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’Music is a Discipline and a Mistress of Good Manners, she

makes the people milder and gentler, more Moral and more
Reasonable’’ – Martin Luther King.
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Music Therapy for Wellness

# 9 – Musical Notes and Chakras
#8- 100 Ragas – Their Timings & Effects
#7-The Concept of Remedial Music
#6-Music and Stress Relief
It is with great dedication and devotion I have composed this music for stress relief . This was done by
me when a famous Ayurvedic group approached me and asked for a soothing music that could bring
down the stress level. This particular music is played during their Panchakarma Chikitsa session which
is done during the morning hours.
When the Sun fades and all extroversion, entertainment, and distraction is denied to Man, the mind retreats
into a state of meditative introversion we call sleep. Thoughts that are unfinished in the mind, during the day,
continue throughout the night in the forms of dreams, striving towards their resolution, as part of the brain’s
intrinsic mechanism to find order. In a sense then, sleep is Nature’s way of reuniting Man with him or herself,
enabling that which lies dormant in the hidden recesses of the mind, to reveal and express itself in secure
isolation from the world.

The dawn of a morning then, has tremendous significance. It is the first witness of the conscious mind to the
revelations of the night. To many, the waking hours may express the calm satisfaction of a release, the relief of
a burden, and a feeling of pious quietude. To others, however, the meditation of sleep may have brought to the
surface of the mind, the most secret burdens of one’s life, and leave one in emotional turmoil. Therefore, if one
were to provide a general description of the mood of a morning, perhaps it would be one of serenity and depth,
holy, while simultaneously tinged with emotions ranging from great disturbance to supreme calmness.

A musical note has its own distinct psychological effect or emotion, and is also related specifically to a colour,
mood, chakra, and time of day. Raga Bowli is chosen to promote relaxation and prevents the effects of
chronic stress , promoting emotional well being and maintaining positive mental health to begin the
day. The slower tempo of Raga Bowli in the composition promotes a calm and meditative state. Breathing and
heart rate is altered by listening to the music – here it is Bhagavad Gita the Supreme Manthra and Chapter 9
Raja Vidya deeply penetrates in to the human system through the Ajna Chakra.
(Ajna Chakra – the third eye point- this is the intellectual center where your intuition and imagination
blossom. It encourages self-reflection and is related to mental clarity. )
Close your eyes and concentrate on the Ajna Chakra and imagine the Sarvaathmaswaroopa Lord Sri
Krishna while listening to the music.

Wishing you All a Stress Free Life with Spiritual Enlightment.

Download Bhagavad Gita-Chapter 9 Here

#5-Raga Chikitsa -Its Effects and Timings

One of the unique characteristics of Indian music is the assignment of definite times of the day and night for
performing or listening Raga melodies. It is believed that only in this period the Raga appears to be at the
height of its melodic beauty and majestic splendor. There are some Ragas which are very attractive in the early
hours of the mornings; others which appeal in the evenings, yet others which spread their fragrance only near
the midnight hour.

This connection of time of the day or night, with the Raga or Raginis is based on daily cycle of changes that
occur in our own body and mind which are constantly undergoing subtle changes. Different moments of the
day arouse and stimulate different moods and emotions.
Each Raga or Ragini is associated with a definite mood or sentiment that nature arouses in human beings. The
ancient musicologists were particularly interested in the effects of musical notes, how it effected and enhanced
human behavior. Music had the power to cure, to make you feel happy, excited,keep you calm, balance your
mind and so on. Extensive research was carried out to find out these effects. This formed the basis of time
theory as we know it today.

Emotions, feelings and thoughts have been reported to be greatly influenced by music listening or
participation. Emotional experience derived from music has a powerful effect on the formation of one’s moral
and intellectual outlook. Music activities enhance imagination & creative thinking.

Here is a humble attempt from my part to list the ragas with their therapeutical effects and the appropriate
time at which these ragas should be listened. This list will be updated as and when I come across any new raga
with their effects and timings. Most of the raga timings given here are taken from variuos sources. The
sources include Sangeetha Sampradaya Pradarshini written by Sri Subbarama Deekshithar,References
from the The Raga Guide -A Survey of 74 Hindustani Ragas, times given as per the seminar papers
presented by various experts in the field of Music Therapy.

It is in the form an excel worksheet. Readers can download or view it online.

