Corexy 04926139
Corexy 04926139
Corexy 04926139
2, APRIL 2010
2 d ∂L ∂L
− = Qnj c , for j = 1, 2, . . . , n (18)
dt ∂ q̇j ∂qj
Motor pulleys 1 and 2
1 ẍ = [−(kr + kl + 4kb )·x − bbridge ·ẋ + (kr − kl ) ·y
Tp1 = JM 1 ϕ̇21 Mbridge
1 − (kl r + 2kb r) ·ϕ1 + (kr r + 2kb r) ·ϕ2 ]
Tp2 = JM 2 ϕ̇22 . (12) 1
2 ÿ = [−(−kr + kl )·x − (kr + kl ) ·y − bcart8 ẏ
2) Potential energy: The potential energy of each belt section Mcart8
is obtained from V = 1/2k∆s2 , where k is the spring − kl r·ϕ1 − kr r·ϕ2 ]
stiffness of the belt section and ∆s is the extension or
contraction of the belt section. For the left belt section, ϕ̈1 = − (kl + 2kb ) r·x − kl r·y − (kb + kl ) r2 ·ϕ1
a rotation ϕ1 of motor 1 results in an extension of the JM 1
bottom end of this belt section by ϕ1 r. Also an x and y Kt Ke Kt
displacement of the cart results in an extension of the other − BM 1 + ·ϕ̇1 + kb r2 ·ϕ2 + V1in
end of this belt section that is attached to the cart by x +
y. Thus, the net extension of the left belt is ϕ1 r + x + y. ϕ̈2 = (kr + 2kb )r·x − kr r·y + kb r2 ·ϕ1 − (kb + kr )r2 ·ϕ2
In a similar fashion, one can obtain an expression for the JM 2
extension for the right and bottom belt sections. Thus, the
Kt Ke Kt
potential energy of the left and right belt sections is written − BM 2 + ·ϕ̇2 + V2in . (19)
The previous set of equations of motion can be transferred
Vl = kl (ϕ1 r + x + y)2 into state-space form, as shown in (20)–(24) next
1 x1 = x x2 = ẋ
Vr = kr (−ϕ2 r + x − y)2 . (13)
2 x3 = y x4 = ẏ
For the belt section in between the motor pulleys (kb ), we get x5 = ϕ1 x6 = ϕ̇1
1 x7 = ϕ2 x8 = ϕ̇2 .
Vb = kb (−ϕ1 r + ϕ2 r − 2x)2 . (14)
2 The matrices for this model are as follows.
From these terms, the Lagrangian L is assembled as System matrix
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
L = T − V = Mcart8 ẏ 2 + Mbridge ẋ2 + JM 1 ϕ̇21 + JM 2 ϕ̇22 a
2 2 2 2 21 a 22 a23 0 a25 0 a27 0
1 1
− kl (ϕ1 r + x + y)2 − kr (−ϕ2 r + x − y)2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2 2 a41 0 a a a 0 a 0
A= (21)
43 44 45 47
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
− kb (−ϕ1 r + ϕ2 r − 2x)2 . (15)
a61 0 a63 0 a65 a66 a67 0
The next step is to consider the nonconservative forces Qnj c . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
The motor torques τM i have to be treated as nonconservative a81 0 a83 0 a85 0 a87 a88
forces, and also the friction forces of the cart and the bridge have
to be treated in the same way. As discussed earlier, the friction where
torques in the pulleys only occur in the motor pulleys and the kl + kr + 4kb
a21 = −
friction coefficients are the lumped frictions coefficients BM i Mbridge
as derived earlier. Therefore, the virtual work of the nonconser-
vative forces acting on this system is given by a22 = −
δW n c = −ẏbcart8 δy − ẋbbridge δx + (τM 1 − BM 1 ϕ̇1 ) δϕ1
kl − kr
a23 = −
+ (τM 2 − BM 2 ϕ̇2 ) δϕ2 (16) Mbridge
kl + kb 2 1 Kt Ke
a65 = − r ϕ̈1 = − k3 rx − (k1 + k3 ) r2 ϕ1 − B1 + ϕ̇1
JM 1 J1 R
BM 1 Kt Ke Kt
a66 =− + + k1 r ϕ3 − k3 r ϕ5 +
2 2
V1in (27)
JM 1 RJM 1 R
kb 2 1 Kt Ke
a67 =
JM 1
r ϕ̈2 = − k4 rx − (k2 + k4 ) r ϕ2 − B2 +
J2 R
kr + 2kb
a81 = r Kt
JM 2 + k2 r2 ϕ4 − k4 r2 ϕ6 + V2in (28)
kr ϕ̈3 = [−k5 rx + k1 r2 ϕ1 − (k1 + k5 )r2 ϕ3 − B3 ϕ̇3 − k5 r2 ϕ7 ]
