Chip Conrad Sweet Chant
Chip Conrad Sweet Chant
Chip Conrad Sweet Chant
I’m Chip Conrad, the owner of Body Tribe TED is pretty green—not new and not wet
Fitness in Sacramento, California. I’m just finishing behind the ears—but green. TED is a dialogue for
up my second book, Our Sweet Chant of Frantic planetary sustainability, although they have also
Power. Like my first one, Lift With Your Head, this thrown in some cool new technological toys to
one deals with our relationship with strength and stroke the fires of the inner geek in many of us, and
movement. Here’s part of that thinking. make the shindig a little more fun.
What would you say if you had 18 minutes to Each presenter has 18 minutes to pitch an idea,
pitch whatever you wanted to more than a thousand gadget or plan to change the world. The attendees
people who pooped money and had the resources to have the resources and money, as well as the desire
make your dreams come true? This little fantasy is to get the party started.
the premise of what I’ll be chatting about here. My little heart needed that sliver of hope after a
It all started when I learned about the technology, repeated daily porridge of misgivings spoon-fed to
entertainment and design conference known among us by a sensationalized but limited popular media.
the hip kids as the TED Conference, an exclusive, Learning that filthy-rich folks also wanted to do
possibly earth-changing gathering every year that something good for the planet helped to slightly
gives this 18-minute possibility to folks far smarter offset our aphotic moral scale, which seemed pinned
than me. down on the side of messed up as other filthy-rich
The TED invites a handful of some of the folks profited off of anything they could. Oh, careful.
wealthiest folks on the planet to listen to these mini- I’m ranting. Sorry.
lectures from people with big ideas. This hopefully Well, perhaps it’s sort of evident why the TED
creates a bridge between said ideas and the financing conference got the six-year-old in me dreaming.
to make them boom. Let’s say that a roomful of 1000 rich, smart and
No, I won’t ever be invited. An important place powerful people could be gathered without the
in history has not been reserved for me unless being sole intention of owning the world, exploiting any
average can champion heroes—the world’s best resource to make a buck or creating dangerous
mediocre parallel parker, or the neighborhood’s conflicts to line their own coffers. Wow, I do seem a
greatest DVD collection of movies from the mid- bit jaded, don’t I?
1990s. Those would be the trophies on my wall. Let’s say these folks were interested in intelligent
Heck, the 10 people who bought my previous ideas of possibility that could have an effect on the
book, not including family members (thanks, Aunt sustainability of the planet and they could bankroll
Claudia), were members of a suicide cult who thought almost any mountain that needed moving or any
the physical subculture was a body modification dream that sounded plausible. Let’s say I’m standing
practice that offered after-life enlightenment. Boy, in front of them.
were they in for a surprise. Go.
Netflix produced and distributed a documentary What would my message be? There’s nothing as
about the TED conference that ended up in my humbling as questioning the value of your mission.
queue and eventually in my DVD player, somehow My little revolution against the commercial fitness
usurping Season 3 of Dexter. I was blown away, not industry is a very first-world luxury. With food in my
just by the amazing presentations, but more so by belly and a roof over my head, for now, I can safely
the fact that a roomful of folks whose wealth and charge into the fray of mainstream consumerism
power could collectively rival our GNP were present and hubris with sword or dumbbell in hand, ready
to have a positive influence on our planet. to slay the corporate dragons. So what?
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
Can I justify that Westernized society needs Do you want to join me while I attempt to
saving as much as societies that suffer from a lack define what steps we must create to ensure that
of basic needs? I’m trying to raise the level of my our individual strength journey translates to an
silly, little profession from a service industry to a increased security and ability of our tribe or our
philosophical physiology—the quest for realization community?
through physical empowerment. It’s hard not to It’s been said that happiness means nothing if it
question whether this is a pretty weak brand of isn’t shared. The case will be made here that strength
activism. is the same way. As a tool for empowerment, we’ll
David P. Butler, who I’ll give a greater shout out see if there is such a thing as personal empowerment
to in a bit, chimed in over 140 years ago with this without somehow including the tribe.
tidbit. “Whatever will secure the greatest degree of I’m a trainer and a coach. What a job. I get to
strength, vigor, health and perfection of the physical assist people in becoming stronger. My role may
organism should be adopted and applied by all as not be much more than simply pulling up a seat to
the first and most important duty of life.” watch a comedy, drama, thriller or documentary
For every culture struggling for basic needs, about a growing relationship between a person and
there’s another squandering theirs, diving headlong a body.
into an oblivion reserved for classic squanderers Once in a while when the credits roll, there is
like Nero and Caligula. a body tribe listed—if not as the director, then at
Perhaps my little role within our tribe is to offer least as the gaffer or assistant to the grip, proof that
important alternatives to taking our physical beings we got to somehow be part of that show, the star-
for granted and promoting the concept that sands studded extravaganza that we will call ‘you.’
the politics of primping and increased physical What a job. I point. I grunt a little. Somehow that
awareness that can lead to higher forms of thought eventually translates into a more capable member of
and creativity. our tribe. If only I were that magical. The truth is
Yes, there is a need to be concerned for our own that all the work came from you, but I’m glad to be
society, our own tribe, and the realization that our part of that journey. What a job. I’m surrounded by
lessons might be different from other tribes but no inspiration.
