PropertyPossesion-37 Cases
PropertyPossesion-37 Cases
PropertyPossesion-37 Cases
1|P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
The petition has no merit. Petitioner's third assignment of error that he concept of an owner and possession of a
alone as plaintiff in the trial court is entitled to holder.11 "A possessor in the concept of an
Anent the first assignment of error, petitioner a summary judgment merits scant attention. A owner may be the owner himself or one who
alleged that the Court of Appeals resolved the summary judgment is one granted by the claims to be so."12 On the other hand, "one
issues "ownership" and "possession" though court, upon motion by either party, for an who possesses as a mere holder
they were not raised by PBCom in its expeditious settlement of the case, there acknowledges in another a superior right
appellant's brief. The allegation is belied by appearing from the pleadings, depositions, which he believes to be ownership, whether
page 17 of PBCom's appellate brief, viz.: admissions, and affidavits that no important his belief be right or wrong."13 The records show
questions or issues of fact are involved (except that petitioner occupied the property not in
Due to the wrong cited case, the trial court the determination of the amount of damages) the concept of an owner for his stay was
opined erroneously that "Magpayo Spouses and that therefore the moving party is entitled merely tolerated by his parents. We held
could not have acquired the property merely to a judgment as a matter of law.6 Under Rule in Caniza v. Court of Appeals 14 that an
by the execution of the deed of sale because 34, either party may move for a summary owner's act of allowing another to occupy his
the property was in the possession of the judgment — the claimant by virtue of Section house, rent-free does not create a permanent
plaintiff" (Order, p. 10). 1 and the defending party by virtue of Section and indefeasible right of possession in the
2, viz.: latter's favor. Consequently, it is of no moment
Again, the trial court could not distinguish
that petitioner was in possession of the
ownership from possession. Ownership and Sec. 1. Summary judgment for claimant. — A property at the time of the sale to the
possession are two entirely different legal party seeking to recover upon a claim, Magpayo spouses. It was not a hindrance to a
concepts. counter-claim, or cross-claim or to obtain a valid transfer of ownership. On the other hand,
declaratory relief may, at any time after the petitioner's subsequent claim of ownership as
Plaintiff-appellee's possession as found by the
pleading in answer thereto has been served, successor to his mother's share in the conjugal
trial court, started only "at the time of the filing
move with supporting affidavits for a summary asset is belied by the fact that the property
of the complaint in this present case up to the
judgment in his favor upon all or any part was not included in the inventory of the estate
present." (page 2, Summary Judgment).
thereof. submitted by his father to the intestate court.
Assuming that to be true, plaintiff-appellee's This buttresses the ruling that indeed the
Sec. 2. Summary judgment for defending property was no longer considered owned by
possession which started only in 1986 could not
party. — A party against whom a claim, petitioner's parents. We also uphold the Court
ripen into ownership. He has no valid title
counterclaim, or cross-claim is asserted or a of Appeals in holding that the mortgage to
thereto. His possession in fact was that of an
declaratory relief is sought may, at any time, PBCom by the Magpayo spouses is valid
intruder, one done in bad faith (to defeat
move with supporting affidavits for a summary notwithstanding that the transfer certificate of
PBCom's Writ of Possession). His possession is
judgment in his favor as to all or any part title over the property was issued to them after
certainly not in the concept of an owner. This
thereof. the mortgage contract was entered into.
is so because as early as 1981, title thereto was
registered in the name of the Magpayo Registration does not confer ownership, it is
It is true that petitioner made the initial move
Spouses which title was subsequently merely evidence of such ownership over a
for summary judgment. Nonetheless, PBCom
cancelled when the property was purchased particular property.15 The deed of sale
likewise moved for a summary judgment with
by PBCom in a public auction sale resulting in operates as a formal or symbolic delivery of
supporting affidavit and documentary
the issuance of title in favor of the latter in 1985. the property sold and authorizes the buyer to
exhibits, to wit:
use the document as proof of ownership.16 All
Anent the second-assignment of error, said, the Magpayo spouses were already the
petitioner contends that the following facts owners when they mortgaged the property to
were admitted by the parties in the trial court: PBCom Is Entitled To A Summary Judgment PBCom.17
1. The petitioner is a compulsory heir of the late The procedure for summary judgment may be IN VIEW WHEREOF, the decision of the Court of
spouses Atty. Pedro V. Garcia and Remedios availed of also by the defending parties who Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 44707 is AFFIRMED.
Tablan Garcia; may be the object of unfounded claims as Costs against petitioner.1âwphi1.nêt
clearly shown in Sections 1 and 2 of Rule 34.
2. The property subject of this dispute was SO ORDERED.
previously the conjugal property of the said xxx xxx xxx
spouses; Davide, Jr., C.J., Kapunan, Pardo and Ynares-
WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed of this Santiago, JJ., concur.
3. The petitioner and his family have been and Honorable Court to render summary judgment
are continuously to the present in actual in PBCom's favor by DISMISSING plaintiff's
physical possession of the property. At the time Complaint as well as Sps. Magpayo's Cross-
of the alleged sale to the Magpayo spouses, Claim for being sham and frivolous.7
petitioner was in possession of the property;
Needless to state, there was no error on the
4. When his mother Remedios Tablan (sic) part of the appellate court in resorting to
Garcia died, sometime in October, 1980, he summary judgment as prayed for by both
became, by operation of law, a co-owner of parties.
the property;
We stress again that possession and ownership
5. Atty. Pedro V. Garcia, at the time of the are distinct legal concepts. Ownership exists
execution of the instrument in favor of the when a thing pertaining to one person is
Magpayo spouses was not in possession of the completely subjected to his will in a manner
subject property.4 not prohibited by law and consistent with the
rights of others.8 Ownership confers certain
We reject the contention of petitioner for a rights to the owner, one of which is the right to
perusal of the records shows that these dispose of the thing by way of sale.9 Atty.
alleged admitted facts are his own Pedro Garcia and his wife Remedios exercised
paraphrased portions of the findings of fact their right to dispose of what they owned when
listed by the trial court in the summary they sold the subject property to the Magpayo
judgment.5 Indeed petitioner did not cite any spouses. On the other hand, possession is
page number of the records or refer to any defined as the holding of a thing or the
documentary Exhibit to prove how and who enjoyment of a right.10 Literally, to possess
admitted the said facts. means to actually and physically occupy a
thing with or without right. Possession may be
had in one of two ways: possession in the
2|P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. 42859, Mar 17, 1938 ] The Narag brothers and the Director of y dos años y en la actualidad es donde
Forestry appear to have abandoned their posee mis ganados de procreacion."
GABRIEL LASAM v. DIRECTOR OF LANDS + opposition. They made no attempt to
substantiate their claims at the trial. Parcel No. 9, the registration of which is
DECISION applied for in these proceedings, is
Counsel for the Director of Lands, et al. and described thus (brief of claimant-appellee,
G65 Phil. 367
for Jose Chan Hong Hin, et al. make various p. 61):
assignments of error in their respective
briefs. It is not believed necessary however, "'Por el norte con los barrios de Iraga,
to consider each and every assignment Bauan y Bangag;
made as the questions presented may, in
"Por el este con el Centro y los barrios de
On January 24, 1930, Gabriel Lasam filed our opinion, be reduced to the following
Basi, Natapian y Lanna;
with the Court of First Instance of Cagayan propositions: (a) Whether or not the
an application for the registration of 152 applicant, Gabriel Lasam, is entitled to the
"Por el sur con la carretera provincial; y
parcels of land containing a total area of registration of parcel No. 9 on the basis of
24,723,436 square meters, situated in the the document presented as Exhibit L, "Por el oeste barrios de Maguirig,
municipality of Solana, Province of hereinafter to be referred to, or in the Cagguban y estero Pangul."
Cagayan, described in the plan Exhibit K alternative, whether or not he is entitled to
attached to the application. These 152 registration on the basis of public, We are of the opinion that the court below
parcels include the parcel No. 9 here continuous, and adverse possession under committed no error in receiving Exhibit L as
involved. a claim of ownership during the time evidence for the claimant, but its admission
prescribed by law (par. 9, application); and by the court below does not necessarily
According to the lower court, the portions in the negative, (b) whether or not the entitle the applicant, Gabriel Lasam, to the
of said parcel No. 9 which were opposed numerous oppositors excluding the registration of the parcel claimed by him in
during the time of survey were delimited homesteaders are entitled to the parcels these proceedings. It is apparent that
and marked on its plan Psu-67516 attached which they allege are included in the parcel No. 9, as indicated in the plan,
to the record as lots A to Z, AA to HH, MM to controverted parcel No. 9. The rights of the Exhibit K, is not the same parcel No. 5
ZZ, AAA to ZZZ, AAAA to ZZZZ, AAAAA, to homesteaders necessarily depend on the described in document Exhibit L. Whereas
FFFFF, NNNNN, 35 to 38, and 111 to 143, all resolution of these two propositions. Exhibit L gives as boundaries on the north
inclusive. (Decision of the lower court, Bill of the sitios of Maasin and Calabbacao,
Exceptions of the Government, p. 35.) Exhibit L purports to be an application, Exhibit E gives the barrios of Iraga, Bauan,
dated June 27, 1873, addressed by and Bangag; on the east Exhibit L gives the
The Director of Lands opposed the Domingo Narag 1.º to the Alcalde Mayor, pueblo of Solana, whereas Exhibit E gives
application on the ground that it is not in which the former stated that he had "el Centro y los barrios de Basi, Natappian y
supported by any title fit for registration and been in possession of the land above Lanna"; on the west Exhibit L gives estero
that the land sought to be registered is described and asked that informacion Pangul, whereas Exhibit E gives the barrios
public land. The brothers Felipe, Jose, and testifical be admitted. The informacion of Maguirig, Cagguban and estero Pangul;
Salvador, all surnamed Narag, who are first testifical was had before the Alcalde on the south Exhibit L gives the sitio of
cousins to the applicant Lasam, also filed Mayor and appears to have been Atayao, whereas Exhibit E gives
opposition on the ground that they are the approved by the Judge of the Court of First the carretera provincial. While there may
owners of parcel No. 9. Oppositions were Instance without objection on the part of be partial identity as to boundaries on the
also filed by Tomas Furigay and 35 other the fiscal. It is the theory of the applicant east and west, such identity is lacking as to
persons as homesteaders; by the provincial that Domingo Narag 1.º, the original owner the boundaries on the north and south. This
fiscal, representing the Director of Forestry, of parcel No. 5, described in Exhibit L, owed discrepancy is accentuated by the
on the ground that portions thereof are P1,000 from the applicant's father, which admission of the applicant that the parcel
public forests; by Francisco Caronan and amount Narag needed for his candidacy whose registration is sought is much smaller
some 71 other parties, claiming the parcels as gobernadorcillo of Tuguegarao, than that described in paragraph 6 of
occupied by them as their exclusive Cagayan, in 1880; that the original of Exhibit L. The explanation given by the
properties; by Jose Chan Hong Hin, on the Exhibit L was turned over by the applicant surveyor, Jose Mallanao, presented as
ground that the application includes his to his lawyer, Vicente Marasigan, who lost witness by the claimant, is as follows:
property of about 22 hectares and 50 ares; it, and for this reason, only a certified copy
and by Mauro Antonio, on the ground that of the document marked Exhibit L was "Because on the north side when we went
the application includes the portion presented; and that the fifth parcel around the lot and I asked for the barrios of
occupied by him and belonging to him. mentioned in the document, Exhibit L, is the Maasin and Calabbacao, the applicant
Pablo Soriano succeeded in having the same parcel No. 9 described in the plan, pointed to me a place very far from where
order of general default set aside as to him Exhibit E. The Government contends that he was at the time and where he actually
and was allowed to register his opposition Exhibit L is not a valid title and does not occupied the land, and on the south side
at a later date. Amended applications and confer ownership and that even if it were he indicated to me the provincial road. I
oppositions by the parties were valid, it does not cover so extensive an area asked why he should not take the actual
subsequently permitted to be filed. as that appearing on the plan, Exhibit K. land indicated by this title and he told me
that he was not occupying that portion.
After a protracted hearing, the lower court The land designated as the fifth parcel is That is the reason why I took up the
rejected all the oppositions filed, declared described in Exhibit L as follows: boundary on the south as provincial road.
the applicant, Gabriel Lasam, the owner of On the east side he indicated to me the
parcel No. 9, as indicated in the plan Psu- "5.ª Un terreno o pasto de ganados
center of the municipality of Solana, barrios
67516 (Exhibit K), and decreed the vacunos llamado Maguirig o Cagguban
of Basi, Nangalisan and Lanna, and on the
registration of said parcel in his favor. que linda al poniente con el estero Pangul,
west is a public land partly bounded by the
al oriente con el pueblo de la Solana al
barrios of Maguirig, and Cagguban and
On September 10, 1934, counsel for various norte con el sitio llamado Maasim y
estero Pangul."
oppositors, after excepting to the decision, Calabbacao y al sur con el sitio llamado
filed a motion for new trial which was Atayao el cual tiene un cabida de siete mil An applicant for registration of land, if he
denied, and the case was brought before brazas y herede de mis Padres hace veinte relies on a document evidencing his title
this court by bill of exceptions. thereto, must prove not only the
3|P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
genuineness of his title but the identity of legal force to this document (Exhibit L), it Our attention is next directed to the
the land therein referred to. The document would not serve as a basis for the decision of this court in Pamittan vs. Lasam
in such a case is either a basis of his claim registration of 24,723,437 square meters. and Mallonga (60 Phil., 908) which,
for registration or not at all. If, as in this case, according to counsel for the claimant
he only claims a portion of what is included Having arrived at this conclusion as to Lasam, is determinative of the ownership of
in his title, he must clearly prove that the Exhibit L, is the applicant entitled to the property now sought to be registered.
property sought to be registered is included registration because of the required Said case refers to an action for partition
in that title. The surveyor, Jose Mallannao, possession during the time prescribed by between the heirs of Sofia Pamittan, wife of
did not actually check up the boundaries law? We have examined the evidence on Gabriel Lasam, originally brought in the
of parcel No. 5 as described in Exhibit L, and this point both testimonial and Court of First Instance and appealed to this
in testifying that parcel No. 9, in Exhibit K, is documentary, and while there is evidence court. The trial court in that case found that
smaller than that described as parcel No. 5 showing that the claimant might have parcel No. 7 which is said to correspond to
in Exhibit L, he relied mostly on hearsay. For possessed a portion of the parcel claimed parcel No. 9 sought to be registered in
instance, when asked whether north of by him and the registration of which is these proceedings "although acquired
barrios Iraga, Bauan, and Bangag of the sought, we find the evidence lacking in during the existence of the conjugal
land described in plan Exhibit X, he would certainty as to the particular portion partnership, was proven to be the exclusive
locate the sitiosof Maasin and occupied and the extent thereof. Counsel property of the husband Gabriel Lasam".
Calabbacao, he replied: "They said that for the applicant invokes the doctrine laid This court could not have passed upon the
Calabbacao is north of that barrio Iraga down by us in Ramos vs. Director of Lands question whether parcel No. 7 was the
yet." (Underscoring ours.) (39 Phil., 175, 180). (See same parcel No. 9 in these proceedings;
also Roales vs. Director of Lands, 51 Phil., nor could it have passed upon the
Aside from what has been said with 302, 304.) But it should be observed that the conflicting claims with reference to parcel
reference to discrepancies in the application of the doctrine of constructive No. 9, now sought to be registered.
boundaries, we cannot overlook the fact possession in that case is subject to certain Whatever was said in that case could not
that the area in Exhibit L is vaguely given as qualifications, and this court was careful to bind the oppositors in the present case,
7,000 brazas. The surveyor for the applicant, observe that among these qualifications is who were not parties thereto.
Jose Mallannao, calculated the area of the "one particularly relating to the size of the
property described in paragraph 5 of tract in controversy with reference to the The grounds for opposition of the various
Exhibit L on the basis of 7,000 portion actually in possession of the oppositors are divergent and are based on
square brazas or 49,000,000 square brazas claimant." While, therefore, "possession in (a) possession from time immemorial; (b)
as 15,695,500 hectares more or less (s. n. pp. the eyes of the law does not mean that a acquisition by inheritance, purchase and
820-822). The area claimed here according man has to have his feet on every square donations propter nuptias and inter vivos;
to the amended application of February meter of ground before it can be said that (c) payment of land taxes from 1906, 1915,
26, 1930, and plan Exhibit K is 24,723,437 he is in possession", possession under and 1918 up to the filing of oppositions; and
square meters. According to the applicant, paragraph 6 of section 54 of Act No. 926, (d) acquisition "a titulo de composicion"
before his occupation of the land ceded as amended by paragraph (b) of section with the State. These oppositors denied
by Domingo Narag 1.º, only about 2 45 of Act No. 2874, is not gained by mere being tenants of the applicant Lasam. After
hectares were cultivated. (s. n. p. 56, nominal claim. The mere planting of a sign perusal of the evidence presented by
Gabriel Lasam.) And, with reference to the or symbol of possession cannot justify a them, we are constrained to accept the
payment of land tax, the Solicitor-General Magellan-like claim of dominion over an conclusion of the lower court that none of
in his brief (p. 12) makes the following immense tract of territory. Possession as a the portions or lots claimed by them or any
observation: means of acquiring ownership, while it may one of them has been sufficiently identified,
be constructive, is not a mere fiction. In the either by the oral or documentary
"The property appears to have been present case, upon the description of evidence which they presented. In view
declared for taxation purposes as 7,000 brazas as the area of the land said to thereof, and because of the insufficiency of
evidenced by revisions of tax declarations, have been originally possessed by the evidence presented, we are of the
Exhibits G-20 and G-21 (pp. 136,137, Domingo Narag 1.º and conveyed to the opinion that the lower court committed no
record). There had been previous applicant, only two hectares of which were error in dismissing their oppositions.
declarations with an area of about 294 according to the applicant himself
hectares (id.) but, according to Exhibit G- cultivated at the time of such transfer, the In view of the foregoing, the judgment of
22 (p. 138, record), the area which was not applicant would, on the basis of the the lower court is reversed, without
previously declared contains 1,685 computation hereinabove referred to and prejudice to the filing by the applicant,
hectares. given at the trial by surveyor Jose Gabriel Lasam, of a new application and
Mallannao, be entitled under Exhibit L to plan covering the portion of the land
"With the exception of a statement in which actually occupied by him since July 25,
more than 13,000 hectares, although only
it appears that land tax was paid in 1902 (p. 1894. Upon the determination of that
2,432 odd hectares are now being sought
140, id.) there appears in the record no tax portion by the lower court, let judgment be
for registration in these proceedings. The
receipts evidencing the payment of taxes rendered accordingly. The remaining
fact, however, that he is claiming only a
continuously from 1902 up to this time." portion or portions of lot No. 9 as indicated
portion of the land claimed by him to be
included in his title, the further fact that on plan Psu-67516 (Exhibit K) are hereby
It is not necessary to pass upon the
according to his own testimony he has declared public lands, to be disposed of or
contention of the Solicitor-General that
given up more than 1,000 hectares to the otherwise dealt with in accordance with
the informacion testifical (Exhibit L) is of no
Bureau of Forestry, the discrepancies in the law. Without pronouncement as to costs.
legal effect because of failure
boundaries, his tax declarations, and the So ordered.
subsequently to solicit composition title
existence of numerous homesteaders and
pursuant to the Royal Decree of June 25, Avanceña, C. J., Villa-Real, Abad Santos,
claimants are significant and tend to show
1880 (Fuster vs. Director of Lands, G. R. No. Imperial, Diaz and Concepcion, JJ.,
that his possession over the entire portion of
40129, Dec 29,1934), or to convert concur.
the land sought to be registered is not "such
possession into a registration of ownership in
as to apprise the community and the world
accordance with article 393 of the
that the entire land was for his enjoyment".
Mortgage Law (Fernandez
(Ramos vs. Director of Lands, supra.)
Hermanos vs. Director of Lands (57 Phil.,
929), for even if we were to accord all the
4|P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
G.R. No. 79688 February 1, 1996 Kee, in turn, filed a third-party complaint be computed from January 30, 1981, the date
against petitioner and CTTEI. of the demand, and not from the date of the
PLEASANTVILLE DEVELOPMENT filing of the complaint, until he had vacated
CORPORATION, petitioner, The MTCC held that the erroneous delivery of (sic) the premises, with interest thereon at 12%
vs. Lot 9 to Kee was attributable to CTTEI. It further per annum. This Court further renders
COURT OF APPEALS, WILSON KEE, C.T. TORRES ruled that petitioner and CTTEI could not judgment against the defendant to pay the
ENTERPRISES, INC. and ELDRED successfully invoke as a defense the failure of plaintiff the sum of Three Thousand (P3,000.00)
JARDINICO, respondents. Kee to give notice of his intention to begin Pesos as attorney's fees, plus costs of litigation.
construction required under paragraph 22 of
PANGANIBAN, J.: the Contract to Sell on Installment and his The third-party complaint against Third-Party
having built a sari-sari store without the prior Defendants Pleasantville Development
Is a lot buyer who constructs improvements on approval of petitioner required under Corporation and C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc. is
the wrong property erroneously delivered by paragraph 26 of said contract, saying that the dismissed. The order against Third-Party
the owner's agent, a builder in good faith? This purpose of these requirements was merely to Defendants to pay attorney's fees to plaintiff
is the main issue resolved in this petition for regulate the type of improvements to be and costs of litigation is reversed.6
review on certiorari to reverse the Decision1of constructed on the Lot.3
the Court of Appeals2 in CA-G.R. No. 11040, Following the denial of his motion for
promulgated on August 20, 1987. However, the MTCC found that petitioner had reconsideration on October 20, 1986, Kee
already rescinded its contract with Kee over appealed directly to the Supreme Court,
By resolution dated November 13, 1995, the Lot 8 for the latter's failure to pay the which referred the matter to the Court of
First Division of this Court resolved to transfer installments due, and that Kee had not Appeals.
this case (along with several others) to the contested the rescission. The rescission was
Third Division. After due deliberation and effected in 1979, before the complaint was The appellate court ruled that Kee was a
consultation, the Court assigned the writing of instituted. The MTCC concluded that Kee no builder in good faith, as he was unaware of the
this Decision to the undersigned ponente. longer had any right over the lot subject of the "mix-up" when he began construction of the
contract between him and petitioner. improvements on Lot 8. It further ruled that the
The Facts erroneous delivery was due to the negligence
Consequently, Kee must pay reasonable
rentals for the use of Lot 9, and, furthermore, of CTTEI, and that such wrong delivery was
The facts, as found by respondent Court, are
he cannot claim reimbursement for the likewise imputable to its principal, petitioner
as follows:
improvements he introduced on said lot. herein. The appellate court also ruled that the
award of rentals was without basis.
Edith Robillo purchased from petitioner a
The MTCC thus disposed:
parcel of land designated as Lot 9, Phase II
Thus, the Court of Appeals disposed:
and located at Taculing Road, Pleasantville
Subdivision, Bacolod City. In 1975, respondent WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED, the
hereby rendered as follows:
Eldred Jardinico bought the rights to the lot appealed decision is REVERSED, and
from Robillo. At that time, Lot 9 was vacant. 1. Defendant Wilson Kee is ordered to vacate judgment is rendered as follows:
the premises of Lot 9, covered by TCT No.
Upon completing all payments, Jardinico 1. Wilson Kee is declared a builder in good
106367 and to remove all structures and
secured from the Register of Deeds of Bacolod faith with respect to the improvements he
improvements he introduced thereon;
City on December 19, 1978 Transfer Certificate introduced on Lot 9, and is entitled to the rights
of Title No. 106367 in his name. It was then that 2. Defendant Wilson Kee is ordered to pay to granted him under Articles 448, 546 and 548 of
he discovered that improvements had been the plaintiff rentals at the rate of P15.00 a day the New Civil Code.
introduced on Lot 9 by respondent Wilson Kee, computed from the time this suit was filed on
who had taken possession thereof. March 12, 1981 until he actually vacates the 2. Third-party defendants C.T. Torres
premises. This amount shall bear interests (sic) Enterprises, Inc. and Pleasantville
It appears that on March 26, 1974, Kee bought Development Corporation are solidarily liable
at the rate of 12 per cent (sic) per annum.
on installment Lot 8 of the same subdivision under the following circumstances:
from C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc. (CTTEI), the 3. Third-Party Defendant C.T. Torres Enterprises,
exclusive real estate agent of petitioner. Under Inc. and Pleasantville Subdivision are ordered A. If Eldred Jardinico decides to
the Contract to Sell on Installment, Kee could to pay the plaintiff jointly and severally the sum appropriate the improvements and,
possess the lot even before the completion of of P3,000.00 as attorney's fees and P700.00 as thereafter, remove these structures, the third-
all installment payments. On January 20, 1975, cost and litigation expenses.4 party defendants shall answer for all
Kee paid CTTEI the relocation fee of P50.00 demolition expenses and the value of the
and another P50.00 on January 27, 1975, for On appeal, the Regional Trial Court, Branch 48, improvements thus destroyed or rendered
the preparation of the lot plan. These amounts Bacolod City (RTC) ruled that petitioner and useless;
were paid prior to Kee's taking actual CTTEI were not at fault or were not negligent,
possession of Lot 8. After the preparation of the there being no preponderant evidence to b. If Jardinico prefers that Kee buy the land,
lot plan and a copy thereof given to Kee, CTTEI show that they directly participated in the the third-party defendants shall answer for the
through its employee, Zenaida Octaviano, delivery of Lot 9 to Kee5 . It found Kee a builder amount representing the value of Lot 9 that
accompanied Kee's wife, Donabelle Kee, to in bad faith. It further ruled that even Kee should pay to Jardinico.
inspect Lot 8. Unfortunately, the parcel of land assuming arguendo that Kee was acting in
pointed by Octaviano was Lot 9. Thereafter, good faith, he was, nonetheless, guilty of 3. Third-party defendants C.T. Torres
Kee proceeded to construct his residence, a unlawfully usurping the possessory right of Enterprises, Inc. and Pleasantville
store, an auto repair shop and other Jardinico over Lot 9 from the time he was Development Corporation are ordered to
improvements on the lot. served with notice to vacate said lot, and thus pay in solidum the amount of P3,000.00 to
was liable for rental. Jardinico as attorney's fees, as well as litigation
After discovering that Lot 9 was occupied by expenses.
Kee, Jardinico confronted him. The parties The RTC thus disposed:
tried to reach an amicable settlement, but 4. The award of rentals to Jardinico is
failed. WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is dispensed with.
affirmed with respect to the order against the
On January 30, 1981, Jardinico's lawyer wrote defendant to vacate the premises of Lot No. 9 Furthermore, the case is REMANDED to the
Kee, demanding that the latter remove all covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T- court of origin for the determination of the
improvements and vacate Lot 9. When Kee 106367 of the land records of Bacolod City; the actual value of the improvements and the
refused to vacate Lot 9, Jardinico filed with the removal of all structures and improvements property (Lot 9), as well as for further
Municipal Trial Court in Cities, Branch 3, introduced thereon at his expense and the proceedings in conformity with Article 448 of
Bacolod City (MTCC), a complaint for payment to plaintiff (sic) the sum of Fifteen the New Civil Code.7
ejectment with damages against Kee. (P15.00) Pesos a day as reasonable rental to
5|P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
Petitioner then filed the instant petition against to mention the social humiliation that would of petitioner, as such fact does not negate the
Kee, Jardinico and CTTEI. follow. negligence of its agent in pointing out the
wrong lot. to Kee. Such circumstance is
The Issues Under the circumstances, Kee had acted in relevant only as it gives Jardinico a cause of
the manner of a prudent man in ascertaining action for unlawful detainer against Kee.
The petition submitted the following grounds to the identity of his property. Lot 8 is covered by
justify a review of the respondent Court's Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-69561, while Petitioner next contends that Kee cannot
Decision, as follows: Lot 9 is identified in Transfer Certificate of Title "claim that another lot was erroneously
No. T-106367. Hence, under the Torrens system pointed out to him" because the latter agreed
1. The Court of Appeals has decided the case of land registration, Kee is presumed to have to the following provision in the Contract of
in a way probably not in accord with law or knowledge of the metes and bounds of the Sale on installment, to wit:
the the (sic) applicable decisions of the property with which he is dealing. . . .
Supreme Court on third-party complaints, by 13. The Vendee hereby declares that prior to
ordering third-party defendants to pay the xxx xxx xxx the execution of his contract he/she has
demolition expenses and/or price of the land; personally examined or inspected the
But as Kee is a layman not versed in the property made subject-matter hereof, as to its
2. The Court of Appeals has so far departed technical description of his property, he had to location, contours, as well as the natural
from the accepted course of judicial find a way to ascertain that what was condition of the lots and from the date hereof
proceedings, by granting to private described in TCT No. 69561 matched Lot 8. whatever consequential change therein
respondent-Kee the rights of a builder in good Thus, he went to the subdivision developer's made due to erosion, the said Vendee shall
faith in excess of what the law provides, thus agent and applied and paid for the relocation bear the expenses of the necessary fillings,
enriching private respondent Kee at the of the lot, as well as for the production of a lot when the same is so desired by him/her. 11
expense of the petitioner; plan by CTTEI's geodetic engineer. Upon Kee's
receipt of the map, his wife went to the The subject matter of this provision of the
3. In the light of the subsequent events or subdivision site accompanied by CTTEI's contract is the change of the location,
circumstances which changed the rights of employee, Octaviano, who authoritatively contour and condition of the lot due to
the parties, it becomes imperative to set aside declared that the land she was pointing to erosion. It merely provides that the vendee,
or at least modify the judgment of the Court of was indeed Lot 8. Having full faith and having examined the property prior to the
Appeals to harmonize with justice and the confidence in the reputation of CTTEI, and execution of the contract, agrees to shoulder
facts; because of the company's positive the expenses resulting from such change.
identification of the property, Kee saw no
4. Private respondent-Kee in accordance with We do not agree with the interpretation of
reason to suspect that there had been a
the findings of facts of the lower court is clearly petitioner that Kee contracted away his right
misdelivery. The steps Kee had taken to
a builder in bad faith, having violated several to recover damages resulting from petitioner's
protect his interests were reasonable. There
provisions of the contract to sell on negligence. Such waiver would be contrary to
was no need for him to have acted ex-
installments; public policy and cannot be allowed. "Rights
abundantia cautela, such as being present
during the geodetic engineer's relocation may be waived, unless the waiver is contrary
5. The decision of the Court of Appeals,
survey or hiring an independent geodetic to law, public order, public policy, morals, or
holding the principal, Pleasantville
engineer to countercheck for errors, for the good customs, or prejudicial to a third person
Development Corporation (liable) for the acts
final delivery of subdivision lots to their owners with a right recognized by law." 12
made by the agent in excess of its authority is
is part of the regular course of everyday
clearly in violation of the provision of the law; The Second Issue: Petitioner's Liability
business of CTTEI. Because of CTTEI's blunder,
6. The award of attorney's fees is clearly what Kee had hoped to forestall did in fact
Kee filed a third-party complaint against
without basis and is equivalent to putting a transpire. Kee's efforts all went to naught.8
petitioner and CTTEI, which was dismissed by
premium in (sic) court litigation. the RTC after ruling that there was no
Good faith consists in the belief of the builder
that the land he is building on is his and his evidence from which fault or negligence on
From these grounds, the issues could be re-
ignorance of any defect or flaw in his title 9 . the part of petitioner and CTTEI can be
stated as follows:
And as good faith is presumed, petitioner has inferred. The Court of Appeals disagreed and
the burden of proving bad faith on the part of found CTTEI negligent for the erroneous
(1) Was Kee a builder in good faith?
Kee 10 . delivery of the lot by Octaviano, its employee.
(2) What is the liability, if any, of petitioner and
At the time he built improvements on Lot 8, Petitioner does not dispute the fact that CTTEI
its agent, C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc.? and
Kee believed that said lot was what he bought was its agent. But it contends that the
(3) Is the award of attorney's fees proper? from petitioner. He was not aware that the lot erroneous delivery of Lot 9 to Kee was an act
delivered to him was not Lot 8. Thus, Kee's which was clearly outside the scope of its
The First Issue: Good Faith good faith. Petitioner failed to prove authority, and consequently, CTTEI I alone
otherwise. should be liable. It asserts that "while [CTTEI]
Petitioner contends that the Court of Appeals was authorized to sell the lot belonging to the
erred in reversing the RTC's ruling that Kee was To demonstrate Kee's bad faith, petitioner herein petitioner, it was never authorized to
a builder in bad faith. points to Kee's violation of paragraphs 22 and deliver the wrong lot to Kee" 13 .
26 of the Contract of Sale on Installment.
Petitioner fails to persuade this Court to Petitioner's contention is without merit.
abandon the findings and conclusions of the We disagree. Such violations have no bearing
Court of Appeals that Kee was a builder in whatsoever on whether Kee was a builder in The rule is that the principal is responsible for
good faith. We agree with the following good faith, that is, on his state of mind at the the acts of the agent, done within the scope
observation of the Court of Appeals: time he built the improvements on Lot 9. These of his authority, and should bear the damage
alleged violations may give rise to petitioner's caused to third persons 14 . On the other hand,
The roots of the controversy can be traced cause of action against Kee under the said the agent who exceeds his authority is
directly to the errors committed by CTTEI, when contract (contractual breach), but may not personally liable for the damage 15
it pointed the wrong property to Wilson Kee be bases to negate the presumption that Kee
and his wife. It is highly improbable that a CTTEI was acting within its authority as the sole
was a builder in good faith.
purchaser of a lot would knowingly and real estate representative of petitioner when it
willingly build his residence on a lot owned by Petitioner also points out that, as found by the made the delivery to Kee. In acting within its
another, deliberately exposing himself and his trial court, the Contract of Sale on Installment scope of authority, it was, however, negligent.
family to the risk of being ejected from the covering Lot 8 between it and Kee was It is this negligence that is the basis of
land and losing all improvements thereon, not rescinded long before the present action was petitioner's liability, as principal of CTTEI, per
instituted. This has no relevance on the liability Articles 1909 and 1910 of the Civil Code.
6|P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
Pending resolution of the case before the evidence was actually presented in the trial (4) The award of rentals to Jardinico is
Court of Appeals, Jardinico and Kee on July court; hence no damages could flow be dispensed with.
24, 1987 entered into a deed of sale, wherein awarded.
the former sold Lot 9 to Kee. Jardinico and Kee SO ORDERED.
did not inform the Court of Appeals of such The rights of Kee and Jardinico vis-a-vis each
deal. other, as builder in good faith and owner in Navasa, C.J., Davide, Jr. and Melo,
good faith, respectively, are regulated by law JJ., concur.
The deed of sale contained the following (i.e., Arts. 448, 546 and 548 of the Civil Code). Francisco, J., took no part.
provision: It was error for the Court of Appeals to make a
"slight modification" in the application of such
1. That Civil Case No. 3815 entitled "Jardinico law, on the ground of "equity". At any rate, as
vs. Kee" which is now pending appeal with the it stands now, Kee and Jardinico have
Court of Appeals, regardless of the outcome amicably settled through their deed of sale
of the decision shall be mutually disregarded their rights and obligations with regards to Lot
and shall not be pursued by the parties herein 9. Thus, we delete items 2 (a) and (b) of the
and shall be considered dismissed and without dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals'
effect whatso-ever; 16 Decision [as reproduced above] holding
petitioner and CTTEI solidarily liable.
Kee asserts though that the "terms and
conditions in said deed of sale are strictly for The Third Issue: Attorney's Fees
the parties thereto" and that "(t)here is no
waiver made by either of the parties in said The MTCC awarded Jardinico attorney's fees
deed of whatever favorable judgment or and costs in the amount of P3,000.00 and
award the honorable respondent Court of P700.00, respectively, as prayed for in his
Appeals may make in their favor against complaint. The RTC deleted the award,
herein petitioner Pleasantville Development consistent with its ruling that petitioner was
Corporation and/or private respondent C.T. without fault or negligence. The Court of
Torres Enterprises; Inc." 17 Appeals, however, reinstated the award of
attorney's fees after ruling that petitioner was
Obviously, the deed of sale can have no liable for its agent's negligence.
effect on the liability of petitioner. As we have
earlier stated, petitioner's liability is grounded
on the negligence of its agent. On the other
hand, what the deed of sale regulates are the The award of attorney's fees lies within the
reciprocal rights of Kee and Jardinico; it discretion of the court and depends upon the
stressed that they had reached an agreement circumstances of each case 19 . We shall not
independent of the outcome of the case. interfere with the discretion of the Court of
Appeals. Jardinico was compelled to litigate
Petitioner further assails the following holding for the protection of his interests and for the
of the Court of Appeals: recovery of damages sustained as a result of
the negligence of petitioner's agent 20 .
2. Third-party defendants C.T. Torres
Enterprises, Inc. and Pleasantville In sum, we rule that Kee is a builder in good
Development Corporation are solidarily liable faith. The disposition of the Court of Appeals
under the following circumstances: that Kee "is entitled to the rights granted him
under Articles 448, 546 and 548 of the New Civil
a. If Eldred Jardinico decides to appropriate Code" is deleted, in view of the deed of sale
the improvements and, thereafter, remove entered into by Kee and Jardinico, which
these structures, the third-party defendants deed now governs the rights of Jardinico and
shall answer for all demolition expenses and Kee as to each other. There is also no further
the value of the improvements thus destroyed need, as ruled by the appellate Court, to
or rendered useless; remand the case to the court of origin "for
determination of the actual value of the
b. If Jardinico prefers that Kee buy the land, improvements and the property (Lot 9), as well
the third-party defendants shall answer for the as for further proceedings in conformity with
amount representing the value of Lot 9 that Article 448 of the New Civil Code."
Kee should pay to Jardinico. 18
WHEREFORE , the petition is partially GRANTED.
The Decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby
MODIFIED as follows:
Petitioner contends that if the above holding
would be carried out, Kee would be unjustly (1) Wilson Kee is declared a builder in good
enriched at its expense. In other words, Kee faith;
would be able to own the lot, as buyer, without
having to pay anything on it, because the (2) Petitioner Pleasantville Development
aforequoted portion of respondent Court's Corporation and respondent C.T. Torres
Decision would require petitioner and CTTEI Enterprises, Inc. are declared solidarily liable
jointly and solidarily to "answer" or reimburse for damages due to negligence; however,
Kee therefor. since the amount and/or extent of such
damages was not proven during the trial, the
We agree with petitioner. same cannot now be quantified and
Petitioner' s liability lies in the negligence of its
agent CTTEI. For such negligence, the (3) Petitioner Pleasantville Development
petitioner should be held liable for damages. Corporation and respondent C.T. Torres
Now, the extent and/or amount of damages Enterprises, Inc. are ordered to pay in
to be awarded is a factual issue which should solidum the amount of P3,000.00 to Jardinico
be determined after evidence is adduced. as attorney's fees, as well as litigation
However, there is no showing that such expenses; and
7|P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. 3088, Feb 06, 1907 ] pledged by the debtor to the bank judgment rendered in favor of Juan Garcia
included a stock of merchandise, y Planas, while the debtor Reyes had not
EL BANCO ESPAÑOL-FILIPINO v. JAMES consisting of wines, liquors, canned goods, paid to the bank the P40,000, Philippine
PETERSON + and other similar articles valued at currency, to secure the payment of which
P90,591.75, Philippine currency, then stored the goods mentioned in Exhibit A had been
in the warehouses of the debtor, Reyes, No. pledged to the bank, that is, to secure the
12 Plaza Moraga, in the city of Manila, payment of a sum in excess of the actual
7 Phil. 409
which said goods and merchandise were value of the goods in the hands of the
liable for the payment of the said sum of sheriff.
P90,591.75, Philippine currency; that in the
TORRES, J.: aforesaid deed of pledge it was agreed by
and between the bank and the debtor,
The defendant sheriff, James J. Peterson,
Reyes, that the goods should be delivered
and Juan Garcia, his codefendant,
to Ramon Garcia y Planas for safe-keeping,
On the 24th of October, 1905, the Spanish- through their attorneys, Hartigan, Marple,
the debtor having actually turned over to
Filipino Bank, a corporation, through its Rohde & Gutierrez, answering the
the said Garcia y Planas the goods in
attorneys, Del-Pan, Ortigas & Fisher, filed a complaint, stated that they admitted the
question by delivering to him the keys of the
complaint against the sheriff of the city of allegations contained in paragraphs 1, 2, 3,
warehouse in which they were kept; that in
Manila and the other defendant, Juan 4, 5, 12, and 17 of the complaint, but
a subsequent contract entered into by and
Garcia, praying that judgment be denied the allegations contained in
between the debtor, Reyes, and the
rendered against the said sheriff, declaring paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, and 18.
plaintiff bank on the 29th of September,
that the execution levied upon the They further denied the allegations
1905, the said contract executed on the 4th
property referred to in the complaint, to wit, contained in paragraph 12, with the
of March was modified so as to provide
wines, liquors, canned goods, and other exception that the defendant sheriff levied
that the goods then (September 29) in
similar merchandise, was illegal, and upon the goods mentioned in Exhibit A
possession of the depositary should only be
directing the defendants to return the said attached to the complaint for the purpose
liable for the sum of P40,000, Philippine
goods to the plaintiff corporation, and in of satisfying the judgment referred to
currency, the said contract of the 4th of
case that he had disposed of the same, to therein; and also the allegations contained
March remaining in all other respects in full
pay the value thereof, amounting to in paragraph 13 of the complaint, with the
force and effect, Luis M.a Sierra having
P30,000, Philippine currency, and further exception that the sheriff seized the
been subsequently appointed by
that it be declared that the said plaintiff property mentioned in Exhibit A under the
agreement between the bank and the
corporation, under the contract of pledge execution referred to therein; and finally
debtor as depositary of the goods thus
referred to in the complaint had the right to defendants denied the allegations
pledged in substitution for the said Ramon
apply the proceeds of the sale of the said contained in paragraph 15 of the
Garcia y Planas.
goods to the payment of the debt of complaint, with the exception of the
P40,000, Philippine currency, for the security On the 19th of October, 1905, in an action allegation that the value of the property
of which the said merchandise was brought in the Court of First Instance of the seized is P30,000. They accordingly asked
pledged, with preference over the claim of city of Manila by Juan Garcia y Planas that the action be dismissed and that it be
the other defendant, Juan Garcia, and against Francisco Reyes and Ramon adjudged that the plaintiff had no interest
that both defendants be held jointly liable Agtarat, judgment was rendered against whatever in the property described in the
to the plaintiff for the sum of P500, Philippine the last-mentioned two for the sum of complaint, and that the plaintiff be taxed
currency, as damages, and the said P15,000, Philippine currency, to be paid by with the costs of these proceedings.
defendants to pay the costs of the them severally or jointly, upon which
proceedings, and for such other and judgment execution was issued against the
further relief as the plaintiff might be property of the defendants, Reyes and
The testimony introduced by the parties
entitled to under the law. Plaintiff alleges in Agtarap. On the aforesaid 19th day of
having been received, and the exhibits
its complaint that under the contract October, for the purpose of levying upon
having been attached to the record, the
entered into on the 4th of March, 1905, by the property of the defendants, the sheriff
court below entered judgment on the 4th
and between the Spanish-Filipino Bank and at the request of Garcia, the plaintiff in that
of January, 1906, dismissing plaintiff's action
Francisco Reyes, the former loaned to the case, entered the warehouse where the
and directing that the defendant recover
latter the sum of P141,702, Philippine goods pledged to the plaintiff bank were
from the Spanish-Filipino Bank the costs of
currency; that on the same date Francisco stored under the custody of the depositary,
this action, for which execution was duly
Reyes was already indebted to the bank in Sierra, and levied upon them as per list
issued. To this judgment counsel for plaintiff
the sum of P84,415.38, Philippine currency, attached to the complaint marked "Exhibit
excepted and announced his intention of
which, added to the amount of the loan, A." The sheriff seized the goods which had
prosecuting a bill of exceptions, and further
made a total of P226,117.38, Philippine been pledged to the bank, depriving the
made a motion for a new trial on the
currency, received by the said Reyes as a latter of the possession of the same, to
ground that the judgment of the court
loan from the plaintiff bank, the entire sum which said possession the bank was entitled
below was contrary to law and that the
at an annual interest of 8 per cent; that to under and by virtue of the contract
findings of fact were plainly and manifestly
secure the payment of these two sums and executed on the 4th of March, 1905.
contrary to the weight of the evidence.
the interest thereon, the debtor, Francisco Without the authority of the bank, Reyes
Reyes, by a public instrument executed could not dispose of the said goods. The
before a notary on the aforesaid date value of the goods seized by the sheriff was
mortgaged in favor of the plaintiff bank P30,000, Philippine currency, the said sheriff The decision of this case depends mainly
several pieces of property belonging to having refused, and still refusing, to return upon the question as to whether the
him, and pledged to the said bank part of the same to the bank, notwithstanding contract of pledge entered into by and
his personal property, specifying the repeated demands made upon him to this between the Spanish-Filipino Bank and
proportion in which the said real and effect, and it being alleged in the Francisco Reyes to secure a loan made by
personal property thus mortgaged and complaint that unless prohibited by the the former to the latter was valid, all the
pledged in favor of the plaintiff corporation court the sheriff would proceed to sell the requisites prescribed by the Civil Code
would be respectively liable for the said goods at public auction and apply the having been complied with.
payment of the debt; that the property proceeds to the satisfaction of the
8|P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
same, and that it was delivered to a third contract, for the pledgor, Reyes, continued
person designated by common consent of to be the owner of the goods, (art. 1869,
If so, the bank's claim had preference over the parties. For the purpose of giving this Civil Code), he being the one principally
the claim of a third person not secured, as possession greater effect, the pledgee interested in the sale of the property on the
was the bank's, by a pledge, with reference appointed a person to examine daily the best possible terms.
to the property pledged to the extent of its property in the warehouse where the same
value, and therefore such property could was kept.
not have been legally levied upon by the
sheriff at the request of the defendant, As to the reservation stipulated in
Juan Garcia. (Arts. 1921, 1922, Civil Code.) paragraph 13 of the contract executed on
The witness Matias Garcia also testified as the 4th of March, 1905, it could not affect
to the status of these goods, and informed the contract in question for the reason that
Juan Garcia of such status before the same that reservation referred to the rent from
The contract in question complies with all were levied upon. the property mortgaged to the bank and
the requisites provided in article 1857 of the the dividends from the shares of stock also
Civil Code, such as that the property was pledged to the bank, and not to the
pledged to secure a debt, the date of the merchandise so pledged, and such
execution, the terms of the pledge, and the The sheriff's testimony supports the
reservation could not have rendered the
property pledged, all of which appears in a allegation that the depositary, Sierra, was
contract of pledge null.
public document, and the property present at the place where the goods were
pledged was placed in the hands of a third kept, as well as the representative of the
person by common consent of the debtor bank, Rodriguez, when he, the sheriff, went
and creditor, under the supervision of an there for the purpose of levying upon the If the case is to be decided in accordance
agent of the bank. (Arts. 1863, 1865, 1866, said property. He further testified that with the facts alleged and established, the
1869, 1871, Civil Code.) The defect alleged Rodriguez, the representative of the bank, defendant not having introduced any
to exist in the said contract is that the then protested and notified him that the evidence to show that the said contract of
debtor, Reyes, continued in possession of property in question was pledged to the pledge was fraudulent as to other creditors,
the property pledged; that he never Spanish-Filipino Bank. there was no legal ground upon which the
parted with the said property, and that court below could have held that the
neither the creditor nor the depositary contract evidenced by the instrument in
appointed by common consent of the question was entered into to defraud other
The contract in question was, therefore, a
parties were ever in possession of the creditors of the pledgor.
perfect contract of pledge under articles
property pledged, and for this reason, and
1857 and 1863 of the Civil Code, it having
upon the further ground that the contract
been conclusively shown that the pledgee
was fraudulent, the court below dismissed
took charge and possession of the goods For the reasons hereinbefore set out, and
the complaint with the costs against the
pledged through a depositary and a the judgment of the court below being
special agent appointed by it, each of contrary to the evidence, the said
whom had a duplicate key to the judgment is hereby reversed, and it is
warehouse wherein the said goods were hereby adjudged that the plaintiff
In the motion for a new trial it was alleged stored, and that the pledgee, itself, corporation, under and by virtue of the
by the plaintiff that the judgment of the received and collected the proceeds of contract of pledge in question, had a
court below was contrary to law, and that the goods as they were sold. preferential right over that of the
the findings of fact contained therein were defendant, Juan Garcia, to the goods
plainly and manifestly against the weight of pledged or the value thereof, the value to
the evidence. If plaintiff's contention is be applied to the payment of the debt of
The fact that the said goods continued in
correct, then the judgment of the court P40,000, Philippine currency, for the security
the warehouse which was formerly rented
below should be reversed. of which the said property was pledged,
by the pledgor, Reyes, does not affect the
and the defendants are accordingly
validity and legality of the pledge, it having
hereby ordered to return to the plaintiff
been demonstrated that after the pledge
corporation the property improperly levied
From the evidence introduced at the trial, had been agreed upon, and after the
upon, or to pay its value, amounting to
both oral and documentary, it appears depositary appointed with the common
P30,000, Philippine currency, without
that a third person, appointed by the consent of the parties had taken possession
special provision as to costs. After the
common consent of the debtor and of the said property, the owner, the
expiration of twenty days let judgment be
creditor, was in possession of the goods pledgor, could no longer dispose of the
entered in accordance herewith, and ten
pledged in favor of the bank under the same, the pledgee being the only one
days thereafter the case be remanded to
direct supervision of an agent of the bank authorized to do so through the depositary
the court below for execution. So ordered.
expressly appointed for this purpose, and it and special agent who represented it, the
has not been shown that the said Reyes symbolical transfer of the goods by means
continued in the possession of the goods of the delivery of the keys to the warehouse
after they had been pledged to the where the goods were stored being Arellano, C. J., Mapa, Carson, and Willard,
plaintiff bank. sufficient to show that the depositary JJ., concur.
appointed by the common consent of the
parties was legally placed in possession of
the goods. (Articles 438, 1463, Civil Code.)
Exhibit C and the testimony of Francisco
Reyes, Luis M.a Sierra, and Mariano
Rodriguez corroborate the existence and
authenticity of the contract of pledge The fact that the debtor, Reyes, procured
recorded in a public instrument and purchasers and made arrangements for
conclusively and satisfactorily show that the sale of the goods pledged and that the
the debtor, after the pledge of the bills for the goods thus sold were signed by
property, parted with the possession of the him does not affect the validity of the
9|P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ G.R. No. 9989, March 13, 1918 ] crosses the Hacienda Toreno, and refused of ten centavos all other vehicles, it
to permit plaintiffs to continue using it; that appears, were permitted to pass free of
EDUARDO CUAYCONG ET AL., PLAINTIFFS plaintiffs were about to commence to grind charge. This arrangement seems to have
AND APPELLEES, VS. RAMONA BENEDICTO ET their crop of sugar cane, and that, if existed during the years of 1911 and 1912
AL., DEFENDANTS AND APPELLANTS. prevented from transporting their sugar and part of 1913, the money being
across the Hacienda Toreno to their point collected apparently from some
DECISION of embarcation, would suffer damages hacenderos and not from others. There is
difficult to estimate. Upon these averments some reason to believe from the evidence
of fact the plaintiffs prayed for a judgment presented by defendants themselves that
that they are entitled to use the road in the practice of making these payments to
The issues in this case relate to the right of
question as they have been using it in the hacienda Toreno1 originated in an attempt
plaintiffs to make use of two roads existing
past, and that a perpetual injunction be to raise a fund for the repair of the road.
on the Hacienda Toreno, a tract of land in
issued against plaintiffs restraining them There is no evidence that any other
the municipality of Victorias, Negros
from impeding such use. Upon the filing of hacenderos between Nanca and Victorias
Occidental, the property of the
the complaint, plaintiffs moved the court to or any other person made any attempt to
defendants, Blasa Benedicto and Ramona
issue a preliminary injunction restraining close the road or to collect toll. On the
Benedicto. One of these roads is referred to
defendants from interfering with the use of contrary the road appears to have been
in the proceedings as the Nanca-Victorias
the road during the pendency of the suit, Repaired by the hacenderos when it
road and the other as the Dacaman-
which motion was granted by the court. needed repairing and everyone used it tm
Toreno road. The Court of First Instance held
equal terms until the defendants in 1910 or
that those of the plaintiffs who claimed to
Defendants in their answer put in issue all 1911 interposed the objection that the road
be entitled to make use of the Dacuman-
the special averments of the complaint, as in dispute was private. This we think is a fair
Toreno road had failed to establish the
above set forth, and by way of deduction from the evidence and
asserted right, and dismissed the action as
counterclaim and special defense, averred although it is asserted that toll was
to them. From this decision they appealed
that the road crossing the Hacienda collected at an earlier date by the late
to this court but, their brief not having been
Toreno, over which plaintiffs claim the right Leon Montinola, brother of the defendant
filed within the time prescribed by the rules,
of passage, is the private property of Ruperto Montinola, there is no tangible
their appeal was dismissed, on motion of
defendants; and, further, that they have evidence that this was so and all the
defendants, by resolution dated February
not refused plaintiffs permission to pass over circumstances are strongly indicative of the
14, 1916. Consequently, the issues
this road but have required them to pay toll fact that toll has been paid only during the
presented on this appeal are limited to
for the privilege of doing so. Defendants years of 1911, 1912, and part of 1913."
those which relate to the rights of the
also claimed damages for the use of the
parties with respect to the Nanca-Victorias
road by plaintiffs during the pendency of The question presented by the assignment
road, and the determination of the
the suit, alleging that the preliminary of error are in effect:
correctness of the decision of the court
injunction had been improvidently issued
concerning that part of the controversy (a) Is the Nanca-Victorias road at the point
upon false statements contained in the
submitted to its decision. at which it traverses the Hacienda Toreno a
verified complaint filed by plaintiffs.
public highway or not?
The allegations in the complaint with
The case was tried in July, 1913. The court
respect to the Nanca-Victorias road are (b) If it be held that the road in question is
on December 8, 1913, rendered judgment,
that the appellees, Eduardo Cuaycong, not a public highway, have plaintiffs
dismissing the complaint with respect to the
Lino Cuaycong, and Eulalio Dolor, are the proven their acquisition of an easement of
plaintiffs Felix Suarez, Probo Jereza, Enrique
owners of a group of haciendas situated way over the Hacienda Toreno at the point
Azcona, and Melecio Pido, these being the
between the southern boundary of the traversed by the road in question?
plaintiffs who claimed the right to use the
Hacienda Toreno and the barrio of Nanca,
Dacuman-Toreno road. With respect to the
of the municipality of Saravia, and that the The trial judge, in holding that the road in
Nanca-Victorias road, the court held that it
appellees Silverio Ginoo, Gervasio Ascalon, question is public, bases his conclusion
was a public highway over which the
and Juan Ledesma, are the lessees of part upon the fact, which he deems to have
public had acquired a right of use by
of said haciendas; that for more than been proven, that the road has been in
immemorial prescription, and ordered the
twenty years the appellees and their existence "from time immemorial," and had
issuance of a perpetual injunction against
predecessors in interest have made use of been "continuously used as a public road *
plaintiffs, restraining them from interfering in
the Nanca-Victorias road which crosses the * * and open to public as such for thirty or
any manner with the use of the said road.
Hacienda Toreno, openly, publicly, and forty years * * * until * * * the defendants
continuously, with the knowledge of the The conclusion of the court with respect to undertook to claim it as private and to
owners of the said hacienda, for the the facts affecting the Nanca-Victorias collect toll for the passage of carts." (Bill of
purpose of conveying the products of their road are as follows: Exceptions, p. 56.) There is no doubt that for
haciendas to the town of Victorias and to the past thirty or forty years a road has
the landing place there situated, and for "Turning to a consideration of the existed between the former site of the town
the purpose of transporting supplies from evidence.relative to the Nanca-Victorias of Victorias and the barrio of Nanca, of the
those points to their haciendas, making use road we find incontestable proof that it has municipality of Saravia, and that this road
of the said road by means of carts, been in existence for at least forty years. crosses defendants' hacienda. It is also true
carabaos, and other usual means of That the hacenderos located in the that during this period the plaintiffs and
transportation; that there is no outlet to a southwestern section of Victorias and the their predecessors in the ownership of the
public road from the hacienda occupied public generally passed over it freely and hacienda now held by them have made
by these plaintiffs, the only road and way that it was used for all purposes of use of this road for the purpose of going
by which the products of the plaintiffs' transportation of farm produce, animals, and coming from their haciendas to the
property can be taken to the town of etc. and by pedestrians as well as town of Victorias; but the question is
Victorias and to the landing place there carromatas and other conveyances whether this use was limited to the plaintiffs,
being across the Hacienda Toreno by the without break or interruption until two or and their tenants and employees, or
road marked on the plan attached to the three years ago when the defendants whether it was, as held by the lower court,
complaint; that on the fifteenth day of announced that the road was private and a use enjoyed by the public in general.
November, 1912, the defendants closed that those who wished to pass over it with Plaintiffs produced only two witnesses,
the road in question at the point at which it sugar carts would be obliged to pay a toll Segundo de Leon (stet. notes, pp. 21-22)
10 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
and Eduardo Cuaycong, (stet. notes, pp. It is true that in the opening statement consider that the following findings are
27-33) to testify as regards the use of the made to the court, counsel for plaintiffs, warranted:
Nanca-Victorias road. Several other who was not the same attorney by whom
witnesses testified on behalf of plaintiffs, but the complaint was signed, stated that 1. The town of Victorias has always been
their testimony relates to the Dacuman- plaintiffs contend that the road in question the shipping point of the products of the
Toreno road, which is not involved in this is public, but as no evidence was Hacienda Toreno, and of the haciendas of
appeal. We have carefully read the introduced tending to establish this appellees, as well as the place from which
testimony of the witnesses Leon and contention concerning the Nanca- supplies were brought to those properties.
Cuaycong, given upon their direct and Victorias road, counsel for defendants had
2. For thirty or forty years before the
cross examination, but we have been no occasion to object upon the ground
commencement of the suit a wagon road,
unable to find that either of them has that such testimony was not relevant to the
herein called the Nanca-Victorias road,
testified that the road in question was ever averments of the complaint. No evidence
has been in existence, connecting the
used by the public in general. These was taken to indicate that at any time since
haciendas of appellees with the town of
witnesses testified with regard to the use of the road in question has been in existence
Victorias, and this road traverses the
the road by the present and former owners any part of the expense of its upkeep has
property of defendants. Since the removal
and occupants of the estates of Bacayan, been defrayed by the general
of the town of Victorias to a new site the
Esperanza, Alacaigan, Pusot, and Dolores government, the province, or the
Nanca-Victorias road has been used by
for the transportation of the products of municipality. The trial judge said upon this
appellees in travelling between their
these estates to the town of Victorias, and subject:
properties and the provincial road which
of supplies and agricultural implements
"It is also true that whatever repairs were crosses the Hacienda Toreno from east to
from Victorias to the haciendas, but neither
made on the road were made irregularly. west.
of them testified expressly that any other
use had been made of said road. The municipality of Victorias had no funds
3. No public funds have at any time been
Nevertheless, it may be reasonably inferred to devote to the construction and repair of
expended on the construction or upkeep
from the testimony of these witnesses that roads, and the upkeep of the road
of the Nanca-Victorias road, but from time
all persons having occasion to travel depending entirely therefore on the
to time work has been done on it by the
between Victorias and the haciendas of initiative of the persons who used it, was
laborers employed by the present and
Bacayan, Esperanza, Alacaigan, Pusot, attended to only at such times as repairs
former owners of the Hacienda Toreno and
and Dolores, whether or not they were were absolutely necessary." (Bill of
the haciendas owned by the appellees
owners, tenants, or employees of said Exceptions, p. 49.)
and their predecessors in title.
estates, made use of the road now in
The court also held that it appears from the
dispute, crossing the Hacienda Toreno, and 4. The Nanca-Victorias wagon road,
government grant issued in 1885 to the
to this limited extent it may be said that the including that part of it which crosses the
original owner of the hacienda adjacent to
public made use of the road, but there is Hacienda Toreno, has for thirty-five or forty
the Hacienda Toreno on its western
nothing in the evidence to indicate that the years been used by the appellees and their
boundary, that the Nanca-Victorias road at
so-called public use extended beyond this. predecessors in title for the transportation,
that time separated that estate from the
by the usual means, of the products of their
Apart from the fact that there is no direct Jalbuena Hacienda, and that these facts
estates to their shipping points in or near the
evidence to support the finding of the court constitute "circumstantial evidence that
town of Victorias, and the transportation to
concerning the general public use of the the road was in existence in 1885." We have
their estates: of all supplies required by
road in dispute, the record contains data examined the document to which the
them, and has been used by all persons
strongly tending to show that when the court refers, and we agree that the road in
having occasion to travel to and from all or
complaint was filed plaintiffs did not question existed in 1885; but we do not
any of the estates now owned by the
contend that the road was a public believe that the document in question
highway, but merely contended that they proves that the said road was a public
had acquired by prescription an easement highway.
5. The use of the Nanca-Victorias road in
of way across the Hacienda Toreno. For the manner and by the persons above
Another circumstance established by the
example, the action is entitled an "action mentioned was permitted without
evidence, and which is of some
concerning a right of way." (Bill of objection by the owners of the Hacienda
importance in the determination of this
Exceptions, pp. 64 and 65.) It is not averred Toreno until the year 1911, when they
issue, is that although the defendants
in the complaint that the road in question closed it, and began charging a toll of 5
closed the Nanca-Victorias road in the
was used by the public. On the contrary, it centavos for each cart which passed over
month of February, 1911, and since that
is averred that it was used by the plaintiffs the road, including, carts belonging to the
time have collected toll from persons
and their predecessors. The averment in appellants, until restrained from continuing
passing over it with carts loaded with sugar,
paragraph 8 of the complaint that the to do so by the preliminary injunction
including those belonging to several of the
plaintiffs have no other "outlet to a public granted in this case.
plaintiffs, nothing was done by them to
road" than that which they have been
prevent the continuation of this restriction
accustomed to use by going across the 6. The Nanca-Victorias road constitutes the
until December, 1912, when this action was
defendants' hacienda for the purpose of only outlet from the estates of appellants to
commenced. It is natural to assume that if
going to the town of Victorias also shows the nearest public road which is the
plaintiffs had considered that the road in
that when they commenced this action provincial road which crosses the
question was public, they would have
they had in mind the provisions of articles Hacienda Toreno from east to west.
protested immediately against the action
564, et seq. of the Civil Code, which relate
of the defendants, and would have either Upon these facts the questions of law to be
to the method of establishingthe
commenced a civil action, as they decided are;
compulsory easement of way. The owners
subsequently did, or would have brought
of an existing easement, as well as those
about a prosecution under section 16 of (a) Is the Nanca-Victorias road a public
whose properties are adjacent with a
Act No. 1511. highway?
public road, have no occasion to invoke
these provisions of the Code, which relate
Upon the evidence taken and admissions (b) If the Nanca-Victorias road, or that part
to the creation of new rights, and not the
contained in the pleadings and those of it which crosses the Hacienda Toreno, is
enforcement of rights already in existence.
made during the course of the trial we not a public highway, is it subject to a
11 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
private easement of way in favor of the Decree and the Regulations for its permissive use is in its inception based upon
appellees? enforcement (Berriz, vol. 11, 258) the an essentially revocable license. If the use
greater part of the work on the public roads continues for a long period of time, no
The defendants are the owners of the of the Islands was accomplished. Had the change being made in the relations of the
Hacienda Toreno under a Torrens title road here in question been a public way, it parties by any express or implied
issued in accordance with the Land is reasonable to assume that the polistas of agreement, does the owner of the property
Registration Act, conferring to them its the town of Victorias would have been affected lose his right of revocation ? Or,
absolute ownership, subject only to the employed in maintaining it. It is most putting the same question in another form,
limitations of paragraph four of section 39 significant that no mention is made in the does the mere permissive use ripen into title
of said Act. It is admitted that there is no testimony of the plaintiffs' witnesses of any by prescription?
annotation on the certificate of title work of this character having been done
regarding the road here in question, either on the road at any time, particularly in view It is a fundamental principle of the law in
as a "public road" or as a "private way of the fact that their attention was drawn this jurisdiction concerning the possession
established by law," and, therefore, the to this point. (Stet. notes, pp. 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 Qf real property that such possession is not
questions presented by this appeal are to and 14.) affected by acts of a possessory character
be determined precisely as they would be which are "merely tolerated" by the
had the Hacienda Toreno not been The evidence shows that the repairs were possessor, or which are due to his license
brought under the operation of the Land made by the owners of the estates (Civil Code, arts. 444 and 1942). This
Registration Act. The plaintiffs being the benefited by the road, and by their principle is applicable not only with respect
owners of the property in question, the laborers, as a purely voluntary act for their to the prescription of the dominium as a
presumption of law is that it is free from any own convenience and interest. There being whole, but to the prescription of right in
lien or encumbrance whatever, and the no evidence of a direct grant to the rem. In the case of Cortes vs. Palanca Yu-
burden therefore rests upon plaintiffs to government of the land occupied by the Tibo (2 Phil. Rep., 24, 38), the Court said:
establish the contrary. As this court said in road in question or that any Government
the case of Fabie vs. Lichauco and the funds or labor were expended upon it, the "The provision of article 1942 of the Civil
children of Francisco L. Roxas (11 Phil. Rep., question presents itself whether the use to Code to the effect that acts which are
14) ; which the road has been put was such as merely tolerated produce no effect with
to justify the conclusion of the lower court respect to possession is applicable as much
"It is a settled doctrine of law that a that it has become public property. There to the prescription of real rights as to the
property is assumed to be free from all being no evidence that the original use of prescription of th3 fee, it being a glaring
encumbrance unless the contrary is the road by plaintiffs' predecessors was and self-evident error to affirm the contrary,
proved." based upon any express grant of the fee to as does the appellant in his motion papers.
the road or of an easement of way, or that Possession is the fundamental basis of the
There is admittedly no evidence to show prescription. Without it no kind of
it began under the assertion of a right on
that the land occupied by the road here in prescription is possible, not even the
their part, the presumption must be that the
question was at any time conveyed to the extraordinary. Consequently, if acts of
origin of the use was the mere tolerance or
general government or any of its political mere tolerance produce no effect with
license of the owners of the estates
subdivisions by the present or any of the respect to possession, as that article
former owners of the Hacienda Toreno. provides, in conformity with article 444 of
There is no evidence, even remotely, This being so, has that merely permissive use the same Code, it is evident that they can
tending to show that the road existed prior been converted into a title vested in the produce no effect with respect to
to the time when the property now known public at large, or in the plaintiffs by reason prescription, whether ordinary or
as the Hacienda Toreno passed from the of their ownership of the land beneficially extraordinary. This is true whether the
State into private ownership. The record affected by the use? prescriptive acquisition be of a fee or of
fails to disclose any evidence whatever real rights, for the same reason holds in one
tending to show that the Government has Had it been shown that the road had been and the other case; that is, that there has
at any time asserted any right or title in or to maintained at the public expense, with the been no true possession in the legal sense
the land occupied by the road, or that it acquiescence of the owners of the estates of the word." (See also Ayala de Roxas vs.
has incurred any expense whatever in its crossed by it, this would indicate such Maglonso, 8 Phil. Rep., 745; Municipality of
upkeep or construction. The Civil Code adverse possession by the government as Nueva Caceres vs.Director of Lands and
defines as public roads those which are in course of time would ripen into title or Roman Catholic Bishop of Nueva Caceres,
constructed by the State (art. 339), and as warrant the presumption of a grant or of a 24 Phil. Rep., 485.)
provincial and town roads those "the dedication. But in this case there is no such
expense of which is borne by such towns or evidence, and the claims of plaintiffs, Possession, under the Civil Code, to
provinces." (Civil Code, art. 344.) While it is whether regarded as members of the constitute the foundation of a prescriptive
not contended that this definition is public asserting a right to use the road as right, must be possession under claim of title
exclusive, it does show that during the such, or as persons claiming a private (en concepto de dueno), or to use the
Spanish regime, under normal conditions, easement of way over the land of another common law equivalent of the term, it must
roads which were public were maintained must be regarded as resting upon the mere be adverse. Acts of a possessory character.
at the public expense, and that the fact fact of user. performed by one who holds by mere
that at no time was any expense incurred tolerance of the owner are clearly not en
by the Government with respect to the If the owner of a tract of land, to concepto de dueño, and such possessory
road here in question tends strongly to accommodate his neighbors or the public acts, no matter how long so continued, do
support the contention of the defendants in general, permits them to cross his not start the running of the period of
that it is private way. property, it is reasonable to suppose that it prescription.
is not his intention, in so doing, to divest
During the Spanish regime the law required himself of the ownership of the land so A similar question was presented in the
each able bodied citizen not within one of used, or to establish an easement upon it, case of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of
the exempted classes to work a certain and that the persons to whom such Manila vs. Roxas (22 Phil Rep., 450), in which
number of days in each year, his labor to permission, tacit or express, is granted, do case it appeared that Roxas, the owner of
be devoted to "services of general utility" to not regard their privilege of use as being the Hacienda de San Pedro Macati,
the municipality of his residence. (Royal based upon anything more than the mere claimed a right of way across the property
Decree of July 11, 1883, art. 5.) Under this tolerance of the owner. Clearly, such of the church to Calle Tejeron, a public
12 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
street of the town of San Pedro Macati. The supreme court of Spain has decided that rights in real estate is fixed by the Code
proof showed that the road in question had under the law in force before the (sec. 41) at ten years. The evidence shows
been used by the tenants of the Hacienda enactment of the Civil Code, the that in February, 1911, before the expiration
de San Pedro Macati for the passage of easement of way was discontinuous, and of the term of ten years since the time the
carts in coming and leaving the hacienda that while such an easement might be Code of Civil Procedure took effect, the
"from time immemorial," and further that acquired by prescription, it must be used in defendants interrupted the use of the road
the road had been used for time out of good faith, in the belief of the existence of by plaintiffs by constructing and
mind, not only by the tenants of the the right, and such user must have been maintaining a toll gate on it and collecting
hacienda but by many other people in continuous from time immemorial. toll from persons making use of it with carts
going and coming from a church half-way (Judgment of December 15, 1882.) In the and continued to do so until they were
between the boundary line of the appealed decision the court below says enjoined by the granting of the preliminary
hacienda and Calle Tejeron. The court held that the plaintiffs and their predecessors injunction by the trial court in December
that the facts did not give rise to a made use of the road in question "from time 1912. Our conclusion is, therefore, that
prescriptive right of easement in favor of immemorial," but there is no evidence plaintiffs have not acquired by prescription
the owner of the hacienda, upon the whatever in the record to support this a right to an easement of way over the
ground that such use "is to be regarded as finding, although it is true that the evidence defendants' property; that their use of the
permissive and under an implied license, shows the existence of the road and, its use Nanca-Victorias road across the Hacienda
and not adverse. Such a use is not by the plaintiffs and their predecessors for Toreno was due merely to the tacit license
inconsistent with the only use which the thirty-five or forty years. Speaking of the and tolerance of the defendants and their
proprietor thought fit to make of the land, evidence required under the present Code predecessors in title; that the license was
and until the appellee thinks proper to of Civil Procedure to show immemorial use essentially revokable; and that, therefore,
inclose it, such use is not adverse and will of an easement, this court said in the case the defendants were within their rights
not preclude it from enclosing the land of Ayala de Roxas vs. Case (8 Phil. Rep., when they closed the road in 1911.
when other views of its interest render it 197, 198) :
proper to do so. And though an adjacent While in the allegations from plaintiffs'
proprietor may make such use of the open "The third Partida in title 31, law 15 * * * says complaint it might be inferred that it was
land more frequently than another, yet the that discontinuous servitudes * * * must be their purpose to seek to impose upon
same rule will apply unless there be some proved by usage or a term so long that defendants the easement to which arts.
decisive act indicating a separate and men can not remember its 564 et seq. of the Civil Code relate, that
exclusive use under a claim of right. A commencement. * * * In many judgments purpose was evidently abandoned, and
different doctrine would have a tendency the supreme court of Spain has refused to the case was tried upon a wholly different
to destroy all neighborhood accept proof of any definite number of theory. Proof was offered to show that the
accommodations in the way of travel; for if years as a satisfaction of this requirement of right of passage across defendants' land is
it were once understood that a man, by the law. * * * We are of the opinion that in necessary to enable plaintiffs to get their
allowing his neighbor to pass through his order to establish a right of prescription [title products to market, but there was no offer
farm without objection over the pass-way of prescription based upon use from time on their part to pay defendants the
which he used himself, would thereby, after immemorial] something more is required indemnity required by section 564.
the lapse of time, confer a right on such than the memory of living witnesses.
