Sinais e Sintomas Vocais e de Fala em Indivíduos Expostos A Agentes Químicos: Uma Análise de Prontuários

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Rev. CEFAC. 2018 Mar-Abr; 20(2):209-217 doi: 10.


Artigos originais

Sinais e sintomas vocais e de fala em indivíduos expostos a

agentes químicos: uma análise de prontuários
Voice and speech signs and symptoms in individuals exposed to chemical
agents: an analysis of medical records
Carina Dias Lisbôa(1)
Márcia Gomide da Silva Mello(2)

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - ABSTRACT
UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Research support source: Fundação Carlos Objective: to identify voice and speech signs and symptoms in patients exposed to
Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do chemical agents.
Estado do Rio de Janeiro – FAPERJ.
Methods: an exploratory and descriptive study analyzing the data from the medical
Conflict of interests: Nonexistent records of patients who sought health services at a toxicology outpatient clinic located
in Southeastern Brazil.
Results: a total of 139 medical records were obtained, 75 being selected. Twelve of
the records selected contained data regarding voice and speech symptoms, including
hoarseness (3), loss of voice (2), chronic throat inflammation (1), sore throat (1),
secretion and burning in the throat (1), dry throat and mouth (1), lump in the throat
associated with difficulty in swallowing (1), difficulty in articulating words (1), and
difficulty in verbal expression (1). Diseases capable of causing phono-articulatory pro-
blems were detected in 6 cases. These symptoms affected individuals with occupa-
tional exposure to different substances, particularly community health agents (7) and
pesticide applicators (7).
Conclusion: individuals exposed to chemical substances experienced voice and
speech problems, either due to a possible irritation caused by chemical agents or due
to diseases developed during or after the exposure.
Keywords: Signs and Symptoms; Voice; Speech Disorders; Chemical Compound

Received on: September 15, 2017

Accepted on: February 6, 2018

Mailing address:
Carina Dias Lisbôa
Avenida Horácio Macedo , S/N, Ilha do
CEP: 21044-020 - Rio de Janeiro, Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil
210 | Lisbôa CD, Mello MGS

INTRODUCTION and exhaled nitric oxide in 146 public swimming pool

Exposure to chemical agents may cause severe workers, of which 17% complained of airway problems
health problems. According to the World Health associated with work, including hoarseness, cough,
Organization, 193,000 deaths occur each year rhinitis, and nasal obstruction11. In addition, another
worldwide as a result of unintentional poisoning by Swedish study analyzed a population of hairdressers,
chemical agents1. In Brazil, the National System and reported that these workers exhibited nasal
of Toxicological and Pharmacological Information symptoms, and complained of throat irritation12.
reported 4,758, 9,236, 3,555, and 222 cases of human In Italy, dysarthria was detected in a former worker of
intoxication by agrochemicals (agricultural and a rayon viscose factory exposed to carbon disulphide13.
domestic use), household cleaning products, industrial In Bulgaria, 137 out of 900 workers of a chemical
chemicals, and metals, respectively, all in 2014 alone, refinery exposed to irritating gases exhibited vocal
numbers causing extreme concern for public health2. disorders, including 101 cases of chronic laryngitis, 31
cases of acute vocal fold inflammation, and 5 cases of
Intoxication may cause many adverse effects in
laryngeal carcinoma14. The association between cancer
humans, and affect different bodily systems, including
in the head and neck regions, and exposure to toxic
those involved in voice and speech production.
agents has been widely reported in the literature15,16.
However, only a few studies worldwide have attempted
Therefore, the evaluation of the occurrence of phono-
to identify and evaluate the possible signs and
articulatory changes in populations exposed to
symptoms of such intoxication3-5.
chemical substances is essential for the early diagnosis
A study conducted in the United States reported
of voice and speech dysfunction, and especially of
that airway injury might occur due to inhalation of
cancer in voice/speech-related organs and structures.
chemical substances, especially after fires or occupa-
Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify
tional exposure to hydrocarbons, leading to laryngeal
the presence of voice and speech signs and symptoms
dysfunction4. In a study conducted in the United
in individuals occupationally and/or environmentally
States and Japan, neurological and phono-articulatory
exposed to chemical agents, who sought health
changes were identified in three workers at a cushion
services in a toxicology outpatient clinic located in
factory exposed to glue containing 1-bromopropane,
Southeastern Brazil, by analyzing their medical records.
ethyl acetate, and aliphatic hydrocarbons6.
In Canada, 49% of a total study population of
351 individuals exposed to environmental irritants METHODS
complained of voice loss or hoarseness7. In Brazil, an This study was approved by two Research Ethics
evaluation of 280 metallurgists indicated that 69.3% Committees of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
were exposed to chemical products, and presented dry under Opinion Numbers: 945368 and 954983. This
throat (72.9%), throat irritation or pain (68.9%), throat exploratory and descriptive study17 analyzed 139
clearing (66.1%), episodes of hoarseness (58.2%), medical records of individuals exposed to chemical
cough (50.4%), speech fatigue (20.7%), and voice loss agents who sought health services in a toxicology
(9.3%)5. outpatient clinic of a university hospital in southeast
A study conducted in China compared 300 workers Brazil in the past two decades. It should be emphasized
exposed to benzene, toluene, or both, to 130 workers that the patients treated at the outpatient clinic were not
from a control group without exposure, and found a subjected to any procedure in this study, because this
higher prevalence of sore throat among the exposed study focused exclusively on the medical records.
workers8. A study conducted in Japan compared The selection criterion was: medical records
25 volunteer students subdivided into four groups, belonging to individuals aged ≥18 years exposed to
exposed to 100, 250, 500, or 1000 ppm of acetone, chemical agents, alone or in groups. The exclusion
and a control group, and reported an irritation of the criteria were: medical records of individuals with
nasal, throat, and tracheal mucosa in students exposed allergic, immunological, respiratory, neurological,
to 500 and 1000 ppm9. In Iran, individuals who inhaled otorhinolaryngological, osteomuscular, gastrointes-
mustard gas presented changes in lung function and tinal, endocrine, and/or psychiatric disorders; and
maximum phonation time10. individuals with dysfunction of voice and/or speech
A study from Sweden found a relationship between and/or swallowing. All these disorders were diagnosed
respiratory complaints and exposure to trichloramine before exposure to chemical substances. Individuals