less important. Granted, this may simply be me This creates a premise in my little trainer brain.
justifying my own teeny quest here, but a boy can The relationship between a person and a body, a
dream, right? physical being, has a direct correlation with that
Now my big quest is to find the direct correlation person and the other relationships—interpersonal,
between the strength of the individual and the spiritual, intellectual.
strength of the tribe. I hope my desire for personal In other words, the relationship between
empowerment through strength is obvious. Heck, I you (physical) and you (metaphysical or beyond
wrote an entire book about it. It would seem obvious physical) is the relationship between you and your
that this would improve the tribe, but does it? Not tribe—your community, your family. What good
instantly and not always. is strength and ability through all this training if it
This is where we need to define the next step. In doesn’t mean the strength and the ability of your
other words, if we can pretend the personal strength tribe?
quest is the status quo that we’re all given to similar One of Dave Draper’s recent newsletters
pursuits of muscle and ability, what steps does it summed it up nicely. Here’s what he said.
take to guarantee a benefit for the tribe as well? This
is my current line of questioning. “The obvious truth is that you and I take care
of ourselves so we’re more able to take care of those
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
around us. We’re extraordinarily generous and and butter. I think I even have a Twitter account or
considerate people, like a breed of our own. We lift some such, although I’ve never tweeted, twisted or
weights that we may lighten the load for our neighbors. whatever.
We eat healthy foods that we may care for the ill when With all the volume and energy promoting the
they grow faint. We seek longevity because someone ‘what’ and the ‘how,’ a big vacuum exists where the
must attend to the aging and the failing in their time ‘why’ should be. There’s a truth no one wants to face.
of need. When we confront the ‘why’ behind our decisions—
“We sleep, rest and relax with peace-loving fitness or otherwise—many of our choices seem
diligence that we may serve others tirelessly. We, dumb. This is evident if your keen eyes ever take a
through our consistent exercise, develop discipline, gander through a corporate gym.
patience and compassion—needed character qualities Am I useful? There it is again. It’s a funny
when called upon by God and Man to mitigate strife question, isn’t it? It’s annoying like a redundant poke
and negotiate peace.” from a six-year-old, snot-covered index finger into
I can’t even paraphrase that and call it my own your rib cage. Ouch, stop it. Ouch, stop it. Ouch,
like I usually do. Our relationship with our health enough already.
and the ability of our bodies translates to the Perhaps it’s annoying because it’s ‘the question.’
relationship we have with other aspects of our lives. It’s a less sugar-coated way of asking if you’re a good
I’m going to grant Dave an artistic license when person, a just person or a caring person. That’s what
he states that this is obvious. He’s an optimist. I being useful is—getting stuff done for the benefit of
think it takes a lot of work. the tribe.
Gene Tunney writes, “If all human lives However, we’re sort of hiding from it. We hide
depended upon their usefulness as might be judged from asking if our actions or lifestyles will prove
by certain standards, there would be a sudden and useful because it’s tricky. Yes or no. True or false. For
terrific mortality in the world.” once, you finally want to answer in essay form.
Useful. Valuable. Boring sounding. Yet, we sure There’s an irony as I write this. This topic has
give it a lot of energy, at least as a culture, but we been sitting in my spiritual inbox for months now. I
fake it as individuals. We’re so busy looking busy, haven’t posed the question because I’m a bit nervous
but busy doesn’t mean useful. Am I useful? We’re so of my own answer. Am I useful? If this test question
busy appearing busy that we don’t actually get much were more multiple choice than true or false, I’d pick
done. the third box—‘unsure.’ Next to it I might scribble
As a nation, we love being useful. No wait. We ‘but I’m working on it.’
love appearing useful. We’ll throw so much money, I want to switch tracks here for a minute. I’ve
energy and hyperbole into a cause or project, but picked up this book entitled Butler’s System of
usually an outcome is more of a surprise than the Physical Training: The Lifting Cure—an original
planned result. Did this stink of pessimism? Sorry. scientific application of the laws of motion or
There is good work being done to be sure. mechanical action to physical culture and the cure of
However, let’s face it. We truly excel at being busy disease. That’s the entire title and it was written by a
appearing busy. Yeah, that’s quite a soapbox I’ve man named David P. Butler in 1868.
climbed on, isn’t it? Have you ever read something that’s almost 150
Ebay, Amazon, YouTube and Facebook are years old that sounds like something you wrote?
home to thousands of books, videos and websites Do you think you have original ideas, then sink
willing to offer you the keys to the how and what of back and find that somebody wrote it better than
fitness and strength. Heck, it’s a big part of my bread you did—a century and a half earlier? That’s the
experience I had in reading this.