Whether this something should be the For the reasons stated the judgment of the
neighbor to require the pass-way to be
declaration of persons long dead, court below is reversed, the injunction
kept open for his benefit and enjoyment, a
repeated by those who testify, as exacted issued against defendants is dissolved, and
prohibition against all such travel would
by the Spanish law, or should be the the action is dismissed. No costs will be
immediately ensue."
common reputation of ownership allowed on this appeal. So ordered.
The decisions of the supreme court of recognized by the Code of Procedure, it is
Arellano, C. J., Torres, Araullo, Street,
Louisiana, a State whose jurisdiction is unnecessary for us to decide. On either
Malcolm, and Avanceña, JJ., concur.
based, as is our own, upon the Roman Law, theory the appellant has failed in his proof
and whose Civil Code is taken, as is our * * *."
Johnson, J., dissents.
own, very largely from the Code of
Napoleon, are particularly persuasive in The same thing may be said in this case.
matters of this character. In the case of Witnesses have testified that they have
Torres vs. Fargoust (37 La. Ann., 497), cited known the road for a certain period of
by appellants in their brief, in which the years, beginning at a time prior to the
issues were very similar to those of the enactment of the Civil Code, but no
present case, the court held that evidence has been made to prove
immemorial use by either of the means of
"The mere fact that for thirty or forty years proof mentioned in this decision cited, nor
the public was permitted to pass over this is immemorial user averred in the complaint
ground would not of itself constitute the as the basis of the right. It is evident,
place a locus publicus * * * dedication must therefore, that no vested right by user from
be shown by evidence so conclusive as to time immemorial had been acquired by
exclude all idea of private ownership; * * * plaintiffs at the time the Civil Code took
such dedication cannot be inferred from effect. Under that Code (art. 539) no
mere user alone; * * * no one is presumed discontinuous easement could be
to give away his property. The burden is on acquired by prescription in any event.
him who avers a divestiture of ownership to Assuming, without deciding, that this rule
prove it clearly." We are, therefore, of the has been changed by the provisions of the
opinion, and so hold, that upon the facts present Code of Civil Procedure relating to
established by the evidence it does not prescription, and that since its enactment
appear that the road in question is a public discontinuous easement may be acquired
road or way. We are also of the opinion that by prescription, it is clear that this would not
plaintiffs have failed to show that they have avail plaintiffs. The Code of Civil Procedure
acquired by prescription a private right of went into effect on October 1, 1901. The
passage over the lands of defendants. The term of prescription for the acquisition of
13 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
DIVISION award of Lot 16 to Mitra. She asked that right to the lot. Not being principally or
Lot 16 be sold to her. subsidiarily bound in the contract of sale
[ GR No. L-28066, Sep 22, 1976 ] between Mitra and the PHHC, she is not
After the respondents had filed their entitled to ask for its annulment (Art.
PEREGRINA ASTUDILLO v. BOARD OF answers, the Mitra spouses filed a verified 1397, Civil Code).
DIRECTORS OF PEOPLE'S HOMESITE + motion for summary judgment. They
assumed that there was no genuine Peregrina invokes the PHHC charter
issue as to any material fact. Peregrina (erroneously referred to as section 11 of
165 Phil. 19 Astudillo opposed the motion. The Commonwealth Act No. 648) which
parties submitted memoranda. provides that the PHHC should acquire
buildings so as to provide "decent
AQUINO, J.: The lower court treated the motion for housing for those who may be unable
summary judgment as a motion to otherwise to provide themselves
Peregrina Astudillo appealed from the dismiss. It dismissed Peregrina's petition therewith" and that it should acquire
"resolution" dated April 18, 1967 of the on the grounds that she is a mala fide large estates for their resale to bona fide
Court of First Instance of Rizal, Quezon squatter and that the sale of Lot 16 to occupants.
City Branch V, granting the motion for Mitra cannot be assailed by means
summary judgment filed by Ramon P. of certiorari and mandamus. Peregrina Those provisions do not sustain her action
Mitra and dismissing her petition appealed to this Court. in this case. They do not justify her act of
for certiorari and mandamus (Civil Case squatting on a government-owned lot
No. Q-8741). Her four assignments of error raise and then demanding that the lot be sold
questions of law. She contends that the to her because she does not yet own a
According to the pleadings of lower court erred in holding residential lot and house. She is not a
respondents Mitra and the People's that certiorari and mandamus do not lie bona fide occupant of Lot 16.
Homesite and Housing Corporation in this case and that she has no right to
(PHHC)[*] , Mitra on December 28, 1957 question the award to Mitra, and in not The State is committed to promote social
applied, in behalf of his minor son, holding that the award of Lot 16 to him justice and to maintain adequate social
Ramon Mitra Ocampo, for the purchase was in contravention of the Anti-Graft services in the field of housing (Secs. 6
of Lot 16, Block E-155 of the East Avenue and Corrupt Practices Law and of the and 7, Art. II, New Constitution). But the
Subdivision of the PHHC in Piñahan, constitutional provision that a Senator or State's solicitude for the destitute and
Quezon City. Representative should not directly or the have-nots does not mean that it
indirectly be financially interested in any should tolerate usurpations of property,
His application was approved on contract with the government or any public or private.
January 3, 1958. He made a subdivision or instrumentality thereof
downpayment of P840, an amount during his term of office. "In carrying out its social readjustment
equivalent to ten percent of the price of policies, the government could not
the lot. On September 9, 1961 the PHHC In the ultimate analysis the issue is simply lay aside moral standards, and
and Mitra executed a contract of whether Peregrina Astudillo has a cause aim to favor usurpers, squatters, and
conditional sale. After Mitra had paid in of action to annul the sale of Lot 16 to intruders, unmindful of the lawful and
full the price, which totalled more than Mitra and to compel the PHHC board to unlawful origin and character of their
nine thousand pesos, a final deed of sale award that lot to her. occupancy. Such a policy would
was executed in his favor on February 18, perpetuate conflicts instead of attaining
1965. Transfer Certificate of Title No. We hold that she has no cause of action their just solution" (Bernardo vs. Bernardo,
89875 was issued to him on March 1, to impugn the award to Mitra and to 96 Phil. 202, 206).
1965. require that she be allowed to purchase
the lot. As a squatter, she has no Indeed, the government has
The lot in question is actually in the possessory rights over Lot 16. In the eyes enunciated a militant policy against
possession of Peregrina Astudillo. She of the law, the award to Mitra did not squatters. Thus, Letter of Instruction No.
constructed thereon a residential house prejudice her since she was bereft of any 19 dated October 2, 1972 orders city and
(a shanty, according to Mitra). She rights over the said lot which could have district engineers "to remove all illegal
admits that she has been squatting on been impaired by that award (Bañez vs. constructions, including buildings x x x
the said lot "uninterruptedly since 1957 Court of Appeals, L-30351, September and those built without permits on public
up to the present" (p. 52, Record). She 11, 1974, 59 SCRA 15, 22). or private property" and provides for the
filed with the administrative investigating relocation of squatters (68 O.G. 7962.
committee of the PHHC a request dated The record does not show, and See Letter of Instruction No. 19-A). As
February 24, 1963, praying for the Peregrina does not claim, that she is a noted by Justice Sanchez, "since the last
cancellation of the award of Lot 16 to member of the Piñahan Homeowners global war, squatting on another's
Congressman Mitra and asking the Association some of whose members are property in this country has become a
committee to recommend that it be re- "deserving squatters" (Kempis vs. widespread vice" (City of Manila vs.
awarded to her. No action was taken on Gonzales, L-31701, October 31, 1974, 60 Garcia, L-26053, February 21, 1967, 19
that request. SCRA 439). SCRA 413, 418).
On May 3, 1965 Peregrina filed in the In the familiar language of procedure, The lower court did not err in holding that
lower court her aforementioned petition she was not entitled to sue Mitra and the Peregrina Astudillo cannot use the
against the PHHC board of directors, the PHHC for the enforcement or protection special civil actions
register of deeds of Quezon City and the of a right, or the prevention of a wrong. of certiorari and mandamus to secure a
spouses Ramon P. Mitra and Salud O. Those respondents did not commit any judicial review of the award of Lot 16 to
Mitra. She questioned the legality of the delict or wrong in violation of her rights Mitra. Rule 65 of the Rules of Court
because, in the first place, she has no provides:
14 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
"SECTION 1. Petition for certiorari. - When performance of a private contract Barredo, Antonio, and Concepcion, Jr.,
any tribunal, board, or officer exercising which has not been fully performed by JJ., concur.
judicial functions, has acted without or in either party" (Quiogue vs. Romualdez, 46
excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with Phil. 337). In Jacinto vs. Director of Lands, Fernando, J., (Chairman), in the result.
grave abuse of discretion and there is no 49 Phil. 853, a petition for a writ
appeal, nor any plain, speedy, and of mandamus to compel the Director of
adequate remedy in the ordinary course Lands to execute a deed of
of law, a person aggrieved thereby may conveyance for certain lots in favor of
file a verified petition in the proper court the petitioner was denied. Generally,
alleging the facts with certainty and title to property cannot be litigated in
praying that judgment be rendered a mandamus proceeding (City of
annulling or modifying the proceedings, Manila vs. Posadas, 48 Phil. 309, 337).
as the law requires, of such tribunal,
board or officer. It is not a ministerial duty of the PHHC
board to award Lot 16 to Peregrina.
"The petition shall be accompanied by a Anyway, it has already been shown that
certified true copy of the judgment or as a squatter she is not clothed with any
order subject thereof, together with right to Lot 16 that may be enforced in a
copies of all pleadings and documents court of justice.
relevant and pertinent thereto."
The PHHC board completely ignored the
"SEC. 3. Petition for mandamus. - When alleged demands of Peregrina for the
any tribunal, corporation, board, or purchase of Lot 16. It did not render any
person unlawfully neglects the decision against her. Its inaction cannot
performance of an act which the law be assailed by certiorari or mandamus .
specifically enjoins as a duty resulting
from an office, trust, or station, or
unlawfully excludes another from the use
Peregrina's other assignment of error is
and enjoyment of a right or office to
that the award of Lot 16 to Congressman
which such other is entitled, and there is
Mitra was a violation of section 3(h) of
no other plain, speedy and adequate
the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Law
remedy in the ordinary course of law, the
and of section 17, Article VI of the 1935
person aggrieved thereby may file a
Constitution, now section 11, Article VIII
verified petition in the proper court
of the new Constitution.
alleging the facts with certainty and
praying that judgment be rendered On the other hand, Mitra contends that
commanding the defendant, the PHHC performs proprietary functions.
immediately or at some other specified He observed that the following high-
time, to do the act required to be done ranking officials were awarded PHHC
to protect the rights of the petitioner, lots: Felixberto Serrano, Dominador
and to pay the damages sustained by Aytona, Manuel Lim, Fernando Lopez,
the petitioner by reason of the wrongful Pacita M. Gonzales, Genaro Magsaysay,
acts of the defendant." Daniel Romualdez, Felipe A. Abrigo,
Bartolome Cabangbang, Juan Duran,
Respondent PHHC board is not the
Manuel Enverga, Angel Fernandez, Jose
board contemplated in section 1 of Rule
Nuguid, Antonio de Pio, Lorenzo Teves,
65. It does not exercise judicial functions.
Faustino Tobia, Pedro Trono, Marcelino
The award being questioned was a
Veloso and Valeriano Yancha.
routinary corporate act that was within
the board's competence. No We are of the opinion that that
jurisdictional issue was involved in that assignment of error need not be
award.Certiorari lies only for the resolved in this case. Having shown that
correction of jurisdictional errors (Gov't of Peregrina has no cause of action to
the P. I. vs. Judge of 1st Instance of Iloilo, assail the award of Lot 16 to Mitra, it
34 Phil. 157, 159). follows that in this particular case she
cannot assail that award by invoking the
Nor is the relief sought by Peregrina
provisions of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Astudillo, which is to compel the PHHC
Practices Law and the Constitution. This
board to cancel the award of Lot 16 to
is not the proper forum for the ventilation
Mitra and to resell it to her, a right that
of that question. (See Commonwealth
can be enforced by mandamus . What
Act No. 626; Hernandez vs. Albano, 112
she wants is to force the PHHC to
Phil. 506; Solidum and Concepcion, Jr.
execute a contract of sale in her favor.
vs. Hernandez, 117 Phil. 335).
That is not within the purview of the writ
of mandamus. WHEREFORE , the lower court's order of
dismissal is affirmed. No costs.
Thus, it was held that "the writ
of mandamus is not an appropriate or SO ORDERED.
even admissible remedy to enforce the
15 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
DIVISION 3. That after the death of the said Mr. of land with an area of 4,303 square meters,
Gregorio Z. Ocampo the plaintiffs herein more or less, and to surrender it to the
[ GR No. L-36789, Jul 25, 1983 ] took possession of the properties left by him, plaintiffs or vacate the same;
among others is the afore-described parcel
FELIPA CORDERO MAURO OCAMPO v. b) To deliver, jointly and severally, to the
of land which is a riceland, but they found
VICTORIA P. CABRAL + plaintiffs palay in the amount of ten (10)
out that the southern portion of the same
with an area 4,303 square meters, more or cavanes or pay their market price at the
less, upon verification, was possessed by rate of P10.00 per cavan per harvest-time
the defendants herein, Victoria P. Cabral, beginning the year 1958 up to the time of
208 Phil. 456
Alejandro Berboso and Dalmacio Montaos; their delivery or payment.
and that the defendant Victoria P. Cabral
c) To pay, jointly and severally, the plaintiffs'
claimed to be the owner of said portion
lawyer's fees in the amount of P500.00; and
ABAD SANTOS, J.: while her co-defendants co-possessed the
same as her tenants;
d) To pay the costs of this suit.
Petition to review a decision of the defunct
Court of Appeals. 4. That the plaintiffs demanded of the
And to grant any remedy and relief just and
defendants to surrender to the former
equitable in the premises." (Record on
In Civil Case No. 2323 of the defunct Court possession of the afore-mentioned portion
Appeal, pp. 2-6.)
of First Instance of Bulacan, Felipa Cordero of land and/or vacate it but they refused
and her children Mauro, Casimiro and and failed to do so, and the defendant The Answer of the defendants contains the
Elisea all surnamed Ocampo sued Victoria Victoria P. Cabral continued claiming to be following allegations:
Cabral, Alejandro Berboso and Dalmacio the owner of the same while her co-
Montaos in a Complaint which reads as defendants continued recognizing her as "I. That defendants have no knowledge or
follows: the owner thereof instead of the plaintiffs; information sufficient to form a belief as to
that the plaintiffs had the afore-described the truth of the allegations in paragraph 2
"1. That the plaintiffs are all of legal age, all parcel of land (with T.C.T. No. 14513) of the complaint;
residing and with postal address at relocated in the presence of the
Meycauayan, Bulacan; Felipa Cordero is a defendants' representatives and it was II. That defendants admit being in
widow while Elisea Ocampo is single; and found and/or determined that the possession of the portion of land alleged in
the defendants are all of legal age, Victoria aforesaid portion of land with the area of paragraph 3 of the complaint, as said
P. Cabral is married but she is living apart 4,303 square meters, more or less, was a portion of land belongs to defendant
and separate from her husband so the part of the plaintiffs' land with T.C.T. No. Victoria P. Cabral;
latter is not included herein as party 14513; that even after the said relocation
defendant, and all of them are residing the defendant Victoria P. Cabral persisted III. That defendants deny the allegation in
and with postal address at Meycauayan, and still persist in her claim of ownership paragraph 4 of the complaint to the effect
Bulacan, where they may be served with over the said portion and her co- that the said portion of 4,303 square meters,
summons; defendants persisted and still persist in more or less, is a part of the plaintiffs' land;
recognizing her as the owner thereof
2. That Mr. Gregorio Z. Ocampo of IV. That defendants have no knowledge or
instead of the plaintiffs; that the defendants
Meycauayan, Bulacan, husband of the information sufficient to form a belief as to
continue in possession of the same; and
plaintiff Felipa Cordero and father of the the truth of the allegations in paragraph 5
that the defendants still refuse and fail to
other plaintiffs surnamed Ocampo, died on of the complaint;
surrender and/or vacate said portion of
May 17, 1958, and that said deceased left
land inspite of demands made on them by V. That defendants likewise have no
several properties, which were inherited by
the plaintiffs; knowledge or information sufficient to form
the plaintiffs, one of which is a parcel of
land described as follows: a belief as to the truth of the allegations in
5. That because of the defendants'
paragraph 6 of the complaint;
occupancy of the aforementioned
A parcel of land (Lot No. 5, plan Psu. 43302),
plaintiffs' portion of land with the area of And by way of SPECIAL DEFENSE,
with the improvements thereon, situated in
4,303 square meters, more or less, to the defendants allege:
the barrio of Saluysoy, Municipality of
exclusion of the latter, the said plaintiffs
Meycauayan. Bounded on the N. by Sapa
failed to realize a yearly harvest of at least VI. That defendant Victoria P. Cabral and
and properties of Pedro Dazo and Catalino
ten (10) cavanes of palay at the rate of her predecessors in interest before her are
Exaltacion; on the NE. by property of
P10.00 per cavan, from the harvest-time of the real owners, and have been in actual,
Trinidad Rodriguez & Mateo Mistica; on the
1958 up to the present; adverse, peaceful and continuous
SE. by properties of Vicente Mistica,
possession, of that portion of land claimed
Antonio Rodriguez, Hermogenes Blanco, 6. That because of the defendants' refusal by the plaintiffs in their complaint, which
Lucio Sulbera and Pablo Francia; on the to recognize plaintiffs' ownership over the portion is more particularly described as Lot
SW. by properties of Concepcion Rodriguez afore-mentioned portion of land and also 5-B of plan Psd-11496, duly approved by
and Alejandro de la Cruz; and on the NW. because of their refusal and failure to the Director of Lands on December 21,
by a Sapa. . . .; containing an area of surrender and/or vacate the same the 1935;
Seventy-eight thousand one hundred and plaintiffs were forced to employ the
eighty-one square meters (78,181), more or services of the undersigned counsel to VII. That the deceased Gregorio Z.
less. With TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE institute this action at an agreed fees of Ocampo and/or his heirs, the herein
NO. 14513 in the name of Gregorio Z. P500.00. plaintiffs, have admitted, acknowledged
Ocampo and has Tax Declaration No. 2819
and recognized the defendant Cabral and
and is assessed at P4,290.00. WHEREFORE, premises considered, the her predecessors in said portion of land, as
plaintiffs herein respectfully pray of this Hon. the real owners thereof;
which parcel of land was originally Court to render judgment in favor of the
registered in accordance with the Land plaintiffs and against the defendants thus VIII. That the deceased Gregorio Z.
Registration Act on December 14, 1933, ordering them: Ocampo and his predecessors in interest,
and was registered and/or transferred in
as well as the defendant Cabral and her
the name of Mr. Gregorio Z. Ocampo on a) To recognize the ownership of the predecessors in interest, have always
July 31, 1934; plaintiffs over the afore-mentioned portion recognized as the boundary between their
16 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
respective properties, a barrio road which (b) declaring the defendant Victoria P. because the truth is that, if they were ever
has existed since the Spanish regime and Cabral as the owner of Lot 5-B, plan Psd- in possession of the same, their possession
has continued to exist up to the present 11496, which has been erroneously was 'not adverse' and 'not continuous'.
time; and all the residents of the rural areas included in the property of the deceased When Mr. Gregorio Z. Ocampo bought the
using said barrio road know for a fact that, Gregorio Z. Ocampo covered by Transfer parcel of land known as Lot 5, Psu-43302
with respect to the respective properties of Certificate of Title No. 14513, Bulacan, and with an area of 78,181 square meters, more
the parties hereto, said road is the ordering the herein plaintiffs to execute a or less, in 1934, (wherein this portion under
boundary between said properties; deed of transfer of said Lot No. 5-B, plan litigation is included) the said Mr. Ocampo
Psd-11496 in favor of the defendant took possession of this whole land. In the
IX. That the inclusion of that portion claimed Victoria P. Cabral; and year 1935 the adjoining owner of the said
by the plaintiffs in their complaint in the property, the late Mr. Antonio Rodriguez
original registration of their property was (c) ordering the plaintiffs to pay to the and predecessor of the defendant Victoria
obtained thru error or fraud by the original defendants the sum of P1,000.00. P. Cabral, requested Mr. Ocampo to sell to
applicant, but was never possessed by him him a portion of said land with an area of
nor by his successors in interest, as they Defendants further pray for such other
4,303 square meters, more or less, to which
have always openly recognized the reliefs and remedies which may be proper
Mr. Ocampo agreed. As there was already
ownership of said portion as belonging to and just under the premises." (R.A., pp. 8-
a meeting of the mind Mr. Rodriguez
defendant Cabral and her predecessors in 13.)
requested Mr. Ocampo that he be allowed
interest before her; to possess the said portion as they were
The plaintiffs filed a Reply and Answer to
going to make the formal deed of sale, to
And by way of COUNTERCLAIM, Counterclaim as follows:
which proposition Mr. Ocampo likewise
defendants allege:
"1. That the plaintiffs deny the allegation in agreed. This proposed sale never
paragraph II of the Answer that the portion materialized so if Mr. Rodriguez ever
X. That all the foregoing paragraphs are
of land now under litigation belongs to the possessed the said portion of land, now
pleaded herein and made parts hereof;
defendant Victoria P. Cabral, and likewise under litigation, he did not possess it as
XI. That the defendant Victoria P. Cabral is deny the allegations in paragraphs VI and owner but only as a 'prospective owner'. His
the real owner of Lot No. 5-B, plan Psd- XI of the same that the defendant Victoria possession cannot, therefore, be termed
11496, with an area of 4,303 square meters, P. Cabral and her predecessors in interest 'adverse'. Such possession cannot also be
more or less, erroneously or fraudulently are the real owners of this portion (under termed 'continuous' for 50 years because
included in the property described in litigation) with an area of 4,303 square Mr. Ocampo was in possession of the same
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 14513 of the meters, Lot 5-B of plan Psd-11496 with in 1934 before Mr. Rodriguez came in
Register of Deeds of the Province of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 14513 in the possession of the same, first, with the
Bulacan, registered in the name of the name of Mr. Gregorio Z. Ocampo, because consent and later by toleration of Mr.
deceased Gregorio Z. Ocampo and now the truth is that the said Mr. Ocampo and Ocampo.
claimed by the herein plaintiffs; his successors in interest, the plaintiffs
Granting but without admitting, that the
herein, are the real owners thereof; and
XII. That defendant Cabral and her defendant Cabral and her predecessors in
that said portion is a part and is included in
predecessors in interest have been in interest have been in possession of this
the plaintiffs' big parcel of land known as
possession of said portion of land for more portion of land with an area of 4,303 square
Lot 5, Psu-43302, and covered by the afore-
than fifty years, their possession being meters, more or less for more than 50 years,
mentioned Certificate;
actual, adverse, peaceful and continuous, does she mean to imply now that she
as owners thereof; That the defendant Victoria P. Cabral and acquires ownership over the same by virtue
her predecessors in interest were never the of 'prescription'? She must remember that
XIII. That said deceased Gregorio Z. owners of the said portion of land and in this property is titled under Act 496 and,
Ocampo and/or his heirs, and their fact none of them, much less Victoria P. therefore, 'imprescriptible';
predecessors in interest have openly Cabral, has been in possession or in
admitted, acknowledged and recognized 3. That the plaintiffs deny the defendants'
possession of any title or any document,
the defendant Victoria P. Cabral and her allegations in paragraphs VI and IX of their
either public or private, showing his or her
predecessors in interest as the real owners Answer that the plaintiffs have admitted,
ownership, and not even a Tax Declaration
of said portion of land, Lot 5-B plan Psd- acknowledged and recognized the
for taxation purposes; the truth is that when
11496, and said Gregorio Z. Ocampo defendant Cabral and her predecessors in
the late Mr. Antonio Rodriguez, original
and/or his heirs and their predecessors in said land as the real owners thereof,
owner of the land with plan Psu-100536,
interest have never been in possession of because the truth is that the plaintiffs are
adjacent to that of the plaintiffs, sold said
said portion of land; the real owners of the same, and that they
land to his successor Segunda Prodon he
have never admitted, acknowledged nor
did not include in the said sale this portion,
XIV. That the plaintiffs, claiming to be the recognized the defendant Cabral nor any
under litigation, Lot 5-B, of plan Psd-11496
heirs of the deceased Gregorio Z. of her predecessors in interest as the owners
with an area of 4,303 square meters, more
Ocampo, are therefore under obligation to of said portion of land;
or less, knowing that it did not belong to
execute a deed of transfer of said portion
him; and because Segunda Prodon has not
of land in favor of the true owner thereof, 4. That the plaintiffs admit the allegation in
acquired this portion of land with an area
the herein defendant Victoria P. Cabral, in paragraph VIII of the Answer that the
of 4,303 square meters, more or less, it is
accordance with law; defendant Victoria P. Cabral owns an
clear, therefore, that she could not have
adjoining property which is described in her
transmitted it to her successors including
XV. That because of the present action filed plan Psu-100536 but they deny there is a
the herein, defendant, Victoria P. Cabral;
by the plaintiffs, the defendants have 'barrio road' between her land and that of
suffered damages in the amount of the plaintiffs which serves as the boundary
2. That the plaintiffs deny the defendants'
P1,000.00; and that there has never been any road
allegations in paragraphs VI and XII of their
much less a barrio road between their
Answer that the defendant Victoria P.
WHEREFORE, defendants pray that properties.
Cabral and her predecessors in interest
judgment be rendered:
have been in actual, adverse, peaceful
That, if the defendants are referring to Lot
(a) dismissing the complaint, with costs and continuous possession of this portion of
5-B, plan Psd-11496, and the rest of the land
against the plaintiffs; land for a period of more than 50 years
of the plaintiffs Lot No. 5, Psu-43302, which
17 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
said Lot 5-B is a part, the plaintiffs deny the because, first, the title to this land was III. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN GIVING
existence of such road much less a barrio obtained in a regular proceeding where IMPORTANCE TO DEFENDANTS-APPELLEES'
road, and that there has never been a there was neither error nor fraud; second, ALLEGED 'OPEN, CONTINUOUS AND
road therein. With the permission of the said defendant or her predecessors in ADVERSE POSSESSION' AND IN DISMISSING
Hon. Court the existence or non-existence interest are not the owners of said land PLAINTIFFS-APPELLANTS' COMPLAINT." (Brief,
of a road can be verified by an ocular much less said defendant Cabral who has pp. a-b.)
inspection and if need be with the aid of a nothing at all in her possession to show any
licensed surveyor; kind of right over said portion of land, and The Court of Appeals found as a fact: "That
third, Mr. Gregorio Z. Ocampo, the disputed portion Lot 5-a is admittedly part
5. That the plaintiffs deny the allegations in predecessor in interest of the plaintiffs, of the land originally registered in the name
paragraphs IX and XIII of the Answer that acquire this property as an 'innocent of plaintiff's predecessor in interest, there
Mr. Gregorio Z. Ocampo and his successors purchaser, in good faith and for value'; and should be no question that that title had
in interest have never been in possession of become imprescriptible and original
this portion of land now under litigation. Mr. 8. That the plaintiffs have no knowledge or registrant as well as his successors had the
Gregorio Z. Ocampo took possession of information sufficient to form a belief as to right to vindicate their ownership against
said property after he bought it in 1934 and the truth of the allegation in paragraph XV any body else." (Rollo, p. 54.)
if the predecessors in interest of the of the defendants' Answer (Counterclaim).
defendant Cabral happened to be in its But the Court of Appeals went further.
possession it was, first, with the consent of WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed of this Seizing a statement in the Reply and
Mr. Ocampo and later by his toleration as Hon. Court to grant the plaintiffs' Petition in Answer to Counterclaim filed by the
we have already explained in paragraph 2 their Complaint." (R.A., pp. 14-21.) plaintiffs, it held that Gregorio Z. Ocampo
of this Reply; had by an oral contract sold the disputed
It can be seen that the thrust of the land to Antonio Rodriguez, the defendant's
6. That the plaintiffs deny the allegation in Complaint is that a piece of land covered predecessor in interest. The Court of
paragraph IX of the Answer that the by T.C.T. No. 14513 in the name of Gregorio Appeals further said "that agreement oral
inclusion of this portion of property under Z. Ocampo was illegally possessed by the albeit, became binding upon Ocampo, it
litigation was 'obtained thru error or fraud' defendants. Upon the other hand, the was even executed in part by the actual
by the original applicant, and they likewise thrust of the Answer is that "the defendant delivery of possession, it amounted to a
deny the allegation in paragraph XI of the Victoria P. Cabral is the real owner of Lot supervening fact, posterior to the title, and
Answer that this portion with an area of No. 5-B, plan Psd-11496, with an area of the fact that Ocampo's title was not
4,303 square meters, more or less, was 4,303 square meters, more or less, afterwards cancelled can not at all mean
erroneously and fraudulently included in erroneously or fraudulently included in the that the title could be used as a weapon to
the property described in Transfer property described in Transfer Certificate of annul that posterior agreement by
Certificate of Title No. 14513 of the Register Title No. 14513 of the Register of Deeds of Ocampo voluntarily entered into and by
of Deeds of the Province of Bulacan, the Province of Bulacan, registered in the reason of which he had delivered
because in truth and in fact there was no name of the deceased Gregorio Z. possession unto defendant's predecessor;
such error or fraud. The title to this property Ocampo and now claimed by the herein of course, no deed of sale was formalized
was granted and obtained in a regular plaintiffs." (Answer, par. XI.) for a reason not clear in the evidence; but
proceeding. If there was any error or fraud whether or not formalized, it was a binding
The decision of the trial court is not clear as
the predecessor in interest of the personal agreement upon
to whether or not the disputed lot is
defendant Victoria P. Cabral would have Ocampo." (Rollo, pp. 56-57.)
included in T.C.T. No. 14513. However, the
filed a petition for review or would have
decision contains the following statement: The statement upon which the Court of
sued for damages. Or the said defendant
"if it is included in their title, such title is void Appeals built its decision is as follows:
or any of her predecessors in interest would
insofar as the portion of the Pandayan road
have resorted to some legal remedy.
is concerned." (R.A., p. 30.) "When Mr. Gregorio Z. Ocampo bought the
The fact is that the defendant Victoria P. parcel of land known as Lot 5, Psu-43302
The trial court gave the following judgment: with an area of 78,181 square meters, more
Cabral or any of her predecessors in
interest did not sincerely and honestly or less, in 1934, (wherein this portion under
"WHEREFORE, plaintiffs' complaint is hereby
believe that they were the owners of this litigation is included), the said Mr. Ocampo
DISMISSED, without costs. For lack of proof
portion of property. In fact they did not took possession of this whole land. In the
that plaintiffs were in bad faith in the filing
have and do not have any kind of title or year 1935 the adjoining owner of the said
of the present action, defendants' counter-
any kind of document, either public or property, the late Mr. Antonio Rodriguez
claim is likewise dismissed." (R.A., p. 30.)
private, over this property and they did not and predecessor of the defendant Victoria
even have this property declared in their P. Cabral, requested Mr. Ocampo to sell to
The plaintiffs appealed to the Court of
names for taxation purposes. him a portion of said land with an area of
Appeals and made the following
4,303 square meters, more or less, to which
assignment of errors:
Granting, but without admitting, that the Mr. Ocampo agreed. As there was already
title to this property was obtained either by "I. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN HOLDING a meeting of the mind Mr. Rodriguez
error or fraud yet the defendant Victoria P. THAT THE PANDAYAN ROAD IS LOCATED requested Mr. Ocampo that he be allowed
Cabral can have no valid claim against the INSIDE THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN T.C.T. to possess the said portion as they were
plaintiffs because she has never been the NO. 14513 AND CONSEQUENTLY HOLDING going to make the formal deed of sale, to
owner of said property and also because THAT THE SAME CONSTITUTES THE which proposition Mr. Ocampo likewise
the plaintiffs' predecessor, Mr. Gregorio Z. BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN THE PROPERTIES agreed. This proposed sale never
Ocampo, acquired this property as 'an OF PLAINTIFFS-APPELLANTS AND materialized so if Mr. Rodriguez ever
innocent purchaser, in good faith and for DEFENDANT-APPELLEE VICTORIA CABRAL. possessed the said portion of land, now
value.' under litigation, he did not possess it as
II. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN HOLDING owner but only as a 'prospective owner'. His
7. That the plaintiffs deny the allegation in THAT T.C.T. NO. 14513 IS 'VOID INSOFAR AS possession cannot, therefore, be termed
paragraph XIV of the Answer that the THE PORTION FROM THE PANDAYAN ROAD 'adverse'. Such possession cannot also be
plaintiffs are under obligation to execute a IS CONCERNED', AND IN NOT HOLDING termed 'continuous' for 50 years because
deed of transfer of the portion of land in THAT SAID T.C.T. IS INCONTROVERTIBLE. Mr. Ocampo was in possession of the same
favor of the defendant Victoria P. Cabral in 1934 before Mr. Rodriguez came to
18 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
possession of the same, first, with the However, the trial court made no
consent and later by toleration of Mr. categorical finding on this claim of the
Ocampo." (R.A. pp. 15-16.) defendants otherwise it would have
granted the affirmative relief which they
It passes understanding why the plaintiffs asked, namely: "(b) declaring the
mentioned a non-consummated defendant Victoria P. Cabral as the owner
transaction between Gregorio Z. Ocampo of Lot 5-B, plan Psd-11496, which has been
and Antonio Rodriguez when the erroneously included in the property of the
defendants made no claim of such deceased Gregorio Z. Ocampo covered
transaction nor was the name of Antonio by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 14513,
Rodriguez even mentioned in their Answer. Bulacan, and ordering the herein plaintiffs
to execute a deed of transfer of said Lot
Even as the Court of Appeals found that
No. 5-B, plan Psd-11496 in favor of the
the disputed piece of land is registered in
defendant Victoria P. Cabral." The Court of
the name of the plaintiffs but because of
Appeals did not deal with this issue
the supposed oral sale of the same to the
because there was no appeal made by
predecessors of the defendants, it affirmed
the defendants.
the judgment of the trial court dismissing
the complaint for the recovery of the land. The following conclusions have to be
The instant petition assails the Court of
Appeals for rendering a decision based on 1. The disputed land is included in
a ground which was never raised nor T.C.T. No. 14513 issued to
discussed whether in the trial court or Gregorio Z. Ocampo, the
before it by any of the parties. The ground predecessor of the plaintiffs.
to be sure, is the supposed oral contract of
sale made to the predecessors of the 2. The original registration which
defendants covering the disputed piece of includes the disputed land was
land. not vitiated by error or fraud.
The petition is highly impressed with merit. 3. The Court of Appeals erred when
it held that Gregorio Z. Ocampo
It is a well-settled rule that, except questions had orally sold the disputed land
on jurisdiction, no question will be to the predecessors of the
entertained on appeal unless it has been defendants.
raised in the court below and it is within the
issues made by the parties in their 4. The defendants, by their own
pleadings. (See cases cited in II Moran, admission, are in possession of
Rules of Court, pp. 504-505 [1970].) the disputed land. There is no
evidence that they were
In this case, the Court of Appeals erred possessors in bad faith. However,
when it rendered a decision based on a their good faith ceased when
ground which was not litigated in the trial they were served with summons
court and which could not have been to answer the complaint. (Art.
raised on appeal. That the supposed oral 528, Civil Code; Tacas vs. Tobon,
contract of sale was never an issue is 53 Phil. 356 [1929].) As possessors
demonstrated by the following: in bad faith from the service of
the summons they "shall
1. The pleadings of the parties have
reimburse the fruits received and
been purposely reproduced in
those which the legitimate
full above. It can be seen
possessor could have received, .
therefrom that no issue in respect
. .." (Art. 549, Civil Code.)
of the supposed oral sale
actually emerged. WHEREFORE, the judgment of the Court of
Appeals is hereby reversed and another
2. The decision of the trial court is
one rendered in that the defendants shall
absolutely silent on the supposed
vacate and surrender the land in question
oral contract of sale.
to the plaintiffs; and the defendants shall
also account for the fruits thereof pursuant
3. The plaintiffs who appealed the
to Article 549 of the Civil Code from the
decision of the trial court to the
service of the summons. Costs against the
Court of Appeals did not make
an assignment of error in respect
of the supposed oral sale.
The Court of Appeals found as a fact that
the disputed piece of land is registered in
the name of the plaintiffs' predecessor.
19 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
G.R. No. L-39044 January 3, 1985 After the petitioner failed in its attempts to take not even bother to inquire about the certificate of
possession of the lot, it filed the reivindicatory title covering the lot in question to verify who was
MANOTOK REALTY, INC., petitioner, action against the respondent. the real owner thereof, despite the fact that his
vs. transferor, Dayrit, never showed him any title
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS and FELIPE The trial court decided the case in favor of the thereto; a circumstance which should have put
CARILLO, respondents. petitioner. The dispositive portion of its decision him upon such inquiry or investigation. His failure
reads: to exercise that measure of precaution which was
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: reasonably required of a prudent man in order to
In Civil Case No. 64578: acquaint him with the defects in the title of his
In this petition for review, the petitioner asks that vendor precludes him from claiming possession in
we reverse the decision of the Court of Appeals, (1) Ordering defendant Felipe Carino to vacate good faith.
now the Intermediate Appellate Court, which and/or surrender possession to plaintiff Manotok
declared respondent Felipe Carillo a builder in Realty Inc. of the parcel of land subject matter of We agree with the following observations of
good faith with the right to remain in the the complaint described in paragraph 2 thereof; Justice Guillermo S. Santos in his separate
questioned premises, free of rent, until reimbursed concurring and dissenting opinion:
by the petitioner for the necessary and useful (2) To pay plaintiff the sum of P75.50 per month
expenses introduced on the land. from January 21, 1961 up to the time he actually The issue now is whether appellant may be
surrenders possession of the said parcel to the considered as a possessor in good faith of the
The dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals' plaintiff; and property in question. Article 256 of the Civil Code
decision reads: defines a possessor in good faith as one who is not
(3) To pay plaintiff the sum of Pl,000.00 as aware that there exists in his title or mode of
WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment is hereby attorney's fees and to pay costs. acquisition any flaw which invalidates it.
modified in the sense that the appellant being a
builder in good faith is entitled to the right of On August 15, 1984, we required the parties to In this case, it was shown that under the contract
retention of the lot introduced thereon, and he is show whether or not the disputed lot falls within of sale on installment basis, Delfin Dayrit had only
not hable to pay rentals for the occupation the area expropriated under P.D. No. 1669 and paid a total of P4,917.30, leaving an unpaid
thereof pending payment of the indemnity for P.D. No. 1670. It appears that the expropriated balance of P3,860.20 as of August 9, 1954 (Dec. RA
such improvements. In all other respects, the portion of the Tambunting Estate is the area p. 43). The said contract specifically provides that
appealed judgment is affirmed, without located at the east side adjacent to the Chinese ". . . if for some reason or other the purchaser
pronouncement as to costs. Cemetery. The lot is on the unexpropriated and cannot pay a certain installment on the date
mainly commercial portion on the west side, agreed upon, it is hereby agreed that said
The background facts of the case are found in the across from Rizal Avenue. purchaser will be given a maximum limit of two
decision of the respondent court as follows: months' grace in which to pay his arrears, after
In this petition, the petitioner maintains that the which the property will revert to the original owner
There is no dispute that herein appellee is the appellate court erred in considering the hereof: the Clara Tambunting Subdivision, No. 50
registered owner of a parcel of land covered by respondent a possessor and builder in good faith. Reina Regente St., Binondo, Manila, P.I." The
Tax Declaration Nos. 2455 and 2456 issued by the It argues that at the time of the execution of the subsequent installment after August 9, 1954, not
City Assessor's Office of Manila with a total deed of assignment in favor of the respondent, having been paid, the property, therefore,
assessed value of P3,059,180.00 and by TCT 55125 the land was already registered in its name; and reverted to Clara Tambunting and therefore
(Exh. A) and TCT No. 76130 of the Register of that if the respondent were really acting in good formed part of her estate, which was subsequently
Deeds of the City of Manila. It acquired the faith, he should have verified from the Register of acquired by appellee. Thus, when appellant
aforementioned property from the Testate Estate Deeds of Manila who was the registered owner of purchased the parcel of land in question from
of Clara Tambunting de Legarda, being the the land in question. Dayrit on August 25, 1962—or eight (8) years after
highest bidder in a sale conducted by the Probate the default—the latter had no more right over the
Court (Exhs. C-7 & C-7-A). We agree. same.
After having acquired said property, the appellee A possessor in good faith is one who is not aware It was incumbent on appellant to inquire into the
subdivided it, but could not take possession that there exists in his title or mode of acquisition title of his vendor over the property. Had appellant
thereof because the whole area is occupied by any flaw which invalidates it. (Caram v. Laureta, demanded from his vendor, Dayrit, the certificate
several houses among which is the one belonging 103 SCRA 7, Art. 526, Civil Code). One who of his ownership of the property subject of the
to the herein appellant Felipe Carillo, Lot 143, acquires real estate with knowledge of a defect negotiation, he would have learned that the latter
Block 2 of the subdivision plan (Exh. A-4 Carillo). or lack of title in his vendor cannot claim that he had no right, much less, title over the same
has acquired title thereto in good faith as against because of his default in the payment of the
Demands to vacate and to surrender possession the true owner of the land or of an interest therein; monthly installments. A purchaser cannot close his
of the property were made by the appellee and the same rule must be applied to one who eyes to facts which should put a reasonable man
verbally and by publication (Exhs. D, D-1 & D-2) has knowledge of facts which should put a upon his guard and then claim that he acted in
and by circulars served to the appellant. In spite reasonable man upon his guard, and then claims good faith under the behef that there was no
of such demands, the appellant continued to that he acted in good faith under the belief that defect in the title of the vendor (Leung Yee v.
occupy the disputed lot and refused to surrender there was no defect in the title of the vendor. (See Strong Machinery Co., 37 Phil. 644). Consequently,
possession thereof to the appellee. Leung Yee v. FL Strong Machinery Co., 37 Phil. appellant cannot be deemed a possessor in good
644). faith and is not, therefore, entitled to
On the other hand, appellant's evidence tends to
reimbursement for the improvements he had
show that he acquired the lot in dispute from a The records show that when Dayrit executed the
introduced in the property in question.
certain Delfin Dayrit on September 25, 1962, deed of' assignment in favor of the respondent,
pursuant to a deed of assignment (Exh. 1-Carillo); the disputed lot was already registered and titled No installments and rentals have been paid for the
that Dayrit in turn had acquired the property from in the name of the petitioner. Such an act of lot since 1954 or for more than thirty (30) years.
the late Carla Tambunting by virtue of a Contract registration served as a constructive notice to the While Dayrit transferred to Carillo whatever rights
of Sale on Installment Basis (EXIL 2-Carillo); that whole world and the title issued in favor of he may have had to the lot and its improvements
Dayrit had religiously paid the monthly installments petitioner made his ownership conclusive upon on September 25, 1962, the claim for back rentals
as they fell due, his last payment being on May 25, and against all persons including Dayrit and. was from March 20, 1959 while the trial court
1954, in the sum of P200.00, then leaving an herein respondent, although no personal notice ordered payment as of January 21, 1961 or twenty
unpaid balance of Pl,306.00 when the said parcel was served on either of the latter. (See Garcia v. four (24) years ago. Considering the facts,
was conveyed to defendant Carino, for which Bello, 13 SCRA 769; Demontano v. Court of applicable law, and equities of this case, the
receipts were duly issued (Exhs. 3-Carillo to 24- Appeals, 81 SCRA 286). Therefore, the decision of the trial court appears to be correct
Carillo); that Dayrit could not continue paying the presumption of good faith in favor of the and is, therefore, reinstated.
succeeding installments as they fen due because respondent cannot apply because as far as the
Vicente Legarda, the surviving spouse of Clara law is concerned, he had notice of the ownership WHEREFORE, the questioned decision of the Court
Tambunting, refused to receive any payment for by the petitioner over said lot. It is also unthinkable of Appeals is hereby SET ASIDE and another one is
the same and that it was only lately, more that in the big Tambunting Estate beset with one entered AFFIRMING in toto the decision of the
specifically on September 25, 1962, when Dayrit of the most serious squatter problems in Metro Court of First Instance of Manila in Civil Case No.
conveyed the lot to appellant Carillo. Manila, any tenant or prospective buyer would be 64578.
unaware that the petitioner acquired the estate
as highest bidder at the sale ordered by the SO ORDERED.
probate court. Furthermore, the respondent did
20 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. 4937, Mar 27, 1909 ] provisions of that article. Under the provisions suspicion as to his guilt, it would be wholly
of article 434 of the Civil Code, however, insufficient to sustain a finding of his guilt until
CRISPULO SIDECO v. FRANCISCO PASCUA + "good faith (la buena fe) is always presumed, and unless he had an opportunity to explain
and the burden of proof is upon the party how he came into possession of the animal,
DECISION alleging the bad faith of the possessor," and and to prove, if he could, that he was guiltless
plaintiff offered no evidence whatever which of any crime in acquiring such possession. So
13 Phil. 342
tends to impeach the bona fides of far as the record in this case discloses,
defendant's alleged purchase of the animal or Pangangban never had any such opportunity
of his uninterrupted possession thereof from extended to him, and there is no ground,
the date of the purchase until the date when therefore, upon which to base a finding that
This is an action to recover possession of this action was instituted; and we may add he had any part in the alleged theft of
a caraballa and two calves. Sometime in the that in the total absence of proof to the the caraballa; and, in any event, proof that
year 1900 a caraballa above 5 years old contrary, defendant's documentary and oral Pangangban had stolen the animal, would
disappeared from plaintiff's hacienda. The evidence affirmatively established the bona not, in itself be sufficient to sustain a finding
animal was branded with the letters "S. P.," that fides of his purchase and possession. that one who bought from him, for a valuable
being the brand used by the plaintiff on his consideration, nearly two years after the first
stock for some thirty years past and duly The trial court appears also to have been of date at which it appears he was in possession,
registered by him as such in the municipality of opinion that, in any event, the period for was also a thief or had any part in the
San Isidro on the 4th day of May, 1904. In the prescription provided in article 1955 did not commission of the crime.
month of July, 1907, a caraballa branded with begin to run as to the caraballa in question
the letters "S. P.," and in addition thereto, the until the month of July, 1907, when plaintiff The evidence of record, which discloses that
number 23, was found in the possession of discovered for the first time the whereabouts plaintiff's animal was lost in 1910, and that
the defendant, together with two of her of the animal which he claims to have lost in defendant and his predecessors in interest
calves some 2 or 3 years old. Plaintiff claims 1900. It is quite clear, however, from the had been in uninterrupted possession of the
that this caraballa is the animal which provisions of article 1955, that the running of animal in question more than six years prior to
disappeared from his hacienda in the year the period by virtue of which title of the date when this action was instituted,
1900; and in the month of August, 1907, he prescription may be acquired is coincident would appear to be sufficient to sustain a
instituted these proceedings, wherein he prays with the, period during which the thing has finding that defendant had acquired title
for possession of the caraballa, together with been in possession of him who claims thereto by prescription, under the provisions of
her calves. ownership thereof by prescription, without article 1955 of the Civil Code, which declare
regard to the time when a former owner may that title by prescription may be acquired in
The evidence of the identity of have lost possession or discovered the personal property, by virtue of the
the caraballa lost by the plaintiff with whereabouts of the thing lost; and in this uninterrupted possession for six years, without
the caraballa found in the possession of the connection, it is worthy of observation, that the the necessity of any other condition; and to
defendant is not wholly satisfactory, but it is not provisions of article 1962, touching the sustain a further finding that plaintiff's action to
necessary for us to go into that question, prescription of actions for the recovery of recover possession had prescribed, before the
because we are of opinion that the evidence possession of personal property, declare in institution of this action, by virtue of the
of record conclusively establishes defendant's express terms that the prescriptive period for provisions of article 1962 of the Civil Code, as
title to the animal by prescription, under the such actions begins to run from the moment well as by the provisions of subsection 3 of
provisions of article 1955 of the Civil Code, when the owner loses possession. section 43 of the Code of Civil Procedure. But
which provide that the title to personal defendant being entitled to judgment in his
property prescribes by uninterrupted Counsel for plaintiff and appellee relies on favor under the provisions of article 1955
possession for three years in good faith (con appeal, more especially on the provisions of hereinbefore discussed and on which he
buena fe). article 1956, which deny the right to acquire relied, there is no need for a specific ruling on
ownership of stolen property by prescription to these possible defenses.
Defendant proved by unimpeached the thief and his accomplices and accessaries
documentary and oral evidence that he in the commission of the crime before and We do not deem it necessary to discuss at
purchased the animal in question for the sum after the fact. But there is not a particle of length the ruling of the trial court and the
of P110 from one Guillermo Zamora on March evidence in the record which tends to prove contention of counsel, that the provisions of
9, 1903; that Zamora purchased the animal for that this defendant was either a principal or an the Civil Code and of the Code of Civil
the sum of P110 from one Salvador accomplice in the alleged theft of the animal Procedure, thus construed and made
Pangangban on February 27, 1903; and that from the plaintiff in 1900; the evidence upon applicable to the facts in this case, are in
Pangangban was the duly registered owner of which counsel for plaintiff relies, as to the conflict with the provisions of section 5 of the
the animal on March 30, 1901. Each of these alleged theft of the animal in question from the Philippine Bill, which forbid the enactment of
transfers of ownership and the title of the hacienda of the plaintiff in the year 1900, is not any law in these Islands "which shall deprive
various owners is evidenced by the necessary satisfactory, and there is no evidence any person of life, liberty, or property, without
certificates of property and transfer-all whatever to connect this defendant or his due process of law, or deny to any person
apparently executed in accordance with the predecessors in interest, as they appear from therein the equal protection of the laws."
provisions of law in such cases. the certificates of registry, with the alleged
theft, if it actually occurred. Counsel for Prescriptive rights have been recognized and
It will be seen that more than the three years' plaintiff, relying upon various decisions of this protected by the laws of all nations, and
prescriptive period had elapsed from the date court wherein we have held that the indeed, in the language of Burke, the "solid
when defendant purchased the animal, on unexplained possession of stolen property a rock of prescription" is "the soundest, the most
March 9, 1903, until the date when plaintiff short time after the commission of the crime general, the most recognized title between
discovered her in the possession of defendant, raises a presumption of guilt of the crime of man and man that is known in municipal, as in
and instituted these proceedings looking to theft against him who has the stolen property public jurisprudence." (Vol. IX, p. 449.)
her recovery (July-August, 1907). in his possession, contends that there is a
presumption of guilt of the theft of The judgment of the trial court is reversed
The trial court was of opinion that proof of this the caraballa from the plaintiff, against without costs in this instance, and twenty days
uninterrupted possession by the defendant Pangangban, arising out of his possession of from the date of this decision let judgment, be
was not sufficient to establish his title by the caraballa on March 30, 1901; but while it entered in accordance herewith, and ten
prescription, under the provisions of the may be admitted that, if the proof established days thereafter let the record be returned to
above-cited article 1955 of the Civil Code, the identity of the animal in question with the the trial court where judgment will be entered
because in the opinion of the trial court, he animal which disappeared from plaintiff's in favor of the defendant for the costs in first
failed to establish affirmatively that he had hacienda in 19Q0, the discovery of the animal instance. So ordered.
acquired, and held possession of the animal in in Pangangban's possession early in 1901
good faith (con buena fe), as required by the might be sufficient to give ground for a Arellano, C. J., Torres, Mapa, and Johnson, JJ.,
21 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ G.R. No. 3013, January 24, 1908 ] evidence of ownership. They simply at that time in actual possession of
took possession of the property the land on which it was built, and
THE ROMAN CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC when its former possessors were that the municipality claimed the
CHURCH ET AL., PLAINTIFFS, VS. compelled to abandon it by reason right of possession of this land by
CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES IX THE of war. They can not be considered virtue of the treaty of Paris, and the
PROVINCE OF ILOCOS SUR ET AL., as possessors in good faith. (Art. grant of the control of public
DEFENDANTS. 433, Civil Code.) Not being property in the Philippines acquired
possessors in good faith, they are by the United States under that
DECISION not entitled to the structure erected treaty, to the Government of the
WILLARD, J.: upon land not their own. (Art. 3(12, Philippine Islands, for the benefit of
Civil Code.) the people of these Islands.
This is an original action brought in
this court by virtue of the provisions We have said that the last church I agree with the majority opinion
of Act No. 1376. It is in all respects was constructed upon 1 he site of that this contention is not well
similar to the case of The Roman the former churches. The evidence founded, but article 433 of the Civil
Catholic Church vs. The is in conflict upon this point, but we Code provides that lie shall be
Municipalities of the Province of think it sustains our conclusion. deemed to be a possessor in good
Tarlac.[1] However that may be, it would of faith who is not aware that there is a
course follow that, if in fact the defect in his title or in the mode
It is therefore by the court present building is not upon the lot whereby he acquired possession
adjudged and decreed that this in question, the plaintiffs which invalidates it, and article 434
action be dismissed without costs as would have no interest whatever provides that in such cases good
to all of the defendants except the therein. faith must always be presumed and
municipalities of Dolores, La Paz, the burden of proof is on him who
Candon, and Santa Cruz, and [Here follows the formal part of the alleges bad faith.
except as to the defendants, judgment, which is omitted.]
Gregorio Aglipay, Rosalio There is not a scintilla of proof of
Eduarte, Elipio Blanco, Benigno de So ordered. bad faith in the record, and,
Lara, and Candido Gironella. indeed, that question never was
Arellano. C. J., Torres, raised. I am unable to
It is further adjudged and decreed Mapa, and Tracey, JJ., concur. understand on what basis the court
that all of the property described in holds that those persons who built
the complaint be eliminated the church and are now in
therefrom except that which is possession knew that
hereinafter described, and as to the the municipality did not have the
property thus eliminated this court CONCURRING right to possession of the laud and
makes no determination in regard the power to authorize them to build
to the. rights of the parties to this thereon, and without proof of such
action in relation thereto. CARSON, J., with whom knowledge the foregoing provisions
concurs JOHNSON, J., of the Civil Code forbid the
In reference; to the municipality of presumption of bad faith. The
Dolores, the evidence shows that I agree with the conclusions except question of good faith does not rest
the plaintiffs are not entitled to in as far as they rest on the finding on the final decision of the courts as
recover the building called by them that the possession of those persons to the soundness of the title, but, as
in their complaint "a convent." It is who built the newly erected church provided in article 433, on the
proved to our satisfaction that this in the municipality of Dolores was knowledge or lack of knowledge of
building was erected and has been not possession "in good faith" (de the party in possession of a defect in
used as a municipal building. Three buena fe) ; and that they, therefore, his title.
churches have been built upon the Jose all rights which are
lot originally dedicated to that guaranteed to possessors in good
purpose1, the last one having been faith under the provisions of the Civil
constructed about two years Code.
ago. With this construction the
plaintiffs had nothing to do. That It is admitted that this church was
the plaintiffs are entitled to the erected within the last two years by
possession of the lot and land voluntary subscriptions of the
can not be questioned. However, adherents of the Aglipayan Church;
the present building was it appears that they did so with the
constructed by persons who have consent and permission of the
presented no written or other municipality of Dolores, which was
22 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. 12449, Nov 13, 1918 ] Plaintiff avers that in the course of that This confusion of the remedy cannot be
altercation the defendant, who is a woman permitted. Where a dispute over possession
EULOGIO MASALLO v. MARIA CESAR + 80 years of age, took a bolo and cut the arises between two persons, the person first
rope traces by which his carabao was having actual possession, as between
attached to the plow. The result of the them, is the one who is entitled to maintain
dispute was that the plaintiff and his men the action granted in section 80 of the
39 Phil. 134
withdrew and that an action was shortly Code of Civil Procedure. If this were not so,
after commenced in the court of the justice a mere usurper without any right whatever,
of the peace against the defendant by might enter upon the property of another
FISHER, J.: plaintiff for the possession of the land. and, by allowing himself to be ordered off,
could acquire the right to maintain the
Plaintiff in this action, averring that he is the The evidence shows conclusively that until action of forcible entry and detainer,
owner of the tract of land in question, he went upon the land for the purpose of however momentary his intrusion might
brought an action of desahucio [eviction] plowing it, acting on the strength of his have been.
in the court of the justice of the- peace of deed from Matea Crispino, plaintiff had
the municipality of Lezo against the never been in possession of this property. The mere suggestion of such a possibility
defendant, for the purpose of recovering Whether or not Eugenia Perez had been in carries its own refutation on its face. The law
possession thereof. From the decision of the possession of the property at some time is, discourages continued wrangling over the
justice of the peace an appeal was taken of course, unimportant. The action admits possession of property, as being fraught
to the Court of First Instance of Capiz, and that the defendant is now in possession of with danger to the peace of society; and
the case there tried de novo. the property and asserting rights of the purpose of the action of forcible entry
ownership over it; and the plaintiff can only and detainer is to make the right of
It is averred in the complaint that on or succeed upon proof of prior possession in possession secure. This purpose would be
about the 12th day of June, 1915, the himself or someone to whose rights he has totally frustrated, if a petty warfare could
defendant by force and intimidation succeeded. be Conducted by two rival claimants who
deprived plaintiff of the possession of the might alternate with each other in
land in suit, and has since that time The case involves a point which we possession, one putting the other out
withheld it from him to his damage in the consider worthy of elucidation. This relates today, only to be in turn himself forcibly
sum of P25. The defendant answered, to the possession which the plaintiff must ejected tomorrow. The only way to prevent
denying the averments of the complaint show in himself in order to sustain an action this is to hold, in conformity with the evident
regarding the alleged eviction, and of forcible entry and detainer, under intent of the statute, that the remedy of
asserted, by way of defense, that the land section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, forcible entry and detainer was intended to
in question is her property and has been in against an intruder who enters upon the be used against the usurper and not
her possession without interruption for more land by force, intimidation, threat, strategy, against the person wronged. The rule thus
than twenty years. The trial court gave or stealth. As observed by this court in to be applied may be simply summed up
judgment in favor of the plaintiff in Mediran vs. Villanueva (37 Phil. Rep., 752), by saying that the plaintiff in an action of
accordance with the prayer of his the plaintiff in an action of this character forcible entry and detainer cannot
complaint. must prove a prior possession in himself, succeed where it appears that, as
which means that as between the two between himself and the defendant, the
From the evidence taken at the trial it contending parties the right 6f action is latter had a possession antedating his own;
appears that the defendant had been in conceded to be in the party whose actual and to ascertain this it is proper to look to
possession of the land in question for a long and peaceful possession antedates that of the situation as it existed before the first act
period prior to the occurrence of the the other. of spoliation occurred.
incidents out of which this litigation arose.
In this case the defendant Maria Cesar is It is stated in the decision that "the plaintiff
On March 8, 1915, while the defendant was shown to have had the prior peaceful had acquired possession of the parcel of
in possession of the land in question, one possession of the disputed parcel of ground land in dispute on or about the 8th of
Matea Crispino executed a deed to the for an indefinite period of time in the past. March, 1915, by purchase from Matea
plaintiff herein, whereby she undertook to Therefore, when the plaintiff, after Crispino, who sold it to him by the deed
sell and transfer to him the land in question. acquiring a deed to the land from a third Exhibit A."
It was admitted by Matea Crispino in her person, entered upon the premises with his
testimony at the trial that she has not been laborers and began plowing the land, it As Matea Crispino admits, however, that
in possession of the land which is the was he who was guilty of the wrongful she did not have possession of the land
subject-matter of her deed to plaintiff, seizure of the property; and the defendant when she executed and delivered her
since the cessation of the Spanish undoubtedly then had a perfect right to deed to plaintiff, the mere execution and
sovereignty in these Islands. (Stenographic maintain an action of unlawful detainer delivery of the deed did not constitute a
notes, p. 10.) She stated, however, that the against the plaintiff to regain possession. delivery of possession. (Addison vs. Felix
land in question had been mortgaged by Instead of instituting such an action, as the and Tioco, 38 Phil. Rep., 404.)
her to one Eugenia Perez, who testified on defendant was well entitled to do, she
behalf of plaintiff that she, Perez, had been warned the plaintiff off, or as he would The decision of the trial court is reversed,
in possession of the land from 1889 until have us believe, ejected him by force, and the action dismissed, plaintiff to pay
1914. intimidation, and violence. Availing himself the costs of both instances. So ordered.
of the situation thus created, the plaintiff
After Matea Crispino executed her deed to Torres, Johnson, Street, Malcolm,
now seeks to turn the tables, so to speak,
the plaintiff, the latter went upon the land and Avanceña, JJ., concur.
upon the original possessor, and founding
with his laborers and commenced to plow his right upon the transitory possession
it. This work had hardly commenced when, which he had wrongfully acquired, he
according to plaintiff's testimony, the would now employ against the defendant
defendant approached, accompanied by the same remedy which might properly
her daughter, and insisting that the land have been used against himself if he had
was hers and in her possession, ordered the not vacated the premises.
plaintiff and his men away.
23 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. 14594, Jan 29, 1920 ] been occupying and enjoying for many aforementioned, nor paid the latter for
years the land belonging to the the use, occupation, and enjoyment of
EDUARDO RIVERA v. ROMAN CATHOLIC defendant entity and described in the the land upon which said fish ponds
ARCHBISHOP OF MANILA + complaint; that said plaintiffs profited of were constructed.
the fruits and improvements on said land
to the damage of the defendant The controversy involved is whether by
without having ever paid any rent appropriating the fish ponds in question,
or canon therefor notwithstanding the which had been constructed upon its
40 Phil. 717 demands made upon them for said land, the defendant is obliged to
purpose; and that during all the time indemnify the plaintiffs for their value or
plaintiffs were in possession and price, or whether the plaintiffs have the
enjoyment of the land and fruits thereon, right to compel the defendant, in case
TORRES, J.: said canon or rent amounts to seventy- the latter does not want to take the fish
five thousand pesos (P75,000). ponds, to sell to them said land at W.04
This case was originally instituted in the
Wherefore, defendant prayed that per square meter as fixed by them in
Court of First Instance of Rizal upon a
plaintiffs' prayer in their complaint be their brief (pages 29-30, plaintiffs' brief).
complaint dated on February 2, 1916, in
denied and that judgment be rendered
which the plaintiffs alleged that they
condemning them to pay the The parties admitting that the defendant
have been in possession, in good faith,
defendant, jointly and severally, the sum entity is the owner of the land upon
of certain parcels of land of the estate
of seventy-five thousand pesos (P75,000) which the fish ponds in question have
called "Hacienda de Sta. Clara,"
and to pay the costs. been constructed, articles 361 to 364
situated in the barrio of Dampalit of the
and 451 to 457 of the Civil Code are
municipality of Malabon, Rizal; and that
Upon plaintiffs' request the defendant perfectly applicable to the instant case.
they have been in possession and
filed a bill of particulars of the facts Said articles define the rights of the
enjoyment of several fish ponds
alleged in the counterclaim. owner of a piece of land upon which
constructed by them on said land up to
anything has been built, sown, or
the time they were defeated in said
After hearing the case and the planted by another according as
possession by the defendant entity "The
evidence submitted by both parties, the whether both acted in good or bad faith
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila"
court rendered judgment absolving the and whether what has been built, sown,
which was declared the absolute owner
defendant entity from plaintiffs' or planted were necessary, useful or
of the aforesaid "Hacienda de Sta.
complaint and the latter from the purely for ostentation or mere pleasure.
Clara" in the decision of this High Court
formers counterclaim, without any Therefore, in order to decide the
on August 5, 1915, in the case (R. G. No.
findings as to the costs. controversy, the first thing that will have
8719)[1] brought by said entity for the
to be determined is the nature of the fish
registration of the "Hacienda de Sta.
To this judgment counsel for the plaintiffs ponds in question.
Clara" in its name. Plaintiffs pray that said
excepted, at the same time asking for a
entity be ordered to pay them the value
new trial which was denied with his From the testimony of Ceferino Cacnio,
of the fish ponds aforesaid and that their
exception. plaintiffs' witness, it appears that fish
right of retaining said portions of the land
ponds are built by digging into the land
occupied by them be declared
He then interposed his appeal to this and putting in rows the earth that has
subsisting until they have been fully paid
court by filing the corresponding bill of been dug out in order to form with it
exceptions which, after having been dikes or embankment for holding the
approved by the lower court, was water in which the fish will be kept (rec.,
To the foregoing complaint the
forwarded to the clerk of this court p. 5). There is nothing in the record
defendant entity interposed a demurrer
together with all the evidence taken expressly showing that the fish ponds in
which was overruled. Defendant
upon the trial. question have been built in this manner,
excepted to this ruling and afterwards
but this witness Ceferino Cacnio having
filed an answer denying generally all the
From the foregoing allegations of the been the one who made the sketch of
material averments of the complaint;
parties, from the agreed statement of said ponds appearing in the record, and
but later asked the court to order the
facts (rec., pp. 1-2), and from the who appraised their costs or value by
plaintiffs to file a bill of particulars of the
statements made at the hearing by referring to the manner of construction
facts alleged in their complaint. This
counsel for the plaintiffs (rec., pp. 4-8), it aforesaid (rec., p. 5, Exhibit B, rec., p. 44),
petition having been granted by the
appears that there is no question about it is evident that the fish ponds in
court and the bill of particulars aforesaid
the fact that prior to the year 1915, the question belong to the class mentioned
having been filed by the plaintiffs, the
plaintiffs constructed fish ponds in the by said witness. Such being the case, the
defendant filed an amended answer
"Hacienda de Sta. Clara" the registration conclusion must be that the
denying generally all the material
of which in the name of the defendant expenditures for their construction
averments of the complaint and
entity was decreed by this court in the should be classified as useful,
alleging as special defense that the
decision rendered in the Registration expenditures mentioned in the second
subject-matter of this case is res
Case No. 8719, notwithstanding plaintiffs' paragraph of article 453 of the Civil
judicata; that the plaintiffs' possession of
opposition; that ever since the Code, because since all of the
the land mentioned in the complaint
construction of the fish ponds aforesaid, expenditures of man are either useful
was never in good faith; and that if
the plaintiffs have been in possession (utiles) or useless or unnecessary
plaintiffs had made any improvements
and enjoyment thereof up to the present (inutiles), and since it is obvious that the
on said land they never did them in
time (the date of this decision); and that fish ponds in question are neither useless
good faith. Defendant alleged as
said plaintiffs had never entered into any nor purely for ostentation or mere
counterclaim that before the filing of the
contract of lease with the defendant, pleasure, then said expenditures are
complaint in question, the plaintiffs had
the absolute owner of the land useful.
24 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
the cause of the land producing all kinds the land in this case on which the fish
In dealing with the foregoing point the of fruits of great importance: natural, ponds in question are built, gives its
litigants in their respective briefs talked industrial and civil, or only one or two of owner benefits called industrial fruits
about improvements, their permanent these kinds which are of little which it would not give without the fish
and temporary character, the accretion importance; and, consequently, the ponds aforesaid. True it is that without
of the soil through the work of man, the indemnity to be refunded the possessor the fish ponds the owner of the land
greater or less usefulness of the land for in good faith will also be great or small could have utilized it for agricultural
one purpose or another, and the according as the expenses incurred by purposes. But then the owner would
increase or decrease in its value, and him may have resulted in the production have to incur some and costly
cited several decisions. But it does not of all said kinds of fruits or only part of expenditures, while with the fish ponds
appear that they ever tried to inquire them. Hence, the Civil Code gives the already built he would not have to do
and investigate, with the aid of the possessor in good faith greater anything more than to reap its fruits
science of logic and hermeneutic the indemnity in case he has incurred without having incurred any
true meaning of article 453 of the Civil necessary expenditures than in case expenditures. And it is this which the law
Code, the only article decisive upon the said expenditures are only useful or considers unjust, to wit, that the owner of
foregoing controverted point. purely for ostentation and mere the land would enrich himself with the
pleasure, and also greater indemnity in industrial fruits thereof, produced by the
The foregoing article 453 speaks of case said expenditures are useful than in useful expenditures disbursed by the
necessary and useful expenditures and case they are purely for ostentation and possessor in good faith.
not of improvements, nor the increase in mere pleasure. Why? Because
value, nor the accretion of something necessary expenditures, inasmuch as Having shown that the fish ponds
new, nor any thing of those mentioned in they redound to the preservation of the presuppose the disbursement of useful
the briefs of the parties. A thing may be realty, render said realty capable of expenditures payable to the possessor in
an improvement or an accretion of continually producing the natural, good faith, we pass on to elucidate the
something new upon the land; may industrial and civil fruits it ordinarily question whether or not the plaintiffs
increase the value of said land; and still produces fruits which the owner would have been possessors in good faith.
it may not be comprised under any of not be able to gather if the land would
the phrases "necessary expenditures" be rendered unproductive. Useful Plaintiffs have presented in evidence
and "useful expenditure" employed in expenditures also give rise to all these Exhibit A (rec., p. 20), which is the
article 453 of the Civil Code, because it kinds of fruits, but the law considers them decision rendered by this Court in the
is not impossible that said thing may be rather inferior than necessary registration case No. 8719 of August 5,
constructed purely for ostentation or expenditures for the reason that the 1915, declaring the defendant entity
mere pleasure since constructions of this latter preserve the realty and are owner of the lands on which the fish
nature as well as those which are therefore the source of the producing ponds in question were built. But from this
necessary and useful can be considered agency and its fruits, while the former exhibit it appears that the plaintiffs have
as improvements and can increase the (useful expenditures) are only the source never been in possession of these lands
value of the land. of the fruits. in good faith in order that they can claim
the right of indemnity for the
In trying to adjust the rights of the owner Expenditures purely for ostentation and expenditures incurred in the construction
and the possessor in good faith of a mere pleasure are considered by the of these fish ponds.
piece of land, the learned Spanish Civil Code of little importance for the
legislator knew very, well that, in order to reason that they do not have nor will In fact, the defendant entity herein was
administer complete justice to both of have to do with the production of all the the petitioner in said registration
them in such a way as neither the one three kinds of fruits we have been proceeding and the plaintiffs herein
nor the other may enrich himself of that speakingabout, but only of the civil fruits. were the oppositors then. These plaintiffs
which does not belong to him, nor That such is the fundamental reason of in that registration case alleged having
remain prejudiced by the vagueness article 454 of the Civil Code not the least been in possession of the fish ponds now
and casuistry of the rules he was going doubt can be entertained, for the words in question under all the conditions
to enact, it was necessary to use the "purely for ostentation and mere required by law for the prescription of
right epithets which, in a clear aifd pleasure" ("de puro lujo o mero recreo") title (p. 29, Exhibit A). But this Court said
unmistakable manner, would describe employed by the code are so clear and that said allegation had not been duly
and define the different characters unmistakable that they absolutely proven (pp. 29-30, 36, 41 and 43, Exhibit
regulating their respective rights. Hence, negative the capacity to produce A) and consequently dismissed their
in writing articles 453 and 454 of the Civil industrial and natural fruits. Thus, in laying opposition.
