Cannabis Use in Male and Female First Episode of Non-Affective Psychosis Patients: Long-Term Clinical, Neuropsychological and Functional Differences
Cannabis Use in Male and Female First Episode of Non-Affective Psychosis Patients: Long-Term Clinical, Neuropsychological and Functional Differences
Cannabis Use in Male and Female First Episode of Non-Affective Psychosis Patients: Long-Term Clinical, Neuropsychological and Functional Differences
Despite knowing that there is a relationship between cannabis use and psychosis, due to
the high prevalence of cannabis use among male FEP patients, the results showed that
there were very few differences in clinical and neurocognitive outcomes between men and
women who used cannabis at the start of treatment compared to those who did not.
To date, studies of sex differences in the manifestation of psychotic disorders have consistently
shown that there are differences between men and women in terms of sociodemographic
and clinical characteristics, as well as with both premorbid and cognitive functioning [1–3].
Many studies conclude that women tend to experience a less severe course of illness and better
prognosis as they show a later age-at-onset and more affective symptoms than men [1, 2, 4].
Meanwhile, women reached higher functional remission as compared to male participants,
with significantly more female participants having achieved recovery at the 1-year follow-up
On the other hand, numerous studies show the existence of a high prevalence of cannabis
use among first episode psychosis (FEP) patients and those with schizophrenia [6–10]. This
prevalence is well above the norm found in the Spanish general population, according to the
National Plan on Drugs [11], and coincides with trends of substance use in the United States
[12, 13]. The meta-analysis by Koskinen et al. [7] reports a median lifetime rate of cannabis
use disorders at 27.1% in people with a schizophrenia diagnosis compared with only 8% in the
general population. However, the impact of cannabis on psychotic symptoms is unclear. Some
studies demonstrate significant associations between cannabis use and increased positive
symptoms [14, 15] while other studies report no significant associations [16, 17]. In the study
of Barrowclough et al. [18] after adjustment for covariates, there were no significant associa-
tions between cannabis use and psychotic symptoms (positive or negative) or functioning. In
addition, change in cannabis use did not significantly predict change in PANSS symptom mea-
sures, nevertheless an increase in cannabis use predicted poorer functioning. Several studies
have described the differences that appear between patient cannabis users and patient non-
users in terms of socio-demographic, clinical, and neurocognitive profiles. However, only a
few studies in patients with FEP and cannabis use have included sex in the study of the hypoth-
esis or considered this a primary study variable [19–22]. For this reason, given the importance
of sex differences that have emerged from prior studies of patients with an FEP, the study of
sex implications for understanding psychotic disorders that occur with the use of cannabis is
The main aim of this study was to clarify the prevalence of cannabis use in male and female
patients with a first episode non-affective psychosis and to explore the influence of sex in the
pattern of substance use. The second purpose of this study was to investigate the long-term
(1-year and 3-year) course of the symptoms in these subgroups of patients, as well as the evolu-
tion of the cognitive functions (at 3-year). We sought to study the relationship between the
course of symptoms and cognition, and cannabis use specific to sex.
We hypothesized that FEP male will consume higher quantities of cannabis than female.
Furthermore, cannabis user male and female will present more severe psychotic symptoms
and poorer cognitive functioning, and will have worse clinical and functional outcomes than
male and female non-users.
Study setting
Data for the present investigation were obtained from a large epidemiological and 3-year lon-
gitudinal intervention programme of FEP (Programa Asistencial Fases Iniciales de Psicosis
[PAFIP]) conducted at the outpatient clinic and the inpatient unit at the University Hospital
Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain. It conformed to international standards for research
ethics and was approved by the local institutional review board (NCT02534363). Written
informed consent was obtained from all subjects after complete description of the study.
When minors were included in PAFIP, parents/legal guardian signed a parental permission
consent document. A more detailed descriptions of our programme have previously been
reported [23, 24].
All patients included in the current study were assessed over the period between February
2001 and October 2015, and identified as eligible to receive treatment for a first episode of a
psychotic disorder under the PAFIP programme.
