Influence of Oxygen in Copper - 2010

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Influence of Oxygen

in Copper

Duplex microstructure caused by dissolution of

copper oxides during a high temperature solution anneal.

Technology 5

Metallic impurities cause harmful effects in commercial grade by a concomitant increase in tensile strength that is attrib-
ETP copper such as retarding annealing, increasing stiffness, uted to the presence of copper oxide dispersoids. The oxide
and impairing conformability during coil winding operations. particles not only increase strength at high oxygen contents,
Oxygen is intentionally added as a gas to molten copper in they also have a stabilizing effect upon final grain size, which
order to offset these detrimental effects, and is therefore con- can sometimes be beneficial. The behavioral effects of ox-
sidered as an alloying element. By acting as a scavenger for ygen content upon annealability and strength of fully annealed
metallic impurities, many benefits are achieved and will be wires are shown schematically in the figure below, and indi-
discussed in this report. Oxygen reacts with hydrogen and cate two opposing tendencies. Whereas high oxygen values
sulfur to form gases in the molten copper. These gases offset may impair drawability, annealing is more difficult at low ox-
shrinkage in the cast bar during solidification and prevent the ygen contents. Formation of either abnormally large grains or
formation of shrink (blow) holes. Oxygen also forms binary or a duplex microstructure ( a mixture of large and small grains )
higher order oxides with most of the residual metallic impu- after annealing can be a problem because it oftentimes results
rities, thereby removing them from solid solution and mini- in diminished ductility and elongation. Sudden coarsening of
mizing their deleterious behavior. Approximately 50 ppm of grains, sometimes referred to as “secondary recrystalliza-
oxygen is dissolved in the copper at room temperature and tion”, is associated with dissolution of oxides during exposure
a slightly larger amount is needed to tie up any impurities at high temperature and is prone to occur at oxygen concen-
as metallic oxides or gases. As a result of these reactions, trations less than 600 ppm. A typical photomicrograph of a
electrical conductivity increases during the first ~ 200 ppm of duplex microstructure is presented in the figure above.
oxygen, but then starts to decrease as more equilibrium cop-
per oxide particles are formed. At the same time the copper Most industrial QC laboratories measure oxygen content in
is strengthened by these oxide dispersoids and drawability both molten copper and the finished rod using commercial
is impaired at much higher oxygen contents. Inasmuch as analyzers. ASTM standards have been developed for oxy-
there are problems at both low oxygen contents ( hydrogen gen concentrations between 5 and 400 ppm, and work is
embrittlement ) and high values (drawability issues), ASTM in progress by this organization to develop standards having
standard B 49 for ETP copper limits the oxygen content to higher oxygen contents. Although industrial probes can be
the range between 100 and 650 ppm. It should be noted, used continuously by inserting them in molten copper, they
however, that many premium quality rods usually have ox- only measure oxygen that is dissolved in the copper. To be
ygen contents between 125 and 400 ppm. Oxygen has a more useful to the rod producer, a correlation would have
beneficial effect upon the annealing behavior of cold worked to be determined between probe data and results obtained
copper wire by reducing its annealing time, temperature, and using commercial oxygen analyzers. The latter instruments
activation energy for recrystallization. This reduction occurs measure total oxygen content, which includes the dissolved
because the dissolved impurities are removed from solid so- value in addition to oxygen that is tied up as entrapped slag,
lution and tied up as metallic oxides. A lower wire tempera- copper oxides, metallic oxides, and surface oxides.
ture during in-line annealing results in energy savings and by Horace Pops
improved process controls. These benefits are offset slightly

Sluggish Hi

Grain Size

Ease of Interaction Effects Strength


Schematic representation
showing the effects of
oxygen content upon
annealing behaviour and
Rapid Lo hardening of copper.
Oxygen Content, ppm

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