Introduction To Pancreatic Disease: Chronic Pancreatitis
Introduction To Pancreatic Disease: Chronic Pancreatitis
Introduction To Pancreatic Disease: Chronic Pancreatitis
Elham Afghani
Division of Gastroenterology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Version 1.0, December 16, 2014 [[DOI: 10.3998/panc.2015.3]
1. What is chronic pancreatitis? In the normal pancreas, there are three types of
pancreatic cells: 1) acinar cells, which produce
Chronic pancreatitis is a long-standing pancreatic digestive enzymes; 2) ductal cells lining
inflammatory disease which leads to scarring of the pancreatic ducts, which secrete a watery fluid to
pancreas and irreversible changes. Chronic carry the digestive enzymes into the intestine; and
pancreatitis results in abdominal pain and, in some 3) endocrine cells present in the islets of
cases, results in diabetes and fatty stools that are Langerhans, which secrete insulin and other
large and bulky. Calcification, which is another sign hormones (Figure 2). As the pancreas begins to
of chronic inflammation, can develop throughout scar and more than 90% of the tissue is destroyed
the pancreas. These calcifications are like stones over time (often over many years) patients develop
that are within the tissue itself, or within the fatty stools and fat malabsorption because they do
pancreatic duct (Figure 1). not produce enough digestive enzymes; and
diabetes due to loss of insulin producing cells.
Figure 1. Features of chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis is progressive inflammatory process in the
pancreas that causes fibrosis (scarring of tissue), calcifications or stones, and dilated pancreatic duct. Adapted
from Gorelick F, Pandol, SJ, Topazian M. Pancreatic physiology, pathophysiology, acute and chronic pancreatitis.
Gastrointestinal Teaching Project, American Gastroenterological Association. 2003.
The incidence of chronic pancreatitis ranges from pancreatitis (8, 21). However even lesser amounts
4.4 to 11.9 per 100,000 per year, with a higher of alcohol can change the structure of the
incidence in Japan compared to the United States. pancreas. Alcohol and smoking together increase
(6, 22, 23). Men are up to 1.5 times more likely to the risk of chronic pancreatitis as they often
have chronic pancreatitis compared to women in coexist. However recently, it has been found that
the United States (22). The incidence may be smoking is independent risk factor for chronic
higher in other countries. In 2009, there were pancreatitis. Those who smoke less than one pack
19,724 admissions for chronic pancreatitis in the per day have a 2 fold risk of chronic pancreatitis,
United States, and associated with annual those who smoke more than one pack per day
hospitalization costs of $172 million (16). The have a 3 fold risk (2), and those with more than 35
incidence has been increasing which may be due smoking pack year history (which is equal to the
to improved diagnostic techniques or increased number of packs per day times the years) have a
use of alcohol worldwide but more so in the 13 fold risk of chronic pancreatitis (21). Continued
developing countries, such as India and China (7). smoking after the development of chronic
The incidence of chronic pancreatitis is less in pancreatitis speeds up the progression of the
children. The age at presentation varies with disease (19). It also further increases the risk of
etiology. Hereditary pancreatitis has a peak age at pancreatic cancer.
10 to 14 years (11), juvenile idiopathic chronic
pancreatitis at 19 to 23 years, alcoholic chronic Chronic pancreatitis usually results from recurrent
pancreatitis at 36 to 44 years, and senile idiopathic attacks of acute pancreatitis. In addition to alcohol
chronic pancreatitis at 56 to 62 years (9, 13). abuse, other causes of acute recurrent pancreatitis
include high levels of calcium or triglycerides in the
2. What causes chronic blood, genetic mutations, and congenital
abnormalities of the pancreas. Genetic mutations
and cystic fibrosis can cause acute recurrent
Figure 3 shows the causes of chronic pancreatitis. pancreatitis or may cause chronic pancreatitis
Alcohol abuse and smoking are the most common without prior acute pancreatitis. These are also
causes of chronic pancreatitis. Heavy alcohol use, likely the causes of chronic pancreatitis in children.
which means 4-5 drinks per day of alcohol over Hereditary pancreatitis due to genetic mutations is
years, increases the risk of developing chronic a rare cause of chronic pancreatitis.