Code, the legislator correctly employed down a rule to distinguish useful
the expressions "necessary expenditures" expenditures from those purely for Moreover, in the same decision it was
("gastos necesarios") "useful ostentation and mere pleasure, the held that the defendant entity has been
expenditures" ("gastos utiles") and great commentator Manresa has truly in possession of the lands of "La
"expenditures purely for ostentation and said that "expenditures purely for Hacienda de Sta. Clara" publicly and
mere pleasure" ("gastos de puro lujo o ostentation and mere pleasure either under claim of ownership from time
mero recreo"). cannot influence the production of immemorial (pp. 31-32, Exhibit A) without
natural and industrial fruits or do diminish having ever been interrupted thereon
If the owner of land has any interest them; they can, however, influence the except once, whereby it had to institute
therein, it is undoubtedly because said production of the civil fruits." (Manresa's in 1905 the corresponding action of
land produces for him some benefit or Com. of Civil Code, vol. 4, p. 262.) revindication against the persons
fruit which may be great or small unlawfully withholding its possession,
according as the expenses incurred by Applying the foregoing considerations to three of whom were the plaintiff herein,
the possessor thereof may have been the instant case, it clearly appears that Eduardo Rivera, Rufino Salaw, and
25 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
Anacleto Aguinaldo, and that said law; because according to article 364 of
defendant entity has always exercised the Civil Code, bad faith on the part of
over said lands acts of ownership, (p. 35, the owners is deemed to exist not in
Exhibit A). permitting or tolerating the existence of
a construction on his land this is merely
It follows, therefore, that the same an act of kindness for which the
decision presented by the plaintiffs possessor should be thankful but in
proves that the defendant has been in permitting the possessor to commence
possession of the lands on which the fish or begin and to carry out said
ponds in question are built, publicly and construction. If the latter is what the
under claim of ownership, and that the appellants mean, then they do not have
plaintiffs, if they have once possessed any support upon evidence; because it
certain parcels of these lands, did not do has not been shown that at the moment
so under claim of ownerships In truth, if the construction of the fish ponds were
the plaintiffs had been in possession of commenced, the defendant had
these lands under claim of ownership, knowledge thereof and, knowing it, did
this Court would not have decreed their not oppose said construction. This fact
registration in the name of the cannot be deduced from the
defendant entity. circumstances surrounding the case,
inasmuch as the construction of said fish
Now then, if the plaintiffs did not possess ponds could have been commenced
the lands on which the fish ponds are and finished during the time the
built under claim of ownership, it is defendant entity could not have notice
evident that at most they did possess thereof, and it has not been shown that
them as mere usufructuaries, and there are facts pointing out to the
inasmuch as in the present case counsel contrary. The plaintiffs did not even try to
for the plaintiffs admit that neither these prove the year and month when said fish
plaintiffs nor their constituents entered ponds were built or indicate some
into a contract of lease with, nor paid circumstances which might have
rent to, the defendant, it follows that the accompanied in the construction
plaintiffs took possession of these lands thereof, suggestive of the idea that the
only to profit thereby without the defendant entity knew or must have
consent of their true owner an act known that the fish ponds were being
evidently illegal, which constitutes a real built.
bad faith.
In any way, it is therefore evident that
Moreover, according to article 445 of the instant action is absolutely devoid of
the Civil Code, "possession de any foundation, and is so devoid that
facto cannot be recognized in favor of from the plaintiffs' own evidence,
two different persons." Hence, if this specially Exhibit A upon which they have
Court recognized the defendant's relied and do rely so much, it appears
possession and not plaintiffs' possession, that their contention is untenable. We
it was because the latter, if it really have examined with great care plaintiffs'
existed, was illegal, i. e., was a possession Exhibit A with their brief before us, looking
in bad faith. in said Exhibit A for any phrase, word, or
sign indicative, at least indirectly, of the
What remains for us to determine is good faith plaintiffs allege to have been
whether the defendant entity also acted established in the aforesaid decision, but
in bad faith by knowingly permitting the we have not found any thing favorable
construction of the fish ponds in to but all against the plaintiffs;
questions (article 364 of the Civil Code).
For the foregoing consideration whereby
Regarding this point (defendant's bad all the as signments of errors, alleged to
faith) the record does not show any have been committed in the judgment
proof. The appellants pretend to infer it appealed from, have been refuted, we
from the fact that the fish ponds have arrive at the conclusion that plaintiffs'
been in existence for many years, and contentions have not been fully
argue that the defendant could not established; and that the defendant not
have ignored their existence during that having insisted upon its counterclaim,
long period of time. the judgment appealed from is affirmed,
as we do hereby affirm it, with the costs
But the foregoing argument is unfruitful. of this instance 'against the plaintiffs-
If the appellants want to deduce the appellants. So ordered.
foregoing conclusion (defendant's bad
faith) from the fact that it would have Arellano, C. J., Johnson, Araullo, Street,
been impossible for the defendant to Malcolm, and Avanceña, JJ., concur.
ignore the existence of the fish ponds,
then said inference is not supported by
26 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
DIVISION Natural Resources, the decision rendered by the subject of the decision in this case but allowing
Regional Land Officer was affirmed in toto."[1] defendants to file a bond in such amount as this
[ GR No. L-32974, Jul 30, 1979 ] Honorable Court may fix, in lieu of the P13,632.00
On March 22, 1966, respondent Court rendered required to be paid to plaintiff, conditioned that
BARTOLOME ORTIZ v. UNION C. KAYANAN + judgment in the afore-mentioned civil case, after the accounting of the tolls collected by
the dispositive portion of which reads as follows: plaintiff, there is still an amount due and payable
DECISION to said plaintiff, then if such amount is not paid on
"IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, demand, including the legal interests, said bond
180 Phil. 579 judgment is hereby rendered awarding Lot No. shall be held answerable.
5785-A of PLS-45, (CalauagPublic Land
Subdivision) one-half portion of the property in "Ordering further the plaintiff to render an
litigation located at accounting of the tolls he collected from March
ANTONIO, J.: Bo. Cabuluan, Calauag, Quezon, in favor of of 1967 to December 31, 1968 and from
defendant QUIRINO COMINTAN, being the September 1969 to March 31, 1970, and deliver
Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition with successful bidder in the public auction conducted said tolls collected to the receiver and if judgment
Preliminary Injunction to nullify the Order of by the Bureau of Lands on April 18, 1955, and is already executed, then
respondent Judge directing the execution of the hereby giving due course to the Sales Application to QuirinoComintan and Eleuterio Zamora; and,
final judgment in Civil Case No. C-90, entitled No. 9258 of defendant Eleuterio Zamora over the
"Bartolome Ortiz vs. Secretary of Agriculture and other half, Lot No. 5785-B of PLS-45, Calauag, "Finally, to condemn plaintiff to pay moral
Natural Resources, et al.", and the Writ of without prejudice to the right of plaintiff damages for withholding the tolls which belong to
Execution issued to implement said Order, BARTOLOME ORTIZ to participate in the public your movant in an amount this Court may deem
allegedly for being inconsistent with the judgment bidding of the same to be announced by the just in the premises." [4]
sought to be enforced. Bureau of Lands, Manila. However, should
plaintiff Bartolome Ortiz be not declared the Acting upon the foregoing motion, respondent
Civil Case No. C-90 was filed by Bartolome Ortiz successful bidder thereof, Judge issued an Order, dated September 23,
who sought the review and/or annulment of the defendants Quirino Comintan and Eleuterio Zam 1970, stating, among others, the following:
decision of the Secretary of Agriculture and ora are ordered to reimburse jointly said plaintiff
Natural Resources, giving preference to the sales the improvements he has introduced on the "The records further disclosed that from March
applications of private whole property in the amount of THIRTEEN 1967 to December 31, 1968,
respondents Quirino Comintan and Eleuterio Zam THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO (P13,632.00) plaintiff Bartolome Ortiz collected tolls on a
ora over Lot No. 5785, PLS-45, located at PESOS, the latter having the right to retain the portion of the property in question wherein he has
Barrio Cabuluan, Calauag, Quezon. property until after he has been fully paid therfor, not introduced any improvement particularly on
without interest since he enjoys the fruits of the Lot No. 5785-A, PLS-45 awarded to
I defendant Quirino Comintan, thru which
property in question, with prejudice and with costs
against the plaintiff."[2] vehicular traffic was detoured or diverted, and
The factual background of the case, as found by again from September 1969 to March 31, 1970, the
respondent Court, is as follows: plaintiff resumed the collection of tolls on the
Plaintiff appealed the decision to the Court of
Appeals. same portion without rendering any accounting
"* * * The lot in controversy was formerly the subject
on said tolls to the Receiver, who was reappointed
of Homestead Application No. 122417 of
Two (2) years after the rendition of the judgment after submitting the required bond and
Martin Dolorico II, plaintiff's ward who died on
by the court a quo, while the case was pending specifically authorized only to collect tolls leaving
August 20, 1931; that since then it was plaintiff who
appeal and upon petition of private the harvesting of the improvements to the plaintiff.
continued the cultivation and possession of the
respondents Quirino Comintan and Eleuterio Zam
property, without however filing any application *** *** ***
ora, respondent Court appointed respondent
to acquire title thereon; that in the Homestead
Vicente Ferro, Clerk of Court, as Receiver to
Application No. 122417, Martin Dolorico II named "In virtue of the findings of this Court as contained
collect tolls on a portion of the property used as a
his uncle, Martin Dolorico I as his heir and in the dispositive portion of its decision, the
diversion road. On August 19, 1969, the Court of
successor in interest, so that in 1951 defendants are jointly obligated to pay the
Appeals issued a Resolution annulling the Order
Martin Dolorico I executed an affidavit plaintiff in the amount of Pl3,632.00 as reasonable
appointing the Receiver. Subsequently, on
relinquishing his rights over the property in favor of value of the improvements he introduced on the
February 19, 1970, the Appellate Court affirmed
defendants Quirino Comintan and Eleuterio Zam whole property in question, and that he has the
the decision of the trial court. A petition for review
ora, his grand son and son-in-law, respectively, right of retention until fully paid. It can be gleaned
on certiorari of the decision of the Court of
and requested the Director of Lands to cancel the from the motion of the defendants that if plaintiff
Appeals was denied by this Court on April 6,
homestead application; that on the strength of submits an accounting of the tolls he collected
1970. At this point, private respondents filed a
the affidavit, Homestead Application No. 122417 during the periods above alluded to, their
petition for appointment of a new receiver with
was cancelled and thereafter, damages of about P25,000.00 can more than
the court a quo. This petition was granted and
defendants Comintan and Zamora filed their offset their obligation of P13,362.00 in favor of the
the receiver was reappointed. Petitioner sought
respective sales applications Nos. 8433 and 9258; plaintiff, thereafter the possession of the land be
the annulment of this Order with the Court of
that plaintiff filed his protest on November 26, 1951 delivered to the defendants since the decision of
Appeals, but said Court ruled that its decision had
alleging that he should be given preference to the Supreme Court has already become final
already become final and that the records of the
purchase the lot inasmuch as he is the actual and executory, but in the interregnum pending
case were to be remanded to the trial court.
occupant and has been in continuous possession such accounting and recovery by the Receiver of
of the same since 1931; and in spite of plaintiff's Not satisfied with such denial, petitioner filed a the tolls collected by the plaintiff, the defendants
opposition, 'Portion A' of the property was sold at petition for certiorari, prohibition pray that they be allowed to put up a bond in lieu
public auction wherein defendant Comintan was and mandamus with preliminary injunction before of the said P13,632.00 to answer for damages of
the only bidder; that on June 8, 1957, investigation this Court,[3] praying for the annulment of the the former, if any.
was conducted on plaintiff's protest by Assistant Order reappointing the Receiver. On July 13,
Public Lands Inspector Serapion Bauzon who 1970, the petition was dismissed by this Court on "On the other hand, plaintiff contends in his
submitted his report to the Regional Land Officer, the ground of insufficient showing of grave abuse opposition, admitting that the decision of the
and who in turn rendered a decision on April 9, of discretion. Supreme Court has become final and executory;
1958, dismissing plaintiff's claim and giving due (1) the offer of a bond in lieu of payment of
course to defendants' sales applications on the II P13,632.00 does not, and cannot, satisfy the
ground that the relinquishment of the homestead condition imposed in the decision of this Court
rights of Martin Dolorico I in favor The judgment having become final which was affirmed in toto; (2) the public sale of
of Comintan and Zamora is proper, the former and executory, private respondents filed a motion Portion 'B' of the land has still to take place as
having been designated as successor in interest of for the execution of the same, praying as follows: ordained before the decision could be executed;
the original homestead applicant and that and, (3) that whatever sums plaintiff may derive
because plaintiff failed to participate in the public "WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed of this from the property cannot be set off against what
auction, he is forever barred to claim the property; Honorable Court to order the issuance of a writ of is due him for the improvements he made, for
that plaintiff filed a motion for reconsideration of execution in accordance with the judgment of which he has to be reimbursed as ordered.
this decision which was denied by the Director of this Honorable Court, confirmed by the Court of
Lands in his order dated June 10, 1959; that finally, Appeals and the Supreme Court, commanding *** *** ***
on appeal to the Secretary of Agriculture and any lawful officer to deliver to
defendants Comintan and Zamora the land
27 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
"Let it be known that plaintiff does not dispute his "(b) That the Supreme Court has never affirmed petitioner, is not the payment envisaged in the
having collected tolls during the periods from any decision of the trial court that tolls collected decision which would entitle private respondents
March 1967 to December 31, 1968 and from from the diversionary road on the property, which to the possession of the property. Furthermore,
September 1969 to March 31, 1970. The Supreme is public land, belong to said respondents; with respect to portion "B", petitioner alleges that,
Court affirmed the decision of this Court in its under the decision, he has the right to retain the
findings that said tolls belong to the defendants, "(c) That to assess petitioner a P25,000.00 liability same until after he has participated and lost in the
considering that the same were collected on a for damages is purely punitive imposition without public bidding of the land to be conducted by
portion of the land in question where the plaintiff factual or legal justification." the Bureau of Lands. It is claimed that it is only in
did notintroduce any improvement. The the event that he loses in the bidding that he can
reimbursement to the plaintiff pertains only to the The foregoing Motion for Reconsideration was be legally dispossessed thereof.
value of the improvements, like coconut trees and denied by respondent Judge per Order dated
other plants which he introduced on the whole November 18, 1970. Said Order states, in part: It is the position of petitioner that all the fruits of the
property. The tolls collected by the plaintiff on an property, including the tolls collected by him from
unimproved portion naturally belong to the "It goes without saying that the passing vehicles, which according to the trial
defendants, following the doctrine on defendant Comintan is entitled to be placed in court amounts to P25,000.00, belongs to petitioner
accretion. Further, the reappointment of a possession of Lot No. 5785-A of PLS-45 and not to defendant/private
Receiver by this Court was upheld by the Supreme (Calauag Public Land Subdivision) and respondent Quirino Comintan, in accordance
Court when it denied the petition enjoyment of the tolls from March, 1967 to March, with the decision itself, which decreed that the
for certiorari filed by the plaintiff, bolstering the 1968 and from September, 1969 to March 31, 1970 fruits of the property shall be in lieu of interest on
legal claim of defendants over said tolls. Thus, the which were received by plaintiff Bartolome Ortiz, the amount to be paid to petitioner as
decision of the Supreme Court rendered the collected from the property by reason of the reimbursement for improvements. Any contrary
decision of this Court retroactive from March 22, diversion road where vehicular traffic was opinion, in his view, would be tantamount to an
1966 although pending appeal its implementation detoured. To defendant Comintan belongs the amendment of a decision which has long
was suspended. It is our honest conviction, tolls thus collected from a portion of the land become final and executory and, therefore,
therefore, that the putting up of a bond by the awarded to him used as a diversionary road by cannot be lawfully done.
defendants pending accounting of the tolls the doctrine of accretion and his right over the
collected by the plaintiff is justified and will not same is ipso jure, there being no need of any Petitioner, therefore, prayed that: (1) a Writ of
prejudice anybody, but certainly would action to possess said addition. It is so because as Preliminary Injunction be issued enjoining the
substantially satisfy the conditions imposed in the consistently maintained by the Supreme Court, an enforcement of the Orders of September 23, 1970
decision. However, insofar as the one-half portion applicant who has complied with all the terms and November 18, 1970, and the Writ of Execution
'B' of the property, the decision may be executed and conditions which entitle him to a patent for a issued thereto, or restoring to petitioner the
only after public sale by the Bureau of Lands shall particular tract of public land, acquires a vested possession of the property if the private
be accomplished. right therein and is to be regarded as equitable respondents had been placed in possession
owner thereof so that even without a patent, a thereof; (2) annulling said Orders as well as the Writ
"WHEREFORE, finding Motion for Execution filed by perfected homestead or sales application is a of Execution, dissolving the receivership
the defendants to be meritorious, the same is property right in the fullest sense, unaffected by established over the property; and (3) ordering
granted; provided, however, that they put up a the fact that the paramount title is still in the private respondents to account to petitioner all
bond equal the adjudicated amount of Government and no subsequent law can deprive the fruits they may have gathered or collected
P13,632.00 accruing in favor of the plaintiff, from a him of that vested right. The question of the actual from the property in question from the time of
reputable or recognized bonding or surety damages suffered by defendant Comintan by petitioner's illegal dispossession thereof.
company, conditioned that after an accounting reason of the unaccounted tolls received by
of the tolls collected by the plaintiff should there plaintiff had already been fully discussed in the On January 29, 1971, this Court issued the Writ of
be found out any balance due and payable to order of September 23, 1970 and the Court is Preliminary Injunction. On January 30, 1971,
him after reckoning said obligation of P13,632.00 honestly convinced and believes it to be proper private respondents filed a Motion for
the bond shall be held answerable therefor."[5] and regular under the circumstances. Reconsideration and/or Modification of the Order
dated January 29, 1971. This was followed by a
Accordingly, a Writ of Execution was issued after "Incidentally, the Court stands to correct itself Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration and
private respondent Quirino Comintan had filed when in the same order, it directed the execution Manifestation on February 3, 1971. In the latter
the required bond. The writ directed the Sheriff to of the decision with respect to the one-half portion motion, private respondents manifested that the
enforce the decision of the Court, and stated, in 'B' of the property only after the public sale by the amount of P14,040.96, representing the amount
part, the following: Bureau of Lands, the same being an oversight, it decreed in the judgment as reimbursement to
appearing that the Sales Application of petitioner for the improvements, plus interest for six
"But should there be found any amount collectible defendant Eleuterio Zamora had already been months, has already been deposited by them in
after accounting and deducting the amount of recognized and fully confirmed by the Supreme court, "with the understanding that said amount
P13,632.00, you are hereby ordered that of the Court. shall be turned over to the plaintiff after the
goods and chattels of Bartolome Ortiz of court a quo shall have determined the
Bo. Kabuluan, Calauag, Quezon, be caused to "In view thereof, finding the motion filed by plaintiff improvement on Lot 5785-A, and subsequently the
be made any excess in the above-mentioned to be without merit, the Court hereby denies the remaining balance of the deposit shall be
amount together with your lawful fees and that same and the order of September 23, 1970 shall delivered to the petitioner (plaintiff therein) in the
you render same to remain in full force subject to the amendment that event he loses the bid for Lot 5785-B in favor of
defendant Quirino Comintan. If sufficient the execution of the decision with respect to the private respondent Eleuterio Zamora."[8] The
personal property cannot be found thereof to one-half portion 'B' shall not be conditioned to the deposit is evidenced by a certification made by
satisfy this execution and lawful fees thereon, then public sale by the Bureau of Lands. the Clerk of the Court a quo.[9] Contending that
you are commanded that of the lands and said deposit was a faithful compliance with the
buildings of the said BARTOLOME ORTIZ you make "SO ORDERED."[7] judgment of the trial court, private
the said excess amount in the manner required by respondent Quirino Comintan prayed for the
the Rules of Court, and make return of your III dissolution of the Writ of Injunction.
proceedings within this Court within sixty (60) days
from date of service. Petitioner thus filed the instant petition, It appears that as a consequence of the deposit
contending that in having issued the Order and made by private respondents, the Deputy Sheriff
"You are also ordered to cause Bartolome Ortiz to Writ of Execution, respondent Court "acted of Calauag, Quezon ousted petitioner's
vacate the property within fifteen (15) days after without or in excess of jurisdiction, and/or with representative from the land in question and put
service thereof the grave abuse of discretion, because the said order private respondents in possession thereof.[10]
defendant Quirino Comintan having filed the and writ in effect vary the terms of the judgment
required bond in the amount of THIRTEEN they purportedly seek to enforce." He argued that On March 10, 1971, petitioner filed a "Comment
THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO (P13,632.00) since said judgment declared the petitioner a on Respondents' 'Motion for Reconsideration'
PESOS."[6] possessor in good faith, he is entitled to the dated January 29, 1971' and 'Supplemental
payment of the value of the improvements Motion for Reconsideration and Manifestation'",
On October 12, 1970, petitioner filed a Motion for introduced by him on the whole property, with contending that the tender of deposit mentioned
Reconsideration of the aforesaid Order and Writ right to retain the land until he has been fully paid in the Supplemental Motion was not really and
of Execution, alleging: such value. He likewise averred that no payment officially made, "inasmuch as the same
for improvements has been made and, instead, a is not supported by any official receipt from the
"(a) That the respondent judge has no authority to bond therefor had been filed by defendants lower court, or from its clerk or cashier, as required
place respondents in possession of the property; (private respondents), which, according to by law"; that said deposit does not constitute
28 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
sufficient compliance with the judgment sought to of the interest as well as the principal of the debt road under receivership. The omission of any
be enforced, neither was it legally and validly while he remains in possession. This right of mention of the tolls in the decision itself may be
made because the requisites for consignation retention of the property by the creditor, attributed to the fact that the tolls appear to have
had not been complied with; that the tender of according to Scaevola, in the light of the been collected after the rendition of the
legal interest for six months cannot substitute provisions of Article 502 of the Spanish Civil judgment of the trial court.
petitioner's enjoyment of the fruits of the property Code,[16] is considered not a coercive measure to
as long as the judgment in Civil Case No. C-90 has oblige the debtor to pay, depriving him The records further reveal that earnest efforts have
not been implemented in the manner decreed temporarily of the enjoyment of the fruits of his been made by private respondents to have the
therein; that contrary to the allegations of private property, but as a means of obtaining judgment executed in the most practicable
respondents, the value of the improvements on compensation for the debt. The right of retention manner. They deposited in court the amount of
the whole property had been determined by the in this case is analogous to a contract the judgment in the sum of P13,632.00 in cash,
lower court, and the segregation of the of antichresis and it can be considered as a subject only to the accounting of the tolls
improvements for each lot should have been means of extinguishing the obligation, inasmuch collected by the petitioner so that whatever is due
raised by them at the opportune moment by as the right to retain the thing lasts only for the from him may be set off with the amount of
asking for the modification of the decision before period necessary to enable the creditor to be reimbursement. This is just and proper under the
it became final and executory; and that the tolls reimbursed from the fruits for the necessary and circumstances and, under the law, compensation
on the property constituted "civil fruits" to which useful expenses.[17] or set off may take place, either totally or
the petitioner is entitled under the terms of the partially. Considering that petitioner is the
decision. According to Manresa, the right of retention is, creditor with respect to the judgment obligation
therefore, analogous to that of a pledge, if the and the debtor with respect to the tolls
IV property retained is a movable, and to that collected, Comintan being the owner thereof,
of antichresis, if the property held is the trial court's order for an accounting and
The issue decisive of the controvery is -- after the immovable.[18] This construction appears to be in compensation is in accord with law.[23]
rendition by the trial court of its judgment in Civil harmony with similar provisions of the civil law
Case No. C-90 on March 22, 1966 confirming the which employs the right of retention as a means With respect to the amount of reimbursement to
award of one-half of the property or device by which a creditor is able to obtain the be paid by Comintan, it appears that
to Quirino Comintan -- whether or not petitioner is payment of a debt. Thus, under Article 1731 of the the dispositive portion of the decision was lacking
still entitled to retain for his own exclusive benefit New Civil Code, any person who has performed in specificity, as it merely provided
all the fruits of the property, such as the tolls work upon a movable has a right to retain it by that Comintan and Zamora are jointly
collected by him from March 1967 to December way of pledge until he is paid. Similarly, under liable therefor. When two persons are liable
1968, and September 1969 to March 31, 1970, Article 1914 of the same Code, the agent may under a contract or under a judgment, and no
amounting to about P25,000.00. In other words, retain in pledge the things which are the object of words appear in the contract or judgment to
petitioner contends that so long as the aforesaid the agency until the principal effects make each liable for the entire obligation, the
amount of P13,632.00 decreed in the judgment reimbursement of the funds advanced by the presumption is that their obligation is joint
representing the expenses for clearing the land former for the execution of the agency, or he is or mancomunada, and each debtor is liable only
and the value of the coconuts and fruit trees indemnified for all damages which he may have for a proportionate part of the obligation.[24] The
planted by him remains unpaid, he can suffered as a consequence of the execution of judgment debt of P13,632.00 should, therefore, be
appropriate for his exclusive benefit all the fruits the agency, provided he is free from fault. To the pro-rated in equal shares to Comintan and
which he may derive from the property, without same effect, the depositary, under Article 1994 of Zamora.
any obligation to apply any portion thereof to the the same Code, may retain the thing in pledge
payment of the interest and the principal of the until the full payment of what may be due him by Regarding Lot 5785-B, it appears that no public
debt. reason of the deposit. The usufructuary, pursuant sale has as yet been conducted by the Bureau of
to Article 612 of the same Code, may retain the Lands and, therefore, petitioner is entitled to
We find this contention untenable. property until he is reimbursed for the amount paid remain in possession thereof. This is not disputed
for taxes levied on the capital (Article 597) and for by respondent Eleuterio Zamora.[25] After public
There is no question that a possessor in good faith extraordinary repairs (Article 594). sale is had and in the event that Ortiz is not
is entitled to the fruits received before the declared the successful bidder, then he should be
possession is legally interrupted.[11]Possession in In all of these cases, the right of retention is used reimbursed by respondent Zamora in the
good faith ceases or is legally interrupted from the as a means of extinguishing the obligation. As corresponding amount for the improvements on
moment defects in the title are made known to amply observed by Manresa: Lot 5785-B.
the possessor, by extraneous evidence or by the "El derechode retencion,
filing of an action in court by the true owner for the lo hemos dicho, es el derecho de prenda o el WHEREFORE, in view hereof, the Order of
recovery of the property.[12] Hence, all the fruits de anticresis constituido por la ley con independ respondent Court of November 18, 1970 is hereby
that the possessor may receive from the time he is encia de la voluntad de laspartes." In[19] a modified to conform to the foregoing
summoned in court, or when he answers the pledge, if the thing pledged earns or produces judgment. The Writ of Preliminary Injunction,
complaint, must be delivered and paid by him to fruits, income, dividends or interests, the creditor dated January 29, 1971, is hereby
the owner or lawful possessor.[13] shall compensate what he receives with those dissolved. Without special pronouncement as to
which are owing him.[20] In the same manner, in a costs.
However, seven after his good faith ceases, the contract of antichresis, the creditor acquires the
possessor in fact can still retain the property, right to receive the fruits of an immovable of his Barredo, (Chairman), Guerrero, Concepcion,
pursuant to Article 546 of the New Civil Code, until debtor with the obligation to apply them to the Jr., and Guerrero, JJ., concur.
he has been fully reimbursed for all the necessary payment of the interest, if owing, and thereafter Aquino, J., in the result.
and useful expenses made by him on the to the principal of his credit.[21] The debtor can not Santos and Abad Santos, JJ., on official leave.
property. This right of retention has been reacquire enjoyment of the immovable until he
considered as one of the conglomerate of has actually paid what he owes the creditor.[22]
measures devised by the law for the protection of
the possessor in good faith. Its object is to Applying the afore-cited principles to the case at
guarantee the reimbursement of the expenses, bar, petitioner cannot appropriate for his own
such as those for the preservation of the exclusive benefit the tolls which he collected from
property,[14] or for the enhancement of its utility or the property retained by him. It was his duty
productivity.[15] It permits the actual possessor to under the law, after deducting the necessary
remain in possession while he has not been expenses for his administration, to apply such
reimbursed by the person who defeated him in amount collected to the payment of the interest,
the possession for those necessary expenses and and the balance to the payment of the principal
useful improvements made by him on the thing of the obligation.
possessed. The principal characteristic of the right
of retention is its accessory character. It is We hold, therefore, that the disputed tolls, after
accessory to a principal obligation. Considering deducting petitioner's expenses for
that the right of the possessor to receive the fruits administration, belong to Quirino Comintan,
terminates when his good faith ceases, it is owner of the land through which the toll road
necessary, in order that this right to retain may be passed, further considering that the same was on
useful, to concede to the creditor the right to portions of the property on which petitioner had
secure reimbursement from the fruits of the not introduced any improvement. The trial court
property by utilizing its proceeds for the payment itself clarified this matter when it placed the toll
29 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
THIRD DIVISION TCT No. T-15559 was issued in the name was made well within said period of
of DBP. Thereafter, DBP took possession redemption.[8]
[ G.R. No. 111737, October 13, 1999 ] of the foreclosed property and
appropriated the produce thereof. After trial, the RTC ruled in favor of the
PETITIONER, VS. THE HONORABLE COURT On July 5, 1978, the Ministry of Justice stipulation in the Sheriff's Certificate of
OF APPEALS AND SPOUSES TIMOTEO AND issued Opinion No. 92, Series of Sale which provided that the
SELFIDA S. PIÑEDA, RESPONDENTS. 1978[3] which declared that lands redemption period is five (5) years from
covered by P.D. No. 27[4] , like the herein the registration thereof in consonance
DECISION subject property, may not be the object with Section 119[9] of CA No. 141[10] . DBP
of foreclosure proceedings after the should therefore assume liability for the
promulgation of said decree on Oct. 21, fruits that said property produced from
Before us is a Petition for Review on 1972. said land considering that it prematurely
Certiorari of the decision of the Court of took possession thereof. The dispositive
On August 24, 1981, the PIÑEDAS offered portion of the decision reads:
Appeals[1] in CA-G.R. CV No. 28549
to redeem the foreclosed property by
offering P10,000.00 as partial redemption "WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby
payment. This amount was accepted by rendered in favor of plaintiffs and
PHILIPPINES" which affirmed the decision
DBP who issued O.R. No. 1665719 and against the defendant Development
of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch
through a letter, conditionally approved Bank of the Philippines as follows:
16[2] , Roxas City in Civil Case No. V-4590,
the offer of redemption considering the
for cancellation of certificate of title 1. Condemning the defendant DBP to
P10,000.00 as down
and/or specific performance, pay the plaintiffs P201,138.28 less
payment.[5] However, on November 11,
accounting and damages with a prayer whatever amount the plaintiffs still have
1981, DBP sent the PIÑEDAS another
for the issuance of a writ of preliminary to pay the said defendant DBP as
letter informing them that pursuant to
injunction. balance of their loan account reckoned
P.D. 27, their offer to redeem and/or
repurchase the subject property could up to the date of this decision;
The records show that respondent
not be favorably considered for the P20,000.00 as attorney's fees; P5,000.00
spouses Piñeda (PIÑEDAS) are the
reason that said property was as litigation expenses and costs.
registered owners of a parcel of land
(Lot 11-14-1-14) situated at barangay tenanted.[6] On November 16, 1981, in
Astorga Dumarao, Capiz containing an deference to the above-mentioned
area of 238,406 square meters, more or opinion, DBP through Ramon Buenaflor DBP appealed to the Court of Appeals,
less, and covered by Homestead Patent sent a letter to the Acting Register of which affirmed the decision of the RTC.
No. 0844 and Original Certificate of Title Deeds of Capiz requesting the latter to The Court of Appeals stated that since
No. P-1930. On March 7, 1972, the cancel TCT No. T-15559 and to restore DBP was in evident bad faith when it
PIÑEDAS mortgaged the above Original Certificate of Title No. P-1930 in unlawfully took possession of the
described parcel of land to petitioner, the name of the PIÑEDAS. The Acting property subject of the dispute and
Development Bank of the Philippines Register of Deeds, in reply to such defied what was written on the Sheriff's
(DBP) to secure their agricultural loan in request, suggested that DBP file a Certificate of Sale, the PIÑEDAS were
the amount of P20,000.00. The PIÑEDAS petition in court pursuant to Section 108 entitled to recover the fruits produced
failed to comply with the terms and of Presidential Decree 1529[7] . In by the property or its equivalent valued
conditions of the mortgage compelling compliance with said suggestion, DBP at P72,000.00 per annum or a total of
DBP to extrajudicially foreclose on petitioned for the cancellation of TCT P216,000.00 for the three-year period.
February 2, 1977. In the foreclosure sale, No. T-15559 with then Court of First Respondent court stated that said
DBP was the highest bidder and a Sheriff Instance of Capiz, Branch II, docketed as amount was not rebutted by DBP and
Certificate of Sale was executed in its Special Case No. 2653. The petition was was fair considering the size of the land
favor. In the corresponding Certificate of favorably acted upon on February 22, in question. The court added that any
Sale, the sheriff indicated that "This 1982. Thus, the foreclosure proceeding discussion with respect to the
property is sold subject to the conducted on February 2, 1977 was redemption period was of little
redemption within five (5) years from the declared null and void and the Register significance since the foreclosure
date of registration of this instrument and of Deeds of Capiz was ordered to proceeding was declared null and void
in the manner provided for by law cancel TCT No. 15559; OCT No. 1930 was in Special Civil Case No. 2653[12] on
applicable to this case". The certificate ordered revived. February 22, 1982. Thus, the right of the
of sale was registered in the Register of PIÑEDAS to redeem the property has
Meanwhile, on December 21, 1981, the
Deeds of Capiz on April 25, 1977. On become moot and academic. Finally,
PIÑEDAS filed the instant complaint
March 10, 1978, after the expiration of the award of attorney's fees amounting
against DBP for cancellation of
the one-year redemption period to P10,000.00[13] was justified considering
certificate of title and/or specific
provided for under Section 6, ACT 3135, that the PIÑEDAS were compelled to
performance, accounting and
DBP consolidated its title over the protect their interests.[14]
damages with a prayer for the issuance
foreclosed property by executing an
of a writ of preliminary injunction averring DBP's Motion for Reconsideration[15] was
Affidavit of Consolidation of Ownership.
that DBP, in evident bad faith, caused denied; hence this petition where it
Subsequently, a Final Deed of Sale was
the consolidation of its title to the parcel assigns the following errors:
executed in DBP's favor, which was
of land in question in spite of the fact
registered together with the Affidavit of
that the 5-year redemption period "Ground No. 1 The Honorable Court Of
Consolidation of Ownership with the
expressly stated in the Sheriff's Certificate Appeals Gravely Erred In Affirming The
Register of Deeds of Capiz on May 30,
of Sale had not yet lapsed and that their Court A Quo's Decision Awarding Actual
1978. Consequently, Original Certificate
offer to redeem the foreclosed property Damages In The Amount Of P216,000.00
of Title No. P-1930 was cancelled and
30 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
In Favor Of The Private Respondents period. Third, DBP's act of consolidating Finally, considering that DBP lawfully had
Notwithstanding The Absence Of the title of the property in its name does material possession of the property after
Evidence Substantiating Said Award. not constitute bad faith as there is no law it consolidated its title, DBP was entitled
Thus, The Honorable Court Of Appeals which prohibits the purchaser at public to the fruits and income thereof pursuant
Had Decided This Instant Case In A Way auction from consolidating title in its to Section 34, Rule 39 of the Rules of
Not In Accord With Applicable Law And name after the expiration of the one (1) Court:
Jurisprudence. year redemption period reckoned from
the time the Certificate of Sale was "Sec. 34. Rents and Profits Pending
2. Ground No. 2 - The Honorable Court registered; and neither is there any law Redemption. Statement thereof and
Of Appeals Gravely Erred In Affirming or jurisprudence which prohibits the credit therefor on redemption. The
The Court A Quo's Finding That DBP Was PIÑEDAS from exercising their right of purchaser, from the time of the sale until
In Bad Faith When It Took Possession Of redemption over said property within a redemption, and a redemptioner,
The Property In Question five (5) years even if title is consolidated from the time of his redemption until
Notwithstanding the Contrary Evidence in the name of the purchaser. When DBP another redemption, is entitled to
Adduced By Petitioner DBP. Thus, The consolidated title over the property in its receive the rents of the property sold or
Honorable Court Of Appeals Departed name, the new TCT issued in its favor was the value of the use or occupation
From The Accepted And Usual Course of subject to the lien i.e. the right of thereof when such property is in the
Judicial Proceedings. redemption of the PIÑEDAS; if there was possession of a tenant. xxx"
a failure to register this in the TCT, DBP
3. Ground No. 3 - The Honorable Court Taking all this into consideration, DBP
should not be faulted. Besides, even if
Of Appeals Gravely Erred In Affirming cannot be faulted for taking over
the five (5) year period of redemption
The Court A Quo's Decision Awarding possession of the property in question.
was not indicated therein, Sec. 44[19] and
Attorney's Fees And Litigation Costs In
46[20] of Presidential Decree No. The core issue in this case is whether DBP
Favor Of The Private Respondents
1529[21] attaches such lien by operation was in bad faith when it took possession
Notwithstanding Absence Of Evidence
of law even in the absence of an of the disputed lot.
Proving the Same. Clearly, The Lower
annotation in the title. Moreover, Sec.
Court Committed Misapprehension Of
119 of CA No. 141 also makes said right We rule in the negative and find DBP's
Facts That Can Be Considered A
of redemption a statutory lien, which contentions meritorious.
Question Of Law."[16]
subsists and binds the whole world
despite the absence of registration. A possessor in good faith is one who is
DBP maintains that the valuation of the
not aware that there exists in his title or
income derived from the property in
DBP also could not have been in bad mode of acquisition any flaw, which
dispute allegedly amounting to
faith when it denied the PIÑEDAS' offer to invalidates it.[23]Good faith is always
P216,000.00 was not proven by the
redeem the property since the denial presumed, and upon him who alleges
PIÑEDAS. DBP argues that they granted
was premised on Opinion No. 92 of the bad faith on the part of a possessor rests
the PIÑEDAS a loan of P20,000.00 in
Minister of Justice series of 1978 which the burden of proof.[24] It was therefore
March 7, 1972 and up to the time of the
stated that said land was covered under incumbent on the PIÑEDAS to prove that
foreclosure of the property, the PIÑEDAS
P.D. 27 and could not be the subject of DBP was aware of the flaw in its title i.e.
have paid only P2,000.00 on their
foreclosure proceedings. For this reason, the nullity of the foreclosure. This, they
principal. The failure of the PIÑEDAS to
DBP immediately filed a petition to nullify failed to do.
pay this loan is attributable to the fact
the foreclosure proceedings which was
that said property did not produce Respondent PIÑEDAS argue that DBP's
favorably acted upon prior to the
income amounting to P72,000.00 per bad faith stems from the fact that DBP
service of summons and the complaint in
annum. According to DBP, in the consolidated title over the disputed
the present case on DBP on June
absence of receipts or other evidence property despite the statement in the
30,1982. If DBP was really in bad faith, it
to support such a claim, the Court of Sheriff's Certificate of Sale to the effect
would not have filed said petition for said
Appeals should not have granted said that said land was subject to a five year
petition was against its own interests.
amount considering that the PIÑEDAS redemption period. The period of
had the burden of proving actual Further, DBP asserts that PIÑEDAS redemption of extrajudicially foreclosed
damages. Furthermore, Selfida Piñeda appointed DBP as their attorney-in-fact land is provided under Section 6 of ACT
herself admitted that the property never or agent in case of foreclosure of the No. 3135 to wit:
produced income amounting to property under Section 4 of the
P72,000.00 per annum. At any rate, the mortgage contract, which provides: "Sec. 6. In all cases in which an
actual amount earned by the property extrajudicial sale is made under the
in terms of rentals turned over by the "4. xxx In case of foreclosure, the special power hereinbefore referred to,
tenant-farmers or caretakers of the land Mortgagor hereby consents to the the debtor, his successors in interest or
were duly receipted and were duly appointment of the mortgagee or any any judicial creditor or judgment
accounted for by the DBP. of its employees as receiver, without any creditor of said debtor, or any person
bond, to take charge of the mortgage having a lien on the property
DBP also alleges that the mere fact that property at once, and to hold possession subsequent to the mortgage or deed of
DBP took possession and administration of the case and the rents and profits trust under which the property is sold,
of the property does not warrant a derived from the mortgaged property may redeem the same at any time
finding that DBP was in bad faith. First, before the sale. xxx"[22] within the term of one year from and
records show that the PIÑEDAS after the date of sale; and such
consented to and approved the DBP was therefore entitled to take redemption shall be governed by the
takeover of DBP. Second, Sec. 7[17] of Act possession of the property pursuant to provisions of section four hundred and
No. 3135[18]allows the mortgagee-buyer the mortgage contract. sixty-four to four hundred and sixty-six,
to take possession of the mortgaged inclusive, of the Code of Civil
property even during the redemption
31 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
Procedure[25] , in so far as these are not consolidation of title did not derogate SO ORDERED.
inconsistent with the provisions of this from or impair the right of the PIÑEDAS to
Act." redeem the same under C.A. No. 141. Melo, (Acting Chief Justice) Vitug,
Panganiban, and Purisma, JJ., concur.
If no redemption is made within one It may be argued that P.D. 27 was
year, the purchaser is entitled as a already in effect when DBP foreclosed
matter of right to consolidate[26] and to the property. However, the legal
possess[27] the property.[28] Accordingly, propriety of the foreclosure of the land
DBP's act of consolidating its title and was put into question only after Opinion
taking possession of the subject property No. 92 series of 1978 of the Ministry of
after the expiration of the period of Justice declared that said land was
redemption was in accordance with covered by P.D. 27 and could not be
law. Moreover, it was in consonance subject to foreclosure proceedings. The
with Section 4 of the mortgage contract Opinion of the Ministry of Justice was
between DBP and the PIÑEDAS where issued on July 5, 1978 or almost two
they agreed to the appointment of DBP months after DBP consolidated its title to
as receiver to take charge and to hold the property on March 10, 1978. By law
possession of the mortgage property in and jurisprudence, a mistake upon a
case of foreclosure. DBP's acts cannot doubtful or difficult question of law may
therefore be tainted with bad faith. properly be the basis of good faith.[33]
33 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. 12457, Jan 22, 1919 ] paid the plaintiff the P2,000, in judgment rendered by the corirt in
accordance with the contract, that Civil Case, No. 792,
SERVILLANO AQUINO v. EMETERIO Exhibit A. Upon this payment being undoubtedly was rendered in
TAÑEDO + made no time was fixed for the consideration of the agreement
DECISION payment of the other Tl 0,000. between the plaintiff and the
defendant to move the court
39 Phil. 517 Subsequently, the plaintiff filed merely to fix the period within which
against the defendant an action in the defendant should be obliged to
the Court of First Instance of Tarlaa pay to the plaintiff the P10,000,
(Civil Case No. 792), wherein he without prejudice to the defenses
AVANCEÃ'A, J.: demanded of the defendant the the defendant might set up with
The plaintiff demands from the payment of the Pl0,000. Before this respect to this obligation. Withal, we
defendant payment of the sum of case was decided, the plaintiff and are of the opinion that the plaintiff
P1 0,000, together with legal interest the defendant stipulated that, in the should be absolved from this
thereon from the date of the filing of event that the court should find that counterclaim, for the very reasons
the complaint. The defendant, in a the defendant's obligation was not that we shall presently set forth.
counterclaim, demands from the due, they should move the court
plaintiff payment of the sum of merely to fix the period in which this The question is this: the plaintiff, on
P6,791.75 and legal interest, thereon sum should he paid, with the account of having purchased the
from March 28, 1914. understanding that, if it be not paid: lands from the defendant on May
within the period fixed by the court, 15, 1913, according to Exhibit X, took
On May 5, 1913, the plaintiff the plaintiff might bring an action possession of the same and
purchased from the defendant against the defendant for its collected their products. On March
several parcels of land for the price collection, without prejudice to the 28, 1914, the plaintiff and the
of P45,000 (Exhibit X). In the contract defenses which the defendant defendant dissolved that contract
the defendant acknowledged might set up. It appears that this of sale and, as a result thereof, the
receipt of the sum of P10,000, as a agreement was taken into account plaintiff returned the lands to the
part of this price, the contracting by the court, for the record shows defendant, and the defendant in
parties stipulating that the rest that on September 13, 1915, it turn, bound himself to return to the
should be paid as follows: P7,000 in rendered judgment in that case plaintiff the part of the price that the
September of the same year, merely fixing a period of three latter had paid. Is the plaintiff
P10,000 in May, 1914, and P18,000 in months, counting from October 1, obliged to return to the defendant
1915,, By virtue of this contract the 1915, for the payment of this sum of the products of the lands that the
plaintiff took possession of the lands P10,000 by the defendant. plaintiff collected during his
purchased. On March 28,1914, the possession?
plaintiff and the defendant, by There is no dispute over the fact that
virtue of another contract (Exhibit Z), the defendant owes the plaintiff the The defendant invokes article 1295
agreed to consider the previous P10,000 claimed by the latter. The of the Civil Code, which prescribes
contract as rescinded and of no question raised by this appeal is one that the rescission obliges the return
value. As a result of this second that relates to the defendant's of the things which were the objects
agreement, the plaintiff returned to counterclaim. The sum demanded of the contract, with their fruits and
the defendant the lands together in this counterclaim is the value of the price with interest. He maintains
with4 all the documents pertaining the product of the lands, collected that, pursuant to this provision, the
thereto. The defendant, of his part, by the plaintiff during the time he plantiff is obliged to return the fruits
instead of returning the price was in possession of them, by virtue collected by him. But the rescission
received by him, subscribed in favor of the contract Exhibit X, mentioned in the contract Exhibit Z
of the plaintiff another document specifically, from May 5, 1913, until is not the rescission referred to in this
(Exhibit) in which he acknowledges the plaintiff returned the lands to the article 1295. Although the plaintiff
that he owes the plaintiff the sum of defendant, on March 28, 1914. and the defendant employed the
P12,000, of which P2,000, the word rescind, it has not, in the
amount of the interest on P10,000 for The plaintiff contends that the contract executed by them, either
one year, was to be paid on or judgment rendered by the Court in the scope or the meaning of the
before the 31st of May of the Civil Case No. 792 had resolved all word rescission to which article 1295
following year, 1915, and, as to the the issues then in controversy refers and which takes place only in
remaining P10,000, it was agreed between the plaintiff and the the cases mentioned in the
that the date of their payment defendant, and among them that preceding articles, 1291 and 1292.
would be fixed upon payment of of the counterclaim which is now Rescission, in the light of these
the P2,000. presented in the instant case. We provisions, is a belief which the law
believe, however, that this grants, on the premise that the
On May 28, 1915, the defendant contention is unfounded. The contract is valid, for the protection
34 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
of one of the contracting parties The defendant argues that, as he on this unreturned price, the
and third persons from all injury and bound himself to pay, and in fact transaction would lack the same
damage the contract may cause, did pay, interest on the P10,000 reciprocity which the defendant
or to protect some incompatible which he received from the plaintiff invokes to sustain the contrary. We
and pref erent right created by the as [a part of] the price of the land, it accept the conclusion that the
contract. Article 1295 refers to should be understood that the interest which the defendant bound
contracts that are rescindible in plaintiff, reciprocally, also bound himself to pay, and in fact did pay,
accordance with law in the cases himself to return, on his part, the fruits to the plaintiff, was for the time
expressly fixed thereby, but it does which he collected from these subsequent to the rescission.
not refer to contracts that are lands. This argument would be valid Consequently the defendant did
rescinded by mutual consent and if the interest paid by the defendant not bind himself to pay, nor did he
for the mutual convenience of the had been paid for the time pay, interest on the P10,000 for the
contracting parties. The rescission in preceding the rescission, that is, time prior to the rescission. Applying,
question was not originated by any from May 5, 1913, when the by inversion, the defendant's
of the causes specified in articles contract of purchase and sale was argument, we believe that we
1291 and 1292, nor is it any relief for executed, until March 28,1914, ought to conclude that the plaintiff
the purposes sought by these when it was rescinded. The record could not have bound himself to
articles. It is simply another contract shows, however, that this interest return to the defendant the fruits of
for the dissolution of a previous one, was paid for the time subsequent to the land that the plaintiff collected
and its effects, in relation to the the rescission, It will be recalled that during his possession, inasmuch as
contract so dissolved, should be the defendant received from the the defendant did not pay, nor bind
determined by the agreement plaintiff P10,000 as a part of the himself to pay, interest during the
made by the parties, or by the price of the lands; that, on same time for the part of the price
application of the other legal rescinding the sale in March, 1914, which he received.
provisions to which we shall refer the plaintiff returned the lands; and
later on, but not by article 1295, that the defendant, on his part, But the plaintiff held the lands by
which is not applicable. instead of returning the part of the reason of his having purchased
price, Wl0,000, received by him, them from the defendant. On this
The defendant alleges that, upon executed in favor of the plaintiff the account, his possession, until the
the execution of the contract of Exhibit A, binding himself to pay the contract of purchase and sale was
rescission, Exhibit. Z, the plaintiff sum of P12,000, with interest, one dissolved and the lands were
verbally agreed to return the fruits year afterwards, that is, on May 31, returned by him, was in good faith.
collected by him. The plaintiff 1915. Both parties agree that P000 of As such possessor in good faith, the
denies this absolutely. As the these P12,000 is the interest on the fruits collected by him become his
contract of rescission wal drawn up P10,000 for one year, at the rate of own (art. 451, Civil Code) and he is
in writing, it must be presumed that 20 per cent per annum. According not obliged to return them, to the
the document wherein this contract to that, after the defendant had defendant. In the absence of any
appears contains all the been in receipt of the P10,000 tor convenant, this provision should be
agreements stipulated by the two years, he bound himself to pay applied to the instant case.
parties. Although the defendant interest only for one year. This
was permitted to introduce oral necessarily supposes that this sum Aside from the foregoing
evidence to establish that, besides did not earn interest for the other considerations, equity also lies on
what is set forth in the written year. If it is admitted that this interest the plaintiff's side, because, as the
contract, the plaintiff also agreed, pertains to the first year previous to record shows, for the improvement
verbally, to return the fruits the rescission, then it had accrued of the land and in order to produce
collected, the plaintiff, on his part, and was due when this contract of the fruits which he collected, he
presented other evidence in rescission was executed , however, incurred expenses in an amount
rebuttal. Examining the evidence it was not deemed to be due.on such that the products collected by
adduced by both parties on this that date, inasmuch as the him may, reasonably, be
point, we can say that there is no defendant did not bind himself to considered equivalent to the
preponderance in favor of the pay it until after the second year. interest for one year on the P10,000
proof presented by the defendant. Furthermore, if it is considered that which he had paid to the
In such conditions, the presumption this interest corresponds to the first defendant.
that the written contract contains all year prior to the rescission, the year
the agreements should prevail and, in which no interest was due would Therefore, the judgment appealed
consequently, the defendant's be the following year. Thus the result from is affirmed, with the costs
contention that such a verbal would be that, while the plaintiff against the appellant. So ordered.
agreement made by the plaintiff returned the lands, the defendant
existed should be rejected. did not return the price, and if he did Arellano, C.J., Torres, Johnson,
not even bind himself to pay interest Malcolm, and Street, JJ., concur.
35 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. 26844, Sep 27, 1927 ] redemption is allowed, that plaintiff be the defendant not having appealed from
required to pay her the value of the that portion of the decision, the only
ISABEL FLORES v. TRINIDAD LIM + improvements made on the land in question before this court is the amount
question. As a reply plaintiff made a which the plaintiff should pay to redeem.
general and specific denial of all of the The property was sold to the defendant at
new matters alleged in the answer, and as sheriff's sale under the provisions of Chapter
50 Phil. 738
a special defense, alleged that the XIX of the Code of Civil Procedure, section
defendant had no legal right to make such 461 of which provides:
STATEMENT improvements, and that they were made
without her knowledge, and that she is not
liable for such improvements.
January 20, 1923, plaintiff's land was sold at "When the purchaser of any personal
sheriff's sale to the defendant for P1.603.78. The evidence was taken upon such issues, property, capable of manual delivery, pays
It is in the barrio of Pinaninding, municipality and the trial court rendered judgment the purchase money, the officer making
of Laguimanoc formerly Atimonan giving plaintiff the right to redeem the land the sale must deliver to the purchaser the
Province of Tayabas, and is about seventy- upon the payment to the defendant within property, and, if desired, execute and
three hectares, on which were 164 coconut fifteen days from notice the following deliver to him a certificate of sale. Such sale
bearing trees and 1,000 non-bearing, and amounts: (a) The price of the land at the conveys to the purchaser all the right which
about 300 buri trees. The usual certificate of auction sale with legal interest thereon up the debtor had in such property on the day
sale was issued to the defendant under the to this date; (b) the amount of the land tax the execution or attachment was levied."
provisions of section 463 of the Code of Civil paid by the defendant with legal interest
Procedure. Prior to the one year period of up to this date; and (c) the sum of P15,000,
Section 463, among other things, provides:
redemption, plaintiff made a formal the value of the improvements made by
demand upon the defendant, under the the defendant on the land, and in case
Upon a sale of real property, the purchaser
provisions of section 469 of the same Code, redemption is not made within that period,
shall be substituted, to, and acquire all the
for an accounting of the fruits and profits the right is lost, and relieved the defendant
right, interest, title, and claim of the
derived by her from the land, so that the from rendering an account.
judgment debtor thereto, subject to the
plaintiff might have credit for the amount
right of redemption as hereinafter
received on the money required for On appeal the plaintiff assigns the following
provided. The officer must give to the
redemption from the sale. errors:
purchaser a certificate of sale containing:
The instant case is brought by the plaintiff to
redeem, and it is alleged that at the time of
the sale, the defendant took the actual, "ERROR NO. 1
"1. A particular description of the real
physical possession of the property, and
property sold;
has refused and still refuses to render an
"The trial court erred in sentencing plaintiff
account of the fruits and profits, to plaintiff's
to reimburse defendant in the sum of "2. The price paid for each distinct lot or
damage in the sum of P1,000, and she
P15,000 for improvements alleged to have parcel;
prays judgment that the defendant be
been introduced by said defendant in the
ordered to render an itemized account,
land in suit, altho said improvements were "3. The whole price by him paid;
the amount of which should be deducted
placed thereon by defendant with
from the price of the redemption; that
manifest bad faith. "4. The date when the right of redemption
plaintiff have the right to redeem; and that
defendant pay her P1,000 as damages and
"ERROR NO. 2 Construing that section, this court in
For answer the defendant makes a general Pabico vs. Ong Pauco (43 Phil., 572), said:
and specific denial, and as a special
defense alleges that her rights of ownership "The trial court erred in not ordering
over the land arise rather from a purchase defendant to account to plaintiff for fruits
made from the Government which had and benefits received by said defendant "The sheriff's action in placing the
confiscated the land for a delinquency in from the land, and credit plaintiff against defendant, as the purchaser at the
the payment of the land tax than from her the amount due for its redemption the execution sale, in possession of the land
acquisition of it at public auction. That the value of said fruits and benefits. was absolutely without warrant of law, was
plaintiff has not repurchased the land null and void ab initio, and not merely
within one year, and the offer to redeem voidable, and no special action for setting
was made out of time. Defendant "ERROR NO. 3 the proceedings aside are therefore
consented to the redemption upon the required. In executing a judgment the
condition only that the plaintiff should pay duties of the sheriff are merely ministerial;
the purchase price of the land, P6,371.19, "The trial court erred in denying plaintiff's he simply carries out the orders of the court.
the value of the improvements, P217.07, motion for new trial on the ground of fraud If the writ of execution or other order of the
the amount of the land tax, and alleges and newly discovered evidence, that court does not command or direct him to
that plaintiff offered to pay only the sum of excessive indemnity was granted, and that deliver the possession of real property to a
P2,500, and promising to paythat little by the decision was not justified by the certain person, he has no authority
little, which offer the defendant evidence and that the same was against whatever to do so and in undertaking to
rejected. That the action was brought for the law." eject the party in possession and deliver
the purpose of delaying the matter, and to such possession to some one else, he
gain time in which to obtain the money to becomes a mere trespasser. In such case,
redeem. That the defendant has been the person to whom possession is delivered
improving the land up to the present date, is also a trespasser and the fact that he has
The lower court having found that the
and she prays that she be absolved from been aided by another trespasser can
plaintiff has a legal right to redeem, and
the complaint, and in the event constitute no defense.
36 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
legal principle upon which it can be redemptioner "may bring an action to
" 'The act of going on the property and sustained. compel an accounting and disclosure of
excluding the lawful possessor therefrom such rents and profits, and until fifteen days
necessarily implies the exertion of force The record shows that immediately after from and after the final determination of
over the property, and this is all that is the sale, the defendant took the actual, such action, the right of redemption is
necessary. physical possession of the property and extended to such redemptioner or
drove off the employees of the plaintiff. debtor."
" 'If a trespasser enters upon land in open
daylight, under the very eyes of the person A purchaser of real property at an ordinary In legal effect, the lower court held that
already clothed with lawful possession, but execution sale is not entitled to possession such a demand was made, and that by
without the consent of the" latter, and there of the land or the accruing rents and profits reason thereof, the period of redemption
plants himself and excludes such prior until after the period of redemption has was extended. But found that "the
possessor from the property, the action of expired and the legal title to the land has defendant is not under obligation to render
forcible entry and detainer can become vested in him. a detailed account of the products of the
unquestionably be maintained, even coconut and buri trees planted on the
though no force is used by the trespasser The defendant had no legal right to land." Technically speaking, the defendant
other than such as is necessarily implied possession of the land in question, and, should have been required to render an
from the mere acts of planting himself on hence, she was a trespasser from the time accounting, but under all the
the ground and excluding the other party.' she took possession during the whole circumstances, and in view of the fact that
" period of redemption. Being such a no large amount is involved, we are not
trespasser, and under the provisions of disposed to disturb that finding.
section 465 of the Code of Civil Procedure,
Among other things, section 465 of the the defendant cannot recover from the The judgment of the lower court, requiring
Code of Civil Procedure provides: plaintiff any money which she expended the plaintiff to pay the defendant P15,000,
for the planting of the coconut trees. as one of the conditions for the redemption
of the property, is reversed, but the
It is claimed that after the sale the plaintiff judgment as to the payment of "(a) the
"The judgment debtor, or redemptioner,
had said that she would not redeem, and price of said land at the auction sale with
may redeem the property from the
that the defendant expended the money the legal interest thereon up to this day;"
purchaser, at any time within twelve
relying upon that statement. The evidence and "(b) the amount of the land tax paid
months after the sale, on paying the
of that nature was verbal and is more or less by the defendant with legal interest up to
purchaser the amount of his purchase, with
hearsay, and to say the least, it is not clear this date" is in all things and respects
one per cent per month interest thereon in
or convincing. We are dealing with real affirmed, with costs. So ordered.
addition, up to the time of redemption,
property, the title to which is passed by
together with the amount of any
written conveyance, judicial sale, will or Johnson, Street, Malcolm, Villamor,
assessments or taxes which the purchaser
descent, and it would be very dangerous Romualdez, and Villa-Real, JJ., concur.
may have paid thereon after. purchase,
to hold that the right of redemption can be
and interest on such last-named amount at
waived by parol testimony. Be that as it
the same rate."
may, the evidence should be both clear
and convincing and free from any doubt.
That is to say, the statute specifically
Suffice it to say that upon that point, there
provides that the ¦ redemptioner may
is a failure of proof. It is possible that a case
redeem within twelve months after the sale
could arise where the purchaser at a
by paying the purchaser the amount of his
sheriff's sale pending the period of
purchase, with interest thereon at one per
redemption nrght be forced to make
cent per month from the date of the
certain improvements for the preservation
purchase to the time of redemption,
of the property, and in equity and good
together with the amount of any
conscience, he would then be entitled to
assessments or taxes which the purchaser
receive the reasonable cost of such
may have paid after the purchase, with
improvements as a condition precedent to
interest thereon at the same rate. The
the right of redemption. But that is not this
statute having specified what the
case, and is a matter wholly outside of the
redemptioner should pay to redeem, it
record. The alleged improvements here
follows that she is not required to pay
were not made for the preservation of the
anything not specified in the statute.
property, and were apparently made for
the sole purpose of preventing redemption.
The lower court found that immediately
Defendant's contention would nullify the
after the purchase, the defendant entered
express provisions of the statute, and would
upon and took possession of the premises,
put it beyond the power of a judgment
and that at the time of the trial, she had
debtor to redeem any real property sold on
planted 8,000 coconut trees on the land at
execution. It is the policy of the law to aid
an expense of P15,000, and that to redeem
rather than to defeat the right of
the property it was not only necessary for
the plaintiff to pay the amounts specified in
section 465 of the Code above quoted, but
Under the provisions of section 469 of the
in addition thereto and in order to redeem
Code of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff made
the property, she must pay the defendant
a demand upon the defendant for an
the further sum of P15,000, the cost and the
accounting, and it was the legal duty of the
value of the 8,000 coconut trees planted
defendant to comply with that demand.
on the property by the defendant. That was
That section also provides that for failure to
error. It nullifies the plain and express
comply with the demand, the
provisions of the statute, and there is no
37 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
DIVISION Defendants are hereby ordered to pay Petitioners' motion for reconsideration was
the cost of suit. likewise denied. Hence, this petition for
[ GR No. 109840, Jan 21, 1999 ] review on certiorari. Petitioners assign
several errors as having been allegedly
committed by the Court of Appeals.
First. Petitioners allege that the Court of
On appeal by both parties, the Regional
361 Phil. 308 Appeals erred in affirming the lower court's
Trial Court, Branch 59 of Makati ruled that
finding that they owe private respondent
the lease was for a fixed period of five (5)
the amount of P42,306.00 as unpaid rentals
years and that, upon its expiration on
from January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1989
January 1, 1990, petitioners' continued stay
MENDOZA, J.: because neither the letter of demand nor
in the premises became illegal. As
the complaint for unlawful detainer alleged
provided in Art. 1687 of the Civil Code, the
This is a petition for review on certiorari of a claim for unpaid rentals. As the Court of
power of the courts to fix the period of lease
the decision,[1] dated October 8, 1992, of Appeals pointed out, however, the issue of
is limited only to cases where the period has
the Court of Appeals affirming the decision arrearages was raised at the pre-trial by
not been fixed by the parties
of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 59 of private respondent and evidence on this
themselves. The dispositive portion of the
Makati, Metro Manila, ordering the question was presented without objection
decision[3] states:
ejectment of petitioners from the premises from petitioners:[5]
owned by private respondent.
Premises considered, judgment is hereby
Petitioners were lessees of a commercial First of all, while it is true that there was no
rendered modifying the appealed
unit at No. 3086 Redemptorist Street in express demand in private respondent's
decision, as follows:
Baclaran, Parañaque, Metro Manila. The complaint for unlawful detainer against
lease was for a period of five (5) years, from petitioners for the latter's payment of rental
January 1, 1985 to December 31, 1989. The 1. Ordering the defendants (herein arrearages, private respondent in a
contract expressly provided for the renewal petitioners) and all persons claiming and/or pleading dated December 17, 1990 filed
of the lease at the option of the lessees "in acting for and in their behalf to vacate the with the MTC (by way of comment to
accordance with the terms of agreement premises known as door No. 3086 petitioners' motion to admit amended
and conditions set by the lessor." Prior to Redemptorist, corner G.C. Cruz Streets, answer) stated:
the expiration of the lease, the parties Baclaran, Parañaque, Metro Manila and
discussed the possibility of renewing turn over possession thereof to the plaintiff
it. They exchanged proposal and That moreover the unpaid rentals from
(herein private respondent);
counterproposal, but they failed to reach January 1987 to December 31, 1989
agreement. The dispute was referred to 2. Ordering the defendants to pay the amounts to FORTY TWO THOUSAND THREE
the barangay captain for conciliation but plaintiff the following: HUNDRED SIX PESOS (P42,306.00), exclusive
still no settlement was reached by the of rentals from January 1 to December 31,
parties. the amount of P42,306.00 1990 which would be one hundred eighty
representing accrued or back thousand pesos (P180,000.00) or a total of
On July 24, 1990, private respondent filed a rentals from January 1, 1987 to TWO HUNDRED TWENTY TWO THOUSAND
complaint for unlawful detainer against December 31, 1989; THREE HUNDRED SIX PESOS (222,306.00)
petitioners in the Metropolitan Trial Court of
a monthly rental of P7,320.50 for (p. 75, Orig. Rec).
Parañaque, Metro Manila, which on
the use or occupancy of the
February 4, 1992 rendered a decision, the
premises starting January 1, 1990 Then, at the pre-trial of December 17, 1990,
dispositive portion of which reads:[2]
b) until July 24, 1990 and at Ten among the issues proposed by counsel for
Thousand (P10,000.00) Pesos from plaintiff (now private respondent) was
WHEREFORE, premises considered, July 24, 1990 until the defendants whether:
judgment is hereby rendered as follows: shall have vacated the same;
38 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
percent (10%) additional rental starting in contract of lease provided for a fixed their counterclaim for damages for their
1986 (i.e., the monthly rental in 1986 was period of five (5) years from January 1, 1985 failure to enjoy the peaceful possession of
P5,500, in 1987, it was P6,050; in 1988, it was to December 31, 1989. As the Court held the premises because private respondent
P6,655.00; and in 1989, it was P7,320.50), in Bacolod-Murcia Milling Co., Inc. v. Banco allowed vendors to ply their trade at the
petitioners continued to pay only the Nacional Filipino:[12] front portion of the leased
original monthly rental of P5,000 stipulated premises. Petitioners claim that, as a result,
in their contract (Exh. "A"), so that It is not the province of the court to alter a they suffered business losses and moral
petitioners had incurred total rental contract by construction or to make a new injuries. As both the Metropolitan Trial Court
arrearages at the end of 1989 of P42,306.00 contract for the parties; its duty is confined and Regional Trial Court held, however,
(pp. 6-8, tsn, op. cit.; pp. 113-115, Orig. to the interpretation of the one which they there is no evidence to support this
Rec.). . . . have made for themselves, without regard claim. As the Court of Appeals said,
to its wisdom or folly, as the court cannot petitioners never complained before about
Obviously, then, petitioners' rental supply material stipulations or read into the sidewalk vendors occupying a portion
arrearages from 1986 to 1989 was an issue contract words which it does not contain. of the leased property. It was only after
raised at the pre-trial and on which issue negotiations for renewal of the lease had
private respondent presented evidence Indeed, Art. 1675 of the Civil Code excludes failed and private respondent had filed a
without any objection from cases falling under Art. 1673 (which complaint for unlawful detainer against
petitioners. And considering that the provides among others, that the lessor may them did they complain about the vendors.
petitioners incurred said rental arrearages judicially eject the lessee when the period
because they did not pay private agreed upon or that which is fixed has WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of
respondent the automatic 10% increase in expired) from the cases wherein, pursuant Appeals, dated October 8, 1992, is
their monthly rental every year for the years to Art. 1687, courts may fix a longer period AFFIRMED.
1986 to 1989 as agreed upon and of lease. For these reasons, we hold that
stipulated in their lease contract (Exh. "A",) the Court of Appeals did not err in ruling Costs against petitioners.
which contract is the law between the that petitioners were not entitled to an
parties, justice and good faith demand extension of the lease upon its expiration. SO ORDERED.
that petitioners should pay said rental
arrearages. As correctly ruled by the Third. The appellate court found petitioners Bellosillo (Chairman), Puno,
respondent court, "to absolve the guilty of bad faith in refusing to leave the Quisumbing, and Buena, JJ., concur.
defendants from paying rentals in arrears premises. But petitioners contend that they
while they continue occupying and acted in good faith under the belief that
enjoying the premises would be allowing they were entitled to an extension of the
the defendants to enrich themselves at the lease because they had made repairs and
expense of the plaintiff. (p. 55, Rollo) improvements on the premises.
Indeed, any objection to the admissibility of This contention is devoid of merit. The fact
evidence should be made at the time such that petitioners allegedly made repairs on
evidence is offered or as soon thereafter as the premises in question is not a reason for
the objection to its admissibility becomes them to retain the possession of the
apparent,[6] otherwise the objection will be premises. There is no provision of law which
considered waived and such evidence will grants the lessee a right of retention over
form part of the records of the case as the leased premises on that ground. Art.
competent and admissible 448 of the Civil Code, in relation to Art. 546,
evidence.[7] Rule 10, §5[8] of the Rules of which provides for full reimbursement of
Civil Procedure allows the amendment of useful improvements and retention of the
the pleadings in order to make them premises until reimbursement is made,
conform to the evidence in the record. applies only to a possessor in good
faith, i.e., one who builds on a land in the
Second. Petitioners claim that they are belief that he is the owner thereof. In a
entitled to an extension of time to occupy number of cases, the Court has held that
the premises in question. This, too, is without this right does not apply to a mere lessee,
merit. After the lease terminated on like the petitioners, otherwise, it would
January 1, 1990 and without the parties always be in his power to "improve" his
thereafter reaching any agreement for its landlord out of the latter's property.[13] Art.
renewal, petitioners became deforciants 1678 merely grants to such a lessee making
subject to ejectment from the premises.[9] in good faith useful improvements the right
to be reimbursed one-half of the value of
Neither did the Court of Appeals err in ruling the improvements upon the termination of
that petitioners are not entitled to a the lease, or, in the alternative, to remove
reasonable extension of time to occupy the the improvements if the lessor refuses to
premises on account of the fact that the make reimbursement.
lease contract between the parties has
already expired. As there was no longer Petitioners were thus correctly ordered to
any lease to speak of which could be pay attorney's fees considering that private
extended, the Metropolitan Trial Court was respondent had to go to court to protect
in effect making a contract for the parties his interest.[14] The award of P10,000.00 is
which it obviously did not have the power reasonable in view of the time it has taken
to do.[10] The potestative authority of the this rather simple case for ejectment to be
courts to fix a longer term for a lease under decided.
Art. 1687 of the Civil Code[11] applies only to
cases where there is no period fixed by the Fourth. Petitioners contend that the Court
parties. To the contrary, in this case, the of Appeals erred in affirming the denial of
39 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
DIVISION de Ubago, Vanessa de Ubago-Umali and "'If property is acquired through mistake or
Marietta de Ubago-Tan and Joseph fraud, the person obtaining it is by force of
[ GR No. 132644, Nov 19, 1999 ] Guballa de Ubago. On 27 November 1992, law, considered a trustee of an implied trust
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-42320 was for the benefit of the person from whom the
issued in favor of the de Ubagos. property comes.'
