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Four Year Degree Course in Engineering & Technology

Course and Examination Scheme with Credit Grade System

Third Semester B.E. ( Computer Science & Engineering)

Subject Subject Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Code Hours per No. of Theory Practical
week Credits
L T P Duratio Max. Max. Marks Total Min. Max. Max. Total Min.
n of Marks Passing Marks Marks Passing
Paper Marks Marks
CS301 Applied Mathematics- 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS302 Electronic Devices & 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS303 Object Oriented 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS304 Data Structures 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS305 Computer Architecture 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
& Organization
CS306 Electronic Devices & 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS307 Object Oriented 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS308 Data Structures 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25

Total 15 5 9 -- -- -- 500 -- -- -- 150 --

Semester Total 29 23 650
Four Year Degree Course in Engineering & Technology
Course and Examination Scheme with Credit Grade System
Fourth Semester B.E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Subject Subject Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Code Hours per No. of Theory Practical
week Credits
L T P Duratio Max. Max. Marks Tota Min. Max. Max. Total Min.
n of Marks l Passing Marks Marks Passing
Paper Marks Marks
CS401 Applied Mathematics- 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS402 Digital Circuits & 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
Fundamentals of
CS403 Database Management 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS404 System Programming 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS405 Theory of Computation 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS406 Digital Circuits & 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
Fundamentals of
CS407 Database Management 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS408 Computer Workshop 0 0 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25

Total 15 5 8 -- -- -- 500 -- -- -- 150 --

Semester Total 28 24 650
Four Year Degree Course in Engineering & Technology
Course and Examination Scheme with Credit Grade System
Fifth Semester B.E. ( Computer Science & Engineering)

Subject Subject Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Code Hours per No. of Theory Practical
week Credits
L T P Duratio Max. Max. Marks Tota Min. Max. Max. Total Min.
n of Marks l Passing Marks Marks Passing
Paper Marks Marks
CS501 Object Oriented 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
Analysis & Design
CS502 Computer Network 4 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS503 Design & Analysis of 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS504 Software Engineering 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS505 Operating System 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS506 Object Oriented 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
Analysis & Design
CS507 Computer Network 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS508 Software Engineering 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS509 Software Technology 0 0 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25

Total 16 5 11 -- -- -- 500 -- -- -- 200 --

Semester Total 32 26 700
Four Year Degree Course in Engineering & Technology
Course and Examination Scheme with Credit Grade System
Sixth Semester B.E. ( Computer Science & Engineering)

Subject Subject Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Code Hours per No. of Theory Practical
week Credits
L T P Duratio Max. Max. Marks Tota Min. Max. Max. Total Min.
n of Marks l Passing Marks Marks Passing
Paper Marks Marks
CS601 Java Programming 4 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS602 Microprocessor & 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS603 Computer Graphics 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS604 Web Technology 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS605 Principles of 3 0 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS606 Java Programming 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS607 Microprocessor & 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS608 Computer Graphics 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS609 Web Technology 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25

Total 16 4 12 -- -- -- 500 -- -- -- 200 --

Semester Total 32 24 700

(Note: One Lecture of one hour equal to one Credit, One Tutorial/Practical of Three hours equal to two Credit, One Tutorial/Practical of Two hours equal to
one Credit, One Practical/Lab. without theory paper of one hour equal to one Credit.)
Four Year Degree Course in Engineering & Technology
Course and Examination Scheme with Credit Grade System
Seventh Semester B.E. ( Computer Science & Engineering)

Subject Subject Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Code Hours per No. of Theory Practical
week Credits
L T P Duratio Max. Max. Marks Tota Min. Max. Max. Total Min.
n of Marks l Passing Marks Marks Passing
Paper Marks Marks
CS701 Digital Image Processing 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS702 TCP/IP and Internet 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS703 Data Warehousing & Mining 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS704 Elective-I 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
1. Advanced Computer
2. Multimedia Systems
3. Mobile Computing
4. Cloud Computing
CS705 Elective-II 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
1.Enterprise Resource Planning
2. Real Time Systems
3. Robotics
4. Ad-hoc Network
CS706 Digital Image Processing 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS707 TCP/IP and Internet 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS708 Data Warehousing & Mining 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS709 Project Seminar 0 0 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50 -- 50 25
Total 15 5 11 -- -- -- 500 -- -- -- 200 --
Semester Total 31 25 700
Four Year Degree Course in Engineering & Technology
Course and Examination Scheme with Credit Grade System
Eighth Semester B.E. ( Computer Science & Engineering)