Patients included in the study were between 15–60 years of age, lived in the catchment area,
were experiencing their first episode of psychosis, met the DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia
(50.6%), schizophreniform disorder (28.1%), brief psychotic disorder (11.1%), not otherwise
specified (NOS) psychosis (8.4%), schizoaffective disorder (1.5%), or delusional disorder
(0.4%) and had no prior treatment with antipsychotic medication or, if previously treated, had
a total life time of adequate antipsychotic treatment of less than 6 weeks.
Patients were excluded from the final analysis if they had intellectual disability, brain injury
or neurological disease, or had been diagnosed with drug or alcohol dependence according to
the DSM-IV criteria.
mean scores on the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) [26], and the
Scales for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) [27]. The SANS and SAPS scores were
used in generating dimensions of positive, disorganized and negative symptoms [28]. Depres-
sion symptoms were evaluated using the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS)
[29]. The schizophrenia diagnoses were confirmed through the use of the Structured Clinical
Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-I) [30]. Functional assessment was conducted with The Disabil-
ity Assessment Scale (DAS) Spanish version [31] and with Global Assessment Functioning
(GAF) [32]. The data that comprise the current study were collected at baseline to the pro-
gram, and at 1 and 3 years post entrance.
A composite metric known as Global Cognitive Functioning (GCF) was also used. Follow-
ing previously reported transformations [33], it comprises results from tasks representing
seven cognitive domains: 1) Verbal Memory, assessed with The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning
Test (RAVLT) [34]; 2) Visual Memory, assessed with Rey Complex Figure (RFC) [35]; 3)
Working Memory, assessed with WAIS-III digits backward subtest [36]; 4) Executive Func-
tion, assessed with Trail Making Test (TMT) [37]; 5) Processing Speed, assessed with WAIS-III
digits symbol subtest [36]; 6) Motor Dexterity, assessed with Grooved Pegboard Test [38]; and
7) Attention, assessed with Continuous Performance Test (CPT) [39]. For purposes of the cur-
rent study baseline and 3-year assessment were considered.
Statistical analysis
The Statistical Package for Social Science, version 19.0, was used for statistical analyses [40].
The normality of the distribution was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Paramet-
ric (t-test) and nonparametric (Mann-Whitney U) tests were used for comparisons of continu-
ous variables, with Cohen’s d effect size (ES) analysis performed to determine the magnitude
of the differences. Categorical variables were compared by using a chi-square test. A repeated
measure ANCOVA was performed for clinical, functional, and cognitive variables. Effects of
time (longitudinal dimension), group (cross-sectional dimension) and time by group (interac-
tion effect) were examined. All post-hoc comparisons were Bonferroni corrected.
A total of 549 patients were included in this study: 43% (N = 236) were cannabis users, of
which 79% (N = 186) were male and 21% (N = 50) were female. The subgroup of cannabis
users was characterized by being significantly younger at the time of entry into the program
(u = 17646; p0.001). There was a significant relationship between being male and being a
cannabis user (OR = 5.6; X2 = 82.81; p0.001).
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Sex differences in FEP patients cannabis users
Table 1. (Continued)
SAPS: Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms; SANS: Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; CDSS: Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia; SUMD: Scale
Unawareness of Mental Disorders; DUI: Duration of untreated illness; DUP: duration of untreated psychosis; DAS: The Disability Assessment Scale; GAF: Global Assessment
Functioning; GCF: Global Cognitive Functioning.
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Sex differences in FEP patients cannabis users
Sex differences in FEP patients cannabis users
Differences between female cannabis users and non-users. The female cannabis users
were younger at illness onset (u = 2327.5; p<0.001) and more often single (X2 = 4.00;
p<0.045) than non-users. Premorbid intelligence resulted significantly different, showing
female non-users higher premorbid IQ (u = 2060.5; p = 0.008). Attending clinical and func-
tional variables, no significant differences arose.