Less than a month later, or on 07 December
1992, private respondents filed a "Although it is true that after the lapse of
376 Phil. 825
complaint, docketed Civil Case No. RTC- one year, a decree of registration is no
905-I, for "Annulment of Sale with longer open to review or attack, although
Restraining Order, Injunction and its issuance was tainted with fraud;
VITUG, J.: Damages" against petitioners before however, the aggrieved party is not without
Branch 71 of the Regional Trial Court of a remedy at law. Notwithstanding the
The instant case is an appeal from a Zambales. In their complaint, private irrevocability of the Torrens Title already
decision of the Court of Appeals reversing respondents averred that the disputed issued in favor of Maria Espiritu, she and her
that of the Regional Trial Court on an action land sold by the heirs of Maria Espiritu to the successors-in-interest, although the
for reconveyance of property. The issues de Ubagos was the subject of a homestead registered owner under the Torrens system,
submitted by the parties may not really be application by their great grandfather, may still be compelled under the law to
all that novel. Andres Adona, but that Original Certificate reconvey the subject property to the real
of Title No. 398 was instead fraudulently owners. The Torrens system was not
The spouses Andres Adona and Leoncia issued to Maria Espiritu, on 04 December designed to shield and protect one who
Abad, husband and wife for a good 1933, upon her false representation that had committed fraud or misrepresentation
number of years, were blessed with five she was the widow of Andres Adona. and thus holds title in bad faith. (Amerol vs.
children among them being Carmen Bagumbaran, 154 SCRA 396, 404 [1987]);
Adona. Carmen married Filomeno Malay; In its decision of 25 July 1995 after a hearing
three children were begotten by the on the merits of the case, the trial court "In an action for reconveyance, the decree
marriage, namely, Cristito, Nora and dismissed the complaint for lack of cause of of registration is respected as
Dionisio (among the herein private action and on the ground of prescription. It incontrovertible. What is sought instead is
respondents). Following the death of opined that the action being one for the transfer of the property, which has been
Leoncia Abad in 1923, Andres Adona annulment of sale anchored on a wrongfully or erroneously registered in
cohabited with Maria Espiritu, herself a fraudulent titling of the subject property, another person's name, to its rightful and
widow, apparently without the benefit of the cause of action constituted a collateral legal owner, or to one with a better right.
marriage. Andres and Maria sired two attack on the Torrens Certificate of (Amerol, supra.)
children, Esperanza, represented herein by Title. The court a quo added that even if
her heirs all surnamed David, and Vicente the action were to be treated as being one "However, the right to seek reconveyance
Adona. Maria Espiritu likewise had a child for reconveyance, the suit would still have based on an implied or constructive trust is
by her previous marriage, Fulgencio to fail since an action for reconveyance not absolute. It is subject to extinctive
Lemque, now herein represented also by could only be brought within ten (10) years prescription. (Amerol, supra.; Caro vs.
his own heirs. counted from the date of issuance of the Court of Appeals, 180 SCRA 401, 405-407
certificate of title (in 1933). [1989]; Ramos vs. Court of Appeals, 112
During his lifetime, Andres Adona applied SCRA 542, 550 [1982]; Ramos vs. Ramos, 61
for a homestead patent over a parcel of On appeal, the Court of Appeals, in its SCRA 284, 299-300 [1974])
agricultural land located at Dirita, Iba, judgment of 11 February 1998,[1] set aside
Zambales, containing an area of 22.5776 the order of dismissal of the case decreed "An action for reconveyance of a parcel of
hectares. After Andres Adona had died, by the trial court and directed the land based on an implied trust prescribes in
Maria Espiritu, predecessor-in-interest of cancellation of Transfer Certificate of Title ten years, the point of reference being the
herein petitioners, succeeded in obtaining No. T-42320 in the name of the de Ubagos date of registration of the deed or the date
Original Certificate of Title No. 398 over the and the reconveyance of the property to of the issuance of the certificate of title over
land in her name. After Maria Espiritu had the estate of Andres Adona. Petitioners the property. (Amerol, supra.; Caro, supra.,
died in 1945, the children, as well as were additionally ordered to pay damages Casipit vs. Court of Appeals, 204 SCRA 684,
descendants of Andres Adona by his and attorney's fees to private 694 [1991]) This rule applies only when the
marriage with Leoncia Abad, continued to respondents. The appellate court, more plaintiff or the person enforcing the trust is
be in peaceful and quiet possession of the particularly ruled: not in possession of the property. If a person
subject land. claiming to be the owner thereof is in actual
possession of the property, the right to seek
Sometime in 1989, petitioners executed a reconveyance does not prescribe. The
deed of "Extrajudicial Settlement with Sale" "The evidence on record shows that OCT reason for this is one who is in actual
over the subject property in favor of Mrs. No. 398 issued in favor of Maria Espiritu was possession of a piece of land claiming to be
Venancia Ungson. Private respondents obtained by her fraudulent concealment the owner thereof may wait until his
protested the sale claiming that they were of the existence of Adona's first marriage to possession is disturbed or his title is attacked
the true owners of the land. Ultimately, in Leoncia Abad, as shown by the affidavit before taking steps to vindicate his
any event, the sale in favor of Mrs. Ungson she executed on September 21, 1928 and right. His undisturbed possession gives him
was rescinded in view of the latter's failure filed with the Director of Lands. the continuing right to seek the aid of a
to pay in full the consideration agreed court of equity to ascertain the nature of
upon. Subsequently, petitioners executed "Consequently, Maria Espiritu's fraudulent the adverse claim of third party and its
another deed of Extrajudicial Settlement concealment of material facts created an effect on his title, which right can be
with Sale. In this new instrument, dated 15 implied or constructive trust in favor of the claimed only by one who is in
December 1990, petitioners divided the plaintiffs, the excluded co-heirs and actual possession. (Vda. de Cabrera vs. Court of
land equally among themselves and sold possessors of the subject land. Article 1456 Appeals, G.R. 108547, February 3, 1997)
their respective shares to their co- of the Civil Code reads:
petitioners herein, Antonio de Ubago, Jr., "Hence, the undisturbed possession by
Milagros de Ubago-Umali, Felisa Guballa plaintiffs and their predecessors-in-interest
40 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
gave them the continuing right to resort to to the date of the issuance of the decree in property is in actual possession thereof, the
judicial intervention once their claim to ordinary cases. Just as the decree finally right to seek reconveyance does not
ownership was challenged. It was awards the land applied for registration to prescribe.
therefore the defendant Heirs' act of the party entitled to it, so also, the patent
executing the `Extrajudicial Settlement of issued by the Director of Lands equally and There is no doubt about the fact that an
Estate with Sale' which constituted the finally grants and conveys the land applied action for reconveyance based on an
express act of repudiation of the for to the applicant.[5] implied trust ordinarily prescribes in ten
constructive trust which gave rise to years.[13] This rule assumes, however, that
plaintiff's cause of action."[2] Original Certificate of Title No. 398 was there is an actual need to initiate that
issued in the name of Maria Espiritu on 04 action, for when the right of the true and
December 1933 and would have become real owner is recognized, expressly or
Aggrieved, petitioners have come to this indefeasible a year thereafter had not its implicitly such as when he remains
Court and seek to dispute the judgment of issuance been attended with fraud. The undisturbed in his possession, the statute of
the Court of Appeals ordering the attendance of fraud created an implied limitation would yet be irrelevant. An
cancellation of Original Certificate of Title trust in favor of private respondents and action for reconveyance, if nonetheless
No. 398 issued on 16 November 1933. It is gave them the right of action to seek the brought, would be in the nature of a suit for
the contention of petitioners that to allow remedy of reconveyance of the property quieting of title, or its equivalent, an action
private respondents to question Original wrongfully obtained.[6] In Javier vs. Court of that is imprescriptible. In Faja vs. Court of
Certificate of Title No. 398 fifty-nine years Appeals[7]this Court ruled: Appeals,[14] the Court has held that a
after its issuance would undermine the person in actual possession of a piece of
Torrens system and sanctity of the "x x x The basic rule is that after the lapse of land under claim of ownership may wait
certificate of title. one (1) year, a decree of registration is no until his possession is disturbed or his title is
longer open to review or attack although attacked before taking steps to vindicate
Private respondents, upon the other hand, its issuance is attended with actual fraud. his right, and that his undisturbed possession
asks this Court to sustain the decision of the This does not mean however that the gives him the continuing right to seek the
Court of Appeals on the thesis that the aggrieved party is without a remedy at aid of a court of equity to ascertain and
property in question indubitably belongs to law. If the property has not yet passed to determine the nature of the adverse claim
the estate of Andres Adona whose an innocent purchaser for value, an action of a third party and its effect on his title. In
incontestable right to it is derived from the for reconveyance is still available. The the words of the Court -
perfected homestead application two decree becomes incontrovertible and can
years prior to his death as so admitted by no longer be reviewed after one (1) year
Maria Espiritu herself in her affidavit from the date of the decree so that the only
submitted to the Director of Lands. remedy of the landowner whose property "x x x There is settled jurisprudence that one
has been wrongfully or erroneously who is in actual possession of a piece of
The Court rules for the affirmance of the registered in another's name is to bring an land claiming to be owner thereof may
challenged decision. ordinary action in court for reconveyance, wait until his possession is disturbed or his
which is an action in personam and is title is attacked before taking steps to
A certificate of title issued under an always available as long as the property vindicate his right, the reason for the rule
administrative proceeding pursuant to a has not passed to an innocent third party being, that his undisturbed possession gives
homestead patent covering a disposable for value. If the property has passed into him a continuing right to seek the aid of a
public land within the contemplation of the the hands of an innocent purchaser for court of equity to ascertain and determine
Public Land Law or Commonwealth Act value, the remedy is an action for the nature of the adverse claim of a third
No. 141 is as indefeasible as a certificate of damages"[8] party and its effect on his own title, which
title issued under a judicial registration right can be claimed only by one who is in
proceeding. Under the Land Registration The caption of the case before the court a possession. No better situation can be
Act, title to the property covered by a quo while denominated as being one for conceived at the moment for Us to apply
Torrens certificate becomes indefeasible "Annulment of Sale with Damages" is in this rule on equity than that of herein
after the expiration of one year from the reality an action for reconveyance since petitioners whose mother, Felipa Faja, was
entry of the decree of registration. Such the ultimate relief sought by private in possession of the litigated property for no
decree of registration is incontrovertible respondents would be for the property less than 30 years and was suddenly
and becomes binding on all persons covered by Original Certificate of Title No. confronted with a claim that the land she
whether or not they were notified of, or 398 to be reconveyed to the estate of had been occupying and cultivating all
participated in, the in rem registration Andres Adona. In this jurisdiction, these years, was titled in the name of a third
process.[3] There is no specific provision in the dictum adhered to is that the nature of person. We hold that in such a situation the
the Public Land Law or the Land an action is determined, more importantly, right to quiet title to the property, to seek its
Registration Act (Act 496), now Presidential by the body of the pleading or complaint reconveyance and annul any certificate of
Decree 1529, fixing a similar one-year itself[9] than by its title or heading. The Court title covering it, accrued only from the time
period within which a public land patent of Appeals did not err in treating the action the one in possession was made aware of
can be considered open to review on the brought by private respondents as one for a claim adverse to his own, and it is only
ground of actual fraud, such as that reconveyance or as one that seeks the then that the statutory period of
provided for in Section 38 of the Land transfer of the property, wrongfully prescription commences to run against
Registration Act, and now Section 32 of registered by another, to its rightful and such possessor."[15]
Presidential Decree 1529, and clothing a legal owner.[10] It would seem that Andres
public land patent certificate of title with Adona did perfect his homestead
indefeasibility. Nevertheless, this Court has The same dictum is reiterated in Heirs of
application prior to his death,[11] the right to
repeatedly applied Section 32 of Jose Olviga vs. Court of Appeals;[16] thus -
the issuance of the patent on which vests
Presidential Decree 1529 to a patent issued after complying with all the requirements of
in accordance with the law by the Director the law.[12]
of Lands, approved by the Secretary of
"With regard to the issue of prescription, this
Natural Resources, under the signature of The next crucial issue focuses on the ruling
Court has ruled a number of times before
the President of the Philippines.[4] The date of the Court of Appeals to the effect that if
that an action for reconveyance of a
of the issuance of the patent corresponds a person who claims to be the owner of the
parcel of land based on implied or
41 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
constructive trust prescribes in ten years, the previous sale should have put
the point of reference being the date of "Applying the aforequoted jurisprudence, defendant buyers on their guard.
registration of the deed or the date of the the defendant buyers can not be
issuance of the certificate of title over the considered as innocent purchasers for "Moreover, it is unbelievable that the
property (Vda de Portugal vs. IAC, 159 value. A perusal of defendant buyers' TCT defendant buyers would not have noticed
SCRA 178) But this rule applies only when No. 42320 reveals that it contains an entry the plaintiffs who were in possession of the
the plaintiff is not in possession of the by the Register of Deeds which provides land when the defendant buyers inspected
property, since if a person claiming to be that their ownership over the land is subject the same. Had they made further
the owner thereof is in actual possession of to prospective claims by any possible heirs investigations, they would have discovered
the property, the right to seek and creditors who might have been that plaintiffs were in possession of the land
reconveyance, which in effect seeks to deprived of their lawful participation in the under a claim of ownership.
quiet title to the property, does not estate. The said entry reads as follows:
prescribe."[17] "The rule is settled that a buyer of real
property which is in the possession of
persons other than the seller must be wary
Finally, this Court sees no cogent reasons to Section 4 - The property and should investigate the rights of those in
disturb the finding of the Court of Appeals described in this certificate of possession. Otherwise, without such inquiry,
that the de Ubagos may not be considered title is subject to the provisions of the buyer can hardly be regarded as a
buyers in good faith. Said the Appellate Section 4, Rule 74 of the Rules of buyer in good faith. The buyer who has
Court. "'Entry No.Court for the period of two years failed to know or discover that the land sold
102385 - in favor of in any other possible to him is in the adverse possession of
heir or heirs and creditors who another buyer in bad faith. (Embrado vs.
might have been deprived of his Court of Appeals, 233 SCRA 335, 347
"x x x An innocent purchaser for value is or their lawful participations in [1994])."[18]
one who buys property of another, without the said estate.
notice that some other person has a right
to, or interest in, such property and pays a Altogether, the Court sees no reversible
full and fair price for the same, at the time `Date of instrument - December 15, 1990. error on the part of the Court of Appeals in
of such purchase, or before he has notice its assailed decision.
of the claim or interest of some other `Date of Inscription - November 27, 1992 at
persons in the property. He buys the 2:00 p.m.' WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of
property with the belief that the person Appeals is AFFIRMED. Costs against
from whom he receives the thing was the (Exh. `E'; Rollo, p. 137) petitioners.
owner and could convey title to the
property. A purchaser can not close his "Section 4, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court SO ORDERED.
eyes to facts which should put a reads, in part, as follows:
reasonable man on his guard and still claim Melo, (Chairman), Panganiban,
he acted in good faith (Sandoval vs. Court Purisima, and Gonzaga-Reyes, JJ., concur.
of Appeals, 260 SCRA 283, 296 [1996])
"'Sec. 4. Liability of distributees and estate.
"It is well settled that one who deals with - If it shall appear at any time within (2)
property registered under the Torrens years after the settlement and distribution of
system need not go beyond the same, but an estate in accordance with the provisions
only has to rely on the title. He is charged of either of the first two sections of this rule,
with notice only of such burdens and claims that an heir or other person has been
as are annotated on the title. (Sandoval, unduly deprived of his lawful participation
supra., at p. 295) in the estate, such heir or such other person
may compel the settlement of the estate in
"The aforestated principle admits of an the courts in the manner hereinafter
unchallenged exception: that a person provided for the purpose of satisfying such
dealing with registered land has a right to lawful participation. x x x.'
rely on the Torrens certificate of title and to
dispense with the need of inquiring
further except when the party has actual
"The record shows that the `Extrajudicial
knowledge of facts and circumstances
Settlement of Estate with Sale' was
that would impel a reasonably cautious
executed on December 15, 1990. Plaintiffs'
man to make such inquiry or when the
complaint for Reconveyance was filed on
purchaser has some knowledge of a
December 7, 1992. Hence, the two-year
defect or the lack of title in his vendor or of
period has not yet elapsed.
sufficient facts to induce a reasonably
prudent man to inquire into the status of the
"It likewise appears that the subject land
title of the property in litigation. The
was the object of a sale between the
presence of anything which excites or
defendant Heirs and one Mrs. Venancia
arouses suspicion should then prompt the
Ungson which was subsequently aborted
vendee to look beyond the certificate and
due to the intervention of defendant
investigate the title of the vendor
Vicente Adona and plaintiff Cristito
appearing on the face of said certificate.
Malay. (Exhs. `K', `K-1' and `L') However,
One who falls within the exception can
defendant Heirs nevertheless executed
neither be denominated an innocent
another sale in favor of defendant buyers
purchaser for value nor a purchaser in
who are admittedly relatives of Mrs.
good faith and hence does not merit the
Venancia Ungson. (TSN, January 23, 1995,
protection of the law. (Sandoval, supra.)
p.14) Plaintiff Cristito Malay's intervention in
(Underscoring supplied)
42 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
FIRST DIVISION 10, 1976, Philtrust filed a motion for the SO ORDERED.[3]
issuance of a writ of possession of said
[G.R. No. 124658. December 15, 1999] properties. On February 28, 1977, the trial The decision of the Court of Appeals was
court issued an order declaring that the affirmed by the Supreme Court on
PHILIPPINE TRUST COMPANY, petitioner, September 2, 1988, and the subsequent
bank was entitled to the possession of
vs. HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and motion for reconsideration was denied
the properties but allowed the previous
SIMEON POLICARPIO SHIPYARD AND with finality on February 15, 1989 for lack
owners, the Policarpios, to adduce
SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, respondents. of merit. Pursuant to the affirmed
evidence showing that they built the
house in good faith. Despite having decision of the Court of Appeals, the trial
been given several opportunities to do court issued an alias writ of execution
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: so, the Policarpios failed to introduce and possession on August 8, 1989. The
any evidence in their behalf, prompting writ was served on Lumen Policarpio on
The petition before us has its origins in a the trial court to issue on May 29, 1979 September 22, 1989. Meanwhile, she
decision rendered by this Court on the writ of possession. Upon the denial of filed a motion for reconsideration on
August 25, 1969 entitled Philippine Trust a subsequent motion for September 13, 1989 which was
Company vs. Simeon Policarpio, reconsideration, Lumen Policarpio filed a subsequently denied. In February 1990,
Modesta Reyes and Iluminada (Lumen) petition for certiorari with the Court of the implementation of the first alias writ
R. Policarpio.[1] Appeals, asking for leave to present of possession was ordered. When the life
evidence that she was a builder in good of the first alias writ of possession expired,
Sometime in 1958, Iluminada Lumen Philtrust moved for the issuance of a
faith. The case was consolidated with
Policarpio, obtained a loan from second alias writ of possession. On
CA-G.R. S.P. No. 10129, entitled Ricardo
Philippine Trust Company (Philtrust, for October 30, 1990, the second alias writ
Policarpio, Petitioner versus Hon. Elvirio
short) in the sum of P300,000.00. As of possession was received by Jose
Peralta, Respondent, since the two
security for the loan, Lumens parents, as Policarpio, brother of the private
cases arose from the same facts. On
sureties, executed a deed of mortgage respondent, at her residence on 1064 M.
August 29, 1980, the Court of Appeals
to the bank over some parcels of land, Naval Street, Navotas, Metro Manila.
dismissed the two petitions and upheld
including all the improvements thereon,
the writ of possession issued by the trial
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title It was only on November 14, 1990, or
court. Lumen Policarpio filed a petition
No. 4144 (now 51668) of the Register of after eleven (11) years and six (6)
for review with this Court but the same
Deeds of the City of Manila and Transfer months, that Philtrust was finally placed
was denied for lack of merit. On motion
Certificate of Title No. 24182 of the in possession of the foreclosed
for reconsideration, however, this Court
Register of Deeds of Rizal. Upon failure of properties, and thirty-one (31) years and
set aside its earlier resolution and
Lumen Policarpio to pay the loan when two (2) months from the time the case for
remanded the case to the Court of
it fell due, Philtrust initiated foreclosure foreclosure proceeding was instituted in
Appeals to allow Lumen Policarpio to
proceedings before the Court of First the Court of First Instance on September
adduce evidence showing that she was
Instance (CFI) of Manila. The trial court 29, 1959.
a builder in good faith. Meanwhile, on
rendered judgment for foreclosure on
December 29, 1980, the bank sold the Thereafter, Simeon Policarpio, Modesta
October 14, 1963, which this Court
properties to the present owner, Alto Reyes and Iluminada Lumen Policarpio
affirmed on August 25, 1969.[2]
Industrial Enterprises, Inc. which, on filed a petition for prohibition with
On October 15, 1970, Philtrust purchased September 17, 1984, was allowed to preliminary mandatory injunction with
the properties at the auction sale. The intervene by the court a quo. In a the Court of Appeals alleging grave
sale was confirmed by the trial court in resolution dated January 11, 1985, the abuse of discretion on the part of the trial
1971. That same year, the bank was able Court of Appeals granted Philtrusts court in ordering the premature
to consolidate ownership over the motion for issuance of a writ of partial implementation of the second alias writ
property. On March 13, 1972, a Transfer possession of the properties involved of possession dated October 15, 1990
Certificate of Title was issued in the name except the portion of 1,000 square alleging that when the writ of possession
of the bank. Lumen Policarpio filed a meters wherein Lumen Policarpios house was issued, the motion for
complaint in the Court of First Instance of stood. On August 31, 1987, the Court of reconsideration of the order of October
Rizal on March 23, 1972 to declare the Appeals rendered a decision, the 15, 1990 had not yet been resolved. A
auction sale void for lack of merit, dispositive portion of which reads as motion for intervention was filed by third
however, the trial court decided in favor follows: party claimants Concordia Ysmael,
of Philtrust. Lumen Policarpio elevated Gladys Ysmael, and Leonila
WHEREFORE, in consequence of our
the case to this Court on certiorari but Policarpio. Another motion for
conclusion that petitioner was not a
the petition was dismissed on July 23, intervention had been filed by Simeon
builder in good faith entitled to the right
1973 for lack of merit. Policarpio Shipyard and Shipbuilding
of reimbursement with the right of
Corporation and R.M. Dried Fish
In February 1974, the ancestral house of retention, the submission and prayer that
Product.The Court of Appeals, however,
the Policarpios situated in the same the writ of possession issued in this case
dismissed the petition saying that the
property already owned by the bank be annulled and set aside, should in view
Policarpios had been fully heard on the
was destroyed by a typhoon. Lumen of the facts disclosed after hearing of this
issues involved. As to the motions for
Policarpio sent letters to the bank officers appellate court, be as it is hereby,
intervention filed by third party
informing them of the destruction and rejected and denied. It follows that the
claimants, the court ruled that the
her plan to rebuild the house. Philtrust, court a quo may now proceed without
supposed intervenors are not really third
however, never acted on any of the further delay to implement the
party claimants but successors-in-interest
letters. Thus, Lumen Policarpio questioned writ of possession and take
of spouses Policarpio against whom the
proceeded to construct the house, such other steps and proceedings
writ is likewise enforceable since the sale
purportedly to provide shelter for her consistent with this judgment.
of the property to Simeon Policarpio
ailing mother. Meanwhile, on October
43 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
Shipyard and Shipbuilding Corporation possession subjecting thereto the be those covered by Transfer Certificate
and the new house built on a portion of property covered by OCT-R-165, which is of Title No. 41144 (now 51668) of the
the subject property by the Ysmaels, as entirely separate and distinct from the Register of Deeds of the City of Manila,
well as the other transactions entered property subject of the writ. Since the and Transfer Certificate of Title No. 24182
into by the Policarpios, were made after corporation was the one in possession of of the Register of Deeds of Rizal.[10]
title to the land had been consolidated the property at the time of the
in the name of the bank. On appeal to implementation of the writ, it is the real The same properties were the subject of
this Court, the aforesaid decision was party in interest as it was the one litigation between the same parties
affirmed and declared to be prejudiced by the alleged improper before this Court in the following cases:
immediately executory on August 26, implementation of the writ of
1. G.R. No. L-22685 - On August 25, 1969,
1991.[4] possession.[8]
this Court affirmed the judgment of
On November 11, 1992, herein private Petitioner Philtrust appealed to the Court foreclosure by the trial court in favor of
respondent Simeon Policarpio Shipyard of Appeals reiterating its claim that Philtrust.
and Shipbuilding Corporation (SPSSC for private respondents complaint states no
2. G.R. No. L-37143 - On July 20, 1973, this
short) filed a complaint for Damages, cause of action since private
Court dismissed the petition for review
Injunction, and Mandamus against respondent failed to redeem its
on certiorari filed by the Policarpios
petitioner Philtrust and RTC Malabon mortgaged property covered by OCT-R-
which sought to declare the auction sale
Sheriff Augusto Castro and Deputy 165 to Landbank within the one year
void for lack of notice.
Gallardo C. Tolentino, alleging that on period of redemption and, hence, is not
November 14, 1990, by virtue of an alias a real party in interest. 3. G.R. No. 55900 - Initially, this Court
writ of execution and possession issued denied the petition filed by Lumen
by Branch 12, Regional Trial Court (RTC) On July 30, 1995, the Court of Appeals
Policarpio, but on a motion for
of Manila on October 15, 1990, the affirmed the ruling of the trial court,
reconsideration, we remanded the case
defendant Sheriff, together with Philtrust stating that as far as the parcels of land
to the Court of Appeals to determine
counsel Atty. Antonio Sikat, Justice covered by TCT 234088 and TCT 24182
whether petitioner was a builder in good
Guillermo Santos and Maria C. Noche, are concerned, there is identity of
with the use of trickery and fraudulent subject matter. But as to the property
machination, in the absence of the covered by OCT-R-165, the doctrine 4. G.R. No. 81142 - On February 10, 1989,
owner of the shipyard shipbuilding of res judicata is inapplicable. The Court this Court resolved with finality to uphold
corporation, opened the gates of the of Appeals also ruled that although the its resolution of September 28, 1988 and
shipyard without notice to the owners property covered by OCT-R-165 had the decision of the Court of Appeals
and took possession of it despite the fact been foreclosed by Landbank as early dated August 31, 1987 that Lumen
that it was not one of the properties as April 27, 1987, and private respondent Policarpio was a builder in bad faith and
mortgaged to the bank.[5] failed to redeem it within the one year the writ of possession in favor of Philtrust
period of redemption, since there was be implemented without further
Petitioner Philtrust filed a motion to no showing that a second or final deed delay.[11]
dismiss on the grounds of res of sale has been executed in favor of
judicata and failure on the part of Landbank, there could not have been a 5. G.R. No. 97963 On August 26, 1991, this
private respondent SPSSC to state a resulting transfer of title covering said Court again dismissed the petition of
cause of action. Petitioner alleged that property in favor of Landbank.[9] Their Simeon Policarpio, Modesta Reyes and
the issues raised by private respondent motion for reconsideration having been Iluminada Lumen Policarpio questioning
involved the same parties and the same denied by the Court of Appeals, Philtrust the propriety of the implementation of
properties which have already been has instituted the present petition. the second alias writ of possession
passed upon by the courts including the alleging that when the writ of possession
Supreme Court. Petitioner further Petitioner reiterates its claim that res had been implemented, a motion for
alleged that the complaint states no judicata is applicable as to OCT-R-165 reconsideration had not yet been
cause of action since the property and that private respondents complaint resolved.[12]
covered by OCT-R-165 is no longer states no cause of action.
owned by private respondent but by the The complaint for damages filed by
We find no merit in the petition. private respondent SPSSC with the
Land Bank of the Philippines. It appears
that the property has been mortgaged Regional Trial Court of Malabon, Metro
The litigation over the properties of the
by private respondent to the said bank Manila, Branch 170, on November 19,
Policarpios subject to foreclosure by
in an instrument dated April 30, 1982 to 1992, however, was predicated on the
Philtrust has spanned almost 40 years
guarantee payment of a loan in the sum alleged improper implementation of the
since its inception. Atty. Lumen
of Four Million Five Hundred Twenty Nine alias writ of execution involving two
Policarpio has instituted a number of
Thousand Pesos (P4,529,000.00).[6] parcels of land covered by TCT 234088
petitions before us, in an apparent
and OCT-R-165. Respondent Court of
attempt to forestall foreclosure of the
The trial court denied the motion to Appeals noted that TCT 234088 is
properties mentioned in Case No. L-
dismiss filed by petitioner Philtrust on the actually a consolidation of lots sold to
228685 entitled, Philippine Trust
ground that the doctrine of res Simeon Policarpio Shipyard and
Company vs. Simeon Policarpio,
judicata is inapplicable as to OCT-R- Shipbuilding Corporation by spouses
Modesta Reyes, and Iluminada (Lumen)
165.[7] On motion for reconsideration Simeon Policarpio and Modesta Reyes
R. Policarpio, rendered by this Court on
filed by petitioner Philtrust, the trial court after title to the properties subject of
August 25, 1969. The said decision
ruled that the case was one for foreclosure has already been
specifically identified the parcels of land
damages anchored on the alleged consolidated in the name of petitioner
subject of the deed of mortgage
improper implementation by the Philtrust. Among the parcels of land sold
executed by spouses Policarpio to
defendant Sheriff of the alias writ of was the lot covered by TCT No. 24182 of
secure the loan of Lumen Policarpio to
44 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
the Register of Deeds of Rizal, which by OCT R-165 has been mortgaged to holder, except that which constitutes a
property had been identified by this the Landbank of the Philippines to crime, should be respected and
Court as one of the properties secure a loan in the sum of Four Million protected by the means established
mortgaged to Philtrust on May 23, Five Hundred Twenty Nine Thousand and the laws of
1958.[13] Hence, insofar as the parcel of Pesos (P4,529,000.00) on April 30, procedure.[17] Consequently, private
land covered by TCT 24182 included in 1982. The property was foreclosed as respondent having been in lawful
TCT 234088 is concerned, there is an early as April 27, 1987 as evidenced by a possession of the property covered by
identity of parties, subject matter and certificate of sale issued by the ex-officio OCT-R-165 at the time the writ of
cause of action. Consequently, the trial sheriff of Malabon. The certificate of sale possession was implemented, may
court and the Court of Appeals did not was inscribed in the Register of Deeds on institute an action for having been
err in declaring that res judicata is September 21, 1987, giving private disturbed in its enjoyment.
applicable as to the complaint for respondent one year to redeem
damages based on the improper it. However, private respondent failed to WHEREFORE, the decision rendered by
implementation of the writ of possession redeem the said property within the one the Court of Appeals, in C.A. G.R. SP No.
involving TCT 24182 included in TCT year redemption period. Nevertheless, 39342, dismissing the instant petition
234088 because all the elements of res despite failure of private respondent to for certiorari filed by Philippine Trust
judicata are present, to wit: (a) the redeem the property within the one year Company is AFFIRMED in toto.
former judgment is final; (b) the court period following its foreclosure, the bank
which rendered it had jurisdiction over has deferred consolidation of title and
the subject matter and the parties; (c) it has given private respondent the option Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman),
was a judgment on the merits; and (d) to re-acquire the property subject to Puno, and Kapunan, JJ., concur.
there must be, between the first and certain terms under negotiation. A
second actions, identity of parties, certification issued by the bank dated Pardo, J., no part due to relation to a
subject matter and causes of action.[14] October 18, 1994 reads: party.
With regard to the parcel of land This is to certify that a certain property
covered by OCT-R-165, however, there is located in Navotas, Rizal owned by
no showing, and there is nothing on the Simeon Policarpio Shipyard and Building
records, to indicate that it has ever been Corporation and covered by OCT-R-165
mortgaged by the Policarpios or their was foreclosed by the bank per
successors in interest to petitioner certificate of sale dated April 29,
Bank. In fact, the aforesaid parcel of 1994. The said corporation, represented
land could not have been the subject of by Atty. Lumen Policarpio, was given the
litigation between the said parties option to re-acquire the property under
considering that the Original Certificate the terms presently being negotiated
of Title No. R-165 was only issued in the with Landbank.
name of private respondent, Simeon
Policarpio Shipyard and Shipbuilding Although the one year period of
Corporation, on October 14, 1981, more redemption had expired on September
than twelve years after the rendition of 21, 1988, this bank has deferred the
the afore-stated Supreme Court consolidation of title in view of the report
judgment.[15] Hence, res judicata is not that said property is fully submerged in
applicable as regards OCT-R-165 water.[16]
because there is no identity of the
Since private respondent was in
subject matter.
possession of the aforesaid parcel of
Petitioner makes much issue of the fact land when the writ of possession was
that private respondent has failed to improperly implemented by the sheriff, it
redeem the foreclosed property is not correct therefore to say that
covered by OCT-R-165 from Landbank private respondent does not have a
and hence, not being the owner of the cause of action, simply because it was
property in question, private no longer the owner of the property in
respondents complaint for damages question when the writ of possession was
states no cause of action. implemented. It is elementary that a
lawful possessor of a thing has the right
This contention deserves scant to institute an action should he be
consideration. Rule 3, Section 2 of the disturbed in its enjoyment. Verily, Article
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure requires 539 of the Civil Code states that
that every action must be prosecuted
and defended in the name of the real Every possessor has a right to be
party in interest. This means that the respected in his possession; and should
action must be brought by the person he be disturbed therein, he shall be
who, by substantive law, possesses the restored to said possession by the means
right sought to be enforced and not established by the laws and rules of
necessarily the person who will ultimately court. x x x
benefit from the recovery.
The phrase every possessor in the article
Private respondent SPSSC does not indicates that all kinds of possession,
dispute that the parcel of land covered from that of the owner to that of a mere
45 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
G.R. No. L-24490 May 29, 1968 Plaintiff maintains that the lower court erred in time specified in the notice and prove title to
holding that he had no title to the carabao, for the animals taken or seized as aforesaid,"
CIRIACO LANDA, plaintiff-appellant, non-compliance, on his part, with the notice of such fact shall be given by said
provisions of the Revised Administrative Code, officer to the provincial board, "which shall
vs. requiring the registration of cattle, prescribing order said animals to be sold at public
the procedure for the transfer thereof, auction," after giving the notice prescribed in
FRANCISCO TOBIAS, Municipal Mayor;
regulating amendments to certificates of said legal provision. The "purchaser at such
ownership, and establishing the necessity of sale shall" — in the language of Section 540 —
EMILIANO DEL CAMPO, Municipal Treasurer;
registration and issuance of a certificate of "receive a good and indefeasible title to the
REGIO B. SUBONG, Chief of Police; transfer in order that the same may be valid. animal sold."
He invokes the provision of the Civil Code,
JUANITO PECATE and JUANITO ALFARO, governing contracts in general, to the effect Even if plaintiff were hypothetically the true
Municipal Policemen, Cabatuan, Iloilo, that "contracts shall be obligatory in whatever owner of the carabao in question, his only
defendants-appellees. form they may have been entered into remedy was, accordingly, to claim it before
provided all essential requisites for their validity the municipal treasurer and prove to the latter
Pedro Puga for plaintiff-appellant. are present." 1 In addition, to the essential his (plaintiff's) title thereto, either prior to or at
requisites specified in the Civil Code, the the time of the auction sale. Not having done
A. M. Bolinao, Jr. for defendants-appellees. Revised Administrative Code prescribes, so, plaintiff can not now make such claim
however, another requisite, as regards the judicially and try to prove his title — which,
CONCEPCION, C.J.: transfer of title to cattle, namely, the after all, he has failed to establish — much less
registration of said transfer and the issuance to seek indemnity from the public officers who,
From an order of the Court of First Instance of the transferee of the corresponding certificate by reason of their official duties, had a hand in
Iloilo dismissing the complaint in this case, of transfer, 2 neither of which has been proven the seizure and sale of the carabao.
plaintiff has come directly to the Supreme in the case at bar.
Court, upon the ground that only questions of Considering the stipulation of the parties
law would be raised in the appeal. Although plaintiff claimed to have the herein, to the effect that said sale had been
aforementioned certificate of transfer, but he "duly approved by the Provincial Board," apart
On June 23, 1962, defendants Juanito Pecate did not produce the same. In fact, plaintiff from the legal presumption "that official duty
and Juanito Alfaro, members of the police could not possibly have such certificate, for has been regularly performed" 5 we must
force of Cabatuan, Iloilo, purporting to act the carabao was allegedly conveyed to him assume that defendants herein had complied
pursuant to section 538 of the Revised by Marcelino Mayormente, whereas the with the requirements of the legal provisions
Administrative Code, seized from plaintiff registered owner is Pantaleon Elvas — and above referred to, and, consequently, they
Ciriaco Landa a carabao, for which he plaintiff knew this fact — and there is no can not be held liable for the aforesaid seizure
produced a certificate of ownership in the competent proof that Elvas had ever assigned and sale.
name of Pantaleon Elvas. Said peace officers the animal to Mayormente. Again, the
turned the carabao over to the municipal complaint for swindling filed against Plaintiff further alleges that the lower court
treasurer of Cabatuan, defendant Emiliano Mayormente indicates that the carabao did erred in not declaring that the public auction
del Campo, who, on July 25, 1962, upon the not belong to him. Regardless of the of the carabao in question as "astray" is
authority of section 540 of said Code, sold the aforementioned provisions of the Revised against the law, because the animal was
animal at public auction, which was duly Administrative Code, the title to the carabao taken or seized from him, not found astray. This
approved by the Provincial Board on July 26, could not have passed, therefore, to Landa, in pretense is groundless. It is not borne out by
1963. In an affidavit dated June 25, 1962, consequence of his alleged transaction with paragraph 3 of the partial stipulation of facts
Landa tried to explain that he had acquired Mayormente, who had no such title. It may not cited by him in support thereof. The sale at
the carabao, by barter with an older carabao, be amiss to note that Mayormente might be public auction was held pursuant to the
from Marcelino Mayormente, who, on August no more than a figment of the imagination, for aforementioned Section 540, captioned "Sale
1, 1962, was charged, in the Justice of the he has neither taken the witness stand nor of unclaimed" — not astray — "animal,"
Peace Court of Cabatuan, with swindling; but been found. although referring to "all estray and all animals
he has not been apprehended up to the recovered from thieves or taken by peace
present. Apart from this, the certificate of ownership, officers from persons unlawfully or reasonably
Exhibit A, produced by the plaintiff to suspected of being unlawfully in possession of
On or about April 16, 1963, Landa patrolmen Pecate and Alfaro was not in the same" — which are the subject-matter of
commenced in said court, the present action plaintiff's name and admittedly bore sign of Section 538 — the owners of which "fail to
against Francisco Tobias, the Municipal Mayor tampering. Although the blank spaces in said present themselves within the time fixed in the
of Cabatuan, its Municipal Treasurer, Emiliano printed form were filled with words and figures notice and prove title to the
del Campo, its Chief of Police, Regio B. written in indelible pencil, the spaces for the animals taken or seized as aforesaid." Such is
Subong, and the aforementioned policemen, year of its issuance and the age of the animal precisely, the situation obtaining in the case at
Juanito Pecate and Juanita Alfaro, for the described therein have traces of erasures and bar.
recovery of damages with costs, upon the the figures 59 and 3, respectively, are written
ground that he (plaintiff) had been wrongfully thereon in ink, to indicate that the certificate WHEREFORE, the order appealed from is
deprived of the possession of the carabao had been issued in 1959 and that said hereby affirmed, with costs against plaintiff-
above referred to. In their answer, the carabao was then three (3) years of age. The appellant, Ciriaco Landa.
defendants alleged, inter alia, that the acts original record of said document shows that it
complained of had been performed by them Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar,
was issued in 1961 and the age of said
in accordance with law. Sanchez, Castro and Angeles, JJ., concur.
carabao was then one year and a half .
Fernando, J., took no part.
Said court having, in due course, rendered Under these circumstances, it is clear that the
judgment in favor of the defendants, plaintiff policemen had reasonable grounds to
appealed to the Court of First Instance of Iloilo, suspect that plaintiff's possession of the
in which the parties submitted a partial carabao was unlawful, as well as to seize the
stipulation of facts. Later on, after the animal and deliver the same to the municipal
presentation of plaintiff's evidence, which treasurer, as provided in Section 538 of the
consisted of his testimony and some exhibits, Revised Administrative Code. 3 Pursuant
the defendants moved to dismiss the case, thereto and to Section 540 of the same
which the Court of First Instance granted. Code, 4 said municipal treasurer had, not only
Plaintiff's subsequent motion for new trial the authority, but, also, the "duty" to issue, post
having been denied, he interposed the and cause to be served a notice of the seizure
present appeal.1ªvvphi1.nêt
or taking of said animal, and, if the owners
thereof "fail to present themselves within the
46 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
G.R. No. L-40880 October 23, 1979 The complaint further alleged that after 2. Declaring the defendants the real
the death of Juan Andan on June 19, owners of the land described in the
ASUNCION CRUZ, ANGEL ANDAN, 1961, Asuncion Cruz, surviving widow of complaint;
ALBERTO ANDAN, CESAR ANDAN, Juan Andan, began refusing to share the
ROMAN ANDAN and MARINA rentals with the plaintiffs insisting that the 3. Ordering the plaintiffs to pay to the
ANDAN, petitioners, land above-described belongs to them defendants damages by way of
vs. because it was sold by plaintiffs' father, attorney's fees in the amount of
HON. COURT OF APPEALS, CATALINA Eustaquio Arceo to her husband, Juan P1,000.00 and the costs.
ARCEO and ILDEFONSO Andan which is not true and that despite
SANTOS, respondents. On appeal to the Court of Appeals by
demands for said rentals and for the
the plaintiffs, the decision of the trial
return of possession of the property,
Zolilo P. Perlas for petitioners. court was reversed and the respondent
defendants refused. Plaintiffs pray for the
court ordered the return of the property
Pedro G. Uy & Francisco D. Bacabac for payment of rent totalling P1,750.00 plus
to the possession of the Arceos,
respondents. subsequent rentals that may accrue with
payment of back rentals due them
legal interest, the return of the property
covering the period from June, 1961 at
and damages. 3
the rate of P50.00 a month with legal
GUERRERO, J.: Answering the complaint, defendants interest until the premises are vacated
(now the petitioners) denied the and costs.
This is a petition to review on certiorari material averments alleged, claiming as
the judgment of the Court of Upon a motion for reconsideration, the
special defense that their predecessor-
Appeals 1 rendered in CA-G.R. No. same was denied although the
in-interest Juan Andan, deceased
51264-R, entitled "Catalina Arceo and appellate court specifically made the
husband of Asuncion and father of the
Ildefonso Santos, plaintiffs-appellants vs. finding that the possession of the
other defendants, acquired the land
Asuncion Cruz, et al., defendants- petitioners "became adverse to plaintiffs'
from his mother Julia Dizon and upon the
appellees" which reversed the decision rights in 1953, after the Civil Code had
death of Juan Andan, defendants
of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan taken effect." Hence, the present
acquired the same by operation of law;
in favor of the defendants therein, now petition for certiorari.
they further claimed that they have
the petitioners, and the resolution of the been in actual possession of the land by Petitioners submit the following
appellate court denying the motion for themselves and thru their predecessors- assignment of errors:
reconsideration. 2 in-interest publicly, openly, Peacefully,
continuously, under a claim of title and I. The Court of Appeals, on the basis of
On April 22, 1964, the spouses Catalina
in the concept of owner exclusively and the admitted, stipulated and established
Arceo and Ildefonso Santos filed a
adversely against the whole world. They facts, committed gross misappreciation
complaint against Asuncion Cruz, widow
also set up a counterclaim by way of of facts in not affirming the decision of
of the deceased Juan Andan and their
attorney's fees and litigation expenses. the lower court that the petitioners are
children Alberto, Cesar, Angel, Ronian,
They prayed for the dismissal of the the rightful owners of the property and
and Marina, all surnamed Andan, for the
complaint; that they be declared therefore entitled to the possession
recovery of possession of a parcel of
owners of the land and awarded moral thereof
residential land with an area of 1,637 sq.
damages. 4
meters, located in Poblacion, Pulilan, II. The Court of Appeals, on the basis of
Bulacan originally covered by Tax At the pre-trial, the following were the proven facts, had grossly
Declaration No. 388 in the name of admitted by the parties: "that previously misappreciated the same in not finding
Eustaquio Arceo, assessed at P830.00, the land in question was declared for that petitioners have acquired the
bounded on the north by Juan Maniego taxation purposes in the name of property also by acquisitive prescription
and Dominga Santos; south by Eustaquio Arceo, father of plaintiff and/or that it should have found that
provincial road; east by Emiliano Santos Catalina Arceo; that Eustaquio Arceo private respondents had no right of
and west by Rufino Arceo. died on September 18, 1917; that the action and even if they have the same
only heir of Eustaquio Arceo is plaintiff had been extinguished by prescription.
The complaint averred that plaintiff
Catalina Arceo; that the said tax
Catalina Arceo inherited the property by III. The Court of Appeals likewise
declaration in the name of Eustaquio
virtue of inheritance from her parents, committed gross misapprehension of
Arceo was concelled and transferred in
Eustaquio Arceo and Angelina Dizon, facts and departed from the established
the name of Juan Andan on May 29,
both deceased; "that sometime in the jurisprudence when it decided this case
1953 and after his death in the names of
later part of 1952, plaintiff had agreed solely on the fact that the house was,
his heirs, defendants herein; that
with Juan Andan that the latter could "erected on the solar of Eustaquio
defendants have been and are in
build a house on the abovedescribed Arceo".
possession of the property in question
property and to pay the corresponding
having buildings for residential purposes
tax of said property and snow her to live IV. That the Court of Appeals also erred
and for rent; that defendants have
with the family of Juan Andan in the and radically departed in disregarding
consistently paid the corresponding
house without any other obligation; they the statute of frauds, parol evidence rule
taxes." 5
further agreed that Juan Andan could and dead man's statute, disregarding
build, as he did, accessories on the After trial, the trial court rendered the timely objection raised therein during
property and for her to share in the judgment in favor of the defendants and the trial.
rentals which rentals she had been against the plaintiffs:
sharing per their agreement at 150.00 V. That the Court of Appeals gravely
per month since 1958 up to May 1961 1. Dismissing the complaint; erred in not dismissing the private
(par. 5);" respondents' appeal considering that
47 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
the brief was submitted six months after It is amusing to note that Exhibits 1, I-A to I-C rentals. Where the lessor is unable to produce
the death of the real party in interest. are tax receipts for the years 1947 to 1950 paid receipts of the rents paid during a period of
by the defendants' predecessors-in- interest on ten years or even a single receipt for a month
VI. That the Court of Appeals similarly the land in question, while plaintiffs claim that or some document, writing. note or
the alleged agreement with Juan Andan memorandum of the lease and does not even
committed a palpable error when it
started only in the earlier part of 1952 and he explain his failure thereof, the claim of private
found that petitioners should pay a
(Juan Andan) started paying the rental from respondents that there was such a lease of the
monthly rental of P50.00 a month from 1968 up to 1961. These tax receipts belie the property is rendered beyond belief, contrary
1961 until they vacate the premises with pretension that Juan Andan paid the taxes on to human experience and practice and the
legal rate of interest, thereby radically the house and lot in question because of the usual course of things.
departing from the established said alleged agreement. Exhibit 2 is the receipt
for the house erected therein in the name of The records further disclose that petitioners'
jurisprudence that a possessor in good
Julia Dizon and is dated June 4, 1948. 6 counsel, at the trial of the case, objected to
faith is not liable for any damage.
the introduction of parol evidence to prove
On appeal, the respondent court without the oral lease agreement which the trial court
VII. That by and large, the decision of the
squarely deciding the issue, impliedly upheld sustained. 8 Hence, there being no parol
Court of Appeals reversing that of the the oral lease agreement by ordering evidence to prove the oral lease agreement,
lower court was manifestly in error. petitioners to pay back rentals and the ruling of the appellate court upholding the
subsequent rentals at P50.00 a month with lease agreement was without legal or factual
The main thrust of petitioners' brief is the interest. Considering the facts established on basis. We hold that there is no competent
grave error of the respondent court in record, We hold that the finding of the proof of such oral lease.
the gross misappreciation and appellate court is not supported by substantial
evidence. 2. The Court of Appeals, in reversing the
misapprehension of facts that have
judgment of the trial court, relied mainly on
been admitted and stipulated by the
We agree with the trial court that Exhibits 1, 1- what the former called the "silent and
parties, and established on record. A to 1-C which are tax receipts for the years eloquent proof of plaintiffs' ownership of the
1947 to 1950 paid by petitioners' predecessors- land in dispute (which) is the expressed
We agree with the petitioners. in-interest on the property in dispute clearly recognition of Julia Dizon and Juan Andan of
overthrow the contention of the private Catalina Arceos property right. And this is best
1. The principal bone of contention respondents that Juan Andan agreed to pay illustrated when Julia Dizon consented to the
between the parties is the nature and the taxes by reason of the alleged oral lease annotation in her tax declaration No. 5775 that
concept of petitioners' possession of the agreement which was supposedly made in her house was "Erected on the Solar of
premises, which the private respondents 1952. It is highly improbable, if not incredible Eustaquio Arceo Tax No. 388" (Exhibit 1-C).
admit. According to the private that a lessee would pay taxes due for five
years on the leased premises before he We do not agree with the respondent court for
respondents as alleged in their
actually begins occupancy of the same. there is no scintilla of evidence that Julia Dizon
complaint, par. 5, sometime in the later consented to the aforestated annotation. She
part of 1952, Catalina Arceo had The records also disclose proceedings during had long died when the case was filed, so was
agreed with Juan Andan that the later the pre-trial of the case wherein counsel of the Juan Andan, her only son. There is also no
could build a house on the property and private respondents admitted the possession proof when such annotation was made and
to pay the corresponding tax thereon of the land in question by the petitioners to by whom. At the time Tax Declaration No. 5775
have started in 1938 when Catalina Arceo was constituted by Julia Dizon on February 13,
and allow her to live with the family of
married and she went out of the place. And 1948, the land itself bore Tax Declaration No.
Juan Andan in the house without any
immediately thereafter, the Court said: "In this 388, hence, it was merely routinary on the part
other obligation and they further agreed connection, the plaintiff admits that it was only of the to indicate the taxation number of the
that Juan Andan could build, as he did in 1939 that the defendant possessed the land on which the house was erected without
\accesorias on the property and for her property, only in 1938 when said plaintiff left Julia Dizon's Participation much less consent
to share in the rentals at P50.00 per the premises and married. The defendants thereto, otherwise her initial or signature to
month since 1958 up to May, 1961. It is however contend that they possessed the such annotation would have appeared below
property even prior to 1927." 7This admission by the annotation, which We find none in Exhibit
admitted by Catalina Arceo that the
respondents' counsel further repudiates and C.
alleged lease agreement was entered
conflicts with the claim of Catalina Arceo that
into orally, there being no document petitioners' possession and occupancy of the 3. Considering that the claims of ownership of
executed between them. (t.s.n., Oct. 8, premises was by virtue of the oral lease the contending parties have arisen after the
1968, pp. 4-5). Hence, private agreement made in the later part of 1952. death of Eustaquio Arceo and also after Julia
respondents contend that petitioners' Private respondents are bound by their Dizon and Juan Andan had already died, the
counsel's admission. Since petitioners were resolution of this controversy may be sought on
possession was pursuant to such oral
admittedly already in possession of the the basis of who had been paying the taxes
lease agreement.
property in 1938, it may be reasonably inferred on the land in dispute. There is no question that
that they possessed and occupied the Juan Andan had been paying the taxes on
Petitioners vigorously deny the existence
property not by virtue of the alleged oral lease the property as shown in Exhibit 1 (tax receipt
of tile alleged oral lease agreement and agreement executed in 1952. for 1947), Exhibit 1-A (tax receipt for 1948),
they maintain that their possession and Exhibit 1-b (tax receipt for 1949), Exhibit 1-C
occupancy was in concept of owner We also find that the testimony of Catalina (tax receipt for 1960); that petitioners paid the
under a claim of ownership from their Arceo that in 1952 she delivered the lot in taxes for the years 1961 (Exhibit 1-d and) 1962
predecessor-in-interest Juan Andan by question to Juan Andan under a lease (Exhibit 1-E) Tax payments for 1944 and
agreement of P50.00 a month is not previous years were not available on account
operation of law, the latter in turn
corroborated nor supported by any of the war and those from 1945 to 1947 were
inheriting the same from his deceased destroyed by white ants. (Exhibit I ).
document, writing, some note or
mother, Julia Dizon. Thus, the vital issue
memorandum thereof subscribed by Juan
emerges as to whether such oral lease was Private respondents, on the other hand, have
Andan, the alleged lessee, or by his agent.
really entered into between the parties and not paid any tax on the property in litigation.
There is absolutely no showing or explanation
upon which the nature and concept of
whatsoever why no receipt, writing, note or
petitioners' possesion may be determined and The respondent Court of Appeals, however,
memorandum of the lease agreement exists or
resolved. held that although Juan Andan paid the
is available notwithstanding the fact as she
claims that the lease had been in force from taxes, the tax receipts indicated that the
On this point, the trial court in disbelieving and name of the declared owner of the land was
1952 to 1961 during which time Juan Andan is
rejecting the alleged oral lease said: E. Arceo. Hence, Juan Andan was merely the
alleged to have religiously paid the monthly
48 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
payor. We reject this conclusion of the Sec. 41. Title to land by prescription. — Ten and Juan Andan had died and death had
appellate court not only because it is weak, years of actual adverse possession by any sealed their lips?
flimsy and unrealistic, but also because it is not person claiming to be the owner for that time
justified and warranted. Examining the tax of any land or interest in land, uninterruptedly, Teodora Arceo, admittedly a relative of
receipt for the year 1947 (Exhibit 1). it appears continuously for ten years by occupancy, plaintiff Catalina Arceo, was presented to
thereon that the declared owners of the lot for descent, grants of otherwise, in whatever way bolster the claim of the existence of the
which the taxes were paid were "J. Dizon," "do" such occupancy may have commenced or agreement between Juan Andan and said
(or "J. Dizon"), "do" (or "J. Dizon"), "do" (or "J. continued, shall vest in every actual possessor plaintiff over payment of rent on the land in
Dizon"), "E. Arceo," and "A. Andan." For the of such land a full complete title, saving to the question, by testifying that on several
year 1948 (Exhibit 1-a) the declared owners of person under disabilities the rights, secured by occasions man Andan had sent through him
the lots paid for were "J. Dizon," "do" (or "J. the next section. P50.00 to Catalina Arceo. On cross-
Dizon"), "do" (or "J. Dizon"), "do" (or "J. Dizon") examination, Teodoro Arceo admitted that
and "E. Arceo. " For the year 1949 the declared We find the evidence for petitioners clear, the distance between his house and the house
owners of the lots paid for were the same as competent and substantial establishing that of Juan Andan and the distance of the house
for the year 1948 and the same is true with they have exercised acts of dominion in of said Juan Andan from that of Catalina
respect to the tax receipt for the year 1950. It derogation of respondents' interest. They have Arceo were almost the same. If Juan Andan
is significant that not one of them properties (constructed permanent buildings thereon had to go almost the same distance from the
was in the name of Juan Andan, but and collected the rentals. Permission was house to Catalina's and from his house to
considering that Juan Andan was the only son sought and obtained from them when Teodoro's, why would he have bothered to go
and heir of Julia Dizon and Angel Andan and, another building for a drug store and later to Teodoro's and not directly to Catalina's?"
therefore, a claimant to these properties of when enlarged to include a bakery, were built
Julia Dizon and Angel Andan, there is strong by other persons. They collected the fruits of It must be stated here that the house which
and substantial reason to conclude that Juan fruit-bearing trees planted on the land. burned down during the Japanese
Andan paid the taxes for all these properties Questions of boundaries between adjoining occupation was the house of Eustaquio Arceo
including that under the name of E. Arceo properties were consulted with them. These according to Pascual Santos, witness for the
under a claim of ownership. It is not fair to acts of dominion were not rebutted by private respondents (t.s.n., August 15, 1968, p.
conclude that Juan Andan was merely a respondents. And most importantly petitioners 15), but the fact established is that the war
payor from the fact of payment of one lot have paid religiously the taxes on the property. damage claim for said house was claimed by
without taking into consideration the other lots and paid to Julia Dizon, mother of Juan
whose taxes were paid at the same time as On the part of private respondents, their Andan. which fact militates against private
well as similar payments for the lots for the evidence appear inconsequential, inherently respondents' claim that they owned the house
succeeding years up to 1950, including other weak and unsatisfactory for it would appear and the lot.
relevant circumstances of time, persons and unnatural for respondent Catalina Arceo to
abandon the lot when in 1938 she married her Respondent Court laid stress on the affidavit of
co-respondent Ildefonso Santos and built their Juan Andan (Exhibit E), claiming purchase of
4. In denying the motion for reconsideration conjugal home some seven houses away and the lot in question from Eustaquio Arceo, and
filed by the defendants-appellants and now later transferred to a house and lot purchased the court declared it was utterly improbable
the petitioners herein, the respondent Court of and constructed by her in-laws. Her claim that for Juan Andan to have bought the land
Appeals declared that the possession of the in 1952 she entered into the lease agreement because he was only ten years old when
petitioners became adverse to that of the with Juan Andan on condition, among others, Eustaquio Arceo died in 1917. Conceding that
plaintiffs' rights in 1953 when Juan Andan that she will be allowed to live free in the house Juan Andan was then a minor, minority is only
caused the cancellation of Tax Declaration built by Juan Andan appears to be doubtful one of the limitations on the capacity to act
No. 388 covering the land in the name of and dubious, considering that, as may be and do not exempt the incapacitated person
Eustaquio Arceo to Tax Declaration No. 7574 in gleaned from the testimony of Catalina from certain obligations, as when the latter
his (Juan Andan) name. Arceo, she never lived in said house and there arise from his acts or from property relations.
is no showing that she attempted to live there Under Article 161 of the old Civil Code,
Disputing this ruling of the Court of Appeals, or that she complained or protested to Juan whatever the child may acquire with the
petitioners claim that they have acquired Andan for not complying with this term of the capital or property of the parents belongs to
ownership over the land thru their possession lease agreement. the latter in ownership and in usufruct, which is
which had been shown to be actual, also the same provision in Article 324 of the
peaceful, open, public, continuous and under We believe that the trial court made the New Civil Code. In the case at bar, the
a claim of title, adverse against the whole correct observation that: circumstances of the sale under which Juan
world since the complaint was filed only in Andan as a minor acquired the property with
1964 or after eleven (11) years from 1953. When Catalina Arceo was placed in the stand the capital of his mother, Julia Dizon, are not
Petitioners further contend that their for the first time, she was positive on cross- improbable under the law aforementioned.
possession and occupation of the premises examination that she nor anyone did not These circumstances may not be sufficiently
date back to the year 1938, which the parties make any claim for war damage for the house clear or explained since the affiant Juan
have stipulated and agreed at the pre-trial erected on the land in question which was Andan had long passed away in 1961 and can
hearing of the case. This contention of the burned down during the Japanese no longer be confronted therefor, whereas
petitioners is impressed with truth and merit as occupation. private respondents chose conveniently to file
the same is borne out by the records and the their complaint against the heirs of Juan
However, after defendants had introduced Andan in 1964 or 3 years thereafter.
transcript thereof which We have previously
Exhibits 4, 4-A, 4-B, 4-C and 4-D documents
discussed. We, therefore, find that the ruling of
relating to the war damage claim and award Jurisprudence, however, is overwhelming and
the respondent court dating petitioners'
to Julia Dizon on said house she reversed and well-established in support of petitioners' claim
adverse possession to the year 1953 is contrary
contradicted herself as a rebuttal witness and of title acquired through acquisitive
to the admission of the private respondents
stated that she was given the sum of P300.00 prescription. In Ongsiaco vs. Dallo, 27 SCRA
thru counsel, and since petitioners' possession
by Julia Dizon, because she (Julia Dizon) was 161, the Supreme Court said: "Under the Code
of the property in question commenced way
the one who had said house repaired. If the of Civil Procedure formerly in force, good or
back in 1938 which was at the time the old Civil
plaintiffs were the real owners of the land in bad faith was immaterial for purposes of
Code was still in force, the prescriptive period
question, why did they not file the war acquisitive prescription. Adverse possession in
is governed under Section 41 of the Code of
damage claim? If it is true that the land in either character ripened into ownership after
Civil Procedure because Article 1116 of the
question belongs to the plaintiffs, why did they the lapse of ten years. In the same manner, an
New Civil Code provides that "Prescription
not build their house on the said land when action to recover title to or possession of
already running before the effectivity of this
they separated from her in-laws and instead immovable property prescribed in the same
Code (August 30, 1950) shall be governed by
built their house on some other's property not period." In Narag vs. Cecilia, 48 SCRA I 1, the
laws previously in force." Section 41 of the C,
theirs? Why did Catalina Arceo not make an Supreme Court traced the pronouncements
C. P. states:
assertion of her alleged rights until Julia Dizon and rulings of the Supreme Court dating as far
49 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
back as 1908 in the case of Altman vs. property commenced in 1938 when Catalina brought within ten years after the cause of
Commanding Officer, 11 Phil. 516, to the case Arceo got married and abandoned the lot. such action accrues." In the present case, the
of Ongsiaco vs. Dallo, supra concerning the We have also rejected as inexistent and action for the recovery of the possession of the
ten-year period required by Sec. 41 of the spurious the alleged oral lease agreement real property in question was not brought
Code of Civil Procedure that it suffices that entered into in 1952 between Catalina Arceo within ten years after the cause of action had
there be a claim as ',owner for that time of a and Juan Andan, petitioners' predecessor-in- accrued.
piece of land [to vest] in him the full and interest. We also find as established the claim
complete title thereto," the Court speaking of petitioners that they have acquired Since private respondents abandoned the
thru Justice Willard. ownership of the property, thru adverse property in question in 1938 and petitioners
possession for more than ten years since 1938. and their predecessors-in-interest took
The Court, in the Narag vs. Cecilio case, possession of the land from that time and have
continued: "The same form of words was Whatever right private respondents had to the remained therein up to the present, the action
repeated by Justice Trent for the Court property had already prescribed by the mere to recover possession has clearly lapsed, firstly,
in Corporacion de PP. Agustinos Recoletos v. lapse of time by reason of negligence, in the fight of Section 40, Act 190 quoted
Crisostomo, 32 Phil. 427 (1915). Thus: "With real carelessness and abandonment and their above which is applicable hereto since the
property however, it is different. Section 40 cause of action is barred or can no longer possession of the predecessors-in-interest of
bars the owner's remedy after ten years, and prosper after more than twenty-six (26) years, the petitioners commenced before the New
Section 41 vests in the adverse possessor after that is from 1938 when the cause of action Civil Code took effect and thus, Article 1116 of
the same period of time "a full and complete accrued, to 1964 when the complaint was the New Civil Code governs, as previously
title."' Two years later, in 1917, came this filed. The laws aid the vigilant, not those who elucidated. (Development Bank of the
reaffirmation of such a view from Justice slumber on their rights. Vigilantibus sed non Philippines vs. Ozarraga 14 SCRA 653). Under
Torres: "Taking into consideration that the dormientibus jura subveniunt . the C.C.P., an action for recovery of title to, or
applicant, Manuel Locsin Rama, is now and possession of, real property, or an interest
has been for twenty years, in possession of the It is appropriate to stress here the essence of therein, can only be brought within ten years
same property, counting that of his the statute of limitations. In Conspecto vs. after the cause of action accrues. (Vda. de
predecessors, it may be said that beyond a Fruto, 31 Phil. 144, 151, the Supreme Court said: Delima vs. Tio, 32 SCRA 516).
shadow of a doubt that the ownership in the
said strip of land has prescribed, pursuant to It is the essence of the statute of limitations And secondly, whether We consider the
the provisions of section 41 of Act No. 190, that, whether the party had a right to the complaint of private respondents to recover
since the possession of the applicant has been possession or not, if he entered under the claim possession of the property in question as
actual, open, public, and continuous, under a of such right and remained in possession for an accion publiciana or accion
claim of title exclusive of any other right and the period (ten years) named in the statute of reivindicatoria, the same has prescribed after
adverse to all other claimants, ... " Nor is there limitations, the right of action of the plaintiff the lapse of ten years. After private
any need for a just title. justice Street made who had the better title is barred by that respondents had abandoned for 26 years the
such a point-clear as early as 1921 in Santos v. adverse possession. The right given by the property which is unregistered land, the law as
Heirs of Crisostomo, 41 Phil. 342. Thus: "Our statute of limitations does not depend upon, well as justice and equity will not allow them
opinion upon this point is that adverse and has no necessary connection with, the "to lie in wait and spring as in an ambush" to
possession must be taken to have begun with validity of the claim under which the dislodge and dispossess petitioners who during
occupancy; and supposing that occupancy possession is held. Otherwise there could be no said period have made and constructed
of the usurped property began, as the trial use for the statute of stations or adverse residences, buildings and other valuable
court evidently believed, with the execution of possession as a defense to an action, for if the improvements thereon, and enjoying the fruits
the contract of sale ... , or soon thereafter, it decision is made to depend upon the validity therefrom. (Parcotilo vs. Parcotilo, 12 SCRA
results that the petitioners had acquired title of the respective titles set up by the plaintiff 435; Carino vs. De Paz, 18 SCRA 467; Narag vs.
by ten years' adverse possession, under and the defendant, there can be no place for Castillo, 48 SCRA 11).
section 41 of the Code of Civil Procedure, prior the consideration of the question of adverse
to the beginning of these proceedings. ... " As possession. It is because the plaintiff has a WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the
a matter of fact, Justice Laurel, in Labot v. better title that the defendant is permitted to judgment of the Court of Appeals is hereby set
Librada, 72 Phil. 433 (1941), in sustaining a plea rely upon such uninterrupted possession, aside and the decision of the lower court is
that a party was entitled to the benefits of this adverse to the plaintiff's title, as the statute reinstated, with costs against respondents.
provision of law. stated: "To constitute prescribes, it being well understood and an
element in such cases, that the plaintiff does SO ORDERED.
exclusive possession, it is not necessary to
exclude every one from all entry on the land, have the better title, but that he has lost it by
delay in asserting it. (Probst vs. Presbyterian Teehankee (Chairman), Makasiar, Fernandez,
and the fact that another person uses the
Church 129 U.S., 182). De Castro and Melencio-Herrera, JJ., concur.
property concurrently with the claimants by
the permission of the latter or in subordination
Neither is it necessary that the defendant
to their claim, does not, in a legal sense,
should have a proper title, under which he
militate against the exclusiveness of their
claims possession. It is sufficient, if he asserts
possession." Moreover, in a 1950 decision,
ownership of the land, and that this assertion is
Arboso v. Andrade, 87 Phil. 782, Justice
accompanied by an uninterrupted possession
Bautista Angelo, for this Court, reiterated the
for the period named in the statute. It is this
view that the presence of good faith,
which constitutes adverse possession-claiming
inferentially by just title, is immaterial. ... As was
himself to be the owner of the land. If the one
so categorically announced by Justice J.B.L.
in possession asserts his right to own the land in
Reyes: "Prescription lies under the said section
dispute, asserts his right to the possession, and
even in the absence of good faith and just
his possession has been adverse and
title." (Alvero vs. Reas, L-28337, September 30,
uninterrupted, it constitutes a bar which the
1970, 35 SCRA 210, 214).
statute intended to give him. (Ewing vs. Burnet,
In other words, the good faith and just title of 11 Peters [U.S.], 39, 52; Harvey vs. Tyler, 2
Juan Andan in the case at bar, is immaterial Wallace [U.S.], 328, 349; Coke's Institutes, First
for prescription lies under Section 41, C. C. P. Part, 153).
50 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. L-11156, Feb 23, 1961 ] allowed the parties to submit evidence the courts in the manner hereinafter
in support of their contentions and after provided for the purpose of satisfying
PURA CARREON v. RUFO AGCAOILI + a careful analysis thereof found for such lawful participation. And if within
defendants holding that plaintiffs' claim the same time of two years, it shall
has no legal basis. appear that there are debts outstanding
111 Phil. 119 against the estate which have not been
As may be gleaned from the appellants' paid, or that an heir or other person has
assignments of error, the present appeal been unduly deprived of his lawful
is predicated on the arguments that participation payable in money, the
BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.: appellees were buyers in bad faith; that court having jurisdiction of the estate
there existed a trust relationship may, by order for that purpose, after
During the marriage of Bonifacio between them and appellants; and that hearing, settle the amount of such debts
Carreon and Celerina Dauag the such being the case, the action against or lawful participation and order how
registered land subject of this case was appellees is imprescriptible. much and in what manner each
acquired. After, the death of Carreon, distributee shall contribute in the
his widow Celerina executed on There is no clear proof that when Rufo
payment thereof, and may issue
September 24, 1946, an affidavit Agcaoili bought the land he knew of any
execution, if circumstances require,
adjudicating to herself alone the said flaw in the title of Celerina Dauag. The
against the bond provided in the
land. She declared in said document mere fact that he was a townmate of
preceding section or against the real
that she was the only heiress of her Celerina is not sufficient basis to
estate belonging to the deceased, or
husband. The original certificate of titles conclude that he knew that she had
both. Such bond and such real estate
covering the land was cancelled and a children by her first husband. It has been
shall remain charged with a liability to
transfer certificate was issued in her shown that since 1920 Rufo Agcaoili has
creditors, heirs or other persons for the full
name. There was however annotated been an enlisted man in the Philippine
period of two years after such
on her certificate a lien to the effect that constabulary and seldom went home to
distribution, notwithstanding any transfer
her title was subject to Section 4 of Rule visit his relatives. A man of such a
of the real estate that may have been
74 of the Rules of Court. situation cannot be expected to know
the relatives and children of his vendor
On September 25, 1946, she borrowed even if they are townmates. Fraud The above lien is effective only for a
P1,200.00 from the Philippine National cannot be presumed. It must be period of two years. From September 28,
Bank guaranted by a mortgage on one- established by clear and sufficient 1946, when a transfer certificate of title
half of the land. A memorandum of the evidence. Here every indication is that was issued to Celerina, to September 8,
mortgage was annotated on her Agcaoili bought the land in all good 1949 when the deed of sale in favor of
transfer certificate. After the maturity of faith oblivious of the source of its Agcaoili was issued and registered, more
the loan, she requested a certain Mr. acquisition. than two years had elapsed. We sustain
Pintang to look for a buyer of the land for the lower court's opinion that
P3,000.00. One by the name of Rufo If fraud had been committed such was
thenceforth the right to have such lien
Agcaoili was found. The latter made an perpetrated by Celerina, appellants'
cancelled became vested on appellee
advance payment of P1,500.00 and the mother. By her action she induced
Agcaoili and that the same had
balance was paid in full on October 13, Agcaoili to believe that she was the
became functus oficio.[3] And there
1947. The loan from the bank was paid, absolute owner of the land which bore a
being no fraud in the transaction on the
the mortgage was released, and the torrens title. In dealing with it he merely
part of appellee, nor, proof that be knew
deed of absolute sale executed in his relied on such title. He was not required
of any legal infirmity in the title of his
favor was registered.[1] A new transfer to do more. He is only charged with
vendor, we find no reason to apply the
certificate of title was issued in the name notice of the burdens which are noted
proposition that he is deemed to be
of Agcaoili. On February 19, 1955, the on the face of said title. So after he
holding the land in trust for the children
children of Celerina with the deceased bought the land and a new title was
of Celerina Dauag.
husband filed a complaint against the issued in his name, he became a
spouses Agcaoili seeking to have the purchaser thereof for value and a holder Wherefore, the decision appealed from
deed of sale executed by their mother of a good and valid title.[2] is affirmed, without pronouncement as
declared as one of mortgage and to to costs.
On the transfer certificate of title issued
recover one-half pro-indiviso of the land
to Agcaoili there was annotated a Bengzon, Acting C. J., Padilla, Labrador,
described in the complaint.
statement that it was subject to Section Concepcion, Reyes, J. B. L., Barrera,
Simultaneous with the finding of said
4, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court. This was Paredes, and Dizon, JJ., concur.
complaint, Celerina filed an action for
an annotation carried over from
intervention which was dismissed by the
Celerina's transfer certificate. Section 4,
trial court.
Rule 74, provides the following:
Defendants filed a motion for summary
"Sec. 4. Liability of distributees and
judgment upon the plea that the main
estate. If it shall appear at any time
averments of the complaint even if
within two years after the settlement and
admitted do not constitute a cause of
distribution of an estate in accordance
action and supported their plea with
with the provisions of either of the first
certain documentary evidence.
two sections of this rule, that an heir or
Plaintiff's filed an opposition on the
other person has been unduly deprived
ground that there was a genuine issue
of his lawful participation in the estate,
which could not he determined unless a
such heir or such other person may
trial is had. The trial court however
compel the settlement of the estate in
51 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
G.R. No. 69138 May 19, 1992 meters . . . covered by Tax Dec. No. R-4019 as described in the complaint, and
in the name of Plaintiff . . . with an assessed containing an area of 51,226 square
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES (Bureau of value of Pl,390.00 . . . meters, is one of the two lots covered by
Forest Development), petitioner, OCT No. 6148 (Free Patent Title No. 319750)
vs. xxx xxx xxx in the name of Hilario Piscos Rama (Exhs. A
INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT (First Civil and A-1) and is, according to the plaintiff,
Cases Division) and HILARIO P. (Record on Appeal, pp. 54-56)
free from any liens or encumbrances.
RAMA, respondents.
In his answer, Logronio claimed that the
Thus, plaintiff Hilario P. Rama, 42 testified
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: two parcels of land are forest lands and
that of the two parcels of land mentioned
that the questioned acts were performed
in the complaint, one parcel was covered
The decision of the trial court in this case by him in the regular and lawful
by title, as shown by a xerox copy of OCT
declared the disputed parcels of land to performance of his duties as officer-in-
No. 6148 (Exhs. A and A-1), and by tax
be forest land and, therefore, inalienable. charge of the Bohol Reforestation Project
declaration No. R-3859 (Exh. B); that he
The appellate court sustained the factual of the Bureau of Forest Development. He
secured a certification from the Office of
finding. The issue raised in this petition refers prayed for the dismissal of the complaint.
the District Forester, Tagbilaran City,
to the propriety of awarding necessary
regarding the status of the land covered by
expenses to the alleged possessor in good Petitioner Republic filed a motion for leave
OCT 6148 (Exh. C); that he had a plan of the
faith with right of retention until the to intervene attaching its complaint-in-
land covered by OCT No. 6148 (Exh. D);
expenses are paid. intervention.
that in the memorandum of
The complaint-in-intervention alleged that encumbrances on OCT No. 6148 (Exh. A-1),
In May 1974, Anselmo Logronio, in his
Logronio's acts were authorized by the Entry No. 3382 referred to a real-estate
official capacity as officer-in-charge of the
government through the Director of the mortgage executed on 23 November 1967
Bohol Reforestation Project of the Bureau of
Bureau of Forest Development in by Hilario Piscos Rama and Socorro
Forest Development, bulldozed portions of
connection with the reforestation program Regañon in favor of the Development Bank
two (2) parcels of land which he believed
of the government; that the two (2) subject of the Philippines, but the obligation was
to be forest lands located at Talibon, Bohol,
parcels of land are located within the already paid, and there was a written
occupied the same, and planted mulberry
timberland Block D, L. C. Project No. 33 of release of the mortgage in 1975, which was
and other trees.
