PH-I6A Extra Tins for I lb.

MAC Tie Rod Spreoder ond Pitmon Arm


Works on the wedge principle and will spread the

toughest clamp. Opening is forged lLll6" wide to
straddie bolts on Ford, Chevrolet, etc. Is also used to
spread shock absorber link clamps. Heat treated and
Order No. TS-38-Tie Rod Tool

Order No. PR-40-Pitman Arm Spreader

Page Filteen
Gosket or Hollow Punch Set

Seven popula"*"ires1!-r9m-Ya to 7e, inch inclu,sive-il

.o-pu"i -rnJtut'.u.".
comnact in6tal case. This is -a
a really
really .serviceable
serviceable set
a"a witi stand unlimited use when a Babbet or wooden
iii".t it oi"a o"a"t material when punching holes in
brder No. 79-P-Set complete in case'
Weight 2r/+ tbs.
Door Hondle Ferrule Tool


Door Handle Ferrule Tool attaches door handle fer-

rules Rigidly. Adjustable for all General Motors Cars
ana-fi"Etii,'ull yel"s, all models, both wo-od and steel
constructiori. Siecial' adjusting irut permits tight in-
stallation of feriule on repaired door panels and rear
deck lids that have been built up unevenly by welding
or with body solder.
Order No. HT-19
Electric Testing Tool
For T€stina:
Shorts or breaks

Page Sixteen
Motor Tune-Up Set

No. TK-5-Complete Set as shown above.

Vocuum Gouge
Vacuum Gauge shown above is 4 necess.ary instru-
-uti- itt checkiig motors. The dial is calibrated and
marked in differdnt colors to indicate the trouble. The
gauge is also used in checking faulty fuel pump pres-
The vacuum and fuel pump gauge detects engine
trouble from leaky manifolds [o weak valve spring-s. -
Normal motor ind fuel pump divisions are outlined
-ismotor divisions
tr'"aultv are outlined in red. The red
section further subdivided showing "Leaky Mani-
fold," "Heat Riser" and "Late Ignition or Carburetor
Adjirstment." Adjustable restriition screw controls
the indicator vibrations, assuring accurate readings.
Hose included with bool
No. VG-5
Compression Tester
Registers from zeio to 200 pounds compression -per
square inch and holds the highest compression re-ading
until release button returns the reading to zero. Gaug:e
therefore can be removed from the spark plug hole for
reading. Dial is calibrated into 5-pound divisions. Cone
adapter not affected by grease or gasoline. For all
spark plug holes.
No. Cf-5
Timing Light
Rugged ease will take hard usage given this tool
during work.
The lens construction lights up strong showing tim-
Page Seoenteen
ing marks sharply, brilliant^ enough to sp9! the-timing
mirks exactly,-to'get perfect tune-up job.- Gives a
wide range oi'briliance for spark plug testing.
No. TL-5
Sold as set complete in Metal Box or Individual Items.
No. TK-5B-Metal Box OnlY.

These tools designed for work on Delco-Remy or

Autolite distributors, and others.
Contactaligning, raising, and
- arm.
Ons6t driver for V-8 Distributor 1937 model on.
ihird tool for bending spring anchor on any voltage
resulator, to exact degree.
TU-ttg-'Contact Aligning Tool.
TU-126-Voltage Regulator Tool.
TU-139-V-8 Distributor-Offset Driver.
tU-fOO-Co*plete Set as shown above.

- Screw Drivers
:' -: (Not Replaceable) , -.
Briliant: Orange'Flash,-Plug O. K. Stringy Flash'
Plug Partly Fouled. No Flash, Dead Plug.
Pyrolin Handle Shock Proof

Oriler No. ST-4-Length 4"

Order No. ST-4T-Tube OnlY
Pyrolin Handle Shock Proof
Vest Pocket Size

Order No. ST-2-Length 5Y+"

Page Eigl*een
Self Gripping Pliers
with a New Phenomenal Principle of Design
The WELLOCT principle provides self gripping wi-thpressure'
aclion and vise tipe giip, requiring very little hand
sit-iii oi-cloii"'g of ihe iiws is all that ig required for
The WELLOCT patented adjustment feature gives extra strength
ii'itti'T"rl.--.tiirc ii aecia6atv etronger than anv tool of similar
jir--no"e"ient on-the market, yet ofrering a simple .adjustm€rt
;;i i;;;-;;;"-ent of the iaivs. lvtechanics acclain -wELLocT
ii"t" t" bJ a progiegsive
-tololJ itep in efrciency and eas-e -of operation'
lii'wiltbdt are iorled frcm ch-rome Nickel.-Allov -Steel
a"a hardened and tempered - by th€ latest trie-ntiffc method"
ls;fi; "te ';;";;;1 -uniri'iiitv ""d durabililv. Fullv guaranteed
rcainst defects in workmanrhip and material.
Combinotion Pliers

Order No. (216-6") (218-8") <210-10")

Diogonol Cutting Pliers

Order No. (616-6") (617't")

Pipe Plier

Order No. 290-9' Length.