The 24 hour period is divided into 8 beats each three hours long, as follows:

The 24 hour period is divided into 8 beats each three hours long, as follows:

1. 7 a.m. – 10 a.m. first beat of the day. Daybreak; Early Morning; Morning;

2. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. 2nd beat of the day. Late Morning; Noon; Early Afternoon;

3. 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. 3rd beat of the day. Afternoon; Late Afternoon;

4. 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. 4th beat of the day. Evening Twilight; Dusk (sunset);Early Evening;

5. 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. first beat of the night. Evening; Late Evening;

6. 10 p.m. – 1 a.m. 2nd beat of the night. Night; Midnight;

7. 1 a.m. – 4 a.m. 3rd beat of the night. Late Night

8. 4 a.m. – 7 a.m. 4th beat of the night. Early Dawn; Dawn (before sunrise); Morning Twilight

Click Here to Download Raga and Timings

#4-Raga Chikitsa
Simply defined, Raga Chikitsa means “healing through the use of raga.” Raga Chikitsa is defined as “the
knowledge of how to use raga for the purposes of healing. Fundamental features of Raga Chikitsa is the
classification of the ragas based on their elemental composition (ether, air, fire, water, earth) and the proper use
of the elements to balance the nature of the imbalance.
Ragas are closely related to different parts of the day acording to changes in nature and development of a
particular emotion, mood or sentiment in the human mind. Music is considered the best tranqulliser in modern
days of anxiety, tension and high blood pressure.
It is believed that the human body is dominated by the three Doshas – Kaph, Pitta and Vata. These elements
work in a cyclic order of rise and fall during the 24 hour period. Also, the reaction of these three elements
differ with the seasons. Hence it is said that performing or listening to a raga at the proper allotted time can
affect the health of human beings.

Raga and its Effects

Kafi Raga – Evokes a humid, cool, soothing and deep mood
Raga Pooriya Dhansari (Hamsanandi-Kamavardini ) – evokes sweet, deep, heavy, cloudy and stable state
of mind and prevents acidity..
Raga Mishra Mand – has a very pleasing refreshing light and sweet touch
Raga Bageshri – arouses a feeling of darkness, stability, depths and calmness. This raga is also used in
treatment of diabetes and hypertension
Raga Darbari (Darbari Kanada) – is considered very effective in easing tension. It is a late night raga
composed by Tansen for Akbar to relieve his tension after hectic schedule of the daily court life.
Raga Bhupali and Todi – give treamendous relief to patients of high blood pressure.
Raga Ahir-Bhairav (Chakravakam) – is supposed to sustain chords which automatically brings down blood
Raga Malkauns and Raga Asawari (natabhairavi) – helps to cure low blood pressure.
Raga Tilak-Kamod (Nalinakanti), Hansdhwani, Kalavati, Durga(Suddha Saveri) -evoke a very pleasing
effect on the nerves.
Raga Bihag, Bahar (Kanada), Kafi & Khamaj – For patients suffering from insomnia and need a peaceful
sonorous sleep. Useful in the treatment of sleep disorders.
Raga Bhairavi – Provides relief T.B, Cancer, Severe Cold, Phlegm, Sinus, toothache .
Raga Malhar – Useful in the treatment of asthma and sunstroke.
Raga Todi, Poorvi & Jayjaywanti – Provides relief from cold and headache.
Raga Hindol & Marava – These ragas are useful in blood purification.
Raga Shivaranjani – Useful for memory problems.
Raga Kharahara Priya – strengthens the mind and relieves tension. Curative for heart disease and nervous
irritablility, neurosis, worry and distress.
Raga Hindolam and Vasantha – gives relief from Vatha Roga, B.P, Gastritis and purifies blood.
Raga Saranga – cures Pitha Roga.
Raga Natabhairavi – cures headache and psychological disorders.
Raga Punnagavarali , Sahana – Controls Anger and brings down violence
Raga Dwijavanthi – Quells paralysis and sicorders of the mind
Raga Ganamurte – Helpful in diabetes
Raga Kapi – Sick patients get ove their depression, anxiety. Reduces absent mindedness
Raga Ranjani – helps to cure kidney disorders
Raga Rathipathipriya – Adds strengh and vigor to a happy wedded life. This 5-swara raga has the power to
eliminate poverty. The prayoga of the swaras can wipe off the vibrations of bitter feelings emitted by ill will.
Raga Shanmukhapriya – Instills courage in one’s mind and replenishes the energy in the body. ( Available
for download in Carnatic Raga Appreciation Page). Suitable for singing and listening at all times as per
Sangitha Sampradaya Pradarshini written by Subbarama Deekshithar
Raga Sindhubhairavi – For a Healthy Mind and Body, Love & Happiness, Gentleness, Peace & Tranquillity
,Serenity ( Available for download in Carnatic Raga Appreciation Page)Suitable for singing and listening
at late night (1 am – 4 am)
Raga Hameerkalyani – This particular Hindusthani coloured raaga, one with great therapeutic value relaxes
tension with its calming effect and brings down BP to normal 120/80. ( Available for download in Carnatic
Raga Appreciation Page)
Raga Brindavana Saranga – For Wisdom, Success, Knowledge , Joyfulness and Greater Energy ( Available
for download in Carnatic Raga Appreciation Page)
Raga Mohana – Useful for the treatment of migraine headache. ( Available for download in Carnatic Raga
Appreciation Page) Suitable for singing and listening at evening (7 pm- 10 pm)
Ragas Charukesi, Kalyani (all time raga),Sankarabharanam(evening raga) and Chandrakauns is
considered very helpful for heart aliments .(Raga Charukesi – Available for download in Carnatic Raga
Appreciation Page . Suitable for singing and listening at all times as per Sangitha Sampradaya
Pradarshini written by Subbarama Deekshithar
Raga Ananda Bhairavi- Supresses stomach pain in both men and women. Reduces kidney type problems.
Controls blood pressure ( Available for download in Carnatic Raga Appreciation Page)
Raga Amrutavarshini – Ushana vyathi nasini ( alleviates diseases related to heat) ( Available for download
in Carnatic Raga Appreciation Page)
Raga Reethigowla– A raga that bestows direction when one seeks it.( Available for download in Carnatic
Raga Appreciation Page)
Raga Madhyamavati – Clears paralysis, giddiness, pain in legs/hands, etc. and nervous complaints.
The power of musical vibrations connects in some manner all things and all beings and all beings in the
universe on all plants of existence. The human body has 72,000 astral nerves (Nadis) which incessantly
vibrate in a specific rhythmic pattern. Disturbance in their rhythmic vibration is the root cause of disease. The
musical notes restore their normal rhythm, there by bringing about good health.

