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Active Benchmarking
Active Benchmarking
Linux Performance
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08 Nov 2018 »
Blog FlameScope
This page links to hi-res: observability + static + perf-tools/bcc (svg) Pattern
Sys Perf book
Linux Perf various Linux Recognition
Perf Methods performance 08 Oct 2018 »
USE Method bpftrace
material I've
TSA Method (DTrace 2.0)
Off-CPU created, including for Linux 2018
Analysis the tools maps on 30 Jun 2018 »
Active Bench. the right. The first Evaluating the
WSS Estimation Evaluation: A
Flame Graphs is a hi-res version
Heat Maps combining Checklist
Frequency Trails observability, static 31 May 2018 »
Colony Graphs
perf Examples performance Linux
eBPF Tools tuning, and perf-
DTrace Tools tcpdrop
tools/bcc (see 30 Apr 2018 »
DtkshDemos discussion). The USENIX LISA
Guessing Game remainder were 2018: CFP
Specials Now Open
designed for use in
Books 22 Mar 2018 »
Other Sites slide decks and TCP
have larger fonts Tracepoints
This Page: and arrows, and 09 Feb 2018 »
Linux slides: observability KPTI/KAISER
show: Linux
Performance Meltdown
Tools observability tools, Initial
Documentation Linux Performance
Talks benchmarking Regressions
Resources 17 Jan 2018 »
tools, Linux tuning
How To
tools, and Linux Measure the
sar. For even more Working Set
diagrams, see my Size on Linux
31 Dec 2017 »
slide decks below.
AWS re:Invent
2017: How
Tools Netflix Tunes
29 Nov 2017 »
perf_events: 2017:
perf one-
liners, 13 Nov 2017 »
examples, Brilliant Jerks
visualizations. in Engineering
28 Oct 2017 »
eBPF tools: EuroBSDcon:
eBPF tracing System
tools and
examples with Methodologies
bcc. 05 Sep 2017 »
Solaris to
perf-tools: Linux Migration
perf analysis 2017
tools using 24 Aug 2017 »
Total Solar
Eclipse 2017
(github). 08 Aug 2017 »
Linux Load
bcc: perf
analysis tools slides: static, benchmarking, tuning Solving the
using eBPF Mystery
(github). 30 Jul 2017 »
Coloring Flame
ktap: one- Graphs: Code
liners, Hues
30 Jun 2017 »
examples, and
Java Package
scripts. Flame Graph
Flame Graphs: sar, perf-tools, bcc/BPF: 16 May 2017 »
Working at
using perf, Netflix 2017
SystemTap, 15 May 2017 »
and ktap. Container
Analysis at
Images license: creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. 09 May 2017 »
Documentation CPU Utilization
is Wrong
Blog index
Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds shows the first ten commands to use in an RSS
investigation (video, PDF). Written by myself and the performance engineering team at Netflix
My post Performance Tuning Linux Instances on EC2 includes the tunables we're using at Netflix
A post on Linux Load Averages: Solving the Mystery, explaining what they are and why they
include the uninterruptible sleep state (2017).
A gdb Debugging Full Example (Tutorial), including the use of some perf/debugging tools (2016).
Generating flame graphs on Linux using perf & eBPF:
CPU Flame Graphs
Off-CPU Flame Graphs
Memory Flame Graphs
Posts about eBPF, bcc, and bpftrace (2015-8):
Linux eBPF (2015)
bcc: Taming Linux 4.3+ Tracing Superpowers
tcpconnect and tcpaccept for Linux (bcc)
Linux eBPF Stack Trace Hack (bcc) (2016)
Linux eBPF Off-CPU Flame Graph (bcc)
Linux Wakeup and Off-Wake Profiling (bcc)
Linux chain graph prototype (bcc)
Linux eBPF/bcc uprobes
Linux BPF/bcc Road Ahead
Ubuntu Xenial bcc/BPF
Linux bcc/BPF Tracing Security Capabilities
Linux MySQL Slow Query Tracing with bcc/BPF
Linux bcc/BPF ext4 Latency Tracing
Linux bcc/BPF Run Queue (Scheduler) Latency
Linux bcc/BPF Node.js USDT Tracing
Linux bcc tcptop
Linux 4.9's Efficient BPF-based Profiler
DTrace for Linux 2016
Linux 4.x Tracing Tools: Using BPF Superpowers
Linux bcc/BPF tcplife: TCP Lifespans
Golang bcc/BPF Function Tracing (2017)
7 BPF tools for performance analysis on Fedora
TCP Tracepoints (2018)
Linux bcc/eBPF tcpdrop
bpftrace (DTrace 2.0) for Linux 2018
My article Ftrace: The Hidden Light Switch shows a use case for Linux ftrace (Aug,
Posts about ftrace-based perf-tools (2014-5):
iosnoop for Linux, iosnoop Latency Heat Maps, opensnoop for Linux, execsnoop for Linux,
ftrace: The Hidden Light Switch, tcpretrans
Page Cache Hit Ratio, uprobe: User-Level Dynamic Tracing, Hacking Linux USDT
Posts about perf-based perf-tools: perf Hacktogram.
Posts about perf_events (2014-7):
perf CPU Sampling, perf Static Tracepoints, perf Heat Maps, perf Counting, perf Kernel
Line Tracing,
perf Off-CPU Time Flame Graphs, Linux Profiling at Netflix, Java Mixed-Mode Flame
Graphs (PDF), Linux 4.5 perf folded format,
perf sched for Linux CPU scheduler analysis
A page on Working Set Size Estimation for Linux (2018+).