Differences between male and female cannabis users. We found that males presented
significantly longer duration of untreated illness (DUI) (u = 3429; p = 0.025) and duration of
untreated psychosis (DUP) (u = 3645; p = 0.035) than females. In the male subgroup there was
a higher percentage of patients who lived with their parents than in the female subgroup (X2 =
17.196; p<0.001). In addition, the majority of males were single when compared to females
(X2 = 18.909; p<0.001). Male cannabis users had a lower level of education than female canna-
bis users (u = 3323; p = 0.002). Regarding neurocognitive variables, men performed signifi-
cantly better in visual memory (t = 2.03; p = 0.044) and worse in processing speed (t = -3.64;
p<0.001) than women. Men used significantly more joints per week than women (u = 2461;
p = 0.004).
Longitudinal course
As observed in Table 2, the male subgroup showed significant improvement in clinical vari-
ables [SAPS (F = 23.396; p0.001), SANS (F = 7.718; p = 0.001), psychotic dimension
(F = 19.915; p0.001), negative dimension (F = 3.845; p = 0.022), disorganized dimension
(F = 12.081; p0.001)] but not in function (DAS and GAF). Post-hoc analyses revealed
changes in SAPS, SANS, psychotic dimension and disorganized dimensions, between baseline
and 1-year, and between baseline and 3-year follow-up assessments, for both users and non-
users (all p<0.05). No significant differences were found between 1-year and 3-year follow-up.
In the female subgroup, the main effects of time were significant across all clinical variables
[SAPS (F = 33.101; p0.001), SANS (F = 5.915; p = 0.003), psychotic dimension (F = 36.381;
p0.001), negative dimension (F = 3.312; p = 0.038), disorganized dimension (F = 12.621;
p0.001)], but not in function. Post-hoc analyses revealed an improvement in SAPS, psychotic
and disorganized dimensions between baseline and 1-year, and between baseline and 3-year
SAPS: Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms; SANS: Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; DAS: The Disability Assessment Scale;
GAF: Global Assessment Functioning
*: p<0.05
**: p<0.01.
Covariates were age and years of education.
a. Users have more symptoms at baseline than at 1-year and at 3-years
b. Non-users have more symptoms at baseline than at 1-year and at 3-years
c. Non-users show differences at all times
d. Users have more symptoms at baseline than at 3-years
e. Non-users have more symptoms at baseline than at 3-years, and at 1-year than 3-year
f. At baseline non-users have more symptoms than users
g. At baseline users have more symptoms than non-users
h. At 1-year users show better function than non-users.
*: p<0.05.
**: p<0.01.
Covariates were age, years of education and premorbid IQ.
a. Non-users show better performance at 3-year than at baseline
b. Users outperform non-users at 3-year
c. Users outperform non-users at baseline and 3-year.
follow-up assessments, in users and non-users (all p<0.05). Concerning negative symptoms,
female cannabis non-users showed significant improvement in SANS at all time points, and in
negative dimension between baseline and 3-years, and 1 to 3-year follow-up assessments. Can-
nabis users showed significant differences in improvement in SANS between baseline and
1-year, and between baseline and 3-year in SANS and in negative dimension. Finally, despite
the lack of significant differences in repeated measures analysis, Bonferroni correction
revealed significant improvement in DAS between 1-year and 3-year in non-users, and in
GAF between baseline and 1-year, and baseline and 3-year follow-up assessments, in users and
non-users (See Table 2).
With regard to the cognitive variables, the male subgroup showed significant improvement
in motor dexterity between baseline and 3-year follow-up assessment (F = 3.967; p = 0.049).
Post-hoc analyses revealed an improvement in non-users (F = 6.964; p = 0.010). The female
subgroup showed as well significant improvement in executive function (F = 4.343; p = 0.040).
Similar to males, after Bonferroni correction, the improvement was confirmed just in the non-
users subgroup (F = 13.800; p0.001).
The repeated measures analyses did not reveal any significant time by group interaction in
clinical and functional variables, between cannabis users and non-users, for either men or
women (See Table 2). In terms of cognitive function, one significant time by group interaction
was found for processing speed in the male subgroup. The magnitude of the improvement
was greater in the subgroup of cannabis users than in non-users. (F = 8.814; p = 0.004) (See
Table 3).