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
Let me give you an example. “As development, It might then start to become apparent that our
health and longevity are the rewards of obeying the relationships with our bodies, ourselves, will be the
laws of man’s mechanism, so degeneracy, disease precedent for all of our relationships. The cliché of
and premature death are no less the legitimate “you gotta love yourself before you can love anybody
punishment of their violation.” That’s good. It just else” has a very real ring to it now, doesn’t it? That’s
gets better. holistic training—fully grokking your relationship
Action is life, power and success. Inaction is with your body.
failure, impotence and death. The dialogue has to start somewhere. We may
“Proper action is the basis of all physical, mental as well start with our breathing. A simple awareness
and moral progress” ~David P. Butler, 1868 that you are or aren’t breathing, especially during
movement, is a good indicator to your body that
Embodiment. Training is not servitude. Training at least you’re starting to pay attention. Then the
is not imposed on us by others. Training is a direct lessons expand from there.
vehicle to our practice of mindfulness. Our training
of the body tribe is for those who embrace a journey Start being aware of yourself. Learn the language
of true empowerment, both for themselves and of your body and how it speaks. With judgment-
their tribe. Life is suffering. Overcoming is living. free dialogue, there’s a pretty amazing relationship
Finding it fun is truly being alive. to discover.
In his book, The Art of Power, Thich Nhat As the epicenter of this small concept of
Hanh writes, “We can learn how to go home to our movement philosophy, I’m now trying to see my
bodies through mindfulness in our movements and place—our place—within the tribe. How can I add
intensity.” to the tribe culture society through the rituals of
my sanctuary, my gym? This is what I relegate as
A dialogue presents itself between our selves homework to all the attendees of our strength camps
and our bodies. Can we listen to and understand the and workshops.
language of the body? The dialogue often isn’t what
the mind is telling us it is. It might dawn on us that Fitness is an individual, ego-based pursuit. Get
relationships with our bodies aren’t good. In many buff equals get laid, get recognized, get money or
cases, they’re not there at all, beyond our tenuous get stuff. But how can the tribe benefit from it?
idea of the body being submissive to our whims. How can society increase its capability through our
Body, get me to the fridge. individual fitness endeavors?
What we’re witnessing in the proliferation of Team Elite Fitness has a list of ideas—the folks
disease and damage of our systems is simple mutiny. at Elite Fitness Systems. Here are some tenants they
With practice through various mindfulness- list as important to the pursuit of strength—
training techniques, it will dawn on us how little • Courage—the strength to take chances, to
we listen. We command. We demand. We ignore. innovate and experiment, to become a leader
We decorate. We subvert. We damage. However, we • Empowerment—the development and
don’t pay attention to the feedback—the results. achievement of a high level of self-esteem and self-
This is a bummer since we have a best friend actualization
and lifelong companion with us at all times. Our • Teamwork—the desire to work together as
little flesh packets aren’t just our vessels, but living, a group creating an atmosphere in which everyone
feeling and talking machines that, although I’m has a chance to contribute and achieve success
currently addressing them as separate units, are
actually very much us. • Integrity—to live and work with trust,
honesty, caring, fairness and loyalty…values
essential for individual health.
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
• Attitude—to approach life and work with having a bit of a punk rock past, it wasn’t hard to
passion, a smile and a positive state of mind meet the common ground of the need for a grass
With this in mind, the tribe can only exist if roots movement for change.
unified in compassionate support. The components However, physical culture has currently been
of fitness are defined by physical subculture— relegated to an underground movement. It’s what
strength, courage, persistence—and can only health coach Cody Fielding and I joke about as ‘the
succeed if they come from a foundation of sharing. movement movement.’ Jimmy termed the ‘physical
How a tribe differs from modern clans, clubs subculture.’
and parties is that the support and compassion Physical culture was what the fitness movement
needs to be inclusive extending to anyone, not was before advertisers took a dump on our self-
just tribal members. A tribe, even if it doesn’t have esteem by pointing out all of our wrongs while
much, shares as naturally as we breathe. promising false confidence through their products.
When I teach a workshop or meet with a new It was empowerment through movement—not the
client, I offer the first task of defining the words attempt of superficial pride through mirrors and
‘strength’ and ‘fitness.’ They have to define them scales.
for themselves, making their concept of it unique You looked strong, powerful and in shape
and personal. This starts them on an individual and because you were—a concept based on passion
perpetual quest for one’s own movement philosophy. for ability, now lost in the vacant sea of skin-deep
It sounds totally exciting, doesn’t it? Well, we think obligations, eating disorders and enjoy drugs.
it’s cool…but then what? The body is a tool for greater purpose, not just
A general truth I’m starting to understand is the end result of training. Training is the means to
that being a badass without the tribe in mind is not an increase in the quality of life through movement,
being a badass. That’s the underlying premise for which is how I define the word ‘fitness’ in my first
this entire chat—body, community, culture. book.
What is the physical subculture? My last book The physical subculture movement is the
discussed the basic premise behind the physical modern, organized effort to incorporate centuries
subculture while leaving the reader a bit high and of physical rituals and beliefs in exercise and
dry by not really explaining what it is. movement into an integral part of all aspects of
However, as will be repeated ad nauseam culture.
throughout this new program, we can’t achieve, Whether through lifting heavy objects of all
teach or seek what isn’t defined except through shapes and sizes or finding new ways to move the
some beautiful Zen-filled accidents. Although often body by itself, the physical subculture movement is
accidental, no book or idea of mind shall ever bear about strengthening the spirit through pushing the
the yoke of being beautiful. limits of the body.
