EAA Prop Selection
EAA Prop Selection
EAA Prop Selection
1 I January 2013
Andy Werback’s
Award-Winning Lancair
H o m e b uil d e r ’s C or n e r
Lucky 13
Airplane anniversaries
in 2013
By Chad Jensen
As does every year, 2013 has some notable airplane the Hatz CB-1. These three airplanes couldn’t be further apart
anniversaries to celebrate. I keep track of the yearly as far as construction is concerned. The BD-4 is an all-metal
anniversaries on a spreadsheet that was started before I design, the VP-1 is all wood, and the Hatz biplane features
arrived on staff at EAA, and while it’s not comprehensive, it tube-and-fabric construction.
does show the more popular designs that we’ve all come to
know and love. Here are 13 designs to celebrate throughout Looking further back, the Thorp T-18 will celebrate its golden
this year; we will be making special mention of several of anniversary this year. The all-metal, low-wing, tailwheel
these at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh this summer. airplane can use powerplants from 125 hp to 180 hp. The
design is fast and offers economical cruising and very
The youngest on this list is Van’s RV-9/9A. Fifteen years ago, Van’s economical construction.
Aircraft introduced one of its most versatile designs ever, and it
continues to be one of its most popular. The nonaerobatic cross- An anniversary that coincides with EAA’s 60th anniversary
country cruiser is an all-metal kit and is well suited to today’s is that of the Wittman Tailwind. This high-wing speedster
builder. Designed for economy cruising, engines up to 160 hp are is of tube-and-fabric construction with wood wings. The
approved, and the RV flying qualities are oh-so present. two-place, side-by-side airplane can be powered by engines
ranging from 90 hp to 180 hp, and all of them fulfill the need for
At 20 years old this year, the Seawind is one of the most speed, just like Steve Wittman wanted.
unusual homebuilt kits out there. Purpose-built for water
flying, but with speed in its back pocket (there is one Seawind At the age of 80, the Pietenpol Sky Scout and Knight
that races in the AirVenture Cup race every year), the Twister share all-wood construction. But the Knight
Seawind is quite a machine with great looks to boot! Most are Twister is a biplane, and the Sky Scout has a parasol
powered with 300-hp-plus engines, and that means getting wing. The differences don’t end there; the Sky Scout was
off the water and to your destination quickly. These airplanes designed around using a Ford Model T engine, and it is still
are all fiberglass in construction with retractable landing gear being built today with that engine. But both airplanes are
and large, four-place cabins. single-seaters.
The Lancair 320/360 series airplanes came on the scene 25 The oldest airplane on this noncomprehensive list of
years ago with one goal: Be the fastest in the 160/180-hp anniversaries is the granddaddy of homebuilts—the Pietenpol
class. Fast glass is the name of the game here, with smooth, Air Camper at 85 years old. First flown in 1928 with a Ford
swoopy lines and all-fiberglass construction. A bubble canopy Model A engine, to this day it continues to be one of the
surrounds the pilot, providing great visibility, and a reclined most popular plans-built airplanes available. The Brodhead
seating position offers comfortable cross-country cruising. Pietenpol Association even holds its own fly-in at Brodhead,
Wisconsin, the week before AirVenture every year.
Looking back to their 1973 roots, we have the Sonerai II and
the Hiperbipe celebrating 40th anniversaries. The Sonerai II is So while this is a list of anniversaries, the variety of airplanes
a fast VW-powered tandem two-seater, while the Hiperbipe is available today to build is the bigger picture. From wood
a fast, fully aerobatic, side-by-side, two-seat cabin biplane. plans-built parasols with converted automotive engines
to kit airplanes that are so advanced that new certificated
The year 1968 saw the arrival of three designs that will airplanes look ratty by comparison, find something to build
celebrate 45 years in 2013: the BD-4, the Volksplane VP-1, and and enjoy every minute of it!
On the cover: Andy Werbeck fies his AirVenture 2012 grand champion kit-built Lancair Legacy.
(Photo by Chris Luvara)
Departments Columns
» 2 Homebuilder’s Corner » 32 Safety Wire
By Chad Jensen Experimental Aviation, Part 2
By Stephen L. Richey
» 4 E-Mail
Letters and links from readers
» 36 Under the Cowl
Pick a Prop
By Tim Kern
» 6 News from EAA HQ
News from EAA
» 41 Light Plane World
Changes Coming
» 10 Flightline to the ‘Fun Zone’
Industry News By Dan Grunloh
» 52 Hangar Debrief
Building Your Homebuilt Using the
New FAA Major Portion Checklist
By Joe Gauthier
EAA Experimenter 3
E- M a il
Those who prepurchase AirVenture tickets online be- To access the advance ticketing area, visit
fore June 15, 2013, receive a $2 discount on daily adult www.AirVenture.org/tickets, make your selections,
admissions and $5 on weekly adult admissions. pay by credit card, and print your tickets at home.
Full instructions and answers to frequently asked ques-
Advance purchase camping for Camp Scholler, tions are available. Advance purchase AirVenture tickets
which opens on June 28, 2013, provides the conve- are scanned and exchanged for an appropriate wrist-
nience of express registration at the campground band at all AirVenture gates in a quick and easy process.
Bork joined EAA seven years ago and has worked closely
with the homebuilt community on the workshop program
as well as the EAA Technical Counselor and Flight Advisor
programs, EAA Webinars, and more. She also served as
safety programs administrator and worked in the builders’
education center during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.
The list of LODA-holding instructors makes finding transi- • Identify and apply incentives to encourage owners,
tion training easier for builders and new owners of ex- builders, and pilots of E-AB aircraft to complete flight-test
perimental amateur-built (E-AB) aircraft. Using an E-AB training prior to conducting flight tests of E-AB aircraft.
LODA instructor allows pilots to become familiar flying
a similar aircraft to their own (during Phase 1 testing or • Work with the EAA membership, aircraft kit manufacturers,
at any point thereafter). Proper transition training is an and avionics manufacturers to develop standards for the
essential first step toward safe operation of experimen- recording of data in electronic flight displays, engine instru-
tal aircraft and a key element in the continuing effort to ments, or other recording devices to be used in support of
improve aviation safety. flight tests or continued airworthiness of E-AB aircraft.
The committee’s overarching responsibility will be to If you have any questions about the Volunteer Advisory Com-
develop a best-in-class volunteer program. Among its mittee or any other questions regarding EAA volunteerism,
charges are to: contact Janine Diana at 920-426-6843 or jdiana@eaa.org.
Ken Decker Tim Fox Dennis Hasha Ginny Largent Rich Largent
Dave Mercer Joe Norris John Nowicki Bonnie Parnall Barbara Rapchak Alan White
An active EAA member since 1956, Wes Schmid, EAA 3113, In 1971, Taras created the Icarus II biplane glider that set
was involved in the preparation of Experimenter and rede- the world duration flight record of one hour and 11 min-
signing the Sport Aviation magazine in 1958. He also pre- utes. Two years later, his Icarus V set the world duration
pared EAA’s advertising programs and developed a variety record for high-performance hang gliders at two hours
of special publications such as data books, how-to manuals, and 30 minutes. Additionally, in 1975, Taras’ Icarus HPA-1
brochures, and other educational and promotional materials. became the first powered plane to make unassisted flights
in the United States.