Subject Subject Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Code Hours per No. of Theory Practical
week Credits
L T P Duration Max. Max. Marks Total Min. Max. Max. Total Min.
of Paper Marks Passing Marks Marks Passing
(Hrs.) Marks Marks
CS801 Software Testing & Quality 3 1 0 4
CS802 Compiler Construction 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS803 Computer System Security 3 1 0 3 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
CS804 Elective-III : 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
1.Advanced Database
2. Neural Network & Fuzzy
3. Soft Computing
4. High Performance Network
CS805 Elective-IV 3 1 0 4 3 80 10 10 100 40 -- -- -- --
1. Distributed System
2. E-Commerce
3. Embedded System
4. Open Source Softwares
CS806 Compiler Construction 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS807 Computer System Security 0 0 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 25
CS808 Project 0 0 6 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- 75 75 150 75
Total 15 5 12 -- -- -- 400 -- -- -- 250 --
Semester Total 31 28 650
III-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS301

Title of the Course: Applied Mathematics-III
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total

03 01 -- 04 04 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Contents Ho urs

I Z-Transform: 11
Definition, Properties, Inverse by partial fractions and convolution theorem. Application of Z-
Transform to solve differential equations with constant coefficients.
Fourier Integers and Fourier Transforms.
II Matrices: 08
Inverse of Matrix by ad joint and partitioning method. Rank of Matrix and consistency of
system of linear simultaneous equations. Linear dependence. Eigen Values and Eigen Vector,
Reduction to diagonal form.
III Matrices: 08
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, Sylvester’s Theorem (statement only) . Solution of second order
ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients b y matrix method, Largest
Eigen value and co rresponding Eigen vector by iteration.
IV Random Variables and Probability Distributions: 09
Random variables discrete and continuous, Probability functions and distribution functions
fo r discrete and continuous random variables, Joint distribution.
V Mathematical Expectation: 09
Mathematical expectation, Variance and Stand ard Deviation, Moments, Moment generating
fu nctio n, Coefficient of Skewness & Kurtosis.
Total 45

Text Book/s:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal
2. Probability and Statistics by Murray R. Spiegel

Reference Book/s:
1. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics by N.P.Bali and Manish Goyal.
2. Mathematics of Engineers, Chandrika Prasad
3. Advance Mathematics for Engineers, Chandrika Prasad
4. Applied Mathematics for Engineers, L.A. Pipes & Harville
5. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics, P.N. Wartikar & J.N. Wartikar
III-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS302

Title of the Course: Electronic Devices & Circuits
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total

03 01 -- 04 03 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Co ntents Hours

I Semiconductor Devices and Applications: Diode as a Half Wave Rectifier, Full Wave 10
Rectifier, Breakdown in d iodes, Zener and Avalanche Mechanism, Voltage regulator using
Zener Diode, Characteristics of BJT, Biasing of BJT, Fixed Bias, Co llector to Base Bias, Self
Bias, Stability Factor, Thermal Runaway, Thermal compensation
II Small Signal Analysis of BJT: Two Port Network, H Parameters, Small Signal Analysis of 09
CB, CE & CC Amplifiers, Millers Theorem, High Input Impedance Circuits, Bootstrap ping
III Power Amplifiers: Classification of amplifiers, Class A, Class B, Class AB, Push pull 08
Configuration, Complementary Symmetry, Harmo nic Distortion, Cross Over Distortion
IV Oscillators: Feedback Topologies, Voltage Shunt, Voltage Series, Current Shunt & Current 09
Series Feedback, Barkhausen Criterion, Hartley, Colpitt, RC Phase Shift, Wein Bridge &
Crystal Oscillator.
V FET and its Analysis: JFET: Principle of Operation, Characteristics, Biasing, Small signal 09
Analysis of CG, CS, & CD amplifiers, MOSFET: Principle of Operation, Characteristics,
Enhancement Type, Depletion Type MOSFET
Total 45