Talibon, Bohol per BF Map L. C. 686 and, not yet registered because when he went
Soon thereafter, respondent Hilario P. therefore, are forest lands; that the said to the Registry of Deeds payment was
Rama commenced in the then Court of First lands were never released by the required for registering the release and he
Instance, now Regional Trial Court of Bohol, government as alienable and disposable did not have money at that time.
a complaint for recovery of possession, lands, hence, are not susceptible of
As shown in OCT No. 6148 (Exh. A), the free
ownership and damages against Logronio disposition or private appropriation under
patent title was given on 13 January 1967,
alleging that he is the absolute owner and the provisions of the Public Land Act
and the certificate of title was issued on 4
possessor of the two (2) parcels of land (Commonwealth Act No. 41), as amended,
May 1967. Then on 7 November 1967, the
occupied by Logronio. He specifically nor were the said parcels of land registered
Office of the District Forester, Tagbilaran
described the two (2) parcels of land as under the provisions of the Land
City, issued Certification No. 57 (Exh. C) to
follows: Registration Law (Act No. 496), as
the effect "that according to the records of
amended. It prayed that Free Patent No.
A. A parcel of land, Lot 1, Psu-218360 this Office, there is no pending case as far
319750 covering the forest portion of the
beginning at a point marked "1" of Lot 1, Psu as the Bureau of Forestry is concerned,
first lot be declared null and void; that the
218360, being N. 41-39 E., 15391.24 m. from involving the validity of the title over a
Register of Deeds be ordered to cancel
B.L.L.M. No. 1, Municipality of Carmen, parcel of land containing an area of
OCT No. 6148 covering the said forest
Province of Bohol, thence N. 47-35 W., 10.2450 hectares covered by Original
portion; that both forest lands be reverted
163.40 m. to point 2; S. 67-59 W., 173.82 m. Certificate of Title No. 6148 Free Patent No.
back to the public domain; and that the
to point 3; N.5-17 E., 250.71 m. to point 4; S. 319750 situated in barrio of Malitbog,
complaint against Logronio be dismissed.
71-33 E., 168.51 m. to point 5; S. 82-11 E., Municipality of Dagohoy, Province of Bohol
107.55 m. to point 6; S. 0-45 W., 228.32 m. to The motion was granted and the issued by the Register of Deeds of
point 1; point of beginning . . . containing complaint-in-intervention was admitted by Tagbilaran City on January 13, 1967 in the
an area of FIFTY ONE THOUSAND TWO the lower court. name of Hilario Piscos Rama, Filipino, of
HUNDRED AND TWENTY SIX (51,226) square legal age, married to Socorro Riganon, and
meters . . . evidenced by Original Rama, then, filed an answer to the resident in Malitbog, Dagohoy, Bohol."
Certificate of Title No. 6148 (Free Patent No. complaint-in-intervention alleging that the
Republic has no cause of action, and is Meantime, on 11 September 1967, Hipolito
319750) Office of the Register of Deeds for
guilty of estoppel for having caused the Amihan, Forester in Charge of the Bohol
the Province of Bohol . . . also covered by
issuance of the certificate of title covering Reforestation Project, Dagohoy, Bohol,
Tax Dec. No. R-3859 in the name of Plaintiff
the forest land. He claimed that if his title is addressed a letter to the Administrator,
. . . assessed at P990.00 . . .
to be cancelled, and he is deprived of Reforestation Administration, Diliman,
B. A parcel of land (as shown on plant H- ownership over the parcels of land, he Quezon City, thru the Regional Officer,
154932, LRC Rec. No.), situated in the Barrio should be paid by the Republic for all Cebu City, (Exh. 8), stating that relative to
of Malitbog, Municipality of Trinidad, existing improvements plus whatever OCT No. 6148 in the name of Hilario Piscos
Province of Bohol. Bounded on the H., (sic) expenses he has incurred in connection Rama —
along lines 1-2-3 by the property of Rufino with the improvement of said lands.
Upon verification of the area in question it
Autida (H-166571), on the E., along lines 4-
The trial of the case resulted in the following is found out that Lot I in an area of 51,226
5-6-7 by Creek; on the S., along lines 7-8-9-
undisputed facts stated in the decision of sq. m. is within the area of Bohol
10, by the Marinas Creek 4.00 m. wide; on
the lower court: Reforestation Project, Dagohoy, Bohol. . . .
the W., along line 10-11 by Public Land
(Forest Zone), and on the N., along lines 11-
xxx xxx xxx and recommending "that Lot No. 1 under
12-1 by the property of Angel Jumawan . . .
PSU-21-8360 with an area of 51,226 sq. m.
containing an area of Ninety Six Thousand
1. On parcel A in the complaint. The under Free Patent No. 318750 issued in
Three Hundred Forty Three (96,343) square
evidence discloses that Lot 1, Psu-218360,
52 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
favor of Mr. Hilario Piscos Rama be found to be within the Alienable and "approximate area of 45,836 Sq. M. and
cancelled." Disposable Block "1", Land Classification shown on the sketch (Exh. B-Commissioner)
Project No. 33, Talibon, Bohol, L.C. Map No. as timberland and therefore part of the
On 29 October 1974, Lope D. Reyes, 685, certified on September 7, 1927." And public domain (colored green, Parcel B in
Assistant OIC, Legal Staff, Bureau of Forest on 4 March 1970, the Office of the District said sketch); declaring null and void
Development, Diliman, Quezon City, sent a Forester, City of Tagbilaran, thru Acting Original Certificate of Title No. 6148 in the
memorandum to the OIC Silviculture District Forester Pastor O. Ibarra, issued name of HILARIO PISCOS RAMA insofar as it
Division (Exh. 1), requesting that OCT No. Certification No. 101 (Exh. J), which is includes the aforesaid portion; and
6148 issued in favor of Hilario Piscos Rama similarly worded as Certification No. 90 (Exh. ordering the plaintiff to vacate said portion
"be verified as to whether or not the area is I), except that the proposed tax upon being reimbursed by the intervenor in
inside a timberland of alienable or declaration is in the name of HILARIO the sum of SIX THOUSAND PESOS (P6,000.00)
disposable land." And on 22 November PISCOS RAMA. as necessary expenses;
1974, Primo P. Andres, Officer in Charge,
Silviculture Division, Bureau of Forest But on 15 May 1974, the Office of the District 2. Relative to the parcel of land shown on
Development, Diliman, Quezon City, Forester, City of Tagbilaran, thru District plan H-154932 (parcel B in the complaint):
returned by first endorsement (Exh. 2) the Forester Pastor O. Ibarra, sent a letter to declaring that the portion thereof
aforesaid memorandum with the Hilario P. Rama (Exh. 4) informing him "that indicated in the Commissioner's Report
information that per verification and CERTIFICATION NO. 101, issued to you on (Exh. A-Commissioner) as having "an
control — March 4, 1970, by the District Forester of approximate area of 94,719 Sq. M." and
Tagbilaran City, is hereby revoked on the shown on the sketch (Exh. B-Commissioner)
1. Lot 1, PSU-218360 is within the Timberland ground that after thorough (sic) as timberland and therefore part of the
Block-A of LC Project No. 33 of Talibon, investigation by representative of this public domain (colored green, Parcel A in
Bohol, per BF Map LC-635, and; Office the parcel of land which you claim said sketch); declaring null and void Tax
and the subject matter in the above- Declaration No. R-4019 (Exh. F) insofar as it
2. Lot 2, PSU-218360, is within the Alienable
mentioned CERTIFICATION NO. 101, is found includes the aforesaid portion; and
or Disposable Block-I, of LC Project 33 of
to be within the Bohol Reforestation ordering the plaintiff to vacate said portion,
Talibon, Bohol, certified as such on
Project." And on the same date, a letter to with right to refund from the intervenor for
September 7, 1927, per BF Map LC-685.
the same effect was sent by District Forester the necessary expenses in the sum of THREE
Ibarra to the Provincial Assessor, City of THOUSAND PESOS (P3,000.00), but without
And the Commissioner's Report (Exh. A-
Tagbilaran (Exh. 5). right of retention;
Commissioner) finds
that —
The Commissioner's Report (Exh. A- 3. Dismissing the complaint as against
Commissioner) inter alia states: defendant Anselmo Logroño, both in his
On Lot 1, Psu-218360 and (sic) approximate
private and in his official capacity;
area of 45,826 sq. m. colored green on the
It was found out that on lot H-154932 an
sketch is inside the Timberland and 5,400 sq.
approximate area of 94,719 Sq. M. is inside 4. Dismissing defendant Logroño's
m. more or less is in the Alienable and
Timberland block A, Project No. 33 a part of counterclaim; and
Disposable Area.
Bohol Reforestation Project (colored green
on the sketch plan) and only approximately 5. Ordering the Register of Deeds of the
And the Commissioner, Emmanuel
1,624 Sq. M. is inside the Alienable and Province of Bohol to annotate the
Maboloc, 38, Junior Geodetic Engineer,
Disposable area colored orange on the judgment relative to Lot 1, Psu-2l8360 at the
Bureau of Forest Development, Region VII,
sketch plan. back of Original Certificate of Title No. 6148.
Cebu City, testified to this effect, stating,
however, that he did not make technical Without pronouncement of costs.
Likewise, Commissioner Maboloc declared
descriptions of the portion of the lot within
that he did not make technical descriptions
the Bohol Reforestation Project and the (Record on Appeal, pp. 77-79)
of the portion of said lot within the Bohol
portion outside it, so that, if required, he
Reforestation Project and the portion
would have to go to the field again to Petitioner Republic appealed the lower
outside it. (Record on Appeal, pp. 66-68)
make such technical descriptions. (Record court's decision to the then Intermediate
on Appeal, pp. 61-65) Appellate Court, now Court of Appeals,
In view of its findings that the two (2) subject
insofar as it ordered petitioner Republic to
parcels of land are forest lands, the lower
xxx xxx xxx pay Rama the necessary expenses with the
court declared as null and void the
right of retention over the titled parcel of
Certificate of Title covering the first lot in the
2. On parcel B in the complaint.— . . . land.
name of Rama and ordered him to vacate
The land is covered by TD No. R-4019 in the the said parcel "upon being reimbursed by
The appellate court, however, did not only
name of plaintiff Hilario Piscos Rama (Exh. F) the intervenor in the sum of SIX THOUSAND
affirm the questioned decision, but
and was surveyed for the Heirs of German PESOS (P6,000.00) as necessary expenses."
modified it by ruling that as regards the
Remarata in 1952, as shown by the As regards the second parcel of land, the
second parcel which is not covered by any
technical description (Exh. G) and plan H- lower court ordered Rama to vacate the
certificate of title, Rama has also the right
154932 (Exh. H). But the land is not covered same parcel of land "with right to refund
of retention until the necessary expenses
by any certificate of title. from the intervenor for the necessary
awarded to him are paid by petitioner
expenses in the sum of THREE THOUSAND
On 12 March 1968, the Office of the District PESOS (P3,000.00), but without rights of
Forester, Tagbilaran City, issued retention." The dispositive portion of the A motion for reconsideration was denied.
Certification No. 90 (Exh. I) to the effect decision reads: Hence, the instant petition.
"that the parcel of land containing an
approximate area of 9.6345 hectares WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, In a resolution dated March 27, 1985, the
situated in Barrio Malitbog, Municipality of as follows: Court gave due course to the petition.
Dagohoy, Province of Bohol, described in Because of the reorganization of the Court
1. Relative to Lot 1, Psu-218360, (parcel A in
the Tax Declaration proposed in the name after the 1986 political upheaval and
the complaint): declaring that portion
of German Remarata, a resident of Bo. subsequent changes caused by retirement
thereof indicated in the Commissioner's
Malitbog, Dagohoy, Bohol was verified by of certain Justices, the case could not be
Report (Exh. A-Commissioner) as having an
a representative of this Office and was
53 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
decided until its recent assignment to the TCT No. 2739 for lots 49 and 1 in the name plan Psd-27941 was prepared in disregard
undersigned ponente. of Jacobo Zobel. of the technical description stated in TCT
No. T-722, because the surveyor merely
On May 5, 1989, we issued another In 1950, Jacobo Zobel sold to Antonino followed the existing shoreline and placed
resolution stating therein: Dizon, et al. Lot 49 for which said his monuments on the southwest lateral of
purchasers obtained at first TCT No. T-2740 Lot 49, which was the pier abutting into the
Considering the length of time that this and later T-4718, Lot 1, on the other hand, sea; and made the conclusion that Lots 1
case has remained pending and as a was purchased by Carlos Goco, et al., who and 49 of Psd-27941 were part of the
practical measure to ease the backlog of in turn, sold one-half thereof to Manuel Sy- foreshore lands. As the certificate of title
this Court, the parties shall, within ten (10) Juco, et al. Transfer Certificate of Title No. obtained by petitioners covered lands not
days from notice, MANIFEST whether or not 4159 was issued in the names of the Gocos subject to registration, the same were
they are still interested in prosecuting this and Sy-Jucos. declared null and void, and Lots 1 and 49
case, or supervening events have
were declared properties of the public
transpired which render this case moot and On May 24, 1952, Miguel Tolentino filed with
domain. Petitioners appealed to the Court
academic or otherwise substantially affect the Bureau of Fisheries an application for
of Appeals.
the same. (Rollo, p. 70) ordinary fishpond permit or lease for Lot 49,
and an application for a similar permit, for In its decision of October 31, 1961, as well
In response to this resolution, the Solicitor Lot 1, was filed by his daughter Clemencia as the resolution of August 20, 1962, the
General, representing petitioner Republic, Tolentino. appellate court adopted the findings of the
filed on August 4, 1989, a manifestation
lower court, that the lots in question are
stating that he is not aware of any The Dizons, Sy-Jucos, and Gocos filed a
part of the foreshore area and affirmed the
supervening event that may have protest with the Bureau of Fisheries,
ruling cancelling the titles to plaintiffs.
transpired which would render the case claiming the properties to be private land
Although in the decision of October 31,
moot and academic. covered by a certificate of title. This protest
1961, the Court of Appeals awarded to
was dismissed by the Director of Fisheries,
applicants Tolentinos damages in the
As stated earlier, the only issue in this on the ground that the areas applied for
amount of P200.00 per hectare from
petition is the propriety of awarding are outside the boundaries of TCT No. T-722
October 1, 1954, when plaintiffs were
necessary expenses with right of retention of Hacienda Calatagan. This ruling was
notified of the denial of their protest by the
over the two (2) parcels of land in favor of based upon the findings of the committee
Director of Fisheries, such award was
the possessor in this case, Rama, until the created by the Secretary of Agriculture
eliminated in the resolution of August 20,
payment of the necessary expenses by and Natural Resources to look into the
1962, for reason that plaintiffs, who relied on
petitioner Republic on the ground that matter, that Lots 1 and 49 are not originally
the efficacy of their certificates of title,
Rama is a possessor in good faith as included within the boundaries of the
cannot be considered possessors in bad
defined in Article 526 of the Civil Code. hacienda.
faith until after the legality of their said titles
In ruling that private respondent Rama, the has been finally determined. Appellants
On October 1, 1954, the protestants Dizons,
possessor of the two forest lands is entitled were thus declared entitled to retention of
Sy-Jucos, and Gocos filed an action in the
to payment of necessary expenses, the the properties until they are reimbursed by
Court of First Instance of Manila (Civ. Case
appellate court cited the case of Dizon v. the landowner, the Republic of the
No. 24237) to restrain the Director of
Rodriguez, (13 SCRA 704 [1965]). Philippines, of the necessary expenses
Fisheries from issuing the fishpond permits
made on the lands, in the sums of
applied for by the Tolentinos. The court
The background facts of the Dizon case P40,000.00 (for Lot 49) and P25,000.00 (for
dismissed this petition for non-exhaustion of
are as follows: Lot 1). It is from this portion of the decision
administrative remedy, it appearing that
as thus modified that defendants Tolentinos
petitioners had not appealed from the
Hacienda Calatagan owned by Alfonso and the intervenor Republic of the
decision of the Director of Fisheries to the
and Jacobo Zobel was originally covered Philippines appealed (in G.R. Nos. L-20355-
Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
by TCT No. T-722. In 1938, the Hacienda 56), claiming that plaintiffs' possession
Resources. On appeal to this Court, the
constructed a pier, called "Santiago became in bad faith when their protest
decision of the lower court was sustained
Landing," about 600 meters long from the against the application for lease was
(G.R. No. 8654, promulgated April 28, 1956).
shore into the navigable waters of the denied by the Director of Fisheries. In
The protestants then filed an appeal with
Pagaspas Bay, to be used by vessels addition, the intervenor contends that
the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
loading sugar produced by the Hacienda being such possessors in bad faith, plaintiffs
Resources. This time, the same was
sugar mill. When the sugar mill ceased its are not entitled to reimbursement of the
dismissed for being filed out of time.
operation in 1948, the owners of the expenses made on the properties. (at pp.
Hacienda converted the pier into a 705-708; Emphasis supplied)
On August 16, 1956, the Dizons filed Civil
fishpond dike and built additional strong
Case 135 and the Sy-Jucos and Gocos,
dikes enclosing an area of about 30 The appellate court's decision was
Civil Case 136, in the Court of First Instance
hectares (of the Bay) and converted the appealed to us by both the Republic and
of Batangas, to quiet their titles over Lots 49
same into a fishpond. The Hacienda owners the Dizons, et al.
and 1. Named defendants were the
also enclosed a similar area of about 37
Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
hectares of the Bay on the other side of the We dismissed both appeals.
Resources and applicants Tolentinos. The
pier which was also converted into a
Republic of the Philippines was allowed to A comparative study of the present case
intervene in view of the finding by the and the Dizon case shows different
investigating committee created by the circumstances which make the Dizon case
In 1949, the Zobels ordered the subdivision
respondent Secretary, that the lots were not applicable to the instant case.
of the Hacienda by ordering the
part of the foreshore area before their
preparation of the subdivision plan Psd-
conversion into fishponds by the hacienda- In the present case, the parcel of land titled
27941 wherein fishpond No. 1 (with 30
owners. in the name of Hilario P. Rama is covered
hectares) was referred to as Lot No. 1 and
by an original torrens title issued in Rama's
fishpond No. 2 (with 37 hectares) was
On January 30, 1958, after due hearing, the name on May 4, 1967. Earlier, he applied for
referred to as Lot No. 49. The plan was
Court of First Instance of Batangas the issuance of title based on a patent
approved by the Director of Lands, and the
promulgated a joint decision making the which was given on January 13, 1967. The
Register of Deeds issued, from TCT No. T-722,
finding, among others, that the subdivision fact that he applied for a patent title shows
54 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
a recognition on his part that the parcel is secured a certificate from the office of the plaintiffs-appellants made a mistake in
part of the public domain. True, District Forester, Tagbilaran City as regards relying thereon, such mistake on a difficult
government officials caused the issuance the status of the parcel of land with his question of law may be the basis of good
of the patent title and the original torrens representations that "he had a plan of the faith. Hence, their possession in good faith
title covering the land in Rama's name. land." It appears, therefore, that it was does not lose this character except in the
However, the well-entrenched principle is through the representations of Rama that case and from the moment their Torrens
that the State cannot be put in estoppel by the land was titled in his name. Some Titles are declared null and void by the
the mistakes or errors of its officials or months later, however, or on November 7, Courts.
agents. (Republic v. Court of Appeals, 135 1967, the Office of the District Forester
SCRA 156 [1985]; and Republic v. Aquino, suspected that the parcel of land thus titled Under the circumstances of the case,
120 SCRA 186 [1983]) was forest land. Why this angle was not especially where the subdivision plan was
pursued is not shown in the records. It, originally approved by the Director of
Considering that the subject parcel of land however, negates the good faith of Rama Lands, we are not ready to conclude that
is forest land, the patent and original who actively pursued the titling of the the above reasoning of the Court of
certificate of title covering the subject parcel in his name. Appeals on this point is a reversible error.
parcel issued to Rama did not confer any Needless to state, as such occupants in
validity to his possession or claim of Good faith which entitles the possessors to good faith, plaintiffs have the right to the
ownership. (Sunbeam Convenience Foods, necessary expenses with right of retention retention of the property until they are
Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 181 SCRA 443 until reimbursement was explained in reimbursed the necessary expenses made
[1990]; Vallarta v. Intermediate Appellate the Dizon case: on the lands.
Court, 151 SCRA 679 [1987]; Republic v.
Court of Appeals, 148 SCRA 480 [1987]; On the matter of possession of plaintiffs- With respect to the contention of the
Republic v. Court of Appeals, 135 SCRA 156 appellants, the ruling of the Court of Republic of the Philippines that the order for
[1985]) Appeals must be upheld. There is no the reimbursement by it of such necessary
showing that plaintiffs are not purchasers in expenses constitutes a judgment against
The titles are void ab initio. (Heirs of good faith and for value. As such the government in a suit not consented to
Amunategui v. Director of Forestry, 126 titleholders, they have reason to rely on the by it, suffice it to say that the Republic, on
SCRA 69 [1983]; Republic v. Animas, 56 indefeasible character of their certificates. its own initiative, asked and was permitted
SCRA 499 [1974]) The titles issued cannot to intervene in the case and thereby
ripen into private ownership. (Director of On the issue of good faith of the plaintiffs, submitted itself voluntarily to the jurisdiction
Forestry v. Muñoz, 23 SCRA 1183 [1968]; the Court of Appeals reasoned out: of the court. (at pp. 709-710; Emphasis
Heirs of Amunategui v. Director of supplied)
The concept of possessors in good faith
Forestry, supra; Vallarta v. Intermediate
given in Art. 526 of the Civil Code and when With the foregoing findings, the appellate
Appellate Court, supra) In effect, Rama's
said possession loses this Character under court's ruling as regards the unregistered
possession of the parcel from
Art. 528, needs to be reconciled with the parcel of land which is to the effect that
the beginning was fraudulent and illegal.
doctrine of indefeasibility of a Torrens Title. Rama is also entitled to necessary expenses
He was merely a squatter on the parcel.
Such reconcialiton can only be achieved with right of retention until reimbursed of
Under these circumstances, we cannot see
by holding that the possessor with a Torrens the necessary expenses must be reversed.
any reason why Rama should be
Title is not aware of any flaw in his Title which His title over the forest land is null and void
considered a possessor in good faith as
invalidates it until his Torrens Title is declared for the same reasons. There are no special
defined in Article 526 of the Civil Code.
null and void by final judgment of the circumstances which would warrant the
In the Dizon case, however, the occupants Courts. application of the Dizon case.
of the parcels of land which were
Even if the doctrine of indefeasibility of a WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
adjudged as part of these ashore or
Torrens Title were not thus reconciled, the questioned decision and resolution of the
foreshore area and part of the public
result would be the same, considering the then Intermediate Appellate Court, now
domain bought the land from Alfonso and
third paragraph of Art. 526 which provides Court of Appeals, are SET ASIDE in so far as
Jacobo Zobel relying on the original
that: they ordered petitioner Republic to pay
certificate of title covering the parcels.
This intervening event constitutes the private respondent Hilario P. Rama the
Art. 526. . . .
difference between the Dizon case and necessary expenses incurred by him, with
the present case. Dizon, et al. buyers of the right of retention over the two (2) parcels of
Mistake upon a doubtful or difficult
foreshore lands were protected by the land adjudged as forest lands until
question of law may be the basis of good
principle that an innocent buyer of a reimbursed of the necessary expenses. The
registered land may rely on the torrens title decision of the then Court of First Instance
of the seller. In the absence of anything to The legal question whether plaintiffs- of Bohol (now Regional Trial Court of Bohol)
excite suspicion, the buyer is not obligated appellants' possession in good faith, under in Civil Case No. 2613 is MODIFIED in that the
to look beyond the certificate to their Torrens Titles acquired in good faith, portion of the decision which ordered
investigate the title of the sellers appearing does not lose this character except in the petitioner Republic to pay private
on the face of the certificate. (Philippine case and from the moment their Titles are respondent Hilario P. Rama necessary
National Bank v. Court of Appeals, 187 declared null and void by the Courts, is a expenses with right of retention in parcel
SCRA 735 [1990]; Gonzales v. Intermediate difficult one. Even the members of this number one described in the complaint is
Appellate Court, 157 SCRA 587 [1988]; Court were for a long time divided, two to DELETED. In all other respects, the
Philippine National Cooperative Bank v. one, on the answer. It was only after several questioned decision and resolution are
Carandang-Villalon, 139 SCRA 570 [1985]); sessions, where the results of exhaustive AFFIRMED. No costs.
Penullar v. Philippine National Bank, 120 researches on both sides were thoroughly
SCRA 171 [1983]) discussed, that an undivided Court finally
found the answer given in the next
Feliciano, Bidin, Davide, Jr. and Romero,
Another distinction between the two (2) preceding paragraph. Hence, even if it be
JJ., concur.
cases is in the degree of participation of the assumed for the sake of argument that the
parties and the public officials in the titling Supreme Court would find that the law is
of the subject parcels of land. In the present not as we have stated it in the next
case, respondent Rama was the one who preceding paragraph and that the
55 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
DIVISION "Meanwhile, in the same year (December 27, court, an action for the cancellation of said
1947), the Bureau of Lands approved the final patent and the corresponding certificate of
[ GR No. L-42856, Jan 27, 1981 ] proof and ordered the issuance of appellant's title issued therefor. For the purpose of the final
homestead patent in Rizal, Nueva Ecija. On disposition of the land, the District Land Officer
REPUBLIC v. CA + January 26, 1949, the corresponding of Ilagan, Isabela shall conduct an immediate
Homestead Patent No. V-1833 was finally investigation in accordance with Sections 6
issued (Exh. L, p. 15, Folder of Exh.), and and 7 of Lands Administrative Order No. 6 and
became the basis of Original Certificate of Title thereafter, submit the corresponding report to
190 Phil. 275
No. P-3619 that was later registered in Ramos' the office within thirty (30) days from receipt
name. Having thus obtained an indefeasible hereof.'
title over his 3-hectare land in Rizal, Nueva
CONCEPCION JR., J.: Ecija, appellant now wanted to do likewise
with his second homestead application in San
Petition for certiorari, to review the decision of Mateo, Isabela. Hence, after the approval of
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 40806-R, his second homestead application on
Hence, the institution of the present
entitled: "Republic of the Philippines, plaintiff- November 22, 1947, he took possession of the
proceedings before the lower court.
appellee, versus Ricardo Ramos, et al., 14-hectare land in Isabela and by 1949, had
defendants-appellants," dismissing the fully complied with the cultivation and
complaint which prays for the annulment of residence requirement of the homestead law.
Homestead Patent No. V-62617, the "After the filing of the original complaint on
cancellation of Original Certificate of Title No. August 2, 1958, the plaintiff filed an amended
P-5619, issued in the name of Ricardo Ramos complaint adding another paragraph,
"Finally, on December 3, 1954, after a
by the Register of Deeds of Isabela, and the alleging another supposed disqualification of
protracted litigation with the former applicant,
reversion to the State of the homestead, the appellant to own a second homestead.
Simeon Lopez, the Assistant Director of Lands
together with the improvements made Paragraph 8-a states:
approved appellant's final proof and
subsequently issued an order for the issuance
The facts of the case, as found by the Court of of his patent on December 13, 1955. Then, on
Appeals, are as follows: December 15, 1955, Homestead Patent No. V-
62617 was ultimately issued in the name of
Ricardo Ramos, which also became the basis 'That at the time (a) Homestead Application
of Original Certificate of Title No. P-5619 that No. 4-167 E-4-610 (Exh. A) was approved on
"Sometime in 1928 or 1929, was correspondingly issued by the Register of December 3, 1954; (b) defendant Ricardo
appellant[1] Ricardo Ramos filed Homestead Deeds of Isabela. Said Original Certificate of Ramos filed his Final Proof (Exh. "D") on January
Application No. 229645 for a 3-hectare land, Title No. P-5619 was later used by the appellant 31, 1954; (c) Homestead Patent No. V-62617
covering a portion of Cadastral Lot No. 2222 as security for the payment of the loan which (Exh. "F") was issued on December 15, 1955;
within the Municipality of Rizal, Nueva Ecija he secured from his co-defendant, the and (d) Original Certificate of Title No. P-5619
(Exh. G, p. 10, Folder). The application was Philippine National Bank. (Exh. "9") was issued on December 24, 1955 in
approved and Homestead Entry No. 137238 the name of defendant Ricardo Ramos, all
was recorded in his name only on June 22, covering the lot involved in this case located
1940 (Exh. H, p. 11, folder). in San Mateo, Isabela, defendant Ricardo
"After the issuance of his second homestead
Ramos was already as of August 4, 1952 the
patent. Appellant Ramos discovered the
absolute owner of more than eighty-eight (88)
presence of several people in his land. Hence,
hectares of Friar Lands by virtue of Transfer
"Upon receipt of the approval of his he filed a complaint for the recovery of
Certificate of Title No. T-3767 (Exhs. "O", "O-1" to
application, appellant immediately filed his possession against them (Civil Case No. Br. II-
"O-7") and as such, defendant Ricardo Ramos
final proof papers in 1941. However, due to the 162 of the Court of First Instance of Isabela,
was disqualified under Sec. 12 of CA 141, for a
chaotic conditions during the last global war, entitled "Ricardo Ramos v. Eleuterio Viernes et
homestead entry under the provisions of said
all the papers relative to his application were al.") wherein a decision ordering the
Act, and which disqualification, defendant
lost and/or destroyed, necessitating their ejectment of the defendants were rendered.
concealed when he made his final proof (Exh.
reconstitution. As a result, the defendant had Believing that they had a right to stay put in the
"D"), as he stated therein that he was not the
to file anew his final proof papers. land and acquire their respective sublots,
owner of more than twenty four hectares of
defendants, led by Jose Ganadin, sent a
land in the Philippines, when in truth and in fact
petition to the Secretary of Agriculture and
as he very well knew, he was already the
Natural Resources. They alleged that Patent
"Pending approval of his homestead owner (of more than twenty four hectares of
No. V-62617 and Original Certificate No. P-
application in Rizal, Nueva Ecija, appellant land in the Philippines) in fee simple of more
5619 are null and void as they were obtained
Ramos migrated to Isabela for additional lands than 88 hectares of agricultural lands, making
in violation of Section 19 of the Public Land
to acquire and till. Fortunately for him, he defendant Ricardo Ramos liable to the
Law, as amended by Act No. 456. They,
found a 14-hectare land covered by a consequences of his concealment and/or
therefore, demanded the cancellation of said
subsisting Homestead Application of one false statement under Sec. 91,
patent and title and the reversion of the
Simeon Lopez, which, however, was clearly Commonwealth Act 141.'"[2]
property through the Solicitor General. In an
abandoned by the said applicant. With the order dated July 22, 1968, the Director of Lands
assistance of the then District Land Officer, acted favorably on their petition and
Atty. Agustin Navarro, the appellant Ramos accordingly issued the following directive to
initiated a protest against Simeon Lopez in wit:
accordance with the Public Land Law, After due trial, the lower court rendered
simultaneously filing his own homestead judgment, the dispositive portion of which
application therefor on September 20, 1947 reads:
(Ext. A). After due investigation, his protest was
given due course, and his homestead
application (Homestead Application No. 4- 'IN THE LIGHT OF THE FOREGOING, it is ordered
617), accepted and approved by the District that the Homestead Application No. 4-617 (E- "WHEREFORE, ALL PREMISES CONSIDERED, the
Land Officer on November 22, 1947 (Exh. 7). 4-610) of Ricardo Ramos be, as it is hereby, court hereby renders judgment (A) declaring
cancelled and Patent No. V-62617 issued to defendant Ricardo Ramos' homestead patent
him thereunder, declared inoperative over the and title, Exhibits F and F-1, null and void ab
land in question. Accordingly, steps shall initio; (B) ordering the reversion of the five lots
forthwith be taken for the filing in the proper described in the said patent and title in favor
56 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
of the Republic of the Philippines; (C) ordering Law, Commonwealth Act No. 141, as with the previous homestead does not exceed
Ricardo Ramos to reconvey the title over the amended, which reads as follows: twenty-four hectares.
said five subdivisional lots, free of the
mortgages recorded in favor of the Republic It is essential, in order to be allowed another
of the Philippines; (D) declaring the two homestead, that the homesteader has not yet
mortgages executed by Ricardo Ramos as to "SEC. 19. Not more than one homestead entry been issued a homestead patent for his
said five lots, OCT No. P-5619, in favor of the shall be allowed to any one person, and no previous homestead at the time he filed his
Philippine National Bank, Exhibits 4 and 8-Bank, person to whom a homestead patent has second application for an additional
not valid as against the Republic of the been issued by virtue of the provisions of this homestead; and that the total area of both
Philippines; (E) declaring the theater, stores Act regardless of the area of his original homesteads does not exceed the maximum
and other improvements introduced by homestead, may again acquire a allowed by law. If the homesteader has
defendant Ricardo Ramos, or their agents homestead; Provided, however, That any already been issued a patent for his previous
forfeited in favor of the Republic; and (F) previous homesteader who has been homestead, he is disqualified from acquiring
ordering the five lots described in the said otherwise qualified to make a homestead an additional homestead regardless of the
patent and title be disposed of by the entry, may be issued a patent for less than area of his previous homestead.
government in public bidding under Title V, twenty-four hectares and allowed another
Chapter XI, Re: Town Site Reservations, giving homestead, which, together with his previous In this particular case, it is not disputed that the
the seventeen defendants in Civil Case No. Br. homestead shall not exceed an area of respondent Ricardo Ramos had not yet been
II-162, Ramos vs. Manuela Lachica, et al., who twenty-four hectares." issued a patent for his homestead in Rizal,
are among the fifty petitioners in the letter Nueva Ecija when he filed a homestead
The Solicitor General contends that said application for that parcel of land in San
Exhibit N and petition Exhibit O, praying for the
section forbids the acquisition by a person of Mateo, Isabela; and that the total area of
filing by the government of an action for the
another homestead regardless of the area of both homesteads does not exceed the
annulment of the homestead patent and title
his original homestead so that the respondent maximum allowed by law. Accordingly, said
of Ricardo Ramos and the reversion of the
Ricardo Ramos is disqualified from acquiring a respondents is not disqualified from acquiring
land to the Government, the privilege and
second homestead in San Mateo, Isabela the additional homestead in San Mateo,
preference to equal the highest bid."[3]
because of his original homestead in Rizal, Isabela.
Upon appeal to the Court of Appeals, the Nueva Ecija; and that while the law allows a
decision was reversed and a new one was homesteader to acquire an additional With respect to the claim that the original and
entered dismissing the complaint.[4] homestead, the respondent Ricardo Ramos is subsequent homestead should be located in
not qualified to a second homestead the same municipality or in an adjacent
Hence, the instant recourse. because he obtained the patent on his municipality, it is well to note that the original
original homestead after the effectivity of provisions of Section 19 of the Public Land Law
The Solicitor General claims that the Court of Commonwealth Act No. 456 on June 8, 1939 did, indeed, require that the land applied for
Appeals erred: which amended Section 19 of as an additional homestead should be in the
Commonwealth Act No. 141, not prior thereto, same municipality where the original
and the homesteads acquired by him are homestead is located or in an adjacent
located in different provinces, namely, Nueva municipality. Said section then provided, as
(1) In declaring homestead patent No. V- Ecija and Isabela, which are far apart from follows:
62617 and OCT No. P-5619 validly issued to each other and separated by the province of
respondent Ricardo Ramos despite the fact Nueva Vizcaya. The Solicitor General argues
that at the time of the issuance thereof, there that a homesteader may acquire an
was already entered in the name of said additional homestead provided that he "SEC. 19. Not more than one homestead shall
respondent Homestead Patent No. V-1833 acquired his patent for an original homestead be allowed to any person; but if a
covering a parcel of land situated in Rizal, before June 8, 1939; that the total area of both homesteader has made final proof as
Nueva Ecija with an area of 3 hectares, in the original and additional homesteads does provided in this chapter and is occupying and
violation of Sec. 19, Com. Act No. 141, as not exceed 24 hectares; and that the land cultivating at least one-fifth of the land
amended; desired to be acquired as an additional applied for and the area thereof is less than
homestead should be in the same municipality twenty-four hectares, he may apply
where the original homestead is located or in successively for additional homesteads which
an adjacent municipality. To reinforce his must lie in the same municipality or municipal
(2) In not considering respondent Ricardo district or in an adjacent municipality or
argument, he cites the opinions of the late
Ramos to have made false statements in that municipal district, until the total area of said
Sen. Vicente J. Francisco, former Director of
he did not divulge in his application and in the homesteads shall reach twenty-four hectares,
Lands Zoilo Castrillo, and ex-Land Registration
final proof for the Homestead Application but not more, with the understanding that he
Commissioner Antonio Noblejas.
covering a parcel of land in San Mateo, shall, with regard to the new tracts or
Isabela, with an area of 14 hectares, that he additional homesteads, comply with the same
The contention is without merit. The language
has already secured an entry for a parcel of conditions as prescribed by this Act for an
of the statute is very simple and clear. Section
land in Rizal, Nueva Ecija, and another 88 Original homestead entry." (Italics for
19 of the Public Land Law, as amended,
hectares or more of private agricultural lands emphasis)
enunciates the rule that a homesteader is
in Aurora, Isabela, in violation of Section 91 of
entitled to only one homestead and he may
Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended; Similar conditions were imposed for the
not file another application for an additional
and purchase and lease of public agricultural
homestead if he has already been issued a
homestead patent even if its total area is less lands. Thus, Section 32 of the Public Land Law
than the maximum allowed by law. However, reads, as follows:
(3) In not declaring the respondent Philippine a previous homesteader who is qualified to
National Bank in bad faith when it accepted make a homestead entry, i.e., "Any citizen of
the land covered by OCT No. P-5619, issued the Philippines over the age of eighteen years,
"SEC. 32. This chapter shall be held to authorize
pursuant to Homestead Patent No. V-62617, as or head of a family, who does not own more
only one purchase of the maximum amount of
collateral to a loan secured from it by than twenty-four hectares of land in the
land hereunder by the same person,
respondent Ricardo Ramos, thus making such Philippines or who has not had the benefits of
corporation, association, or partnership; and
transactions null and void. any gratuitous allotment of more than twenty-
no corporation, association, or partnership,
four hectares of land in the Philippines since
any member of which shall have received the
1. The principal controversy is on the the occupation of the Philippines by the
benefits of this chapter or of the next following
interpretation and application of the law United States,"[5] but has not yet been issued a
chapter, either as an individual or as a
governing the acquisition of homesteads, patent for his homestead, may be issued a
member of any other corporation, association,
more particularly Section 19 of the Public Land patent for his previous homestead and
allowed another homestead which, together
57 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
or partnership, shall purchase any other lands the 14-hectare lot in San Mateo, Isabela, was Anyhow, the total area of the original and the
of the public domain under this chapter. issued by the Register of Deeds of Isabela on subsequent homesteads did not exceed the
December 24, 1955, alI in the name of maximum allowed by law and no damage
respondent Ramos (see par. 8-a, Amended resulted therefrom.
Complaint in Civil Case No. Br. II-391, pp. 223-
"But any purchaser of public land, after having 224, Annex 'D', Printed Record on The respondent Ricardo Ramos could not
made the last payment upon and cultivated Appeal),[6] contrary to Section 91 of the Public have also made a false statement in his
at least one-fifth of the land purchased, if the Land Law which reads, as follows: application when he stated that he is not the
same shall be less than the maximum allowed owner of more than 24 hectares of land in the
by this Act, may purchase successively Philippines because he was not yet the owner
additional agricultural public land adjacent to of the parcel of land situated in Aurora,
or not distant from the land first purchased, "SEC. 91. The statements made in the Isabela when he filed his homestead
until the total area of such purchases shall application shall be considered as essential application for the land in San Mateo, Isabela,
reach the maximum established in this conditions and parts of any concession, title, on November 22, 1947 since the final deed of
chapter: Provided, That in making such or permit issued on the basis of such sale for the said land in Aurora, Isabela was
additional purchase or purchases, the same application, and any false statement therein issued to him only on May 22, 1950.
conditions shall be complied with as or omission of facts altering, changing, or
prescribed by this Act for the first purchase." modifying the consideration of the facts set 3. Finally, it is claimed that the respondent
forth in such statements, and any subsequent Philippine National Bank is a mortgagee in bad
For leases of additional public agricultural modification, alteration or change of the faith because it deliberately closed its eyes to
lands, Section 42 of the Public Land Law material facts set forth in the application the constructions and occupants of the land
provides, as follows: shall ipso facto produce the cancellation of offered as a security for a loan.
the concession, title, or permit granted. It shall
be the duty of the Director of Lands, from time The Philippine National Bank, upon the other
to time and whenever he may deem it hand, contends that there is nothing in the
"SEC. 42. After having paid rent for at least the certificate of title of the mortgagor Ricardo
advisable, to make the necessary
first two years of the lease, and having Ramos which would excite suspicion so that
investigations for the purpose of ascertaining
complied with the requirements prescribed in the bank need not look beyond the certificate
whether the material facts set out in the
section thirty-nine, the lessee of agricultural and investigate the title of the mortgagor.
application are true, or whether they continue
public land with an area less than the
to exist and are maintained and preserved in
maximum allowed by law, may lease In the case of Conspecto vs. Fruto,[7] the Court
good faith, and for the purposes of such
successively additional agricultural public land ruled: "One who purchases real property
investigation, the Director of Lands is hereby
adjacent to or near the land originally leased which is in the actual possession of others
empowered to
until the total area of such leases shall reach should, at least, make some inquiry
issue subpoenas and subpoena duces
the maximum established in this concerning the rights of those in possession.
tecum and, if necessary, to obtain
chapter: Provided, That in making such lease, The actual possession by others than the
compulsory process from the courts. In every
the same conditions shall be complied with as vendor should, at least, put the purchaser
investigation made in accordance with this
prescribed by this Act for the first lease." upon inquiry. He can scarcely, in the absence
section, the existence of bad faith, fraud,
concealment, or fraudulent and illegal of such inquiry, be regarded as a bona
But, while the provisions of Sections 32 and 42 fide purchaser as against such possessors."
modification of essential facts shall be
were retained, Section 19 was radically There can be no doubt, therefore, that the
presumed if the grantee or possessor of the
changed by Commonwealth Act No. 456. As Philippine National Bank is in bad faith. But,
land shall refuse or fail to obey
amended, this section no longer requires that since the title of the respondent Ricardo
a subpoena or subpoena duces
the additional homestead should be in the Ramos over the land mortgaged is valid, the
tecum lawfully issued by the Director of Lands
same municipality where the original mortgage constituted upon said land should
or his authorized delegates or agents, or shall
homestead is located or in an adjacent be upheld between the parties.
refuse or fail to give direct and specific
municipality. It is very obvious that the
answers to pertinent questions, and on the
legislature purposely removed such WHEREFORE, the petition should be, as it is
basis of such presumption, an order of
requirement. To give this section a limited hereby, DENIED for lack of merit. Without costs.
cancellation may issue without further
connotation as to retain its previous meaning
would render the amendatory act of no value. SO ORDERED.
Homestead laws, which are founded on
The contention is likewise without merit. What
considerations of public policy, their purpose Barredo, (Chairman), Fernandez*, Guerrero**,
section 91 of the Public Land Law considers as
being to promote the stability and welfare of and De Castro, JJ., concur.
fatal are false statements of material and
the State by encouraging property ownership,
essential facts knowingly made by the Aquino and Abad Santos, JJ., did not take
should be construed liberally with a view to
homesteader in the application and not in the part.
accomplishing their beneficient object.
final proof. In the instant case, it appears that
the respondent Ricardo Ramos had only a
2. The petitioner also contends that the
primary education. He is not conversant with
homestead patent covering the homestead in
the law because he is not a lawyer. When he
San Mateo, Isabela is void because the
filed his homestead application for that parcel
respondent Ricardo Ramos made false
of land situated in San Mateo, Isabela, he was
statements in his homestead application, as
assisted by District Land Officer Agustin
well as in the final proof, when he denied
Navarro, whom he informed of all the material
having filed a previous homestead
facts, and his final proof was prepared by
application although he had in fact filed a
Public Lands Inspector Jose Abaya, who had
homestead application for the land in Rizal,
also knowledge of the facts necessary for its
Nueva Ecija; and stated that he is not the
accomplishment, and he merely affixed his
owner of more than twenty-four hectares of
signature to the documents. Since the
land in the Philippines although said
erroneous information contained in the
"respondent Ramos was already issued TCT
application are the acts of persons who
No. T-3767, covering the 88 hectare lot in
prepared the documents, rather than the
Aurora, Isabela on August 2, 1952, when (a)
wilfull and deliberate intent on the part of the
Homestead Application No. 4-617 (Exh. 'H')
said respondent to conceal material facts and
was approved on December 3, 1954; when (b)
mislead the land officers, whatever error may
Homestead Patent No. 61617 (Exh. 'F') was
be found in the application are excused.
issued on December 15, 1955; and when (c)
Original Certificate of Title No. P-5619, covering
58 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
DIVISION reduction in Ballatan's area since he was not b) P5,000.00 for plaintiffs'
present at the time respondents Go transportation;
[ GR No. 125683, Mar 02, 1999 ] constructed their boundary walls.[6]
EDEN BALLATAN AND SPS. BETTY MARTINEZ AND On June 2, 1985, Engineer Quedding made a 4. To pay plaintiffs, jointly and
CHONG CHY LING v. CA + third relocation survey upon request of the severally, attorney's fees equivalent
parties. He found that Lot No. 24 lost to 25% of the current market value
DECISION of the subject matter in litigation at
approximately 25 square meters on its eastern
boundary, that Lot No. 25, although found to the time of execution; and
have encroached on Lot No. 24, did not lose
363 Phil. 408 nor gain any area; that Lot No. 26 lost some
three (3) square meters which, however, were 5. To pay the costs of suit.
gained by Lot No. 27 on its western
The third-party complaint filed by third-party
boundary.[7] In short, Lots Nos. 25, 26 and 27
plaintiff Gonzalo Go and Winston Go against
PUNO, J.: moved westward to the eastern boundary of
third-party defendants Araneta Institute of
Lot No. 24.
Agriculture, Jose N. Quedding and Li Ching
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the
Yao is hereby DISMISSED, without
decision of the Court of Appeals dated March On the basis of this survey, on June 10, 1985,
pronouncement as to costs.
25, 1996 in CA-G.R. CV No. 32472 entitled petitioner Ballatan made a written demand on
"Eden Ballatan, et. al., plaintiffs-appellees v. respondents Go to remove and dismantle their
Gonzalo Go and Winston Go, appellants and improvements on Lot No. 24. Respondents Go
third-party plaintiffs-appellants v. Li Ching refused. The parties, including Li Ching Yao,
Respondents Go appealed. On March 25,
Yao,, third-party defendants."[1] however, met several times to reach an
1996, the Court of Appeals modified the
agreement on the matter.
decision of the trial court. It affirmed the
The instant case arose from a dispute over
dismissal of the third-party complaint against
forty-two (42) square meters of residential land Failing to agree amicably, petitioner Ballatan
the AIA but reinstated the complaint against Li
belonging to petitioners. The parties herein are brought the issue before the barangay.
Ching Yao and Jose Quedding. Instead of
owners of adjacent lots located at Block No. 3, Respondents Go did not appear. Thus, on April
ordering respondents Go to demolish their
Poinsettia Street, Araneta University Village, 1, 1986, petitioner Ballatan instituted against
improvements on the subject land, the
Malabon, Metro Manila. Lot No. 24, 414square respondents Go Civil Case No. 772-MN for
appellate court ordered them to pay
meters in area, is registered in the name of recovery of possession before the Regional
petitioner Ballatan, and respondent Li Ching
petitioners Eden Ballatan and spouses Betty Trial Court, Malabon, Branch 169. The Go's filed
Yao to pay respondents Go, a reasonable
Martinez and Chong Chy Ling.[2] Lots Nos. 25 their "Answer with Third-Party Complaint"
amount for that portion of the lot which they
and 26, with an area of 415 and 313 square impleading as third-party defendants
encroached, the value to be fixed at the time
meters respectively, are registered in the respondents Li Ching Yao, the AIA and
of taking. It also ordered Jose Quedding to
name of respondent Gonzalo Go, Sr.[3] On Lot Engineer Quedding.
pay respondents Go attorney's fees of
No. 25, respondent Winston Go, son of
P5,000.00 for his erroneous survey. The
Gonzalo Go, Sr., constructed his house. On August 23, 1990, the trial court decided in
dispositive portion of the decision reads:
Adjacent to Lot No. 26 is Lot No. 27, 417 square favor of petitioners. It ordered the Go's to
meters in area, and is registered in the name vacate the subject portion of Lot No. 24,
of respondent Li Ching Yao.[4] demolish their improvements and pay "WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
petitioner Ballatan actual damages, attorney's decision appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED
In 1985, petitioner Ballatan constructed her fees and the costs of the suit. It dismissed the insofar as the dismissal of the third-party
house on Lot No. 24. During the construction, third-party complaint against: (1) AIA after complaint against Araneta Institute of
she noticed that the concrete fence and side finding that the lots sold to the parties were in Agriculture is concerned but modified in all
pathway of the adjoining house of respondent accordance with the technical description other aspects as follows:
Winston Go encroached on the entire length and verification plan covered by their
of the eastern side of her property.[5] Her respective titles; (2) Jose N. Quedding, there 1) Defendants-appellants are hereby ordered
building contractor informed her that the area being no privity of relation between him and to pay plaintiffs-appellees the reasonable
of her lot was actually less than that described respondents Go and his erroneous survey value of the forty-two (42) square meters of
in the title. Forthwith, Ballatan informed having been made at the instance of AIA, not their lot at the time of its taking;
respondent Go of this discrepancy and his the parties; and (3) Li Ching Yao for failure to
encroachment on her property. Respondent prove that he committed any wrong in the 2) Third-party defendant Li Ching Yao is hereby
Go, however, claimed that his house, subject encroachment.[8] The court made the ordered to pay defendants-appellants the
including its fence and pathway, were built following disposition: reasonable value of the thirty-seven (37)
within the parameters of his father's lot; and square meters of the latter's lot at the time of
that this lot was surveyed by Engineer Jose its taking; and
Quedding, the authorized surveyor of the "WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in
Araneta Institute of Agriculture (AIA), the favor of the plaintiffs and against the
3) Third-party defendant Jose N. Quedding is
owner-developer of the subdivision project. defendants, ordering the latter:
hereby ordered to pay to defendants-
appellants the amount of P5,000.00. as
Petitioner Ballatan called the attention of the attorney's fees.
AIA to the discrepancy of the land area in her 1. To demolish and remove all
title and the actual land area received from improvements existing and
LET THE RECORD of the case be remanded to
them. The AIA authorized another survey of the encroaching on plaintiff's lot;
the Regional Trial Court of Malabon for further
land by Engineer Jose N. Quedding. proceedings and reception of evidence for
2. To clear, vacate and deliver the determination of the reasonable value of
In a report dated February 28, 1985, Engineer Lots Nos. 24 and 26.
possession of the encroached area
Quedding found that the lot area of petitioner
to the plaintiffs;
Ballatan was less by a few meters and that of SO ORDERED."[9]
respondent Li Ching Yao, which was three lots
away, increased by two (2) meters. Engineer Hence, this petition. Petitioners allege that:
3. To pay plaintiffs jointly and severally
Quedding declared that he made a
the following:
verification survey of Lots Nos. 25 and 26 of
respondents Go in 1983 and allegedly found "RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS ERRED ON
a) P7,800.00 for the expenses paid
the boundaries to have been in their proper QUESTIONS OF LAW AND GRAVELY ABUSED ITS
to the surveyors;
position. He, however, could not explain the DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OF
59 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
JURISDICTION WHEN: on motion, a reasonable time for amendment Winston Go's house on adjacent Lot No. 25;
of the complaint so as to allege the precise that inclusive of the subject portion,
amount of damages and accept payment of respondents Go did not gain nor lose any
1. IT APPLIED EQUITY OR EQUITABLE the requisite legal fees.[15] If there are portion of Lots Nos. 25 and 26; that instead, Lot
SOLUTIONS TO THE INSTANT CASE IN unspecified claims, the determination of No. 27, on which respondent Li Ching Yao built
UTTER DISREGARD AND IN which may arise after the filing of the his house, encroached on the land of
VIOLATION OR GROSS IGNORANCE complaint or similar pleading, the additional respondents Go, gaining in the process thirty-
OF EXISTING LAWS AND filing fee thereon shall constitute a lien on the seven (37) square meters of the latter's land.[21]
JURISPRUDENCE VESTING BASIC judgment award.[16] The same rule also applies
PROPERTY RIGHTS TO HEREIN to third-party claims and other similar We hold that the Court of Appeals correctly
PETITIONERS. RESPONDENT COURT pleadings.[17] dismissed the third-party complaint against
HAS NO POWER TO APPLY/USE AIA. The claim that the discrepancy in the lot
EQUITY IN THE PRESENCE OF In the case at bar, the third-party complaint areas was due to AIA's fault was not proved.
EXISTING LAWS TO THE CONTRARY. filed by respondents Go was incorporated in The appellate court, however, found that it
their answer to the complaint. The third-party was the erroneous survey by Engineer
complaint sought the same remedy as the Quedding that triggered these discrepancies.
2. UNDER THE GUISE OF APPLYING principal complaint but added a prayer for And it was this survey that respondent Winston
EQUITY BUT IN EFFECT A VERY attorney's fees and costs without specifying Go relied upon in constructing his house on his
APPARENT PARTIALITY AND FAVOR their amounts, thus: father's land. He built his house in the belief
TO RESPONDENTS GO, IT ORDERED that it was entirely within the parameters of his
PAYMENT OF THE ENCROACHED father's land. In short, respondents Go had no
ITS TAKING AND NOT THE VALUE AT petitioners' lot. They are deemed builders in
THE TIME OF PAYMENT, THEREBY good faith[22] until the time petitioner Ballatan
ENRICHING THE GO'S BUT 1. That summons be issued against informed them of their encroachment on her
DEPRIVING PETITIONERS OF THE Third-Party Defendants Araneta property.[23]
FRUITS OR INCREASE IN VALUE OF Institute of Agriculture, Jose N.
THEIR PROPERTY TO WHICH THEY ARE Quedding and Li Ching Yao; Respondent Li Ching Yao built his house on his
ENTITLED UNDER THE LAW AS THE lot before any of the other parties did.[24] He
REGISTERED OWNERS WITH TORRENS constructed his house in 1982, respondents Go
TITLE IN THEIR NAMES. 2. That after hearing, they be
in 1983, and petitioners in 1985.[25] There is no
sentenced to indemnify the Third-
evidence, much less, any allegation that
Party Plaintiffs for whatever is
respondent Li Ching Yao was aware that when
3. WHEN IT DID NOT DISMISS THE THIRD- adjudged against the latter in favor
he built his house he knew that a portion
PARTY COMPLAINT DUE TO NON- of the Plaintiffs;
thereof encroached on respondents Go's
adjoining land. Good faith is always
presumed, and upon him who alleges bad
3. That Third-Party Defendants be
faith on the part of a possessor rests the burden
ordered to pay attorney's fees as
of proof.[26]
4. WHEN IT DENIED PETITIONERS THE may be proved during trial;
All the parties are presumed to have acted in
4. That Third-Party Defendants be good faith. Their rights must, therefore, be
ordered to pay the costs. determined in accordance with the
Petitioners question the admission by appropriate provisions of the Civil Code on
respondent Court of Appeals of the third-party Other just and equitable reliefs are also prayed property.
complaint by respondents Go against the AIA, for."[18]
Jose Quedding and Li Ching Yao. Petitioners Article 448 of the Civil Code provides:
claim that the third-party complaint should not The Answer with Third-Party Complaint was
have been considered by the Court of admitted by the trial court without the requisite
payment of filing fees, particularly on the Go's "Art. 448. The owner of the land on which
Appeals for lack of jurisdiction due to third-
prayer for damages.[19] The trial court did not anything has been built, sown or planted in
party plaintiffs' failure to pay the docket and
award the Go's any damages. It dismissed the good faith, shall have the right to appropriate
filing fees before the trial court.
third-party complaint. The Court of Appeals, as his own the works, sowing or planting, after
however, granted the third-party complaint in payment of the indemnity provided for in
The third-party complaint in the instant case
part by ordering third-party defendant Jose N. Articles 546 and 548,[27] or to oblige the one
arose from the complaint of petitioners against
Quedding to pay the Go's the sum of P5,000.00 who built or planted to pay the price of the
respondents Go. The complaint filed was
as attorney's fees. land, and the one who sowed the proper rent.
for accion publiciana, i.e., the recovery of
However, the builder or planter cannot be
possession of real property which is a real
Contrary to petitioners' claim, the Court of obliged to buy the land if its value is
action. The rule in this jurisdiction is that when
Appeals did not err in awarding damages considerably more than that of the building or
an action is filed in court, the complaint must
despite the Go's failure to specify the amount trees. In such case, he shall pay reasonable
be accompanied by the payment of the
prayed for and pay the corresponding rent, if the owner of the land does not choose
requisite docket and filing fees. [11] In real
additional filing fees thereon. The claim for to appropriate the building or trees after
actions, the docket and filing fees are based
attorney's fees refers to damages proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon
on the value of the property and the amount
arising after the filing of the complaint against the terms of the lease and in case of
of damages claimed, if any. [12] If the
the Go's. The additional filing fee on this claim disagreement, the court shall fix the terms
complaint is filed but the fees are not paid at
is deemed to constitute a lien on the judgment thereof."
the time of filing, the court acquires jurisdiction
upon full payment of the fees within a award.[20]
The owner of the land on which anything has
reasonable time as the court may grant,
The Court of Appeals found that the subject been built, sown or planted in good faith shall
barring prescription.[13] Where the fees
portion is actually forty-two (42) square meters have the right to appropriate as his own the
prescribed for the real action have been paid
in area, not forty-five (45), as initially found by building, planting or sowing, after payment to
but the fees of certain related damages are
the trial court; that this forty-two (42) square the builder, planter or sower of the necessary
not, the court, although having jurisdiction
meter portion is on the entire eastern side of and useful expenses, and in the proper case,
over the real action, may not have acquired
Lot No. 24 belonging to petitioners; that on this expenses for pure luxury or mere pleasure. The
jurisdiction over the accompanying claim for
said portion is found the concrete fence and owner of the land may also oblige the builder,
damages.[14] Accordingly, the court may
pathway that extends from respondent planter or sower to purchase and pay the
expunge those claims for damages, or allow,
price of the land. If the owner chooses to sell
60 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
his land, the builder, planter or sower must of the land, have therefore the choice of either option to either buy the portion of respondents
purchase the land, otherwise the owner may appropriating the portion of petitioners' house Go's improvement on their Lot No. 24, or sell to
remove the improvements thereon. The which is on their land upon payment of the said respondents the portion of their land on
builder, planter or sower, however, is not proper indemnity to petitioners, or selling to which the improvement stands. If petitioners
obliged to purchase the land if its value is petitioners that part of their land on which elect to sell the land or buy the improvement,
considerably more than the building, planting stands the improvement. It may here be the purchase price must be at the prevailing
or sowing. In such case, the builder, planter or pointed out that it would be impractical for market price at the time of payment. If buying
sower must pay rent to the owner of the land. respondents to choose to exercise the first the improvement will render respondents Go's
If the parties cannot come to terms over the alternative, i.e., buy that portion of the house house useless, then petitioners should sell the
conditions of the lease, the court must fix the standing on their land, for in that event the encroached portion of their land to
terms thereof. The right to choose between whole building might be rendered useless. The respondents Go. If petitioners choose to sell
appropriating the improvement or selling the more workable solution, it would seem, is for the land but respondents Go are unwilling or
land on which the improvement stands to the respondents to sell to petitioners that part of unable to buy, then the latter must vacate the
builder, planter or sower, is given to the owner their land on which was constructed a portion subject portion and pay reasonable rent from
of the land.[28] of the latter's house. If petitioners are unwilling the time petitioners made their choice up to
or unable to buy, then they must vacate the the time they actually vacate the premises.
Article 448 has been applied to improvements land and must pay rentals until they do so. Of But if the value of the land is considerably
or portions of improvements built by mistaken course, respondents cannot oblige petitioners more than the value of the improvement, then
belief on land belonging to the adjoining to buy the land if its value is considerably more respondents Go may elect to lease the land,
owner.[29] The facts of the instant case are than that of the aforementioned portion of the in which case the parties shall agree upon the
similar to those in Cabral v. Ibanez,[30] to wit: house. If such be the case, then petitioners terms of the lease. Should they fail to agree on
must pay reasonable rent. The parties must said terms, the court of origin is directed to fix
come to an agreement as to the conditions of the terms of the lease.
"[P]laintiffs Geronima Zabala and her husband the lease, and should they fail to do so, then
Justino Bernardo, constructed their house in the court shall fix the same."[33] From the moment petitioners shall have
the belief that it was entirely within the area of exercised their option, respondents Go shall
their own land without knowing at that time In light of these rulings, petitioners, as owners of pay reasonable monthly rent up to the time
that part of their house was occupying a 14- Lot No. 24, may choose to purchase the the parties agree on the terms of the lease or
square meter portion of the adjoining lot improvement made by respondents Go on until the court fixes such terms.
belonging to the defendants, and that the their land, or sell to respondents Go the subject
defendants Bernardo M. Cabral and Mamerta portion. If buying the improvement is (2) Respondents Go are likewise directed to
M. Cabral were likewise unaware of the fact impractical as it may render the Go's house exercise their rights as owners of Lots Nos. 25
that a portion of plaintiff's house was useless, then petitioners may sell to and 26, vis-a-vis respondent Li Ching Yao as
extending and occupying a portion of their lot respondents Go that portion of Lot No. 24 on builder of the improvement that encroached
with an area of 14 square meters. The parties which their improvement stands. If the Go's are on thirty seven (37) square meters of
came to know of the fact that part of the unwilling or unable to buy the lot, then they respondents Go's land in accordance with
plaintiff's house was occupying part of must vacate the land and, until they vacate, paragraph one abovementioned.
defendant's land when the construction of they must pay rent to petitioners. Petitioners,
plaintiff's house was about to be finished, after however, cannot compel respondents Go to (3) The Decision of the Court of Appeals
a relocation of the monuments of the two buy the land if its value is considerably more ordering Engineer Quedding, as third-party
properties had been made by the U.S. Army than the portion of their house constructed defendant, to pay attorney's fees of P5,000.00
through the Bur thereon. If the value of the land is much more to respondents Go is affirmed. The additional
than the Go's improvement, then respondents filing fee on the damages constitutes a lien on
eau of Lands, according to their 'Stipulation of Go must pay reasonable rent. If they do not this award.
Facts,' dated August 17, 1951. agree on the terms of the lease, then they may
go to court to fix the same. (4) The Decision of the Court of Appeals
On the basis of these facts, we held that: dismissing the third-party complaint against
In the event that petitioners elect to sell to Araneta Institute of Agriculture is affirmed.
respondents Go the subject portion of their lot,
"The Court, therefore, concludes that the the price must be fixed at the prevailing SO ORDERED.
plaintiffs are builders in good faith and the market value at the time of payment. The
relative rights of the defendant Mamerta Court of Appeals erred in fixing the price at the Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza,
Cabral as owner of the land and of the time of taking, which is the time the Quisumbing, and Buena, JJ., concur.
plaintiffs as owners of the building is governed improvements were built on the land. The time
by Article 361 of the Civil Code (Co Tao v. of taking is determinative of just compensation
Joaquin Chan Chico, 46 Off. Gaz.5514). Article in expropriation proceedings. The instant case
361 of the old Civil Code has been is not for expropriation. It is not a taking by the
reproduced with an additional provision in state of private property for a public purpose
Article 448 of the new Civil Code, approved upon payment of just compensation. This is a
June 18, 1949."[31] case of an owner who has been paying real
estate taxes on his land but has been deprived
Similarly, in Grana and Torralba v. Court of
of the use of a portion of this land for years. It is
Appeals,[32] we held that:
but fair and just to fix compensation at the
time of payment.[34]
"Although without any legal and valid claim
Article 448 and the same conditions
over the land in question, petitioners, however,
abovestated also apply to respondents Go as
were found by the Court of Appeals to have
owners and possessors of their land and
constructed a portion of their house thereon in
respondent Li Ching Yao as builder of the
good faith. Under Article 361 of the old Civil
improvement that encroached on thirty-seven
Code (Article 448 of the new), the owner of
(37) square meters of respondents Go's land.
the land on which anything has been built in
good faith shall have the right to appropriate
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the decision of respondent
as his own the building, after payment to the
Court of Appeals is modified as follows:
builder of necessary or useful expenses, and in
the proper case, expenses for pure luxury or
(1) Petitioners are ordered to exercise within
mere pleasure, or to oblige the builder to pay
thirty (30) days from finality of this decision their
the price of the land. Respondents, as owners
61 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. 3326, Sep 07, 1907 ] Sendagorta, in the month of January,
"Masbate, March 14, 1906." 1906, recovered from the wreck of
US v. LAURENTE EEY + said ship the sum of 10,000 pesos.
After hearing the evidence adduced
DECISION during the trial of said cause, the lower It is proved that of the 25,000 pesos
court found the defendant guilty of shipped on the said Gantabria, 20,000
8 Phil. 500
the crime charged in the complaint of said amount belonged to Urrutia &
and sentenced him to be imprisoned Co. and 5,000 belonged to Munoz &
for a period of four years, and to Co.
JOHNSON, J.: restore to the Union Insurance
Company of Canton, Limited, the sum It is admitted that on the 16th day of
This defendant was charged with the of 10,000 pesos and to pay the costs October, Mr. Edward E. Hill, as agent
crime of robbery in the Court of First of the prosecution. From this sentence for the Union Insurance Company of
Instance of the subprovince of the defendant appealed and made Canton, Limited, paid to Urrutia & Co.
Masbate, in the words and figures the following assignment of errors: the sum of 35,000 pesos for losses
which the said company incurred by
reason of the wreck of said steamer,
"(1) The court erred in finding that the
"The undersigned accuses Laurente and that 20,000 of said amount was
crime of robbery had been
Key, as principal, of the crime of for the purpose of covering the 20,000
robbery, committed as follows: pesos shipped by the said Urrutia &
Co. on said steamer on the 19th day
"(2) The sentence of the court is
"That on or about the 26th of of September.
contrary to the evidence and the
September, 1905, in the municipality law."
of San Jacinto, subprovince of The facts charged by the fiscal and
Masbate, Philippine Islands, the By these assignments of error the denied by the defendant are
accused, Laurente Key, in company defendant presents two questions, substantially as follows:
with Hipolito Roblora, Lucio Estay, Jose one of law and one of fact.
Sudueno, Demetrio Sudueno, Melecio That the defendant, with several
Hernandez, and Luis Almosara, An examination of the record brought others, on the 28th day of September,
willfully, intentionally, maliciously, with to this court shows that some facts 1905, after having discovered the
intent of profiting thereby, against the were admitted and some were existence and location of the
will of its owner and employing force denied by the respective parties. The wrecked steamer, took from the said
with regard to the property, took facts admitted were substantially as wrecked steamer the sum of 15,000
possession of the sum of fifteen follows: pesos, a part of which was distributed
thousand pesos, in silver currency and among his companions, the largest
paper certificates, all in the legal That on or about the 19th day of portion of which was retained by the
tender of the Philippine Islands; that September, 1905, the steamer said defendant.
said amount is the property of Urrutia Gantabria sailed from the port of
&, Co. and of Munoz & Co., both Manila, destined for the pueblo of The lower court made the following
commercial firms doing business in the Tabaco, in the Province of Albay, and finding of facts from the evidence
city of Manila; that the above- after remaining in quarantine at the adduced during the trial of the cause:
mentioned amount was placed by quarantine station of Mariveles,
those firms on board the steamship continued the journey from said
"That on the 19th of September, 1905,
Gantabria, which was totally wrecked quarantine station on the 24th day of
silver and paper money amounting to
and lost off the Island of Mababuy, September, and on or about the 26th
25,000 pesos belonging to the firms of
within the municipality of San Jacinto, day of said month said ship was totally
Urrutia & Co. and Munoz & Co., of
subprovince of Masbate, Philippine wrecked off the small Island of
Manila, was placed on the steamer
Islands; that said amount was packed Mababuy and all its officers,
Gantabria at Manila by the said firms
in several boxes; that those boxes passengers, and cargo were totally
for shipment; that 5,000 pesos of the
were reenforced with iron straps and lost.
said money belonged to Munoz & Co.
nails, which were broken by the
and 20,000 pesos to Urrutia & Co.; that
accused in order to take possession of It is proved that said ship had on
on the 26th day of September the
the said sum of money; that the board at the time of sailing from the
Cantabria was totally wrecked off the
accused, once having taken city of Manila, as a part of her cargo,
Island of Mababuy, every person on
possession of the money, delivered to three boxes containing money,
her being drowned, the bills of lading
Petrona Justiniano, who had amounting to at least 25,000 pesos.
of said money being lost, and the
knowledge of the perpetration of the There is some confusion in the
money sunk with the ship; that on the
crime, the paper certificates, which evidence concerning the exact
28th day of September the
were dried out by her with a amount of money. This money was
defendant, Laurente Key, with the
smoothing iron and were kept by her shipped by the firms of Urrutia & Co.
assistance of several men who were in
with the intent of appropriating the and Munoz & Co.
his employ, proceeded to said
same. All contrary to the statute.
wrecked steamer and willfully,
It is proved that one Jesus A. de
unlawfully, and with the intention of
62 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
appropriating it to his own use took his own use in about twenty-four hours sunken ship for the benefit of the
therefrom two boxes, one containing after the time of the sinking of the said owners of the same, he might have
10,000 pesos and the other 5,000 ship. Can one be charged with the been entitled to compensation for his
pesos; that 10,000 pesos of the said abandonment of his property without labor, but when he entered the
money was the property of Urrutia & even knowing that the same has sunken ship and took therefrom, by
Co. and 5,000 pesos was the property passed out of his possession or has force, the property of another before
of Muñoz & Co." been lost? We are of the opinion, and actual abandonment by the owner
so hold, that this question must be and appropriated the same to his own
Admitting the foregoing disputed answered in the negative. use, he was, under the provisions of
facts to be true for the purpose of the Penal Code in force in the
discussing the first assignment of error Manresa, in his Commentaries upon Philippine Islands, guilty of the crime of
made by the appellant, the question the provisions of the Civil Code, says robbery.
arises whether or not the defendant, (vol. 4, p. 291) :
under these facts, is guilty of the crime Upon the question whether or not the
of robbery, under the provisions of the defendant and his companions did
Penal Code. "He who has a right may renounce it. actually commit the acts charged in
This act by which a thing is voluntarily the said complaint, Ave are of the
The theory of the defendant and renounced constitutes an opinion, and so hold; that the
appellant is that the said property abandonment. There is no real evidence adduced during the trial in
which was sunk with the wrecked intention to abandon a property the lower court fully shows that the
steamer, the said Cantabria, was when, as in the case of a shipwreck or defendant did commit such acts in
abandoned property and therefore, a fire, things are thrown into the sea or the manner and form as charged in
granting that he had taken possession upon the highway." said complaint. Therefore we hereby
of said property and appropriated it affirm the sentence of the lower court
to his own use, he was not guilty of the Certainly the owner of property can
and do hereby sentence the
crime of robbery. The defendant and not be held to have abandoned the
defendant to imprisonment for a
appellant, in his brief, admits the same until at least he has some
period of four-years of presidio
following fact: knowledge of the loss of its possession
correctional, under the provisions of
or of the loss of the thing.
paragraph 5 of article 512 of the Penal
That it was more than six weeks after Code, to return to Urrutia & Co. and
the cyclone (in which the Gantabria Property can not be considered
Munoz & Co., or the Union Insurance
was sunk) before any definite abandoned under the law and the
Company of Canton, Limited, the sum
knowledge was received in regard to possession left vacant for the finder
of 15,000 pesos, in case of insolvency
the fate of the Cantabria, thus until the spes recuperandi is gone and
to suffer subsidiary imprisonment in
admitting that the owners of the the animus revertendi is finally given
accordance with paragraph 1 of
money alleged to have been robbed up. (The Ann L. Lockivood, 37 Fed.
article 50 of the Penal Code, and to
had no definite knowledge of its loss Rep., 233.)
pay the costs. So ordered.
for six weeks or more after the
destruction of the said ship. The theory of abandonment on the
Arellano, C. J., Torres,
part of the owners of the money stolen
Willard, and Tracey, JJ., concur.
Article 400 of the Civil Code provides is fully refuted by the fact that some
how the possessor of property may weeks after the wreck of the said ship
lose his possession of the same: they sent men to the place of the
wreck for the purpose of recovering
the property which belonged to them,
"(1) By abandonment of the thing. which was on board the ship at the
time of her sinking. The mere fact that
"(2) By transfer to another for a good cargo is sunk with a ship wrecked at
and valuable consideration. sea by no means deprives the owner
of said cargo of his property therein.