In 1959, EAA Founder Paul Poberezny appointed Wes to the
position of forums chairman, which he held until 2009. During As the chief engineer on the Gossamer Albatross project for
those years, the forums grew from the one tent at the Rock- human-powered flight across the English Channel, Taras was
ford, Illinois, fly-in convention to the 11 buildings currently awarded a medal in 1979 by England’s Prince Charles for his
used at AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He continues to work. More recently, Taras was project director for Reginator,
volunteer with the forums operations to this day. More than a manufacturer of electric- and wind-powered hybrid aircraft,
500 educational forums are scheduled during AirVenture, from 2007 to 2009 and demonstrated the first atmospheric
some of which include aviation’s most knowledgeable de- energy-gathering flight on May 31, 2007.
signers, builders, and engineers.
Also credited for several patented product designs and engi-
Wes had been a member of the EAA Board of Directors for 33 neering positions with companies like General Motors, Taras
years, serving as the association’s secretary. He is co-author holds three private pilot ratings: glider, single-engine land,
of the Golden Age of Air Racing, which has been considered and instrument.
EAA Experimenter 9
F li g h t lin e
EAA Experimenter 11
T h e S e c o n d T im e A r o un d…
The Second
Time Around…
Andy Werback’s legacy of perfection By Budd Davisson
12 Vol.2 No.1 / January 2013
The Lancair Legacy is made for guys like Andy Werback of find such an interesting combination of traits and experi-
Sebastopol, California. It’s fast, it’s slick, and it’s just begging to ences in one personal package. Some of his interests
have a detail freak with a thirst for speed jump into its innards come in from left field, but his penchant for the technical
and create the ultimate go-fast machine. However, Andy’s side of aviation can be partially understood because of
Legacy RG is not just a machine; it’s a delightfully insane his upbringing.
combination of art, science, and hypercraftsmanship with just
a pinch of black magic and sex appeal tossed in for flavor. He said, “Dad was a Navy vet who became an aerospace
engineering professional and for quite a while practiced
Andy’s Legacy is an unreal airplane, but Andy himself is his trade for the Navy at Naval Air Weapons Station China
an interesting study. For one thing, you don’t expect to Lake, where they invent and test all sorts of new ideas. I
Andy and Sam’s Lancair Legacy was named kit-built grand champion at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2012.
watched what he did in his job, and from the beginning, I got me places quicker. But something was missing. By the
knew I liked tech stuff and airplanes.” time I began to understand what was missing, I got too
busy with life and quit flying for 18 years.” Sounds familiar,
After earning a degree in electrical engineering, Andy doesn’t it?
wound up as a biomedical engineer at the University of
California (UC), Davis. “I love building stuff. Almost anything: houses, furni-
ture, you name it,” he said. “So, during the period that I
“I retired recently, but for many years I worked as a firm- wasn’t flying, I gave some thought to building an air-
ware (software) developer and integration/test engineer plane. The first step in that direction came in 2002, when
on radar warning systems for Navy and Air Force tactical I went to Oshkosh for the first time, not knowing exactly
aircraft,” Andy explained. “We did a lot of flight testing on what I’d find. One thing I found was that the event re-
the F/A-18, for example. The great part was doing software kindled the urge to get back into flying. But there wasn’t
that tied together all the hardware—radar receivers, com- much challenge to it, and the thoughts of building an
puters, displays, interfaces, and so on—on some really airplane kept nagging at me. So I started reading dad’s
fantastic jet aircraft.” engineering books and looking at composite construc-
tion, à la Burt Rutan.
That certainly sounds like a logical transition into home-
building airplanes, doesn’t it? Not! Part of the time, when “I found a lot of the information in the books to be fascinat-
talking to Andy, it’s hard to keep from feeling as if you’re ing. I especially liked understanding the way things were
talking to someone whose level of technical understanding fabricated and found the technology of the 1950s and ’60s
extends far over the horizon from the rest of us. Then he’ll to be incredible. The upshot of all of this was that the build-
say something that brings him back to Earth in a very low ing bug bit me hard, and in 2004 I bought a Lancair Legacy
tech sort of way. kit, the fixed-gear version. At the time it seemed like a
huge but doable challenge. Of course, it helped that Reid-
He continued, “I started flying while I was at UC Davis, but Hillview airport, where I was building, had lots of Lancairs
I had started sky diving several years before that. For a based on it, so there was a lot of applicable knowledge
long, long time I had a lot more takeoffs than I did landings: floating around.”
My jumps outnumbered my flying hours by quite a bit.
It would be easy to say that this is the beginning of the
“I found learning to fly to be exciting even though we were end of his story—that he got his airplane, worked on his
flying C-150s and 172s. In fact, with only 85 hours, I took airplane, and finished it. Then he took it to Oshkosh and
a 172 on a cross-country from California to Chicago and other fly-ins. But that’s not the story because this was only
back. Then I bought a 182, which was a lot faster, and it his first Legacy kit. And this is where it gets interesting.
Let’s back up and read that last line again. That’s right: His
first airplane project was a 200-mph, fairly sophisticated
airplane, and it took him only two years to build it! It should
be mentioned that he had a regular day job and wasn’t an
“airplane hermit” coming out of his workshop only when
he discovered his groceries were running low. He actually
had a life outside of his airplane building. Still…two years?
Seems incredible, doesn’t it?
“The first week after the kit arrived was like Christmas. But
this time I had to run a careful inventory and check every
part against the current inventory list; because being an
older kit, some stuff hadn’t been updated, and I didn’t want
to build out-of-date parts into my airplane.”
“I took the kit to the Lancair build shop and spent another
intense week there. It was 10 hours a day working on the
kit with the build center guys looking over my shoulder. We
closed out the wing, built the tail, and fit the center section
Landing gear retract system in the lower side of the wing. to the fuselage. At the end of the week, I had something
that looked like an airplane rather than piles of miscel-
laneous pieces. What I trailered home was like the empty
husk of a cicada: It had the form but absolutely nothing
was inside of it, which was fine with me because I wanted
to do all the systems and detail work.”
“The seats are Oregon Aero cushions that I had uphol- “When I got ready to fly it, I cut right to the bottom line and
stered, but I stitched the other panels myself to make went up to the Lancair factory. When I picked up the first
them match. I had a friend help me make cardboard Legacy at the factory, I took six hours of transition training
backing for the side and back panels that are just vel- in their RG. Then when I got ready to go in the RG, I went
croed in place. They are quite light, partially because I back up and took another 4 hours of dual, and I’m really
left them open in the back. There are lots more details I glad I did. Even with 300 hours of Legacy FG time, my first
could have added, but unnecessary details are unneces- flight in the (factory) RG airplane felt incredibly fast, and
sary weight. So…” the landing was close to being sensory overload. Between
monitoring the engine gauges and flying the airplane, I re-
Avionics is an area that some homebuilders shy away ally needed to speed up my brain. Even though I expected
from, but not Andy Werback. it, it was still a surprise.
“I did all the installation and wiring myself, which includes “I wanted more speed and performance, and I definitely
the NavWorx ADS-B system. As I was getting ready to put got it. It climbs like a bandit, and I’m seeing a cruise at
it all in, I became concerned about heat rise behind the 10,000 feet of 210 knots true airspeed at 13 gph. That’s
panel, so I added a couple of cooling fans, including one really fast! I’m flying short final at 100 knots and touching
for the EFIS. I also installed an autopilot that has two-axis down right at 75 knots. Which is also fast, but as I get more
coupling since I intend on flying it IFR eventually.” time in the airplane, that doesn’t seem as fast as it first did!