Listen with your heart and not your intellect.

#3-Therapeutic Evaluation of the Classical Ragas
Singing or engrossed listening of Raga Bhairavi has been found to uproot the diseases of kapha dosha e.g.
asthma, chronic cold, cough, tuberculosis, some of the sinus and chest related problems etc. Raga Asavari is
effective in
eliminating the impurities of blood and related diseases. Raga Malhar pacifies anger, excessive mental
excitements and mental instability. Raga Saurat and raga Jaijaivanti have also been found effective in curing
mental disorders and calming the mind. Raga Hindola helps sharpening the memory and focussing mental
concentration. It has been proved effective in curing liver ailments.

Apart from the classical ragas played on musical instruments, the rhythmic sounds of temple bells and
shankha (conch shell or bugle) produced during devotional practices have also been found to have therapeutic
A research study in Berlin University showed that the vibrations of the bugle sound could destroy bacteria and
germs in the surroundings. More specifically, it was found that if the shankha is played by infusing (through
the mouth) twenty-seven cubic feet of air per second, within a few minutes it will kill the bacteria in the
surrounding area of twenty-two hundred square feet and inactivate those in about four-hundred square feet area
further beyond.

Dr. D. Brine of Chicago had treated hundreds of cases of hearing impairments/ deficiencies by making the
patients play or listen to the sounds of shankha played rhythmically at appropriate (as per the case) pitch and

MUSIC THERAPY – ” For – Brain, Body & Soul “

The entire concept of Music Therapy is experimental. For me it is a kind of YOGA,which acts upon the
human organism and awakens and develops their proper functions to extent of self-realisation.
Music therapy is a scientific method of effective cures of disease through the power of music. It restores,
maintains and improves emotional, physiological and psychological well being. The articulation, pitch, tone
and specific arrangement of swaras (notes) in a particular raga stimulates, alleviates and cures various ailments
inducing electro magnetic change in the body.
Music is basically a sound or nada generating particular vibrations which moves through the medium of ether
present in the atmosphere and affects the human body. Music beats have a very close relationship with heart
beats. Music having 70-75 beats per minute equivalent to the normal heart beat of 72 has a very soothing
effect. Likewise rhythms which are slower than 72 beats per minute create a positive suspense on the mind and
body. Rhythms which are faster than the heart rate excite and rejuvenate the body.
History Says:
The history of Carnatic music says that the system of Mayamalava Gowlai was introduced by the blessed
musician, Purandaradasar. This raga has the potency to neutralise the toxins in our body. Practising this raga in
the early hours of the morning, in the midst of nature, will enhance the strength of the vocal chords.

In India, saint musician Thyagaraja is said to have brought a dead person back to life with Bilahari raaga, and
Muthuswamy Dikshitar cured stomach aches with his Navagraha Kritis. In our own times Pt Omkarnath
Thakur is said to have cured Mussolini of his insomnia with a song.

Kollegal.R.Subramaniam , a great musician wrote , “According to the Sangita Sastra, the 72 Melakarta Ragas
control the 72 important nerves. If one sings with devotion adhering to lakshana and sruti sudhi, the Raga
Devatas shower blessings, injecting the particular nerve in the human body which shall give needed relief in
due course”. By singing the 72 Melakarta ragas, stomach operation can be avoided and ailment cured.