a83 = − r J3
JM 2
kb 2
a85 = r 1
JM 2 ϕ̈4 = [k6 rx + k2 r2 ϕ2 − (k2 + k6 )r2 ϕ4 − B4 ϕ̇4 − k6 r2 ϕ8 ]
kr + kb 2
a87 = − r (30)
JM 2
a88 =−
BM 2
Kt Ke
. ϕ̈5 = [−k3 rx − k3 r2 ϕ1 − (k3 + k9 )r2 ϕ5 − B5 ϕ̇5 + k9 r2 ϕ6 ]
JM 2 RJM 2 J5
Input matrix ϕ̈6 = [k4 rx − k4 r2 ϕ2 + k9 r2 ϕ5 − (k4 + k9 )r2 ϕ6 − B6 ϕ̇6 ]
0 0
0 1
0 ϕ̈7 = [−k5 rx + k7 ry − k5 r2 ϕ3 − (k5 + k7 )r2 ϕ7 − B7 ϕ̇7 ]
0 J7
0 0
[k6 rx + k8 ry − k6 r2 ϕ4 − (k6 + k8 )r2 ϕ8 − B8 ϕ̇8 ].
B= 0 0 . (22) ϕ̈8 =
Kt J8
RJ (34)
Kt Note that J1 = J2 = · · · = J8 = JP and B1 = B2 = · · · =
0 BP .
Fig. 5. Open-loop test results under −6 V/−6 V input. (a) End-effector dis-
Fig. 6. Open-loop test results under −4 V/−4 V input. (a) End-effector dis-
placement. (b) Motor angles displacement.
placement. (b) Motor angles displacement.
order model are reasonable and the model response captures the inputs. This is due to nonlinear friction that is present in the real
dynamic behavior of the H-frame positioning system. system. Hence, we need to modify the linear model developed
The earlier eighth-order model is a strictly linear model, and earlier to incorporate the friction nonlinearities that are present
we would like to see how the experimental and simulation data in the system.
would match if the plots in Fig. 4 would be redone for different The first step to do is to rewrite the equations of motion into a
input voltages with the same set of parameters shown in Table I. form in which the friction force/torque is expressed separately.
To investigate this, open-loop simulations were carried out for Equations (35) show the equations of motion in that form
different input voltages. The input voltages that were used are:
(“motor 1 input”/“motor 2 input”) −2 V/2 V, −4 V/−4 V, and 1
−6 V/−6 V, and these voltages were selected to give different ẋ2 = [(−x1 + x3 + rx7 ) kr + (−x1 − x3 − rx5 ) kl
x and y motions. Figs. 5–7 show the results. The linear model
matches the experimental data only for the amount of input + (−4x1 − 2rx5 + 2rx7 ) kb − Ff x ]
voltage for which it was tuned for (−4 V/−4 V and −4 V/4 V); 1
however, it deviates from the experimental responses for other ẋ4 = [(x1 − x3 − rx7 )kr + (−x1 − x3 − rx5 )kl − Ff y ]
Fig. 7. Open-loop test results under −2 V/2 V input. (a) End-effector dis-
placement. (b) Motor angles displacement. Fig. 9. ϕ 1 -axis nonlinear friction block diagram.
ẋ6 = [(−rx1 − rx3 − r2 x5 )kl + (−2rx1 − r2 x5 + r2 x7 )kb block diagrams and stored in subsystems. These subsystems
JM 1
are then assembled to form the nonlinear H-frame model, as
+ τM 1 − τf M 1 ] shown in Fig. 8. Two of these block diagrams represent the two
1 rotational motor axes, which have additional inputs Vin1 and
ẋ8 = [(rx1 − rx3 − r2 x7 )kr + (2rx1 + r2 x5 − r2 x7 )kb Vin2 to compute the motor torques. The remaining two block
JM 2
diagrams represent the linear axes. The block diagram for one of
+ τM 2 − τf M 2 ] (35) the rotational axes is shown in Fig. 9. The friction force/torque
where Ff is the friction force and Tf M is the friction torque. in each of these axes is computed with embedded MATLAB
The friction force and torque are given by functions with code similar to that shown in Table II.
