AP Works Accounts Service

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780 THE A.P. CIVIL SERVICES CODE WORKS ACCOUNTS 226. The Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Service Rules [G.O.Ms.No. 86, Finance & Planning (FW.WA.D, Dt. 22-05-1998] In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso of Article 309 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto enabling and in supersession of the Ad-hoc Rules and the Special Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.139, Finance and Planning (FW.WA.1) Department, dated 30th April, 1982 and G.O.Ms.No.290, Finance and Planning (FW.WA.1) Department, dated 11th November, 1982 as amended from time to time the extent of thc categories mentioned in these Rules, the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Special Rules for the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Service, 1. Short title and Commencement :—These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Service Rules, 1998. 2, Constitution :—The Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Service shall consist of the following categories of posts in the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Service. Category-I_ :—Director of Works Accounts. Category-II_ :—Joint Director of Works Accounts (formerly designated as Director of Accounts) including Deputy Financial Adviser, Finance and Planning (Projects Wing) Department in the Andhra Pradesh Secretariat, Category-II] :—Pay and Accounts Officers/Assistant Financial Adviser in Finance and Planning (Projects Wing) Department, Andhra Pradesh Secretariat/Chief Accounts Officers Working in the Engineer-in- Chief and Chief Engincers Offices. Category-IV :— Assistant Pay & Accounts Officers and Accounts Officers Working in the Offices of the Chief Engineers. Category-V :—Divisional Accounts Officers(Works), Grade-T. Category-VI :—Divisional Accounts Officers(Works), Grade-II. 3. Method of Appointment and Appointing Authority :—Subject to the other Provisions of these Rules, the method of appointment and appointing authority for the Categories of the posts shall be as mentioned in the table below -— S.No. Category Method of appointment Appointing authority @ Q 8 1, Director of Works By promotion of Joint Government Accounts(Category-I) Director of Works Accounts including Financial Adviser The A.P. Works Accounts Service Rules 781 a) (2) (63) Gonmerly ce Gesigusied ea Director Finanss ecé Pleating ovis Wag) of Accounts) including Department and/Chief Accounts Officer Deputy Financial Ad- working in the Office of the Engineer-in- viser, Finance and Chief and Chief Engineers’ Offices. Planning (Projects (Category-IIl) Wing) Department. = Categary-ID -_- _— 3. Pay and Accounts By promotion of Assistant Government ‘Offiter/Assistant > Payand Accounts Officers - “Financial: Adviser, and Accotints Officers Sere Finance and Planning working in the Office of ~ — (Projects Wing) De- the Chief Engineers. pariment/Chief Ac- (Category-IV) _counts Officers. Work-... ing in the Engineer-in- Chief and Chief Assistant Pay and ()_ By promotion of Divisional. Goyernment ‘Accounts, Officers Accounts Officers = gud Aceouits Oi (Works), Grae. a eb ‘working in the (Category-V) ~) = Offices of the Chief ~ “~~ Engineers. (Category-IV). (ii). By appointment by transfer oF ~ F00 = 3 — Section.Officers of Finance. and =-.- Lis Planning (Finance Wing) sta = Department of the. Andhra z --* «Pradesh Secretariat. - : >.» (i) By appointment by tansferof. 9 2 = ____ | _\__* Section “Officers of the Department “of Secretariat inthe common-unit who have worked for at least two years in Finance and Planning (Projects Wing) Department with not less than at least three years of service as Section-Officers. 782 THE A.P. CIVIL SERVICES CODE a @ @) (iv) By appointment by transfer of Superintendents working in the Accounts Organisation under the administrative control of Director of Works Accounts with six (6) years of service. 5. Divisional Accounts By promotion of Divisional Accounts Director of Works Officers (Works), Officer’(Works) Grade-II. Accounts Grade-I (Category-V) (Category-VI) 6. Divisional Accounts (i) By direct recruitment Director of Officers (Works), 50% (fifty per cent). Works Accounts Grade-11 (ii) The remaining 50% (fifty per (Category-V1) cent) shall be filled in by appointment by transfer of Superintendents working in the Circles and Divisions of Roads and Buildings, Irrigation, including Major Projects, Public Health and Municipal Engineering and Panchayat Raj Engineering Departments ; and by appointment by transfer of Superintendents working in the Accounts Orgnisation under the administrative control of Director of Works Accounts ; and if no suitable Superinten- dents are available, by appointment by transfer of Senior Assistant in the Circles and Divisions of the Engineering Departments, referred to above, and the Senior Assistants working in the Accounts Organisa- tion under the administra- tive control of/Director of Works Accounts. Note J :—In respect of appointment of the category of Assistant Pay and Accounts Officers and Accounts Officers working in the offices of the Chief Engineers(Category- TV), out of every ten successive vacancies in this category, the second and fifth vacancy shall be filled in by the Section Officers of Finance and Planning (Finance Wing) Department of Secretariat and Section Officers of the Departments of Secretariat in the common unit

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