The term ‘physical subculture’ was first used as Why a subculture? It’s simple. We’re independent
a title of an article written about my gym. Jimmy from the mainstream modern fitness industry,
Calanchini, a Mohawk journalist and musician, practicing and playing almost as an underground
coined the term after spending some time listening movement against the modern corporate structure.
to my endless patter about the need to return to the About a century ago, the quest for strength and
roots of fitness—the physical culture movement of ability was the fitness movement. Physical culture
a century ago. was the banner it fell under.
Jimmy shared some of my biases against the What went wrong? Since more money can be
current corporate fitness structure. With both of us made from trying to sell the quest for aesthetic
perfection and exploiting exercises as the snake
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
oil for beauty, a very limited view of exercise and This is a list, and by far not a complete list, of
training has emerged—the obligatory path to a better what this physical subculture includes—
appearance. Or, to be blunt, a gym membership is • Passion for strength, not an obligation of the
simply part of the war chest in the quest to get laid. scale
Marketing and promotion of exercise is the • Training without mirrors
magical tool for sexuality. Shallow self-esteem
through aesthetics helped usher in decades of self- • Understanding the mind and spirit better
image woes and issues that have created entire through movement
industries to both feed and cure low self-esteem, as • Picking up something heavy, really heavy—
well as to give therapists job security for centuries. no fear of the body’s abilities
The formula was easy and it’s still used today. • Using real training tools with long histories,
Look at any health and fitness magazine cover. Here’s no gadgets or fads
the equation proven to be an effective moneymaker • Embracing training as playtime—intense
for commercial gyms and supplement companies for and brutal playtime…but playtime
many, many years: You are ugly. We can help. This
marketing formula sure works better in our society • Acknowledging and exploring capability
than trying to sell the physical culture concept of • Training techniques that are useful,
movement, that physical strength and performance enjoyable and sacred
increase other qualities of life as well. That just • Of course, it is banishing weakness
doesn’t sell. Looking good, which apparently comes
in a bottle over three easy payments, is an easier sell For years, the American fitness psyche translated
than being good, which aside from being a great balance to mean ‘unstable surface equals awesome
deal of work, is free. six pack.’ Now, less than a decade later, you can still
find these goofy balance toys, but usually they’re
Bernarr McFadden used this as a slogan for a being given away on Craig’s list or collecting dust in
physical culture magazine that he started in 1899: the corner of a gym that once had them as part of
Weakness is a crime. Don’t be a criminal. Movement the group exercise program.
should be that integral to our existence, but not
through the obligation of aesthetics. Research repeatedly showed that no one was
getting much better at anything thanks to these
Over time, performance and ability of the body, gizmos. The more alert trainers learned that even
which has a direct and strong impact on the spirit the opposite was true. Great, you can balance on a
and mind, took a minor role in training. Today, half globe of rubber, but while training for that, you
the fitness industry is a sham, selling gadgets, forgot about a little thing we like to call strength.
supplements and imagery—not actual exercise or Try to handstand. That’s balance.
The word ‘balance’ still pops up with frequency
Curves, 24-Hour Fitness and all their kin in fitness copy and even in gym names. In these
promote and perpetuate aesthetic stereotypes cases, let’s hope the word has something to do with
while providing very little real exercise science or the integration of multiple approaches to wellness,
training. The mere fact that there is such a thing as letting the brain and spirit join the party along with
an ab machine just proves how silly the industry has the muscle, bone and the nervous system, all bound
become. together for the cause of organized peace—peace
The physical culture movement has always been among the systems of the body, this community of
around. It just may be hard to find these days. It power, the combined systems of our beloved flesh
has become a subculture—a movement forcing the packets and their ticklish ethereal innards. Yes, soles
mainstream to evaluate what training really is. are ticklish. Just ask them.
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
Here’s our own personal mega machine. It would She goes on, “There it sits—100 pounds. Is it
be nice if the instruction manual made more sense, heavy or is it light? We decide. The weight stays the
but it’s simply a single sentence most of us will not same. It is you and I who choose to change in order
read anyway. “Don’t mess this up” is all it says. to meet the weight head on.”