"(3) By the destruction or total loss of The owner certainly still has the right to
the thing or by the thing becoming reclaim such property and to recover
unmarketable. the same if possible. If it should be
recovered by others, the real owner
"(4) By the possession of another, even would be entitled to recover its value
against the will of the former possessor, less the necessary expense of
if the new possession has lasted more recovering the same and carrying it
than one year." ashore by the most approved
appliances for that purpose by others.
The evidence shows, if it can be (Murphy vs. Dunham, 38 Fed. Rep.,
believed, that the defendant and his 503.)
companions entered the wrecked
ship and removed therefrom the said If the defendant and his companions
money and appropriated the same to had recovered the cargo from the
63 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
GR No. L-30817, Sep 29, 1972 ] had frequently met each other at the conclusive on us, with the applicable
place of the plaintiff's said cousin. In law being what it is, this petition for
DOMINADOR DIZON v. LOURDES G. fact, about one year before their review cannot prosper. To repeat, the
SUNTAY + transaction of June 13, 1962 took place, decision of the Court of Appeals stands.
Clarita R. Sison received a piece of
DECISION 1. There is a fairly recent restatement of
jewelry from the plaintiff to be sold for
P500.00, and when it was sold, Clarita R. the force and effect of the governing
150-B Phil. 861
Sison gave the price to the plaintiff. After codal norm in De Garcia vs. Court of
the lapse of a considerable time without Appeals.[4] Thus: "The controlling
Clarita R. Sison having returned to the provision is Article 559 of the Civil
FERNANDO, J.: plaintiff the latter's ring, the plaintiff Code. It reads thus: 'The possession of
made demands on Clarita R. Sison for movable property acquired in good
In essence there is nothing novel in this the return of her ring but the latter could faith is equivalent to a
petition for review of a decision of the not comply with the demands because, title. Nevertheless, one who has lost any
Court of Appeals affirming a lower court without the knowledge of the plaintiff, movable or has been unlawfully
judgment sustaining the right of an on June 15, 1962 or three days after the deprived thereof may recover it from the
owner of a diamond ring, respondent ring above-mentioned was received by person in possession of the same. If the
Lourdes G. Suntay, as against the claim Clarita R. Sison from the plaintiff, said ring possessor of a movable lost of which the
of petitioner Dominador Dizon, who was pledged by Melia Sison, niece of the owner has been unlawfully deprived,
owns and operates a pawnshop. The husband of Clarita R. Sison, evidently in has acquired it in good faith at a public
diamond ring was turned over to a connivance with the latter, with the sale, the owner cannot obtain its return
certain Clarita R. Sison, for sale on defendant's pawnshop for P2,600.00 * * without reimbursing the price paid
commission, along with other pieces of *."[2] Then came this portion of the therefor.' Respondent Angelina D.
jewelry of respondent Suntay. It was decision under review: "Since the Guevara, having been unlawfully
then pledged to petitioner. Since what plaintiff insistently demanded from deprived of the diamond ring in
was done was violative of the terms of Clarita R. Sison the return of her ring, the question, was entitled to recover it from
the agency, there was an attempt on latter finally delivered to the former the petitioner Consuelo S. de Garcia who
her part to recover possession thereof pawnshop ticket * * * which is the receipt was found possession of the same. The
from petitioner, who refused. She had to of the pledge with the defendant's only exception the law allows is when
file an action then for its recovery. She pawnshop of the plaintiff's ring. When there is acquisition in good faith of the
was successful, as noted above, both in the plaintiff found out that Clarita R. Sison possessor at a public sale, in which case
the lower court and thereafter in the pledged, she took steps to file a case of the owner cannot obtain its return
Court of Appeals. She prevailed as she estafa against the latter with the fiscal's without reimbursing the price. As
had in her favor the protection office. Subsequently thereafter, the authoritatively interpreted in Cruz vs.
accorded by Article 559 of the Civil plaintiff, through her lawyer, wrote a Pahati, the right of the owner cannot be
Code.[1] The matter was then elevated letter * * * dated September 22, 1962, to defeated even by proof that there was
to us by petitioner. Ordinarily, our the defendant asking for the delivery to good faith in the acquisition by the
discretion would have been exercised the plaintiff of her ring pledged with possessor. There is a reiteration of this
against giving due course to such defendant's pawnshop under principle in
petition for review. The vigorous plea pawnshop receipt serial B No. 65606, Aznar vs. Yapdiangco. Thus: 'Suffice it
however, grounded on estoppel, by his dated June 15, 1962 * * *. Since the to say in this regard that the right of the
counsel, Atty. Andres T. Velarde, defendant refused to return the ring, the owner to recover personal property
persuaded us to act otherwise. After a plaintiff filed the present action with the acquired in good faith by another, is
careful perusal of the respective Court of First Instance of Manila for the based on his being dispossessed without
contentions of the parties, we fail to recovery of said ring, with P500.00 as his consent. The common law principle
perceive any sufficient justification for a attorney's fees and costs. The plaintiff that were one of two innocent persons
departure from the literal language of asked for the provisional remedy of must suffer by a fraud perpetrated by
the applicable codal provision as replevin by the delivery of the ring to her, another, the law imposes the loss upon
uniformly interpreted by this Court in a upon her filing the requisite bond, the party who, by his misplaced
number of decisions. The invocation of pending the final determination of the confidence, has enabled the fraud to
estoppel is therefore unavailing. We action. The lower court issued the writ of be committed, cannot be applied in a
affirm. replevin prayed for by plaintiff and the case which is covered by an express
latter was able to take possession of the provision of the new Civil Code,
The statement of the case as well as the specifically Article 559. Between a
ring during the pendency of the action
controlling facts may be found in the common law principle and a statutory
upon her filing the requisite bond."[3] It
Court of Appeals decision penned by provision, the latter must prevail in this
was then noted that the lower court
Justice Perez. Thus: "Plaintiff is the owner jurisdiction.'"[5]
rendered judgment declaring that
of a three-carat diamond ring valued at
plaintiff, now respondent Suntay, had
P5,500.00. On June 13, 1962, the plaintiff 2. It must have been a recognition of the
the right to the possession of the ring in
and Clarita R. Sison entered into a compulsion exerted by the above
question. Petitioner Dizon, as
transaction wherein the plaintiff's ring authoritative precedents that must have
defendant, sought to have the
was delivered to Clarita R. Sison for sale caused petitioner to invoke the principle
judgment reversed by the Court of
on commission. Upon receiving the ring, of estoppel. There is clearly a
Appeals. It did him no good. The
Clarita R. Sison executed and delivered misapprehension. Such a contention is
decision of May 19, 1969, now on review,
to the plaintiff the receipt * * *. The devoid of any persuasive force.
affirmed the decision of the lower court.
plaintiff had already previously known
Clarita R. Sison as the latter is a close Estoppel as known to the Rules of
In the light of the facts as thus found by
friend of the plaintiff's cousin and they Court[6] and prior to that to the Court of
the Court of Appeals, well-nigh
64 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
Civil Procedure,[7] has its roots in wherever and whenever the special by extreme poverty. From whatever
equity. Good faith is its basis.[8] It is a circumstances of a case so demand."[18] angle the question is viewed then,
response to the demands of moral right estoppel certainly cannot be justly
and natural justice.[9] For estoppel to How then can petitioner in all seriousness invoked.
exist though, it is indispensable that there assert that his appeal finds support in the
be a declaration, act or omission by the doctrine of estoppel? Neither the WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of
party who is sought to be bound. Nor is promptings of equity nor the mandates Appeals of May 19, 1969 is affirmed, with
this all. It is equally a requisite that he, of moral right and natural justice come costs against petitioner.
who would claim the benefits of such a to his rescue. He is engaged in a
business where presumably ordinary Concepcion, C.J., Zaldivar, Makasiar,
principle, must have altered his position,
prudence would manifest itself to Antonio, and Esguerra, JJ., concur.
having been so intentionally and
deliberately led to comport himself thus, ascertain whether or not an individual
Castro, J., reserves his vote.
by what was declared or what was done who is offering a jewelry by way of a
or failed to be done. If thereafter a pledge is entitled to do so. If no such Makalintal and Barredo, JJ., took no
litigation arises, the former would not be care be taken, perhaps because of the part.
allowed to disown such act, declaration difficulty of resisting opportunity for profit,
or omission. The principle comes into full he should be the last to complain if Teehankee, J., see concurring opinion.
play. It may successfully be relied thereafter the right of the true owner of
upon. A court is to see to it then that such jewelry should be recognized. The
there is no turning back on one's word or law for this sound reason accords the
a repudiation of one's act. So it has latter protection. So it has always been
been from our earliest decisions. As since Varela vs. Finnick,[19] a 1907
Justice Mapa pointed out in the first decision. According to Justice
case, a 1905 decision, Rodriguez vs. Torres: "In the present case not only has
Martinez,[10] a party should not be the ownership and the origin of the
permitted "to go against his own acts to jewels misappropriated been
the prejudice of [another]. Such a unquestionably proven but also that the
holding would be contrary to the most accused, acting fraudulently and in bad
rudimentary principles of justice and faith, disposed of them and pledged
law."[11] He is not, in the language of them contrary to agreement, with no
Justice Torres, in Irlanda vs. right of ownership, and to the prejudice
Pitargue,[12] promulgated in 1912, of the injured party, who was thereby
"allowed to gainsay [his] own acts or illegally deprived of said jewels;
deny rights which [he had] previously therefore, in accordance with the
recognized."[13] Some of the later cases provisions of article 464, the owner has
are to the effect that an unqualified and an absolute right to recover the jewels
unconditional acceptance of an from the possession of whosoever holds
agreement forecloses a claim for interest them, * * *."[20] There have been many
not therein provided.[14] Equally so the other decisions to the same effect since
circumstance that about a month after then. At least nine may be cited.[21] Nor
the date of the conveyance, one of the could any other outcome be expected,
parties informed the other of his being a considering, the civil code provisions
minor, according to Chief Justice Paras, both in the former Spanish
"is of no moment, because [the former's] legislation[22] and in the present
previous misrepresentation had already Code.[23] Petitioner ought to have been
estopped him from disavowing the on his guard before accepting the
contract."[15] It is easily understandable pledge in question. Evidently there was
why, under the circumstances disclosed, no such precaution availed of. He
estoppel is a frail reed to hang on therefore, has only himself to blame for
to. There was clearly the absence of an the fix he is now in. It would be to stretch
act or omission, as a result of which a the concept of estoppel to the breaking
position had been assumed by point if his contention were to
petitioner, who if such elements were not prevail. Moreover, there should have
lacking, could not thereafter in law be been a realization on his part that courts
prejudiced by his belief in what had are not likely to be impressed with a cry
been misrepresented to him.[16] As was of distress emanating from one who is in
put by Justice Labrador, "a person a business authorized to impose a higher
claimed to be estopped must have rate of interest precisely due to the
knowledge of the fact that his voluntary greater risk assumed by him. A
acts would deprive him of some rights predicament of this nature then does
because said voluntary acts are not suffice to call for less than
inconsistent with said rights."[17] To undeviating adherence to the literal
recapitulate, there is this terms of a codal provision. Moreover,
pronouncement not so long ago, from while the activity he is engaged in is no
the pen of Justice Makalintal, who doubt legal, it is not to be lost sight of
reaffirmed that estoppel "has its origin in that it thrives on taking advantage of the
equity and, being based on moral right necessities precisely of that element of
and natural justice, finds applicability our population whose lives are blighted
65 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
19 Phil. 46 refused to deliver it to the plaintiffs, the reserved to the defendant to institute his
owners thereof, wherefore counsel for action against the proper party. The
the plaintiffs asked that judgment be counsel for the defendant excepted to this
rendered sentencing the defendant to judgment, asked that the same be set
[ G. R. No. 5741, March 13, 1911 ] make restitution of the said jewelry and to aside, and a new trial granted. This motion
pay the costs. was denied, exception was taken by the
appellant, and the proper bill of exceptions
In the affidavit presented by the attorney was duly approved, certified to, and
for the plaintiffs, dated September 2, forwarded to the clerk of this court.
1908, after a statement and description of
the jewelry mentioned, it is set forth that the This is an action for the replevin of
defendant was retaining it for the reason certain jewelry delivered by its owner for
given in the complaint, and that it was not sale on commission, and pledged without
This is an appear filed by the defendant sequestrated for the purpose of satisfying his knowledge by Concepcion Perello in
from a judgment of conviction rendered by any tax or fine or by reason of any the pawnshop of the defendant, Fausto 0.
the Hon. Judge Araullo. attachment issued in compliance with any Raymundo, who refuses to deliver the said
judgment rendered against the plaintiffs' jewelry unless first redeemed.
On the date of August 31, 1908, the property.
attorneys for the plaintiffs, Estanislaua The said Coneepcion Perello,
Arenas and Julian La 0, brought In discharge of the writ of seizure issued for who appropriated to herself the money
suit against Fausto 0. Raymundo, alleging, the said jewelry on the 2d of September, derived from the pledging of the jewels
as a cause of action, that Estanislaua 1908, aforementioned, the sheriff of this city before mentioned, together with others, to
Arenas was the owner and proprietor of made the return that he had, on the same the prejudice of their owner Estanislaua
the jewelry described below with the date, delivered one copy of the bond Arenas, was prosecuted in, the Court of
respective value thereof: and another of the said writ to the First Instance of this city in cause No. 3955
defendant personally and, on the petition and sentenced on July 30, 1908, to the
and designation of the attorney for the penalty of one year eight months and
Two gold tamborin rosaries, without plaintiffs, proceeded to seize the jewelry twienty-one days
bow or reliquary at P40P80 described in the writ, taking it out of the of prision correccional, to restore to the
each............................................. defendant's control, and held it in his offended party the jewelry specified in the
possession during the five days prescribed complaint, or to pay the value thereof,
One lady's comb for fastening the hair, by law. amounting to P8,660, or, in case of
made of gold and silver, adorned with insolvency, to suffer the corresponding
pearls of ordinary size and many small On the 15th of the same month and year, subsidiary imprisonment, and to pay the
pearls, one of which is80 five days having elapsed without the costs. This judgment is attested by the
missing........................................................ defendant's having given bond before the certified copy attached under letter D to
............................ court, the sheriff made delivery of all the folio 26 of the record of the proceedings in
jewelry described in the said order to the the case of the same plaintiff against
One gold ring set with a diamond of attorney for the plaintiff, to the latter's Antonio Matute - the pledgee of the other
ordinary 1,0 entire satisfaction, who with the sheriff jewelry also appropriated by the said
size.............................................................. 00 signed the return of the writ. Concepcion Perello - which record forms
....................... a part of the evidence in this cause.
After the demurrer to the complaint had
One gold bracelet with five small
been overruled, the defendant answered, Perello having pledged the jewelry in
diamonds and
700 setting forth that he denied each and all of question to the defendant Raymundo,
eight brillantitos de almendras.............
the allegations thereof which were not and not having redeemed it by paying
specifically admitted, explained, or him the amount received, it follows that
One pair of gold picaporte earrings qualified, and as a special defense the convicted woman, now serving the
with two diamonds of ordinary size alleged that the jewelry, the subject sentence imposed upon her, could not
and two small1,1 ^matter of the complaint, was pledged in restore the jewelry as ordered in that
ones............................................................ 00 his pawnshop by Concepcion Perello, the judgment, which has become final by the
.............................. widow of Pazos, as security for a loan of defendant's acquiescence.
P1,524, with the knowledge, consent, and
mediation of Gabriel La O, a son of the Article 120 of the Penal Code prescribes:
The plaintiffs alleged that the said jewelry, plaintiffs, as their agent, and that, in
during the last part of April or the consequence thereof, the said plaintiffs
beginning of May, 1908, was delivered to were estopped from disavowing the action "The restitution of the thing itself must be
Elena de Vega to sell on commission, and of the said Perello; the defendant therefore made, if possible, with payment for
that the latter, in turn, delivered it to prayed that the complaint be dismissed deterioration or diminution of value, to be
Concepcion Perello, likewise to sell on and that the jewelry seized at the instance appraised by the court.
commission, but that Perello, instead of of the plaintiffs, or the amount of the loan
fulfilling her trust, pledged the jewelry in the made thereon, together with the interest "Restitution shall be made, even though
defendant's pawnshop, situated at No. 33 due, be returned to the defendant, with the thing may be in the possession of a
Calle de Ilaya, Tondo, and appropriated the costs of the suit against the plaintiffs. third person, who had acquired it in a legal
to her own use the money thereby manner, reserving, however, his action
obtained; that on July 30, 1908, The case came up for hearing on March against the proper person.
Goncepcion Per.elio was prosecuted for 17, 1909, and, after the presentation of oral
estafa, convicted, and the judgment testimony by both parties, the court, on "This provision is not applicable to a case in
became final; that the said jewelry June 23 of the same year, rendered which the third person has acquired the
was then under the control and in the judgment sentencing the defendant to thing in the manner and with the requisites
possession of the defendant, as a result of restore to the plaintiff spouses the jewelry established by law to make
the pledge by Perello, and that the former described in the complaint, the right being it unrecoverable."
66 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
The provisions contained in the first two one year and eleven months of prisidn jewelry is found in the pawnshop of Fausto
paragraphs of the preinserted article are correctional, to restore to Varela. tjie 0, Raymundo and the latter had acquired
based on the uncontrovertible principle of jewelry appropriated, or to pay the value it by legal means. Raymundo however
justice that the party injured through a thereof, and, in case of insolvency, to retains his right to collect the amounts
crime has, as against all others, a subsidiary imprisonment; this judgment delivered upon the pledge, by
preferential right to be indemnified, or to became final, whereupon the defendant bringing action against the proper
have restored to him the thing of which began to serve her sentence. The case just party. This finding is in accord with the
he was unduly deprived by criminal cited is identical to that of Concepcion provisions of the above article 120 of the
means. Perello. Penal Code and the first paragraph of
article 464 of the Civil Code.
In view of the harmonious relation between Josef a Varela,
the different qodes in force in these Islands, in separate incidental proceedings, de The aforementioned decision, No. 3890,
it is natural and logical that the manded the restitution or delivery Varela vs. Finnick, recites, among other
aforementioned provision of the Penal of possession of the said jewelry; the considerations, the following:
Code, based on the rule established in pledgees, the pawnbrokers, refused to
article 17 of the same, to wit, that every comply with her demand, alleging, among
person criminally liable for a crime or other reasons, that they were entitled to "The exception contained in paragraph 3
misdemeanor is also civilly liable, should be possession. The two cases were duly tried, of said article is not applicable to the
in agreement and accordance with the and the Court of First Instance present case because a pawnshop does
provisions of article 464 of the Civil Code pronounced judgment, supporting not enjoy the privilege established
which prescribes: the plaintiff's claims in each. Both cases by article 464 of the Civil Code. The owner
were appealed by the defendants, Matute of the loan office of Finnick Brothers,
and Finnick, and this court affirmed notwithstanding the fact that he acted in
"The possession of personal property, the judgments on the same grounds, with good faith, did not acquire the jewels at a
acquired in good faith, is equivalent to a costs, and the decisions on appeal public sale; it is not a question
title thereto. However, the person who has established the following legal doctrines: of public property, securities, or other
lost personal property or has been illegally such effects, the transfer, sale, or disposal
deprived thereof may recover it from of which is subject to.the provisions of the
whoever possesses it. "1. Crimes against property; criminal and Code of Commerce. Neither does a
civil liability. - Where, in a proceeding pawnshop enjoy the privilege granted to a
"If the possessor of personal property, instituted by reason of a crime committed monte de piedad; therefore, Josefa
lost or stolen, has acquired it in good faith against property, the criminal liability of the Varela, who lost said jewels and was
at a public sale, the owner can not recover accused has been declared, it follows that deprived of the same in consequence of a
it without reimbursing the price paid he shall also be held civilly liable therefor, crime, is entitled to the recovery thereof
therefor. because every person who is criminally from the pawnshop of Finnick
responsible on account of a crime or Brothers, where they were pledged; the
"Neither can the owner of things pledged in misdemeanor is also civilly liable. latter can not lawfully refuge to comply
pawnshops, established with the with the provisions of article 120 of the
authorization of the Government, recover "2. Id.; Recovery of property unlawfully in Penal Code, as it is a question of jewels
them, whosoever may be the person who possession. - Whoever may have been which have been misappropriated by the
pledged them, without previously deprived of his property in consequence commission of the crime of estafa, and the
refunding to the institution the amount of of a crime is entitled to the recovery execution of the sentence which orders
the pledge and the interest due. thereof, even if such property is in the the restitution of the jewels can not be
possession of a third party who acquired it avoided because of the good faith
"With regard to things acquired on by legal means other than those expressly with which the owner of the pawnshop
exchange, or at fairs or markets or from a stated in article 464 of the Civil Code. acquired them, inasmuch as they were
merchant legally established and usually delivered to the accused, who was not the
employed in similar dealings, the provisions "3. Personal property; title by possession. - In owner nor authorized to dispose of the
of the Code of Commerce shall be order that the possession of personal same."
observed." property may be considered as a title
thereto it is indispensable that the same Even supposing that the defendant
On January 2, 1908, this court had shall have been acquired in good faith. Raymundo had acted in good faith in
occasion to decide, among other cases, accepting the pledge of the jewelry in
two which were entirely analogous to the "4. Id.; Ownership; prescription. - The litigation, even then he would not be
present one. They were No. 3889, Varela vs. ownership of personal property prescribes entitled to retain it until the owner thereof
Matute, and No. 3890, Varela vs. Finnick (9 in the manner and within the time fixed by reimburse him for the amount loaned to the
Phil. Rep., 479, 482). articles 1955 and 1962, in connection with embezzler, since the said owner of the
article 464, of the Civil Code." jewelry, the plaintiff, did not make any
In the decisions in both cases it appears contract with the pledgee, that would
that Nicolasa Pascual received various In the cause prosecuted against Perello, as obligate him to pay the amount loaned to
jewels from Josef a Varela to sell on also in the present suit, it was not proven Perello, and the trial record does
commission and that, that Estanislaua Arenas authorized the not disclose any evidence, even
instead of fulfilling the trust or returning the former to pawn the jewelry given to her circumstantial, that the plaintiff Arenas
jewels to their owner, she pledged some of by Arenas to sell on commission. Because consented to or had knowledge of the
them in the pawnshop of Antonio Matute of the mere fact of Perello's having been pledging of her jewelry in the pawnshop of
and others in that of H. J. Finnick convicted and sentenced for estafa, and the defendant.
and appropriated to herself the amounts for the very reason that she is now serving
that she received, to the detriment of the her sentence, the rest of the dispositive part For this reason, and because Concepcion
owner of the jewelry. of the said sentence must be complied Perello was not the legitimate owner of the
with, that is, the jewelry misappropriated jewelry which she pledged to the
Tried for estafa in cause No. 2429, the must be restored to its owner, inasmuch as defendant Raymundo, for a certain sum
said Pascual was convicted it exists and has not disappeared this that she received from the latter as a loan,
and sentenced to the penalty of restitution must be made, although the the contract of pledge entered into by
67 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
both is, of course, null and void, and, commencement of his investigations, he took no part in the pledging of the jewelry,
consequently the jewelry so pawned can met with opposition on the part of the and Perello further stated that she had
not serve as security for the payment of the pledgee Raymundo, who objected to received all the money loaned to her by
sum loaned, nor can the latter be collected showing him the jewels that he desired to the defendant Raymundo. (Folios 13 to 14,
out of the value of the said jewelry. see in order to ascertain whether they were and 76 to 80 of the record in the case
those embezzled and belonging to his against Matute.)
Article 1857 of the Civil Code prescribes as mother, the plaintiff Arenas, thanks
one of the essential requisites of the to the intervention of attorney Chicote The business of pawnshops, in exchange
contracts of pledge and of mortgage, that and to the fact that they succeeded in for the high and onerous interest
the thing pledged or mortgaged obtaining from the embezzler, among which constitutes its enormous profits, is
must belong to the person who pledges or other papers, the pawn ticket issued by always exposed to the contingency of
mortgages it. This essential requisite for the Raymundo's pawnshop, Exhibit E, of the receiving in pledge or security for the loans,
contract of pledge between Perello and date of May 4, 1908, folio 19 of the record jewels and other articles that have been
the defendant being absent as the former in the case against Matute, Gabriel La 0 robbed, stolen, or embezzled from their
was not the owner of the jewelry given in succeeded in getting the defendant to legitimate owners; and as the owner of the
pledge, the contract is as devoid of value show him the jewelry described in the said pawnshop accepts the pledging of
and force as if it had not been made, and ticket together with other jewels that did jewelry from the first bearer who offers the
as it was executed with marked violation of not belong to La O's mother, that had been same and asks for money on it, without
an express provision of the law, it can not given the defendant by Ambrosia assuring himself whether such bearer is or is
confer upon the defendant any rights in Capistrano, Perello's agent, in pledge or not the owner thereof, he can not, by
the pledged jewelry, nor impose any security for a loan of P170. such procedure, expect from the
obligation toward him on the part of the law better and more preferential
owner thereof, since the latter was Gabriel La 0, continuing the search for the protection than the owner of the jewels or
deprived of her possession by means of the other missing jewelry belonging to his other articles who was deprived thereof by
illegal pledging of the said jewelry, a mother, found that Pausto O. Raymundo means of a crime and is entitled to be
criminal act. was in possession of it and had received it excused by the courts.
from the same embezzler as security for a
Between the supposed good faith of the debt, although the defendant Raymundo Antonio Matute, the owner of another
defendant Raymundo and the undisputed would not exhibit it until he issued the pawn pawnshop, being convinced that he was
good faith of the plaintiff Arenas, the owner tickets corresponding to such jewels; wrong, refrained from appealing from the
of the jewelry, neither law nor justice permit therefore, at Raymundo's request, Perello, judgment wherein he was sentenced to
that the latter, after being the victim of by means of the document Exhibit C, return, without redemption, to the plaintiffs,
embezzlement, should have to choose one signed by herself and bearing another jewel of great value which had
of the two extremes of a dilemma, both of date of June 10, 1908, folio 28 of been pledged to him by the same Perello.
which, without legal ground or reason, are the record, authorized her son Ramon to He undoubtedly had in mind some of the
injurious and prejudicial to her interests and get from the defendant, in her name, the previous decisions of this court, one of
rights, that is, she must either lose her pawn tickets of the said other jewelry, for which was against himself.
jewelry or pay a large sum received by the which such tickets had not yet been
embezzler as a loan from the issued; Raymundo then wrote out For the foregoing reasons, whereby the
defendant, when the plaintiff Arenas is not the tickets - Exhibits L, LL, and M, all dated errors attributed to the judgment of the
related to the latter by any legal or June 22, 1908, and found on folios 20, 21, Court of First Instance have been discussed
contractual bond out of which legal and 22 of the record of the aforesaid and decided upon, and the said judgment
obligations arise. proceedings against Matute - in the being in harmony with the law, the
presence of the attorney Gabriel La 0, who evidence and the merits Qf the case, it is
Is it true that the plaintiffs' son, attorney kept the said three pawn tickets, after he proper, in our opinion, to affirm the same,
Gabriel La 0, intervened and gave his had made sure that the jewels described as we hereby do, with the costs against the
consent when Concepcion Perello therein and which Raymundo, taking them appellant. So ordered.
pawned the jewelry in litigation with out of his cabinet, exhibited to him at the
Fausto Raymundo for P1,524? In view of the time, were among those embezzled from Arellano, C. J., and Mapa, J., concur.
evidence offered by the trial record, the his mother.
answer is, of course, in the negative. Carson, Moreland, and Trent, JJ., concur in
So that, when the three aforementioned the result.
The parents of the attorney Gabriel La 0 pawn tickets, Exhibits L, LL, and M, from the
being surprised by the disagreeable news pawnshop of the defendant, were made
of the disappearance of various jewels, out, the latter already, and for some time
amounting in value to more than previous, had had in his possession as a
P8,600, delivered to Elena Vega for sale on pledge the jewelry described in them, and
commission and misappropriated the plaintiffs' son, naturally desiring to
by Concepcion Perello, who received recover his parents' jewelry, was satisfied
them from Vega for the same purpose, it is for the time being with keeping the three
natural that the said attorney, acting in pawn tickets certifying that such jewelry
representation of his parents and as an was pawned to the defendant.
interested party, should have
(proceeded to ascertain the Moreover, the record discloses no proof
whereabouts of the embezzled jewelry and that the attorney Gabriel La O consented
to enter into negotiations with the to or took any part in the delivery of the
pawnshop of Fausto 0. Raymundo, in jewelry in question to the defendant as
whose possession he had finally learned a pledge, and both the
were to be found a part of the said defendant, Raymundo, and the
embezzled jewels, as he had been embezzler Perello, averred in their
informed by the said Perello herself; respective testimony that the said attorney
and although, at first, at the La O had no knowledge of and
68 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
FIRST DIVISION a) Hermogenes Olis - lot 1639-A The dispositive portion of the lower courts
decision reads as follows: Missdaa
[G.R. No. 132518. March 28, 2000] b) Pascual Olis - lot 1639-B
WHEREFORE, on the basis of the
GAVINA MAGLUCOT-AW, CATALINA c) Bartolome Maglucot - lot 1639-C foregoing discussion, judgment is hereby
ORCULLO, RICHARD ESTANO, NIDA rendered in favor of the plaintiffs against
MAGLUCOT, MELANIA MAGLUCOT- d) Roberto (Alberto) - lot 1639-D
the defendants ordering the latter:
SALMA, petitioners, vs. LEOPOLDO 1. To demolish their houses inside lot
MAGLUCOT, SEVERO MAGLUCOT, e) Anselmo Lara - lot 1639-E 1639-D, vacate the premises thereof and
WILFREDA MAGLUCOT-ALEJO and deliver the possession of the same to
CONSTANCIO ALEJO, respondents. f) Tomas Maglucot - lot 1639-F.[4] Plaintiffs; Slxmis
DECISION Sometime in 1963, Guillermo Maglucot 2. To jointly and solidarily pay plaintiffs
rented a portion of Lot No. 1639-D the sum of P15,000.00 for attorneys fees;
KAPUNAN, J.: (subject lot). Subsequently, Leopoldo
and Severo, both surnamed Maglucot, 3. To each pay plaintiffs the sum of
This petition for review P100.00 every year from 1993 for actual
rented portions of subject lot in 1964 and
on certiorari assails the Decision, dated damages representing the amount of
1969, respectively, and each paying
11 November 1997, of the Court of unpaid rentals up to the time they
rentals therefor. Said respondents built
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 48816 which actually vacate the premises in
houses on their corresponding leased
reversed and set aside the Decision, question; Sclaw
lots. They paid the rental amount of
dated 13 December 1994, of the
P100.00 per annum to Mrs. Ruperta
Regional Trial Court, Branch 30 of 4. To pay the costs.[10]
Salma, who represented the heirs of
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental in an
Roberto Maglucot, petitioners On appeal, the CA reversed the
action for recovery of possession and
predecessor-in-interest. In December decision of the RTC. The appellate court
1992, however, said respondents ruled that the sketch plan and tax
The core issue in this case is whether a stopped paying rentals claiming declarations relied upon by petitioners
partition of Lot No. 1639 had been ownership over the subject lot. are not conclusive evidence of
effected in 1952. Petitioners contend Petitioners thus filed the complaint a partition.[11] The CA likewise found that
that there was already a partition of said quo. Sdaadsc the prescribed procedure under Rule 69
lot; hence, they are entitled to exclusive of the Rules of Court was not followed. It
After trial, the lower court rendered
possession and ownership of Lot No. thus declared that there was no partition
judgment in favor of petitioners. The RTC
1639-D, which originally formed part of of Lot No. 1639. Slxsc
found the existence of tax declarations
Lot No. 1639 until its partition. Private
in the names of Hermogenes Olis and Petitioners filed this petition for review
respondents, upon the other hand,
Pascual Olis (purported owners of Lot on certiorari alleging that the CA
claim that there was no partition; hence,
Nos. 1639-A and 1639-B, committed the following reversible
they are co-owners of Lot No. 1639-D.
respectively)[5] as indubitable proof that errors:
Notably, this case presents a unique
there was a subdivision of Lot No. 1639. It
situation where there is an order for
likewise found that Tomas Maglucot, I
partition but there is no showing that the
respondents predecessor-in-interest,
sketch/subdivision plan was submitted to IN VIOLATING THE LAW ON ACQUISITIVE
took active part in the partition as it was
the then Court of First Instance for its PRESCRIPTION PLAINTIFFS HAVING
he, in fact, who commenced the action
approval or that a decree or order was POSSESSED LOT 1639-D SINCE 1946;
for partition.[6] The court a quo cited
registered in the Register of Deeds.
Article 1431 of the Civil Code which
The antecedent facts of the case are as states that "[t]hrough estoppel an
follows: Korte admission or representation is rendered IN VIOLATING THE LAW ON ESTOPPEL; THE
conclusive upon the person making it, FACT OF PAYMENT OF RENTALS AND
Petitioners filed with the RTC a complaint and cannot be denied or disproved as OFFER TO BUY BY THE DEFENDANTS IS
for recovery of possession and damages against the person relying thereon." ADMISSION THAT THE AREA IN LOT 1639-
alleging, inter alia, that they are the Applying said provision of law, it held D, HAD LONG BEEN ADJUDICATED TO
owners of Lot No. 1639-D. Said lot was that while there was no court order PLAINTIFFS;
originally part of Lot No. 1639 which was showing that Lot No. 1639 was
covered by Original Certificate Title No. partitioned, its absence could not be III
6775 issued in the names of Hermogenes used by Tomas Maglucot, or
Olis, Bartolome Maglucot, Pascual Olis, respondents as his successors-in-interest, IN DECLARING THAT THERE WAS NO
Roberto Maglucot, Anselmo Lara and to deny the existence of an approved PRIOR PARTITION, CONTRARY TO THE
Tomas Maglucot on 16 August partition against the other co-owners FINDINGS OF THE TRIAL COURT, AND
1927.[1] On 19 April 1952, Tomas who claim that there was one.[7] Said AGAINST THE EVIDENCE ON RECORD, OF
Maglucot, one of the registered owners court, likewise, ruled that the tax WHICH IF PROPERLY CONSIDERED
and respondents predecessor-in- declarations[8] over the houses of WOULD CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF THE
interest, filed a petition to subdivide Lot respondents, expressly stating that the CASE;
No. 1639.[2] Consequently, on 13 May same are constructed on the lots of
1952, then CFI of Negros Oriental issued Roberto Maglucot, constitute a
an order[3] directing the parties to conclusive admission by them of the IN DECLARING THAT THERE IS NO LAW OR
subdivide said lot into six portions as ownership of the subject lot by the JURISPRUDENCE APPLICABLE UNDER THE
follows: Rtcspped latter.[9] PREMISES; THIS WOULD ONLY SHOW THAT
69 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
THE RECORD OF THE CASE WAS NOT instances: (1) when the findings are agreed upon. In either case i.e., either
PROPERLY SCRUTINIZED, AND THE LAW grounded entirely on speculation, the action is dismissed or partition and/or
WAS NOT PROPERLY STUDIED; ESPECIALLY surmises, or conjectures; (2) when the accounting is decreed the order is a final
IN THE CASE AT BENCH THAT THE ORAL inference made is manifestly mistaken, one, and may be appealed by any
AND MUTUAL PARTITION HAPPENED absurd, or impossible; (3) when there is party aggrieved thereby. The second
DURING THE REGIME OF THE OLD RULES grave abuse of discretion; (4) when the phase commences when it appears that
OF PROCEDURE;[12] judgment is based on a "the parties are unable to agree upon
misapprehension of facts; (5) when the the partition" directed by the court. In that
Petitioners maintain that Lot No. 1639 findings of fact are conflicting; (6) when event, partition shall be done for the parties by
was mutually partitioned and physically in making its findings the Court of the court with the assistance of not more than
subdivided among the co-owners and three (3) commissioners. This second stage
Appeals went beyond the issues of the
that majority of them participated in the may well also deal with the rendition of the
case, or its findings are contrary to the
accounting itself and its approval by the court
actual execution of the subdivision. admissions of both the appellant and after the parties have been accorded
Further, the co-owners accepted their the appellee; (7) when the findings are opportunity to be heard thereon, and an
designated shares in 1946 as averred by contrary to those of the trial court; (8) award for the recovery by the party or parties
Tomas Maglucot in his petition for when the findings are conclusions thereto entitled of their just share in the rents
partition.[13] Petitioners opine that in without citation of specific evidence on and profits of the real estate in question. Such
1952, Tomas Maglucot himself initiated a an order is, to be sure, final and appealable.[22]
which they are based; (9) when the facts
court proceeding for a formal set forth in the petition as well as in the The present rule on the question of finality and
subdivision of Lot No. 1639. In said petitioners main and reply briefs are not appealability of a decision or order decreeing
petition, he averred that only disputed by the respondent; and (10) partition is that it is final and
Hermogenes Olis and the heirs of when the findings of fact are premised appealable.[23] The order of partition is a final
Pascual Olis were not agreeable to the on the supposed absence of evidence determination of the co-ownership over Lot
partition.[14] Petitioners further contend and contradicted by the evidence on No. 1639 by the parties and the propriety of
that respondents admitted in their tax the partition thereof. Hence, if the present rule
record."[20] This case falls under
were applied, the order not having been
declarations covering their respective exceptions (7), (8) and (10) in that the appealed or questioned by any of the parties
houses that they are "constructed on the findings of facts of the CA are in conflict to the case, it has become final and executory
land of Roberto Maglucot."[15] Simply with that of the RTC, are mere and cannot now be disturbed. Mesm
put, petitioners vigorously assert that conclusions without citation of specific
respondents are estopped from evidence on which they are based and The true test to ascertain whether or not an
claiming to be co-owners of the subject order or a judgment is interlocutory or final is:
are premised on absence of evidence
Does it leave something to be done in the trial
lot in view of the mutual agreement in but are contradicted by the evidence court with respect to the merits of the case? If
1946, judicial confirmation in 1952, and on record. For these reasons, we shall it does, it is interlocutory; if it does not, it is final.
respondents acquiescence because consider the evidence on record to The key test to what is interlocutory is when
they themselves exclusively exercised determine whether indeed there was there is something more to be done on the
ownership over Lot No. 1639-A beginning partition. Slx merits of the case.[24] An order for partition is
1952 up to the present.[16] final and not interlocutory and, hence,
In this jurisdiction, an action for partition appealable because it decides the rights of
For their part, respondents posit three the parties upon the issue submitted.[25]
is comprised of two phases: first, an order
points in support of their position. First, for partition which determines whether a However, this Court notes that the order of
they emphasize that petitioners failed to co-ownership in fact exists, and whether partition was issued when the ruling
show that the interested parties were partition is proper; and, second, a in Fuentebella vs. Carrascoso,[26] which held
apprised or notified of the tentative decision confirming the sketch or that the order of partition is interlocutory, was
subdivision contained in the sketch and subdivision submitted by the parties or controlling. In addition, the reports of the
that the CFI subsequently confirmed the the commissioners appointed by the commissioners not having been confirmed by
same.[17] Second, they point to the fact the trial court are not binding.[27] In this case,
court, as the case may be.[21] The first
both the order of partition and the
that petitioners were unable to show any phase of a partition and/or accounting unconfirmed sketch plan are, thus,
court approval of any partition.[18] Third, suit is taken up with the determination of interlocutory. Nevertheless, where parties do
they maintain that Lot No. 1639 remain whether or not a co-ownership in fact not object to the interlocutory decree, but
undivided since to date, OCT No. 6275 is exists, (i.e., not otherwise legally show by their conduct that they have
still an existing and perfectly valid title, proscribed) and may be made by assented thereto, they cannot thereafter
containing no annotation of any voluntary agreement of all the parties question the decree,[28] especially, where, by
encumbrance or partition reason of their conduct, considerable
interested in the property. This phase
expense has been incurred in the execution of
whatsoever.[19] may end with a declaration that plaintiff the commission.[29] Respondents in this case
is not entitled to have a partition either have occupied their respective lots in
After a careful consideration of the
because a co-ownership does not exist, accordance with the sketch/subdivision plan.
pleadings filed by the parties and the
or partition is legally prohibited. It may They cannot after acquiescing to the order for
evidence on record, we find that the more than forty (40) years be allowed to
end, upon the other hand, with an
petition is meritorious. As stated earlier, question the binding effect thereof.
adjudgment that a co-ownership does
the core issue in this case is whether
in truth exist, partition is proper in the This case is to be distinguished from the order
there was a valid partition in 1952. Scslx
premises and an accounting of rents in the action for partition in Arcenas vs.
Preliminarily, this Court recognizes that and profits received by the defendant Cinco.[30] In that case, the order was clearly
"the jurisdiction of this Court in cases from the real estate in question is in interlocutory since it required the parties " to
order. In the latter case, the parties may, submit the corresponding deed of partition to
brought before it from the Court of
the Court for its approval." Here, the order
Appeals via Rule 45 of the Rules of Court if they are able to agree, make partition
appointed two commissioners and directed
is limited to reviewing errors of law. among themselves by proper
them merely to approve the sketch plan
Findings of fact of the latter are instruments of conveyance, and the already existing and tentatively followed by
conclusive, except in the following court shall confirm the partition so the parties. Calrky
70 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
Under the present rule, the proceedings of the Parties to a partition proceeding, who elected acknowledges in another a superior right
commissioners without being confirmed by the to take under partition, and who took which he believes to be ownership, whether
court are not binding upon the possession of the portion allotted to them, are his belief be right or wrong.[41] Since the
parties.[31] However, this rule does not apply in estopped to question title to portion allotted to possession of respondents were found to be
case where the parties themselves actualized another party.[35] A person cannot claim both that of lessors of petitioners, it goes without
the supposedly unconfirmed under and against the same instrument.[36] In saying that the latter were in possession of Lot
sketch/subdivision plan. The purpose of court other words, they accepted the lands No. 1639-D in the concept of an owner from
approval is to give effect to the awarded them by its provisions, and they 1952 up to the time the present action was
sketch/subdivision plan. In this case, the cannot accept the decree in part, and commenced. Msesm
parties themselves or through their repudiate it in part. They must accept all or
predecessors-in-interest implemented the none.[37] Parties who had received the Partition may be inferred from circumstances
sketch plan made pursuant to a court order for property assigned to them are precluded from sufficiently strong to support the
partition by actually occupying specific subsequently attacking its validity of any part presumption.[42] Thus, after a long possession in
portions of Lot No. 1639 in 1952 and continue of it.[38] Here, respondents, by themselves severalty, a deed of partition may be
to do so until the present until this case was and/or through their predecessors-in-interest, presumed.[43] It has been held that recitals in
filed, clearly, the purpose of the court already occupied of the lots in accordance deeds, possession and occupation of land,
approval has been met. This statement is not with the sketch plan. This occupation improvements made thereon for a long series
to be taken to mean that confirmation of the continued until this action was filed. They of years, and acquiescence for 60 years,
commissioners may be dispensed with but only cannot now be heard to question the furnish sufficient evidence that there was an
that the parties herein are estopped from possession and ownership of the other co- actual partition of land either by deed or by
raising this question by their own acts of owners who took exclusive possession of Lot proceedings in the probate court, which had
ratification of the supposedly non-binding 1639-D also in accordance with the sketch been lost and were not recorded.[44] And
sketch/subdivision plan. Kycalr plan. Exsm where a tract of land held in common has
been subdivided into lots, and one of the lots
The records of the case show that sometime in In technical estoppel, the party to be has long been known and called by the name
1946 there was a prior oral agreement to estopped must knowingly have acted so as to of one of the tenants in common, and there is
tentatively partition Lot No. 1639.[32] By virtue of mislead his adversary, and the adversary must no evidence of any subsequent claim of a
this agreement, the original co-owners have placed reliance on the action and tenancy in common, it may fairly be inferred
occupied specific portions of Lot No. 1639.[33] It acted as he would otherwise not have done. that there has been a partition and that such
was only in 1952 when the petition to subdivide Some authorities, however, hold that what is lot was set off to him whose name it bears.[45]
Lot No. 1639 was filed because two of the co- tantamount to estoppel may arise without this
owners, namely Hermogenes Olis and heirs of reliance on the part of the adversary, and this Respondents insist that the absence of any
Pascual Olis, refused to have said lot is called, ratification or election by annotation in the certificate of title showing
subdivided and have separate certificates of acceptance of benefits, which arises when a any partition of Lot No. 1639 and that OCT No.
title. Significantly, after the 1952 proceedings, party, knowing that he is not bound by a 6725 has not been canceled clearly indicate
the parties in this case by themselves and/or defective proceeding, and is free to repudiate that no partition took place. The logic of this
through their predecessors-in-interest it if he will, upon knowledge, and while under argument is that unless partition is shown in the
occupied specific portions of Lot No. 1639 in no disability, chooses to adopt such defective title of the subject property, there can be no
accordance with the sketch plan. Such proceeding as his own.[39] Ratification means valid partition or that the annotation in the title
possession remained so until this case arose, or that one under no disability voluntarily adopts is the sole evidence of partition. Esmso
about forty (40) years later. and gives sanction to some unauthorized act
or defective proceeding, which without his Again, we are not persuaded. The purpose of
From its order in 1952, it can be gleaned that sanction would not be binding on him. It is this registration is to notify and protect the interests
the CFI took notice of the tentative subdivision voluntary choice, knowingly made, which of strangers to a given transaction, who may
plan by oral partition of the parties therein. amounts to a ratification of what was be ignorant thereof, but the non-registration of
Further, it appears that said court was aware theretofore unauthorized, and becomes the the deed evidencing such transaction does
that the parties therein actually took authorized act of the party so making the not relieve the parties thereto of their
possession of the portions in accordance with ratification.[40] obligations thereunder.[46] As originally
the sketch/subdivision plan. With this factual conceived, registration is merely a species of
backdrop, said court ordered the partition The records show that respondents were notice. The act of registering a document is
and appointed two (2) commissioners to paying rent for the use of a portion of Lot No. never necessary in order to give it legal effect
approve the tentative sketch/subdivision plan. 1639-D. Had they been of the belief that they as between the parties.[47] Requirements for
It would not be unreasonable to presume that were co-owners of the entire Lot No. 1639 they the recording of the instruments are designed
the parties therein, having occupied specific would not have paid rent. Respondents to prevent frauds and to permit and require
portions of Lot No. 1639 in accordance with attempted to counter this point by presenting the public to act with the presumption that
the sketch/subdivision plan, were aware that it an uncorroborated testimony of their sole recorded instruments exist and are genuine.[48]
was that same sketch/subdivision plan which witness to the effect that the amount so paid
would be considered by the commissioners for to Roberto Maglucot and, subsequently, to It must be noted that there was a prior oral
approval. There is no showing that Ruperta Salma were for the payment of real partition in 1946. Although the oral agreement
respondents by themselves or through their property taxes. We are not persuaded. It is was merely tentative, the facts subsequent
predecessors-in-interest raised any objections. quite improbable that the parties would be thereto all point to the confirmation of said oral
On the contrary, the records show that the unaware of the difference in their treatment of partition. By virtue of that agreement, the
parties continued their possession of the their transactions for so long a time. Moreover, parties took possession of specific portions of
specific portions of Lot No. 1639 pursuant to no evidence was ever presented to show that the subject lot. The action for partition was
the sketch/subdivision plan. Kyle a tax declaration for the entire Lot No. 1639 instituted because some of the co-owners
has ever been made. Replete in the records refused to have separate titles issued in lieu of
It has been previously held that a co-owner, are tax declarations for specific portions of Lot the original title. In 1952, an order for partition
who, though not a party to a partition accepts 1639. It is inconceivable that respondents was issued by the cadastral court. There is no
the partition allotted to him, and holds and would not be aware of this. With due diligence evidence that there has been any change in
conveys the same in severalty, will not be on their part, they could have easily verified the possession of the parties. The only
subsequently permitted to avoid partition.[34] It this fact. This they did not do for a period significant fact subsequent to the issuance of
follows that a party to a partition is also barred spanning more than four decades. the order of partition in 1952 is that
from avoiding partition when he has received respondents rented portions of Lot No. 1639-D.
and held a portion of the subdivided land The payment of rentals by respondents reveal It would be safe to conclude, therefore, that
especially in this case where respondents that they are mere lessees. As such, the the oral partition as well as the order of
have enjoyed ownership rights over their share possession of respondents over Lot No. 1639-D partition in 1952 were the bases for the finding
for a long time. is that of a holder and not in the concept of an of actual partition among the parties. The
owner. One who possesses as a mere holder legal consequences of the order of partition in
71 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
1952 having been discussed separately, we On the first point, petitioners presented Aida researcher in his appeal. Counsel for petitioner
now deal with oral partition in 1946. Given that Maglucot who testified that after respondents should be reminded of the elementary rules of
the oral partition was initially tentative, the were informed that petitioners were going to the legal profession regarding respect for the
actual possession of specific portions of Lot No. use Lot No. 1639-D belonging to Roberto courts by the use of proper language in its
1639 in accordance with the oral partition and Maglucot, respondents Wilfreda Maglucot- pleadings and admonished for his improper
the continuation of such possession for a very Alejo and Constancio Alejo went to the house references to the researcher of the CA in his
long period indicate the permanency and of said witness and offered to buy the share of petition. A lawyer shall abstain from
ratification of such oral partition. The validity of Roberto Maglucot.[52] Aida Maglucot further scandalous, offensive, or menacing language
an oral partition is already well-settled. testified that they refused the offer because or behavior before the courts.[63]
In Espina vs. Abaya,[49] we declared that an they also intend to use the lot for a residential
oral partition is valid. In Hernandez vs. purpose.[53] This testimony of Aida Maglucot is WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED The
Andal,[50] reiterated in Tan vs. Lim,[51] this Court unrebutted by respondents, and the CA did decision of the Court of Appeals is SET ASIDE
has ruled, thus: not touch upon this finding of fact. Hence, the and the decision of the Regional Trial Court is
offer to buy has been established by the hereby REINSTATED. h Y
On general principle, independent and in unrebutted evidence of the petitioners. Why
spite of the statute of frauds, courts of equity would they give such offer if they claim to be SO ORDERED.
have enforce oral partition when it has been at least a co-owner of the said lot? In effect,
completely or partly performed. Esmmis Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Puno,
respondents impliedly admit the title of the
Pardo, and Ynares-Santaigo, JJ., concur.
petitioners and that they are not co-owners,
Regardless of whether a parol partition or much less the sole owners, of Lot No. 1639-
agreement to partition is valid and D. Chief
enforceable at law, equity will proper cases
where the parol partition has actually been On the second point, the existence of Tax
consummated by the taking of possession in Declaration No. 04-557 in the names of
severalty and the exercise of ownership by the Constancio Alejo and Godofreda
parties of the respective portions set off to Maglucot,[54] Tax Declaration No. 04-87-13 in
each, recognize and enforce such parol the names of Leopoldo Maglucot and Regina
partition and the rights of the parties Barot,[55] Tax Declaration No. 04-593 in the
thereunder. Thus, it has been held or stated in names of Severo Maglucot and Samni
a number of cases involving an oral partition Posida[56] showing that the houses of the
under which the parties went into possession, above-mentioned persons are constructed on
exercised acts of ownership, or otherwise the land of Roberto Maglucot[57] constitute
partly performed the partition agreement, incontrovertible evidence of admission by the
that equity will confirm such partition and in a same persons of the ownership of the land by
proper case decree title in accordance with Roberto Maglucot. Tax Declarations are public
the possession in severalty. documents. Unless their veracity is directly
attacked, the contents therein are presumed
In numerous cases it has been held or stated to be true and accurate.[58] The lone testimony
that parol partition may be sustained on the of Severo Maglucot that Roberto Maglucot
ground of estoppel of the parties to assert the was only made to appear as owner of the land
rights of a tenant in common as to parts of in their respective declarations because he
land divided by parol partition as to which was the administrator of Lot No. 1639 is
possession in severalty was taken and acts of uncorroborated and not supported by any
individual ownership were exercised. And a other evidence. Jksm
court of equity will recognize the agreement
and decree it to be valid and effectual for the No injustice is dealt upon respondents
purpose of concluding the right of the parties because they are entitled to occupy a portion
as between each other to hold their of Lot No. 1639, particularly Lot No. 1639-A, in
respective parts in severalty. their capacity as heirs of Tomas Maglucot, one
of the original co-owners of Lot No. 1639 in
A parol partition may also be sustained on the accordance with the sketch plan of said lot
ground that the parties thereto have showing the partition into six portions.[59]
acquiesced in and ratified the partition by
taking possession in severalty, exercising acts Finally, this Court takes notice of the language
of ownership with respect thereto, or otherwise utilized by counsel for petitioners in their
recognizing the existence of the partition. petition for review on certiorari. Thrice in the
petition, counsel for petitioners made
A number of cases have specifically applied reference to the researcher of the CA. First, he
the doctrine of part performance, or have alluded to the lack of scrutiny of the records
stated that a part performance is necessary, and lack of study of the law "by the
to take a parol partition out of the operation researcher."[60] Second, he cited the
of the statute of frauds. It has been held that researcher of the CA as having "sweepingly
where there was a partition in fact between stated without reference to the record"[61] that
tenants in common, and a part performance, "[w]e have scanned the records on hand and
a court of equity would have regard to found no evidence of any partition." Finally,
enforce such partition agreed to by the counsel for petitioners assailed the CA
parties. Esmsc decision, stating that "this will only show that
there was no proper study of the case by the
Two more points have constrained this Court
to rule against respondents. First, respondents
Wilfreda Maglucot-Alejo and Constancio Any court when it renders a decision does so
Alejo offered to buy the share of Roberto as an arm of the justice system and as an
Maglucot. Second, the tax declarations institution apart from the persons that
contain statements that the houses of comprise it. Decisions are rendered by the
respondents were built on the land owned by courts and not the persons or personnel that
Roberto Maglucot. Esm may participate therein by virtue of their
office. It is highly improper and unethical for
counsel for petitioners to berate the
72 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
[ GR No. 5051, Sep 27, 1910 ] husband, Basilio Alferio. The plaintiffs claim the thing sold, was what the vendee should
that the land was delivered under say to the vendor, according to the law
HEIRS OF JUMERO v. JACINTO LIZARES ET AL. mortgage in order that Lizares might have cited, in order that he might not be bound
+ the usufruct until it should be redeemed until after the execution of the instrument.
through the payment of the 50 pesos. The
defendants assert that the land was sold As to the second assignment of error, it is
outright to Lizares for the price of 50 pesos. true that the trial judge while in doubt, and
17 Phil. 112
by reason of his doubt, which still existed
The Court of First Instance of Occidental after weighing the
Negros decided the case in favor of the contradictory testimony, decided the
ARELLANO, C.J.: defendants and absolved them from the suit in favor of the defendant. In so doing,
complaint. The plaintiffs appealed. he committed no error whatever, but, on
Under the name of the heirs of Jumero, the contrary, complied with the second
fifteen persons, as the grandchildren and Having forwarded a bill of exceptions, with paragraph of article 6 of the Civil Code,
great grandchildren of Benedicto Jumero, a right to a revision of the evidence, two which provides:
demand the restitution of a piece of land errors are alleged in this instance against
which is, and has been for the past forty the judgment of the lower court.
years, in the possession of Jacinto "When there is no law exactly applicable to
Lizares, This land has an area of five First. For having admitted, notwithstanding the point in controversy, the customs of the
hectares and sixty ares, and adjoins on the the objection of the plaintiffs, the place shall be observed, and, in the
north, east, and west, the property of testimony introduced by the appellees absence thereof, the general principles of
Aniceto Lacson, and on the south, that of relative to the purchase of the land in law."
Gregoria Vinco. It is alleged in question by Jacinto Lizares.
And it is a general principle of law that, in
the complaint that this land belonged to
case of doubt, the condition of he who
Benedicto Jumero, and that he willed it to Second. Because the trial judge
possesses is the better one. The defendant
his four children, all now deceased as well entertained doubt as to the character of
in whose favor the doubt
as the said Jumero, named Luisa, the contract, by virtue of which the
was decided is the possessor.
Felix, Florentino, and Pedro, and that the defendant, Jacinto Lizares, possesses the
plaintiffs, grandchildren and great land in question, and because, by reason
But, in reality, it was not a case of doubt,
grandchildren, descend from the three of this doubt, he absolved the
neither with respect to the law nor the facts
last mentioned. The only descendant of defendants, and did not declare that there
adduced by the witnesses,
Luisa, Gregoria Meruegos, is not a party to was a preponderance of evidence in favor
whose testimony, rationally weighed,
the suit and therefore appears as a of the plaintiff appellants.
does not show an evident preponderance
defendant together with Jacinto Lizares.
of proof in favor of the plaintiffs, but all to
With respect to the first assignment of error,
the contrary.
At the conclusion it is alleged that, as the question involves
of the trial, Florentine's children, named the purchase of real estate, the testimony
By law, in conformity with article 448 of the
Anatolio, Hilaria, and Felisa, having testified of witnesses is not admissible, and that at
Civil Code, this case could not but be
as witnesses for the defendant, Lizares, in the time the land in question was supposed
decided in favor of the defendant.
opposition to the allegations of the to have been purchased, the laws of
complaint, were likewise therein included the Partidas were in force, and, in
as defendants, by an amendment accordance with law 6, title 5, of the
"The possessor by virtue of ownership has in
authorized by the court. So that, of the 5th Partida, it was necessary for the validity
his favor the legal presumption that
heirs of Benedicto Jumero, the descendant of the contract that the sale be made by
he holds possession by reason of a
of one entire branch, Luisa, and three of a public instrument. The law cited provides
sufficient title and he can not
those of another branch, that of Florentino, that the purchase and sale may be made
be forced to show it."
impugned the complaint and take no part in two ways - by a public instrument, and
in the claim for the restitution of the land without one. The first is when the vendee The defendant, Lizares,
of their common predecessor in interest. says to the vendor: "I wish that a document who has possessed the land in litigation for
of sale be made." Such a sale, although forty years, alleges that he is in possession
The following facts are admitted: First, that the vendee and the vendor a!gree on the thereof by virtue of a title of purchase and
all the heirs named Jumero are actually the price, is not completed until the instrument sale, which is a title of transfer of ownership;
descendants of Benedicto Jumero; is made and executed, because, before he is, consequently, the possessor under
second, that the land, which is the subject that is done, one or the other may title of ownership, and, in conformity with
of the suit, passed into the possession of repent. The sale may be made without an the law, he has in his favor the legal
Jacinto Lizares,. for the sum of 50 pesos, instrument when the vendee and the presumption that he possesses the land
about forty years before; and third, that the vendor both agree upon the price thereof under sufficient title and he can not be
reason for this transfer was the fact that and exchange the thing for the price, obliged to produce it. A purchase
Nicolas Jumero, a son of Felix, was drafted without mentioning the instrument. verbally made gives a perfect title which,
for the army, and to secure His release from with the occupation or possession of
the military service, or to pay the attorney The first assignment of error is therefore the thing, confers ownership upon
who was to negotiate the release, the 50 without foundation. In accordance with the possessor, provided that he holds
pesos were required. the legislation of the Partidas, patterned himself out as its owner, until it be proved
after the Roman Law, the contract of that he is not. It was incumbent upon the
The whole question involved is whether the purchase and sale is eminently plaintiffs to prove a character distinct from
50 pesos were received as a mortgage consensual and, consequently, only that of owner, and only then could they
loan, as the plaintiffs claim, or as the price requires consent for its perfection. In order compel the defendant to prove (rather
of sale, as maintained from the beginning that an instrument be necessary, it was than to show, as very properly observes
by the defendants, Jacinto Lizares required that this form should also be the the learned commentator, Manresa) the
and Gregoria Meruegos, and subject of consent and that the validity of title which actually confers upon him the
subsequently by Anatolio, Hilaria, and Felisa the contract be made dependent status of owner. But the plaintiffs were
Jumero, the latter represented by her thereon: I wish a bill of sale to be made of unable to prove a character distinct from
73 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
that of owner, by due and sufficient proof cross-examination when she had married
of a title under mortgage, or that of her husband, Nicolas, she replied: "Thirty- Gregoria Meruegos, on cross-examination,
antichresis, which latter was certainly eight years ago; that is, two or four years stated that she had on some occasion
unknown in the Philippine Islands before after he was chosen as a recruit." said that the land in question was pledged
the ¦publication of the Civil Code, except to Lizares, but that as it had not been
in exceedingly rare cases of pretorian Romualda Jumero testified: redeemed it was the same as though the
pledges judicially established and latter had acquired it by purchase. "If you
approved - and this they were unable to had not sued me, I would have allowed
do, for the reason that, as established at "When my brother was drafted, it you to redeem the land," are words that the
the trial, no instrument whatever was happened that my father did not have the plaintiffs' witness, Rufino Brasileno,
executed of the alleged mortgage or of money to redeem him, and he went and attributes to Lizares. Such are the results
Such an antichresis; and, at all times, at borrowed the sum of 50 pesos from obtained from the oral evidence.
least since the promulgation of the Civil Lieutenant Jacinto Lizares, and gave him
Code, the mortgage and the antichresis, that land as security. With all the testimony of the witnesses, proof
as restrictions of ownership, must was not adduced of the existence of the
necessarily be recorded in writing, under "Q. Who told you that your father and mortgage contract, which, on the other
the first paragraph of rule 4 of the transitory Jacinto Lizares made that agreement? - hand, would not cause the debtor's
provisions of the Civil Code, in connection A. I accompanied my father when we land to pass to the control of the creditor.
with articles 1875, 1279, and 1280. went to Lizares's house.
It is not irrational to accept as conclusive
On these grounds alone, the "Q. Who was your companion when you the testimony of the defendant's witnesses,
judgment appealed from should be and your father went to Jacinto Lizares's although they were partners-on-shares of,
affirmed. But conceding, for a moment, house? - A. We two, my father and I. or in any other manner dependent on, the
some value to the testimony taken, and on defendant, because they testified against
the hypothesis that it were necessary "Q. Can you tell us when you went their own interest in affirming that the land
to consider it critically and reasonably in with your father to Lizares's house? - A. had been transferred by sale.
order to reach a conviction beyond all About forty years ago.
doubt, by a preponderance of evidence It is likely, considering the custom of the
offered by one of the litigating parties, "Q. How many times were you in locality, and indeed a general one
even then, and in such a case, this Lieutenant Lizares's house to talk about throughout the Islands, that the land was
preponderance could not be admitted in that land? - A. I only went once." sold with right 6f redemption, and hence
favor of the plaintiffs. that its redemption should be spoken of
The conclusion is, first, that
as possible or as a mere concession on
Romualda Jumero, contrary to the
The following witnesses testified for the the part of the creditor; but, on such a
statement made by Gregoria Vinco, did
plaintiffs: Dionisio Acodo, as to the hypothesis, it was a redemption which
not go to Jacinto Lizares's house, and did
delivery of the 50 pesos under security of could not be demanded of the
not hear what is asserted to have been said
the land; Gregoria Vinco, Romualda vendee, by reason of the prescription
about the conversion of the mortgage into
Jumero, and Cosme Jumero, to acquired, whether the time is computed in
a sale; and, second, that this witness
the effect that, twenty years before, accordance with the previous legislation,
testified in regard to the alleged
according to the first two, and two years or whether, as it is strictly proper, such time
contract of guaranty, made as she herself
before, according to the last, limit, already expired, be that specified in
asserted, forty years before and when
the defendant, Jacinto Lizares, had the Civil Code; inasmuch as, even
questioned at the beginning of her
negotiated with their predecessors in admitting that it was stipulated that
testimony, "How old are you?" replied,
interest, Felix Jumero and Pedro the right to repurchase or redeem should
"About forty years, I believe."
Jumero, respectively, for the conversion of last for an indefinite time, such period is
the mortgage into a sale; Rufino Brasileno, restricted to ten years, under paragraph 2
The following witnesses testified for the
with respect to what he had heard of article 1508 of the Civil Code, and this
defendant: Gregoria Meruegos, Hilaria
Jacinto Lizares say to Gregoria Vinco period has already elapsed
Jumero, Anatolio Jumero, Basilio Alferio as
and another woman, that if they had since its promulgation. (Art. 1939, Civil
the husband of Felisa Jumero, Simon
not sued him, he would have allowed Code.)
Lizares, and Francisco Lizares. Of these,
them to redeem the land; and Aniceto
the first four, and the last, averred that the
Lacson, as to his attempt, at the request of The judgment appealed from is affirmed,
sale was made by the Jumero family; that
Jacinto Lizares, to buy the land for the with the costs of this instance against the
is, by the four children of Benedicto
latter. appellants.
Jumero, because of the need
to redeem from the military service a
Examining all this testimony in detail, the Torres, Johnson, and Moreland, JJ., concur.
son of Felix Jumero, the husband of
following particular can not but be Carson,J., concurs in the result.
Gregoria Vinco who, as aforesaid, is an
adjacent owner of land to the south of the
property in question and the same person
First. Gregoria Vinco, the adjacent owner
who, according to the testimony of Hilaria
to the south of the land in litigation, testified
Jumero, built two houses, a large and
that twenty years before Jacinto
a small one, on the land in dispute "and on
Lizares sent for her father-in-law, Felix
account of that the suit began." The
Jumero, who went to the house of Jacinto
witness Hilaria Jumero testified that Aniceto
Lizares in company with his eldest son,
Lacson made her an offer to buy the
Nicolas, the husband of the witness,
land in question for 700 pesos, inasmuch as
with her husband's sister, Romualda, and
it had been acquired very cheaply. This
the witness herself, and that there Lizares
testimony was confirmed by Aniceto
told them that, as the land was
Lacson, in rebuttal, who stated that he had
mortgaged, he would add 150 pesos more,
offered her 400 pesos, but that Hilaria
in order that the land might be sold to
Jumero replied that Jacinto Lizares had
him. When the witness was asked on
also made her an offer.
74 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
G.R. No. L-35681 October 18, 1932 named defendant, being an employee of the "grill". From the defendant's cage, the
the Bank of the Philippine Islands, cashier returned to his desk and then went
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE Zamboanga branch, as receiving teller, did to the cage of the paying teller, Mateo
ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee, then and there wilfully, unlawfully and Paulino, which adjoins that of the receiving
vs. feloniously, taking advantage of his said teller, to check the silver in the possession of
TEODORO I. LOCSON, defendant- position as such receiving teller and with the paying teller. The cashier stepped out
appellant. serious breach of confidence, take and of the paying teller's cage to take part in a
carry away with intent to gain and without conversation between the defendant and
Juan S. Alvarez and M. H. de Joya for
the consent of said bank, money in the Vicente Guanzon, a clerk in the foreign
total amount of P33,965.45, equivalent to department of the bank, about the
Attorney-General Jaranilla for appellee.
169,827.25 pesetas belonging to the said defendant's coming back to the office to
bank. Contrary to law. work the next morning. The defendant had
gone outside of his cage to talk to
Zamboanga, Zamboanga, October 7, Guanzon. When the cashier was returning
1930. to the paying teller's cage, he saw the
janitor, Alfonso Basilio, followed by the
This is an appeal from a decision of Judge defendant, carrying the money box and
Provincial Fiscal
A. Horrilleno of the Court of First Instance of sack to the vault. After completing the
Zamboanga finding the defendant guilty of check of the silver, the cashier went back
The defendant was the receiving teller of
the crime of qualified theft and sentencing to his desk to enter in a book the figures
the Zamboanga branch of the Bank of the
him to suffer twelve years, ten months, and showing the amount of the different items
Philippine Islands. At the close of business
twenty days of cadena temporal and the of the "pico". A messenger, Eugenio
on Saturday, June 7, 1930, he had in his
accessory penalties of the law, to return to Canseco, followed by the paying teller,
possession the total sum of P48,461.58,
the Bank of the Philippine Islands the sum of deposited the six trays of silver in the vault.
consisting of currency, pending checks,
P33,965.45, and to pay the costs. The Canseco then closed the door to the
and foreign coins as follows:
defendant and appellant makes the compartment where the "pico" was kept.
following assignment of errors: Alfonso Basilio, accompanied by the
In notes of P100 P300.00
cashier, carried a box of documents to the
1. The trial court erred in accepting as more vault. The cashier then locked the "grill" and
worthy of belief and consideration the In notes of 50 250.00 the second door of the vault, and closed
contradictory and improbable testimony of the principal door of the vault, which has a
the witnesses for the prosecution, combination lock. The cashier put the key
absolutely ignoring the trustworthy In notes of 20 10,440.00 to the "grill" in a safe with a combination
evidence submitted by the unbiased lock in the office, closed it, and
witnesses that testified for the defense. accompanied by Basilio left the office at
In notes of 10 9,010.00
5.05 in the afternoon. The defendant, who
2. The trial court also erred in making was waiting near the employees' entrance
conclusion and findings of facts absolutely In notes of 5 11,025.00 to the bank, left on his bicycle, after telling
unsupported by the evidence presented the janitor, Alfonso Basilio, to come to the
during the trial, and in convicting the bank early the next morning.
accused on the strength of mere In notes of 2 5,276.00
circumstantial evidence, which did not In the conversation between the
exclude each and every reasonable In notes of 1 3,456.00 defendant and Guanzon, to which we
hypothesis consistent with the innocence of have referred, Guanzon told the
the defendant. defendant that he would not come back
U.S.A. notes 1,634.00 the next day because it was the fiesta of his
3. The trial court finally erred in holding that barrio; that it was unnecessary for the
the sum of P33,965.45 in question was not defendant to come back, because he
placed in the box and sack, when it was Foreign currencies 47.45
could get from the cashier a book
brought to the vault on June 7, 1930, and containing the data he required for
that the accused took the said money; and Misc. checks pending 4,501.13 preparing certain statistics and take it
in finding the said accused guilty of the home with him, but the defendant insisted
crime of qualified theft, imposing upon him on coming to the office Sunday morning to
the penalty of twelve (12) years, ten (10) Mutilated bills 1,897.00
use the adding machine. The cashier then
months and twenty (20) days of cadena gave the defendant the book, and told
temporal, to suffer the accessory penalties Phil. National Bank bills 165.00 him to send Basilio to get the key to the
provided by law, and to return to the Bank office the next morning.
of the Philippine Islands the said sum of
P33,965.45, and to pay the costs, Bank of the P. I. bills 460.00 The janitor, Alfonso Basilio, got the key to
notwithstanding the insufficiency of the the office from the cashier next morning
evidence. and opened the bank about 8 o'clock. He
entered defendant's cage to dust it. When
The defendant was tried on a plea of not Basilio was stooping in the act of placing
guilty to the following information: the cover of the adding machine under the
This sum is referred to in the record as the counter, the defendant arrived and asked
The undersigned accuses Teodoro I. Locson
"pico". It appears from the evidence that it him what he was doing. The defendant was
of the crime of qualified theft, committed
was checked by the cashier about 4.30 in carrying a package wrapped in a
the afternoon of June 7th and found to be newspaper. Three minutes after the
That on or about the 8th day of June, 1930, correct. The cashier, Donato de Llana, then defendant arrived, he sent Basilio out to
and within the jurisdiction of this court, viz., told the defendant to put the money in a buy ice. Basilio was gone for ten or twelve
in the municipality of Zamboanga, money box and a sack and take it to the minutes, and during this time the defendant
Province of Zamboanga, P. I., the above third compartment of the vault known as was left alone in the bank. Soon after the
janitor came back, the defendant called
75 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
him, and on entering defendant's cage Canseco delivered the money box to the Basilio about the two sacks the defendant
Basilio saw the defendant wrap a folded defendant and sack to the paying teller. had taken from the bank. He went to
flour sack two inches thick in a rice sack. The paying teller poured out the contents defendant's house in the afternoon of June
Defendant told Basilio to tie this bundle to of the sack on his counter. He noticed at 9th and found two sacks in a laundry bag
defendant's bicycle, and watched him once that the loose bank notes, which behind the door in the defendant's
while he was fixing the bundle on the were the first to be counted by him each bedroom which Basilio declared to be like
bicycle. Defendant gave Basilio some morning, were missing. He notified the those he had seen in defendant's
figures to add on the adding machine, and defendant immediately. The defendant possession. The money was never
told him that he was going to the market to then opened the money box, which was on recovered.
buy some mangoes. He left the bank on his his counter, as if to look for the loose bank
bicycle. He came back in about ten notes, and exclaimed: "They are not here, It appears from the evidence that about
minutes without the sacks, and said he did or the bank notes of large denominations the latter part of April, 1930 the defendant,
not buy any mangoes because they were which I put here on the afternoon of June contrary to the practice of the bank,
too dear. He then gave Basilio some other 7th." As the defendant pretended to be began to retain a part of the "pico",
work to do. They left the bank about 11 looking for the bank notes in his office and consisting of bank notes of big
o'clock. Basilio locked the door and did not notify the cashier, the paying teller denominations, and he persisted in this
returned the key to the cashier. notified the cashier, who in turn notified the course to such a degree that the paying
manager, Victor J. Jimenez. teller had call his attention to the matter
From the bank the defendant went to the several times.
market. Near the market he engaged The manager immediately asked the
a calesa driven by Vicente Natividad, defendant where the money was. The The evidence also shows that on Saturday,
whom the defendant had employed, on defendant said he had put it in the box and June 7th the manager said the "pico" was
various previous occasions to take fish and the bag, adding that he had put P15,000 in too large, and that on Monday he would
vegetables to his house. They stopped at a the box in ten-peso and twenty-peso bills pay P30,000 to the Chartered Bank or else
store near the market, and there the and the rest in the bag. When asked what send it to the head office of the Bank of the
defendant put into the calesa a basket had become of it the defendant said he Philippine Islands in Manila. The defendant
with a rolled sack on the cover. The did not know, that he did not have the keys was present when the manager made this
defendant then told the cochero to take to the vault. The manager then checked statement.
the basket to defendant's house. The the "reserve" in the vault, amounting to
The defendant was receiving a salary of
defendant followed the calesa on his P124,000, and found it intact. He then
only P90 a month. He had debts amounting
bicycle. When they reached defendant's checked the money in the box and the
to over a thousand pesos. Two or three
house, the defendant himself took the sack, and found the shortage to be
months prior to June 7th, 1930, in
basket out of the calesa and paid P33.965.45, made up as follows:
connection with the newspaper reports of
the cochero 20 centavos.
the Wilson case, the defendant asked the
In notes of P100 P300.00
Early that morning, about 7.15, before accountant of the bank, Santa Elena, how
going to the bank, the defendant had long bank notes would last if buried in the
stopped at the office of Marquez, a In notes of 50 250.00 ground, and when the accountant replied
stevedoring firm, located across the street that it would depend on the container, the
from the bank. He stood inside the door defendant inquired how long they would
In notes of 20 10,440.00 last if kept in a tightly sealed earthen jar.
locking out, as if watching for somebody.