“I did all the surface prep, starting with 120 to 150 grit and
gradually working my way up to 400 grit. I treated the white
WLS epoxy high-build primer as if it were a finish coat,
getting it as perfect as it could possibly be. That way, when
Juan Solario at T&P Aero Refinishing in Salinas shot the
color, it would also be perfect.
With safety important to Andy and Sam, they installed a four-point
“We put on the scheme designed by Don Barnes shoulder harness.
(www.CellarIdeas.com is his business; www.LancairLegacy.com
is his builder’s log—highly recommended) using Sherwin-
Williams Acry Glo high-gloss urethane with a clear coat.”
Time to Go Flying!
And then the day came where there were no more parts to
install; nothing to be aligned; no tiny nitpicking detail to be
finished. The Legacy was ready to fly, and Andy wisely de-
cided he needed a professional to do the initial hops: Even
though he had the Legacy FG time, he was still basically a
182, fixed-gear pilot.
EAA Experimenter 21
B a r r a c u d a!
to perform limited aerobatics. Pete stated that when boredom They say alcohol and eBay don’t mix, but I took another sip
set in on those long flights, all you had to do to liven up the and started bidding. A few days later the auction ended,
journey were a few loops and a roll. This sounded to me like and I was the highest bidder, but not high enough to hit the
the perfect plane. When I saw the pictures, I fell in love with its reserve price. A conversation between Geoff and I followed,
beautiful design, Corsair-like wings, and gull-winged canopy. and soon I was on a flight to Seattle, Washington, to see the
plane and talk about how we could put a sale together.
Pete went on to say the plane was designed and built by
Geoffrey Siers. Geoffrey was a Royal Air Force pilot and I had a cold that morning, and by the time I arrived in
aeronautical engineer; he flew Spitfires, Mosquitoes, and Seattle, I was quite ill. Nonetheless we drove to Puyallup
many of the early British jet fighters before immigrating to Airpark, about an hour away, and I had my first encounter
the United States and going to work for Boeing. The Bar- with the plane I had dreamed about for so many years. My
racuda was an attempt to re-create the building techniques first impression was “Wow!” The Barracuda was not at
and flying characteristics of those classic warbirds. It all like other small homebuilts I had seen. The Barracuda
seems that he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. is 24 feet long and has a wingspan of 25 feet. It’s more
the size of a Cherokee. I walked around and listened to
Over the years I read everything I could get my hands on Geoff describe the plane; he even showed me the saw he
about this fabled plane, but I never saw one. Constructed used to cut the materials to build the plane 32 years ago.
primarily of wood, Geoffrey only sold plans for the plane, as We agreed to fly the next day. We drove to his home, and
this was the pre-kit era. Since this was a complex aircraft his lovely French wife, Genevieve, served me a wonder-
to build, not many were completed. Geoffrey was a regular ful bowl of homemade onion soup and a few glasses of
at EAA Oshkosh, where he encouraged builders, answered Burgundy. They arranged for me to stay at a comfortable
questions, and gave advice. The Barracuda graced the inn on Gig Harbor.
cover of Sport Aviation in January 1976 and won the Best
New Design Award at the convention the same year. I did not emerge from my room for two days; I had one of
the worst colds of my life! Staying in bed, watching TV, and
Time passed, but I never forgot about this seductive air- feeling sorry for myself, I had no thoughts about the Barra-
craft. Occasionally I would see examples of the Barracuda cuda. On the day I was to fly back to Arizona, I reluctantly
over the Internet but never in person; they were just too agreed to go for a short flight in the Barracuda. It may have
few and far between. One night in 2007 while sitting at my been short, but it was memorable.
computer, browsing through aircraft for sale on eBay and
enjoying a glass of wine, I had one of the biggest surprises We climbed in, buckled up, and taxied to the end of the
of my life. The prototype Barracuda was up for auction! runway. At the time, the plane did not have toe brakes, so
tight turns were difficult. Run-up was routine, and soon
My world came to a momentary stop; here it was, the Bar- we were rocketing down the runway. At 65 mph indicated,
racuda built by Geoffrey Siers who still owned it. just a slight bit of back pressure sent us into the air. The
I flew the plane for about 20 hours more and had a minor
landing gear mishap. While fixing the gear I decided to
replace the steam gauges with a Dynon SkyView sys-
tem. I fabricated a new panel and settled on two 7-inch
screens, one for engine monitoring and one for the flight Seating for two and a generous baggage area make the Barracuda a suitable
instruments. I also installed the Dynon GPS and autopilot traveling machine.
EAA Experimenter 23
B a r r a c u d a!
have to do is burn more fuel. Landing is easy. I do not let Owning and flying this plane have simply been a joy. Ev-
the airspeed get below 75 knots, slowing down over the erywhere I go it draws a crowd. Some time ago I took off
fence. With flaps and gear down, the speed bleeds off behind a friend’s Baron. I quickly caught up to him in the
fast in the flair. climb and told him to look out his left window. As I sped past
him I did a roll. That’s what this plane was made for—and
The Barracuda was designed to hold 44 gallons of fuel, which just how Peter Garrison described it so many years ago.
equates to about three hours in the air, but that is pushing the
envelope. My longest legs have been no more than two hours My long wait was well worth it. I have finally caught the
and 45 minutes, which takes me more than 500 nautical miles. elusive Barracuda.
Barracuda designer Geofrey Siers with his Barracuda on the cover of the
January 1976 issue of Sport Aviation. Te Barracuda was named
Best New Design at Oshkosh ‘75.
My first airplane project was a Pedal Eagle that I built Zeppelin at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2011. It was Amy’s
about 20 years ago for my first son, Brian. At the time, a birthday and also her first visit to anything aviation.
company offered precut pieces of wood and hardware, so
this was one of the first kit airplanes. Not having worked Currently, I’m building an RV-6. I started this odyssey
with wood previously, it took me approximately 100 hours back in 1996, but did not make great strides in the prog-
to build it. The plane is covered with decals, also offered ress until 2008, when I moved the project about 15 miles
by a company at the time. I believe the company was Avia- closer to home. I am currently working on the engine
tion Products, which still sells the products. Incidentally, installation. You can read all about my project on my
Brian proposed to his now wife, Amy, while flying on the building blog.
Gary’s son Brian in the Christen Eagle Pedal Plane. Gary works on an access panel for the RV-6.
My first homebuilt was a Bede BD-4. It was built in my base- books or the Internet. I learned a lot with that airplane. I flew
ment between January 1969 and 1973. I made it’s maiden it for 425 hours before selling it in 1977 to start my Thorp.
flight on July 3,1973. There were very few homebuilts around
our area at that time, and I made many trips to the FBO’s Between 1977 and 1980 a group of us built a Davis DA2A,
maintenance shop to see airplanes undergoing maintenance which we flew for well more than 1,200 hours until it was sold
just to see “how things were done.” There were no Bingelis in 2010...more than 30 years with a string of partners. A good
This is my RV-8, which I completed in March 2009. With week. My wife, Malinda, and I are part of the
a travel time of about three hours from Nashville, I have regular crowd.
flown it to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh the past four years.
Building and flying the completed project is satisfying, but
In our area, we are fortunate to have a Saturday when it inspires someone else to build, that is one of the
breakfast within 30 minutes flying time almost every greatest compliments.
