Annual Reviews Annual Review of Anthropology
Annual Reviews Annual Review of Anthropology
Annual Reviews Annual Review of Anthropology
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Review of Anthropology
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Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2004. 33:73-102
doi: 10.1146/annurev.anthro.33.070203.144016
Copyright ? 2004 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved
First published online as a Review in Advance on April 16, 2004
Abstract This review addresses methods and theories for the archaeological
study of ancient state economies, from the earliest states through the Classical pe
riod and beyond. Research on this topic within anthropological archaeology has been
held back by reliance on simple concepts and an impoverished notion of the extent
of variation in ancient state economies. First I review a long-standing debate between
scholars who see similarities with modern capitalist economies (modernists and for
malists) and those who see ancient economies as radically different from their modern
counterparts (primitivists and substantivists). I suggest that the concept of the level
of commercialization provides an avenue for transcending this debate and moving
research in more productive directions. Next I review work on the traditional archae
ological topics of production and exchange. A discussion of the scale of the economy
(households, temple and palace institutions, state finance, cities and regional systems,
and international economies) reveals considerable variation between and within an
cient states. I review key topics in current archaeological political economy, including
commercial exchange, money, property, labor, and the nature of economic change, and
close with suggestions for future research.
The comparative study of ancient state economies is a topic that has slipped
between the disciplinary cracks. Although numerous scholars have researched
individual aspects of this subject, few comprehensive syntheses or comparative
analyses exist. Economists and economic historians from Karl Marx to Douglass
North have applied powerful models to precapitalist economies, but they rarely
consider archaeological data; for most economists, Rome (or perhaps Greece) is
as "ancient" as they are willing to study. Economic anthropologists ignore an
cient states. Historians working in the Near East and the Classical world have rich
and detailed economic data, but most of their work remains highly particularistic.
Anthropological archaeologists have much relevant data and a comparative an
thropological perspective, but interest in the economy has waned since the 1980s;
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the reader should note the avoidance of economic topics in recent com
collections on early states (Feinman & Marcus 1998, Manzanilla 199
quently, most anthropological archaeologists today have an impoverishe
economic variation in ancient states.
The time is ripe for a new synthesis of ancient state economies. This ch
what archaeology can contribute to such a synthesis. My category of anc
includes complex societies prior to the industrial revolution. I focus prim
the early states studied by anthropological archaeologists (Trigger 2003
the Bronze Age, Greek and Roman states studied by Classical archaeolo
Old World prehistorians; nevertheless, the roster of relevant states exten
Medieval period and other late preindustrial states throughout the worl
the "substantive definition" of the economy as the provisioning of society
production, exchange, and consumption) rather than the "formal definiti
economy as the allocation of scarce resources among alternative end
1957). Although not without its ambiguities and difficulties (Wilk 199
34), the substantive definition has greater applicability in cross-cultural
Greene's (1986) book, The Archaeology of the Roman Economy, th
chaeological study of an ancient state economy yet published, is a good
point. Greene situates his work within the long-standing debate between
itivist and the modernist views of the Roman economy (see below). He b
historian Keith Hopkins' (1983) model of economic growth during the L
public and Early Empire periods. Hopkins expressed his model in terms
propositions, and Greene (1986) shows that "archaeology has a major pa
in the analysis of at least five out of Hopkins' seven clauses" (pp.
creases in agricultural production; population growth; expansion of cra
tion; increased regional exchange; and a series of changes resulting from
in money, including intensified long-distance commerce, expansion of
and urbanization). To these traditional archaeological strengths in prod
exchange, anthropological archaeology adds another dimension: the ana
domestic contexts as loci of consumption. Archaeology also expands the
ancient state economies far beyond those documented in the historical r
^iven the wide scope of this article, I cannot cite all of the relevant literat
an effort to cite syntheses, review articles, and important collections of pape
the reader can find citations to the literature. I have prepared supplemental bib
organized by topic. Follow the Supplemental Material link from the Annual Rev
page at
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teleologically evolves into it) or as Other (as a remote, alien, fundamentally dif
ferent world)" (Moreland 2000, p. 2, emphasis in original). Although it is easy to
criticize these debates today as simplistic and outdated, they retain importance for
two reasons. First, much archaeological and historical scholarship on early state
economies was (and still is) executed within the terms of these debates. Second,
they bring into focus a number of important issues in the conceptualization and
study of ancient economies today. The most prominent debate of this type focuses
on the economies of Classical Greece and Rome.