Generol Purpose ond Pump Nut Pliers

Order No. 200-gYz" Length.

Bottery Plier
Order No. 20i-7" -Leng,th.

Page Nineteen
Moc Lock Wrench Plier


Mac Lock Wrench is a solid, trim, adjustable wrench with tre'

mendous grippins power, Iocks with a vise-like grip that will not
slip. Hundreds of uses for this tool.
Order No. Length
LW-1 1oil
LW-2 7il

Hollow-Heod Set Screw Wrenches

lndividuol Wrenches
Ord. No.
AW-050 Size .050 hex.
AW-116 Size 1!" hex.
AW-564 Size *" hex.
AW-332 Size 3/32" hex.
AW- 18 Size a/a" hex.
AW-532 Size 5/32" hex'
AW-316 Size ik" hex.
AW-?32 Size /32" hex'

AW-f4L Size 1/q" hex.

Ord. No, KAW-Hollow Head

Set Screw Wrench Set (nine
wrenchcs in all.

Cronkshoft Journol Gouges

Measures Diam-
eter of Crankshaft
Main Bearing
lournal Accurate-
lv Without Re-
rioving Crank-
Checks Actual TaPer
NO. Complete Ingtructions with Each Tml
CG-l To Check Diameters 1.970" to 2.550"
CG-2 To Check Diameters 2.470" ta 9.250il
CG-s To Check Diameters 3.220il to 4.125n

Pag,e Tuenty
Drilt Sets (High-Speed) Stroight Shonks
These are of thi Higliest qualitv- and minufactured under
i.oii-"*-""ti"g iequirements i"a"dtio-s'-- All setsbearepurchwd
il-?fi;J Hoid""" ." p"" -iitu"fiation. difrerent-
-"iio. pr""s,i Drills can
iiiar"iiirl"rV note ihe three setE !p--in
:i;:;';;;;"t;ll'-req"i"m"nt* The". are atl Eigh Sreer! Drills

DM-1 29 Drille ii" to Y2" bY 64ths

DM-t 13 Drills ,+" to %" bv 64ths-
DM-15 15 Dritls +" Lo Y'" bY 32nds
(All Setg in Metal Cases)
lndividuol Drills Drill
DriIl Dec Equlv.
Size Dec. Equiv. Size
No. Inche
lnches Inches lrlo. Inchts Inches
ED4 it! .0625 ED19 Ei .2969
ED5 .0781 HD2O 'fr+& .3126
ED6 3132 .0937 HD2l .3281
ED7 & .1094 HD22 lrl32 .3137
ED8 % .1250 r{D23 23164 .3594
F .1406 YID24 Yg .3750
EDlO 6/32 .1562 HD25 25/61 .3906
EDIT .1?19 IrD26 13132 .4062
ft .1875 HD2? 27161 .4219
ED13 .2031 HD28 I .4375
HD14 1112 -2187 HD29 25161 .4531
ED15 fi .2344 HD30 15132 ,4687
IID16 a/+ .2500 rrD3l 3l/64 -4811
HD17 fi .2656 ED32 Yz .5000
gDl8 sl32 .2812

Ridse Reomer
Announcing o New
ond RevolutionorY
Principle in
Ridge Reomers
The PrinciPle of i'emoving
the ridEe is the same as ts
employed when using an ex-
parision reamer; thelefore. .a
smooth wall surlace ls
The elimination of the trou-
blesome and continuous adjust-
ine of the Cutter Blade as em-
pl6yed by many Ridge Ream-
Featuring a
That services many cYlinders
without re-sharpening.
RR-104-Ridg:e Reamer
2.6" lo 4" Cap.
RB-2-Extra Cutter Blade

Page Tuenty'One
Hylond Hones

No. HH-20
Services Brake Cylinders
l" to l/2"
Eones Hydraulic
Brake Cylinders to
a Mirror Finish in a
Few Seconds.
Saves Time
Low Price
Guaranteed ;
This new Hyland
Ilone featuring Car-
borundum Stones in
combination with
Fibre Blades pro-
duces a fast yet
smooth cutting tool for reconditioning Hydraulic Brabe
Cylinders. Both Master and Wheel Cylinders are easily
reconditioned with this reasonably priced tool.