Figure 3: Causes of chronic pancreatitis. The most common cause of chronic pancreatitis in the United States
is alcohol and smoking. Other causes include genetic mutations, cystic fibrosis, hypercalcemia (or elevated calcium
levels in the blood), hypertriglyceridemia (or elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood), autoimmune, or idiopathic,
meaning that the cause is still unknown. Fibrocalcific pancreatitis, also known as tropical pancreatitis, is more
common in India.
Figure 4: Mechanism of gene mutations causing pancreatitis. Trypsinogen is a precursor, meaning that it is an
inactive form of an enzyme, called trypsin. It becomes activated. A gain of function mutation in PRSS1, is associated
with premature and continued activation of trypsinogen into trypsin. Trypsin is flushed into the duodenal to allow for
food digestion by bicarbonate rich fluid. A loss of function in CFTR prevents adequate formation of bicarbonate
fluid, therefore increasing the amount of trypsin around the pancreas. Trypsin can also cause injury or inflammation
of the pancreas. This is usually prevented by normal functioning SPINK1, a pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor.
However, if there is a loss of function in SPINK1, then trypsin is free to cause inflammation. Trypsin is broken down
by one form of the enzyme called chymotrypsin. The gene responsible for this enzyme is CTRC. A loss of function
of CTRC prevents trypsin breakdown, therefore allowing more trypsin to cause tissue injury.
In the recent years, there has been more research or a loss of function (which occurs in SPINK1,
that has found new genes that may be associated CTRC, and CFTR) leads to either the premature
with the development of chronic pancreatitis. activation of the enzymes that digest the pancreas
These genes include PRSS1, CFTR, SPINK1, and (trypsin) or prevents it breakdown (20). (Figure 4).
CTRC. A gain of function (which occurs in PRSS1)
Cystic fibrosis affects 1 in 3000 births in people of Due to the lack of pancreatic enzymes that are
North European descent (15). Some people with being released by the pancreas, patients may have
cystic fibrosis may have pancreatic exocrine fatty stool that is oily appearing and foul smelling.
insufficiency while other will have a working This is known as exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
pancreas, also known as pancreas sufficient. and is mainly due to a shortage of pancreatic lipase
Those who are pancreas sufficient may go on to which is necessary for fat digestion. Patients may
develop chronic pancreatitis, with or without also develop diabetes that is due to the loss of
discrete attacks of pancreatitis pancreatic tissue and cells that produce insulin,
also known as islets of Langerhans. This is known
Congenital abnormalities of the pancreas may as endocrine insufficiency. Patients with alcohol
become apparent either in childhood or in induced chronic pancreatitis develop exocrine
adulthood. These abnormalities include annular insufficiency approximately 4.8-5.5 years after the
pancreas, which is an abnormal development of onset of chronic pancreatitis (1). Patients with
the pancreas during development while in the hereditary chronic pancreatitis will develop
womb. Pancreas divisum is another abnormality. exocrine insufficiency at a younger age (18).
This abnormality is present in 10% of the Patients with chronic pancreatitis have a 4% risk of
population. The significance of pancreas divisum is developing pancreatic cancer over 20 years (10).
unknown since most patients with this do not have However the risk of pancreatic cancer is also
symptoms or go on to develop chronic pancreatitis. dependent on the cause of chronic pancreatitis.