Early "modernists" argued that the Greek and Roman economies did not dif
fer greatly from the modern economy, whereas the "primitivists" emphasized the
small-scale, agrarian orientation, and stagnant nature of the ancient economy com
pared to modern capitalism (Morris 1999). Finley's (1999) eloquent primitivist
views dominated scholarship for several decades. In the late 1980s, however, his
torians and archaeologists began documenting higher levels of economic activity in
ancient Greece and Rome than Finley posited (Greene 1986,Harris 1993,Mattingly
& Salmon 2001). The same debate between modernists and primitivists exists in
research on the Bronze Age Mediterranean (Sherratt & Sherratt 1991) and early
medieval economies (Moreland 2000), and it is a major theme in current research
by world systems scholars, who divide themselves into "continuationists" and
"transformationists" over the relationship of ancient and modern world systems
(Denemark et al. 2000). In these cases, to transcend the dichotomy to achieve a
more adequate understanding of ancient economies is problematic for scholars.
The modernist/primitivist debate shares the "Same/Other" dichotomy with the
formalist/substantivist debate in economic anthropology. The formalists argued
that ancient and non-Western economies differ from capitalist economies only in
degree, not in kind, whereas the substantivists argued that noncapitalist economies
are fundamentally different from modern capitalism (Wilk 1996). The leading
substantivist was Karl Polanyi, many of whose concepts?e.g., the notion that the
economy is embedded in society?have been extremely fruitful. One of his central
tenets, however?the view that capitalism is fundamentally different from other
economic systems?proved quite harmful to the study of ancient state economies.
Anthropological archaeologists were strongly influenced by the major substan
tivist tracts of Polanyi et al. (1957) and Sahlins (1972), both of whom argue against
the application of capitalist notions to noncapitalist societies. According to Polanyi
(1957), noncapitalist economies are organized around the exchange mechanisms
of reciprocity and redistribution, whereas capitalism is based on market exchange.
The problem with this classification?which has been enormously influential in
archaeology?is that it leaves no room for noncapitalist commercial exchange. To
Polanyi, early state economies were not capitalist, so therefore they must have been
based on reciprocity and redistribution. Polanyi did not understand the operation
of ancient commercial economies.
When confronted with evidence of ancient commercial activity (in the Near
East, Greece, and Rome), Polanyi devised interpretations that ruled out precapital
ist commercialism by distorting historical evidence. He claimed that there were no
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true markets or "prices" (exchange values that rose and fell in response
in supply and demand) in the ancient world, but rather "equivalencies" t
set by the king and did not change except by royal decree (1957). T
have now been thoroughly refuted (Snell 1997) and Polanyi's views
"dogmatic misconceptions" (Trigger 2003, p. 59); only a few scholars st
Polanyi's ideas about ancient Old World economies (e.g., Renger 1995). N
less, two generations of anthropological archaeologists were raised on th
of Polanyi, and his work continues to cast a long shadow over archaeol
search on ancient state economies.
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recent cases (e.g., the Swahili and Silk Road economies), commercialization did in
deed generate social complexity. Their second objection to the commercial model
is the odd notion that the model requires that "sizable profits accumulate in pri
vate hands" and that this "rarely happened" (p. 2). Instead of viewing commercial
development as a general theoretical approach, however, it is more useful to con
ceptualize this process as an empirical phenomenon. Just as to talk of commercial
development in a state-controlled economy like the Inka or Egyptians would be
misleading, to reject commercial development as an active economic force in the
Roman or Greek economies also would be absurd. The level of commercialization
is, in fact, one of the key dimensions of variation in ancient state economies, a
topic explored more fully below.
