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Runway and Surface Operations

Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

Flight Operations Briefing Notes

Runway and Surface Operations
Preventing Runway Incursions

I Introduction
One major safety issue of surface operations is the occurrence of runway incursions.
Taxi clearances at some large airports are quite complex and subject to
The objective of this Flight Operations Briefing Note is to provide awareness of:
• A runway incursion;
• The associated contributing factors; and,
• Related prevention strategies, especially in terms of best practices for flight crew
to avoid runway incursions.

II Background Information – Statistical Data

II.1 Definitions
The European JAA defines a runway incursion as the unintended presence of an aircraft,
vehicle or person on the runway or runway strip.
The US FAA defines a runway incursion as any occurrence at an airport involving
an aircraft, vehicle, person or object on the ground that creates a collision hazard or
results in the loss of separation with an aircraft taking off, intending to take off, landing
or intending to land.

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Runway and Surface Operations
Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

In this Flight Operations Briefing Note, the term Runway Incursions includes
the European JAA and US FAA definition amongst others and/or additionally the
following types of events:
• Inadvertent crossing of a hold-line and/or entry onto an active runway
(with or without loss of separation with an aircraft, vehicle or pedestrian),
• Takeoff / landing without clearance,
• Simultaneous takeoff and landing from the same or from intersecting runways, or,
• Takeoff / landing from/onto the wrong runway.

Experience shows that several cases of takeoff and/or landing did occur from taxiways.

II.2 Operational consequences

The US FAA defines 4 categories of potential hazards associated with an urgency level
of reaction required from the flight crew:
• Little or no risk of a collision, no need for corrective action, but this is an incursion
or incident nonetheless;
• Decreasing separation, corrective action is advisable and there is time and room for
corrective action;
• Separation decreases, time-critical action is essential to avoid a collision; or,
• Extreme danger, instantaneous action required to narrowly avoid catastrophe (near
collisions and collisions).
The nature of the reaction from the crew depends upon situations:
• Lateral evasive maneuver in case of potential collision,
• Rejected takeoff, possibly near or above 100 kt, or maximum braking at landing,
instructed by Air Traffic Control (ATC) or decided by flight crew,
• Go around at low altitude (DH or below) instructed by ATC or decided by flight crew,
• Emergency evacuation following a collision.

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

II.3 Statistical data

68% of the accidents involving Air Traffic Management (ATM) occurred during
the ground phase of flight. (Source: Review of ATM-related Accidents worldwide from
1980 to 2001 by the National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) – Netherlands)
There is a runway incursion every 3 or 4 days in Europe. There is a near collision due to
runway incursion every 2 or 3 months in Europe. (Source: European JAA - 2002)
Runway incursion is a threat that may occur at any airport in the world (i.e.: any
airport having a significant number of ground movements).
Runway incursions do occur in daytime as well as at night, in good as well as in low
visibility conditions.
The following drawing synthetizes the major causes leading to runway incursions
(Figure 1):

Figure 1
( Source – US FAA– 2001 )

III Operational and Human Factors Involved in Runway Incursions

Runway incursions are the consequence of multiple operational and/or environmental
One major contributing factor for runway incursions is the crew lack of situational
awareness during airport surface operations, induced by weather considerations, by
complex airport factors or by crew technique itself; it is also caused by ATC issues.

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

III.1 Weather factors

All factors affecting the crew visibility can be considered as potential contributing
factors for runway incursions:
• Low visibility conditions (haze, dust (e.g.: from construction works), light or heavy
• Visibility on taxiway lower than expected RVR,
• Position of the sun versus pilot’s eyes, reflection of the sun on wet surfaces blinding
the pilots (Figure 2),

(Photo credit - US FAA)

Figure 2
Where is the hold position?

• Snow and/or icing over surfaces covering airport surface markings,

• Night time operations.

III.2 Airport factors

Various airport factors may affect pilot situational awareness, distract the crew, or lead
to crew confusion:
• Congested airports with many different-sized aircraft, and with many vehicles and
pedestrians moving on the airport surface,
• Close-spaced parallel runways, crossing runways, high speed turn-off, complex and
confusing intersections, etc … (Figures 3, 4 and 5),

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

Figure 3
Taxiway parallel to crossing runways

Figure 4
Complex intersection and short taxiway between two runways

Figure 5
Direct access to a runway from a parking area,
or access to a runway via a taxiway from another parking area on the same airport

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

• Surface ground radar failure (or not at the latest standard) in case of low visibility,
• Substandard (non-ICAO compliant), downgraded (e.g.: poorly illuminated, rubbed
out, …) or missing signs, lights and/or markings,
• Construction works involving people and vehicles on the airport surface,
• Non nominal airport configuration: closed taxiways or runways (Figure 6), runway
used as taxiway, partial back-track on a runway, …

Figure 6
Identification of a closed runway

III.3 ATC factors

Runway incursions may also be due to ATC:
• Controller degraded situational awareness: controller’s failure to see and track
airport activity from the tower, failure to provide separation on ground, …
• Incorrect or inadequate clearance (e.g.: improper TWR / GND controllers
coordination, use of non-standard phraseology, pilots readback-error not detected
by controller, …).