No. Hlll0-Services Brake Cylinders %" to

No. Ell2O-Senices Brake Cylind:rs l" to llz"
No. IlH30-Services Brahe Cylinders llz" to
No. EH5O-Set Services Brake Cylinders VE" to 2"
Replacenent Parts Can Be Supplied

Hydroulic Broke Cylinder Cleoner

ond Polisher

This brake cylinder cleaner and polisher meets a demand for a
satisfactory method to clean or polish the inside of a brake cylinder.
The ffIm of rust and muck is quickly, thoroughly cleaned in a few
seconds. Also by wrapping a snall piece of emery peDer around
the blades of the Cleaner and Polisher the cylinder can bo honed
to a mirror finieh ln a yery short time,
The No. 600 Tool makes an excellent method of re-sizing ffange-
plate bushings on the Chevrolet knee-action cars. A small plece of
emery pap€r can be wrapped around the blades of the tool and
used to r€-size flange-plate bushings on Chevrolet knee-action cars,
1934-38 inclusive.
Our Mfgr's.
No. No. Description
BC-10 rl00 Cleaner and Polisher-Senices Cylinders l" to lyz"
BC-15 500 Cleaner and Polisher-Services Cylinderg lVz" to 2"
BC-25 600 Cleaner and Polisher, includes BC-10 and BC-16
BC-f0A 450 Replacenent Polishing lleads Only
BC-15A 550 Replacement Polishing Heads Only

Page Tusenty-Two
Hydroulic Broke Clip
Universal. Covcrs atl paaseng:er and commercial
cars. Instantly adjusted to anv size brake cvlin'
der- within lts range.
Soueeze the clip md let it come back into the
bitinA"r, before removing shoe. Tension appli'dpre'
bi the clip will keep the pistons in position'parts.
vintinc oil tegkage and displacem"nt of
Time ind efiort will be sav€d bv clipplng one on
each cylinder until ready for reassembly. Leave
each together.
Made oi *" hardened epring steel wire'
Order No.

Knock-Off Wheel Pullers

To use the "arle type" wheel puller simply screw lt on end ot

axle shaft rntil it bottoms, then bv striking tile end of the puller
a sharp blow with a hcavy hammer the wheel is loosened. For besl
results jack up opposite wheel.
We do not claim any superlative powers for our wheel pullers' bul
we do feel that re have imprcved a tool that is misused mole than
any tool in a mechanic'g box. Our pullers have been put to the
test by the men who have to use them every day.
Tool No. Thread Length Weight Eex Size
W-l 5/8-f8 zYE 10 ozs. tra
W-2 3/4'16 zYE 10 ozs. r:+a
W-3 /8-14 2t/8 11 ozs. 196
l-14 2rA 14 ozs. tb
W-5 13116-16 2a/a 14 ozs. t96
W-6 314-20 2r/A 10 ozs' tra
W-7 7/8-16 2rA 14 oz3. rrs
W-8 718-18 2a,A 14 oza. 196
W-9 I ll8-12 2r/S 14 ozs. t%
W-10 I l-/4-12 2t/6 15 ozs. tVz
KW-12 Set consiEts of one each Nos. W-1, W-2' W-3 and W-4.

Ford Spring Spreoders

These tools are made from seamless steel tubing and .arle shqft
steel, t assure lon8i, dependable service, hard usage' They will not
buckle or break in use. One man alone is able to conipletely re'
move the rear end, whlle the tool holdg the spring ln place fot
re-assenbly. The adiusting nut tums easily against the eturdy
roller thrust bearing.
No. SS-25-For Front and Rear Springs,
1935 to date. Shipping weight' 15 lbs.
(Alm handles Lincoln-Zephyr rear springs)

Page Tu:enty-Three
Reed ond Prince Screw Drivers
Among the various types of rec-ssed head screws on thc market is

the Reed and Prince cross slot screw which is beconing increasingly
popular. This screw difiers from the Phillips screw. The slots
iri such that each requires a special screw driver. Phillips *rew
drivers cannot be used successfully on Reed and Prince, or vice
RP-700 3 in. 3/16 in.
RP-705 11/z in. r/+ in.
RP-710 4 in. r/a in.
RP-715 6 in. 5/L6 in.
RP-720 8 in. Vs in.