Research has shown us that music does have healing effects .They stimulate the brain, ease tension and
remove fatigue. The effect of Music Therapy may be immediate or slow, depending upon number of factors
like the subject, his mental condition , environment and the type of Music, selected for having the desired
effect. Music Therapy largely depends on individual needs and taste. Before using music as Therapy it must
be ascertained which type of music is to be used. The concept of Music Therapy is dependent on correct
intonation and right use of the basic elements of music. Such as notes [swara] rhytym, volume ,beats, and piece
of melody. There are countless ‘Ragas’ of course with countless characteristic peculiarities of their own. . That
is why we can not establish a particular Rag for a particular disease . Different types of Ragas are applied in
each different case .
What is the effect of music on Brain waves?
Music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing
sharper concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower tempo promoting a calm and
meditative state.The changes in the brain waves brings about changes in other bodily functions as well.
Breathing and heart rate can be altered by music. That may be one of the reasons why listening to music
promotes relaxation and prevents the effects of chronic stress.
The photo shown below was taken on 25th Aug.2005. The quartet of one- and two-day-old babies listen to
classical music as part of an experimental program. Doctors at Kosice-Saca Hospital, the first private hospital
in Slovakia, believe that music therapy helps newborns reduce stress and stay healthy. Shortly after birth,
infants receive five 20-minute music sessions each day. Doctors found that while the tikes are tuned in, most of
them fall asleep or lie quietly.
Effect of Music Therapy on Cancer Patients
It is my deep ambition to develop music for use in the Pain and Palliative Wards to get relief from PAIN .
Experts say ” music reduces pain”, and this is a proven statement as Music cause the body to release
endorphins (hormones that counteract pain).

A Music Therapy program has the potential to improve a cancer patient’s physical and emotional well-being
by providing a distraction during treatment, thus decreasing stress, pain, and anxiety levels. Eighty percent
(80%) of cancer patients will sense their stress, pain, and anxiety levels decreased because they participated in
Music Therapy.

#2-Effect of Saptaswaras and Chakra Meditation

The physical body is ensheathed by auric field in which seven major chakras (invisible to the naked eye) are
present. The seven chakras are Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishusdhi, Anahatha, Manipura, Swadhishtana and
Mooladhara. Each chakra is associated with an endocrine gland and controls specific organs. Each swara
resonates with one major chakra. When each note is sung concentrating on the shruthi, vibration of the
corresponding chakra can be experienced. According to an ancient Indian text, Swara Sastra, the seventy-two
melakarta ragas (parent ragas) control the 72 important nerves in the body. It is believed that if one sings with
due devotion, adhering to the raga lakshana (norms) and sruti shuddhi, (pitch purity) the raga could affect the
particular nerve in the body in a favourable manner. The vibration of the notes activate a chakra and through
the nadis emanating from the chakras, the organ at the side of the disease begins the healing process.

Learning Music at a young age

Music is basically a sound or nada generating particular vibrations which moves through the medium of ether
present in the atmosphere and affects the human system. So music is a power or universal energy in the form
of ragas. Enhanced vibration of seven major chakras keeps the mind and body in good health. It increases
concentration, memory, makes the mind disciplined and spiritual. Music can be a cure if the singer/listener
choses the raga based on which chakras he wants to concentrate on. Hence while singing/listening, based on
the dominant swaras in that raga, the corresponding chakras vibrate more. The singer/listener should
concentrate on the chakra while singing/listening. Teaching music at the tender age has several advantages.
The child is born with all the chakras. But it is the Mooladhara chakra, which starts functioning even at birth.
As the child grows, the other 6 chakras start functioning one by one from Mooladhara to Sahasrara chakra and
by 21 years, the development process is complete. So teaching music at a young age purifies the body, mind
and soul and lays the foundation for a healthy future. Academic brilliance and morality are automatically
inculcated in such children. To make our children lead a healthy life, teach them music at a tender age and
make it part of curriculum. Music is also one form of meditation, which enhances the power of chakras by
raising Kundalini shakthi.

Symphonies of raga have a definite soothing effect on the mind as well as on the body. Repeated listening to
the particular raga being chosen for a particular disease produces a network of sound vibration. Energy from
URF (universal energy field) to HEF(human energy field) transmitted by the strokes of the different tones of
raga affects the CNS (Central nervous system) because the roots of the auditory nerves are more widely
distributed and have more connections than any other nerves in the body.