EAA Experimenter 27
W h a t o ur M e m b e r s a r e B uil d in g
N99FK is my Sonerai IIL that I started building in 1977 “First Wing Install Final” is a photo of my current
and flew for the first time in 1986. It has a 2180-cc project, a Wag-Aero Wag-a-Bond Traveler. I started
Great Plains VW engine with a Sterba prop, and it this project in 1998, and it’s currently at the “90 percent
cruises at 130-plus mph. I’ve flown it to Sun ’n Fun done, 90 percent to go” stage. It is a scratchbuilt (plans-
three times, and it’s been to AirVenture Oshkosh 20 built) airplane and is nearly ready for cover. The engine
times (the last time in 2008). It currently has 1,330 will be a converted Lycoming O-290-G with a Sensenich
hours on the Hobbs meter and is great fun to fly. wood prop. Hopefully, it will be done on “Tuesday.”
Fred has been fying this Sonerai IIL since 1986. Fred is currently building a Wag-a-Bond.
My first aircraft was a modified Nesmith Cougar that I finished in Next, I began work on an SX-300. I finished this aircraft
1966. I flew it to Oshkosh in 1970...the first year the fly-in was held in June 1998, and it now has 1,400 hours on the airframe.
there. I currently have the aircraft apart and am rebuilding it. It’s a great machine designed by Ed Swearingen. Ed built
I am based in southern California at Chino Ed and I also built a Texas Sport Cub, which we finished in
Airport (KCNO). I currently fly a Glasair Sportsman 2008. This is the kit version of the Legend Cub. This plane is
that my friend Ed Zaleski and I built in 2006. We fin- light-sport eligible. It sports a 120-hp Jabiru engine and a
ished it in early July and flew it to EAA AirVenture Sensenich fixed-pitch prop. Cruise at 75 percent power is
Oshkosh that year with the Phase I flight test just 85 knots, so long trips are something of a challenge. On the
barely complete. The project went together very other hand it will land at 30 knots, so it doesn’t need much
quickly, largely because we had built a GlaStar of a runway. This was our first experience with fabric cov-
four years previously. The Sportsman has a Lycoming ering, but we got great results and had a lot of fun learning.
180-hp engine with Power Flow exhaust and a Hartzell
constant-speed prop to cruise at up to 139 knots. At this time we are helping another friend build an RV-8, which
We have flown it to Alaska, Oshkosh, and the Idaho he hopes to fly to AirVenture next year. Now if I can just figure
backcountry, plus many locations in California. out how to get my extra-large body into the backseat of an RV-8.
Te Texas Sport Cub that Dave and Ed built. Dave fies this Glasair Sportsman that he build with Ed Zaleski.
EAA Experimenter 29
W h a t o ur M e m b e r s a r e B uil d in g
This is my Kitfox that took almost 15 years to build. representative of Delta Air Lines. I flew for Delta Con-
I was working a lot back then and got to the project nection for seven years after I “retired.”
when I could. I have about 1,800 to 2,000 hours in it.
That’s more than most pilots in Kitfoxs, but I added a I enjoy making parts from the plans. I still enjoy
lot of modifications to it as I went along. I even had the detail fabrication method versus writing a
to completely redo the instrument panel as the first check. Now I’m working on an RV-7A. It will be
one didn’t perform the way I planned. I did the whole powered by a YIO-390 Thunderbolt engine. I’m busy
project, covering, painting, you name it. The paint was assembling parts; at the moment I’m working on
supposed to be a combination of N1, the FAA’s Gulf- the dreaded canopy installation, lots of cutting and
stream IV, that I flew for many years, and the tail is drilling of holes.
Te canopy for the RV-7A that Rick is currently building. Rick’s Kitfox Model IV.
Video of the
Robert Dalzell purchased this
Corbin Baby Ace in 2010 after
it was damaged in a landing
accident. He restored it over a
period of about 8 months. He says
it’s a pleasant plane to fly...handles
like a Cub, but doesn’t have the
glide of a Cub.
There are two popular brands of blind fasteners: Rivnuts My SWAG is dissimilar metal corrosion between the
and Nutserts. They are made of aluminum and set like a aluminum structure and the machine screw. This cor-
pop rivet from one side, providing threads to fasten or hold rosion locks the machine screw to the body so that the
an item like a fairing or access panel. They work fine for a body turns instead of the screw. The torque of turning
season or two, and then, instead of being able to remove out the screw is greater than the grip of the body to
the machine screw, you’ll find the body of the fastener the structure.
turns with the screw. You can’t get the screw out.
We can increase this grip of the body in several
When this happens, you might be able to drill the head of ways. Make sure to file the notch so it seats if the
the machine screw off. This can be a laborious and frus- body has a keyway. Or, placing a drop of epoxy or
trating experience, teaching you many new unprintable red Loctite on the outside of the body before setting
words. Even the Rivnuts with a keyway are not immune to will help. Use a reamer or step drill so the hole is clean
this problem. Many builders just swear off using them by and round.
using steel nutplates if at all possible. But why does such
a neat little fastener give us such problems, and how can To combat the corrosion, use a wax like Boeshield,
the problem of the body spinning be reduced? candle wax, or an anti-seize on the screw. Use one of
these every time you remove and replace the screw.
Rivnut Rivnut with key Nutsert
Finally, we can minimize the corrosion by selecting a
machine screw that doesn’t react as much with alumi-
num. How many times do you see stainless steel screws
used with nice shiny stainless Tinnerman recessed
washers to hold on a fairing? It sure looks nice, but
there is a higher voltage potential between the alumi-
num and stainless steel than with cad-plated screws.
This difference is like battery acid and creates galvanic
corrosion, and the corrosion causes the screw to bind,
which creates the problem.
Almost every project requires making some special composite fairings. In this episode, composite
specialist Wally Anderson demonstrates how to fabricate a quick and easy composite fairing.
Holding two wires together for soldering can be a challenge, especially if they are under your
instrument panel. Mitch Zehr from the EAA aircraft maintenance staff shows how to use the
plastic top from a spray can to help make it easier.
EAA Experimenter 31
S a f e t y W ir e
Experimental Aviation
Part 2: Identifying ways
to stop fatal accidents
By Stephen L. Richey
In the first article in this series, we discussed why problems from sending more of us “west.” The best
experimental aviation is uniquely positioned to lead the way to remember how to do this is for me to CREEP
rest of the aviation world by example, if we so choose to you out. That is:
commit ourselves. The actual design application of such a
decision—whether part of a community-wide effort or not— Container
is grounded in some very solid science and engineering. Restraints
Energy absorption
The next step, now that we know some of the problems Evacuation
we face, is to identify ways to go about stopping these Post-crash concerns.
EAA Experimenter 33
S a f e t y W ir e
A good example of this is to relate In the design I am currently working on for a light-
sport aircraft, this angle is approximately 45 degrees.
how I fell of the roof of my parents’
For those designs with a canopy, a roll bar is needed
house as a kid. (Explains a lot, right?) to keep the pilot’s and passengers’ heads from
contacting the ground in the event that an aircraft
While we are on the topic of engine mounts, another winds up on its back. Ideally, there should be one of
related design point to consider is your firewall. In these structures in front of and behind the heads of
what seems kind of counterintuitive to most when it the occupants. If you have a four-seat aircraft, there
is first mentioned, a longer deceleration path is often should also be a roll bar immediately behind the front
a better choice, assuming all other factors (velocity, seats as well, with the aft bar placed at the back of the
impact angle, the type of surface impacted) are equal. rear seats. Even among non-canopy-equipped aircraft,
The reason for this is that a longer slide across the such structures built into the frame can serve a vital
ground gives more time for the energy to be expended. purpose by keeping the roof from caving in should the
aircraft wind up on its back. Few things express the
A good example of this is to relate how I fell off the phrase “splitting headache” quite so dramatically as
roof of my parents’ house as a kid. (Explains a lot, what often happens when someone’s head and the
right?) I actually did this not once but twice, both in ground or another object get into a debate over the
the name of aeronautical science while trying to figure claim to the same bit of cabin space.
out how those funny-looking planes designed by a
guy with those epic sideburns could fly. I had seen
photos of Burt Rutan’s airplanes in a school library
I actually did this not once but twice,
book about some air show in Wisconsin. Instead of both in the name of aeronautical
just simply looking it up or asking someone, I called
the local airport and found someone with one of those science while trying to fgure out
planes. He made copies of the basic plans for me,
and I made a series of scale replicas and proceeded
how those funny-looking planes
to throw them off the roof. I learned a lot from those designed by a guy with those epic
experiments, including that my parents’ Doberman
could jump high enough to pose a hazard to small sideburns could fy.
aircraft on approach to landing.