Screw Holding Screw Drivers




Shockproof-Unbreakable Plastic Handle.
Pentagonal Button Prevents Roiling- -- --
High earbon Spring Steel Blade with Hollow Ground
Strong "Rust-Resisting" Steel Tubing'
SH-4-4 in. x r/+ in. Shank .035 in. Bit
SII-5-6 in. x 1ft in. Shank .028 in. Bit
SH-6-O in, x 1/q, in. Shank .035 in. Bit
SH-8-8 in. x 1/+ iru Shank .035 in. Bit
Stud Remover

A tool for handling

all Studs ltom L/+"
tn Vs,". Covers all
passenger cars and
many trucks. De-
signed to preeision
standards. Operates
on gear princiPle for
positive gripping.

Page Twenty-Four
Scriber ond Pocking Hook
scriber with Eardened Point-other End designed for re'
moving old packing from water pumps and replacing with new.
Not guaranteed,
No. 5-322
Tcp ond Die Sets
The set as shown con-
sists of eleven taps and
eleven dies which cover
a range in S. A. E. and
U. S. S. threads Ya" to
r7r,, with a a/a" pipe lap
and die.
Also Die Stock with
Adjustable Guide and
an Adjustable TaP
The Adjusting Screw
on Die will change size
of die .001 to .003 over
or under.
This is a High qualitY
s€t containing the mo6t
trecessarv sizes required
f^- Automobile
for ninm^hile Work.
The Dies are adjustable
making possible a loose
tiqht lit
or tight fit to rne
Thread. This ther€fore provid:s advantages of solid die and those
of Split Dies.
No. 46TD Set contains one each of the following units neatly
packed in a fine wmd box'

Order 0rdet
No. No.
DS4 Die Stock Tz 7+-20 U.S.S. TaP
TW1 Adj. Tap Wrench T4 *-18 U.S.S. TaP
D2 r/.-20 U.S.S. Die
j'-rs U.S.S. pie T6 9(-16 U.S.S. TaP
D4 T8 *r-14 U.S.S. Tap
D6 q&-ro U.S.S. oie Tlo 1Z-13 U.S.S. Tap
D8 t-14 u.s.s. Die T12 12-28 S.A.E. Tap
Dr0 iYr-13 U.S.S. Die Tr4 r+-24 S.A.E. Tap
D12 t;-28 s.A.E. Die T16 96-24 S.A.E. Tap
D14 +-24 S.A.E. Die Tl8 *-20 S.A.E. TaP
Dr6 qi-zl s..n.E. Die T2o Yr-20 S.A.E. TaP
a6,, Pipe lap
D18 4-20 S.A.E. Die T22
D20 iZ-ZO S..e,.p. pie D25 16" Pipe Dle

The No. 22TD Machine Screw Tap and- Die-set carries elx vqrv
f iii:ltis','."#*xi*siTT,.ff t"i"l"1ii,.*t""t"i'1t'."":1."r'.t
i'il; til$;; used as a Reaner wrench within lti
capacity' "n"-"t*-t"

No. 22TD. Set contains one each of the above units neatly packed
in a fine f,'ood box.
Ord. No. oi$i-lt"
MSTS 4-36 M.S. Tap
"r" rvpe rap wrench
4-36 M.S. Die
MSTlO 6-32 M.S. Tsp
MSTl5 8-32 M.S. Tap MSD10 6-32 M.S. Dtc
MST2() 10-24 M.S. Tap MsDlS 8-32 M.S. Die
MST25 10-32 M.S. Tap MsD20 10-24 M.S. Die
MSTSO 12-24 M.S. Tap MSD25 10-32 M.S. Die
DS2 Die Stock MSD30 12-24 M'S' Die
Page Tuenty-Fiue
Spork Plug Threoding Tools
Aluminum is a soft metal and threaded holes in it
must be useit with the greatest caution. A spark plub
that is not started straight can easily strip the thread
in the cylinder head. Most cylinder head pullers use
the spari< plug holes to lift the cylinder head and the
danger of stripped threads is always present.