Sapthaswaras and Saptha Chakras

The ascending and descending order in which the swaras is sung is called arohanam and avarohanam. “Sa”
shadjam is the basic note of all ragas. It is not only the inter relationship between the notes that define a
raga but also the relationship of these notes to the basic note (aadhara shadjam). A noteworthy feature is, even
though the raga is built on the basis of a sequence of swaras, the drone of the tambura will be spelling out the
aadhara shadja all the time, loud and clear so that the reliance is constantly maintained. So there cannot be a
raga without the aadhara shadja. So this shadjam increases the vibration of the mooladhara chakra which
is for survival. Kundalini shakthi – shakhti in coiled form exists at the tip of the backbone. Increased vibrations
of Mooladhara chakra by repeating Shadjam raises kundalini shakthi. Once Kundalini shakthi is awakened, the
energy starts moving through shushumna nadi (spinal cord) towards the sahasrara chakra where Lord Shiva
resides. For smooth passage of the shakthi, each note is sung in ascending order (as in arohanam). Then ‘Sa’
raises kundalini shakthi at mooladara chakra , Ri – back swadhishtana chakra , Ga – back manipura
chakra, Ma- back anahatha chakra, Pa – back vishudhi chakra, Dha – back ajna chakra, Ni –
sahasrara chakra, Sa – cosmos. Now Avarohanam, notes sung in descending order connects cosmos and
reinforces lord shiva’s shakthi at the sahasrara chakra and the combined shiva shakti circulates through front
chakras increases the divine power in corresponding chakras ie..Sa- Cosmos, Ni – sahasrara chakra, Dha- Ajna
chakra, Pa – Vishudhi chakra, Ma-Anahatha chakra, Ga- manipura chakra, Ri –swadhishtana chakra, Sa –
Mooladhara chakra and Ni- Mother earth. This swara garland by singing makes the body receive the energy
from mother earth (ni lower octave) and Cosmos,( sa at upper octave). While sitting on the ground, energy
from the mother earth reaches the mooladhara chakra increasing its vibration, which is solely for the survival.
Within the set of swaras, some play a major role and some less. There are some swaras which dominate and
stay persistently -nyasa swaras. There are some ragas which have a special impact if they are initiated at a
certain specific swaras. For instanse, a raga like Atana generally commences at the higher octave with the
combination of the swaras – sa ri sa ni sa dha dha; or raga like anandhabhairaviin the middle octave with the
swaras pa dha pa ma dha pa ma pa ma ga ri ga. or ritigowla with ni dha ma ga ri ga. Jiva swaras which lends
life should be highlighted. They are the dhivata in Atana, antara gandhara in kalyani, madhyama and gandhara
in hindola.

#1-How Music Helps ?

Research has shown that music has a profound effect on body and mind

Brain waves: Music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, with faster
beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower tempo promoting a calm and
meditative state.
Breathing and heart rate: The changes in the brain waves brings about changes in other bodily functions as
well. Breathing and heart rate can be altered by music. That may be one of the reasons why listening to music
promotes relaxation and prevents the effects of chronic stress.
State of mind: Music is very much useful in warding off depression and anxiety. Thus, music promotes
emotional well being and in maintaining positive mental health.
Is there any particular raga which has brought down the illness of a particular patient to a remarkable level?
The answer is YES.
Yes. Anandabhairavi raga is said to be proved to bring down the BP level.
The real life demonstration was done by the Late Great Violin Mastreo Sri. Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan. He was
once preparing to show the remedial power of Ananda Bhairavi. The great poet Kannadasan had challenged in
public to test his blood pressure after hearing Ananda Bhairavi from the great musician’s violin. But
Kannadasan who promised to preside over a function became ill with hypertension. Cajoled by the organisers
he reluctantly came to the function and requested Sri. Kunnakudi Vaidynathan to render any raga, which
could soothe him. The great musician played Ananda Bhairavi elaborately. At the close of the concert,
Kannadasan came up to the dais and announced that he was feeling much better. Ananda Bhairavi has such
soothing effect.

Mental Illness
The power of Sankarabaranam is incredible. It cures mental illness, soothes the turbulent mind and restores
peace and harmony. Sankarabaranam, if rendered with total devotion for a stipulated period, can cure mental
disorders said to be beyond the scope of medical treatment. Similarly DarbariKanada and Mohanam also helps
to soothe turbulent mind and migraine headaches.
Activation Of The Manipooraka Chakra To Stimulate Secretion Of Insulin Raga Bageshree, Chandrakauns.

There is a growing awareness that ragas could be a safe alternative for many medical interventions. Music
improves the immunity of the body. It has been observed that medical treatment with Music Therapy has
reduced the intake of antibiotics and pain killers over a period of time. Simple iterative musical rhythms with
low pitched swaras, as in bhajans and kirtans are the time-tested sedatives.

Music will help improving human SOUL for collaborative learning for total life. SOUL will be grown by See,
Observe, Understand, and Learn from human nature including sound with sense. It is necessary that a group of
exponents in Indian ragas join experts in medical field to help evolving a scientific system of raga therapy for
the most common illness of the modern times: Stress and Stress-Related Disorders and Cancer.