Now, I can hear the groans from a subset of builders/
One of the other lessons was that I possess a owners of canopy-equipped aircraft. Some will
maximum lift coefficient (CLmax) roughly equivalent to argue that this will take away from the World War II
that of an ice-covered brick. That is to say not even fighterlike mystique of their plane or otherwise ruin
close to sufficient to have a decent glide ratio. Once, the look they are hoping to achieve. To these folks,
I impacted a concrete sidewalk, breaking some ribs I suggest you ask your spouse or kids what is more
and giving myself two black eyes. The second time, I important to them—you looking “cool” or you being
landed on a wicker seat. That time I escaped with just around for as many holidays, anniversaries, birthdays,
some bruises because I had a greater distance over and weddings as you can be?
which to slow down and change my potential energy
into work done. In this case I did that by turning that In our next installment, we will look at why restraints are
seat into splinters. important and how their benefits can be maximized. Until
then, fly safely.
How does this all relate to your firewall in a crash?
If the bottom edge of the firewall is either canted
forward or vertically oriented and the skin of the nose Stephen Richey is an aviation safety researcher who
and belly are torn away, the firewall can dig in much has been involved with flying starting with his time as
like a soccer player’s cleats (this is referred to in the a “junior hangar bum” with a local EAA chapter as a
crash safety community as “plowing”) and cause the child in Indiana in 1988. He has logged about 700 hours
aircraft to come to a more abrupt stop, exposing the thus far including times in ultralights and as a student
passengers and crew to more extreme impact forces. pilot in light singles. His current project is the design of
Taking the firewall and angling the bottom edge back a new composite homebuilt known as the Praetorian.
at least 20 to 30 degrees can help to minimize this risk.
Pick a Prop
What’s best for your aircraft?
By Tim Kern
Somewhere near the end of a build/rebuild/restoration constant-speed propellers are more complicated, heavier,
project, or whenever an airplane changes hands, the and more expensive than fixed-pitch or ground-adjustable
question of “What’s the best prop?” should come up. It’s props, and because they function quite differently, we’ll
easier to answer if the theory is clear. stick with the simpler designs. Fixed-pitch and adjustable-
pitch props are much more common among builders, and
A propeller is the link between an airplane’s engine and the they present a vastly wider range of choices.
air, just as the transmission and tires link your car’s engine
to the road. The right-sized tires and right gear ratio will give Two Factors – Diameter and Pitch –
a car its best performance; the right prop will allow the best Dominate Most Discussions
use of your airplane’s engine. Also remember that like tires, a
propeller is a wear item, so frequent inspections are prudent. A prop’s diameter is governed by the engine’s operating
rpm (or more precisely, by the prop hub’s rpm) and the
For propeller choice, the aircraft’s mission, the runways ground clearance available. General wisdom says that
it uses, and pilot preference all come into play. Because within those two parameters, “Bigger is better.” General
Prop Materials
There’s a third really important factor: the material of
which the prop is constructed. Wood, the choice for de-
cades, has a lot of advantages: It is light, relatively durable,
resistant to fatigue, inexpensive, and available in endless A loose metal prop will destroy itself and damage the hub
Even a tough all-composite prop will be ruined when it hits When a prop is even slightly loose, it can “burn” as it rubs against the
something solid. hub causing the prop to become less efcient.
Metal props, I’ve often said, are the “anti-wood.” They “Composites,” admittedly a large family, try to capture
are heavy, need to be carefully designed and manufac- the best of both wood and metal: They are light, resistant
tured to resist fatigue, are relatively expensive, and are to fatigue and erosion, have good life in the elements, can
quite finite in model availability. And—opposite the wood be made in more optimal shapes, require little inspec-
prop’s property—if you have a significant prop strike with tion and maintenance…and are expensive. Field repairs
a metal propeller, you quite likely will have internal en- are seldom needed but never recommended. Composite
gine damage. However, metal props do last longer, resist prop blades also lend themselves particularly well to use
weather and erosion better, and do not require as much in adjustable hubs in which pitch can be changed by the
attention as wood. airplane owner, at will.
Tis wood-core composite prop failed when it was over-revved at more More sophisticated formulas exist, but this is really all
than 400 mph. No propeller would survive this. you’ll need to get into the right ballpark. (Who lives that
An of-ramp excursion, even into sof earth, will ofen lead to a written-of prop. Tis one might be salvageable, but only the manufacturer will be able to tell.
38 Vol.2 N o.1 / January 2013 Photography courtesy Jeffrey Lo and by Tim Kern
close to the edge, and who has different prop choices and sometimes even “seaplane” props to consider. (Note:
available to compensate for, say, temperature and humid- the pilot’s operating handbook usually lists performance
ity? Yeah, some racers do. Are you a racer?) for only the standard prop, so when you buy any used air-
plane, even if it’s certificated, it’s important to know which
Ground clearance, particularly in a tricycle-gear airplane, prop you’re getting!)
can also be a factor. The minimum clearance from the hub
center to the ground must be measured with the nose sus- A Note on Using Two-Stroke Props on
pension at full compression and front tire flat—plus don’t Four-Stroke Engines
forget a little more clearance to clear a bump, hangar door
track, or fuel filler! Even among props of nominally identical pitch and diam-
eter, the blade design matters. Consider that a two-stroke
If you live at a high-altitude airport with a short runway and engine makes its power in a relatively narrow, high-rpm
you carry a lot of luggage, “flat” pitch (a smaller pitch dimen- band. In order to make good power, it needs to rev up.
sion allows more revolutions for less forward motion, effec- A four-stroke aircraft engine has a wide torque curve; it
tively simulating a “low” gear ratio in your car) is the only way produces useful power over a wider range of rpm. Prop
to go. If all you do is run laps at the Reno Air Racers, where designers know this and design two-stroke propellers to
you have a mile-long runway and top speed is paramount, be efficient only in their top rpm range. (If they made props
you’ll probably run the highest pitch your engine will pull. that pulled hard at lower revs, the engine would never be
able to climb up into its sweet spot!) A typical mistake is
Even in the certificated world with its FAA-limited choices, to put such a two-stroke design on a four-stroke engine.
many aircraft owners have “cruise,” “standard,” “climb,” Although (other factors optimized) it will perform okay at
EAA Experimenter 39
Un d e r t h e C o w l
full throttle (full rpm), it will be disappointing at lower rpm; are acceptable on their LSA; that satisfies the FAA. But don’t
cruise performance will suffer. believe that there is any “certification” involved.
