Atmospheric Foam Tank
Atmospheric Foam Tank
Atmospheric Foam Tank
All tanks offered by Chemguard are suitable for If the tank has been received in a satisfactory
use with Chemguard manufactured and supplied condition, locate the tank in the desired level loca-
foam concentrates. tion and if necessary, anchor to the floor. If pos-
sible, leave an area around the tank free from any
The fiberglass and plastic tanks do not have walls, obstacles, etc. This gives working space
expansion domes due to the dome shape of the for connecting the foam system piping to/from the
top of the tank. Inspection hatches are provided tank.
on both style tanks. Regardless of the material of
construction, a pressure/vacuum vent must be Fig. 7 shows a typical piping arrangement of a
installed. This is normally installed on the foam concentrate pump atmospheric tank supply-
inspection hatch on the fiberglass or molded ing an in-line balanced pressure proportioning
polyethylene tanks and on the cover of the system.
expansion dome on the carbon or stainless steel
Fig. 16 shows a typical style tank in carbon steel.
Chemguard does not supply any inter-connecting
piping, strainers, valves, etc. that are not specifi-
IMPORTANT cally mentioned on any quotation or order
If using a carbon or stainless steel tank with AFFF
type foam concentrates, it is recommended by Fig. 9 illustrates the typical piping layout for a
Chemguard NOT to internally line the inside of the pressure proportioning pump skid system.
tank shell. The reason is that the tank and the
liner have different coefficient expansion ratios
during various ambient temperature cycles. Over IMPORTANT
time, pin holes may occur in the lining. AFFFs
having a very good wetting ability, will penetrate When using AFFF or AR-AFFF type foam con-
the pin holes and get in between the lining and the centrates in any atmospheric type storage tank, it
tank shell. Eventually portions of the lining may is recommended by Chemguard that after filling
flake off and travel into the foam concentrate the tank with the correct quantity of foam
system, subsequently blocking orifices, strainers, concentrate a thin layer (approximately 1/4 inch)
etc. Fig. 17 shows a custom built tank in 316 of a quality mineral oil be placed on the surface of
stainless steel. Other configurations are avail- the foam concentrate. This alleviates the problem
able. Contact the engineering department at associated with evaporation of the foam concen-
Chemguard for further assistance. trate.
During any filling of the storage tank(s) if any
AFFF concentrate spills on any painted surface,
immediately wash the area with water. The sol-
vents in the AFFF may cause streaking of any
painted surface.
FIG. 16
2" Pressure
Vacuum Vent
300 - 1,000 Gal. Tanks Have Pipe Legs 2" Suction Line 1" Drain Valve
1,000 - 3,000 Gal. Tanks Have Saddle Supports
FIG. 17
2" Pressure
Vacuum Vent
Raised Face
Flanged Connection
Manway/Expansion Dome
with Inspection Hatch
316 S.S., 12 GA.