Clearly Brumfiel & Earle (1987b) favor the political model. Local elites assume
control of the economy, but unlike in the adaptationist approach, elites take a more
self-centered stance by strategically controlling aspects of the economy for their
own economic and political ends. Since 1987, the political model has developed
in two directions. One approach has emphasized the role of the individual actor,
elevating "agency" and "practice" to central concerns of archaeological research.
Although this literature includes some valuable contributions, economics has been
pushed aside by political strategizing, prestige, emulation, identity, and gender as
major foci of empirical research and theorizing (Pauketat 2001, Stein 2002). This
approach (well represented in the new Journal of Social Archaeology) typically em
phasizes theory-driven speculation over empirical research, and it as yet contributes
little to the study of ancient economies. The second research direction to emerge
from Brumfiel & Earle's political model is archaeological political economy.
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Political system
Commercial level Weak states City-States Territorial states Empires
Uncommercialized Egypt, Tiwanaku Inka
Low Angkor Classic Maya Shang, Teotihuacan
commercialization Great Zimbabwe
Intermediate Indus Sumerian, Mixtee, Tarascan, Assyria,
commercialization Aztec Vijayanagara
Advanced Old Assyrian, Rome
precapitalist Swahili,
commercialization Classical Greece
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under state or elite control, with only limited occurrence of private propert
Of the commercial economies listed in Table 1, the Aztec and Sumerian
best-documented examples. The highest level of commercialization for pr
economies is labeled advanced precapitalist commercialization; this ca
not included in Smith's account. Societies at this level of commercializa
dynamic precapitalist economies with extensive markets in goods and lan
labor markets, and the presence of numerous commercial institutions like
credit, and merchant partnerships (Larsen 1976, Temin 2001). The archa
identification of commercial exchange is discussed below.
Because commercialization is an ordinal scale, my classification is, by n
somewhat artificial. I present the categories to illustrate the scale, and th
not be reified. Scholars debate issues such as the roles of banking and c
the influence of money in many of these economies, and there is much
disagreement over the classification of individual economies in Table 1.
Types of States
Most anthropological archaeologists view the state more as an evolutiona
than as a political institution. This view leads to a homogenizing approa
assumes a basic uniformity of ancient states. Categories like "archa
(Feinman & Marcus 1998) and "the early state" (Claessen & Skalnik 1978)
long history in anthropology. This unitary approach to states has been cr
McGuire (2002, pp. 161-67) and Trigger (2003, pp. 26-28), who argue for
attention to variability. At the other extreme, splitters argue that partic
were utterly unique (Higham 2002, Murra 1980). I propose a four-class t
of ancient state political forms as a compromise between these extremes
I present these types for the purpose of discussing economic patterns an
tions and their relationship to state organization; like the commercial c
presented above, these types should not be reified or taken too seriously
The category of weak states includes types such as the segmentary st
the galactic polity. Many applications of these states to ancient polities
succeeded under close scrutiny (Morrison 1997). The Khmer polity of A
however, is a good candidate for an ancient segmentary state. I include
civilization in the weak state category, acknowledging the inconclusive
between those who view the Indus polity as a state (Kenoyer 1998, pp. 8
those who claim that power was not sufficiently centralized for the Indus p
considered a state (Possehl 1998). Although I do not address most of the
literature in this review for reasons of space, the economies of chiefdom
quite difficult to distinguish?conceptually and empirically?from those
states (Earle 2002b, M?ller 1997).
The category of city-states describes groups of small polities centered o
urban capital that are linked to regional systems by cultural bonds and
interaction. Hansen (2000, 2002) proposes definitions of city-state and
culture and assembles 36 examples that fit his criteria. In his introduct
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Craft Production
Craft production in ancient states is an active area of current archa
search. The technologies of many ancient crafts are now relatively we
thanks to experimental, technical, and comparative studies (David & K
and research addresses the social organization and contexts of produ
tices. Unfortunately, conceptual advances have been held back by in
use of the concept of specialization, a term that has outlived its usef
area and should be abandoned. Specialization was a major part of Ch
tial model of cultural evolution (Wailes 1996), and no one doubts th
more specialists than do other kinds of societies (Clark & Parry 1990
anthropological archaeology the term specialization came to be used
for craft production, leading to fruitless arguments about the meanin
(Clark 1995); archaeologists working in other traditions, however, ap
not sidetracked this way (Greene 1986).