At one point in our personal history, this might The way I interpreted this was as follows. If we
have made sense or maybe we were supposed to replace 100 pounds with any obstacle or challenge
understand this at a much younger age and somehow we might be facing, the meaning doesn’t change.
hold on to that sagacity as we expanded physically. That’s another lesson of the iron. If we can make the
Heck, as snotball makers and diaper wetters, choice to change to meet the weight, then why not
we were pretty balanced. We ate until we weren’t anything else?
hungry, not until we were full. We slept when we Euripides said, “The best and safest thing is to
needed it, which was a lot. We could squat before we keep a balance in your life, acknowledging the great
could walk. This was all conducive to figuring out powers around us and in us. If you can do that and
the world, gleaming the largest amount of education live that way, you are really a wise man.”
we would ever get in the shortest amount of time. Now I go completely quote happy. My final
How’s that for mind-body connection? What thoughts on balance will be spelled out in the
we learned the most about the body was that the poetry of Rumi and then translated by Rumi’s
walking thing takes some serious practice. We also scholar, Wayne C. Allen. Rumi wrote, “Rise up
learned the most about the world—walking and nimbly and go on your strange journey to the ocean
talking. Damn, we’re good! That’s balance. Striving of meanings. The stream knows it can’t stay on the
for this as adults isn’t a bad little task to take on. mountain. Leave and don’t look away from the sun
Lauren Kott wrote a great article called Life as you go. In whose light you’re sometimes crescent,
Lessons from Lifting in MILO over 10 years ago; I sometimes full.”
still dig the words. Here are some clips. Wayne C. Allen from the Phoenix Centre has
“To me, lifting is the meditation, salvation and this to say about that poem:
sanctuary. When I’ve been able to count on very little “Rumi wanted us to understand one thing. The
else in my life, the weights have been there. They are a path to deep understanding, which could be called the
constant in a life full of variables.” path to enlightenment, is an easy path. It is a downhill
“Yesterday, today and next year, 100 pounds path. It is a guided, illuminated, clear, direct path.
will always be 100 pounds. How that weight feels “Human beings have been making the journey
to me might be different over time, but the weights difficult or impossible for themselves for 100,000
themselves are steadfast and abiding. There is so much generations. This doesn’t make the path difficult. The
fight a lifter must possess that naturally translates into difficulty lies in our resistance to self-responsibility.”
the rest of your life. I call it ‘lifting from your soul.’ Balance in life involves giving up thinking that
At times, there is something more than shear bodily anything is so, and accepting that all things simply
strength that drives the weight up. The weight teaches are. Balance involves letting go of having to enforce
us to have balance in our lives.” our judgments on others. We never get over judging.
She goes on to explain how. Simply, physically, a We all judge all the time. The question becomes
body out of balance will not reach top performance “What do we do with those judgments?”
whether it’s structural (tight muscles, weak muscle If we beat up on our self or others, we have not
chains) or causal (too much equals bad things learned balance.
happen, too little equals not enough good things
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
About twice a year, we hold powerlifting meets But not all homes should be built the same. A
at my gym through the American Powerlifting lot of credit should be given to strength sports for
Association. being a very approachable means of release. There’s
Recently, we held the California Raw some truth to a romanticized notion that’s expressed
Powerlifting Championships. Out of the more than for many coaches and lifters I’ve come across that
50 lifters, about half were women. Out of those anyone is welcome. This goes for both genders.
women, a big percentage of those were from our Of course, there is a caveat to the invitation
gym. Our team was also made up of several guys. that’s often more implied than directly stated—be
Everyone met their demons head on and conquered prepared for battle or you will be eaten alive. In
their obstacles with complete focus and will. other words, “Come on in. Join the party. However,
As I’ve been known to write before, “the weight bring everything you’ve got because the iron accepts
on the bar is secondary to the battle against it.” When nothing less.” Therefore, most strength sports are
the battle is 100% effort, the journey is complete and inclusive as many testing grounds are, but don’t
successful. Although the battle itself yields truth accept the invitation unless this journey suits you.
and consequences, it is this journey where the real This is where many will turn away. They
teachings are revealed. misinterpret the ritual. Around these parts, the
Don’t mistake this as a license to follow the ritual is the effort—not the outcome. To the
same path perpetually. A journey with no ending common eye attached to a common American
never releases all of its secrets, so for our lifters their brain, the ritual might be interpreted as simply a
quest cultivated into their small wars with gravity. quest for big numbers—not just big numbers, but
Now with that over, we begin planning for the next bigger numbers than the next guy or gal.
journey. Where are the lessons there? Our instructor
Who wants on the bus? Several folks inquired is the iron and our lessons come from the mano-
about the number of women Body Tribe had on our a-mano struggle against Earth’s pull. A ‘womano’
team. Although there’s a whole bunch of bribing and would not be a gender correct version of this phrase
blackmailing going on, there’s another story and I’ll since mano-a-mano translates to hand-to-hand.
tell that one. One of the biggest reasons for this misconception
It’s like this. of outcome versus process—just big numbers versus
total effort—is due to presentation. To be blunt, not
There are screaming gyms and there are gyms everyone wants to be yelled at all the time.
of a quieter intensity. Aggression, which is what we
call this semi-violence behind our maximum effort There seems to be a trend in some strength
lifting, has many faces of expression. sports, especially powerlifting and not so much in
weightlifting, that the violence against the bar needs
For strength athletes, the best gyms are always to be demonstrated in personality and action before
the dens that allow these expressions where it’s the lift and by everyone involved.
understood that the war with gravity’s dogma
requires strategies, warriors and weapons that Shouts, screams, huffs and the loudest music
might frighten normal marshmallow gym goers available seem to be common staples, dare I say
who prefer softer, gentler tools and techniques. trends, among powerlifting gyms. Why? It’s because
it works. It really does—but not for everyone.