The stevedores were expecting a boat to
On June 13, 1930, Santiago Freixas, auditor
be unloaded. In notes of 10 9,010.00
of the Bank of the Philippine Islands,
About noon on the same day, Sunday, the examined the reserve fund of the
8th of June, the defendant entered the In notes of 5 11,025.00 Zamboanga branch. He found it intact, but
Indian Bazar as it was about to close and on examining the books of the bank he
bought a valise for P5. A little later the found a shortage of more than P33,000 in
In notes of 2 76.00
defendant paid all that he owed to Gan the "pico" of June 7, 1930.
San Lien, amounting to P65, giving him
In notes of 1 56.00 When the bank was opened on Monday
three twenty-peso bank notes and one
Morning, June 9, 1930, all the doors of the
five-peso bank note. The defendant had
bank and the vault were in good condition.
been owing this balance since February,
U.S.A. notes 1,634.00 The doors of the vault were found duly
closed. There were no signs of robbery.
The next morning, Monday, June 9, 1930, Mutilated bills 502.00 Various possibilities have been suggested
the defendant, contrary to his usual
to explain how the money might have
practice, was one of the last arrive at the
Phil. National Bank bills 165.00 been taken from the vault, but they are so
office. There was already a customer in the
improbable that we do not deem it worth
bank, who desired to withdraw some
while to consider more than one of them.
money, but the paying teller was unable to
Bank of the P.I. bills 460.00 Of course, if it be assumed that the
wait on her, because the defendant had
defendant was honest and all the other
not come to deliver to the paying teller the
Foreign currencies 47.45 officers of the bank corrupt and in collusion
money for the disbursements for the day,
to loot the bank, it is easy enough to
and the paying teller referred her to the
conclude that the defendant is innocent.
cashier, who was waiting her when the
Defendant's attorneys assume that the
defendant arrived. The defendant entered
cashier had been embezzling the money of
his cage, sat down and began to read a 33,965.45 the bank, and that on the afternoon of
newspaper. When the cashier saw him, the
June 7th he took the amount in question
cashier got the key to the "grill", went to the
The Constabulary and the police were from the "pico" and put it in the "reserve" to
vault accompanied by the messenger
immediately notified of this loss. The chief of cover his peculations. The origin of this
Canseco, and got the money box and
police of Zamboanga learned from Alfonso assumption appears to have been the
sack containing the "pico" of June 7th.
76 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
announcement of the president of the a valise for P5. Defendant did not attempt with intent of gain and without the consent
bank in April that from July, 1930 the to explain where this money came from but of the owner constitutes the crime of theft.
"reserve" should be under the executive denied having any such transactions on
control of the manager. There is not a June 8th. The Supreme Court of Spain in a decision of
particle of evidence to support this June 23, 1886 held that a shepherd, who
assumption of defendant's attorneys in the Although the question is not specifically takes away and converts to his own use
slightest degree. There is no evidence even raised in the assignments of error, the court several head of the sheep under his care, is
remotely tending to show that there was a has carefully considered the classification guilty of qualified theft. (Viada: Vol. 3, p.
shortage in the "reserve". Furthermore, it of the crime committed by the defendant 433, 4th ed.)
appears that it would have been and found it to be correctly classified by
the trial court as qualified theft. The money In a decision of December 30, 1903, the
practically impossible for the cashier to
was in the possession of the defendant as same court said:
substitute P33,000 from the "pico" for a like
amount from the "reserve". In the first place receiving teller of the bank, and the
Considerando que el grave abuso de
the "reserve" is ordinarily made up of new possession of the defendant was the
confianza se determina por el
bills of the Government of the Philippine possession of the bank. When the
quebrantamiento de especiales vinculos
Islands, while the "pico" consists of the defendant, with a grave abuse of
de lealtad impuestos, ya por las relaciones
ordinary bills in circulation. On the wrapper confidence, removed the money and
que median entre ofensor y ofendido, o ya
of each bundle of bills in the "reserve" appropriated it to his own use without the
por la naturaleza del encargo que se
appear the initials of the person who has consent of the bank, there was the taking
desempena: y, en tal concepto, el abuso
examined it, while the bundles in the "pico" or apoderamiento contemplated in the
que comete un mozo de estacion
are held together only with rubber bonds. It definition of the crime of theft.
sustrayendo objetos encomendados a la
was impossible for the cashier to make the
In the case of the United States vs. De Vera Empresa de que depende no puede
substitution during the few minutes that he
(43 Phil., 1000, 1003), Justice Villamor menos de reputarse grave, segun en caso
was in the vault Saturday afternoon and
speaking for the court said: identico lo ha declarado con anterioridd
Monday morning. He could not have
esta Sala, puesto que el culpable defrauda
entered the vault in the interim without the
The argument advanced in support of the la natural confianza que al publico debe
collusion of the accountant and the
contention of the defense is that the goods inspirar y perjudica, no solo al credito de
manager, as the combination of the lock
misappropriated were not taken by the dicha Empresa, sino tambien sus intereses,
on the main door to the vault was known
accused without the consent of the owner puesto que esta es responsable de los
only to the accountant, and the key to the
who had delivered them to her voluntarily, efectos que se la confian, revistiendo asi el
grill was in a safe, the combination of which
and this element being lacking, it cannot hecho condiciones de notoria gravedad,
only the manager knew.
be the crime of theft. etc. (Viada: Vol. 6, p. 308, 5th ed.) See
also the following cases cited on page 314:
After carefully considering the evidence
It is well to remember the essential elements
and the decision of the trial court and the
of the crime of theft, as expounded in the El cobrador y comisionado de apremio,
arguments of counsel, we are satisfied that
textbooks, which are as follows: First, the nombrado y renumerado por el respectivo
the true explanation of the disappearance
taking of personal property; second, that recaudador de contribuciones, que
of the money is that the defendant never
the property belongs to another; third, that sustrae varios de los recibos que para el
sent it to the vault, but concealed it in his
the taking away be done with intent of pago de estas existian en la Oficina de
cage instead of putting it in the box and
gain; fourth, that the taking away be done recaudacion, y cobrandolos el mismo de
bag, and removed it the next day. The
without the consent of the owner; and fifth, los contribuyentes, se apropia su importe
facts inevitably lead the mind to that
that the taking away be accomplished sin entregarlo en la Oficina, ¿sera
conclusion. If the defendant had put the
without violence or intimidation against responsable del delito de estafa, o del de
full amount of the "pico" in the vault
persons or force upon things. hurto con grave abuso de confianza? El
Saturday afternoon, it would have been
Tribunal Supremo ha declarado que esta
found there Monday morning. It is a The commentators on the Spanish Penal ultima y mas grave calificacion es la que le
reasonable inference from the facts that Code, from which ours was adopted, lay corresponde.
the defendant went to the bank Sunday great stress on the first element, which is the
morning to dispose of the money, and for taking away, that is, getting possession, El Concejal de un Ayuntamiento que
that purpose sent the janitor out, to buy ice. laying hold of the thing, so that, as Viada encargado de la inspeccion y direccion
The money was taken away from the bank, says, if the thing is not taken away, but de una rifa benefica, es soprendido en el
and that was the only time when it could received and then appropriated or acto de sustraer el dinero que se
have been disposed of. The defendant converted without the consent of the recaudaba producto de los billetes, ¿sera
may have put it in the flour sack, or he may owner, it may be any other crime, that responsable del delito de hurto con grave
have put part of it in the sack and of estafa for instance, but in no way that of abuso de confianza, o bien del de
concealed the rest of it on his person, or he theft, which consists in the taking away of malversacion de caudales, y en su
may have passed it out to a confederate. the thing, that is, in removing it from the defecto, del de estafa? El tribunal Supremo
In any event the defendant removed the place where it is kept by the legal owner, ha declarado lo primero.
money from the bank. Defendant's without the latter's consent, that is, without
subsequent conduct strongly tends to obtaining for the purpose the consent of For the foregoing reasons, the decision
confirm that conclusion. When he left the the legitimate owner. appealed from is affirmed, with the costs
bank that morning about 11 o'clock, he against the appellant.
went to the market and engaged a The doctrine of the case as stated in the
public carromata to take his house a syllabus is as follows: Avanceña, C.J., Malcolm, Villamor,
basket that he got from a store near the Ostrand, Villa-Real, Abad Santos, Hull and
market. A flour sack and a rice sack similar When the delivery of a chattel or cattle has Imperial, JJ., concur.
to those the defendant took away from the not the effect of transferring the juridical
bank were found next day in a laundry bag possession thereof, or title thereto, it is
in defendant's house. About noon that presumed that the possession of, and title
same day, Sunday, June 8th, the to the thing so delivered remains in the
defendant paid a Chinese merchant P65 in owner; and the act of disposing thereof
settlement of an old account, and bought
77 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
respondent filed a complaint-in-intervention or stipulations, or (c) in other stages of the judicial
SECOND DIVISION praying, inter alia, that petitioner be ordered to proceeding, as in the pre-trial of the case.
vacate Piazza Hotel and Mariveles Lodge for lack Admissions obtained through depositions, written
PROGRAMME INCORPORATED, G.R. No. 144635 of legal interest. interrogatories or requests for admission are also
Petitioner, During the pre-trial of the complaint-in- considered judicial admissions.[17] (emphasis ours)
Present: intervention, the parties agreed that the
PUNO, J., Chairperson, case[7] be tried on the sole issue of whether
- v e r s u s - SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, respondent province, as complainant-intervenor, To be considered as a judicial admission, the
CORONA, was the legitimate owner of the Piazza Hotel same must be made in the same case in which it
AZCUNA and and Mariveles Lodge. is offered.[18]
GARCIA, JJ. On February 3, 1995, after trial on the merits, the
PROVINCE OF BATAAN,[1] trial court rendered judgment in favor of In its own complaint[19] for preliminary injunction
Respondent. Promulgated: respondent. and sum of money, petitioner acknowledged that
June 26, 2006 On appeal, the CA addressed the issue of it was not the owner of the property when it stated
ownership of Piazza Hotel and Mariveles Lodge as that [BASECO] lease[d] to [petitioner] the building
CORONA, J.: follows: Piazza Hotel and its outlet Mariveles Lodge xxx for
monthly rentals of P6,500.00.[20] Petitioner could
[W]e affirm the trial courts ruling that [respondent] not possibly be the owner of a building merely
In this petition filed under Rule 45 of the Rules of Province of Bataan has established by leased to it.[21]
Court, petitioner Programme Incorporated preponderance of evidence its claim of
contests the Court of Appeals (CA) decision[2] and ownership of Piazza Hotel and Mariveles Lodge. In
resolution[3] upholding respondent Province fact, [petitioner] has not presented evidence
of Bataans ownership of Piazza Hotel and the land proving its ownership of the said buildings[, Furthermore, petitioners reference to Article
on which it stands. The assailed decision in CA- whereas respondent presented] a tax declaration 448[22] of the
G.R. CV No. 49135 affirmed the decision of the and certificate of title over the same properties, Civil Code to justify its supposed rights as possessor
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch over which it now exercises full control and in good faith was erroneous.
4, Balanga, Bataan in a suit for preliminary dominion. The fact that the subject properties
injunction and sum of money filed by petitioner were placed under sequestration is of no moment The benefits granted to a possessor in good faith
against Bataan Shipyard and Engineering Co., for the PCGG is not an owner but a conservator cannot be maintained by the lessee against
Inc. (BASECO). The case was docketed as Civil who can exercise only powers of administration the lessor because, such benefits are intended to
Case No. 129-ML. The dispositive portion of the over property sequestered, frozen or provisionally apply only to a case where one builds or sows or
trial court decision read: taken over. As the owner of said properties, plants on land which he believes himself to have
[respondent-intervenor] is entitled to the payment a claim of title and not to lands wherein ones only
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing of the monthly rental in the sum of P6,500.00 as interest is that of a tenant under a rental contract,
considerations, judgment is hereby rendered ruled by the trial court.[8] (emphasis ours) otherwise, it would always be in the power of a
dismissing the complaint, without pronouncement tenant to improve his landlord out of his
as to costs. property. Besides, as between lessor and lessee,
We agree with the appellate court. the Code applies specific provisions designed to
Similarly, [BASECOs] counterclaim is dismissed. Time and again, we have ruled that factual cover their rights.
matters are best evaluated by trial courts which
On the complaint in intervention, judgment is can scrutinize evidence and hear testimony Hence, the lessee cannot claim reimbursement,
hereby rendered ordering [petitioner] to pay presented and offered by the parties (in this case, as a matter of right, for useful improvements he
[respondent] the rentals for the leased premises in on the issue of ownership of the subject has made on the property, nor can he assert a
question, namely, the Piazza Hotel and property). All the more does this principle ring true right of retention until reimbursed. His only remedy
the Mariveles Lodge, situated at in this petition since such factual determination by is to remove the improvement if the lessor does
the Bataan Export Processing Zone (BEPZ) the RTC was upheld by the CA.[9] Only questions of not choose to pay its value; but the court cannot
Compound in Mariveles, Bataan, at the rate of six law are the proper subject of a petition for review give him the right to buy the land.[23]
thousand five hundred pesos (P6,500.00) per on certiorari in this Court, unless any of the known
month for both establishments, starting in August exceptions is extant in this case.[10] There is none.
1989 with legal interest at 6% per annum, up to The evidence clearly established respondents
and until the legal arrearages shall have been fully ownership of Piazza Hotel.[11] First, the title of the Petitioners assertion that Piazza Hotel was
paid, and to pay the succeeding land on which Piazza Hotel stands was in the constructed at (its) expense found no support in
rentals therefor at the same rate. name of respondent.[12] Second, Tax Declaration the records. Neither did any document or
No. 12782 was in the name of respondent as testimony prove this claim. At best, what was
SO ORDERED.[4] owner of Piazza Hotel.[13] A note at the back of the confirmed was that petitioner managed and
tax declaration read: operated the hotel. There was no evidence that
The controversy arose from the following facts. petitioner was the one which spent for the
Transferred by virtue of a final bill of sale executed construction or renovation of the property. And
BASECO was the owner of Piazza Hotel by the Provincial [Treasurer] of Bataan in favor of since petitioners alleged expenditures were never
and Mariveles Lodge, both located the Provincial Government on Feb. 13, 1989[, a] proven, it could not even seek reimbursement of
in Mariveles, Bataan. year after the expiration of the redemption period one-half of the value of the improvements upon
On May 14, 1986, BASECO granted petitioner a from date of auction sale held on Feb. 12, 1988 of termination of the lease under Article 1678[24] of
contract of lease over Piazza Hotel at a monthly all real property declared in the name of the Civil Code.
rental of P6,500 for three years, i.e., from January [BASECO].[14] (emphasis ours) Finally, both the trial and appellate courts
1, 1986 to January 1, 1989, subject to renewal by declared that the land as well as the
mutual agreement of the parties. After the improvement thereon (Piazza Hotel) belonged to
expiration of the three-year lease period, Third, petitioner was doubtlessly just a lessee. In the respondent. We find no reason to overturn this
petitioner was allowed to continue operating the lease contract annexed to the complaint, factual conclusion.
hotel on monthly extensions of the lease. petitioner in fact admitted BASECOs(respondents
In April 1989, however, the Presidential predecessor-in-interest) ownership then of the Since this petition for review on certiorari was
Commission on Good Government (PCGG) issued subject property. A stipulation in the contract clearly without legal and factual basis, petitioners
a sequestration order against BASECO pursuant to read: counsel should not have even filed this appeal. It
Executive Order No. 1 of former President Corazon is obvious that the intention was merely to delay
C. Aquino.[5] Among the properties provisionally WHEREAS, the lessor (BASECO) is the owner of the the disposition of the case.
seized and taken over was the lot on which Piazza building PIAZZA HOTEL and its outlet MARIVELES WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. The
Hotel stood. LODGE located at decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals in
On July 19, 1989, however, Piazza Hotel was sold BASECO, Mariveles, Bataanxxx[15] (emphasis ours) CA-G.R. CV No. 49135 areAFFIRMED.
at a public auction for non-payment of taxes to Costs against petitioner. Same costs against Atty.
respondent Province of Bataan. The title of the Benito R. Cuesta I, petitioners counsel, for filing this
property was transferred to The Rules of Court states that [a]n admission, flimsy appeal, payable within ten (10) days from
respondent. BASECOs Transfer Certificate of Title verbal or written, made by a party in the course of finality of this decision.
(TCT) No. T-59631 was cancelled and a new one, the proceedings in the same case, does not
TCT No. T-128456, was issued to the Province require proof. The admission may be contradicted
of Bataan. only by showing that it was made through
On July 21, 1989, petitioner filed a complaint for palpable mistake or that no such admission was
preliminary injunction and collection of sum of made.[16]
money against BASECO (Civil Case No. 129-
ML).[6] Respondent, as the new owner of the [Such admissions] may be made in (a) the
property, filed a motion for leave to intervene on pleadings filed by the parties, (b) in the course of
November 22, 1990. After its motion was granted, the trial either by verbal or written manifestations
78 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
G.R. No. 157044 October 5, 2005 In her Answer to the complaint,14 Lina alleged Defendants and intervenors are likewise jointly
that the Castelltorts acted in good faith in and severally directed to pay to plaintiffs the
RODOLFO V. ROSALES, (represented by his constructing the house on petitioners’ lot as following damages:
heirs, Rodolfo, Jr., Romeo Allan, Lillian they in fact consulted her before
Rhodora, Roy Victor, Roger Lyle and Alexander commencing any construction thereon, they a) TWO THOUSAND (P2,000.00) PESOS per
Nicolai, all surnamed Rosales) and LILY having relied on the technical description of month from February 1995 by way of
ROSQUETA-ROSALES, Petitioners the lot sold to them, Lot 16, which was verified reasonable compensation for the use of
vs. by her officially designated geodetic plaintiffs’ property until the surrender of the
and LINA LOPEZ-VILLEGAS, assisted by her
Attorney-in-Fact, Rene Villegas, Respondents. Nevertheless, Lina proposed to give petitioners b) FIFTY THOUSAND (P50,000.00) PESOS by way
a lot containing an area of 536 square meters of moral damages;
DECISION together with the house and duplex structure
built thereon or, if petitioners choose, to c) THIRTY THOUSAND (P30,000.00) PESOS as
CARPIO MORALES, J.: encumber the 536 square meter lot as exemplary damages;
collateral "to get immediate cash" through a
The present petition for review on certiorari d) TWENTY THOUSAND (P20,000.00) PESOS as
financing scheme in order to compensate
assails the October 2, 2002 Decision1 and attorney’s fees and cost of suit.
them for the lot in question.15
February 6, 2003 Resolution2of the Court of
Appeals (CA) in CA G.R. CV No. 64046 and The counterclaim interposed by the
Ruling out good faith, the RTC, by Decision of
seeks to reinstate the April 21, 1999 Decision3 of defendants in their responsive pleading is
April 21, 1999, found for petitioners in this wise:
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Calamba, hereby dismissed for lack of merit.
Laguna, Branch 34 in Civil Case No. 2229-95-C. In the instant case, there is no well-founded
belief of ownership by the defendants of the
Spouses-petitioners Rodolfo V. Rosales and Lily land upon which they built their house. The title
Rosqueta-Rosales (petitioners) are the Respondents thereupon filed their respective
or mode of acquisition upon which they based
registered owners of a parcel of land with an appeals with the CA.
their belief of such ownership stemmed from a
area of approximately 315 square meters, Contract to Sell (Exhibit "P") of which they were Petitioner Rodolfo Rosales, in the meantime,
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) not even parties, the designated buyer being died on December 7, 2001. His heirs Rodolfo,
No. 368564 and designated as Lot 17, Block 1 Elizabeth Yson Cruz and the sale even Jr., Romeo Allan, Lillian Rhodora, Roy Victor,
of Subdivision Plan LRC Psd-55244 situated in subjected to the judicial reconstitution of the Roger Lyle and Alexander Nicolai, all
Los Baños, Laguna. title. And by their own actions, particularly surnamed Rosales, filed their Appearance18 as
defendant Miguel Castelltort, defendants his substitute.
On August 16, 1995, petitioners discovered
betrayed this very belief in their ownership
that a house was being constructed on their
when realizing the inutility of anchoring their By Decision of October 2, 2002, the CA
lot, without their knowledge and consent, by
ownership on the basis of the Contract of Sale, granted the appeal and set aside the April 21,
respondent Miguel Castelltort (Castelltort).5
defendant Miguel Castelltort in his testimony 1999 RTC Decision. The dispositive portion of
declared Elizabeth Yson Cruz as his wife (tsn, the Decision reads, quoted verbatim:
It turned out that respondents Castelltort and
pp. 7-8, March 24, 1998) despite an admission
his wife Judith had purchased a lot, Lot 16 of
in their answer that they are the spouses WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant
the same Subdivision Plan, from respondent
named as defendants (tsn, p. 8, January 12, appeal is hereby GRANTED and the assailed
Lina Lopez-Villegas (Lina) through her son-
1998) and which declaration is an utter decision of the court a quo REVERSED AND SET
attorney-in-fact Rene Villegas (Villegas) but
falsehood as the Contract to Sell itself ASIDE. In accordance with the cases
that after a survey thereof by geodetic
indicates the civil status of said Elizabeth Yson of Technogas Philippines Manufacturing Corp.
engineer Augusto Rivera, he pointed to Lot 17
Cruz to be single. vs. Court of Appeals and Depra vs. Dumlao,
as the Lot 16 the Castelltorts purchased.
applying Article 448 of the Civil Code, this case
Even if we are to concede that defendants is REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court of
Negotiations for the settlement of the case
built their house in good faith on account of Calamba, Laguna, Branch 34, for further
thus began, with Villegas offering a larger lot
the representation of attorney-in-fact Rene proceedings, as follows:
near petitioners’ lot in the same subdivision as
Villegas, their failure to comply with the
a replacement thereof.6 In the alternative,
requirements of the National Building Code, 1. to determine the present fair price of
Villegas proposed to pay the purchase price
particularly the procurement of a building appellees’ 315 square meter area of land and
of petitioners’ lot with legal interest.7 Both
permit, stained such good faith and belief. the amount of the expenses actually spent by
proposals were, however, rejected by
the appellants for building the house as of 21
petitioners8 whose counsel, by letter9of August
xxx August 1995, which is the time they were
24, 1995, directed Castelltort to stop the
notified of appellees’ rightful claim over Lot 17.
construction of and demolish his house and From any and all indications, this deliberate
any other structure he may have built thereon, breach is an unmitigated manifestation of bad 2. to order the appellees to exercise their
and desist from entering the lot. faith. And from the evidence thus adduced, option under the law (Article 448, Civil Code),
we hold that defendants and the intervenor whether to appropriate the house as their own
Petitioners subsequently filed on September 1,
were equally guilty of negligence which led to by paying to the appellants the amount of the
1995 a complaint10 for recovery of possession
the construction of the defendants’ house on expenses spent for the house as determined
and damages with prayer for the issuance of
plaintiffs’ property and therefore jointly and by the court a quo in accordance with the
a restraining order and preliminary injunction
severally liable for all the damages suffered by limitations as aforestated or to oblige the
against spouses-respondents Miguel and
the plaintiffs.16 (Underscoring supplied) appellants to pay the price of the land.
Judith Castelltort before the RTC of Calamba,
Laguna, docketed as Civil Case No. 2229-95- The dispositive portion of the trial court’s In case the appellees exercise the option to
C. Decision reads, quoted verbatim: oblige the appellants to pay the price of the
land but the latter reject such purchase
To the complaint, the Castelltorts claimed in ACCORDINGLY, in view of all the foregoing, because, as found by the court, the value of
their Answer with Counterclaim11 that they judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the land is considerably more than that of the
were builders in good faith. plaintiffs and against the defendants, ordering house, the court shall order the parties to
the latter to surrender the possession of the agree upon the terms of a forced lease, and
Lina, represented by her son-attorney-in-fact
property covered by TCT No. 36856 of the give the court a quo a formal written notice of
Villegas, soon filed a Motion for
Register of Deeds of Laguna including any and such agreement and its provisos. If no
Intervention12 before the RTC which was
all improvements built thereon to the plaintiffs. agreement is reached by the parties, the court
granted by Order13 of December 19, 1995.
a quo shall then fix the terms of the forced
lease, provided that the monthly rental to be
79 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
fixed by the Court shall not be less that Two and misapprehension by the intervenor of the property which he knew belongs to another
Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) per month, exact parameters of the property which person. x x x
payable within the first five (5) days of each caused appellant’s belief that Lot 17 [the
calendar month and the period thereof shall questioned lot], is his. This fact bolsters xxx
not be more than two (2) years, counted from appellant Miguel’s good faith in building his
the finality of the judgment. house on appellees’ lot under the mistaken In view of the good faith of both parties in this
belief that the same is his property. Otherwise, case, their rights and obligations are to be
Upon the expiration of the forced lease, or he should have secured a building permit on governed by Article 448, which has been
upon default by the appellants in the payment Lot 17 instead or should not have bothered to applied to improvements or portions of
of rentals for two (2) consecutive months, the take the necessary measures to obtain a improvements built by mistaken belief on land
appellees shall be entitled to terminate the building permit on Lot 16 in the first place. belonging to the adjoining owner. x x x
forced lease, to recover their land, and to
have the improvement removed by the By and large, the records show that, as x x x20 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
appellants at the latter’s expense. The rentals testified to by Engr. Rebecca T.
Petitioners’ Motion for
herein provided shall be tendered by the Lanuang, appellant Miguel had already
Reconsideration21 dated October 22, 2002
appellants to the court for payment to the applied for a building permit as early as
having been denied by the CA by Resolution
appellees, and such tender shall constitute February 1994 and was in fact issued a
of March 13, 2002, the present petition was
evidence of whether or not compliance was temporary building permit pending the
filed raising the following issues:
made within the period fixed by the court. completion of the requirements for said
permit. Although the building permit was
In any event, the appellants shall pay the belatedly issued in January 1996, this does not
appellees the amount of Two Thousand Pesos in any way detract from appellant Miguel’s WHETHER OR NOT THE HONORABLE COURT OF
(P2,000.00) as reasonable compensation for good faith. APPEALS COMMITTED A GRAVE ABUSE OF
their occupancy of the encroached property
from the time said appellants’ good faith xxx
cease (sic) to exist until such time the
possession of the property is delivered to the In holding the appellants as builders in bad
appellees subject to the reimbursement of the faith, the court a quo defied law and settled
aforesaid expenses in favor of the appellants jurisprudence considering that the factual WHETHER OR NOT THE HONORABLE COURT OF
or until such time the payment of the purchase basis of its findings and the incontrovertible APPEALS COMMITTED A REVERSIBLE ERROR OF
price of the said lot be made by the evidence in support thereof prove that the LAW IN CONCLUDING THAT THE TRIAL COURT,
appellants in favor of the appellees in case the appellant Miguel, in good faith, built the house IN DECIDING THE CASE, RELIED ON FLIMSY, IF
latter opt for the compulsory sale of the same. on appellees’ land without knowledge of an NOT IMMATERIAL, ALLEGATIONS OF THE
adverse claim or any other irregularities that PETITIONERS, WHICH HAVE NO DIRECT BEARING
SO ORDERED.19 (Emphasis in the original) might cast a doubt as to the veracity of the IN THE DETERMINATION OF WHETHER THE
assurance given to him by the intervenor. RESPONDENTS ARE BUILDERS IN GOOD FAITH
In reversing the trial court, the CA held: Having been assured by the intervenor that
the stone monuments were purposely placed, III.
xxx albeit wrongfully, by the land surveyor in said
land to specifically identify the lot and its WHETHER OR NOT THE HONORABLE COURT OF
x x x A perusal of the records readily reveals
inclusive boundaries, the appellants cannot APPEALS COMMITTED A REVERSIBLE ERROR OF
that said court instead relied on flimsy, if not
be faulted for having relied on the expertise of LAW IN RENDERING A DECISION THAT IS
immaterial, allegations of the appellees, which
the land surveyor who is more equipped and UNENFORCEABLE AGAINST BOTH RESPONDENT
have no direct bearing in the determination of
experienced in the field of land surveying. JUDITH CASTELLTORT AND THIRD-PARTY
whether the appellants are builders in bad
Although under the Torrens system of land ELIZABETH CRUZ22
registration, the appellant is presumed to have
knowledge of the metes and bounds of the Petitioners initially hammer against
For one, the pivotal issue to be resolved in this
property with which he is dealing, appellant respondents’ proving that Castelltort and a
case, i.e. whether appellant Miguel is a builder
however, considering that he is a layman not certain Elizabeth Cruz are the builders of the
in good faith, was ignored by the court a quo.
versed in the technical description of his house on the subject property, they faulting
The instant case does not in any way concern
property, cannot be faulted in his reliance on them with estoppel for alleging in their Answer
the personal and property relations of spouses-
the survey plan that was delivered to him by before the trial court that "they (respondents
appellants and Elizabeth Yson Cruz which is an
the intervenor and the stone monuments that Castelltort and Judith) caused the
altogether different matter that can be
were placed in the encroached property. construction of their house which they bought
ventilated by the concerned parties through
from a certain Lina Lopez-Villegas."
the institution of a proper action. xxx The court
a quo should have focused on the issue of Petitioners rely on the following doctrine
whether appellant Miguel built, in good faith, Peremptorily, contrary to the flawed established in Elayda v. Court of Appeals:23
the subject house without notice of the pronouncements made by the court a quo
adverse claim of the appellees and under the that appellant Miguel is deemed as a builder "an admission made in the pleadings cannot
honest belief that the lot which he used in the in bad faith on the basis of a mere assertion be controverted by the party making such
construction belongs to him. xxx that he built his house without initially satisfying admission and are conclusive as to him and
himself that he owns the said property, this that all proofs submitted by him contrary
xxx As it is, appellant Miguel relied on the title thereto or inconsistent therewith, should be
Court finds reason to maintain good faith on
which the intervenor showed to him which, ignored, whether objection is interposed by
the part of the appellant. Admittedly, the
significantly, has no annotation that would the party or not x x x"
appellants’ house erroneously encroached on
otherwise show a prior adverse claim. Thus, as
the property of the appellees due to a mistake
far as appellant Miguel is concerned, his title Petitioners’ contention is hardly relevant to the
in the placement of stone monuments as
over the subject lot, as well as the title of the case at bar. Whether it was Castelltort and
indicated in the survey plan, which error is
intervenor thereto, is clean and untainted by Judith or Castelltort and Elizabeth Cruz who
directly attributable to the fault of the
an adverse claim or other irregularities. purchased the property from Lina is not
geodetic engineer who conducted the same.
This fact alone negates bad faith on the part material to the outcome of the instant
For another, the appellants’ failure to secure a controversy. As found by the CA:
of appellant Miguel.
building permit from the Municipal Engineer’s
Office on their construction on Lot 17 does not The fact remains that appellant [Castelltort] is
impinge on the good faith of the appellants. In the builder of the house on Lot 17 xxx The court
fact, it can be told that a building permit was Moreover, it is quite illogical for appellant a quo should have focused on the issue of
actually filed by appellant Miguel with respect Miguel to knowingly build his house on a whether appellant Miguel built, in good faith,
to Lot 16 and it was only due to the confusion
80 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
the subject house without notice of the A: These mujons were the basis for my locating Q: And you met him again because he had a
adverse claim of the appellees and under the the property in pointing to Mr. Castelltort. problem regarding the property of one Engr.
honest belief that the lot which he used in the Rosales?
construction belongs to him. xxx it cannot be xxx
gainsaid that appellant Miguel has a title over A: Yes, sir.
the land that was purchased from the Q: Is it not a fact that before Miguel Castelltort
intervenor x x x24 started constructing that house he sought your Q: And when he confided to you this matter,
advice or permission to construct the same did you go to the site of Lot 16 or 17?
At all events, as this Court held in the case over that particular lot?
of Gardner v. Court of Appeals:25 A: Yes, sir.
A: Yes.
In its Resolution reversing the original Decision, Q: And what did you see there?
respondent Court discredited the testimony of Q: And you gave your consent?
A: A house being constructed then I
Ariosto SANTOS for being at variance with the
A: Yes, because based on my knowledge also rechecked the location of the house and it
allegations in his Answer. The fact, however,
that that was the lot as pointed by Engr. turned out to be in Lot 17.
that the allegations made by Ariosto SANTOS
in his pleadings and in his declarations in open
Court differed will not militate against the
findings herein made nor support the reversal Q: Considering that you found out that a
by respondent Court. As a general rule, facts Q: Was there any remarkable difference mistake was actually made by your assistants
alleged in a party’s pleading are deemed between lot 16 and 17 at the time that this Dennis Orencio, Mario Carpio and Sovejano
admissions of that party and binding upon it, particular lot was sold to Miguel Castelltort and when you allowed them to proceed on their
but this is not an absolute and inflexible rule. Elizabeth Cruz? own to make this computation, did you
An Answer is a mere statement of fact which confront these men of yours afterwards?
the party filing it expects to prove, but it is not xxx
evidence. As Ariosto SANTOS himself, in open A: Yes, sir.
Court, had repudiated the defenses he had A: Both lots 16 and 17 are practically the same.
raised in his Answer and against his own The (sic) have the same frontage. There is only Q: In what manner?
interest, his testimony is deserving of weight a difference of 4 square meters, one is 311
and credence.26 (Underscoring supplied) square meters and the other 315 square A: I actually reprimanded them verbally and
meters. Both sides were fenced, as drawn they also I dismissed Mario Carpio from my office.
The issue determinative of the controversy in were facing the same road. They are
the case at bar hinges on whether Castelltort practically the same. xxx
is a builder in good faith.
Q: But at the time or immediately before Mr. Q: And did you investigate how your men
A builder in good faith is one who builds with Castelltort started the construction of the committed this mistake of planting these
the belief that the land he is building on is his, house, was there any remarkable distinction monuments on another lot when corners 4 & 1
or that by some title one has the right to build between these two properties? were clearly planted on the ground?
thereon, and is ignorant of any defect or flaw
in his title.27 A: None.32 (Emphasis and underscoring A: I myself rechecked it and found out that
supplied) they committed an error.
Article 527 of the Civil Code provides that
good faith is always presumed, and upon him The confusion in the identification of Lot 16 was xxx
who alleges bad faith on the part of a eventually traced to the error committed by
possessor rests the burden of proof.28 Q: And now, you are saying that your men
geodetic engineer Augusto Rivera’s
committed a mistake by placing thereon
employees in placing stone monuments on
In the case at bar, Lot 16 was sold by Lina, monuments by planting these monuments not
petitioners’ property, instead of on Lot 16, the
through her attorney-in-fact Villegas, to on Lot 16 but on Lot 17?
lot sold to Castelltort, based on the survey
Castelltort and a certain Elizabeth Cruz 29 for a made by the engineer in 1992.
consideration of ₱500,000.00. While prior to the A: When I investigated how did they commit
sale, what Villegas showed Castelltort as (sic) a mistake it came to be like this. Before
The engineer so testified:
evidence of his mother Lina’s ownership of the when we surveyed first this in 1992, at that time
property was only a photocopy of her title TCT Q: Now, aside from inspecting personally the Dante Villegas contracted my services there
No. (T-42171) T-1855030 he explaining that the site, what else did your men or assistants do? was a fence here then when we went back,
owner’s duplicate of the title was lost and that the road was already removed so they
judicial reconstitution thereof was ongoing, A: After computing the subdivision lots, they committed an error that this point is Lot 19,
Castelltort acted in the manner of a prudent went back to the field to plant those they thought that it was Lot 19, the back
subdivision corners with concrete monuments. portion.
man and went to the Registry of Deeds of
Laguna to procure a certified true copy of the
Q: Which is (sic) also called as "mohons"? xxx
TCT.31 The certified true copy bore no
annotation indicating any prior adverse claim Q: In this particular case, did you find out how
A: Yes, sir.
on Lot 16.
your men checked the succeeding lots, how
Q: Now, can you point to this Honorable Court they determine (sic) the exact location of lot
The records indicate that at the time
where exactly did your men place these 16?
Castelltort began constructing his house on
additional mohons and how many?
petitioners’ lot, he believed that it was the Lot A: They just relied on one side of the
16 he bought and delivered to him by Villegas.
A: Later on we discovered that they placed subdivision.
the mohons in the adjoining lot, lot 17.
In his cross-examination, Villegas testified: Q: By just counting the number of lots?
Q: You said the surveyor placed a mujon along A: Yes, sir.
boundary of the property?
Q: x x x when again did you meet Mr. Rene
Villegas or after how many months or year? Q: Without making any actual measurement?
A: Yes.
A: Maybe after a year, sir. A: They made an actual measurement but the
Q: When were the mujons placed in the reference point is not the one, the correct one
boundary of the property?
because they also checked it with the other
corner of the road going back.
81 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
xxx The choice belongs to the owner of the land, the encroaching structure. In such event,
a rule that accords with the principle of appellants would have a right to retain the
Q: And how did they commit a mistake when accession, i.e., that the accessory follows the land on which they have built in good faith
you said they checked the lot at the back of principal and not the other way around. Even until they are reimbursed the expenses
Lot 16? as the option lies with the landowner, the grant incurred by them. This is so because the right
to him, nevertheless, is preclusive.35 The to retain the improvements while the
A: Because they were quite confident since landowner cannot refuse to exercise either corresponding indemnity is not paid implies
we had already relocated the property two option and compel instead the owner of the the tenancy or possession in fact of the land
years ago so they thought that they get (sic) building to remove it from the land.36 on which it is built, planted or sown.
the right lot without checking the other side of
the subdivision. The raison d’etre for this provision has been However, considering that appellants had
enunciated thus: ceased as builders in good faith at the time
xxx that appellant Miguel was notified of
Where the builder, planter or sower has acted appellees’ lawful title over the disputed
Q: Now, you said that when you went to the in good faith, a conflict of rights arises property, the payment of reasonable rent
place because you heard from Rene Villegas between the owners, and it becomes should accordingly commence at that time
that there was a mistake you no longer could necessary to protect the owner of the since he can no longer avail of the rights
find the monuments on lines 1 and 4 and improvements without causing injustice to the provided under the law for builders in good
according to you the reason is that a fence owner of the land. In view of the faith.41
was already constructed? impracticability of creating a state of forced
co-ownership, the law has provided a just If the option chosen by petitioners is
A: Yes, sir.
solution by giving the owner of the land the compulsory sale, however, the payment of
option to acquire the improvements after rent should continue up to the actual transfer
Q: For clarification, is this line 1 & 4 on Lot 16 a
payment of the proper indemnity, or to oblige of ownership.42
common line 1 &4 on Lot 17?
the builder or planter to pay for the land and
the sower the proper rent. He cannot refuse to Respecting petitioners’ argument that the
A: Yes, sir a common line.
exercise either option. It is the owner of the appellate court erred in rendering a decision
Q: In other words, this line 1 &4 devides (sic) Lot land who is authorized to exercise the option, that is "unenforceable against Judith who is
16 & 17? because his right is older, and because, by the not the owner of the house and Elizabeth Cruz
principle of accession, he is entitled to the who was found to be a part owner of the
A: Yes, sir. ownership of the accessory thing.37 house built on their lot but is not a party to the
case," the same does not lie.
Q: So that when these monuments were Possession acquired in good faith does not
placed on lines 1 & 4 somebody could mistake lose this character except in the case and While one who is not a party to a proceeding
it for Lot 17 also because there were from the moment facts exist which show that shall not be affected or bound43 by a
monuments now 1 &4 for lot 16 since these are the possessor is not unaware that he possesses judgment rendered therein,44 like Elizabeth
common lines for the thing improperly or wrongfully.38 The good Cruz, this does not detract from the validity
faith ceases or is legally interrupted from the and enforceability of the judgment on
Lot 17 also with Lot 16, it could also be moment defects in the title are made known petitioners and respondents Castelltorts.
construed that these are monuments for Lot to the possessor, by extraneous evidence or by
17? suit for recovery of the property by the true WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The
owner.39 Decision dated October 2, 2002 and
A: Yes, sir possible.33 (Underscoring supplied) Resolution dated February 6, 2003 of the Court
In the case at bar, Castelltort’s good faith of Appeals
As correctly found by the CA, both parties ceased on August 21, 1995 when petitioners are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION such that
having acted in good faith at least until August personally apprised him of their title over the the trial court shall include for determination
21, 1995, the applicable provision in this case is questioned lot. As held by the CA, should the increase in value ("plus value") which
Article 448 of the Civil Code which reads: petitioners then opt to appropriate the house, petitioners’ 315 square meter lot may have
they should only be made to pay for that part acquired by reason of the existence of that
Art. 448. The owner of the land on which of portion of the house built before respondents
anything has been built, sown or planted in Miguel and Judith Castelltort were notified of
good faith, shall have the right to appropriate the improvement built by Castelltort on the petitioners’ rightful claim on said lot, and the
as his own the works, sowing or planting, after questioned property at the time good faith still current fair market value of said portion.
payment of the indemnity provided for in existed on his part or until August 21, 1995.
Articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one who SO ORDERED.
built or planted to pay the price of the land, The CA, however, failed to qualify that said
and the one who sowed, the proper rent. part of the improvement should be pegged at
However, the builder or planter cannot be its current fair market value consistent with this
obliged to buy the land if its value is Court’s pronouncement in Pecson v. Court of
considerably more than that of the building or Appeals.40
trees. In such case, he shall pay reasonable
rent, if the owner of the land does not choose And, as correctly found by the CA, the
to appropriate the building or trees after commencement of Castelltort’s payment of
proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon reasonable rent should start on August 21, 1995
the terms of the lease and in case of as well, to be paid until such time that the
disagreement, the court shall fix the terms possession of the property is delivered to
thereof. petitioners, subject to the reimbursement of
expenses, that is, if such option is for petitioners
Under the foregoing provision, the landowner to appropriate the house.
can choose between appropriating the
building by paying the proper indemnity or This Court quotes the CA’s ratiocination with
obliging the builder to pay the price of the approval:
land, unless its value is considerably more than
that of the structures, in which case the builder x x x Generally, Article 448 of the Civil Code
in good faith shall pay reasonable rent.34 If the provides that the payment of reasonable rent
parties cannot come to terms over the should be made only up to the date appellees
conditions of the lease, the court must fix the serve notice of their option as provided by law
terms thereof. upon the appellants and the court a quo; that
is, if such option is for appellees to appropriate
82 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
G.R. No. 157605 December 13, 2005 Civil Case No. 1090, and heard by the same of the court, is authorized only if no motion to
RTC Branch 16 that ruled on the first complaint. dismiss has been filed but any of the grounds
SPS. ENRIQUETA RASDAS, and TOMAS RASDAS, Notwithstanding the earlier pronouncement of for a motion to dismiss had been pleaded as
SPS. ESPERANZA A. VILLA, and ERNESTO VILLA, the Court of Appeals, petitioners asserted an affirmative defense in the answer. In this
and LOLITA GALLEN, Petitioners, therein that they were the lawful owners of the case, respondents had filed a motion to
vs. subject property4 , although they ultimately dismiss on the ground of res judicata, but the
JAIME ESTENOR, Respondent. conceded the efficacy of the appellate same was denied. They thus filed an answer
court’s final and executory decision. Still, they alleging res judicata as a special affirmative
Tinga, J.: alleged that they were entitled to just defense, but later presented a Motion for
compensation relating to the value of the Preliminary Hearing which was granted,
The main issue in this Petition for Review under
houses they had built on the property, owing leading to the dismissal of the case.
Rule 45 is whether the complaint below is
to their purported status as builders in good
barred by res judicata. We find that res The general rule must be reiterated that the
faith. They claimed that the Court of Appeals
judicata indeed obtains in this case, albeit of preliminary hearing contemplated under
decision did not declare them as builders in
a mode different from that utilized by the trial Section 6, Rule 16 applies only if no motion to
bad faith, and thus, they were entitled to be
court and the Court of Appeals in dismissing dismiss has been filed. This is expressly provided
reimbursed of the value of their houses before
the complaint. under the rule, which relevantly states "[i]f no
these could be demolished.5 They posited that
without such reimbursement, they could not motion to dismiss has been filed, any of the
The antecedent facts, as culled from the
be ejected from their houses. grounds for dismissal provided for in [Rule 16]
assailed Decision1 of the Court of Appeals
may be pleaded as an affirmative defense in
Tenth Division, follow.
Respondent as defendant countered with the answer and, in the discretion of the court,
a Motion to Dismiss, arguing that petitioners’ a preliminary hearing may be had thereon as
The dispute centers on a parcel of land with an
complaint was barred by res judicata, owing if a motion to dismiss had been filed." An
area of 703 square meters, situated in Ilagan,
to the final and executory judgment of the exception was carved out in California and
Isabela. On 29 October 1992, respondent as
Court of Appeals. The Motion to Dismiss was Hawaiian Sugar Company v. Pioneer
plaintiff filed a Complaint For Recovery Of
initially denied by the RTC in an Order dated 4 Insurance,9 wherein the Court noted that while
Ownership And Possession With
August 19996 , and pre-trial ensued. However, Section 6 disallowed a preliminary hearing of
Damages against petitioners as defendants.
before trial proper could begin, respondent affirmative defenses once a motion to dismiss
The complaint was docketed as Civil Case No.
filed a motion for preliminary hearing on the has been filed, such hearing could
673 and tried by the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
affirmative defense of lack of jurisdiction nonetheless be had if the trial court had not
of Ilagan, Isabela, Branch 16. In the same
and res judicata. categorically resolved the motion to
complaint, respondent asserted that he was
dismiss.10 Such circumstance does
the owner of the subject property, which was
This motion was resolved in an Order dated 16
then in the possession of petitioners.
February 2000, wherein the RTC declared itself not obtain in this case, since the trial court had
"constrained to apply the principle of res already categorically denied the motion to
On 6 November 1995, the RTC decided Civil
judicata," thus reversing its earlier order. In dismiss prior to the filing of the answer and the
Case No. 673 in favor of petitioners.
doing so, the RTC concluded that the earlier motion for preliminary hearing.
Respondent appealed the RTC decision
decision of the Court of Appeals had already
before the Court of Appeals, and his appeal
effectively settled that petitioners were in fact We observe in this case that the judge who
was docketed as CA-G.R. No. 52338.
builders in bad faith. Citing Mendiola v. Court had earlier denied the motion to dismiss, Hon.
of Appeals,7 the RTC held that the causes of Teodulo E. Mirasol, was different from the
On 25 September 1997, the Court of Appeals
action between the final judgment and the judge who later authorized the preliminary
reversed the judgment of the RTC, and
instant complaint of petitioners were identical, hearing,11 Hon. Isaac R. de Alban, a
declared respondent as the owner of the
as it would entail the same evidence that circumstance that bears some light on why the
subject property. As a result, petitioners were
would support and establish the former and RTC eventually changed its mind on the
ordered to vacate the land. The dispositive
present causes of action. Accordingly, the RTC motion to dismiss. Still, this fact does not
portion of the appellate court’s decision
ordered the dismissal of petitioners’ complaint. sanction the staging of a preliminary hearing
The counsel for petitioners was likewise issued on affirmative defenses after the denial of the
WHEREFORE, the Decision of the trial court a warning for having violated the prohibition motion to dismiss. If a judge disagrees with
dated November 6, 1995 is REVERSED and SET on forum-shopping on account of the filing of his/her predecessor’s previous ruling denying a
ASIDE, and a new one is rendered declaring the complaint barred by res judicata. motion to dismiss, the proper recourse is not to
the plaintiff as the owner of the land in conduct a preliminary hearing on affirmative
question; and ordering the defendants- The finding of res judicata was affirmed by the defenses, but to utilize the contested ground
appellees to vacate the same and jointly and Court of Appeals in its assailed Decision. It is as part of the basis of the decision on the
severally to pay the plaintiff reasonable this finding that is now subject to review by this merits
compensation of ₱300.00 a month for the use Court. Petitioners argue that since
respondents’ Motion to Dismiss on the ground On the part of the movant whose motion to
and enjoyment of the land from June 1991 up
of res judicata had already been denied, the dismiss had already been filed and denied,
to the time the land is vacated; attorney’s fees
consequent preliminary hearing on the special the proper remedy is to file a motion for
of ₱10,000.00 and litigation expenses of
defenses which precluded the dismissal of the reconsideration of the denial of the motion. If
complaint was null and void.8 Petitioners also such motion for reconsideration is denied, the
Costs against the defendants-appellees. claim that there was no identity of causes of ground for the dismissal of the complaint may
action in Civil Case No. 673, which concerned still be litigated at the trial on the merits.
SO ORDERED.2 the ownership of the land, and in Civil Case
No. 1090, which pertained to just Clearly, the denial of a motion to dismiss does
The decision became final and executory compensation under Article 448 of the Civil not preclude any future reliance on the
after a petition for certiorari assailing its validity Code. Even assuming that res grounds relied thereupon. However, nothing in
was dismissed by this Court.3 Thereafter, a Writ judicata obtains, petitioners claim that the the rules expressly authorizes a preliminary
of Execution and Writ of Demolition was issued said rule may be disregarded if its application hearing of affirmative defenses once a motion
against petitioners, who were ordered to would result in grave injustice. to dismiss has been filed and denied. Thus, the
demolish their houses, structures, and strict application of Section 6, Rule 16 in this
improvements on the property. We observe at the onset that it does appear case should cause us to rule that the RTC erred
that the RTC’s act of staging preliminary in conducting the preliminary hearing.
Petitioners as plaintiffs then filed hearing on the affirmative defense of lack of
a Complaint dated 6 July 1999 against jurisdiction and res judicata is not in regular However, there is an exceptional justification
respondent for just compensation and order. Under Section 6, Rule 16 of the 1997 for us to overlook this procedural error and
preliminary injunction with temporary Rules of Civil Procedure, the allowance for a nonetheless affirm the dismissal of the
restraining order. The case was docketed as preliminary hearing, while left in the discretion complaint. The complaint in question is so
83 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
evidently barred by res judicata, it would The doctrine of res judicata has two good faith at the time they built their
violate the primordial objective of procedural aspects.15 The first, known as "bar by prior structures, an argument that deviates the
law to secure a just, speedy and inexpensive judgment," or "estoppel by verdict," is the previous determination made in the final
disposition of every action and effect of a judgment as a bar to the judgment that resolved the first case.
proceeding12 should the Court allow this prosecution of a second action upon the
prohibited complaint from festering in our same claim, demand or cause of action. The The reasons for establishing the principle of
judicial system. Indeed, the rule sanctioning second, known as "conclusiveness of "conclusiveness of judgment" are founded on
the liberal construction of procedural rules is judgment" or otherwise known as the rule sound public policy, and to grant this petition
tailor-made for a situation such as this, when a of auter action pendant, ordains that issues would have the effect of unsettling this well-
by-the-numbers application of the rule would actually and directly resolved in a former suit settled doctrine. It is allowable to reason back
lead to absurdity, such as the continued cannot again be raised in any future case from a judgment to the basis on which it
litigation of an obviously barred complaint. between the same parties involving a different stands, upon the obvious principle that where
cause of action.16 It has the effect of a conclusion is indisputable, and could have
Why is the subject complaint barred by res preclusion of issues only.17 been drawn only from certain premises, the
judicata? It is uncontroverted that in the premises are equally indisputable with the
decision by the Court of Appeals in Civil Case It appears that both the RTC and the Court of conclusion.22When a fact has been once
No. 673, it was observed: Appeals deemed that the first aspect of res determined in the course of a judicial
judicata, "bar by prior judgment," applied in proceeding, and a final judgment has been
When the occupancy of the lot by Luis this case.18 We hold that it is the second kind rendered in accordance therewith, it cannot
Aggabao which was transmitted to his son of res judicata, "conclusiveness of judgment," be again litigated between the same parties
Vivencio Aggabao, and later transmitted to that barred the instant complaint. As without virtually impeaching the correctness of
the latter’s children . . . expired in April 1965, previously explained by this Court: the former decision, which, from motives of
the late Vivencio Aggabao verbally begged public policy, the law does not permit to be
and pleaded to plaintiff-appellant that he be [C]onclusiveness of judgment — states that a done.23
allowed to stay on the premises of the land in fact or question which was in issue in a former
question as his children, herein appellees, suit and there was judicially passed upon and Contrary to the holdings of both courts below,
were still studying and it would be very hard fro determined by a court of competent in the case of Mendiola v. Court of
them to transfer residence at that time. The jurisdiction, is conclusively settled by the Appeals24 which they relied upon, this Court
plaintiff, out of Christian fellowship and judgment therein as far as the parties to that observed that the causes of action in the two
compassion, allowed the appellees to stay action and persons in privity with them are cases involved were so glaringly similar that it
temporarily on the land in question. concerned and cannot be again litigated in had to affirm the dismissal of the second case
any future action between such parties or their by virtue of the "bar of former judgment rule."
.... privies, in the same court or any other court of
concurrent jurisdiction on either the same or One final note. Petitioners, in
In this case, the possession of the land by the different cause of action, while the judgment their Reply before this Court, raise the
appellees derived from their father Luis remains unreversed by proper authority. It has argument that assuming that they were
Aggabao from March 31, 1955 to March 31, been held that in order that a judgment in one builders in bad faith, respondents should
1965 was by virtue of a stipulation in the deed action can be conclusive as to a particular likewise be considered as being in bad faith,
of sale (exh. G), while their possession derived matter in another action between the same as the structures were built with their
from their father, Vivencio Aggabao, from parties or their privies, it is essential that the knowledge and without their opposition. That
March 31, 1965 to 1982 (the latter died in 1982) issue be identical. If a particular point or being the case, Article 453 of the Civil Code
was only by tolerance because of the question is in issue in the second action, and would apply to the effect both parties could
pleading of Vivencio Aggabao to the plaintiff- the judgment will depend on the thus be deemed as being in good faith.
appellant that he be allowed to stay because determination of that particular point or Accordingly, petitioners would still be entitled
of the children going to school. . . . 13 question, a former judgment between the to compensation on the structures they built.
same parties or
Evidently, the Court of Appeals had previously We are disinclined to accord merit to this
ruled in the first case that as early as 1965, the their privies will be final and conclusive in the argument. For one, it was raised for the first
father of the petitioners (and their second if that same point or question was in time in the Reply before this Court. It was not
predecessor-in-interest) had already known issue and adjudicated in the first suit. Identity even raised in the Complaint filed with the
that he did not own the property, and that his of cause of action is not required but merely RTC, hence it could not be said that
stay therein was merely out of tolerance. Such identity of issues.19 petitioners’ cause of action is grounded on
conclusion in fact bolstered the eventual Article 453. Issues not previously ventilated
conclusion that respondents were the owners Stated differently, any right, fact, or matter in cannot be raised for the first time on appeal 25 ,
of the land and that petitioners should vacate issue directly adjudicated or necessarily much less when first proposed in the reply to
the same. involved in the determination of an action the comment on the petition for review. Even
before a competent court in which judgment assuming the issue is properly litigable, the
This fact should be seen in conjunction with the is rendered on the merits is conclusively settled Court can find no basis to declare that
findings of the RTC and the Court of Appeals by the judgment therein and cannot again be respondents were in bad faith as a matter of
in this case that the structures for which litigated between the parties and their privies fact. Certainly, nothing in the first decision of
petitioners sought to be compensated were whether or not the claim, demand, purpose, the Court of Appeals conclusively establishes
constructed in 1989 and 1990, or long after or subject matter of the two actions is the that claim, its factual determination being
they had known they were not the owners of same.20 limited to the finding that petitioners
the subject property. alonewere had been in possession of the
Indeed, in cases wherein the doctrine of property in bad faith. We are not wont to
These premises remaining as they are, it is clear "conclusiveness of judgment" is applicable, ascribe points of fact in the said decision
that petitioners are not entitled to the just there is, as in the two cases subject of this which were not expressly established or
compensation they seek through the present petition, identity of parties but not of causes of affirmed.
complaint. Under Article 448 of the Civil Code, action. The judgment is conclusive in the
the builder in bad faith on the land of another second case, only as to those matters actually WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. Costs
loses what is built without right to and directly controverted and determined, against petitioners.
indemnity.14 Petitioners were in bad faith when and not as to matters merely involved
they built the structures as they had known therein.21 Herein, the fact that petitioners were
that the subject property did not belong to in possession in bad faith as early as 1965 was
them. Are these conclusions though sufficient already determined in the first case. In order
to justify dismissal on the ground of res that they could successfully litigate their
judicata? second cause of action, petitioners will have
to convince that they were in possession in
84 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
DIVISION annum shall be paid by the mortgage (sic) by Dr. FERNANDO O.
[ GR NO. 123672 & 164489, Dec 14, 2005 VENDEE to the VENDOR within CARRASCOSO, JR. to any bank of his
] a period of three (3) years, as choice as long as the balance on the
FERNANDO CARRASCOSO v. CA + follows: Deed of Sale shall be recognized by Dr.
514 Phil. 48 (a) One (1) year from the date
of the signing of this "RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the
agreement, the VENDEE shall corporation authorizes the prefered (sic)
CARPIO MORALES, J.: pay to the VENDOR the sum of claim on the property to be
El Dorado Plantation, Inc. (El Dorado) FIVE HUNDRED NINETEEN subordinated to any mortgage that may
was the registered owner of a parcel of THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED be constituted by Dr. FERNANDO O.
land (the property) with an area of THIRTY THREE & CARRASCOSO, JR.;
approximately 1,825 hectares covered 33/100 (P519,833.33) PESOS.
by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T- "RESOLVED, FINALLY, that in case of any
93[1] situated in Sablayan, Occidental (b) Two (2) years from the date mortgage on the property, the
Mindoro. of signing of this agreement, corporation waives the preference of
the VENDEE shall pay to the any vendor's lien on the
On February 15, 1972, at a special VENDOR the sum of FIVE property."[5] (Emphasis and
meeting of El Dorado's Board of HUNDRED NINETTEN (sic) underscoring supplied)
Directors, a Resolution[2] was passed THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED
authorizing Feliciano Leviste, then AND THIRTY-THREE & 33/100 Feliciano Leviste also executed the
President of El Dorado, to negotiate the (P519,833.33) PESOS. following affidavit on the same day:
sale of the property and sign all
documents and contracts bearing (c) Three (3) years from the 1. That by reason of the sale of
thereon. date of signing of this that parcel of land covered by
agreement, the VENDEE shall Transfer Certificate of Title T-93
On March 23, 1972, by a Deed of Sale of pay to the VENDOR the sum of as evidenced by the Deed of
Real Property,[3] El Dorado, through FIVE Hundred NINETEEN Sale attached hereto as Annex
Feliciano Leviste, sold the property to THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED "A" and made an integral part
Fernando O. Carrascoso, Jr. AND THIRTY-THREE & hereof, the El Dorado
(Carrascoso). 33/100 (P519,833.33) PESOS. Plantation, Inc. has no
objection to the
The pertinent provisions of the Deed of 4. The title of the property, subject aforementioned property
Sale read: of this agreement, shall pass being mortgaged by Dr.
and be transferred to the Fernando O. Carrascoso, Jr. to
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in VENDEE who shall have full any bank of his choice, as long
consideration of the sum of ONE MILLION authority to register the same as the payment of the balance
EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND and obtain the corresponding due the El Dorado Plantation,
(1,800,000.00) PESOS, Philippine transfer certificate of title in his Inc. under the Deed of Sale,
Currency, the Vendor hereby sells, name. Annex "A" hereof, shall be
cedes, and transfer (sic) unto the herein xxx recognized by the vendee
VENDEE, his heirs, successors and assigns, 6. THE VENDOR certifies and therein, Dr. Fernando O.
the above-described property subject warrants that the property Carrascoso, Jr. though
to the following terms and consitions above-described is not being subordinated to the preferred
(sic): cultivated by any tenant and is claim of the mortgagee bank.
therefore not covered by the
1. Of the said sum of provisions of the Land Reform 2. That in case of any mortgage
P1,800,000.00 which constitutes Code. If, therefore, the on the property, the vendor
the full consideration of this VENDEE becomes liable under hereby waives the preference
sale, P290,000.00 shall be paid, the said law, the VENDOR shall of any vendor's lien on the
as it is hereby paid, to the reimburse the VENDEE for all property, subject matter of the
Philippines (sic) National Bank, expenses and damages he deed of sale.
thereby effecting the release may incur
and cancellation fo (sic) the thereon.[4] (Underscoring 3. That this affidavit is being
present mortgage over the supplied) executed to avoid any
above-described property. From the above-quoted provisions of the question on the authority of Dr.
Deed of Sale, Carrascoso was to pay the Fernando O. Carrascoso, Jr. to
2. That the sum of P210,000.00 full amount of the purchase price on mortgage the property subject
shall be paid, as it is hereby March 23, 1975. of the Deed of Sale, Annex "A"
paid by the VENDEE to the hereof, where the purchase
VENDOR, receipt of which On even date, the Board of Directors of price provided therein has not
amount is hereby El Dorado passed a Resolution reading: been fully paid.
acknowledged by the
VENDOR. "RESOLVED that by reason of the sale of 4. That this affidavit has been
that parcel of land covered by TCT No. executed pursuant to a board
3. The remaining balance of T-93 to Dr. FERNANDO O. CARRASCOSO, resolution of El Dorado
P1,300,000.00 plus interest JR., the corporation interposes Plantation, Inc.[6] (Emphasis
thereon at the rate of 10% per no objection to the property being and underscoring supplied)
85 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
On the following day, March 24, 1972, Leviste, in his behalf and in behalf of the
Carrascoso and his wife Marlene other shareholders similarly situated like Lauro and El Dorado also sought the
executed a Real Estate Mortgage[7] over him, want a rescission of the sale made cancellation of TCT No. T-6055 in the
the property in favor of Home Savings by the El Dorado Plantation, Inc. to Mr. name of Carrascoso and the revival of
Bank (HSB) to secure a loan in the Carrascoso. He desires that the Board of TCT No. T-93 in the name of El Dorado,
amount of P1,000,000.00. Of this Directors take the corresponding action free from any liens and
amount, P290,000.00 was paid to for rescission.[16] encumbrances. Furthermore, the two
Philippine National Bank to release the Lauro's desire to rescind the sale was prayed for the issuance of an order for
mortgage priorly constituted on the reiterated in two other Carrascoso to: (1) reconvey the property
property and P210,000.00 was paid to El letters[17] addressed to the Board dated to El Dorado upon return to him of
Dorado pursuant to above-quoted January 20, 1977 and March 3, 1977. P500,000.00, (2) secure a discharge of
paragraph Nos. 1 and 2 of the terms and the real estate mortgage constituted on
conditions of the Deed of Sale.[8] Jose P. Leviste, as President of El Dorado, the property from HSB, (3) submit an
later sent a letter of February 21, accounting of the fruits of the property
The March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real 1977[18] to Carrascoso informing him that from March 23, 1972 up to the return of
Property was registered and annotated in view of his failure to pay the balance possession of the land to El Dorado, (4)
on El Dorado's TCT No. T-93 as Entry No. of the purchase price of the property, El turn over said fruits or the equivalent
15240[9] on April 5, 1972. On even date, Dorado was seeking the rescission of the value thereof to El Dorado and (5) pay
TCT No. T-93 covering the property was March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real the amount of P100,000.00 for attorney's
cancelled and TCT No. T-6055[10] was in Property. fees and other damages.[23]
its stead issued by the Registry of Deeds
of Occidental Mindoro in the name of The pertinent portions of the letter read: Also on March 15, 1977, Lauro and El
Carrascoso on which the real estate Dorado caused to be annotated on TCT
mortgage in favor of HSB was annotated xxx No. T-6055 a Notice of Lis Pendens,
as Entry No. 15242.[11] I regret to inform you that the balance of inscribed as Entry No. 39737.[24]
P1,300,000.00 and the interest thereon
On May 18, 1972, the real estate have long been due and payable, In the meantime, Carrascoso, as vendor
mortgage in favor of HSB was amended although you have mortgaged said and PLDT, as vendee forged on April 6,
to include an additional three year loan property with the Home Savings Bank for 1977 a Deed of Absolute Sale[25] over the
of P70,000.00 as requested by the P1,000,000.00 on March 24, 1972, which 1,000 hectare portion of the property
spouses Carrascoso.[12] The Amendment was subsequently increased to subject of their July 11, 1975 Agreement
of Real Estate Mortgage was also P1,070,000.00 on May 18, 1972. to Buy and Sell. The pertinent portions of
annotated on TCT No. T-6055 as Entry No. the Deed are as follows:
15486 on May 24, 1972.[13] You very well know that the El Dorado
Plantation, Inc., is a close family WHEREAS, the VENDOR and the
The 3-year period for Carrascoso to fully corporation, owned exclusively by the VENDEE entered into an agreement To
pay for the property on March 23, 1975 members of the Leviste family and I am Buy and Sell on July 11, 1975, which is
passed without him having complied one of the co-owners of the land. As made a part hereof by reference;
therewith. nothing appears to have been done on
your part after our numerous requests for WHEREAS, the VENDOR and the
In the meantime, on July 11, 1975, payment of the said amount of VENDEE are now decided to execute
Carrascoso and the Philippine Long P1,300,000.00 and the interest of 10% per the Deed of Absolute Sale referred to in
Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), annum due thereon, please be advised the aforementioned agreement to Buy
through its President Ramon Cojuangco, that we would like to rescind the and Sell;
executed an Agreement to Buy and contract of sale of the
Sell[14] whereby the former agreed to sell land.[19] (Underscoring supplied) WHEREFORE, for and in consideration of
1,000 hectares of the property to the Jose Leviste, by letter[20] dated March 10, the foregoing premises and the terms
latter at a consideration of P3,000.00 per 1977, informed Lauro's counsel Atty. hereunder stated, the VENDOR and the
hectare or a total of P3,000,000.00. Aquino of his (Jose's) February 21, 1977 VENDEE have agreed as follows:
letter to Carrascoso, he lamenting that
The July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and "Carrascoso has not deemed it fit to give 1. For and in consideration of the
Sell was not registered and annotated [his] letter the courtesy of a reply" and sum of THREE MILLION PESOS
on Carrascoso's TCT No. T-6055. advis[ing] that some of the Directors of (P3,000,000.00), Philippine
[El Dorado] could not see their way clear currency, of which ONE
Lauro Leviste (Lauro), a stockholder and in complying with the demands of your HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND
member of the Board of Directors of El client [Lauro] and have failed to reach a PESOS P120,000.00 have (sic)
Dorado, through his counsel, Atty. consensus to bring the corresponding already been received by the
Benjamin Aquino, by letter[15] dated action for rescission of the contract VENDOR, the VENDOR hereby
December 27, 1976, called the attention against . . . Carrascoso."[21] sells, transfers and conveys
of the Board to Carrascoso's failure to unto the VENDEE one thousand
pay the balance of the purchase price Lauro and El Dorado finally filed on hectares (1,000 has.) of his
of the property amounting to March 15, 1977 a complaint[22] for parcel of land covered by
P1,300,000.00. And Lauro's lawyer rescission of the March 23, 1972 Deed of T.C.T. No. T-6055 of the Registry
manifested that: Sale of Real Property between El Dorado of Deeds of Mindoro,
and Carrascoso with damages before delineated as Lot No. 3-B-1 in
Because of the default for a long time of the Court of First Instance (CFI) of the subdivision survey plan xxx
Mr. Carrascoso to pay the balance of Occidental Mindoro, docketed as Civil
the consideration of the sale, Don Lauro Case No. R-226.
86 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
2. The VENDEE shall pay to the requirement that a derivative suit 2. Ordering the plaintiffs to pay to the
VENDOR upon the signing of instituted by a complaining stockholder defendant the sum of P2,980,000.00
as actual and compensatory
this agreement, the sum of be verified under oath; (3) El Dorado
damages, as well as the sum of
TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED committed a gross misrepresentation
P100,000.00 as and for attorneys
THOUSAND PESOS when it warranted that the property was fees; provided, however, that the
(P2,500,000.00) in the following not being cultivated by any tenant to aforesaid amounts must first be set
manner: take it out of the coverage of the Land off from the latter's unpaid balance
Reform Code; and (4) he suffered to the former;
a) The sum of TWO MILLION damages due to the premature filing of
3. Dismissing the defendants-
THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND the complaint for which Lauro and El
intervenors' counterclaim and
PESOS (P2,300,000.00) to Home Dorado must be held liable.
cross-claim; and
Savings Bank in full payment of
the VENDOR�s mortgaged On February 21, 1978, the April 6, 1977 4. Ordering the plaintiffs to pay to (sic)
obligation therewith; and May 30, 1977 Deeds of Absolute the costs of suit.
Sale and the respective Articles of
b) The sum of TWO HUNDRED Incorporation of PLDT and PLDTAC were SO ORDERED.[41] (Underscoring
THOUSAND PESOS annotated on TCT No. T-6055 as Entry
Carrascoso, PLDT and PLDTAC filed their
(P200,000.00) to VENDOR; Nos. 24770,[31] 42774,[32] 42769[33] and
respective appeals to the Court of Appeals.
24772,[34] respectively. On even date,
The remaining balance of the Carrascoso's TCT No. T-6055 was By Decision[42] of January 31, 1996, the
purchase price in the sum of cancelled and TCT No. T- appellate court reversed the decision of the
THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY 12480[35] covering the 1,000 hectare trial court, disposing as follows,
THOUSAND PESOS portion of the property was issued in the quoted verbatim:
(P380,000.00), less such name of PLDTAC. The March 15, 1977
WHEREFORE, not being meritorious,
expenses which may be Notice of Lis Pendens was carried over
PLDT's/PLDTAC's appeal is hereby DISMISSED
advanced by the VENDEE but to TCT No. T-12480. and finding El Dorado's appeal to be
which are for the account of impressed with merit, We REVERSE the
the VENDOR under Paragraph On July 31, 1978, PLDT and PLDTAC filed appealed Decision and render the following
6 of the Agreement to Buy and an Urgent Motion for judgment:
Sell, shall be paid by the Intervention[36] which was granted by
1. The Deed of Sale of Real Property
VENDEE to the VENDOR upon the trial court by Order[37] of September
(Exhibit C) is hereby rescinded and
issuance of title to the 7, 1978.
TCT No. T-12480 (Exhibit Q) is
VENDEE.[26] (Underscoring cancelled while TCT No. T-93 (Exhibit
supplied) PLDT and PLDTAC thereupon filed their A), is reactivated.