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Voice and speech in chemical agents exposition | 211

with a history of alcoholism and/or smoking were also sign, including hoarseness (3), loss of voice (2), chronic
excluded. These criteria were assessed in anamnesis, throat inflammation (1), sore throat (1), secretions and
with the clinical evaluation being performed in the first burning sensation in the throat (1), throat and mouth
outpatient consultation, using the data obtained from dryness (1), throat lump associated with difficulty in
medical records. swallowing (1), and difficulty in articulating words (1).
After adopting the inclusion and exclusion criteria, The sign was difficulty in verbal expression (1). Data
64 of the 139 initially obtained records were excluded from the medical records are summarized in Figure 1.
for the following reasons: history of smoking and/or Of the 12 medical records with data regarding
alcoholism (50 cases), respiratory disorders (asthma, voice and speech signs and symptoms, 8 belonged
bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis) (10 cases),
to women and 4 belonged to men. The following age
endocrinological disease (hypothyroidism) (1 case),
groups were identified: 34–35 years (2), 36–40 years
and neurological disorders (ischemic stroke, aneurysm,
(1), 41–45 years (2), 46–50 years (3), 51–55 years (1),
epilepsy) (3 cases). All these disorders were manifested
and 56–59 years (3).
and diagnosed before chemical exposure. Therefore,
75 records, from patients who attended the toxicology The following occupations were retrieved from
outpatient clinic from 1999 to 2015, were selected. the records: health agent (7), production operator
This study was conducted in four stages. First (1) (1), smelting assistant (1), metallurgist (1), chemical
was the preparation of a data collection form, typed on technician (1), and mechanic (1). The study partici-
a computer, and later printed for manual filling of data pants were exposed to the following chemical agents:
from medical records, including the following variables: insecticides (7); toluene (1); toluene, benzene, and
voice and speech signs and symptoms, patient age, trichloroethylene (1); acetone, turpentine, and paints
occupation, gender, chemical agent(s) to which the (1); gasoline, fluorine, aluminum sulfate, and chlorine
patients were exposed, duration of exposure, and other (1), and metallic lead (1). The exposure periods were: 2
information that might be relevant for analyzing phono- years (1), 5 years (1), 8 years (1), 11 years (1), 12 years
articulatory complaints. Second (2), medical records (1), 14 years (5), 17 years (1), and 24 years (1).
were selected following application of the inclusion Only one patient was referred to the otorhinolaryn-
and exclusion criteria; and third (3), manual collection gologist for evaluation of the symptom (sore throat).
of information present in the selected medical records.
In addition, 6 of the 12 medical records containing
Finally (4), descriptive analysis by creating a summary
voice and speech signs and symptoms included
table of data regarding signs and symptoms, gender,
data on diseases that manifested during or after the
age, occupation, chemical agent(s), duration of
exposure to chemical agents had ceased, and could
exposure, and clinical data from the selected records.
have adverse effects on phono-articulation, namely
toxic encephalopathy and ototoxic hearing loss (1),
RESULTS ototoxic hearing loss alone (1), hypothyroidism (1),
A total of 12 out of the 75 records analyzed contained allergic rhinitis (1), systemic lupus erythematosus (1),
data regarding voice and speech symptoms and one and neuropathy due to lead poisoning (1).