In an important paper, Costin (1991) clarifies the issue by identif
independent variables or dimensions of craft production that she lab
concentration, scale, and context. Although she calls these variables
"specialization," in a later study she recognizes that the relevant ov
is craft production systems (Costin 2001a), not specialization. "Intens
the full-time versus part-time nature of craftwork. This is the only
production systems that can be usefully labeled "specialization." In
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states, much production was done by crafters who practiced their trades part-time,
not full-time (Trigger 2003, pp. 358-73). "Concentration" describes the location
and density of facilities (e.g., rural versus urban, degree of nucleation).
Costin's "scale" describes the size and organization of production facilities.
The most influential scheme is Peacock's (1982, pp. 6-11; see also van der Leeuw
1976, pp. 402-3) typology: household production (part-time domestic produc
tion for domestic use); household industry (part-time domestic production for
exchange); individual workshops (full-time workers in dedicated facilities); nu
cleated workshops (clusters of workshops); manufactories (large-scale produc
tion requiring capital investment); estate production (attached producers working
on rural estates); and institutional production (attached producers working for
a state or official institution). In many states, most craft production was done
within or around the house (household industry) or in workshops connected to the
house (Feinman & Nicholas 2000). The loose use of the term workshop for any
production location causes confusion, however (for discussion see Moholy-Nagy
1990). Costin's final dimension, "context," describes the social affiliation of pro
ducers. Most discussion of this topic focuses on the categories of "independent
artisans," who work on their own and distribute their products individually, and "at
tached artisans," who work for patrons, typically producing luxury goods for elites
(Brumfiel 1987, Clark 1995). Two other concepts have been added to this scheme,
both called "embedded specialization" (of course, the authors really mean "embed
ded production"). Ames (1995) uses this term to refer to production of luxury goods
by elites themselves (Inomata 2001). Later, Janusek (1999) uses this same term
to describe production organized by corporate groups. Other aspects of craft pro
duction include recruitment patterns and the social identities and roles of crafters,
raw materials and technology, and the standardization of products (Costin 2001b,
Costin & Wright 1998, Sinopoli 2003).
High levels of craft intensity and scale tend to be found in highly commercial
ized economies and in state-controlled institutional settings in uncommercialized
economies. Independent and attached producers are found in all states, but with
varying contexts. The notion of specialization is difficult to discard; even authors
critical of the notion cannot avoid using it (Costin 2001a, Stein 2001). But ar
chaeologists should note that economic historians working on preindustrial craft
production carry out rich and detailed analyses without having to use the term spe
cialization in their research (Braudel 1982, Thirsk 1961). Specialization is more
usefully limited to a high-level concept describing the division of labor in society,
not the organization of craft production.
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As the primary social unit of production, consumption, and reproduction in most
agrarian societies, households occupy an important place in the study of ancient
state economies. Archaeologists commonly acknowledge houses and their associ
ated artifacts and features as among the best archaeological sources of economic
and social data. The development of household archaeology as a distinctive method
in the early 1980s included an explicit focus on domestic craft production (Wilk
& Rathje 1982), a topic that remains an important area of archaeological research
(Feinman & Nicholas 2000, Hendon 1996). By the late 1990s archaeologists work
ing in domestic contexts were devoting more attention to patterns of consumption
(Allison 1999), following broader trends in anthropology.