A lot of good deals exist on used props, but there is no way Prop balance is critical to safe and pleasant flight. The
a nonexpert can look at a pretty prop and tell if he’s getting prop is in “static” balance when it balances evenly around
a cherry or a lemon. Before you buy a used propeller from its hub. “Dynamic” balance, where the entire rotating
other than a reputable prop shop, have the manufacturer system (engine, propeller, and spinner) is balanced, is
check it out. It’s better to be disappointed on the ground often overlooked. “Aerodynamic” balance, where each
than to lose a blade in flight. blade pulls equally at any given rpm and angle of attack, is
controlled in manufacture.
A lot of metal props migrate to experimentals from certifi-
cated aircraft. Sometimes, they are great deals; sometimes, Above all, remember that your prop is one of the most criti-
they are cut down because of tip damage. Some seem to be cal elements in a safe flight and probably the most impor-
great deals but might not be. Other times, these are lovely to tant component forward of the firewall (with the exception
look at, but they contain hidden flaws (like nonairworthy re- of the motor mount). If you think something is not right,
pairs). Know what you’re buying, and if you have any doubts, check it out; use both your brain and your instinct. A prop
take the prop to a reputable shop before you buy it. failure in flight can easily be fatal.
Pilot’s view of the ultralight runway at AirVenture. A new road is coming to the lower lef corner in this photo.
Changes Coming
to the ‘Fun Zone’
By Dan Grunloh
One year ago, I wrote an editorial predicting many being placed along the southwest boundary of the
changes to come in the year 2012 and making the convention site. We live there for one week per year,
argument that we should consider the notion that, but for the other 51 weeks Wittman Field is an active
basically, change is good. At the time I had no clue as airport and has a defense contractor on the field. A
to the many changes that were to occur at EAA. It was wide swath taken out of the already too small ultralight
merely a philosophical argument illustrated by a famous campground (used by pilots and volunteers) will
quotation from a classic science fiction film. Change is necessitate the creation of another camping space,
good, I said, because “the sleeper must awaken.” Now possibly near the ultralight barn. The runway itself
there is news about changes coming to the ultralight/light won’t move, but almost anything else could be shifted.
plane and rotorcraft area at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. The Watch for future announcements.
changes are big, and some are coming this year. A few of
us will no longer have that favorite shade tree, camping More change will be coming in the following years
spot, or airplane tiedown spot that we may have used and will include new roads and pathways making it
“down on the Farm” for many years. much easier for people to get to the “fun zone” on the
south end of the convention site. We expect a facelift
Briefly, the immediate site changes are triggered by and expansion of our area with new facilities and
a new security fence and 24-foot-wide patrol road services comparable to the rest of the convention site.
Te members of the EAA Ultralight/Light Plane Council gathered for this photo before the 2012 Hall of Fame ceremonies. Lef to right, they are:
Scott Severen, Dan Grunloh, Jim House, Carla Larsh, and John Hovan.
We started 30 years ago with ultralights “down on the various boards of directors, gathered at Oshkosh for
Farm” among the horses and cows at Ollie’s farm, but several days of meetings in November.
we have added light planes, light-sport aircraft (LSA),
balloons, and electric aircraft. This year we will have In the first session of the first day, EAA Founder Paul
more charging stations for electric aircraft, and more Poberezny paid a surprise visit to our conference room and
actual electric flight than, well, anywhere! Our area is sat down for a conversation with our small group. Now 91,
the zone of excitement, youth appeal, and future growth. he sets a standard for the rest of us. He continues to stay
The cows and horses are gone. We have turbine involved, working and inspiring others. Paul said the key to
helicopters now, and the folks who plan signage at the success is focusing on the people side of aviation and that
convention site feel we need a new name. I’m pulling for EAA Board Chairman Jack Pelton will be a good person to
the “Fun Flying Zone.” guide EAA through the next transition. Later that morning
Jack also visited the council, and I came away with the
New Members Added to Ultralight & Light-Sport Council feeling that here was a person that people would be willing
to work for and with. It’s clear he hasn’t forgotten his roots
Scott Severen and I have been invited to become members in sport aviation. He and his dad built a wood and fabric
of the EAA Ultralight & Light-Sport Aircraft Council. The Fisher FP-101 back in California (30 years ago), and he flew
council members, led by Carla Larsh, are volunteers who it. Later he became CEO of Cessna, and now retired, is an
meet and provide feedback and advice to EAA on issues EAA volunteer.
related to ultralights and LSA, and to help with planning
for the ultralight area at the convention. Scott brings a During our two-day conference the Ultralight Council
tremendous amount of expertise to the group, thanks to met with Timm Bogenhagen, Chad Jensen, Sean Elliott,
his extensive involvement in the ultralight and light-sport Mary Jones, Mac McClellan, museum staff, and many
industry since it began in the early 1980s. The Ultralight others. Our meetings were a steady stream of issues and
Council, along with other EAA advisory councils and discussions, thanks to the organizing skills of Carla Larsh.
Taras Kiceniuk with the RG-2 research vehicle built to study regenerative electric fight.
Photography by Jason Toney and courtesy Taras Kiceniuk, Jr. EAA Experimenter 43
L i g h t P l a n e Wor l d
list of previous winners. In a short acceptance speech he new manufacturer showcase, a big-name twilight air show,
said we might not have had ultralights if it were not for the and more daily activities. It will be an opportunity to gain
EAA. (Many of the early innovators were EAA members.) more knowledge about the tremendous range of technology
available in the U.S. market. We thought there were lots of
Taras is a certificated private pilot with instrument and glider models during the ultralight boom when anybody with a two-
ratings, but it’s clear that his first love is soaring. He has given car garage could start a business. Now it’s the entire world
lectures on dynamic soaring, and you can read some of his bringing in their best hardware.
technical articles at www.IcarusEngineering.com. Prior to
the award ceremony he told of his experience soaring With the introduction of lower-priced models like the
in a Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser with the prop stopped Tecnam P92 Echo Classic Light, the price pressure is
in wave lift over California. Always at the leading edge downward. I plan to check out the new Sam LS, which is
of technology, his latest interest is electric flight with expected to be shown there for the first time. It can be
regenerative capability. He thinks it could revolutionize flown open cockpit, similar to my old friend’s Ercoupe.
the sport of soaring. An electric regenerative motorglider We would slide the canopy back and enjoy a pleasant
could recharge its batteries during a descent, or simply open-air afternoon cruise. Watch for more news and
hold a steady altitude in lift, and thus store up enough photos from the Sebring Expo at www.EAA.org and on
energy to reach more distant thermals. It’s not hard to the EAA Facebook page. Please send your comments and
imagine an electric sailplane parked in wave lift charging suggestions for this column to dgrunloh@illicom.net.
its batteries for a long-distance flight.
Sebring 2013 Windup Dan Grunloh, EAA 173888, is a retired scientist who
began flying ultralights and light planes in 1982.
Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to go to Florida in January He won the 2002 and 2004 U.S. National Microlight
to attend the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring instead Championships in a trike and flew with the U.S. World
of staying in Illinois and shoveling snow? The 9th annual Team in two FAI World Microlight Championships.
expo will be even bigger than in the past, now featuring a
SAM LS designer Tierry Zibi with the recently completed SAM-LS prototype expected to be displayed at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring Florida.