Our results show that sex and age are related to the use of cannabis in first psychotic episode
patients. We found differences between male and female cannabis users in cross-sectional ana-
lyzes, as well as some differences in the clinical outcome, which are discussed below.
on male academic performance than female. Future studies taking into account the age of
onset of cannabis use are warranted to shed light on the possible relationship between age at
first exposure to cannabis and the level of education reached, and also to check differences
between male and female.
Regarding clinical variables, our sample showed significant differences between users and
non-users of cannabis on scores of SAPS and the disorganized dimension, but these differ-
ences only appear in the male subgroup. In both cases, cannabis users presented higher scores,
which is equivalent to the presence of more severe symptoms. These data are contrary to previ-
ous studies that did not show differences in symptoms between cannabis users and non-users
[54–57]. However, except in the study of Rabin et al. [57], the samples were not divided by sex,
so that the difference in results may be due to the influence exerted in these studies by the
female group.
Interestingly and contrary to what we would have expected, the Global Cognitive Function-
ing of cannabis users showed better overall performance in the male subgroup. However, by
examining the cognitive domains separately, we see differences only in attention and process-
ing speed. Patient users had better performance in attention and worse in processing speed
than non-users. Several studies that compared global cognition between cannabis users and
non-users have shown no significant difference between the two subgroups according to global
cognition [58]. Moreover, in a meta-analysis of Yücel et al. [59], the results differed depending
on whether comparisons were made between the non-user group and with patients with a his-
tory of cannabis use or with current/recent users. The results showed that better cognitive per-
formance is seen only in lifetime users but not in recent users.
Fig 1. Change in symptoms and functionality over time. DAS: The Disability Assessment Scale.
measured with the DAS scale (See Fig 1). This would support the idea that more severe symp-
toms predict lower functioning and higher disability, as shown in the Usall et al. study [65] in
which there was a significant association between functionality and negative symptoms in
their male group.
As for the evolution of cognitive functions, we found few differences between the sub-
groups. Specifically, we found a significant interaction of time by group in the processing
speed domain, only in the male subgroup. Processing speed is one of the domains most fre-
quently reported as significantly impaired in a large body of schizophrenia studies [66].
However, among patients with schizophrenia, those who are cannabis users show better
performance than non-users. In the Yücle et al. meta-analysis [59], eight studies examined
the speed of processing, in which it was observed that schizophrenia patient cannabis users
had significantly faster processing speeds than patient non-users. In the same study, when
recent use and lifetime defining studies was examined separately, patient cannabis users per-
formed significantly better than non-users only within the lifetime defining studies, but not
in those studies with recent use criteria. These data are contrary to the ones found in our
sample, in which, despite the fact that male cannabis users showed a greater magnitude of
improvement than non-users, the cross-sectional analysis showed that there were no signifi-
cant differences between the users and the non-users, neither at baseline nor at 3-year follow-
up assessment.
To summarize, longitudinally there were changes in almost all clinical variables in the sub-
groups of patients over time among both male and female (except for male negative symp-
toms). However, there were no differences in the evolution between patients who were
cannabis users at the onset of the disease and those who were not. On the other hand, regard-
ing cognitive functions and functionality, patients, both male and female, users and non-users,
have negligible changes over time.
Supporting information
S1 File. Database 1.
S2 File. Database 2.
The authors wish to thank the PAFIP research team and all patients and family members who
participated in the study.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Esther Setién-Suero, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola.
Data curation: Mariluz Ramı́rez-Bonilla, Benedicto Crespo-Facorro.
Formal analysis: Esther Setién-Suero.
Funding acquisition: Benedicto Crespo-Facorro, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola.
Investigation: Esther Setién-Suero, Benedicto Crespo-Facorro, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola.
Methodology: Esther Setién-Suero, Lourdes Fañanás, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola.
Supervision: Benedicto Crespo-Facorro, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola.
Writing – original draft: Esther Setién-Suero, Karl Neergaard, Mariluz Ramı́rez-Bonilla,
Patricia Correa-Ghisays, Benedicto Crespo-Facorro, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola.
Writing – review & editing: Esther Setién-Suero, Karl Neergaard, Mariluz Ramı́rez-Bonilla,
Patricia Correa-Ghisays, Lourdes Fañanás, Benedicto Crespo-Facorro, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola.
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