Text Book/s:
1. Electronic Devices and Circuits –Millman and Halkias
2. Integrated Electronics -Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias

Reference Book/s:
1. Electronic Devices and Circuits- Allen Mottershead .
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits-S.Salivahanan and N.Suresh Kumar.
3. Electronic Principles – Albert Malvino
III-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS303

Title of the Course: Object Oriented Programming
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total

03 01 -- 04 03 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Co ntents Hours

I Principles of Object-Oriented Programming, Beginning with C++, Tokens, Expressions and 09

Control Structures
II Functions in C++, Function protopying, call b y reference, Return b y reference, Inline 09
Function, Default Arguments, Function Overloading, Friend and Virtual Function, Classes and
Objects, Defining Member Functions, Arrays within a class, Memory allocation for Objects,
Arrays of Objects, Objects as Function Arguments, Friend Functions, Pointers to members
III Constructors and Destructors, Parameterized constructors, Constructors with Default 09
Arguments, Dynamic Initialization of Objects, Copy constructors, Dynamic constructors,
Constructing Two-dimensional Arrays, const Objects, Operator Overloading and Type
Conversions, Inheritance: Extending Classes, Types o f inheritance, Virtual Base Classes,
Abstract Classes, Constructors in Derived Classes, Member Classes
IV Pointers, Pointers to Objects, this Pointer, Pointers to Derived Classes, Virtual Functions, Pure 09
Virtual Functio ns and Polymorphism
V Managing Console I/O Operations, Working with Files, Templates 09

Total 45

Text Book/s:
1. Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagu rusamy McGraw-Hill
2. Let Us C++ b y Y. kanetkar

Reference Books:
1. C++ : The Co mplete reference , by Herbert Schildt , 4thedition,Tata McGraw Hill
2. Masterin g C++ b y K R Venug opal & Prasad, Tata McGray Hill
III-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS304

Title of the Course: Data Structures
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total

03 01 -- 04 03 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Co ntents Hours

I General concepts and linear data structure: Abstract data structure as an organization of data 09
with specified properties and operations, Time and space analysis of algorithms, Big oh and
theta notations and o mega notations, average, b est and worst case analysis, Representation of
Arrays: Single and Multi-dimensional – Address calculation usin g Column and Row major
ordering, Representation of Stacks and queues using arrays –Circular queues, Priority queues,
Dequeue, Application of stacks, Con version from infix to postfix and prefix expressions,
Evaluation of postfix expression using stacks, Multiple stacks.
II Linked list: Linked list, Simp ly Linked list, Implementation of Linked list using static & 09
Dynamic memory allocation – dynamic memory allocatio n, operations on linked list, stacks
and queues, polynomial representation and manipulations are using linked list, circular linked
list, doubly linked list, Generalized list.
III Trees: General and binary trees, Representations and traversals, General trees as binary Trees, 09
binary search tree, Applications, the concept of balancing and its ad vantages, B–trees, B +
Trees, AVL Trees, Threaded Binary Trees. Hash functio ns, Collision resolution, Expected
behavior, Applications.
IV Graphs and digraphs: Representations, Breadth and depth first searches, connectivity 09
Algorithms, sho rtest path, Minimal spanning tree, the union find problem, Hamiltonian Path.
V Sorting: Elemen tary sorts: Selection, Insertion, Bubble sort, Shell sort, Radix sort, Quick sort, 09
Merge sort, Heap sort, Bucket sorting, external sorting, worst case and average behavior,
Lower bound for sorting using comparisons.
Total 45

Text Books:
1. Data Structures using C by Tenenbaum, Pearson Education
2. Data Structures through C by G. S. Baluja Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3. Data Structures by Seymour Lipschutz, Schaum’s Outlines.