Airspeed Calibration
Ground course data reduction
By Ed Kolano
You’ve finished flying your airspeed calibration ground Get out your calculator, pencil, and paper; fun with
course flight tests and collected the necessary data. numbers awaits. Figure 1 is a suggested data grid
Now we’ll turn that raw data into a plot of calibrated with flight test and postflight data filled in, which we’ll
airspeed (VC) versus observed airspeed (VO) for your use to work through the data reduction process. The
airplane’s operator’s manual. entries in the left six columns come directly from the
test flight. The right six columns contain the results of
During each of your test runs, you recorded your VO, postflight calculations. We’ll use the 120-knot VO data
pressure altitude (PA), outside air temperature (OAT), (first two data rows on the grid) during our data reduc-
and the elapsed time (ET) required to fly between your tion explanation.
start and end checkpoints. You also made a note of your
airplane’s external configuration for the test series. A Ground Speed
stickler for documentation, knowing you will spot-check
on another flight, you calculated your airplane’s weight Calculate your ground speed for each run the same
before and after the test flight and made an estimate of way you probably do it during cross-country flying. By
its average weight during the test. knowing the course length, 7,890 feet in our example,
and the ET for test run, you can calculate the ground course length recommended in the November “Flight
speed by dividing the distance traveled by the time it Test Techniques.”
took to travel that distance.
Okay, you now have a VG of 116.87 and 126.69 for your first
run pair. Averaging these speeds removes any wind effect.
Repeat this VG calculation for every test run, and enter We’ll assume your airspeed calibration test flight did not
the results in the ground speed column. occur above 10,000 feet pressure altitude or at an airspeed
faster than 200 knots, so we can ignore the compressibility
Let’s talk about wind for a minute. Comparing the effects on your airspeed indication. Now all you have to do is
ET and VG for the first set of reciprocal heading convert VT to VC, but there’s a minor inconvenience. You have
runs, you’ll note a difference of 3.1 seconds and to know the ambient air temperature, but your OAT gauge pro-
about 10 knots. That’s because there was a steady vides total air temperature. Converting total air temperature to
5-knot wind during the test—a direct headwind ambient air temperature requires you to know your calibrated
during the first run and a direct tailwind during the airspeed, which is what you’re trying to find out. Fortunately,
reciprocal run. Had this 5-knot wind been a direct most of us don’t have to worry about this circular argument,
crosswind, the actual distance traveled during the because the airspeed error created by using OAT instead of
run would have been longer than the 7,890 feet, be- ambient temperature is typically less than half a knot below
cause the airplane would have drifted downwind. 10,000 feet pressure altitude up to 200 knots.
Although you could calculate the drift angle and actual
distance, it’s not necessary. If you test only when the You can determine VC by using the table in Figure 2,
wind is 5 knots or less, the worst-case error in your along with some math. Or you can bypass the table,
ground speed calculation will be less than a quarter but the math is slightly more complicated. We’ll pres-
of a knot for the typical homebuilt airplane flying the ent both methods.
Equation-Only Method
EAA Experimenter 47
F li g h t Te s t in g Te c hn i q u e s
The more data you collect during the flight, the more
confidence you’ll have in your results. Fly at least five
or six airspeeds during your test. More is better. The
speeds you select should cover the entire airspeed range
for that configuration. The test speeds don’t have to be
exact, but they should be close to your target speed. For
example, if your plan calls for a 130-knot test run, but you
corresponding pairs of VO and VC. Fair a line through the data find yourself stabilized at 126 knots as you approach the
points you just plotted as shown in Figure 3. start checkpoint, that’s okay. Remember, you’ll fair a line
through these points anyway, and there’s no good reason
If your line fits the data points well, you can extend it with to abort an otherwise good setup just because you’re off
a dashed line to show the predicted VO/VC correlation at a few knots. Just make sure you fly the reciprocal head-
speeds slower than your slowest tested airspeed. Remem- ing run at the same speed as the first. What you should
ber, however, this is only an extrapolation, and the difference not do is start the run at 126 knots and try to “make it up”
between VO and VC generally gets bigger at slower airspeeds. by ending the run at 134 knots. The goal is a rock-steady
Don’t rely on this extrapolation as a safe indication of how airspeed for the entire run. Make a note of any potentially
much faster than stall speed you are flying. Your stall speed interfering events that occur during the run because that
testing will provide the observed stall speeds for different information may come in handy after the flight to explain
configurations, weights, and center of gravity locations. apparent data anomalies.
Don’t forget to perform the same data reduction for those That’s it. The data reduction may seem a bit cumber-
airspeeds you spot-checked with your airplane at a different some at first, but you’ll master it in no time. This month we
weight. You can plot these data on your VO/VC graph to see started with elapsed time, observed airspeed pressure
how close they are to your original weight line. If your spot- altitude, and outside air temperature. We removed the
checked data points plot significantly above or below the line, wind effects by averaging reciprocal heading runs, then
you can fly another full airspeed calibration test at the second turned that true airspeed into calibrated airspeed with the
weight. Plot this line on the same graph, and don’t forget to aid of an altitude table and a calculator. Finally, we created
clearly label which is which. You can also plot lines for differ- a useful plot of calibrated versus observed airspeed. Not a
ent configurations on the same graph, if it’s not too cluttered. bad day’s work.
You now have a handy plot for your operator’s manual for » Questions about flight testing for Ed? Send an e-mail
cross-country planning and in-flight reference. Remember, to Experimenter@eaa.org with the words Flight
if you modify your airplane externally, you may have to fly Testing in the subject line, and we’ll forward your
another airspeed calibration if the modification affects the questions to him.
airflow near the static ports of your pitot-static system.
It’s a good idea to perform a spot check of a few airspeeds
after the modification. If the spot-checked data points don’t Ed Kolano, EAA 336809, is a former Marine
fall on the line, fly another complete airspeed calibration. who’s been flying since 1975 and testing
airplanes since 1985. He considers himself
A Few Words About Judgment extremely fortunate to have performed flight
tests in a variety of airplanes ranging from
During your test flights you exercised good piloting judg- ultralights to 787s.
ment concerning test site selection, minimum test altitude,
Hal Bryan works with a cleco. Hal is EAA’s Online Community Manager.
“We’re building an airplane.” been lucky enough to fly a pretty large and diverse
number of aircraft.
It feels really good just to say that.
But that’s enough about how great I am.
“Big deal,” I’m sure many of you are saying. If you’re
reading this, there’s a good chance that you’ve built one My generation saw the dawn of the personal computer
or several airplanes yourself. In fact, I can all but guar- age, so I spent a lot more of my childhood tinkering with
antee that anybody reading this has more experience virtual tools than I did with the real thing. Growing up, if
building airplanes than I do. there was real, hands-on work to be done on the family
airplane, there was a great possibility that after a few
Now, when it comes to aviation, I’m not usually the minutes of looking over someone’s shoulder, I’d see that
dumbest guy in the room. I’m a second-generation my time might be better spent fixing my dad’s computer.
pilot and I’ve been flying my entire life. I first took the That’s not necessarily a bad thing; I like to think that he
controls of an airplane when I was four and spent ten appreciates my technical skill set as much as I do his
years of my childhood living on a private airstrip. I’m knowledge of important things like wrenches and en-
a student of aviation history, and while nobody would gines, not to mention the fact that my childhood geekdom
accuse me of being an especially high-time pilot, I’ve led me into an unorthodox and very satisfying series of
EAA Experimenter 49
I f I C a n D o T hi s
careers. Granted, I know how to use the basics: ham- a tremendous appreciation for the work that went into it,
mers, drills, and screwdrivers, but not really for anything but I’ve always left with an unspoken and slightly de-
more challenging than the sort of furniture you have to pressing “But…I could never…”
assemble yourself.