On the other hand, any member of any strength
army knows that being surrounded by folks who So…how our team had such high numbers of
believe in the low-output, low-result tedium most women; there are two reasons. We really emphasize
health clubs perpetuate will invoke rage or insanity. the importance of the journey over the outcome—
Hence, there’s the need for a home for our sweet that training and movement, especially intense
chant of frantic power. strengthening movements requiring an all-out effort,
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
are very potent tools for personal empowerment. philosophy, inspiration and appreciation that grow
Secondly, we offer an environment that promotes from a tribe on their path. It is the center of our
a subtler, more reflective psyche. For many, this is ritual. In Body Tribe’s case, it is the pursuit of the art
more effective than the personified aggression. of strength.
I talk about the two environments in my book A dojo, which is sometimes defined as ‘the
Lift With Your Head, explaining that visualization path of the way,’ is more than a school, more than a
for performance might be separated into these two gathering place and more than a training center. It is
different rituals—the psyche. Every powerlifting where morality, strength and character can be fully
competition, most collegiate wrestling tournaments experienced.
and the occasional football locker room embrace Common for some martial arts dojos is the
the psyche as a pre-battle ritual, perhaps trying to kun, or the words, uttered at the end of each lesson.
invoke the inner berserker potentially found in all Loud, conscious and with conviction, these words
of us. are uttered by an instructor to be repeated by the
In these sporting situations, the ritual class.
involves a lot of yelling and snorting to the point They might go something like this although
of hyperventilation and sometimes maybe some often in Japanese. “Work to perfect your character.”
slapping. It sort of sounds like porn, doesn’t it? “Have fidelity in seeking a true way.” “Cultivate a
Psyching up is an attempt to stimulate the spirit of endeavor and perseverance.” “Always act
competitor through the excitement and perhaps a with good manners.”
little pain of the high-energy overload of sensations. This is a vocalization of the morality needed
Somehow the bombardment of this extreme sensory to balance the physicality of the training with
overload is supposed to create more focus. Some the character of the spirit. Notice the similarities
swear by it. Others will argue its contradictions. between this and the Buddhist Eightfold Path. Every
However, it is an accepted ritual in many realms of religion probably has a name for similar concepts.
Ignoring these beliefs and ideas encapsulated in
Then, there’s the quiet. The quiet is the ritual the dojo kun will in the long run have a negative
from the other side of the tracks. It’s often the ritual effect, both on the individual and on the evolution
of a truly, scary opponent. It’s the dark side of the of the dojo, or the tribe as a whole.
moon where focus is found through complete
concentration and utter control of the senses. Although not a martial arts center, Body Tribe
is still our ritual center. It’s very much a dojo. I have
Martial artists and weightlifting competitors a personal dojo kun as well, although it’s a simple
dwell here often. This is the uninterrupted landscape mantra.
the athlete can count on to calm the thoughts and
extinguish external stimuli. Whenever I leave Body Tribe, I say, often
quietly and to myself, “Thank you for keeping me
The psyche is Scott Mendelson getting the crap humble and strong.” I truly mean it each time,
slapped out of him by his wife before he bench often confirming it by looking out at all the people
presses. The quiet is the still and the calm that and equipment in my gym with reverence and
fills an Olympic weightlifting room right before a appreciation.
competitive lift.
I stole, paraphrased and editorialized the
For anyone interested, we welcome you. We following from Xin Qi Shen dojo in Seattle. These
want you to be here in your strength journey if you are worthy tenants about each member’s role within
want to be here. However, you have to want to be the dojo.
here. This is not just a physical place. A dojo is the
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
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Training in the strength arts isn’t just But there I stood defeated on my second attempt
physical, but mental and spiritual. Each practice by a weight that would normally be my opener. The
is to strengthen and train our body, mind, energy barbell was just staring at me with what I perceived
and spirit. to be a slight snicker.
Nurture excellence. I believe at this point everyone on the team
The principles remain constant, but the had already hit a PR and more were going to, but I
methods can change. was currently being heckled by gravity and its iron
Seek to improve the art and improve the
standard. What was this gnawing in my gut? I’d like to
pinpoint the slight tremble and crimson-soaked
Keep thoughts and comments positive and vision as rage. It would be so easy just to sling a sign
healthy. That’s a big one. around my shoulders that read, “Beware. Angry
Train diligently. Refine your body, mind and guy. Just stay back.” That wasn’t it exactly.
spirit. This is your responsibility. Your teachers can I was lonely. Not only did I feel abandoned by
show you the way and help you, but only you can my friend the deadlift, but body and soul weren’t
develop the skills. dialoguing like usual since the brain was so quick
Argue for your limitations and sure enough to break up the party and start bitching about all the
they are yours. The next time you say, “I can’t,” usual suspects.
replace it with, “I don’t want to try.” In other words, “Training was off, a stressful week, sidelined by
take responsibility for your actions and behaviors a sickness recently along with all that traveling” said
even when training. Limits are set by your mind the brain. Excuses don’t end the loneliness. They
much, much more than your body. offer the doorway of cognitive dissonance a respite
The traditional concept of the dojo is a tactile from blame, but that band-aid fell off pretty fast
experience with a chosen ritual space as well as when I had to face my third attempt at lifting the
a mental one. Dojo members, to complete the damn bar.