Order No. Description

sPT-10 m/m Packard
sPT-1d 14 mlm (V8-60 Ford)
SPT'18 18 m/m (V8-85 Ford)
SPT-25 %-t8
SPC-4 4 Step Counterbore
SPT-40 Set-Contains one eaih of the above put up in
very fine wood box,
Axle Rethreoding Die

rThis Axle Rethreading Die is used for rethreading

axles without removing them from the housing.
Wheels removed with difficultv using the knock-off
tvne wheel puller the threads are occasionally dam'
asbd. This lAxle Rethreading Die will rechase the
tf,reads quickly. The die is split for quick apqlication
and is fitied to the threads at the back end of the axle.
Has the following S.A.E. thread sizes: Ve", Y+",
7A,',l',,lYa" and 1l+". AD-10-Length 11".
Scrotch Awl

This Scratch Awl is not a 10c item, but a

Quality Tool. T'he blade extends completely
tlrough the handle. Highly ground and^ pol-
ished. Used for Tire Work and many miscel-
laneous uses, Priced right for the Deluxe
Awl. No. SA-800
Page Tuenty-Six
Adjustoble Wrenches
(Not Replaceable)

Ord. No. Length No.

Ord. Length
LJ-4 AJ-10 10"
AJ-6 6" AJ-t2 12',

Pipe Wrenches

Ord. No. Length Ord.No. Length

PW-6 PW-14 14"
PW-8 8" PW-18 18"
PW-10 10"


Order No. KIW & KIW-S

Itemized Listfurg of Sets as Noted Below
Ord. System Op*ning Size Lenatb
IW8f Auto-Lite L3/61" t5'xt5/61" 60"
tW82 Bosch 15164" t5"xl3/64" 600
IW83 Delco 7/32,' l'ox rl4 n 60o
IW84 Remy t/4 " liox 7132" 60'
lW85 Eisemann 9/82" tSox 5/t6r 600 !Yz"
IW86 Remy 5/16,' t'"t 5132" 60" 3a/2"
IW87 Ger. Bosch lt/32" lSox 3/8 " 60"
IW88 General 3/8 il li"xlU|Zil 60'
IW89 General 7/t6" tsox t/2 il 60o I Vz"
PF-5 Steel Point File
FG-15 Ignition Feeler Gauge
P-1 Ignition Plier
sT-2 Ignition Neon Driver
No. KlW-Containe g Wrenches and Plier as illustrated.
No. KIW-S-Containa one each of all items shown above in kit.

Page Tuenty-Seaen
Steelgrip Pullers
Fast in action and easily set uP
hook over the gear o;'
wheel and tighten the screw'
S:rnPr,cnrP Standard 2-arm and
5-ut* C"ut and Wheel Pullers
*iii nutt anvfhinE uP to their
- and within their
rated^ capacitv
arm's reich. Designed so that
arms cannot sliP off; with suffi-
cient hook length to griP gear- or
wheel securelv-. Arms and Yokes
ale forqed fr-om special analysis,
heat trJated steel. The steel forc-
ing screw is aiso heat treated for
stiength and to Prevent ilaring
or upsetting.

Stondord 2 Atm Geor ond Wheel Pullers

Diameter Reach Diameter Length IIole
Screw Screw Adjustment

1001 3L/+' Lk' 6" t hole

1001A Er/2" r/2, 7" 2 hole
1002 51/z' 6/8" 8" t hole
1002A 81/2" 6/a" 9" 3 hole
1003 12" g" 3/a" \2" 2 hole
1003A t2" LEa/2" a/+' 12" 3 hole
1003V:- L4" 14" l" t2" 2 hole
l003Y2A 14" 19" I" 12" 3 hole
1e04 18" l5r/2,, lt/+,, 16" 2 hole
1004A 18" 22" Lr/+" t6" 3 hole

Stqndord 3 Arm Geqr ond Wheel Pullers

Number Diameter Reach Diameter l*ngth Hole
Screw Screw Adjustment

1031 6" 3t/+" Ik' 6" t hole

10314 5lz" rk' 7" 2 hole
1032 57/2" 5/a' 8" t hole
1032A 8r/2" 5/e' 9" 3 hole
1033 t2" g" s/+" lZ,, 2 hole
1033A 12" !b1/2, B/+" t2" 3 hole
1033Y2 t4" 14" l" !2" 2 hole
l033YzA L4' 18"
1034 18" l5a/2,, Lt/+" 16" 2 hole
1034A' 19" 22' !r/a,, t6" 3 hole

Arms are interchangeable with those on 2-arm Pullers'