In addition to being a little depressing, that’s also frustrat-
In addition to my general inexperience with tools, I’m also ing, and as it turns out, completely wrong.
an impatient, procrastinating perfectionist, which is a
spectacularly bad combination of traits. This means that When I found out that EAA staff would have the oppor-
if you want a lousy job started late and done hastily, but tunity to build an airplane, a Zenith CH 750, I was stoked.
never actually finished since it won’t live up to my impos- In fact, I was a little surprised at how excited I was until
sibly high standards, I’m your man. it hit me: I’d be working on a project that was essentially
guaranteed to succeed. Led by experienced staff builders
In spite of, or maybe specifically because of these traits, with as many as 30 people working on it at various times,
I’ve always looked at real builders and restorers with a not to mention the stellar support from Sebastien Heintz
certain sense of awe. I’m an enthusiastic spectator, and and everyone else at Zenith, this airplane will be finished
as an EAA staffer, an unabashed advocate for the real and flown, period. And more to the point, this will happen
“doers.” I can speak their language to a degree—I can with or without me, and there’s almost nothing I can do
order dinner but will never pass as a native—and for to screw it up. My only obligation is to show up, get my
some reason, I’m always an honorary member of that hands dirty (figuratively speaking), and learn. In short,
nebulous group defined as those who “get it.” Still, I given the combination of this support and the fact that
sometimes glance nervously over my shoulder, wonder- the CH 750 must be one of the simplest kits out there, it
ing if someone is going to call me out and remind me that feels as if all of us working on this project are absolutely
I have no business here. spoiled rotten. But really, it just comes down to a bunch
of EAA members helping each other out, which I think
When I’ve visited projects in progress, admired, or even is exactly what Paul Poberezny had in mind at that first
flown someone’s finished aircraft, I’ve come away with meeting 60 years ago this month.
Jef Benedict (lef) and Timm Bogenhagen check a measurement. Jef is Visual Display Coordinator for EAA’s Marketing group while Timm serves as EAA’s
Ultralight/Lightplane Community Manager and is also a Member Products Specialist.
With just a handful of build sessions behind me so far, single most important lesson of this project: I can actu-
I’ve already learned a lot. For example, I’ve learned ally do this.
that a cleco, a temporary fastener used to hold two
parts together before they’re permanently attached There are more people out there like me. I’m sure of it.
with a rivet, is the unsung hero of every sheet metal People who could be builders but just don’t know it, or
build. I’ve learned that deburring, the process of re- may not yet believe it. Granted, none of them are going to
moving sharp edges from metal parts and cleaning the be as wonderfully spoiled as we are, with a great work-
area around a newly drilled hole, is surprisingly easy, space, all the tools we could possibly need, and more
and also very important—a lesson that came at the hands than we know what to do with, but a tremendous
cost of just a couple of drops of blood (mine, luckily). amount of support is as close as their nearest EAA chap-
I’ve learned that rivets can be “pulled” by hand using ter. It’s just a matter of finding them, and taking a little
a big squeeze-handled tool, and immediately thereafter time to show them that everything they’ve ever thought
learned that I like pulling them with a pneumatic rivet about their ability to build an airplane is probably wrong.
gun quite a bit more. I’ve learned that understanding
the 51-percent rule is one thing, but actually feeling it EAA’s mission statement is to grow participation in avia-
in your wrists and elbows is another. tion, which means, in large part, that we want to help
make more pilots. It seems to me that one of the best
I’ve measured, marked, punched, trimmed, drilled, cle- ways to make more pilots is to make more builders. Most
coed, deburred, and riveted. I’ve broken drill bits, drilled people already get the idea that building an airplane can
holes the wrong size and in the wrong place, and pulled easily be more affordable than buying one. It’s up to all
a rivet or two that needed to be drilled out and redone. of us to help them understand that it’s not just affordable;
I’ve made some mistakes, but I’ve done a lot more right it’s also accessible.
than I’ve done wrong. My respect for those who build
airplanes has only increased as I’ve begun learning the After all, I’m doing it.
EAA Experimenter 51
Hangar Debrief
EAA Experimenter 53
Hangar Debrief
The new checklist is now in use by the FAA, and the FAA
website has numerous listings of popular kit airplanes,
along with the evaluations performed by the FAA’s National
Kit Evaluation Team (NKET). Many of the previously en-
countered problems became much clearer when viewing a
completed evaluation.
What are tasks? For this use, “task” is the term used on
both the old and new checklists to characterize the work
operations and components involved. It was recognized
early on that using parts count or time spent would result
interest in the work that some of these pros were doing in larger issues than the term task. The ARC discussed it
that appeared to compromise the major portion rule in FAR and recommended its continuation.
21.191(g), the 51-percent rule, as it has become to be known.
What is compensation? Paying someone for services,
Because of the relationship that the FAA, EAA, and industry goods, or cash for completing tasks on the list is commer-
have, they all got together to resolve the growing concern. cial assistance.
We’re pleased that they decided to enlist industry and
associations, as well as other individuals, to search for a What is not commercial assistance? Paying someone to
suitable solution. An Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) help arrange the shop, set up workstations, or provide tools
was formed in 2006, and it completed its work in 2008. The and training (as long as the training doesn’t result in a fin-
results of the ARC activities were reported to EAA members, ished part for the airplane) is not commercial assistance.
and yet more new terms entered our vocabulary.
How does the homebuilder work through this maze?
The ARC members proposed a revised checklist. While As we said previously, when the FAA interacts with
some members wanted to stay with the old checklist, the general public it produces an AC (20-27G in this
others believed that adding tasks to the process would case), which has plain language and easy to follow
provide benefits in that it would allow additional detail and flowcharts. The AC also has examples of many con-
finer division of task assignment. The new checklist also cepts involved and is also available on the FAA.gov
promised to get rid of the dual checks that some FAA rep- website here.
resentatives were using. We welcomed the committee’s
proposal for an expanded checklist. The FAA accepted The 2009 Checklist Job Aid is also available on the FAA
the new checklist with the added tasks, elimination of dual website. It’s there to guide individuals through the steps
checks, more detail, and the expansion to four columns of and procedures involved with amateurs building aircraft
items. This was believed by many to be a big improvement. for education or recreational purposes.
What other uses are there for the checklist? When either Thankfully, the FAA.gov website has an abundance of
commercial assistance or significant changes have occurred information on this and other subjects of concern to all
in the fabrication and assembly of approved kits, the checklist amateur builders. We’re fortunate to have ready access
becomes invaluable. Also, any kit that has never been evalu- to this information, and all are encouraged to seek out this
ated by the FAA will be evaluated in the field at the time of cer- information and start to understand what it means to all of
tification, using the 2009 checklist. The checklist is also used us who build our own aircraft.
when someone is building a kit that has never been evaluated
or is making significant changes to a kit that has previously EAA presented a webinar on the subject of using the
been approved by either the old checklist or the new one. checklist, and you can view it here. I’m certain you will
be much better educated and informed after seeing it.
When does an amateur builder need to use the new checklist?
An amateur builder should use it when he is planning to work
on a nonevaluated kit or when contemplating using commer- Joe Gauthier is a member of the EAA Homebuilt
cial assistance on either an evaluated or a nonevaluated kit. Aircraft Council and an FAA designated
The amateur builder also should think about using the check- airworthiness representative.
list when considering changes to an approved kit. It could very
EAA Experimenter 55