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This page has the following sub pages.

 # 9 – Musical Notes and Chakras

 #8- 100 Ragas – Their Timings & Effects
 #7-The Concept of Remedial Music
201 thoughts on “Music Therapy for Wellness”

1. v.srinivasan | June 9, 2011 at 1:30 am

Thank you, Anuradha, for so much painstaking research findings

All the best



2. Dr.J.B.Shinde | June 12, 2011 at 3:51 am

Very good and effective information. Dr.J.B.Shinde Aurangabad, Maharashtra


3. Guru Balasubramhanyan | June 12, 2011 at 5:48 pm

Well researched article, substantiated as necessary! It is very interesting and enlightening to read.
This goes to show that our ancestors definitely had a lot of knowledge that we have just squandered away over the
Hope the suggested collaboration between music experts and medical experts does happen.



4. v.srinivasan | June 16, 2011 at 11:37 pm



5. sairam | June 19, 2011 at 12:27 am
Individual’s agreement or disagreement does not matter. It is a subject to be deeply contemplated and experienced.
You have to slowly learn to open the gateways of your soul through a competent person. Hope God will bless you
towards this direction.


6. sandhya | June 25, 2011 at 6:12 pm

An informative article anuradha.As a gerontologist,I find it rather interesting.Could you please send your email id?

o anuradhamahesh | June 26, 2011 at 5:14 am

Hello Sandhya

Welcome to my blog. Have a happy stay. my email id isanuradha7.mahesh@gmail.com


7. SUNITHA | July 9, 2011 at 9:11 am

Thank u Mam really i m very happy to know about this Music therapy. Once again thank u mam God bless u



8. anuradhamahesh | July 9, 2011 at 11:36 am

You are most Welcome Sunitha.


9. resellerzoom | July 31, 2011 at 1:02 am

Simply desire to say your article is amazing. The clarity in your post is simply great and i could assume you’re an
expert on this subject. Fine with your permission allow me to grab your RSS feed to keep up to date with
forthcoming post. Thanks a million and please carry on the enjoyable work.


10. RAJAMALLU | October 26, 2011 at 4:50 am

I hope you aquired a wast knowledge, thanks for awakening us, God bless you. Please keep posting. Could I RSS so
that i will updated.


o anuradhamahesh | October 26, 2011 at 12:06 pm

Hello Rajamallu

Welcome to my blog. I have not acquired a vast knowledge in this subject. Every day i am
learning something new relating to ragas. Still i have to go a long way. I know very little
about this subject and I just experience the bliss of raga devathas whenever i am singing or
listening to a composition in a particular raga. Any person with a heart for implicit
dedication in music can feel this bliss and divinity. Just press the subsribe button for updates
in my blog. Have a happy stay..


11. smitha | October 26, 2011 at 6:27 am

dear madam

i am smitha i wat to do music therapy course please can u give the information regarding this.

thanking u

o anuradhamahesh | October 26, 2011 at 11:59 am
I have not done any music therapy course though i am slowly learning about this subject in
my own way. I think an institution in Chennai is offering courses for Music Therapy. Just
google and find out which is the institution. But more than that, you should know about
ragas and experience yourself its influence on you.


o Mithun Shaw | May 24, 2014 at 5:14 am

i am mithun i want to do music therapy course please can u give the information
regarding this.Can you teach me this beautiful therapy?

 anuradhamahesh | May 24, 2014 at 10:25 am

I do not teach music therapy. Please Google. You can find institution that teaches
music therapy.

12. Dr.Aparna.R | October 29, 2011 at 2:36 pm

this is really excellent………. very informative………i don’t know how to thank u enough………..


o anuradhamahesh | October 30, 2011 at 12:26 am

Hello Aparna

Welcome to my blog..Happy to note that you find the blog informative


13. sakthisagaram@gmail.com | December 18, 2011 at 10:54 pm

This is really great, To people talking about debatable. they can go home and sleep with peace, we don’t want that
kind of dry intellect id***s, most of the so called “modern education” destroyed our great knowledge and culture not
any more. May GOD Bless Anuradhaji for making this knowledge open.


14. Dr.Vijay Tare | January 17, 2012 at 2:28 am

Respected Anuradhaji, Congress on writing wonderful article.offering You a good wishes on “Makar-SancratI”. Can
You Give Me A little Bit Intellince ?
Vijay Tare


o anuradhamahesh | January 17, 2012 at 12:50 pm

Hello Dr.Vijay
Welcome to this blog. Have a happy stay. But i did’nt get the meaning of this intellince
..What is it?
Best Wishes to you too..:)


 Usha | February 25, 2017 at 8:43 am

Fab reply

15. punidhavelu | February 4, 2012 at 5:58 pm



o anuradhamahesh | February 7, 2012 at 4:29 am

Hello Sri Punidhavelu
Welcome to this blog. I have already uploaded 14 ragas in the Carnatic Raga Appreciation
Page which is free to download. It is categorised as Carnatic Vocal, Carnatic Instrumental
and Devotionals and Film Music on specific ragas. Kindly visit the page and know more
about these ragas and download to your heart’s content.