Page Twenty'Eight
Steel Grip Universol \Mheel Hub Pullers

Here is the tool needed in every automotive servrce

u"a i'he-.;;ci"eering .features. developed
i" thi* nuller ire of the highest degree of accuracy'
il;;""ii';;;u" *utti"s it s'implebend to remove the most
5id#rt-'iir'i!i'i;i;.--'it *iti not in which or destrov the
the forcing
;#;i'i";;.--fit"-Jial"g bearins'
;;;; ;ifi; and-a-floati-ng
'ritli-*rii,""""*"t" p"tf cap on-1he screw end allow
distorting or injuring
the threads on the axle.
noating cap end of the -allo-y forcing. screw cen-
t""i."p"ii".liv- on'the a*le. The fbrged'and drive hammer
tL'ia["'J"'*i'= ;; ;i;';;d
- equip*eit iq notched
three slid-
iJ"'i"ir.-#'i""tii"".' f iti J iussed pulie-r- hasand
i;;';;; ;hi.h ut" quickl!-adiustable- can be
-;r;a anh rruu r=egardiess bf number of wheel
;t"d" wrrere I,he hob bolt circle dianeter
ailI""Ji &".ea lt/r;. The sliding be-aring -feature the
i;il il; numpi"g-or the sc.ew-withou-t-driving-
and allows the seal of the
" and shaft
hub to be broken.
Nr:--H-50; s-arm wheel hub puller, co.mplete, ready
for use. assembled with 2-handed strrking wrencn'
Carlmium finish. Weieht 7La/z lbs.

Armstrong-Broy Timing Geor Pulle

Pulls Timing Gears, Fan PulleYs'
Crank Shaft Balancers, Cam
Gears and Inside Pulling Jobs. ffi
This inexpensive tool is essen-
tial in service shoPs for ProPer
pulling of generator gears, bear'-
ings, Ieari-ng cones, ball races
and similar parts.
Used in - conjunction with
the No. 950 ARMSTRONG-
BRAY Bearing Separator which
is drilled and-tapFed to receive
its attaching screws, it is un-
equalled where sPace is limited.
in hard to reac-h Places, and
here parts are closelY fitted.
long-to permit easy- re-
is extra long-to
The forcing screw is-extra
-o"ui ot Ctr6wolet fan pulleys (thru-the -crank-hol-e
;iiit;;i-"em"ulne-ihe- iaaiator), for prllins Buick
crank shaft geari and for impulse neutralizers on all
Chiysler-buil[ cars and for all-timing gears tapped for
- 'No.
caD screws.
l0-Complete witln llr/2" forcing screw. Milled
steel yoke and iwo Ve" cap screws' weight 5 lbs.

Page Twenty-Nine

Electricol Beoring Puller

Will pull generator bearings, small
gears, etc. Has long hooks on jaws to
reach bearing Tace.
Size No. 13 will lake 4" gear or bear-
ing and has reach of 3" in from end of
sfrat. (Weighs approximately 2 lbs') will take 6" gear or bearing and has
reach of 5" in from end of shaft. (Weighs approxi-
mately 2lz lbs.\
No. 13-A Special will take 6" gears or bearings and
has reach of 8" in from end of shaft. (Weighs aP-
proximately 3 lbs.)

SteelgriP Fon Propeller Puller

Used for removing fan Pro-
pellers, special gears, bearings,
etc. I{as long hooks on jaws
to reach in for bearing race'
Has reach of 3V+" and is con-
structed so as to take large
diameter work for its size'
Arms fit snug in hub so that
they "stay put" when adjusted
to work. Weishs aPProximate'
Iy 1 ]b.
No. TL-18

Steetgrip Pitmon Arm or Steering

Arm Puller
This extremelY strong small
puller is used to remove Pitman
arms, g'ears' pulleys and bearings'
Puller arms can be tightened on
part to be pulled and cannot sliP'
Jaws open 2-151L6". Has reach
of t7/e".
No. P-48 Steelgrip Pitman
- (Weighs
Arm Puller. aPProxi-
mately 3% lbs.)

Page Thirty
lnternol Puller El
This Puller is designecl to pull races H
and bearings from rear axle housings on K

;Hx" l#i::?,:r::" ?#:l'#ilT:

axle, drive shaft or propeller shafts have ffi
been removed.
It will remove graphite impregnated \W t

brass collars used in tractor f, il

and many tractors. It
and can be used for pull-
ing bearing rac6s from front wheels on large trucks
and tractors of all kinds.
Canacitv-Reach 4". diameter !r/2 lo 6" I.D.
No. et Internal Puller, com'
plete with Housing Bar. Weight 5 lbs.