Reference Book/s:
1. Sartaj Sahani, Data Structures in C
2. D. Samantha, Classic Data Structures, PHI Publication
3. Data Structures – Rob ert Kruse.
III-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS305

Title of the Course: Computer Architecture & Organisation

Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)

Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total
03 01 -- 04 04 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Co ntents Hours

I BASIC STRUCTURE OF COMPUTER: Functional units, Basic op erational concepts, Bus 09

structure, Addressing modes, subroutines: parameter p assing, Instruction formats, expanding
opcodes method. BASIC PROCESSING UNIT: Bus architecture, Execution of a Comp lete
Instructio n, sequencing of control signals, Hardwired control, Microprogrammed Control,
Microinstruction format, Bit slice co ncepts.
II ARITHEMATIC: Number representatio ns and their operations, Designs of Fast Adders, 09
Signed multiplication, Booth ’s algorit hm, bit – pair recording, Integer division, Floating point
number and operation, guard bits and rounding.
III THE MEMORY SYSTEM: Various technologies used in memory design, higher order 09
memory design, multimodule memories and interleaving, Associative memory, Cache
memory, Virtual memory.
IV INPUT / OUTPUT ORGANIZATION: I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O, Interrupts 09
and Interrupts handling mechanism, vectored interrupted , synchronous Vs. asynchronous data
transfer, Direct memory access, Computer Peripherals : I / O Devices such as magnetic t apes,
magnetic disks, CD-ROM systems.
V RISC philosophy: pipelining, basic concepts in pipelining, delayed branch, branch prediction, 09
data dependency, influence of pipelining on instruction set design, multiple execution units,
performance co nsiderations. Basic concepts in parallel p rocessing & classification of parallel
architectures. Vector Processing, array processor.
Total 45

Text Books:
1. V. C. Hamacher Z. G. Vranesic and S. G. Zaky, Co mputer Organizatio n, Mc Graw Hill, 5th edition, 2002.
2. A. S. Tanenbaum, “Structured Computer Organization”, 4th edition, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:
1. Computer Architecture & Organization, 3rd edition – J. P. Hayes
2. Marries Mano, “Co mputer System and Architecture”, Pearson Education.
3. William Stallings, “Computer Organization & Architecture”, Pearson Education.
III-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS306

Title of the Course: Electronic Devices & Circuits
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Laboratory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits TW POE Total

-- -- 01 03 02 25 25 50

Practical: Students should perfo rm 10-12 Experiments from the given list.

List of Practical’s:
1. Experiment on V-I Characteristics of diode.
2. Experiment on study Reverse Bios Characteristics of Diode.
3. Experiment on V-I Characteristics of Zener Diode.
4. Experiment on V-I Characteristics of transistor in CE mode.
5. Experiment on V-I Characteristics of transistor in CB mode.
6. Experiment on Class A and Class AB.
7. Experiments of Push Pull amplifier.
8. Experiments of Wein Bridge Oscillator.
9. Experiments on Crystal Oscillator.
10. Experiments on Colpitt Oscillator.
11. Experiments of Characteristics of JFET
12. Experiments on MOSFET.
III-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS307

Title of the Course: Object Oriented Programming
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Laboratory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits TW POE Total

-- -- 01 03 02 25 25 50

Practical: Students should perform 10-12 Experiments from the given list.

List of Practical:
1. Write a Simple C++ program witho ut using Class & Object
2. Write a program using Class & Object.
3. Write a program using Function Overloading.
4. Write a program using Operator Overloading.
5. Write a program u sing Inheritance.
6. Write a program using Virtual Function.
7. Write a program using Friend Function.
8. Write a program using Constructor.
9. Write a program using Dynamic Initialization of Objects.
10. Write a program using Copy Constructo r.
11. Write a program using Virtual Base Class.
12. Write a program using Abstract Class.
13. Write a program for file handling
III-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS308

Title of the Course: Data Structures
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Laboratory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits TW POE Total

-- -- 01 03 02 25 25 50

Practical: Students should perfo rm 10-12 Experiments from the given list using C.