connection with the physical location, not only Body Tribe trainer AJ, who was helping out as
train there, but also participate in its maintenance a head judge, somehow caught my eye and pointed
and existence. to his chest. He said, “Lift from here, not from here”
The dojo is simply a physical reflection of and then pointed at his head. His message was
their connection with themselves. Self-respect is clear—from the heart. That’s where body and soul
portrayed through respect for their space, their dialogue to each other. When that chatter begins,
equipment and their tribe. The experience is a pro- the loneliness ends.
active one—understanding the foundational needs I’m slow, but not entirely without a collection of
of the dojo and therefore taking them in hand and sure-fire methods at my disposal for following the
addressing them whether it’s through the exchange recommended path out of my head.
of ideas or simply getting on your hands and knees
with a rag in hand, keeping it clean and pure. First, smile. Second, pet your dog. She moseyed
right up to me as I approached the platform. Then
Here’s a thought from the heart. I had just missed I fought perhaps the biggest deadlift battle I’d
the first deadlift I’ve ever missed in competition. ever experienced. However, the three white lights
Until recently, the deadlift and I have been close, (upraised thumbs since we’re poor and can’t afford
more than just party buddies. We’d sometimes the fancy technology of a judge-light system for our
finish each other’s sentences. We’d have sleepovers meets) confirmed my victory over gravity at that
and wax profoundly on Facebook about the most moment.
recent Twilight movie. We were totally BFFs.
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
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I know it is fleeting, since gravity has a much These guys rarely ever practice the trick on solid
bigger, more expansive history than I do. It has an ground before the contest. They make sure they feel
incredible array of tricks and lessons, picking the confident landing into a pit of pillows or foam, and
right moments to teach us what we need to know. then pray they’ll nail it on the dirt. Yikes! I will not
But at that moment, gravity relented just enough spoil the outcome for you. Sure, I will. The guy nails
and then smiled at my success. It was not my best the trick and wins the gold.
meet in terms of numbers, but the lessons were It’s the training sequence that has gotten me
invaluable. Journey trumps outcome yet again—eye giddy, in no small part due to some well-crafted
against eye. narration. The featured philosophy of the flick was
Scarlett, my pit bull, is my four-legged foster quite a lot of alliteration. The featured philosophy of
child. She has a knack for choosing movies. Staying the flick was that of independent competition, man
conscious through even the opening credits isn’t or woman versus him- or herself.
really her thing since once she gets comfy, she’s out Sure, there are other competitors to best if the
cold. However, she does pick her proposed bedtime gold medal is to find a home around your neck. But
watching with a plume. We share very similar tastes. like strength sports, the competition is mainly you
Last week, she was adamant that we watch versus gravity. Nobody else’s outcome has much
a documentary on the X-Games—that quaint effect on yours nearly as much as your own.
sporting freak show that brings together a handful The narration went on to explain that if your
of folks who are more daredevils than athletes and competition is you, your enemy knows your
more magicians than competitors. weaknesses. Doubt can turn to fear. He’s in your
The ‘how do they do that’ quotient peaks the head literally. It’s too bad my poor dog couldn’t stay
scales higher than any David Copperfield show. In awake for this one, although it might have been too
fact the events beg the question, how do they even heady for her. She just likes to watch people do cool
come up with the idea to do that? stuff. All of the talk about personal empowerment
Well, Scarlett spoke, so my old iMac tickled through intensity sounded too much like the crap I
Netflix’ fanny. Soon I was streaming a high-octane spew all the time. (Yawn).
documentary about the 2008 or 2009 X-Games. Do Yet she would have enjoyed the drama that
you ever wonder how the brave and absolutely loony unfolded on this thing called the Mega Ramp. If
souls who do back flips and such on motorcycles you don’t know what a Mega Ramp is, look it up. It’s
practice these moves? pretty cool and there’s an X-Game event for it.
My curiosity was satiated when the movie One quote from the movie that I kept in my
began with one of the best in the world, a Trent head during my next weightlifting competition was,
Reznor meets a 12-year-old Danzig-looking, quiet- “He thinks about gravity as some people think about
spoken adrenaline junkie whose name escapes me, evolution. It’s just a theory.” Anyone, someone,
practicing a move never seen before into a big foam everyone.
pit, only to be lifted out by a crane. That’s how they This is the summary of a recent dream I had. I
practice. looked down at a strange gliff-and-code phrase on
Now, this trick supposedly trumps the double a napkin from a Sunset Strip bar and translated it—
back-flip in difficulty, which seems to be the anyone, someone, everyone.
most incredible stunt up to this point, although These were the words found on a similar napkin
my untrained eyes are still partial to it since that given to the guitar player of Agent Orange by their
double-back flip is just weird. It was 60 feet in the singer, Gabby Hayes, the night they both died.
air backwards—twice—on a motorcycle. That just At least, that’s what it said in the dead rock star
looks ridiculous…beautiful, but ridiculous.