III.4 Crew technique factors

Many runway incursions are caused by flight crew inability to correctly taxi as per ATC
clearance because of:
• Failure to properly visualize the expected or cleared taxi out (in) path,
• Inadequate pre-flight or approach preparation,
• Lack of a proper identification and briefing with the PNF of the taxi clearance both at
departure and at arrival,
• Failure to accurately materialize on airport surface charts the expected or cleared
taxi routing, with outstanding elements (intersections, holding lines, …),
• Distraction or poor monitoring of the taxi progress,

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

• Non-adherence to procedures (e.g.: incomplete read back, …),

• Unfamiliarity with the airport and failure to advise controller when a loss of position
awareness occurs,
• Failure in Crew Resource Management (cross-check / coordination) resulting in
inadequate reference to critical data such as heading, raw ILS deviations, airport
lights, signs and/or markings,
• Crew complacency when operating at very familiar airport (e.g.: home base),
• Too high taxi speed,
• High pressure on flight crew, in congested airports, so as not to “loose a slot”.

IV Best Practices, Prevention Strategies and Lines-of-defense

The recommendations to avoid runway incursions are manifold:
• Adequate communication technique during taxi,
• Proper knowledge of airport surface markings, lights and signs,
• Proper preparation of expected taxi out/in routing, and adequate taxi technique and

IV.1 Communication guidelines

The following communication guidelines should be implemented to address the factors

involved in runway incursions:
• Use of aviation English and language proficiency, and adherence to established
standard ICAO phraseologies in order to keep situational awareness for all
participants associated with runway operations,
• Use of a common frequency for PF and PNF, when practicable, particularly until all
runways have been vacated after landing (i.e.: do not anticipate switching to
the ground controller frequency).
• State your position whenever making initial contact with any tower or ground
controller, regardless of whether you have previously stated your position to
a different controller,
• Acknowledge and read back all the clearances and instructions, including call sign
and runway designator, especially full read back of any holding position instructions,
• If clearances are not clearly understood, do not hesitate to request clarification,
• Adopt the sterile cockpit rule (defined in the Flight Operations Briefing Note
Managing Interruptions and Distractions in the Cockpit) during taxi phase,
• When cleared to cross a runway, report to ATC, when requested, when the aircraft
has vacated the runway,

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

• Public Address or operational calls on the airline frequency should be avoided while
taxiing, particularly when approaching any active runway.
• When temporarily leaving the ATC frequency, notify other flight crew member and
request to be briefed of what you may have missed,
• Advise ATC immediately if you are holding for any reason on taxiway or runway
because this strongly affects the timing of every controller and pilot who anticipates
your action,
• Ask ATC, if the aircraft is holding for a time considered to be an extended holding
period, particularly when aircraft is cleared to taxi into position-and-hold onto
the departure runway (TIPH clearance),
• Listen to other traffic on the party line frequency to help maintaining awareness of
airport activity.

IV.2 Airport knowledge

The following best practices should be implemented to warrant airport knowledge:
• Know standard airport markings, signs, lighting, and understand their meaning and
operational consequences (Figure 8): “holding markings area”, … and special
markings and lighting to enhance taxiing capabilities in low visibility conditions
(e.g.: “stop bars” which prevent lining up or crossing a runway when red lights are
illuminated (Figure 7)),

(Photo credit - US FAA - Eurocontrol)

Figure 7
Stop Bar lights fixtures

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

(Source - US FAA Aeronautical Information Manual - AIM)

Figure 8
Extract from Pilots Guide to Airport Signs and Markings

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

• Be able to interprate the relation in between the airport chart schematic and airport
• Systematically review airport layout information which may be reported through
NOTAM and ATIS information (recent changes in airport layout, construction works,
temporary taxiway / runway closures, …),
• Share taxi experience at familiar airport between flight crew members (local habits,
particulars in taxi routings) and transmit it to airline operations in order to ensure
wide dissemination to all flight crew.

IV.3 Cockpit procedures for maintaining situational awareness

The following best practices are presented into three parts to ensure that cockpit
procedures will maintain situational awareness throughout ground operations:
• Best practices to prepare/plan ground operations at the gate and prior to starting
the descent:
− Independently verify aircraft parking location (LAT/LONG if necessary),
− Review the airport layout using adequate airport charts, ATIS and NOTAM
information, and share previous experience at this airport, if any, to determine
expected taxi routes,
− Review the designations of the possible/probable exits on the landing runway,
− Identify any anticipated complex intersections and runway crossings along
the expected taxi routes (Figure 9),

Figure 9
Complex taxiways intersection and arrangement of expected signs at intersection

“Black square – You are there!” “Yellow sign – Points the way!”