Beoring Seporotor ond

Pulling Attochment
This "splitting" tool Provides
means for quicklY and easilY
separating and griPPing double
bearings, closelY fit gears and
small diameter Pinions or
Each half of the tool has a
*"AgJ shaped. arc. Assembled
f.hi-"a a b6aring or gear, these
geth"l. bbY two forcingiifl screws
h"r"i.oy !y"_1"^1.
g:me n ts c a n. b e. drawn together
s e
,r?--*"an"a in behind
u"?-*"ag"a the
+t"o* bearing
b.e.aring or gear' thu!
Eear. thus pr-o-
lilii' I ?-,r"'irr;;; ;;ii-, i;o"dt'- g* ilp.
that canno t b e ob-

iii".E tv t'v u"y other method' t+ llil wav

Itt lhil the part
wav-!!e can
irri" i" iloi.ily and easilv.'rpullea' lc"gul 9I-!tul:
without distortion or
ttte" p"ria;'-^tJ."
"-wifi"l" used,
removing bearings on axle shafts
anil" other cars using Timken
*rt*--irt.v- lj""*it the removal of double
il;;i;;;'*itil"t aui'ufi"g or destroving one or either
is tapped with 7e" holes, for pulling genera-
t""'i!."i"g*,;A;a; races and other q4all-work' Ca-
ft/n" o:ut ld" diameter. Weight 1Ya lbs',
i"J-"i"*^niiish.- Use with No. 10 timing gear, 1001 or
--N;.series. tapped with 5/e" S'A.E. holes, for pulling
oi"iJ"t. i6u"t, timing gears, and bearings' 9f-
;;;i;-;;to fi; o.o. w*eiEht 5 lbs., cadmium finish'
- witti Nos. 1002 or 1003
N..' S5Z, tapped
6/e"with S.A.E. holes for pullile
larser sized E-eirs and bearings. Capacity tp to 5Y+"
o.f. Weighf 11 lbs. Cadmium finish. Use with Nos.
--No.and 100311 series.
SSZ-A, si-*e a. No. 952 excelt has longer forc-rpg
screws-to tai<e diameters up to 9" O'D. Weight 12 lbs.
Cadmium finish. Use with-Nos. 1003 and 1003t1 series.
Page Thirty-One
Bottery Terminql Puller

Also Adaptable To Many Small Gear Pulling Jobs

This new tool is unquestionably the finest puller for
battery terminal work on the market. It has been
thoroughly tested on the job, where it proved itself
superior to other terminal pullels.
The unusual construction permits you to swing the
jaws open to place them on the job, and the spring
action closes and holds them in position while the pres-
sure sctew is adjusted and tightened.
No. TP-210

Clutch Aligning Tool


ncs *-.,"*ffiry-:
ril,ridffi*;fifi;;;.:rw4Effisr ;' ,

The clutch disc and pressure plate must be central-

ized and in perfect alignment with the pilot bearing in
the flywheel to assure perfect performance. Therefore
it is very essential that proper pilots are used when
assembling the clutch-pilots which are machined true
and heat treated to assure long service. One tool-
nine pilots, ploviding diametels from .375 to '984'
Bright nickel finish.
No. CA-20

Page Thirty-Tuo
Pinion Geor Puller

This puller is a necessary addition to shops servicing

General Motors Cars.
Saves time and labor and eliminates the necessity. of
."*otinE the drive shaft and rear axle to pull pinion
on-t.e"Idr or hypoid gears by using this wide'
Ihin-lipped jaw pinion puller. Special -tension screw
itrroueli the .iaws'assureJ a firm grip on the gear. Saves
readjusl-ing brakes.
No. P10300-G. M. Pinion Puller
No. P10301-Housing Bar OnlY
No. P10302-Forcing Screw Less Nut
No. P10303-Nut only for Forcing Screw
No. P10304-Puller Block only Less Bolt-Nuts
No. P10305-Bolts and Nuts for Puller Block
No. P10306-Jaw Adjusting Bolt-Nut' 4%"
No. P10300J-Puller Jaws, Pair
Clutch Pilot Bearing Puller

Universol Pilot Beoring Puller

Here is a tool of universal use.