One study showed that those with pancreas For example, smokers with chronic pancreatitis will
divisum and chronic pancreatitis had a genetic develop pancreatic cancer earlier than
mutation, more commonly CFTR gene mutation, nonsmokers (12, 17).
suggesting that pancreas divisum by itself does not
cause pancreatitis (3). 4. How is chronic pancreatitis
Other causes of chronic pancreatitis in adults and
children include autoimmune pancreatitis and
fibrocalcific pancreatitis, also known as tropical Chronic pancreatitis is diagnosed by a combination
pancreatitis, which is more common in India. of symptoms and imaging tests, including CT or
“CAT” scans and MRIs. CT scans can shows
3. What are the symptoms of calcifications and dilated ducts that occur with
chronic pancreatitis? chronic pancreatitis. However CT scan is a poor
test for diagnosing mild chronic pancreatitis. MRI
Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis include can show abnormalities in the duct, but is not a
abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, good test for finding calcifications. Another test
diarrhea, and diabetes. Abdominal pain is the most that may be done is an endoscopic ultrasound
common presenting symptom. The abdominal pain (EUS). This is an endoscopic procedure which
is typically epigastric and radiates to the back. Pain uses ultrasound to examine the pancreas at close
may come and go or occur at all times, but is worse range. An endoscope is a thin, flexible tube that is
after eating. Figure 5 shows the various potential passed into the mouth and esophagus, down to the
causes of abdominal pain in chronic pancreatitis. stomach and the small bowel. The pancreas is right
However, there are other possible causes of next to the stomach and small intestine so that the
abdominal pain other than chronic pancreatitis. examination can be much more accurate. EUS
These are shown in (Figure 6). Children with looks at the pancreas, the pancreatic duct, and the
chronic pancreatitis may have abdominal pain that common bile duct. It can find subtle changes within
comes and goes. They will also have vomiting. the pancreas.
Figure 5. Causes of Pain in chronic pancreatitis. This figure shows the various factors that may contribute to the
pain of chronic pancreatitis. Obstruction of the pancreatic duct by strictures or stones may cause increased
pressures within the duct. Ischemia of the pancreas occurs as a result of chronic inflammation, which can cause
pain. Obstruction of the duodenum or common bile duct may worsen acute episodes. Inflammation of the nerves
also causes pain. Various treatment modalities are targeted to these different factors. Adapted from Gorelick F,
Pandol SJ, Topazian M. Pancreatic physiology, pathophysiology, acute and chronic pancreatitis. Gastrointestinal
Teaching Project, American Gastroenterological Association. 2003.
Figure 6. Other causes of abdominal pain that may be confused with chronic pancreatitis. The most common
diseases that can cause similar pain as that of chronic pancreatitis includes chronic cholecystitis, biliary strictures,
pancreatic cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer disease, gastric cancer, and constipation, which worsens
with certain pain medications. Adapted from Gorelick F, Pandol SJ, Topazian M. Pancreatic physiology,
pathophysiology, acute and chronic pancreatitis. Gastrointestinal Teaching Project, American Gastroenterological
Association. 2003.
However, certain features or subtle changes may enzyme which is resistant to digestion and
occur as a result of normal aging rather than normally appears in the stool.
chronic pancreatitis. Therefore, a scoring system
evaluating a number of abnormalities is more 5. What is the treatment of chronic
useful for diagnosing chronic pancreatitis in order
to separate those with aging pancreas from those
with chronic pancreatitis. Another procedure which Chronic pancreatitis is difficult to treat. Treatment
may help in visualizing the pancreatic duct is an is typically geared at symptoms and the cause of
endoscopic retrograde cholangiography, or ERCP. symptoms. The first step is the management of
This also involves an endoscope that is passed into pain. Alcohol and smoking cessation will help
the mouth and into the small bowel. It is a side prevent further damage to the pancreas. Pain
viewing scope which will allow access into the bile medications are also often used to treat the pain.
duct and pancreatic duct. ERCP may also be used Non-narcotic medications are better in the long
to remove stones in the pancreatic duct and term as they do not have the complications of
treatment for strictures of the duct. ERCP is narcotic medications. However, narcotic
typically reserved for therapeutic purposes. Both medications are used for more severe pain.