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212 | Lisbôa CD, Mello MGS

Duration of
Signs and
Sex Age Occupation Chemical agent(s) exposure Information
Patient professionally involved in paper printing and
recycling sought health services at the toxicology
outpatient clinic with the following symptoms: headache,
Hoarseness Production Acetone, paints, and nervousness, body tremors, insomnia, loss of vision,
M 50 years 14 years
(symptom) operator turpentine hoarseness, and auditory complaint. He was referred
for neurological and audiological evaluation, and was
later diagnosed with toxic encephalopathy and ototoxic
hearing loss.
Patient professionally involved in insecticide manipulation
and application sought health services at the toxicology
Organophoshate outpatient clinic, with the following symptoms: skin
Hoarseness insecticide Malathion lesions, allergic eye reactions, and hoarseness. He was
M 42 years Health agent 14 years
(symptom) and an unspecified referred for dermatological and immunological evaluation.
pyrethroid However, the immunological and dermatological results
and diagnosis data were not included in the medical
Patient retired 2 years ago from job involving exposure
to insecticides (insecticide handling and application),
and started working as an administrative assistant. After
Organophosphorus retirement from job involving pesticide application, she
Hoarseness insecticides sought health services at the toxicology outpatient clinic
F 58 years Health agent 12 years
(symptom) Malathion and for follow-up. During the outpatient appointment, she
Temephos reported the following symptoms: forgetfulness, hair
loss, hoarseness, and anterior cervical enlargement. She
was referred for endocrinological evaluation, and was
later diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
Patient retired 4 years ago from job involving exposure to
insecticides (insecticide manipulation and application),
and started working as a homemaker. After retirement,
she sought health services at the toxicology outpatient
Loss of voice insecticides
F 34 years Health agent 8 years clinic for follow-up, and was diagnosed with allergic
(symptom) Malathion and
rhinitis. During the outpatient appointment, she reported
the following symptoms: allergic rhinitis, loss of voice,
and laryngeal irritability. No referrals were made during
this consultation.
Patient professionally involved in insecticide manipulation
and application sought health services at the toxicology
Loss of voice outpatient clinic, with a complaint of headache. During
F 41 years Health agent organophosphate 14 years
(symptom) the outpatient appointment, she reported the following
symptoms: swollen ankle and loss of voice. No referrals
were made during this consultation.
Patient retired 4 months ago from job involving
exposure to insecticides (insecticide handling and
application). After retirement, the patient sought health
Chronic throat
Unspecified services at the toxicology outpatient clinic, and was
inflammation F 40 years Health agent 5 years
insecticides diagnosed with changes in visual acuity. During the
outpatient appointment, she complained of chronic
throat inflammation. No referrals were made during this
The patient retired 8 months ago from job involving
exposure to toluene. After retirement, she sought health
services at the toxicology outpatient clinic for follow-
up. During the outpatient appointment, she reported
Sore throat Chemistry
F 35 years Toluene 14 years sore throat and burning sensation of the face during
(symptom) technician
occupational exposure to toluene. She was referred
for otorhinolaryngological evaluation. However, the
laryngological evaluation data were not included in the
medical record.
Patient working as a mechanic sought health services
at the toxicology outpatient clinic with complaints of
dizziness. He was diagnosed with ototoxic hearing
Secretion and Gasoline, fluorine,
loss. After retirement from job involving exposure to
burning in the throat M 52 years Mechanic chlorine, and 17 years
chemical agents, and after 7 years of follow-up in the
(symptom) aluminum sulfate
outpatient clinic, the patient complained of secretion and
burning in the throat. No referrals were made during this

