Part A Questions 1-7

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Questions 1-7

1: C

2: D

3: B

4: C

5: A

6: A

7: B

Questions 8-14

8: anabolic state enhances

9: inhibition of muscle protein breakdown

10: increase in muscle protein synthesis

11: BCCA Consumption

12: EAAs

13: muscle protein synthesis

14: 9 EAAs

Questions 15-20

15: Garlick and Grant

16: plasma concentrations

17: muscle protein breakdown

18: EAAs

19: plasma

20 : muscle mass

Questions 1-6

1: C The detector output is in form of electrical signal and is proportional to the

heartbeat rate.

2: A How BIS technology works?

3: C Something that is similar to or can be used instead of something else.

4: B Data storage and display.

5: C Both.

6: C More than 69% of patients in an ICU were found to be inappropriately



Text 1: Questions 7-14

7: D Cauliflower ear may often lead to distortion of the shape of the ear.

8: B A bruise

9: D It is suggested that sports should be played using all necessary safety


10: A Covering of the head

11: B Ice and a head wrap should be applied

12: A Remove blood from the ear.

13: B Three immediate actions are taken to prevent cauliflower ear.

14: A Preventive measures for cauliflower ear.

Text 2: Questions 15-22

15: B Transient

16: A Rosacea is a condition in which the redness of skin may last only for a
short period of time.

17: A Subtypes of rosacea.

18: C It is possible that one type of rosacea may show features of other
advanced types of rosacea.

19: B What does rosacea look like?

20: D All of the above

21: C The reason

22: B Doctors do not know how it occurs.

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