I am not selling these ragas here. With whatever little I know i am just putting up a write up
on a specfic raga and uploading songs raga wise. My only request to the visitors is not to
make it commercial by downloading all these ragas and later selling it. There is lot of
hardwork, time and money spent behind these raga research. This is a small contribution
from my side to all those musically inclined divine souls for spiritual and physical well


16. Vignesh | February 6, 2012 at 4:53 pm

Hello Anuradha,

A neatly laid out article on the effect of specific ragas on the human body; precisely what I was looking for. Keep up
the good work. Expecting more such interesting articles in the future


o anuradhamahesh | February 7, 2012 at 4:31 am

Hello Vignesh

Welcome to this Musically Divine Blog. Have a happy stay. Also thank you very much for
the compliments..MAY GOD BLESS YOU


17. Subramaniian B | April 6, 2012 at 10:19 am

Very good effort. Ours is a music family and we could really enjoy all what has been stated. Since you had already
given a lot in your blog, we expect more from you. We pray the Almighty to bless you with the best to enable all of
us to get and enjoy.


Subramanian B


18. anuradhamahesh | April 6, 2012 at 1:16 pm

Welcome to this Musically Divine Blog. Thank you very much Mr. Subramanian for stopping, reading the article
and posting your comment. With your prayers and the blessings of Almighty, I wish to continue this journey till my
last breath.



19. Suresh | April 18, 2012 at 8:36 am

I want to learn music Please sujest me a guru who is ready for sharing his kowledge and not as a bussiness


20. preethi | May 6, 2012 at 7:00 pm

Hello mam,

A wonderful article written at the right time when the entire world is suffering from a multitude of diseases! A
perfect blend of science and music ! I would definitely agree with you on all points as I myself have experienced the
power of music after a day’s tiring work. When all I would yearn for is just a good sleep , listening to pure form of
music has always rejuvenated me and has given me so much of strength , optimism and the energy to go on for
many hours ( I didn’t know which raga in specific did the magic tho). Same holds good with singing and practising
too. I have always found myself to be in a very relaxed and composed state soon after pracitising. I guess music has
the power to reduce anger too. I sincerely pray , hope and wish the power of music reaches everybody .
Looking forward to many more blogs of this kind.
Thank you and have a blessed life !



o anuradhamahesh | May 7, 2012 at 12:41 am

Hello Preethi

Welcome to this blog. Playing music in the background while we are working, seemingly
unaware of the music itself, has been found to reduce the stress and increase up our


21. Girish Mohanan | May 9, 2012 at 2:51 pm

Thanks a lot ma’am. That was a lot of information and extremely useful too. It will be very kind of you if you can
enlighten us with the best performances in each of these ragas. A performance of so and so artist in a raga is
considered excellent. And one more thing i wanted to ask is if there is any influence of the instruments. For example
flute might sound good for one raga than voilin or vocal. But does this have an impact or is it my perception that
leads me to feel this difference?
Thanks again for the wonderful information u have provided.
Girish. M


o anuradhamahesh | May 10, 2012 at 12:06 pm

Hello Girish

Welcome to my blog.

Let me tell you that I am always a rasika of music and never a critc. So commenting about
an artist’s presentation of raga is out of question. Generally I like M.S. Amma’s music
mainly because I feel that it is soaked with Bhakthi(devotion) and Bhava(emotion). A song
when sung without the above two qualities is lifeless. Regarding RAgas, I think i like
Ritigowla best when it is sung by Sri. MD Ramanathan.

When it comes to intruments I think Raga Sahana goes well with Veena, Venu and Violin . I
ike Hamsanadam very much when played in Veena and Raga Kamboji, Yamankalyan etc
when played in flute (this is only my personal opinion).


22. Keshava | May 11, 2012 at 4:04 pm

Thanks a lot Anuradha, The information is very useful and thought provoking. I hope you will continue to not only
inform but also give us these wonderful Pearls of wisdom. You are welcome to contact me and I, as a music
afficionado would heartily welcome an interaction.


o anuradhamahesh | May 13, 2012 at 5:16 am

Hello Keshava

Welcome to my blog. My contibution here is a small ripple in a vast ocean. Please keep
visiting and post your suggestions/criticisms/comments.