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Voice and speech in chemical agents exposition | 213

Duration of
Signs and
Sex Age Occupation Chemical agent(s) exposure Information
Patient working with insecticide handling and application
Organophosphorus sought health services at the toxicology outpatient clinic.
Dry throat and mouth
F 59 years Health agent insecticides 14 years She complained of forgetfulness, and dryness in the
Temephos mouth and throat. She was referred for psychological
Patient working with insecticide handling and application
sought health services at the toxicology outpatient clinic,
Lump in the throat Organophosphorus with the following symptoms: headache, insomnia, lump
and difficulty insecticides in the throat, and difficulty swallowing. It is of note that
F 56 years Health agent 11 years
swallowing Malathion and the words "lump in the thyroid?" were written next to the
(symptom) Temephos words “lump in the throat.” However, no lumps were
detected in the thyroid gland during physical examination,
and the patient was referred for biochemical examination.
Patient working with cleaning of warfare components
sought health services at the toxicology outpatient
clinic with complaints of cramps. During the outpatient
Difficulty in
Benzene, toluene, appointment, she reported the following symptoms:
articulating words F 50 years Metallurgist 24 years
and trichloroethylene difficulty in articulating words, joint pain, and altered
sensitivity of the hands. No referrals were made during
this consultation. The patient was diagnosed with
systemic lupus erythematosus.
Patient professionally involved in the manufacture
of jewelry sought health services at the toxicology
outpatient clinic. The results of physical examination
Difficulty in verbal
M 47 years Smelting assistant Metallic lead 2 years indicated difficulty in verbal expression and a decrease
expression (sign)
in muscle strength in the limbs. The patient was referred
for clinical tests, and was diagnosed with neuropathy due
to lead exposure.

Figure 1. Data from medical records

DISCUSSION exposure to acetone, paints, and turpentine, and

during the clinical consultation, was diagnosed with
The symptoms and the sign were found in the
toxic encephalopathy and ototoxic hearing loss. These
medical records of individuals of both sexes and
dysfunctions may impair voice and speech mecha-
different age groups with chronic occupational
nisms20,21. In addition, acetone is a volatile organic
exposure to chemical substances. The impairment of
compound, and the inhalation of its vapors, depending
vocal mechanisms and speech production in workers
on the dose, may irritate the airways, with the exposed
exposed to toxic agents was also found in previous
studies conducted in China (1987)8, Japan and the individuals complaining of throat irritation9 and central
United States6, Sweden11,12, Italy13, Bulgaria14, and nervous system depression22.
Brazil5. It is noteworthy that labor activities may affect Paints are usually composed of different solvents,
the dynamics of the health-disease binomial pair including naphtha, toluene, xylene, and n-hexane,
because, particularly for chemical exposure, workers which may have neurotoxic effects23. A study conducted
are in contact with chemical components in high doses in 1988 reported a high risk of laryngeal cancer among
and for a long period, and do not necessarily have workers exposed to this product24. The United States
access to or use personal protective equipment18. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have
Hoarseness is one of the vocal symptoms detected, reported that turpentine damages the respiratory tract,
which may indicate deviations or irregularities in leading to throat and nose irritation and discomfort. In
the vocal fold vibration, and may have organic addition, chronic exposure to turpentine may affect the
and functional etiologies. Hoarseness may be due neurological system25.
to malignant laryngeal neoplasia, whose primary Hoarseness was also reported by two other patients
symptom is a rough vocal quality, an indication that is who served as public health agents. One worker
often underestimated19. manipulated and applied organophosphorus insecti-
One of the three patients who presented this cides (Malathion) and an unspecified pyrethroid for 14
symptom was a production operator with occupational years. The second worker had been retired for 2 years