In turn, PLDT, by Deed of Absolute Answer In Intervention with Compulsory
Sale[27] dated May 30, 1977, conveyed Counterclaim and Crossclaim[38] against 2. Fernando Carrascoso, Jr. is
the aforesaid 1,000 hectare portion of Carrascoso on November 13, 1978, commanded to:
the property to its subsidiary, PLDT alleging that: (1) when Carrascoso
2.1. return the possession of the 825
Agricultural Corporation (PLDTAC), for a executed the April 6, 1977 Deed of
[hectare-] remaining portion of the
consideration of P3,000,000.00, the Absolute Sale in favor of PLDT, PLDT was land to El Dorado Plantation, Inc.
amount of P2,620,000.00 of which was not aware of any litigation involving the without prejudice to the
payable to PLDT upon signing of said 1,000 hectare portion of the property or landholdings of legitimate tenants
Deed, and P380,000.00 to Carrascoso of any flaw in his title, (2) PLDT is a thereon;
upon issuance of title to PLDTAC. purchaser in good faith and for value; (3)
2.2. return the net fruits of the land
when PLDT executed the May 30, 1977
to El Dorado Plantation, Inc. from
In the meantime, on October 19, 1977, Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of PLDTAC, they
March 23, 1972 to July 11, 1975, and
the El Dorado Board of Directors, by a had no knowledge of any pending litigation
of the 825-hectare-remaining
over the property and neither were they
special meeting,[28] adopted and portion minus the tenants'
aware that a notice of lis pendens had been
approved a Resolution ratifying and landholdings, from July 11, 1975 up
annotated on Carrascoso's title; and (4) Lauro
conferring "the prosecution of Civil Case and El Dorado knew of the sale by Carrascoso
to its delivery to El Dorado
No. R-226 of the Court of First Instance of Plantation, Inc. including whatever
to PLDT and PLDT's actual possession of the
he may have received from the
Occidental Mindoro, entitled "Lauro P. 1,000 hectare portion of the property since
tenants if any by way of
Leviste vs. Fernando Carascoso (sic), June 30, 1975 and of its exercise of exclusive
compensation under the Operation
etc." initiated by stockholder Mr. Lauro P. rights of ownership thereon through
Land Transfer or under any other
agricultural development.[39]
Leviste."[29] pertinent agrarian law;
By Decision[40] of January 28, 1991, Branch 45
In his Answer with Compulsory of the San Jose Occidental Mindoro Regional
2.3 Pay El Dorado Plantation, Inc. an
Counterclaim,[30] Carrascoso alleged attorney's fee of P20,000.00 and
Trial Court to which the CFI has been renamed,
litigation expenses of P30,000.00;
that: (1) he had not paid his remaining dismissed the complaint on the ground of
P1,300,000.00 obligation under the prematurity, disposing as follows,
2.4 Return to Philippine Long
March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real quoted verbatim:
Distance Telephone
Property in view of the extensions of time Company/PLDT Agricultural
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing
to comply therewith granted him by El Corporation P3,000,000.00 plus
considerations, judgment is hereby rendered:
Dorado; (2) the complaint suffered from legal interest from April 6, 1977 until
fatal defects, there being no showing of fully paid;
1. Dismissing the plaintiffs' complaint
compliance with the condition against the defendant on the
3. PLDT Agricultural Corporation is
precedent of exhaustion of intra- ground of prematurity;
ordered to surrender the possession
corporate remedies and the
87 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
of the 1000-hectare Farm to El modified to read as follows: REVERSIBLE ERROR IN HOLDING THAT
6. El Dorado Plantation, Inc. should INTEREST AND TITLE TO THE FARM SUBJECT TO
4. El Dorado Plantation, Inc. is inform Philippine Long Distance THE NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS, THE SAME IN
directed to return the P500,000.00 Telephone Co. and PLDT DISREGARD OF THE PROTECTION ACCORDED
to Fernando Carrascoso, Jr. plus Agricultural Corporation in writing THEM UNDER ARTICLES 1181 AND 1187 OF THE
legal interest from March 23, 1972 within ten (10) days after finality of NEW CIVIL CODE.
until fully paid. The performance of this decision regarding the exercise
this obligation will however await of its option under Arts. 449 and 450 II
the full compliance by Fernando of the Civil Code, without right to
Carrascoso, Jr. of his obligation to indemnity on the part of the latter THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A
account for and deliver the net should the former decide to keep REVERSIBLE ERROR IN HOLDING THAT
fruits of the land mentioned above the improvements under Article PETITIONER AND PLDTAC TOOK THEIR RIGHT,
to El Dorado Plantation, Inc. 449.[50] (Underscoring supplied) INTEREST AND TITLE TO THE FARM SUBJECT TO
Carrascoso filed on November 13, 1996 his THE NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS, THE SAME IN
5. To comply with paragraph 2.2 Reply[51] to the Comment of El Dorado and the DISREGARD OF THE LEGAL PRINCIPLE THAT
herein, Carrascoso is directed to heirs of Lauro. RESPONDENTS EL DORADO ET AL.'s PRIOR,
submit in (sic) the court a quo a full ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE OF PETITIONER PLDT'S
accounting of the fruits of the land In the meantime, as the February 22, 1996 AGREEMENT TO BUY AND SELL WITH
during the period mentioned Motion for Reconsideration filed by PLDT and RESPONDENT CARRASCOSO RESULTING IN THE
above for the latter's approval, PLDTAC of the CA decision had remained DELIVERY TO, AND POSSESSION, OCCUPATION
after which the net fruits shall be unresolved, this Court, by Resolution[52] of June AND DEVELOPMENT BY, SAID PETITIONER OF
delivered to El Dorado, Plantation, 30, 2003, directed the appellate court to THE FARM, IS EQUIVALENT TO REGISTRATION OF
Inc. resolve the same. SUCH RIGHT, INTEREST AND TITLE AND,
6. El Dorado Plantation, Inc. should By Resolution[53] of July 8, 2004, the CA denied AFFECTED BY THE LATER NOTICE OF LIS
inform Philippine Long Distance PLDT and PLDTAC's Motion for Reconsideration PENDENS.[58] (Underscoring supplied)
Telephone Co. and PLDT for lack of merit. Carrascoso posits that in the El Dorado Board
Agricultural Corporation in writing Resolution and the Affidavit of Feliciano
within ten (10) days after finality of PLDT[54] thereupon filed on September 2, 2004 Leviste, both dated March 23, 1972, no
this decision regarding the exercise a petition for review[55] before this Court, objection was interposed to his mortgaging of
of its option under Art. 448 of the docketed as G.R. No. 164489, seeking to the property to any bank provided that the
Civil Code. reverse and set aside the January 31, 1996 balance of the purchase price of the property
Decision and the July 8, 2004 Resolution of the under the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real
SO ORDERED.[43] (Underscoring appellate court. It prayed that judgment be Property is recognized, hence, El Dorado
supplied) rendered upholding its right, interest and title could collect the unpaid balance of
PLDT and PLDTAC filed on February 22, 1996, a to the 1,000 hectare portion of the property P1,300,000.00 only after the mortgage in favor
Motion for Reconsideration[44] of the January and that it and its successors-in-interest be of HSB is paid in full; and the filing of the
31, 1996 CA Decision, while Carrascoso went declared owners and legal possessors thereof, complaint for rescission with damages on
up this Court by filing on March 25, 1996 a together with all improvements built, sown and March 15, 1977 was premature as he fully paid
petition for review,[45] docketed as G.R. No. planted thereon. his obligation to HSB only on April 5, 1977 as
123672, assailing the January 31, 1996 CA evidenced by the Cancellation of
Decision and seeking the reinstatement of the By Resolution[56] of August 25, 2004, G.R. No. Mortgage[59] signed by HSB President Gregorio
January 28, 1991 Decision of the trial court 164489 was consolidated with G.R. No. 123672. B. Licaros.
except with respect to its finding that the
acquisition of PLDT and PLDTAC of the 1,000 In his petition, Carrascoso faults the CA as Carrascoso further posits that extensions of the
hectare portion of the property was subject to follows: period to pay El Dorado were verbally
the notice of lis pendens. accorded him by El Dorado's directors and
I officers, particularly Jose and Angel Leviste.
Lauro, in the meantime, died, hence, on April THE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED WITH GRAVE
16, 1996, a Motion for Substitution of ABUSE OF DISCRETION AND COMMITTED Article 1191 of the Civil Code provides:
Party[46] was filed praying that his heirs, A MISTAKE OF LAW IN NOT DECLARING THAT
represented by Conrad C. Leviste, be THE ACTION FOR RESCISSION WAS Art. 1191. The power to rescind obligations is
substituted as respondents. The Motion was PREMATURELY FILED. implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the
granted by Resolution[47] of July 10, 1996. obligors should not comply with what is
II incumbent upon him.
PLDT and PLDTAC filed their Comment[48] to
Carrascoso's petition and prayed that THE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED WITH GRAVE The injured party may choose between the
judgment be rendered finding them to be ABUSE OF DISCRETION AND COMMITTED fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation,
purchasers in good faith to thus entitle them to A MISTAKE OF LAW IN DISREGARDING THE with the payment of damages in either
possession and ownership of the 1,000 hectare CRUCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE WARRANTY OF case. He may also seek rescission, even after
portion of the property, together with all the NON-TENANCY EXPRESSLY STIPULATED IN THE he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter should
improvements they built thereon. Reiterating CONTRACT OF SALE. become impossible.
that they were not purchasers pendente lite,
they averred that El Dorado and Lauro had III The court shall decree the rescission claimed,
actual knowledge of their interests in the said unless there be just cause authorizing the fixing
portion of the property prior to the annotation THE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED WITH GRAVE of a period.
of the notice of lis pendens to thereby render ABUSE OF DISCRETION IN REVERSING THE
said notice ineffective. DECISION OF THE TRIAL This is understood to be without prejudice to
COURT.[57] (Underscoring supplied) the rights of third persons who have acquired
El Dorado and the heirs of Lauro, both the thing, in accordance with Articles 1385
represented by Conrad C. Leviste, also filed PLDT, on the other hand, faults the CA as and 1388 and the Mortgage Law.
their Comment[49] to Carrascoso's petition, follows: Reciprocal obligations are those which arise
praying that it be dismissed for lack of merit from the same cause, and in which each party
and that paragraph 6 of the dispositive portion I is a debtor and a creditor of the other, such
of the January 31, 1996 CA Decision be that the obligation of one is dependent upon
THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A the obligation of the other.[60] They are to be
88 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
performed simultaneously such that the over the land in favor of the mortgagee of said xxx
performance of one is conditioned upon the property only means that in a situation where
simultaneous fulfillment of the other.[61] the unpaid price of the Land and loan secured The unalterable fact here remains that on
by the mortgage over the Land both become March 23, 1973, with or without demand, the
The right of rescission of a party to an due and demandable, the mortgagee shall obligation of Carrascoso to pay P519,933.33
obligation under Article 1191 is predicated on have precedence in going after the Land for became due. The same was true on March
a breach of faith by the other party who the satisfaction of the loan. Such 23, 1974 and on March 23, 1975 for equal
violates the reciprocity between them.[62] accommodations do not necessarily imply the amounts. Since he did not perform his
modification of the period fixed in the contract obligation under the contract of sale, he,
A contract of sale is a reciprocal of sale for the payment by Carrascoso of the therefore, breached it. Having breached the
obligation. The seller obligates itself to transfer balance. contract, El Dorado's cause of action for
the ownership of and deliver a determinate rescission of that contract
thing, and the buyer obligates itself to pay The palpable purpose of El Dorado in not arose.[68] (Underscoring supplied)
therefor a price certain in money or its raising any objection to Carrascoso's Carrascoso goes on to argue that the
equivalent.[63] The non-payment of the price mortgaging the land was to eliminate any appellate court erred in ignoring the import of
by the buyer is a resolutory condition which legal impediment to such a contract. That the warranty of non-tenancy expressly
extinguishes the transaction that for a time was so succinctly expressed in the Affidavit stipulated in the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale
existed, and discharges the obligations (Exhibit 2-A) of President Feleciano (sic) of Real Property. He alleges that on March 8,
created thereunder.[64] Such failure to pay the Leviste. El Dorado's yielding its "superior lien" 1972 or two weeks prior to the execution of the
price in the manner prescribed by the over the land in favor of the mortgagee was Deed of Sale, he discovered, while inspecting
contract of sale entitles the unpaid seller to sue plainly intended to overcome the natural the property on board a helicopter, that there
for collection or to rescind the contract.[65] reluctance of lending institutions to accept a were people and cattle in the area; when he
land whose price has not yet been fully paid confronted El Dorado about it, he was told
In the case at bar, El Dorado already as collateral of a loan.[66] (Underscoring that the occupants were caretakers of cattle
performed its obligation through the execution supplied) who would soon leave;[69] four months after
of the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Respecting Carrascoso's insistence that he the execution of the Deed of Sale, upon
Property which effectively transferred was granted verbal extensions within which to inquiry with the Bureau of Lands and the
ownership of the property to Carrascoso. The pay the balance of the purchase price of the Bureau of Soils, he was informed that there
latter, on the other hand, failed to perform his property by El Dorado's directors and officers were people claiming to be tenants in certain
correlative obligation of paying in full the Jose and Angel Leviste, this Court finds the portions of the property;[70] and he thus
contract price in the manner and within the same unsubstantiated by the evidence on brought the matter again to El Dorado which
period agreed upon. record. informed him that the occupants were not
tenants but squatters.[71]
The terms of the Deed are clear and It bears recalling that Jose Leviste wrote
unequivocal: Carrascoso was to pay the Carrascoso, by letter of February 21, 1977, Carrascoso now alleges that as a result of
balance of the purchase price of the property calling his attention to his failure to comply, what he concludes to be a breach of the
amounting to P1,300,000.00 plus interest despite "numerous" requests, with his warranty of non-tenancy committed by El
thereon at the rate of 10% per annum within a obligation to pay the amount of P1,300,000.00 Dorado, he incurred expenses in the amount
period of three (3) years from the signing of the and 10% annual interest thereon, and advising of P2,890,000.00 for which he should be
contract on March 23, 1972. When Jose him that "we would like to rescind the contract reimbursed, his unpaid obligation to El Dorado
Leviste informed him that El Dorado was of sale." This letter reiterated the term of amounting to P1,300,000.00 to be deducted
seeking rescission of the contract by letter of payment agreed upon in the March 23, 1972 therefrom.[72]
February 21, 1977, the period given to him Deed of Sale of Real Property and
within which to fully satisfy his obligation had Carrascosos's non-compliance therewith. The breach of an express warranty makes the
long lapsed. seller liable for damages.[73] The following
Carrascoso, harping on Jose Leviste's March requisites must be established in order that
The El Dorado Board Resolution and the 10, 1977 letter to Lauro's counsel wherein he there be an express warranty in a contract of
Affidavit of Jose Leviste interposing no (Jose Leviste) stated that "some of the sale: (1) the express warranty must be an
objection to Carrascoso's mortgaging of the Directors of the corporation could not see their affirmation of fact or any promise by the seller
property to any bank did not have the effect way clear in complying with the demands of relating to the subject matter of the sale; (2)
of suspending the period to fully pay the [Lauro] and have failed to reach a consensus the natural tendency of such affirmation or
purchase price, as expressly stipulated in the to bring the corresponding action for rescission promise is to induce the buyer to purchase the
Deed, pending full payment of any mortgage of the contract against Dr. Fernando thing; and (3) the buyer purchases the thing
obligation of Carrascoso. Carrascoso," argues that the extensions priorly relying on such affirmation or promise
given to him "no doubt lead to the logical thereon.[74]
As the CA correctly found: conclusion on some of the directors' inability to
file suit against him."[67] Under the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real
The adverted resolution (Exhibit 2) does not say Property, El Dorado warranted that the
that the obligation of Carrascoso to pay the The argument is specious. As the CA found, property was not being cultivated by any
balance was extended. Neither can We see even if some officers of El Dorado were initially tenant and was, and therefore, not covered
in it anything that can logically infer said reluctant to file suit against him, the same by the provisions of the Land Reform Code. If
accommodation. should not be interpreted to mean that this Carrascoso would become liable under the
was brought about by a prior extension of the said law, he would be reimbursed for all
A partially unpaid seller can agree to the period to pay the balance of the purchase expenses and damages incurred thereon.
buyer's mortgaging the subject of the sale price of the property as such reluctance could
without changing the time fixed for the have been due to a myriad of reasons totally Carrascoso claims to have incurred expenses
payment of the balance of the price. The two unrelated to the period of payment of the in relocating persons found on the property
agreements are not incompatible with each balance. four months after the execution of the Deed of
other such that when one is to be Sale. Apart from such bare claim, the records
implemented, the other has to be The bottomline however is, if El Dorado really are bereft of any proof that those persons
suspended. In the case at bench, there was intended to extend the period of payment of were indeed tenants.[75] The fact of
no impediment for Carrascoso to pay the the balance there was absolutely no reason tenancy[76]not having been priorly
balance of the price after mortgaging the why it did not do it in writing in clear and established,[77] El Dorado may not be held
land. unmistakable terms. That there is no such liable for actual damages.
writing negates all the speculations of the
Also, El Dorado's subordinating its "preferred court a quo and pretensions of Carrascoso. Carrascoso further argues that both the trial
claim" or waiving its superior "vendor's lien" and appellate courts erred in holding that the
89 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
sale of the 1,000 hectare portion of the shall have the right to enter into any part of the until the judgment or decree shall have been
property to PLDT, as well as its subsequent sale aforementioned 1,000 hectares at any time entered; otherwise by successive alienations
to PLDTAC, is subject to the March 15, 1977 within the period of this Agreement for pending the litigation, its judgment or decree
Notice of Lis Pendens. purposes of commencing the development of shall be rendered abortive and impossible of
the same. execution. The doctrine of lis pendens is
PLDT additionally argues that the CA based on considerations of public policy and
incorrectly ignored the Agreement to Buy and xxx convenience, which forbid a litigant to give
Sell which it entered into with Carrascoso on 5. Title to the aforementioned land rights to others, pending the litigation, so as to
July 11, 1975, positing that the efficacy of its shall also be cleared of all liens or affect the proceedings of the court then
purchase from Carrascoso, upon his fulfillment encumbrances and if there are any progressing to enforce those rights, the rule
of the condition it imposed resulting in its unpaid taxes, existing mortgages, being necessary to the administration of
decision to formalize their transaction and liens and encumbrances on the justice in order that decisions in pending suits
execute the April 6, 1977 Deed of Sale, land, the payments to be made by may be binding and may be given full effect,
retroacted to July 11, 1975 or before the the VENDEE to the VENDOR of the by keeping the subject matter in controversy
annotation of the Notice of Lis Pendens.[78] purchase price shall first be applied within the power of the court until final
to liquidate said mortgages, liens adjudication, that there may be an end to
The pertinent portions of the July 11, 1975 and/or encumbrances, such that litigation, and to preserve the property that
Agreement to Buy and Sell between PLDT and said payments shall be made the purpose of the pending suit may not be
Carrascoso read: directly to the corresponding defeated by successive alienations and
creditors. Thus, the balance of the transfers of title.[82] (Italics in the original)
2. That the VENDOR hereby agrees to purchase price will be paid to the In ruling against PLDT and PLDTAC, the
sell to the VENDEE and the latter VENDOR after the title to the land is appellate court held:
hereby agrees to purchase from cleared of all such liens and
the former, 1,000 hectares of the encumbrances. PLDT and PLDTAC argue that in reality the Farm
above-described parcel of land as was bought by the former on July 11, 1975
shown in the map hereto attached xxx when Carrascoso and it entered into the
as Annex "A" and made an integral 7. The VENDOR agrees that, during Agreement to Buy and Sell (Exhibit 15). How
part hereof and as hereafter to be the existence of this Agreement can an agreement to buy and sell which is a
more particularly determined by and without the previous written preparatory contract be the same as a
the survey to be conducted by permission from the VENDEE, he contract of sale which is a principal
Certeza & Co., at the purchase shall not sell, cede, assign and/or contract' If PLDT's contention is correct that it
price of P3,000.00 per hectare or for transfer the parcel of land subject bought the Farm on July 11, 1975, why did it
a total consideration of Three of this Agreement.[79] buy the same property again on April 6,
Million Pesos (P3,000,000.00) A notice of lis pendens is an announcement to 1977? There is simply no way PLDT and PLDTAC
payable in cash. the whole world that a particular real property can extricate themselves from the effects of
is in litigation, and serves as a warning that one said Notice of Lis Pendens. It is admitted that
3. That this contract shall be who acquires an interest over said property PLDT took possession of the Farm on July 11,
considered rescinded and does so at his own risk, or that he gambles on 1975 after the execution of the Agreement to
cancelled and of no further force the result of the litigation over said property.[80] Buy and Sell but it did so not as owner but as
and effect, upon failure of the prospective buyer of the property. As
VENDOR to clear the Once a notice of lis pendens has been duly prospective buyer which had actual on (sic)
aforementioned 1,000 hectares of registered, any cancellation or issuance of title constructive notice of the lis pendens, why did
land of all the occupants therein over the land involved as well as any it pursue and go through with the sale if it had
located, within a period of one (1) subsequent transaction affecting the same not been willing to gamble with the result of
year from the date of execution of would have to be subject to the outcome of this case?[83] (Underscoring supplied)
this Agreement. However, the the suit. In other words, a purchaser who buys Further, in its July 8, 2004 Resolution, the CA
VENDEE shall have the option to registered land with full notice of the fact that held:
extend the life of this Agreement by it is in litigation between the vendor and a third
another six months, during which party stands in the shoes of his vendor and his PLDT cannot shield itself from the notice of lis
period the VENDEE shall definitely title is subject to the incidents and result of the pendens because all that it had at the time of
inform the VENDOR of its decision pending litigation.[81] its inscription was an Agreement to Buy and
on whether or not to finalize the Sell with CARRASCOSO, which in effect is
deed of absolute sale for the x x x Notice of lis pendens has been conceived a mere contract to sell that did not pass to it
aforementioned 1,000 hectares of and, more often than not, availed of, to the ownership of the property.
land. protect the real rights of the registrant while
the case involving such rights is pending xxx
The VENDOR agrees that the resolution or decision. With the notice of lis
amount of P500.00 per family within pendens duly recorded, and while it remains Ownership was retained by CARRASCOSO
the aforementioned 1,000 hectares uncancelled, the registrant could rest secure which EL DORADO may very well recover
of land shall be spent by him for that he would not lose the property or any part through its action for rescission.
relocation purposes, which amount of it during the litigation.
however shall be advanced by the xxx
VENDEE and which shall not The filing of a notice of lis pendens in effect (1)
exceed the total amount of keeps the subject matter of litigation within the PLDT's possession at the time the notice of lis
P120,000.00, the same to be power of the court until the entry of the final pendens was registered not being a legal
thereafter deducted by the judgment so as to prevent the defeat of the possession based on ownership but a mere
VENDEE from the aforementioned latter by successive alienations; and (2) binds possession in fact and the Agreement to Buy
purchase price of P3,000,000.00. a purchaser of the land subject of the litigation and Sell under which it supposedly took
to the judgment or decree that will be possession not being registered, it is not
The aforementioned advance of promulgated thereon whether such a protected from an adverse judgment that
P120,000.00 shall be remitted by the purchaser is a bona fide purchaser or not; but may be rendered in the case subject of the
VENDEE to the VENDOR upon the (3) does not create a non-existent right or lien. notice of lis pendens.[84] (Underscoring
signing of this Agreement. supplied)
The doctrine of lis pendens is founded upon In a contract of sale, the title passes to the
xxx reason of public policy and necessity, the vendee upon the delivery of the thing sold;
purpose of which is to keep the subject matter whereas in a contract to sell, ownership is not
It is likewise further agreed that the VENDEE of the litigation within the power of the court transferred upon delivery of the property but
90 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
upon full payment of the purchase price.[85] In distinguished from a right that is expectant or annotations of the adverse claim and lis
the former, the vendor has lost and cannot contingent. It is a right which is fixed, pendens, the CLUB must be legally held to
recover ownership until and unless the unalterable, absolute, complete and have been aware of the flaws in the title. By
contract is resolved or rescinded; whereas in unconditional to the exercise of which no virtue of the lis pendens, its acquisition of the
the latter, title is retained by the vendor until obstacle exists, and which is perfect in itself property was subject to whatever judgment
the fullpayment of the price, such payment and not dependent upon a was to be rendered in Civil Case No. 6365. xxx
being a positive suspensive condition and contingency. Thus, for a property right to be The CLUB's cause of action lies, not against the
failure of which is not a breach but an event vested, there must be a transition from the SISTERS, to whom the property had been
that prevents the obligation of the vendor to potential or contingent to the actual, and the adjudged by final judgment in Civil Case No.
convey title from becoming effective.[86] proprietary interest must have attached to a 6365, but against ROMERO who was found to
thing; it must have become fixed or have had no right to dispose of the
PLDT argues that the July 11, 1975 Agreement established and is no longer open to doubt or land.[97] (Underscoring supplied)
to Buy and Sell is a conditional contract of sale, controversy.[94] (Underscoring supplied) PLDT further argues that El Dorado's prior,
thus calling for the application of Articles In the case at bar, the July 11, 1975 Agreement actual knowledge of the July 11, 1975
1181[87] and 1187[88] of the Civil Code as held to Buy and Sell was not registered, which act Agreement to Buy and Sell is equivalent to
in Coronel v. Court of Appeals.[89] of registration is the operative act to convey prior registration not affected by the Notice
and affect the land. of Lis Pendens. As such, it concludes that it
The Court is not persuaded. was not a purchaser pendente lite nor a
An agreement to sell is a voluntary instrument purchaser in bad faith.
For in a conditional contract of sale, if the as it is a willful act of the registered owner. As
suspensive condition is fulfilled, the contract of such voluntary instrument, Section 50 of Act PLDT anchors its argument on the testimony of
sale is thereby perfected, such that if there No. 496 [now Section 51 of PD 1529] expressly Lauro and El Dorado's counsel Atty. Aquino
had already been previous delivery of the provides that the act of registration shall be from which it infers that Atty. Aquino filed the
property subject of the sale to the buyer, the operative act to convey and affect the complaint for rescission and caused the notice
ownership thereto automatically transfers to land. And Section 55 of the same Act [now of lis pendens to be annotated on
the buyer by operation of law without any Section 53 of PD 1529] requires the Carrascoso's title only after reading
further act having to be performed by the presentation of the owner's duplicate newspaper reports on the sale to PLDT of the
seller.[90] Whereas in a contract to sell, upon certificate of title for the registration of any 1,000 hectare portion of the property.
fulfillment of the suspensive condition, deed or voluntary instrument. As the
ownership will not automatically transfer to the agreement to sell involves an interest less than The pertinent portions of Atty. Aquino's
buyer although the property may have been an estate in fee simple, the same should have testimony are reproduced hereunder:
previously delivered to him. The prospective been registered by filing it with the Register of
seller still has to convey title to the prospective Deeds who, in turn, makes a brief Do you know, Atty. Aquino, what you did
buyer by entering into a contract of absolute memorandum thereof upon the original and Q:after the filing of the complaint in the instant
sale.[91] owner's duplicate certificate of title. The case of Dr. Carrascoso?
reason for requiring the production of the
A perusal of the contract[92] adverted to owner's duplicate certificate in the registration Yes, I asked my associates to go to
in Coronel reveals marked differences from of a voluntary instrument is that, being a willful Mamburao and had the notice of Lis
the Agreement to Buy and Sell in the case at act of the registered owner, it is to be Pendens covering the property as a result of
bar. In the Coronel contract, there was a presumed that he is interested in registering the filing of the instant complaint.
clear intent on the part of the therein the instrument and would willingly surrender,
petitioners-sellers to transfer title to the therein present or produce his duplicate certificate of Q:Do you know the notice of Lis Pendens?
respondent-buyer. In the July 11, 1975 title to the Register of Deeds in order to
Agreement to Buy and Sell, PLDT still had to accomplish such registration. However, where Yes, it is evidenced by a [Transfer]
"definitely inform Carrascoso of its decision on the owner refuses to surrender the duplicate A: Certificate Copy of Title of Dr. Carrascoso
whether or not to finalize the deed of absolute certificate for the annotation of the voluntary entitled "Notice of Lis Pendens".
sale for the 1,000 hectare portion of the instrument, the grantee may file with the
property," such that in the April 6, 1977 Deed of Register of Deeds a statement setting forth his As a consequence of the filing of the
Absolute Sale subsequently executed, the adverse claim, as provided for in Section 110 Q:complaint which was annotated, you have
parties declared that they "are now decided of Act No. 496. xxx[95] (Underscoring supplied) known that?
to execute" such deed, indicating that the In Valley Golf Club, Inc. v. Salas,[96] where a
Agreement to Buy and Sell was, as the Deed of Absolute Sale covering a parcel of A: Yes.
appellate court held, merely a preparatory land was executed prior to the annotation of
contract in the nature of a contract to sell. In a notice of lis pendens by the original owner xxx
fact, the parties even had to stipulate in the thereof but which Deed was
said Agreement to Buy and Sell that registered after such annotation, this Court After the annotation of the notice of Lis
Carrascoso, "during the existence of the held: Q:Pendens, do you know, if any further
Agreement, shall not sell, cede, assign and/or transaction was held on the property?
transfer the parcel of land," which provision this The advance payment of P15,000.00 by the
Court has held to be a typical characteristic of CLUB on October 18, 1960 to ROMERO, and As we have read in the newspaper, that Dr.
a contract to sell.[93] the additional payment by the CLUB of A: Carrascoso had sold the property in favor of
P54,887.50 as full payment of the purchase the PLDT, Co.
Being a contract to sell, what was vested by price on October 26, 1960, also to ROMERO,
the July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell to cannot be held to be the dates of sale such as Q:And what did you do?
PLDT was merely the beneficial title to the to precede the annotation of the adverse
1,000 hectare portion of the property. claim by the SISTERS on October 25, 1960 and We verified the portion of the property
the lis pendens on October 27, 1960. It is basic having recorded under entry No. 24770 xxx
The right of Daniel Jovellanos to the property that it is the act of registration of the sale that and we also discovered that the articles
under the contract [to sell] with Philamlife was is the operative act to convey and affect the A: incorporated (sic) and other corporate
merely an inchoate and expectant right land. That registration was not effected by the matters had been organized and
which would ripen into a vested right only CLUB until December 4, 1963, or three (3) years established of the PLDT, Co., and had been
upon his acquisition of ownership which, as after it had made full payment to ROMERO. annotated.
aforestated, was contingent upon his full xxx
payment of the rentals and compliance with xxx
all his contractual obligations thereunder. A xxx
vested right is an immediate fixed right of Do you know what happened to the
present and future enjoyment. It is to be As matters stand, therefore, in view of the prior property?
91 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
One of the stockholders and director of the PLDT is, of course, not without recourse. As
It was sold by the PLDT to its sub-PLDT plaintiff-corporation, sir. held by the CA:
A: Agitating (sic) Co. when at that time there
was already notice of Lis Pendens. Q:Will you please tell us the other officers? Between Carrascoso and PLDT/PLDTAC, the
former acted in bad faith while the latter
xxx A: Expedito Leviste, sir. acted in good faith. This is so because it was
Carrascoso's refusal to pay his just debt to El
In your testimony, you mentioned that you A: Will you tell the position of Expedito Leviste? Dorado that caused PLDT/PLDTAC to suffer
had come cross-(sic) reading the sale of the pecuniary losses. Therefore, Carrascoso
subject litigation (sic) between Dr. Fernando A: He was the corporate secretary, sir. should return to PLDT/PLDTAC the
Carrascoso, the defendant herein and the P3,000,000.00 price of the farm plus legal
PLDT, one of defendants-intervenor, may I If you know, was Dr. Jose Leviste also a interest from receipt thereof until
say when? director at that time? paid.[102] (Underscoring supplied)
The appellate court's decision ordering the
I cannot remember now, but it was in the A: Yes, sir.[99] rescission of the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale
A: newspaper where it was informed or On the other hand, El Dorado asserts that it of Real Property between El Dorado and
mentioned of the sold property to PLDT. had no knowledge of the July 11, 1975 Carrascoso being in order, mutual restitution
Agreement to Buy and Sell prior to the filing of follows to put back the parties to their original
xxx the complaint for rescission against situation prior to the consummation of the
Carrascoso and the annotation of the notice contract.
Will you tell to the Honorable Court what of lis pendens on his title. It further asserts that
newspaper was that? it always acted in good faith: The exercise of the power to rescind
extinguishes the obligatory relation as if it had
Well, I cannot remember what is that xxx The contract to sell between the Petitioner never been created, the extinction having a
newspaper. That is only a means of [Carrascoso] and PLDT was executed in July retroactive effect. The rescission is equivalent
[confirming] the transaction. What was 11, 1975. There is no evidence that El Dorado to invalidating and unmaking the juridical tie,
A: [confirmed] to us is whether there was really was notified of this contract. The property is leaving things in their status before the
transaction (sic) and we found out that located in Mindoro, El Dorado is based in celebration of the contract.
there was in the Register of Deeds and that Manila. The land was planted to rice. This was
was the reason why we obtained the case. not an unusual activity on the land, thus it Where a contract is rescinded, it is the duty of
could have been the Petitioner who was using the court to require both parties to surrender
Well, may I say, is there any reason, the the land. Not having been notified of this sale, that which they have respectively received
answer is immaterial. The question is as El Dorado could not have stopped PLDT from and to place each other as far as practicable
Q:regard the matter of time when counsel is developing the land. in his original situation, the rescission has the
being able (sic) to read the newspaper effect of abrogating the contract in all
allegedly (interrupted) The absolute sale of the land to PLDT took parts.[103] (Underscoring supplied)
place on April 6, 1977, or AFTER the filing of this The April 6, 1977 and May 30, 1977 Deeds of
xxx case on March 15, 1977 and the annotation of Absolute Sale being subject to the notice of lis
a notice of lis pendens on March 16, pendens, and as the Court affirms the
The idea of the question, your Honor, is to 1977. Inspite of the notice of lis pendens, PLDT declaration by the appellate court of the
establish and ask further the notice of [lis then PLDTAC persisted not only in buying the rescission of the Deed of Sale executed by El
pendens] with regards (sic) to the transfer of land but also in putting up improvements on Dorado in favor of Carrascoso, possession of
property to PLDT, would have been the property such as buildings, roads, irrigation the 1,000 hectare portion of the property
accorded prior to the pendency of the systems and drainage. This was done during should be turned over by PLDT to El Dorado.
case. the pendency of this case, where PLDT and
PLDTAC actively participated as As regards the improvements introduced by
xxx intervenors. They were not innocent PLDT on the 1,000 hectare portion of the
bystanders. xxx[100] property, a distinction should be made
A: I cannot remember.[98] This Court finds the above-quoted testimony of between those which it built prior to the
Atty. Aquino to be susceptible of conflicting annotation of the notice of lis pendens and
PLDT also relies on the following testimony of interpretations. As such, it cannot be the basis those which it introduced subsequent thereto.
Carrascoso: for inferring that El Dorado knew of the July 11,
1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell prior to the When a person builds in good faith on the land
You mentioned Doctor a while ago that you annotation of the notice of lis pendens on of another, Article 448 of the Civil Code
mentioned to the late Governor Feliciano Carrascoso's title. governs:
Leviste regarding your transaction with the
PLDT in relation to the subject property you Respecting Carrascoso's allegation that some Art. 448. The owner of the land on which
allegedly mention (sic) your intention to sell of the directors and officers of El Dorado had anything has been built, sown or planted in
with the PLDT? knowledge of his dealings with PLDT, it is true good faith, shall have the right to appropriate
that knowledge of facts acquired or as his own the works, sowing or planting, after
It was Dr. Jose Leviste and Dr. Angel Leviste possessed by an officer or agent of a payment of the indemnity provided for in
that was constantly in touched (sic) with me corporation in the course of his employment, Articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one who
with respect to my transaction with the PLDT, and in relation to matters within the scope of built or planted to pay the price of the land,
sir. his authority, is notice to the corporation, and the one who sowed, the proper
whether he communicates such knowledge or rent. However, the builder or planter cannot
Any other officer of the corporation who not.[101] In the case at bar, however, apart be obliged to buy the land if its value is
Q:knows with instruction aside from Dr. Angel from Carrascoso's claim that he in fact notified considerably more than that of the building or
Leviste and Dr. Jose Leviste? several of the directors about his intention to trees. In such a case, he shall pay reasonable
sell the 1,000 hectare portion of the property rent, if the owner of the land does not choose
Yes, sir. It was Trinidad Andaya Leviste and to PLDT, no evidence was presented to to appropriate the building or trees after the
Assemblyman Expedito Leviste. substantiate his claim. Such self-serving, proper indemnity. The parties shall agree
uncorroborated assertion is indubitably upon the terms of the lease and in case of
xxx inadequate to prove that El Dorado had disagreement, the court shall fix the terms
notice of the July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy thereof.
What is the position of Mrs. Trinidad Andaya and Sell before the annotation of the notice The above provision covers cases in which the
Leviste with the plaintiff-corporation? of lis pendens on his title. builders, sowers or planters believe themselves
to be owners of the land or, at least, to have a
92 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
claim of title thereto.[104] Good faith is thus current fair market value.[111]
identified by the belief that the land is owned;
or that by some title one has the right to build, The commencement of PLDT's payment of
plant, or sow thereon.[105] reasonable rent should start on March 15, 1977
as well, to be paid until such time that the
The owner of the land on which anything has possession of the 1,000 hectare portion is
been built, sown or planted in good faith shall delivered to El Dorado, subject to the
have the right to appropriate as his own the reimbursement of expenses as aforestated,
building, planting or sowing, after payment to that is, if El Dorado opts to appropriate the
the builder, planter or sower of the necessary improvements.[112]
and useful expenses,[106] and in the proper
case, expenses for pure luxury or mere If El Dorado opts for compulsory sale, however,
pleasure.[107] the payment of rent should continue up to the
actual transfer of ownership.[113]
The owner of the land may also oblige the
builder, planter or sower to purchase and pay WHEREFORE, the petitions are DENIED. The
the price of the land. Decision dated January 13, 1996 and
Resolution dated July 8, 2004 of the Court of
If the owner chooses to sell his land, the Appeals are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION in
builder, planter or sower must purchase the that
land, otherwise the owner may remove the
improvements thereon. The builder, planter or 1) the Regional Trial Court of San Jose,
sower, however, is not obliged to purchase the Occidental Mindoro, Branch 45 is further
land if its value is considerably more than the directed to:
building, planting or sowing. In such case, the
builder, planter or sower must pay rent to the a. determine the present fair price of
owner of the land. the 1,000 hectare portion of the
property and the amount of the
If the parties cannot come to terms over the expenses actually spent by PLDT for
conditions of the lease, the court must fix the the improvements thereon as of
terms thereof. March 15, 1977;
93 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
EN BANC stabbing her brother Mauro repeatedly with a is just four houses away from the artesian well.
[ GR No. 175605, Aug 28, 2009 ] shiny bladed instrument. Joey was at the right side However, she closed her store for fear that Arnold
PEOPLE v. ARNOLD GARCHITORENA Y CAMBA of the victim and was strangling Mauro from will enter her house.
A.KA. JUNIOR + behind. Witness saw her brother Mauro struggling
DECISION to free himself while being stabbed by the three Barangay Captain Alfredo Arcega testified that
614 Phil. 66 (3) accused., until her brother slumped facedown he investigated the stabbing incident and,
on the ground. Arnold then instructed his two co- although he had no personal knowledge, he
accused to run away. During cross-examination, found out that it was Arnold Garchitorena who
LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: Borero claims that she wanted to shout for help stabbed Mauro Biay. Upon questioning Arnold,
For automatic review is the Decision[1] of the Court but nothing came out from her mouth. When the the latter admitted that he did stab Mauro.
of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR.-HC No. 00765 accused had left after the stabbing incident,
which affirmed an earlier Decision[2]of the witness claimed that she went home to call her Defense witness Miguelito Gonzalgo testified that
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Binan City, Branch 25 elder brother Teodoro Biay, but when they on September 22, 1995, he was in his shoe factory
in Criminal Case No.9440-B, finding accused- returned to the scene, the victim was no longer at his house located at 186 Sta. Teresita Street,
appellants Arnold Garchitorena y Gamba, a.k.a. there as he had already been brought to the Almeda Subdivision, Binan when he heard Mauro
"Junior," Joey Pamplona, a.k.a. "Nato," and Jessie Perpetual Help Hospital. They learned from the Biay shouting, and so he went out of his house. He
Garcia y Adorino guilty beyond reasonable doubt tricycle driver who brought Mauro top the hospital allegedly saw two persons "embracing" each
of murder and sentencing them to suffer the that their brother was pronounced dead on other near the artesian well. He recognized these
penalty of death and to indemnify jointly and arrival. two persons as Mauro and Arnold. He saw Arnold
severally the heirs of the victim in the amount of pulling out a knife from the body of Mauro and the
P50,000.00 as civil indemnity, P50,000.00 as moral Dr. Rolando Poblete, the physician who latter slowly fell down on his side. After Arnold
damages, P50,000.00 as exemplary damages, conducted an autopsy on victim Mauro Biay and washed his hands at the artesian well and walked
P16,700.00 as actual damages, P408,000.00 for loss prepared the post-mortem report, testified that away towards the house of his aunt, this witness
of earning capacity and to pay the costs of the the victim's death was caused by "hypovolemic approached Mauro and seeing that the victim
suit. shock secondary to multiple stab wounds." was still breathing, went to get a tricycle to bring
Witness specified the eight (8) stab wounds Mauro to the hospital. When he got back to the
The conviction of accused-appellants stemmed suffered by the victim - one in the neck, two in the area, there were many people who helped board
from an Information[3] dated January 22, 1996, chest, one below the armpit, two on the upper Mauro in the tricycle and they brought him to the
filed with the RTC for the crime of Murder, the abdomen, one at the back and one at the left Perpetual Help Hospital in Binan.
accusatory portion of which reads: thigh - and also a laceration at the left forearm of
Mauro. According to the expert witness, the The other co-accused Jessie Garcia took the
nature of stab wounds indicate that it may have stand and claimed that on September 22, 1995,
That on or about September 22, 1995, in the been caused by more than one bladed between 8:00 and 9:00 in the evening, he was still
Municipality of Binan, Province of Laguna, instrument. riding a bus from his work in Blumentritt. He arrived
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this at his home in Binan only at 11:00 p.m. On
Honorable Court, accused Arnold Garchitorena y The victim's widow, Amelia Biay, testified that she September 24, 1995, he was fetched by two (2)
Gamba, alias "Junior", Joey Pamplona alias "Nato" incurred burial expenses amounting to P16,700.00 policemen and two (2) Barangay Tanods from his
and Jessie Garcia y Adorino, conspiring, due to the death of her husband. Also, her house and brought to the Binan Police Station for
confederating together and mutualy helping husband allegedly earned a minimum of P300.00 questioning. Thereafter, he was put in jail and
each other, with intent to kill, while conveniently a day as a "balut" vendor and P100.00 incarcerated for six (6) months without knowing
armed with a deadly bladed weapon, with abuse occasionally as a part-time carpenter. the charges against him. He was only informed
of superior strength, did then and there willfully, that he was one of the suspects in the killing of
unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and stab The accused-appellants denied the charge Mauro Biay by his mother.
one Mauro Biay y Almarinez with the said weapon, against them. Specifically, accused-appellant
thereby inflicting upon him stab wounds on the Joey Pamplona denied that he participated in With respect to Arnold Garchitorena, Dr. Evelyn
different parts of his body which directly caused the stabbing of Mauro Bay, accused-appellant Belen, Medical Officer III and resident physician of
his death, to the damage and prejudice of his Jessie Garcia interposed the defense of alibi, the National Center for Mental Health, testified
surviving heirs. while accused-appellant Arnold Garchitorena that she examined the accused Arnold and
interposed the defense of insanity. Succinctly, the based on the history of the patient, it was found
That the crime was committed with the qualifying CA Decision summed up their respective that he had been using prohibited drugs like
aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior defenses: shabu and marijuana for two (2) years prior to the
strength. stabbing incident in 1995. The patient is allegedly
suffering from schizophrenia, wherein he was
CONTRARY TO LAW. On the other hand, accused Joey Pamplona hearing auditory voices, seeing strange things and
denied that he participated in the stabbing of is delusional. However, Dr. Belen also testified that
When arraigned, accused-appellants, duly Mauro Biay. Joey Pamplona claims that he was the accused Garchitorena had remissions or
assisted by their counsel, pleaded not guilty to the seated on a bench when co-accused Arnold exaservation and understands what he was doing
charge. Thereafter, trial ensued. came along. Then the "balut" vendor arrived and and was aware of his murder case in court.[4]
Joey saw Arnold stand up, pull something from the
The prosecution presented three (3) witnesses; right side of his pocket and stab the "balut" vendor On May 9, 2001, the trial court rendered a
namely, Dulce Borero, elder sister of the victim once before running away. Joey Pamplona Decision,[5] as follows:
Mauro Biay and eyewitness to the killing of her testified that after the stabbing incident, due to
brother; Dr. Rolando Poblete, who conducted an fear that Arnold might also stab him, he also ran
autopsy on the body of the victim and prepared away to the store of a certain Mang Tony, a WHEREFORE, IN THE LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING
the post-mortem report; and Amelia Biay, the barangay official and related the incident to Aling CONSIDERATIONS, the Court finds accused Arnold
victim's widow. The evidence for the prosecution, Bel, the wife of Mang Tony. Joey Pamplona said Garchitorena y Gamboa alias Junior, Joey
as culled from the CA Decision under review, is as that he stayed at Mang Tony's store until his father Pamplona alias Nato and Jessie Garcia y
follows: arrived and told him to go home. Adorino GUILTY beyond reasonable of the crime
of "MURDER" as defined and penalized under
Danilo Garados testified that on Septemebr 22, Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as
In the proceedings before the trial court, witness 1995, he was at the store of Mang Tony to buy amended, by Republic Act 7659, (Heinous
for the prosecution Dulce Borero testified that on cigarettes and saw Arnold and Joey seated on Crimes). Accordingly, all of them are hereby
September 22, 1995, at around 9:00 o'clock in the the bench near the artesian well. Arnold and Joey sentenced to suffer the penalty of DEATH.
evening, she was selling "balut" at Sta. Inez, allegedly called Mauro Biay and he saw Arnold
Almeda Subdivision, Brgy. Dela Paz, Binan, stabbing Mauro. Jessie Garcia was not there and Furthermore, all of the accused are hereby
Laguna. Her brother, Mauro Biay, also a "balut" Joey allegedly ran away when Arnold stabbed ordered to pay jointly and severally Amelia Biay,
vendor", was also at the area, about seven (7) Mauro. widow of the victim Mauro Biay, the following
arms length away from her when she was called sums:
by accused Jessie Garcia. Borero testified that Clavel Estropegan testified that on September 22,
when her brother Mauro approached Jessie, the 1995, around 9:00 p.m. Joey Pamplona entered a) 50,000.00 - as and for civil indemnity
latter twisted the hand of her brother behind his her store and told her that Junior or Arnold b) 50,000.00 - as and for moral damages
back and Jessie's companions- accused Arnold Garchitorena was stabbing somebody. She did c) 50,000.00 - as and for exemplary damages
Garchitorena and Joey Pamplona - began not hear any commotion outside her house which d) 16,700.00 - as and for actual damages
94 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
e) 408,000.00 - as and for loss of the earning (People vs. Cardel, 336 SCRA 144) crime, Arnold was not totally deprived of reason
capacity of Mauro Biay; and and freedom of will. In fact, after the stabbing
f) To pay the costs of suit. Evidence presented by the prosecution shows incident, accused Arnold Garchitorena instructed
that the accused conspired to assault the victim his co-accused to run away from the scene. We
Likewise, the Provincial Warden of the Provincial Mauro Biay. Accused Jessie Garcia was the one agree that such action demonstrates that Arnold
Jail, Sta. Cruz, Laguna, is hereby ordered to who called the victim and prompted the latter to possessed the intelligence to be aware of his and
transfer/commit the three (3) accused to the New approach their group near the artesian well. his co-accused's criminal acts. A defendant in a
Bilibid Prisons, Muntinlupa City, immediately upon When the victim was near enough, accused criminal case who interpose the defense of
receipt hereof. Jessie Garcia and co-accused Joey Pamplona mental incapacity has the burden of establishing
restrained Mauro Biay and overpowered him. the fact that he was insane at the very moment
Considering that death penalty was meted Witness Borero then saw the two accused, Jessie when the crime was committed. There must be
against all of the accused, let the entire records of Garcia and Joey Pamplona, together with their complete deprivation of reason in the commission
the above-entitled case be forwarded to the co-accused Arnold Garchitorena instructed his of the act, or that the accused acted without
Supreme Court for automatic review and two co-accused to run. Conspiracy is apparent in discernment, which must be proven by clear and
judgment pursuant to Rule 122, Sec.10 of the the concerted action of the three accused. There positive evidence. The mere abnormality of his
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. is conspiracy when two or more persons come to mental faculties does not preclude imputability.
an agreement concerning the commission of a Indeed, a man may act crazy but it does not
SO ORDERED.[6] felony and decide to commit it (People vs. necessarily and conclusively prove that he is
Pendatun, 434 SCRA 148). Conspiracy may be legally so. (People of the Philippines vs. Galigao,
Accused-appellants appealed to the CA. deduced from the mode and manner in which 395 SCRA 195)
Pamplona and Garcia reiterated their denial of the offense was perpetrated or inferred from the
the charge against them. Garchitorena who acts of the accused which show a joint or Having found the court a quo's decision to be
never denied his participation in the killing, common purpose and design, a concerted supported by the evidence on record, and for
insisted, however, insisted that he is exempt from action and community of interest among the being in accord with prevailing jurisprudence, we
criminal liability because he was suffering from a accused (People vs. Sicad, et al., 391 SCRA 19). find no reason to set it aside.
mental disorder before, during and after the
commission of the crime. Likewise, we affirm the trial court's appreciation of WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing premises,
the aggravating circumstance of abuse of the instant appeal is DISMISSED. Accordingly, the
On May 31, 2006, the CA rendered the superior strength to qualify the crime into murder. appealed March 9, 2001 Decision of the Regional
Decision[7] now under review, affirming RTC's "While it is true that superiority in number does not Trial Court of Biñan, Laguna, Branch 25, in Criminal
Decision in toto, thus: per se mean superiority in strength, the appellants Case No. 9440-B finding herein accused-
in this case did not only enjoy superiority in appellants guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
number, but were armed with a weapon, while crime of murder is AFFIRMED in its entirely.
WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing premises, the victim had no means with which to defend
the instant appeal is DISMISSED. Accordingly, the himself. Thus, there was obvious physical disparity SO ORDERED.
appealed March 9, 2001 Decuision of the between the protagonists and abuse of superior
Regional Trial Court of Binan, Laguna, Branch 25, strength attended the killing when the offenders The case was elevated to this Court for automatic
in Criminal Case No. 9440-B finding herein took advantage of their combined strength in review. The People and the accused-appellants
accused-appellants guilty beyond reasonable order to consummate the offense." (People of the opted not to file any supplemental brief. The
doubt of the crime of murder is AFFIRMED in its Phils. vs. Parreno, 433 SCRA 591). In the case at respective assignments of errors contained in the
entirety. bar, the victim was rendered helpless when he briefs that they filed with the CA are set forth
was assaulted by the three accused. He was hereunder.
SO ORDERED. restrained and overpowered by the combined
strength and the weapons used by his assailants. For accused-appellant Pamplona:
In arriving at the assailed Decision, the CA
ratiocinated as follows: We do not find improbable Borero's failure to act
or shout for help upon witnessing the stabbing of I
her brother Mauro Biay. It is an accepted maxim
After studying the records of this case, we do not that different people react differently to a given THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GIVING FULL AND TOTAL
find any reason to overturn the ruling of the trial situation or type of situation and there is no CREDENCE TO THE TESTIMONY OF PROSECUTION
court. standard form of behavioral response when one is WITNESS DULCE BORERO
confronted with a strange or startling experience.
Despite the testimony of defense witnesses that it xxx There is no standard form of behavior when
was only accused-appellant Arnold Garchitorena one is confronted by a shocking incident. The II
who stabbed the victim Mauro Biay, we find workings of the human mind when placed under
reason to uphold the trial court's giving credence emotional stress are unpredictable. (People of the THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN FAILING TO APPRECIATE
to prosecution witness Dulce Borero who testified Philippines vs. Aspuria, 391 SCRA 404) THE EVIDENCE IN FAVOR OF THE APPELLANT
as an eyewitness on the circumstances
surrounding the incident and the manner by Accused-appellant Jessie Garcia's denial of any
which the crime committed. involvement cannot prevail over Borero's positive III
identification. As ruled by the trial court,
Defense witness Garados testified that he was at allegations that accused Jessie Garcia was THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN CONVICTING
the store and saw both Arnold and Joey at the somewhere else when the crime was committed APPELLANT WHEN HIS GUILT HAS NOT BEEN DULY
vicinity where the stabbing incident happened, is not enough. He must likewise demonstrate that PROVEN BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT
seated on a bench near the artesian well, when he could not have been present at the crime
they called the victim Mauro. Defense witness scene, or in its vicinity. He also could have sought For accused-appellant Garcia:
Gonzalgo was in his house when he heard the the help of his co-worker, employer or anyone in
commotion and went outside to see Arnold and the area to support his defense of alibi. Indeed,
Mauro "embracing" near the artesian well and the we affirm that accused Jessie Garcia's allegation I
former pulling a knife from the body of the latter. that he was elsewhere when the crime was
On the other hand, prosecution witness Borero committed is not substantiated by evidence. Alibi THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GIVING UNDUE WEIGHT
was merely seven arms length away from the can easily be fabricated. Well-settled is the rule AND CREDENCE TO THE ALLEGED EYEWITNESS
incident and could easily see the victim Mauro that alibi is an inherently weak defense which ACCOUNT GIVEN BY DULCE BORERO, ELDER SISTER
overpowered and attacked by his assailants, cannot prevail over the positive identification of OF THE VICTIM AND PROSECUTION WITNESS, IN
Arnold Garchitorena, Joey Pamplona and Jessie the accused by the victim. (People of the Phils. vs. RESPECT OF THE PARTICIPATION OF THE HEREIN
Garcia. She witnessed the stabbing incident in its Cadampog, 428 SCRA 336) ACCUSED DESPITE GLARING INCONSISTENCIES,
entirely and positively identified the accused and INHERENT IMPROBABILITIES AND UNRELIABLE
their criminal acts. It is a well-settled rule that the Finally, the defense of insanity cannot be given DECLARATION ATTENDING THE SAME; AND, ON THE
evaluation of testimonies of witnesses by the trial merit when the expert witness herself, Dr. Belen, OTHERHAND, IN DISREGARDING THE COHERENT,
court is received on appeal with the highest attested that accused Arnold Garchitorena was CONSISTENT AND CREDIBLE EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT
respect because such court has the direct experiencing remission and was even aware of his OF DEFENSE WITNESSES - ALL IN CONTRAVENTION
opportunity to observe the witnesses on the stand murder case in court. The trial court had basis to OF THE RULES GOVERNING QUANTUM OF PROOF
and determine if they are telling the truth or not. conclude that during the commission of the IN CRIMINAL CASES AND THE PRESUMPTION OF
95 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
INNOCENSE EXISTING IN FAVOR OF ACCUSED We have ruled in People v. Sadiangabay (G.R. Pamplona repeatedly [stabbed] Mauro
GARCIA; No. 87214, March 30, 1993, 220 SCRA 551), that the Biay, do you know these three accused?
circumstance alone that the judge who wrote the A: Yes sir.
decision had not heard the testimonies of the
II prosecution witnesses would not taint his decision. xxx
After all, he had the full record before him,
Will you kindly step down from your seat
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN COMPLETELY including the transcript of stenographic notes
and tap the three accused that you have
DISREGARDING THE DEFENSE OF ALIBI INTERPOSED which he could study. The efficacy of a decision is
Q: pointed to us to be the persons who
BY ACCUSED-APPELLANT JESSIE GARCIA WHO not necessarily impaired by the fact that its writer stabbed and killed your brother Mauro
WAS SOMEWHERE ELSE AT THE TIME AS TO RENDER only took over from a colleague who had earlier Biay?
IT PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO HAVE BEEN presided at the trial, unless there is a clear showing
AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME AND EVEN IF THE SAME of a grave abuse of discretion in the factual Court: Police Officer Dionisio will you kindly
IS SUBSTANTIATED BY CLEAR AND CONVINCING findings reached by him.[8] accompany the witness.
DEFENSE WITNESSES WHO WERE ONE IN SAYING A perusal of the trial court's decision readily shows
THAT HE WAS NOT PRESENT THEREAT; that it was duly based on the evidence presented Fiscal: I would like to manifest Your Honor, that the
during the trial. It is evident that he thoroughly witness was crying when she was pointing to the
examined the testimonial and documentary three accused, uttering that "Sila ang pumatay sa
evidence before him and carefully assessed the aking kapatid!".
credibility of the witnesses. This Court finds no
plausible ground to set aside the factual findings xxx
of the trial court, which were sustained by the CA.
OF CONVICTION FOR JESSIE GARCIA INSTEAD OF What is the name of that person wearing
The eyewitness Dulce Borero's testimony clearly that blue t-shirts?
AFTER HAVING ADMITTED THEIR PARTICIPATION IN established Pamplona and Garcia's participation A: Arnold Gatchitorena sir.
THE CRIME, IMPLICATED HIM; and, consequently, their culpability in the
appalling murder of Mauro Biay:[9] We would like to confirm if he is really
Q: Arnold Gatchitorena pointed to by the
IV witness?
"Fiscal Nofuente (To the witness)
THE LOWER COURT ERRED, IN AWARDING MORAL Interpreter: The person pointed to by the witness
AND EXEMPLARY DAMAGES IN THE ABSENCE OF Madam witness, do you know Mauro wearing blue t-shirts identified himself as Arnold
Biay? Gatchitorena.
A: Yes sir.
xxx Do you know the name of second person
For accused-appellant Garchitorena: Fiscal: whom you tapped on his side wearing
Do you know likewise the cause of his
death? white t-shirts?
A: Yes sir. A: Yes sir.
Q: What was the cause of his death? Q: What is his name?
THE COURT ERRED IN NOT GIVING WEIGHT AND A: He was repeatedly stabbed sir. A: Jessie Garcia sir.
WITNESS. You said that Mauro Biay was repeatedly Interpreter: The person pointed to by the witness
Q: stabbed, who stabbed Mauro Biay identified himself as certain Jessie Garcia.
Arnold Gatchitorena, was stabbing Fiscal: Likewise Madam Witness, do you know the
repeatedly the victim sir. name of a person in longsleeves polo shirts-
Was Arnold Gatchitorena alone when he A: Yes sir, Joey Pamplona sir.
stabbed Mauro Biay?
THE ACTS COMPLAINED OF. They were three (3) who were stabbing Interpreter: The person pointed by the witness
Mauro Biay, sir. identified himself as certain Joey Pamplona.
Accused-appellant Pamplona capitalized on
Dulce Borero's inaction at the time when she had You said that they were three who were xxx
supposedly witnessed the slaying of her younger Q: stabbing Mauro Biay, who are the other
brother. He argued that if she really witnessed the two? How far were you from Mauro Biay when
crime, she would have had readily helped her A: Jessie Garcia and Joey Pamplona sir. he was being stabbed by the three
brother Mauro instead of fleeing. Accused- accused Joey Pamplona, Jessie Garcia,
appellant Garcia anchored his acquittal on his So that when you said three, you are and Arnold Gatchitorena?
Q: referring to Arnold Gatchitorena, Joey A: Seven (7) arms length sir.
defense of alibi, while accused-
Pamplona and Jessie Garcia?
appellant Garchitorena used his alleged mental
A: Yes sir. You said that your brother was stabbed
disorder, specifically, schizophrenia, as a ground
Q: successively by the three accused, how
to free himself from criminal liability. Now, when [did] this stabbing incident did it [happen] Madam Witness?
[happen]? A: They called him sir.
The core issues raised by the both accused- A: On September 22, 1995 sir.
appellants Pamplona and Garcia are factual in Q: Who was called?
nature and delve on the credibility of the Do you know what was [the] time when A: Mauro Biay sir.
witnesses. Q: this incident happened on September 22,
1995? Q: Who called Mauro Biay?
Since the accused-appellants raise factual issues, A: 9:00 o'clock in the evening sir. A: It was Jessie who called sir.
they must use cogent and convincing arguments
to show that the trial court erred in appreciating Q: Where [did] this stabbing [happen]? When you said Jessie, are you referring to
At Sta. Inez, Almeda Subdivision, dela Paz, Q: Jessie Garcia, one of the accused in this
the evidence. They, however, have failed to do A:
Biñan, Laguna sir. case?
A: Yes sir.
Could you tell Madam Witness, where in
Accused-appellant Pamplona contends that the particular place in Sta. Inez, Almeda When Mauro Biay was called by Jessie
trial court's decision was rendered by a judge Q:
Subdivision this stabbing incident Q: Garcia, what was [M]auro Biay doing
other than the one who conducted trial. Hence, happened? there?
the judge who decided the case failed to observe A: In the street near the artesian well sir. A: Mauro Biay approached sir.
the demeanor of the witnesses on the stand so as
to gauge their credibility. This argument does not Q: Do you know where is that street? By the way Madam Witness, do you know
convince the Court for the reason it has Sta Inez St., Almeda Subdivision, dela Paz, Q: why Mauro Biay was in that place where
consistently maintained, to wit: Biñan, Laguna sir. the incident happened?
A: Yes sir.
You said a while ago that accused Arnold
Gatchitorena, Jessie Garcia, Joey Atty. Witness would be incompetent Your
96 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
identification, where categorical and consistent,
Court: Witness may answer. Even under cross-examination, Dulce Borero was and not attended by any showing of ill motive on
unwavering, straightforward, categorical and the part of the eyewitnesses on the matter,
Fiscal: Why was he there? spontaneous in her narration of how the killing of prevails over alibi and denial.[18]
A: He was selling "balot" sir. her brother Mauro took place.[10] Notably, her
testimony as to the identification of Garchitorena Accused-appellant Garcia's alibi has no leg to
as the one who stabbed Mauro Biay was even stand on. In People v. Desalisa,[19] this Court ruled
corroborated by defense witness Miguelito that:
When Mauro Biay approached Jessie
Fiscal: Gonzalgo,[11] thus:
Garcia, what [did] Mauro Biay do, if any?
Jessie Garcia twisted the hand of my
A: brother and placed the hand at his back ...for the defense of alibi to prosper, the accused
sir. From the time you saw these two persons must prove not only that he was at some other
Q: near the artesian well, what happened after place when the crime was committed, but also
Who were the companions of Jessie that, mr. witness? that it was physically impossible for him to be at
Garcia when he called [M]auro Biay? Mauro Biay slumped on the floor and I saw the scene of the crime or its immediate vicinity
A: Joey Pamplona and Jr. Gatchitorena sir. Junior stabbed once more the victim but I through clear and convincing evidence.
am not sure if the victim was hit at the back,
When you said Jr. Gatchitorena are you ma'am. Here, the crime was committed at Binan, Laguna.
referring to Arnold Gatchitorena?
Although Garcia testified that he was still riding a
A: Yes sir.
How far were you from the two when you saw bus from his work in Blumentritt and arrived in Binan
the incident, mr. witness? only at 11:00 P.M. or two hours after the killing
So that when Jessie Garcia called Mauro
Q: Biay, he was together with Arnold A: More or less 7 to 8 meters, ma'am. incident, still, he failed to prove that it was
Gatchitorena and Joey Pamplona? physically impossible for him to be at the place of
A: Yes sir. Were there anything blocking your sight from the crime or its immediate vicinity. His alibi must
Q: the place where you were standing to the fail.
If you know Madam Witness, what did place of incident, mr. witness?
Joey Pamplona and Arnold Gatchitorena A: None, ma'am. Accused-appellant Garchitorena's defense of
do after Jessie Garcia twisted the arm of insanity has also no merit. Unlike other jurisdictions,
Mauro Biay on his back? Absent any showing of ill motive on the part of Philippine courts have established a more
Arnold Gatchitorena repeatedly stabbed Borero, we sustain the lower court in giving her stringent criterion for the acceptance of insanity
A: [M]auro Biay at his back and also Jessie testimony full faith and credence. Moreover, the as an exempting circumstance.[20] As aptly
Garcia also stabbed my brother sir.
prosecution's version is supported by the physical argued by the Solicitor General, insanity is a
evidence.[12] Borero's testimony that the victim defense in the nature of confession and
was successively stabbed several times conforms avoidance. As such, it must be adequately
Were you able to know the weapon used with the autopsy report that the latter suffered proved, and accused-appellant Garchitorena
Q: multiple stab wounds.[13] utterly failed to do so. We agree with both the CA
to stab Mauro Biay?
A: It was like a shiny bladed instrument sir. and the trial court that he was not totally deprived
Accused-appellant Pamplona's argument that of reason and freedom of will during and after the
Now, what was the position of Mauro Biay there were inconsistencies in the testimony of stabbing incident, as he even instructed his co-
Q: when being stabbed by the three prosecution witnesses Borero is not convincing. He accused-appellants to run away from the scene
accused? specifically points out that in the direct of the crime.
A: He was struggling to free himself sir. examination of Borero, she stated that it was Jessie
Garcia who twisted the hand of Mauro Biay Accused-appellant Garcia also argues that there
You said that he was struggling to free
backwards when the latter approached the was no conspiracy, as "there was no evidence
Q: himself, why did you say that he was
former.[14] In the cross-examination, she stated whatsoever that he aided the other two accused-
struggling to free himself?
that it was Joey Pamplona who strangled the appellants or that he participated in their criminal
A: Because I could see sir.
victim when the latter approached Jessie Garcia. designs."[21] We are not persuaded. In People v.
Q: You see what? Maldo,[22] we stated:
Because that three were repeatedly The seeming inconsistencies between her direct
A: testimony and her cross-examination testimonies
stabbing Mauro Biay sir.
are not sufficient ground to disregard them. "Conspiracy exists when two or more persons
Aside from stabbing Mauro Biay, what was In People v. Alberto Restoles y Tuyo, Roldan Noel y come to an agreement concerning the
Q: Joey Pamplona doing to Mauro Biay, if Molet and Jimmy Alayon y De la Cruz,[15] we ruled commission of a felony and decide to commit
you can still remember? that: it. Direct proof is not essential, for conspiracy may
He was also repeatedly stabbing my be inferred from the acts of the accused prior to,
brother sir. during or subsequent to the incident. Such acts
...minor inconsistencies do not affect the must point to a joint purpose, concert of action or
Aside from that stabbing, what else if any
Q: credibility of witnesses, as they may even tend to community of interest. Hence, the victim need not
Joey Pamplona was doing to Mauro Biay?
strengthen rather than weaken their credibility. be actually hit by each of the conspirators for the
Aside from stabbing Mauro Biay Joey
A: Pamplona was also struggling [strangling] Inconsistencies in the testimony of prosecution act of one of them is deemed the act of all."
the neck of Mauro Biay sir. witnesses with respect to minor details and (citations omitted, emphasis ours)
collateral matters do not affect either the
You said that Mauro Biay was stabbed by substance of their declaration, their veracity, or In this case, conspiracy was shown because
Q: the three accused successively, was the weight of their testimony. Such minor flaws accused-appellants were together in performing
Mauro Biay hit by these stabbing? may even enhance the worth of a testimony, for the concerted acts in pursuit of their common
A: Yes sir. they guard against memorized falsities. objective. Garcia grabbed the victim's hands and
twisted his arms; in turn, Pamplona, together with
Why do you know that he was hit by Moreover, such inconsistencies did not contradict Garchitorena, strangled him and straddled him on
stabbing of the three? the credibility of Borero or her narration of the the ground, then stabbed him. The victim was
Because I saw the blood oozing from the
A: incident. On the contrary, they showed that her trying to free himself from them, but they were too
part of his body sir.
account was the entire truth. In fact, her narration strong. All means through which the victim could
Now, what happened to Mauro Biay, was in harmony with the account of defense escape were blocked by them until he fell to the
when he was stabbed and hit by the witness Gonzalgo. We note further that both the ground and expired. The three accused-
Q: Sworn Statement[16] of Borero and her testimony appellants' prior act of waiting for the victim
successive stabbing of the three
accused? before the lower court[17] were in complete outside affirms the existence of conspiracy, for it
The victim Mauro Biay was suddenly congruence. speaks of a common design and purpose.
slumped face down on the ground sir.
Undoubtedly, accused-appellants' identities as Where there is conspiracy, as here, evidence as to
xxx the perpetrators were established by the who among the accused rendered the fatal blow
prosecution. The prosecution witness was able to is not necessary. All conspirators are liable as co-
What did you learn if any when you went observe the entire incident, because she was principals regardless of the intent and the
Q: to the hospital to see your brother [M]auro
there. Thus, we find no reason to differ with the trial character of their participation, because the act
court's appreciation of her testimony. Positive of one is the act of all.[23]
A: He was already dead sir.
97 | P r o p e r t y C a s e s - P o s s e s s i o n
amount." In the light of such ruling, the victim's
The aggravating circumstance of superior heirs in the present case should, therefore, be
strength should be appreciated against the awarded temperate damages in the amount of
accused-appellants. Abuse of superior strength is P25,000.00.
present whenever there is inequality of forces
between the victim and the aggressor, The award of P408,000.00 for loss of earning
considering that a situation of superiority of capacity is justified. As a rule, documentary
strength is notoriously advantageous for the evidence should be presented to substantiate the
aggressor and is selected or taken advantage of claim for damages for loss of earning capacity. By
by him in the commission of the crime.[24] This way of exception, damages for loss of earning
circumstance was alleged in the Information and capacity may be awarded despite the absence
was proved during the trial. In the case at bar, the of documentary evidence when (1) the
victim certainly could not defend himself in any deceased is self-employed and earning less than
way. The accused-appellants, armed with a the minimum wage under current labor laws, in
deadly weapon, immobilized the victim and which case judicial notice may be taken of the
stabbed him successively using the same deadly fact that in the deceased's line of work no
weapon. documentary evidence is available; or (2) the
deceased is employed as a daily wage worker
All told, the trial court correctly convicted the earning less than the minimum wage under
accused-appellants of murder, considering the current labor laws.[35] It cannot be disputed that
qualifying circumstance of abuse of superior the victim, at the time of his death, was self-
strength. Since an aggravating circumstance of employed and earning less than the minimum
abuse of superior strength attended the wage under current labor laws. The computation
commission of the crime, each of the accused- arrived at by the trial court was in accordance
appellants should be sentenced to suffer the with the formula for computing the award for loss
penalty of death in accordance with Article of earning capacity.[36]Thus,
63[25] of the Revised Penal Code. Murder, under
Article 248[26] of the Revised Penal Code, is
punishable by reclusion perpetua to death. Award for
= 2/3 [80-age at time of death] x [gross
Following Article 63 of the same code, the higher lost
annual income - 50% (GAI)]
penalty of death shall be applied. earnings
= 2/3 [80-29] x P24,000.00 - P12,000.00
In view, however, of the passage of R.A. No. = (34) x (P12,000.00)
9346,[27] otherwise known as the Anti-Death = P408,000.00
Penalty Law, which prohibits the imposition of the
death penalty, reclusion perpetua without WHEREFORE, the appealed decision of the CA in
eligibility for parole should instead be imposed. CA-G.R. CR HC No. 00765, finding the three-
Accordingly, accused-appellants shall be accused appellants guilty beyond reasonable
sentenced to reclusion perpetua without eligibility doubt of murder is hereby AFFIRMED WITH the
for parole in lieu of the penalty of death. following MODIFICATIONS: (1) the penalty of
death imposed on accused-appellants is
While the new law prohibits the imposition of the REDUCED to RECLUSION PERPETUA without
death penalty, the penalty provided for by law for eligibility for parole pursuant to RA 9346; (2) the
a heinous offense is still death and the offense is monetary awards to be paid jointly and severally
still heinous.[28] Consequently, the civil indemnity by the accused-appellants to the heirs of the
for the victim is still P75,000.00. In People v. victim are as follows: P75,000.00 as civil indemnity,
Quiachon,[29] we explained that even if the P75,000.00 as moral damages, P30,000.00 as
penalty of death was not to be imposed on exemplary damages, and P25,000.00 as
appellant because of the prohibition in Republic temperate damages in lieu of actual damages;
Act No. 9346, the civil indemnity of P75,000.00 was (3) P408,000.00 for loss of earning capacity; and
still proper. Following the ratiocination in People v. (4) interest is imposed on all the damages
Victor,[30] the said award is not dependent on the awarded at the legal rate of 6% from this date until
actual imposition of the death penalty, but on the fully paid.[37]
fact that qualifying circumstances warranting the
imposition of the death penalty attended the
commission of the crime.
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