List of Practical:
1. Write a Menu driven program for Stack Operation.
2. Implement stack as an ADT. Use this ADT to p erform expression conversion and evaluation. (Infix - Postfix,
Infix-Prefix, Prefix-Infix, Prefix-Postfix, Postfix-Infix, Postfix-Prefix).
3. Write a program for Circular Queue.
4. Write a program for Priority Queue.
5. Write a program for linked list.
6. Write a program for doubly linked list.
7. Write a program for Binary tree.
8. Write a program for BFS.
9. Write a program for DFS.
10. Write a program for Bubble Sort.
11. Write a program for Selection Sort.
12. Write a program for Heap Sort.
13. Write a program for Merge Sort.
14. Write a program for Traversal of Tree: Preorder, Inorder and Postorder.
IV-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS401

Title of the Course: Applied Mathematics-IV
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)

Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total

03 01 -- 04 04 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Co ntents Hours

I Set Theory: 09
Basic Concepts o f set theory, The power set, Some operations on sets, Venn diagram, Basic
set identities, Cartesian product, Properties of binary relation in a set, Matrix and the Graphs of
a relation, Equivalence relation, Partial order relation, comp ability, Compositio n of binary
relation, Function, Composition of functions, Inverse Functions, Characteristics Function of a
II Mathematical Logic: 09
Statements Connectives: Negotiation, Conjunction, Disjunction, Conditional and
bico nditional, statement formulas and truth table. Tautologies , Equivalence of formulas,
Duality laws, Tautological implication. Theory of inference for statement calculus, Theory of
inference for Pred icate calculus.
III Algebraic Structures: 09
Semigroups and Monoids, Groups (definitions and examples) Cyclic groups , Permutation
group s, subgro ups and Homomorphisms. Cosets and Lagranges theorem, Normal subgroups,
Rings (definition and examples), subrings, Ring Homomorphisms, Ideals and Quotient Rings,
Polynomial Ring, finite fields and integral do main.
IV Lattice Theory & Boolean Algebra: 09
Lattices as partial ordered set (d efinition and examples), some problems of lattices as algebraic
system, Sub lattices, Direct Product, Homomorphism, Some special lattices, Boolean algebra
(definition and examples), application to switching circuits.
V Graph Theory: 09
Basic concepts of Graph Theory, Basic definitions, Paths, Rechability and connectedness,
Matrix representation of Graphs, Trees, Tree Searching, Und irected Trees, Minimal Spanning
Total 45

Text Book/s:
1. Discrete Mathematics Structures with ap plicatio n to Computer Science by J.P.Trembly & R. Manohar
2. Discrete Maths for Computer Scientists & Mathematicians (Chapter 2,5,7) by J.L.Mott, A. Kandel, T.P.Baker
3. Discrete Mathematics by J.K.Sharma, Macmillan Publishers India

Reference Book/s:
1. Elements of Discrete Mathematics by C.L.Liu., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
2. Discrete Mathematics by Lipschutz, McGraw Hill Professional, 2007
3. Discrete Mathematics by R. Johnsonbaugh., 9th ed ition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006
IV-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS402

Title of the Course: Digital Circuits & Fundamentals of Microprocessor
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)

Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total

03 01 -- 04 03 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Co ntents Hours

I Nu mber systems, Boolean Algebra, Basic logic circuits, truth tables, Demorgan’s law, b asic 09
combinational logic circuits and design, sum of product and product of sum, simplification
using K-maps, SSI, MSI,LSI & VLSI circuit classification.
II Combinational Logic : Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Code converters, 09
Parity circu its and comparators, Arithmetic modules - Adders, Subtractions (Half and Full),
BCD adder/subtractor, ALU.
III Basic sequential circuits- latches and flip-flops: SR-flip flop, D-flipflop, JK flip-flop, T flip- 09
flop, Timing hazards, Race around Conditio n, J -K Master Slave Flip flop. Excitation tables of
Flip Flops, Conversion o f one type flip-flop to another type flips flop, Counters, types of
Counters, Design of Mod N counters Using K-map, Lock Free Counters, Up down Counter.
IV Introduction to 8085 microprocessor, architecture, instruction set, Timing diagrams, Flags, 09
addressing modes, Assembly language programming, interrupts.
V Memory organization & interfacing. Interfacing I/O devices PPI 8255, 8253, and its 09
organization & interfacing with 8085.
Total 45

Text Book/s:
1. Digital Design by Morris Mano Prentice-Hall, 2 007
2. Fund amental of Digital Electronics: A. Anand Kumar.
3. Microprocessor Architecture Programming & Applications with the 8085 by Ramesh Gaonkar