Simple in operation, effeient, sturdy
and well constructed. This bearing
puller handles all sizes of sleeve type
bearings from r/2" t'o l1/2" inside di-
ameter-such units as flywheel bear-
ings, pump bearings, generator bear-
ings, etc. The finger tiP adjustment
quickly sets the puller to a tight fit
inside the bearing and with a few
quick taps of the sliding hammer the
bearing is removed. Bright nickel
BP-Z2lJ-Jaws Each

Page Thirty-Three
Goble Top Service Box

This heawduty mechanics' box with welded seams and full tote
tray ie irteal for repaimen, industrial workers and garagemen'
euil length continuous steel hinges wetded to coverr and bottom
cornen reinforced with corner irons. Ileavy' non-sllpplng tubular
handle on tray convenient for carrying on the Job; include
rtividere for standard scket set. Otrset box covcr gives odded
strenSth. Baked wrinkle enamel
DimensionpTop Ttav l8y/' Inngi 67/Ei' Wide (Witft built ln
sockettray), 2" Deep..
8or-19" Long; 7" Wide: 9" DeeP at gable.
Ord- No. MB-5

Mechonics Tool Box

This Mechanics' Tool Box is designed to cover needs for a good

Bench Type Box.
Front Cover slides back into lid when box ig opened.
Top Tray and three good siztd drawers.
Made solid and finished in Black Krinkle Finigh. IIas IIup for
locking box.
Overall dimensions 20y2"x9Y+"xlOya"t top compartment 2O\6"x
8W'x2Yz" ; top drawer l9v{'x8"xll/2" i center drawer 1996"x
8"r2"; botton drawer 19f("x8"x2/s"7 bottom space 20"x9"x1".
No. MB-20

Page Thirty-Four
When Solesmon Colls

Prye ?'hirty-Fiae


Pc.3e Thirty-Six
\J lndex
Itern No.
Air Line Tools-,.,, .-..-..,.
e"j" fi;;'il;- R;tt;;"di;s'Di. , ,
AxIe Rethreading Die (Standard)-----'- --. ---,-------------- 26
Battery LifLers D

Bearing Pullels ,,..28-30-31-33

Bushing Retnovel Sets. .. . .
Carbon Cleaning Brushes,- 90
CIutch Aligning Tool....-.... -.
Compression Tester 77
Crankshaft Journal Gauges. 20
Door Handle Ferrule Too1.-..- 16
Drills & Drill Sets--.-.. 2T
Drill Chuck Adapters 5
Electric Testing TooI. . 16
Feeler Blades ...... ....... ..
Feeler Gauges ..... ......-.
Feelet Stock Holders
Feeler Stock-Rolls ..........

Hammers-Plastic Tip .-_.-.------ 15

Hydraulic Brake Clips
ii;;';;ii; e';k" cvii"a"i Cleaners.. ., 9.)
Hydraulic Brake Cylindei' Hones.,---.....
Knock-Off Wheel Pullers..
Lock Wrench Pliers... .. -.. 20
Metal Boxes t7-34
Pitman Arm Spreader-...-. ._. 15
Piston Ring Compressor .".- 12
Piston Ring Groove Tool .... 11
Pullers (All Types). ...... : : | 4-i8:te-to-5i-32-13
Ridge Reamer .....
Scratch Awl ...".........._.-. 26
Screw Drivers ........ .. .... .-.. ..-......18-24
Scriber & Packing Hook.. ----------- ---- 25
Spring Spreader - ----,--.-....---- to
Stud Remover .... ........... -.- 24
Taps & Dies.. ... .... ..25-26
Thread Restoi'er' ,,..... 11
Tie Rod Spreader' .... . ,.,.,.. 15
Timing Light ......1?
Tube Cutters . . ..,,. 11
Tube Flaling Tool.... ..... ... .....72
Tune-Up Tools ...... . . 17-18
\-acuurn Gauge ...... .,--....-.. 77
Valve Guide Cleaner & Puller... . .14
Valve Key Replacer , . ...... 13
Valve Liftels ., ..,,,. 13
Valve Spring Compressor -.. ........... 74
Valve Tools . 13-14
Wheel Puller .... .. ,.29
Wire Brushes .. .......... -..-.....-,D
Wire Scraper' 4
Wire Wheels ,1
Wlenches (Ad.justable)
Wi'enches (Hollow Head) .. .. 20
Wlenchps (Ienition)
Wrenches (Pipe) ... . ....- 27


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