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214 | Lisbôa CD, Mello MGS

when she sought outpatient care, after being exposed in the laryngeal mucosa, and these symptoms may
to the organophosphate insecticides Malathion and be due to chronic inflammation triggered by chemical
Temephos for 12 years, and was diagnosed with agents in contact with the airways31.
hypothyroidism, which may have adverse effects on Chlorine is an inorganic compound that causes
the phonatory mechanism, including edema in vocal irritation to the respiratory system32. Gasoline is a
folds26. volatile organic compound that contains a mixture of
Organophosphate insecticides may inhibit chemical substances, including toluene, xylene, and
the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which leads to benzene, a toxic combination. Gasoline may damage
cholinergic hyperstimulation by the accumulation the respiratory and neurological systems, and gasoline
of acetylcholine in the synapses, with neurological vapors increase the risk of laryngeal and pharyngeal
involvement27. Paralysis of vocal folds is rare, and the cancer33.
etiology is linked to the neurological effects produced
Fluorine is an inorganic substance used to
by organophosphate insecticides28. Pyrethroids cause
manufacture other chemical compounds, and causes
respiratory problems in exposed workers, including
severe irritation to exposed tissues, especially to
nasal and throat irritation, sneezing, and coughing29.
the respiratory mucosa34. Aluminum is used in the
Voice loss was diagnosed in two patients who
manufacture of many products, including pots, pans,
worked as health agents. One of them had been
and cosmetics. Exposure to aluminum dust compro-
exposed to an unspecified organophosphate insec-
mises the respiratory system. In Germany, workers
ticide for 14 years. The second patient had a history
exposed to aluminum dust were diagnosed with respi-
of exposure to Malathion and Temephos for 8 years.
ratory tract dysfunction during a health evaluation35.
After retirement, she sought care in the toxicology clinic
Symptoms of dryness in the throat and mouth were
with vocal complaints, and was diagnosed with allergic
reported by a health agent exposed to the organophos-
rhinitis. Therefore, organophosphates are neurotoxic27.
phate insecticide Temephos for 14 years, an insecticide
Further, insecticides cause rhinitis, which may lead to
class known to cause adverse events27,28. Exposure to
airway irritation30.
chemical agents may cause dryness in the laryngeal
Chronic throat inflammation were reported by
mucosa, and affect the viscosity of the vocal folds, and
a health agent who was exposed to insecticides
their vibration during phonation31.
for 5 years, and sought our service 4 months after
retirement. This symptom may be caused by different Lump in the throat accompanied by difficulty in
etiologic factors, including bacteria, parasites, viruses, swallowing were reported by a health agent who was
and traumas, as well as environmental and chemical exposed to the organophosphate insecticide Malathion
factors. The latter two categories involve continued and Temephos for 11 years. Lumps in the neck are
exposure to irritant agents, which may cause chronic known to possibly indicate different clinical condi-
inflammation31. tions, including thyroid dysfunction36. Further, lumps
It should be emphasized that acute or chronic in the throat, combined with difficulty in swallowing, is
sore throat may be a consequence of inflammatory a symptom usually observed in cases of pharyngeal
processes caused by irritation31. Sore throat was cancer37.
reported by a chemical technician after occupational Difficulty in articulating words may indicate an
exposure to toluene. The detrimental effects of toluene articulatory disorder, and is also observed in patients
include mild or moderate irritation of the respiratory with speech disorders20. This symptom was reported
tract, resulting in sore throat. In this respect, a study by a metallurgist exposed to toluene, benzene, and
conducted in 1987 reported that workers exposed to trichloroethylene for 24 years, and later diagnosed
toluene complained of sore throat8. with systemic lupus erythematosus, which may
Secretion and burning in the throat were reported by trigger neurological disorders, and impair phonation
a mechanic, who was diagnosed with ototoxic hearing and speech38. Toluene and benzene may affect the
loss, and was occupationally exposed to gasoline, respiratory system, and lead to airway irritation8.
fluorine, chlorine, and aluminum sulfate for 17 years. Trichloroethylene is a volatile organic compound
The patient reported these symptoms during an outpa- that may depress the nervous system. Intoxication
tient consultation, 7 years after retirement. Exposure to symptoms include tremors, difficulty swallowing, and
chemical irritants may produce secretions and burning weakness in the oral musculature39.

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Difficulty in verbal expression was reported by a Therefore, diagnosing voice and speech disorders
smelting assistant who worked in a jewelry factory, and in the clinical routine of toxicological health services,
was exposed to metallic lead for 2 years. This patient and hiring specialized health professionals, including
was diagnosed with neuropathy due to lead poisoning. speech therapists, is essential for the early identification
Lead is highly toxic to the nervous system, and may and rehabilitation of such dysfunctions.
affect the motor bases of speech40.
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