Reference Book/s:
1. Digital Electronics 3 rd Edition 2003 by R.P.Jain TATA McGraw-Hill.
2. Digital circuit & d esign: A. P. Godse.
3. Microprocessor Techniques by A. P. Godse. Technical Publication.
IV-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS403

Title of the Course: Database Management System
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total

03 01 -- 04 03 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Co ntents Hours

I Introduction to DBMS :Basic concepts, Advantages of a DBMS over file-processing systems, 09

Data abstraction, Data Models and data independence. Components of a DBMS and overall
structure of a DBMS Database terminology Data Modeling: Basic Concepts, Types of data
models, E-R data model and Object-oriented data model. Relational, Network and Hierarchical
data models and their comp arison. Basics of ER diagram, E-R and EER diagramming,
Reducing E-R Diagrams to Tables, Generalization, and Aggregation.
II Relational Model: Basic concepts. Attributes and domains. concept of integrity and referential 09
constraints. Relational Query Languages (Relational Algebra and relational
Calcu lus).Concepts of View and triggers. SQL: Structure of a SQL query, DDL and DML,
SQL queries, Set Operations, Predicates and Joins, Set membership, Tuple variables, set
comparison, ordering of tuples, aggregate functions, nested queries, Database modification
using SQL.
III Relational Database Design: Normalization, normal forms, Functional Dependencies, 1NF, 09
2NF, 3NF, Codd’s rule, Notion o f a normalized relations, Multi-valued d ependency and Join
IV Transaction management: Basic concept of a transaction, Transaction Model , Log Based 09
Recovery, Buffer Management, Checkpoints, Shad ow Paging, Failure With Loss of non -
volatile Storage, Stable Storage Implementation. Concurrency Control: Schedules, Testing of
Serializability, Lock -based Protocols, Time Stamp Based Protocols, Validation Techniques,
Multiple Granularity, Multiversion Schemes, Insert and Delete Operations.
V Database systems Architecture: Centralized, client-server systems, Parallel systems, 09
distributed systems, Web-enab led systems. New Applications: Need for data analysis,
Decision support systems, Data Warehouse. On-line Analytical Processing(OLAP), Data
minin g concepts, spatial and geographical d atabases, multi-media Databases.
Total 45

Text Books:
1. Database System Concepts by Henry Korth , S. Sud arsan and Others, McGraw Hill
2. Fund amental of Database System – Elmasari , Navathe & Gupta, Pearson Education.
3. Database Systems by S. K. Singh, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
1. Principles of Database Systems – Ullman, Golgotia Publications 1998.
2. Database System by Connolly, 3rd edition, Pearson Education.
IV-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS404

Title of the Course: System Programming
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total

03 01 -- 04 04 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Co ntents Hours

I Background Machine Structure, Assemblers, Loaders, Macro s, Compilers, Formal System, 09

Operating system User Viewpoint : Functions, Operating System User Viewpoint: Batch
Control Language, Operating System User Viewpoint: Facilities.
II Machine Structure, Machine Language, And Assembly Language General Machine Structure, 10
General Approach to a New Machine,
III Assemblers General Design Procedure, Design of Assembler. Macro Language and the Macro 9
processor Macro instructions, features of Macro Facility, Macro Instruction Arguments,
Conditional Macro Expansion, Macro Calls within Macros, Macros Instructions Defining
Macros, Implementation, Implementation of a restricted Facility A Two pass Algorithm, A
Single pass Algorithm, Implementation of Macro Calls within Macros, Implementation within
an Assembler.
IV Loaders Loader schemes, "Compile and go" Loaders, general Loader scheme, absolute 09
load ers, subroutine linkages, relocating load ers, direct linking loaders, other loader schemes -
Binders, linking loaders; Overlays, Dynamic Binders, Design of and absolute Loaders, Design
of a Direct-Linking loaders
V Introduction to Device Drivers. Device drivers for Windo ws,Linux/Unix. 08
Lexical Analysis in Compiler Design. Role of lexical analysis, recognition of tokens.
Total 45