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
guidebook that I was using as a connect-the-dots explained why she herself had not found yet
map while I toured around LA. Yeah, that was my enlightenment. Although beautifully filmed, the
dream. You’ve had that one, right? movie fell tragically short of its intended premise.
Well, that sacred napkin rune was enough to Or did it? There was a fascinating final interview
wake me from the dream—kind of excited—to with the aforementioned guru that so blatantly laid
contemplate. Now thankfully, no one in the band of out the differences of Western thought and the
Agent Orange has actually died. Their singer, Mike original concepts of yoga that it was a little shocking
Palm, looks nothing like Gabby Hayes. Where was when the film’s subject and the film’s director seemed
I? Anyone, someone, everyone. to miss the point entirely.
The name ‘Chip’ is not on my birth certificate. Enlightenment—like fitness, wealth and success
It was bestowed upon me at birth though, and, in general—is a very individual pursuit in our culture,
although it lacks the respectability of being on that often using fancy language like actualization to avail
important document, I do consider it my real name selfishness in the quest. We seek enlightenment. We
mostly through familiarity, not by winning any cool search for it. We build personal campaigns to find it
points. It’s kind of a silly name. and make documentaries of the process. It is a path
This is not my exclusive party. A great percentage to rise above.
of my friends refer to themselves with names other This seems to be a very Western goal—this rising
than the moniker that claims first chair on their above. We find all sorts of ways to attempt it and we
early paperwork. have very strong judgment calls on the value of the
Imagine, if you will, being in a position of such goal. To rise above at the suffering of others through
great respect or a mind-numbing ego trip that you greed, domination or violence is bad.
would answer to the name ‘Guru of the Blissful Rising above through this supposedly benign
Refuge.’ There are two important things you should pursuit of enlightenment would wear a more
do to earn such a name. I’m going to let you guess positive badge. We call it good. To the Bhakti, one
what they are. who follows the Bhakti Marga or the Bhakti way,
That’s right. First, you need to become a guru. enlightenment has nothing to do with rising above,
Then you need a pretty groovy pad—so groovy in searching or finding.
fact that you could label it not only a refuge, but a In fact, the root of yoga—the actual meaning of
blissful one at that. the word—is to ‘come together.’ In their case, it is
Recently, some words from someone who to come together with God. However, do not make
actually does answer to the name ‘Guru of the the mistake that God is referred to as a literal higher
Blissful Refuge’ jumped into my consciousness being, one whom coming together with would mean
and held a little forum in there. The good Swami, rising above the riffraff of humanity. It is much
a devotee of Bhakti Yoga, was a highlighted subject simpler and more bonding than that.
of a recent documentary on modern yoga practices The many Bhakti references in the movie never
called Enlighten Up. once called God ‘him’ or ‘it,’ but rather everything.
I’m about to talk about another movie, another God is the ultimate tribe, free of many of our
documentary. I’m hooked on them. The film’s Western religious ideologies. They don’t rise above
premise was to take a newcomer to yoga, or at least to understand their relationship with this tribe, this
our Westernized concept of it, and steep him in it planet or this universe. They simply come together
with the goal of discovering enlightenment. with it.
The filmmaker and director was a long-time John Lennon was onto something. So how did
practitioner of yoga, although it was never quite the guru answer the redundant questions of, “What
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at
do I do and how do I do it?” He repeated, “Be you.”
What does this mean? He said, “As much as possible,
try to get rid of what you are not.”
The basic Body Tribe premise is to ask, “Why?”
Everyone in the fitness industry will tell you their
versions of how and what, but who is actually asking
why? Yet, we need to.
Well, thankfully, the guru of the Blissful Refuge
agrees. He says, “It’s not important what you are
doing. It’s important why you are doing.” You can
prepare food for just consumption. You can prepare
food for someone you love. You can also prepare
food for your Ishtar, your Bhagavan, the Lord. The
action will be the same physically.
But inside it is different. If you are forced to do
some cooking for someone you don’t like, you will
do it. You will cook, but you will not enjoy it.
Then he said, “You came to meet me. You could
have come by cycle. You could have come by car.
You could have come by elephant. You could have
come by foot.”
To reach here, there are so many directions. That
depends on you and where you are present because
you are the most —let me use my word—the most-
est important person under the sun. Or as Lennon
wrote, “The wind is low. The birds will sing that you
are part of everything. Dear Prudence, won’t you
open up your eyes? Look around.”
Anyone, someone, everyone.
My mystic dream napkin made perfect sense.
You are not anyone. You are someone. As someone,
you are not just anyone. You are everyone.
Thus, let me end this by repeating, “Why? Why
are you doing this?” Go ahead and ask yourself the
purpose behind your training. “Why?” You can
always look up what you’re doing and how you’re
doing it, but first, to set real goals, ask yourself,
This is transcript of Chip Conrad’s Why on Earth? Our Sweet Chant of Frantic Power Excerpts audio lecture.
If you’ve received this material, do not own the audio lecture and would like to learn about it, visit
For more from Chip, visit him at