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

− Plan timing and execution of check lists to increase attention when approaching
intersections and runway crossings, and enhance situational awareness during
the taxi phase,
− Conduct detailed briefing with cross-coordination of both flight crew members,
these briefings should take place before push-back or engine start, and during
the descent preparation.

• Best practices to conduct taxi operations when taxi clearance is received:

− Acknowledge received routing and not the expected one,
− If unexpected clearance is delivered, before taxiing, review the routing on
airport diagram and conduct detailed briefing, to ensure both flight crew
members have fully understood the instructions,
− If taxi instructions are complex or at unfamiliar airports, writing down all
instructions is desirable, request progressive taxi instructions (i.e.: step by step
routing directions) if needed,
− Before taxiing, clear up any uncertainties with ATC about the routing (Figure

Figure 10
Confusing taxiway crossing of the runway

− Use exterior lights as required by Airbus SOPs,

− One pilot head up at any time to taxi the aircraft and to scan outside for other
− When taxiing, both flight crew members should be “in the loop” for actively
monitoring and updating their progress and location on the airport diagram;
this includes knowing the aircraft’s present position and mentally calculating the
next location on the route: PF-guided-by-PNF with cross-confirmation should be
the operational standard,

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

− Be alerted by any information not consistent with what is expected (Figure 11),

Figure 11
On a taxiway, which color are you expecting … for the taxiway edge lights? … for the
taxiway centerline lights, if any?

− Taxi at adequate speed as per taxi/brake policy and avoid high taxi speed when
approaching any intersection, for proper signs and markings identification,
− When PF does the flight control check, (s)he must continuously watch outside
the aircraft; PNF checks flight control deflections on ECAM System Display,
− If PF needs to watch inside the cockpit, (s)he must stop the aircraft,
− When approaching a runway, alertness to detect the hold-line on the taxiway
(Figure 12) is required (e.g.: hold-line may be farther from the runway than
expected, particularly when the taxiway is oblique),

(Photo credit - US FAA)

Figure 12
Holding short of a runway

− If you have any doubt at any time of aircraft location, stop and immediately
inform ATC: do not hesitate to ask for a “Follow-me” vehicle,
− Before crossing a runway, position the aircraft at a right angle with the runway,
when practicable, to better monitor operating environment,
− Before crossing a runway, ensure that the taxi clearance includes an explicit
clearance to cross that runway, this requirement also includes crossing
of non-active runways,
− Never cross red stop bars without a positive clearance from the ATC,

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− Conduct before-takeoff check list when the aircraft is stationary, when

− Before-takeoff check list completion before moving into the active runway is
required to avoid holding time on the active runway,

• Best practices to conduct taxi operations when line up and hold clearance, or line up
and takeoff clearance is delivered:
− Visually scan to the left and to the right and check approach path is clear of
− Use the TCAS display, when ATC transponder is switched on, to remain aware of
traffic on approach,
− Light up the aircraft and make it more visible when entering a runway to
takeoff or when taxiing into position and holding for takeoff, as required by
Airbus SOPs (e.g.: switching on the strobe lights (if installed) when entering the
runway to line up clearly shows to other aircraft that an aircraft is about to take
− Perform a line-up check onto the departure runway: identification of runway
markings and lights (Figure 13), alignment with correct runway, ILS tuned for
this runway if available (e.g.: LOC diamond), correct takeoff position, and orally
confirm “active runway check”,

Figure 13
Which color confirms that you are on a runway?

− Be extra vigilant if you are holding on an active runway awaiting for takeoff
clearance (e.g.: monitor ATC landing clearance to other aircraft),
− Contact ATC if takeoff is delayed for more than 90s, after ATC takeoff clearance
has been received,

• Best practices to adopt during the approach and landing roll, when ATC landing
instructions are received:
− Use exterior lights, as required by Airbus SOPs (e.g.: LAND lights switched on
below FL100),

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− Verbally coordinate and agree on the assigned runway,

− Check approach charts and navaids selection for this runway (e.g.: ILS tuned for
this runway, if available),
− Identify the required runway and, during final approach, maintain an awareness
of this runway (e.g.: LOC diamond (if available), runway heading, runway
characteristic (width, length, lighting)), particularly when approaching parallel
− Actively monitor the assigned tower frequency for potential conflicts involving
your runway, and visually check - whenever possible - that no aircraft is holding
in takeoff position,
− After landing roll, clear the runway once speed is controlled, to reach holding
position on the turn off taxiway; never stop on the runway unless instructed to
do so (e.g.: Land and Hold Short Operations - LAHSO in practice at several US
airports where landing aircraft are ordered to hold before reaching an active
runway intersection), pay specific attention when there is closely spaced parallel
runways or converging runways (Figure 14),

Figure 14
Close spaced parallel runways and high-speed exit

Turning off at an outboard parallel high-speed exit (T), you must ensure to hold short
of the inboard parallel runway unless specifically issued an ATC clearance to cross.