Text Books:
1. System Programming b y Leland Beck, Pearso n Ed.
2. Unix device drives by George Pajani, Pearson Ed.
3. Device Drives for Windows by Norton, Add Wesley
4. Assembly & Assemblers by Gorshine, Prentice Hall.
IV-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS405

Title of the Course: Theory of Computation
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Theory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits Duration of paper, hrs MSE IE ESE Total

03 01 -- 04 04 03 10 10 80 100

Unit Co ntents Hours

I Introduction to formal proof – Additional forms of proof – Inductive proofs – . 09

Introduction:alp habets,Strings and Language:automata and Grammars Finite Automata (FA) –
Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)– Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) – Finite
Automata with Ep silon transitions.
II Regular expressions(RE)-Defination,FAand RE,REtoFA,FAto RE,algebraic laws for 09
RE,application of Res,Regular grammars and FA,FA for regular grammar,Regular grammar
fo r FA,Pumping Lemma..
III Context-Free Grammar (CFG) – Parse Trees – Ambiguity in grammars and languages – 09
Definition of the Pushdown automata – Languages of a Pushdown Automata – Equivalence of
Pushdown automata and CFG, Deterministic Pushdown Automata.
IV Normal forms for CFG – Pumping Lemma for CFL - Closure Properties of CFL – Turing 09
Machines – Programming Techniques for TM.
V A language that is not Recursively Enumerable (RE) – An undecidable problem that is RE – 09
Undecidab le problems about Turing Machine – Post’s Correspondence Problem - The classes
P and NP.
Total 45

Text Book/s:
1. J.E.Hopcroft, R.Motwani and J.D Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computations”,
Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
Reference Book/s:
1. H.R.Lewis and C.H.Papadimitriou, “Elements of The theory of Computation”, Second Edition, Pearson Education/PHI, 2003
2. J.Martin, “Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Comp utation”, Third Edition, TMH, 2003.
3. Micheal Sipser, “Introductio n of the Theory and Co mputation”, Thomson Brokecole, 1997.
IV-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS406

Title of the Course: Digital Circuits & Fundamentals of Microprocessor
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Laboratory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits TW POE Total

-- -- 01 03 02 25 25 50

Practical: Stud ents should perform 10-12 Experiments from the given list.

List of Practicals:
1. Study of logic gates.
2. Study of Demorgan’s Law & Kmap.
3. Experimenst on Mux and Demux.
4. Study of Decoder & Encoder.
5. Experiment on Adder & Substractor.
6. Experiment on Flip- Flop.
7. Any Six Experiments on 8085 programming.
IV-Semester B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Course Code: CS407

Title of the Course: Database Management System
Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Laboratory)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits TW POE Total

-- -- 01 03 02 25 25 50

Practical: Stud ents should perform 10-12 Experiments from the given topics.

List of Practical’s:
1. Data Definition, Table Creation, Constraints,
2. Insert, Select Commands, Update & Delete Commands.
4. Five experiments on PL/SQL queries.
3. Nested Queries & Join Queries
5. High level programming language extensions (Control structures, Procedures and
Function s)
6. Front end tools
7. Forms
8. Triggers
9. Menu Design
10. Reports.
Course Code: CS408
Title of the Course: Computer Workshop

Course Scheme Evaluation Scheme (Laboratory)

Lecture Tutorial Practical Periods/week Credits TW POE Total

-- -- 01 02 02 25 25 50

Computer Workshop Lab:

1. Study of PC Hardware
2. Study of Windows Operating System
3. Study of DOS Commands.
4. Study of MS-Word,
5. Study of MS-Access.
6. Study of MS-Power Point
Introduction to Networking Accessories
7. Study of user connections
8. Study of communications channels
9. Study of network architecture (topologies)
10. Study of network typ es
Working under UNIX / LINUX Operating system
11. Structure : Unix Architecture
12. Features of UNIX operating system
13. Layered model of UNIX operating system(study o f kernel and shell)
14. General file commands and Directory commands

Text Books:
1. Computer Fundamentals – Pradeep K. Sinha
2. Introduction to Comp uter Science by ITL ESL, Pearson Education
3. Introduction to UNIX & Shell programming by M. G. Venkateshmurth y, Pearson Educatio n.
4. Unix Shell programming – Yeshwant Kanetkar

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