Archaeological research on domestic consumption now covers a variety of top
ics. The first task usually is to determine the probable uses of artifacts found
in and around the house or house compound. Then archaeologists can address
consumption-related topics like luxuries versus necessities, or gifts versus com
modities (Sherratt & Sherratt 1991; Smith & Berdan 2003, Ch. 18). Feasting has
become an important topic of analysis for ancient states (Bray 2003), along with
studies of the consumption of alcohol and other special food and drink (Dietler
Some notable recent findings about ancient household economics concern the
nature of variability at a number of scales. In some cases archaeologists have
found a high level of variation among houses, often within the same community,
in factors like wealth, access to imports, and economic activities (Cahill 2001,
Hendon 1996). Several recent books on Latin American states address variation
in the integration of past households into wider political and economic systems
(Bermann 1994, D'Altroy & Hastorf 2001, Smith & Berdan 2003). Household
level data are crucial for the archaeological analysis of ancient economies, and this
area is ripe for significant advances in the future.
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State Finance
Although ancient states used a wide variety of methods to finance the
ties and enrich their rulers, most archaeologists limit themselves to a f
models. Within anthropological archaeology the concepts of "staple fin
"wealth finance" (D'Altroy & Earle 1985) are influential. In systems bas
ple finance, rulers extract payments in food and utilitarian items from
use the material to reward state personnel. Wealth finance, in contrast,
payments of wealth objects (high-value, low-bulk goods) that are more ef
rewarding and controlling followers at greater distances. Although usef
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1981, Cowgill 1997). Among the lowland Maya, in Africa, and perhaps
areas with low-density cities, intensive farming took place within the u
(Isendahl 2002), although the output of such gardening was insufficien
urban food needs.
The provisioning of a city with food from its hinterland establishes a
economic system (in the sense of Smith 1976b), and few cities can
stood economically outside of their regional context (Cowgill 2004
ume). Most archaeological studies of regional economies are based o
data (Kowalewski 1990, Wilkinson 2003), and thus their level of coverag
production and specific exchange mechanisms is limited. The use of res
excavations to provide more-detailed data on regional exchange and rur
interaction is starting to make contributions in many regions (Berman
Schwartz & Falconer 1994).
Max Weber's (1958) concept of the "consumer city" is one of the majo
nents of the modernist/primitivist debate. Finley and other primitivist
Weber's model of ancient cities that had low levels of production and exc
were drains on society's resources. Recent scholarship indicates levels o
based production and commercial exchange in Roman cities higher than
described, and archaeology has played a major role in refuting the con
model (Mattingly & Salmon 2001, Parkins 1997). For Greek cities, M
still finds the consumer city model useful.
International Economies
The economics of empires, world systems, merchant diasporas, and oth
tional phenomena have received considerable recent attention from arch
and there are many excellent recent review articles and edited volumes
sive citations to the literature. From a materialist perspective, economic
primary motive for imperial expansion. Archaeologists have focused on
imperial control (direct versus indirect), imperial involvement in agricu
craft production, the relationship between merchants and the state, and
transformations at the household level effected by imperial conquest (Al
2001, D'Altroy & Hastorf 2001, Greene 1986, Sinopoli 2003, Wells 1
ation in imperial economies, both within and among ancient empires,
focus of this research.
Several archaeologists working on ancient states employ an amorpho
systems approach that uses concepts modified from Wallerstein's worl
theory to analyze ancient multistate economies (Algaze 1993, Per
Feinman 1996, Smith & Berdan 2003). Concepts such as cores and pe
long-distance commercial exchange, and elite networks are useful to m
ternational systems where cross-polity trade had major social, politica
nomic impacts. The phrase world systems has been polarizing within arc
however; some scholars exhibit strong negative reactions to any use of
cept. In several strongly worded critiques, for example, Stein (1999,20
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Money can be defined as objects that serve as both a medium of exchange and a unit
of account (Grierson 1977, Wray 1998). Within economics there are two funda
mental, opposing views of money: the orthodox, neo-Classical metallist view and
the minority chartalist approach. These views have ramifications for the analysis
of modern capitalist economies; for present purposes I limit consideration to their
quite different accounts of the origins of money. Metallists hold that "money enters
the picture only in the modest role of a technical device that has been adopted in
order to facilitate transactions" (Schumpeter 1954, p. 277). They emphasize the
function of money as a medium of exchange and argue that it developed initially
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Economic Change
Much theorizing about change by economists, including North (1981, 1
other new institutional economists, is naive and inapplicable to many anc
because a high level of commercialization is simply assumed (Anka
Jones 1993). Even when discussing ancient commercial economies,
need to do more than just suggest that particular practices were adopt
they lowered transaction costs (North 1981, Silver 1995). In contrast, mu
ing by anthropological archaeologists, based on the literature of cultura
and the substantivist economic anthropology of Polanyi, errs in the opp
tion by denying or downplaying commercial institutions and practices
states (Brumfiel & Earle 1987b, Manzanilla 1997). Useful theories of ch
be able to handle ancient economies at all levels of commercialization w
blinders of either the promarket mentality or the antimarket mentality.