the EUS and ERCP are excellent for diagnosing Narcotic medication side effects will worsen the
severe disease; however these tests are invasive pain of chronic pancreatitis over time. These side
procedures and may lead to complications. The effects include constipation, dependency, and
risk of EUS alone is the same as a standard upper depression. One type of medication that has been
endoscopy whereas the risk of ERCP has higher shown to have good response in patients with
risk of post-ERCP pancreatitis. chronic pancreatitis is pregabalin. Pancreatic
enzymes are also effective in the treatment of
Another way of to help make the diagnosis of the chronic pancreatitis. These are also used in
chronic pancreatitis is to check the pancreatic patients with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency but
function. As indicated early, disease progression is have also been successful in some without
accompanied by loss of function of the pancreas. exocrine insufficiency to reduce the pain
There are two types of methods for doing this; 1) associated with chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatic
indirect methods involving collections of blood or enzymes help with the digestion of proteins, fat,
stool, and 2) a direct methods which are more and carbohydrates, which is otherwise affected in
invasive. These tests are often used to determine chronic pancreatitis. The inability to digest
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Direct proteins, fats and carbohydrates leads to what is
pancreatic function test consists of giving an called maldigestion and weight loss. Pancreatic
intravenous dose of hormones known to stimulate enzymes should be taken with meals instead of
secretion of digestive enzymes and fluid from the before or after. The success of the enzymes is
pancreas. With administration of hormones measured by improvement of symptoms, and
secretions from the pancreas are collected in the increase in weight. Side effects of pancreatic
small bowel with an endoscope. The collected fluid enzymes are rare but can include abdominal
is analyzed to determine pancreatic digestive bloating, gas, hyperglycemia (14), and fibrosing
enzymes and bicarbonate which is secreted by colonopathy, which was primarily seen in children
duct cells. This test usually takes 60 minutes to with cystic fibrosis receiving high dose pancreatic
perform and is not performed at every hospital. enzymes (4).
Indirect tests are simpler but less accurate. The
most common is to measure fecal elastase, an
Frey Puestow
Figure 7: Surgical therapy for chronic pancreatitis. A. Puestow or lateral pancreaticojejunostomy. The
pancreatic duct is filleted open and a loop of bowel is attached to allow for drainage of the pancreas. B. Whipple or
pancreaticojejunostomy. The head of the pancreas and part of the small bowel is removed. This can be used to
treat pancreatic tumors and chronic pancreatitis that is located only in the head of the pancreas. C. Frey procedure
combines Puestow with removal of part of the pancreatic head. This is shown in comparison to the Puestow. D.
Total pancreatectomy removes the entire pancreas, along with a part of the small bowel and spleen. Adapted from
Gorelick F, Pandol SJ, Topazian M. Pancreatic physiology, pathophysiology, acute and chronic pancreatitis.
Gastrointestinal Teaching Project, American Gastroenterological Association. 2003.
Endoscopic therapy is another treatment. This is Surgical therapy includes surgically relieving duct
geared towards treating strictures or duct obstruction or removing parts of the diseased
obstruction which may cause pain. This therapy pancreas. Surgical therapies are usually
involves dilating and/or stenting a stricture in the considered after medical and endoscopic
pancreatic or biliary duct. Endoscopic therapy can therapiesd have failed. One procedure, known as
also remove stones that may be causing the modified Puestow or lateral
obstruction. However, repeated endoscopic pancreaticojejunostomy, opens the pancreas at
therapy is often required in most patients. Nerve the pancreatic duct and attaches a loop of bowel to
blocks are also performed to manage the pain the open pancreatic duct (Figure 7a). Another
associated with chronic pancreatitis. This is either procedure is known as the
done endoscopically (through the stomach) or pancreaticoduodenostomy or Whipple procedure,
percutaneously (through the skin). However only which completely removes the head of the
55% of patients will have pain relief after the pancreas along with a portion of the small bowel
procedure (5) and the pain relief is short-lived, and (Figure 7b). A Frey procedure is a combination of
may require repeat procedures. the Puestow along with partial removal of the
pancreatic head (Figure 7c). Another option may
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