Table III shows the set of friction parameters that were ob-
Ff = bv + sign(v)Fc (36) tained to generate the nonlinear simulation results shown in
τf M = BM ω + sign(ω)τcM . (37) Figs. 5–7. The viscous friction parameters differ from those
shown in Table I. For the linear model, the chosen viscous fric-
The first term in the previous two equations is the viscous tion parameter was only valid for a certain voltage input (certain
friction term, while the second term is the Coulomb friction velocity). So to assume that there was only viscous friction was
term. The four equations of motion can now be expressed as shown to be wrong. Instead, the friction force is a combination
TABLE II but the length of the belt section l is a function of the position
of the end-effector in x and y. Thus, we can see that the belt
stiffness is a function of the XY position of the cart. In this
section, we study how belt stiffness varies with the XY position
of the cart.
The first step to do so is to quantify the dependency of every
single stiffness (k1 through k9 ) on x and y. The stiffnesses k1
through k9 depend on x- and y-position of the end-effector, as
described in the following equations. Here, A is the cross section
of the belt without the teeth, E is the elasticity (E) modulus of
the belt and l1 through l9 are the belt section length measured
at the zero position of the end-effector located in the center of
the H-frame system.
Stiffness constant with respect to x and y
ki = , for i = 1, 2, 9. (39)
The lengths of the belt sections in between the left motor
pulley and the left stationary corner pulley (k1 ), as well as the
one in between the right motor pulley and the right stationary
corner pulley (k2 ), and also the one along the bridge (k9 ), which
is not attached to the cart, do not change while performing
of Coulomb friction force and viscous friction force. In order to motion in x- and y-direction.
make the linear model fit for one input voltage, the viscous fric- Stiffness changing only with respect to x
tion parameter had to be chosen to be large so that the friction
force resulting out of it matches the sum of the Coulomb force AE
ki = , for i = 3, 4 (40)
and the actual viscous friction force. li − x
In Figs. 5–7, we see that the linear model matches the exper- AE
imental response only for 4 V input, for which the parameters ki = , for i = 5, 6. (41)
li + x
were verified. However, for 2 and 6 V input, the linear simula-
tion clearly deviates from the experimental results. In contrast, The belt sections in between the stationary corner pulleys
the simulation of the nonlinear model matches the experimental and the bridge (k5 and k6 ) get longer through a positive motion
data equally well for these two voltages. in x-direction. At the same time, the belt sections between the
Figs. 5(a) and 6(a) show similar differences in the amplitude motor pulleys and the bridge (k3 and k4 ) get shorter through the
of starting oscillations between simulation and experimental same motion.
response. This leads to the conclusion that these oscillations Stiffness changing only with respect to y
observed on the real system are caused by an effect other than AE
nonlinear friction not represented in the dynamic model. In k7 = (42)
l7 + y
Fig. 7(a), a slight motion in y-direction of the experimental data
can be seen. These are effects not represented through the model; k8 = . (43)
however, they are relatively small (submillimeter) compared to l8 − y
the effects of nonlinear friction. Only dependent on a change in y are these two belt sections
This shows, as expected, that nonlinear friction is an impor- along the bridge that are connected to the cart (k7 and k8 ).
tant factor in the dynamic response of the H-frame system and The earlier stated equations can now be plugged into (9) in
need to be modeled to get an accurate dynamic response. Thus, order to obtain the stiffnesses kl , kr , and kb , which are used
the goal of developing a model that can be used to simulate a in the simplified eighth-order model of the H-frame system as
well-matched response for different sets of input voltages was follows:
k1 k5 k7 AE
kl = =
k1 k5 + k1 k7 + k7 k5 (l1 + l5 + l7 ) + x + y
kr = =
k2 k6 + k2 k8 + k6 k8 (l2 + l6 + l8 ) + x − y
All simulations, so far, have assumed that the stiffness values
of the belts are constant, which is only valid for limited range k3 k4 k9 AE
kb = = . (44)
motion. The stiffness of each belt section is given by k3 k9 + k3 k4 + k4 k9 (l3 + l4 + l9 ) − 2x
In this paper, an eighth-order lumped-parameter model for the
dynamics of a belt-driven, parallel-type, XY positioning system
constructed in the form of a capitalized H was derived. The
model incorporates nonlinear Coulumb friction in addition to
viscous friction effects. Furthermore, the stiffness of the belt
sections is shown to be a function of the XY position of the cart.
MATLAB simulation of the model response was compared with
the response of the real system, and the results show that the
model can accurately predict the response of the stage at least
within the limited range of the sensors that were used. The model
can be used in the design of closed-loop controllers to control
the motion of the system.
Fig. 10. Change of belt stiffness with respect to cart motion. (a) x-motion.
(b) y-motion.
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