Agricultural intensification is a type of economic change that has se
erable archaeological research and debate (see above). Archaeologists ha
inspiration (both positive and negative) from the intensification literatu
1993), and the study of agricultural features and methods is an active a
tive line of empirical archaeological research on economic change (John
Morrison 1996). An important variable in the literature on agricultural i
tion is the ratio of labor to land in a given area. Rough estimates of these p
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are relatively easy to obtain from regional survey data, and a body of comparative
and theoretical research discusses the importance of land/labor ratios for processes
of economic change (Allen 1997, North 1981). Conditions of abundant land but
limited labor tend to generate population growth, colonization of new zones, urban
ization, the growth of trade, and economic prosperity. Sustained growth of this sort
often transforms the economy into one of abundant labor but limited land, which
leads to intensification, greater exploitation of labor, contraction of exchange, and
declining standards of living (Smith & Heath-Smith 1994).
The relationship between state power and commercial level is generally in
verse (Blanton et al. 1993, Hansen 2000, Trigger 2003, pp. 342-55). Archaeol
ogists apply this generalization dynamically in cases where powerful states with
low levels of commercialization give rise over time to smaller states with more
commercialized economies. This change has been marked in several cases by
the spatial expansion of the economy into an international system, a growing re
gional economic diversification, and the conversion of former luxury goods into
commodities (Blanton et al. 1993, pp. 212-19, Hudson & Levine 1996, Sherratt
& Sherratt 1991, Smith & Berdan 2003). In an important series of collections,
Hudson and colleagues (in the International Scholars Conference on Ancient Near
Eastern Economies) show that commercial institutions and practices in the Near
East developed initially within the context of temple and palace institutions and
only later took on an independent existence outside the state and other institutions
(Hudson & Levine 1996, Hudson & Van de Mieroop 2002). The chartalist view
that money originated with states fits well with this notion.
' Archaeological research ties into several broader areas of social scientific and
historical scholarship on economic change in precapitalist states, including world
systems, complexity theory, long-term change, and preindustrial economic growth.
Archaeological interaction with the wider world-systems community has a long
history (see discussion above), and archaeological contributions are included in an
important recent state-of-the-art assessment (Denemark et al. 2000). Complexity
theory is starting to make inroads into archaeology. The formal modeling associated
with the Santa Fe Institute holds great promise, but most applications focus on
egalitarian groups, not states (Bowles & Choi 2003, K?hler & Gumerman 2000).
Informal systems approaches so far have been more useful than formal modeling
for ancient state economies (Algaze 2001, Jacobs 2000).
Some work in the emerging field of long-term change studies includes serious
engagement with archaeology (Dark 1998, Denemark et al. 2000). Also notewor
thy is a trend in the analysis of comparative preindustrial economic growth that
moves the field far beyond earlier capitalist-centered and Western-centered biases
(de Vries 2001, Goldstone 2002). Goldstone and other scholars explore several
types of economic growth and work to document and analyze specific episodes of
growth throughout history and even prehistory. Morris (2004) is now applying this
approach to archaeological data, using architectural, artifactual, and osteological
evidence for changing standards of living in Archaic and Classical Greece; this is
a promising avenue for continuing research.
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