A post on KPTI/KAISER Meltdown Initial Performance Regressions (2018).
In The PMCs of EC2: Measuring IPC I showed the new Performance Monitoring Counter (PMC)
support in the AWS EC2 cloud (2017).
CPU Utilization is Wrong: a post explaining the growing problem of memory stall cycles
dominating the %CPU metric (2017).
A post about Linux 4.7 Hist Triggers (2016).
The blog post strace Wow Much Syscall discusses strace(1) for production use, and compares it to
advanced tracing tools (2014).
USE Method: Linux Performance Checklist; also see the USE Method page for the description of
this methodology.
Off-CPU Analysis Method, where I demonstrate this methodology on Linux.
Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud (Prentice Hall, 2013) uses Linux distributions as
the primary example.
In rough order of recommended viewing or difficulty, intro to more advanced:
This is my summary of Linux systems performance in 50 minutes, covering six facets: observability,
methodologies, benchmarking, profiling, tracing, and tuning. It's intended for people who have limited
appetite for this topic.
A video of the talk is on, and the slides are on slideshare or as a PDF.
1 of 72
For a lot more information on observability tools, profiling, and tracing, see the talks that follow.
This was a 20 minute keynote summary of recent changes and features in Linux performance in 2018.
A video of the talk is on youtube, and the slides are on slideshare or as a PDF.
1 of 19
At Velocity 2015, I gave a 90 minute tutorial on Linux performance tools, summarizing performance
observability, benchmarking, tuning, static performance tuning, and tracing tools. I also covered
performance methodology, and included some live demos. This should be useful for everyone working
on Linux systems. If you just saw my PerconaLive2016 talk, then some content should be familiar, but
with many extras: I focus a lot more on the tools in this talk.
A video of the talk is on youtube (playlist; part 1, part 2) and the slides are on slideshare or as a PDF.
1 of 142
This was similar to my SCaLE11x and LinuxCon talks, however, with 90 minutes I was able to cover
more tools and methodologies, making it the most complete tour of the topic I've done. I also posted
about it on the Netflix Tech Blog.
4. How Netflix Tunes EC2 Instances for Performance (AWS re:Invent, 2017)
Instead of performance observability, this talk is about tuning. I begin by providing Netflix
background, covering instance types and features in the AWS EC2 cloud, and then talk about Linux
kernel tunables and observability.
At DockerCon 2017 in Austin, I gave a talk on Linux container performance analysis, showing how to
find bottlenecks in the host vs the container, how to profiler container apps, and dig deeper into the
At the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE 14x), I gave a talk on Broken Linux Performance
Tools. This was a follow-on to my earlier Linux Performance Tools talk originally at SCaLE11x (and
more recently at Velocity as a tutorial). This broken tools talk was a tour of common problems with
Linux system tools, metrics, statistics, visualizations, measurement overhead, and benchmarks. It also
includes advice on how to cope (the green "What You Can Do" slides).
A video of the talk is on youtube and the slides are on slideshare or as a PDF.
1 of 95
At Kernel Recipes 2017 I gave an updated talk on Linux perf at Netflix, focusing on getting CPU
profiling and flame graphs to work. This talk includes a crash course on perf_events, plus gotchas such
as fixing stack traces and symbols when profiling Java, Node.js, VMs, and containers.
1 of 79
There's also an older version of this talk from 2015, which I've posted about. To learn more about flame
graphs, see my flame graphs presentation.
8. Give me 15 minutes and I'll change your view of Linux tracing (LISA, 2016)
I gave this demo at USENIX/LISA 2016, showing ftrace, perf, and bcc/BPF. A video is on youtube.
This was the first part of a longer talk on Linux 4.x Tracing Tools: Using BPF Superpowers. See the
full talk video and talk slides.
This talk covers using enhanced BPF (aka eBPF) features added to the Linux 4.x series for
performance analysis, observability, and debugging. The front-end used in this talk is bcc (BPF
compiler collection), an open source project that provides BPF interfaces and a collection of tools.
A video of the talk is on youtube, and the slides are on slideshare or as a PDF.
1 of 54
10. Linux Performance Analysis: New Tools and Old Secrets (ftrace) (LISA 2014)
At USENIX LISA 2014, I gave a talk on the new ftrace and perf_events tools I've been developing: the
perf-tools collection on github, which mostly uses ftrace: a tracer that has been built into the Linux
kernel for many years, but few have discovered (practically a secret).
A video of the talk is on youtube, and the slides are on slideshare or as a PDF. In a post about this talk,
I included some more screenshots of these tools in action.
At SREcon 2016 Santa Clara, I gave the closing talk on performance checklists for SREs (Site
Reliability Engineers). The later half of this talk included Linux checklists for incident performance
response. These may be useful whether you're analyzing Linux performance in a hurry or not.
A video of the talk is on youtube and usenix, and the slides are on slideshare and as a PDF. I included
the checklists in a blog post.
Other resources (not by me) I'd recommend for the topic of Linux performance:
Performance analysis & tuning of Red Hat Enterprise Linux - 2015 Red Hat Summit (video 2hrs):
this is a great and in-depth tour of Linux performance tuning that should be largely applicable to
all Linux distros.
Linux Instrumentation: slides from a great talk in June 2010 by Ian Munsie, which summarizes the
different Linux tracers very well. If you're trying to understand all the tracers and frameworks, this
is worth studying (keeping in mind it's from 2010).
Julia Evans blog has many posts about many topics, including performance tools.
Davidlohr Bueso's Linux performance posts.