− When leaving the landing runway, switch off the strobe lights - if installed - to
show to other aircraft that you have vacated the runway,
− Perform the after-landing checklist only when the taxi clearance to the gate has
been understood by both pilots, or when reaching holding position on the turn
off taxiway.

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

IV.4 Emerging technology

The objective of an overall reduction in Runway Incursions would result from
a combination of “improved pilot performance and new system catching errors or
providing assistance to pilots”.

Some available enhanced systems for ATC

• Airport Movement Area Safety System (AMASS) is a software package that takes
data from the ASDE-3 airport surface movement detection radar (installed at major
US airports) and processes it to provide controllers with aural and visual warnings of
potential collision risks,
• Airport Surface Movement radar, know as ASDE-X, are designed to receive and
process automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast signals from aircraft.

Some prospective systems in flight deck

• Airport moving map with aircraft location on Head Down Display,
• New generation of Head Up Display to provide assistance for ground operation as
a tactical tool to taxi the aircraft in low visibility conditions depending on availability
of certain new technologies: Surface Guidance System (SGS), Enhanced Vision
System (EVS) based on forward looking infrared sensors and Synthetic Vision
System (SVS) to provide the display of conformal images assembled from a
• Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS) to provide supplemental aural
information to the flight crew of aircraft position relative to runways during surface
operations and on final approach.

V Summary of Key Points

The following key points should be emphasized:
• Planning, communication and coordination for ground operations as for any other
phases of flight,
• Enhanced alertness for factors involved in runway incursions,
• Prevention strategies through implementation of standard taxi operating procedures
and proven best practices, and by adherence to ICAO recommendations.

VI Associated Flight Operations Briefing Notes

The following Flight Operations Briefing Notes should be reviewed along with the above
• Effective Pilot / Controller communication
• Managing Interruptions and Distractions in the Cockpit
• Conducting Effective Briefings

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Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Runway Incursions

VII Regulatory References

• ICAO – PANS/ATM (Doc 4444) – Standard phraseologies –Chapter 12.
• ICAO – Annex 11 – Read-back of clearances and safety-related information –
Chapter 3.7.
• ICAO – Annex 10 and PANS/ATM – Radio transmission guidelines and techniques.
• ICAO – Annex 14 – Aerodrome design and operations – Markings, signs and lights -
Chapter 5.
• ICAO Poster P709 – Taxiing guidance signs.
• FAA – Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) – Chapter 2 - Aeronautical Lighting
and Other Airport Visual Aids.
• FAA – Advisory Circular - AC120-74A - Flight Crew procedures during taxi

VIII Additional Reading Material / Websites References

• European action plan for the prevention of runway incursions
• Eurocontrol Runway Safety Awareness Interactive CD
• US FAA runway safety http://www.faa.gov/runwaysafety/
• FAA Flight Standard Service Runway and Surface Safety CD
• US FAA AIM http://www.faa.gov/atpubs/AIM/index.htm
• NTSB http://www.ntsb.gov/events/2000/incursion/incur_video.htm

This FOBN is part of a set of Flight Operations Briefing Notes that provide an overview of the applicable standards,
flying techniques and best practices, operational and human factors, suggested company prevention strategies and personal
lines-of-defense related to major threats and hazards to flight operations safety.

This FOBN is intended to enhance the reader's flight safety awareness but it shall not supersede the applicable regulations
and the Airbus or airline's operational documentation; should any deviation appear between this FOBN and the Airbus or
airline’s AFM / (M)MEL / FCOM / QRH / FCTM, the latter shall prevail at all times.

In the interest of aviation safety, this FOBN may be reproduced in whole or in part - in all media - or translated; any use of
this FOBN shall not modify its contents or alter an excerpt from its original context. Any commercial use is strictly excluded.
All uses shall credit Airbus.

Airbus shall have no liability or responsibility for the use of this FOBN, the correctness of the duplication, adaptation or
translation and for the updating and revision of any duplicated version.

Airbus Customer Services

Flight Operations Support and Line Assistance

1 Rond Point Maurice Bellonte - 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE

FOBN Reference : FLT_OPS – RWY_OPS – SEQ 01 – REV 01 – MAY. 2004

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