23. kumarsathish | May 12, 2012 at 3:12 am

Hi Madam. Thanks so much for sharing valuable information about music. God bless you for your hard work.


o anuradhamahesh | May 13, 2012 at 5:14 am

Thanks Kumar Sathish for the best wishes. I am happy if this blog benefits atleast a few
music enthusiasts. Thanks and pranams to God Almighty and my Gurus.

24. deeparamesh | May 18, 2012 at 4:32 pm
i would like to do music therapy as a course(south indian carnatic music). could you guide me to the right person? is
it necessary to do the course to become a music therapist, or deep knowledge of carnatic musie would do – please


o anuradhamahesh | May 20, 2012 at 1:24 am

Hello Deepa
I think some institution in chennai offers a course in Music Therapy. But I dont think just by
having deep knowledge in Music, you can start practising as a therapist. It will be like a
doctor treating patient without a proper degree.


25. P.R.Subas Chandran | June 13, 2012 at 5:52 am

Knowledge earned from this Mother Earth should be shared otherwise we will be traitors. Ms. Anuradhmahesh work
is commendable. Music is food to mind and soul. All the best


o anuradhamahesh | June 15, 2012 at 11:49 am

Thank you very much for the comments..Please keep visiting..


26. anuradhamahesh | June 13, 2012 at 12:54 pm

Thank you very much for the kind words..Just sharing whatever little I know..


27. Subramaniyan | June 16, 2012 at 9:17 am

Hi mam,
Thank u for this research work…..Can it be same for any raga based song in cinema or it is only for devotional


28. anuradhamahesh | June 16, 2012 at 11:27 am

Generally film songs do not strictly adhere to any particular raga(there will be a mix of notes or anya swaras) except
for quiet a few songs. Be it devotional, classical or filmy number, the essence of raga is the most important criteria.
Personally I feel that the effect of raga depends mainly on individual taste for music. It may vary from person to
person. Again a liking for the voice of different singers vary individually. So the best option is to choose
instrumental music based on ragas.


29. s.p.bakale | July 2, 2012 at 9:21 am

very good artical it is helpful for research purpuse.mam,i want the effect of classical music on human body
parameter like g.s.r.,b.p.,heart rate.iwant reseach paper regarding this.can you help me?

o anuradhamahesh | July 2, 2012 at 11:01 am

Heloo Bakale

I am not a music therapist. I have just intense interest in the subject. The articles shared in
this blog are sourced from various seminars and lectures done by music therapists.


30. mathivanan | July 9, 2012 at 8:07 am

hello anuradha, I am also interested in this. Can I join with u to do more effective – mathi


o anuradhamahesh | July 9, 2012 at 12:55 pm

I am not a music therapist. Nor I have a degree on the same. The notes given here are the
ones i have written down while attending various seminars/workshops on the subject. But I
am deeply interested in this subject.


31. B S Sekhar | July 23, 2012 at 5:17 am

Good topic to be introduced in schools replacing boring subjects that our children never would use anytime in their
life. I am sure that’s the reason this generation is baffled on these subjects. Carnatic Music is never a stand alone art
or just music- in its true sense. It is a continuum of vedic revelations and the music was “heard” and the raga bhavas
“seen” as goddesses. This refers to more meditative experience than just sensory enjoyment. When emotions and
imaginations matured, words ( aksharas), prose and poem developed. And music always carried the required
emotions and feelings to express the idea within so that the communication is stored and replayed mentally by the
listener….Music is the communication of the divine and which the musician has to also experience within.When the
sublime experience becomes sensory debate, we ought to only Believe or Disbelieve; as we do not know the
experience. I think the solution is to be a seeker rather than a believer or a disbeliever. Please keep posting.

32. sudhakar | July 30, 2012 at 9:56 am

To put down simply, this website is the gist of all the websites on music therapy. I never found such a huge
information on any single website..Hats off for your patient work. I am a karnatik classical singer and very much
interested to work with, if provided a chance. my mail id sudhakar.bh@gmail.com


o anuradhamahesh | July 30, 2012 at 1:44 pm

Hello Sudhakar

Welcome to my blog. Thanks a lot for the patient reading and compliments. I wish to inform
you that I am not a music therapist not I have learned the subject. It is only interest in this
subject and the knowledge of various ragas, made me write these experience or information
in the blog. If an opportunity comes up, I shall definitely notify you.

33. sarang | August 3, 2012 at 6:47 am

what is the name for Shanmukhpriya raaga in Hindustani / North indian music? Thanx


o anuradhamahesh | August 3, 2012 at 10:18 am

There are a number of Carnatic ragas that do not have a Hindusthani equivalent; the reverse
is also true. I am not aware of any Hindustani raga that is equivalent to Shanmukhapriya.


34. Ananthanarayanan | August 16, 2012 at 6:21 am

Namskaram Madam.

A BIG thanks to u for your educating info on carnatic music.

Your article is a highly researched one I must read again and again to fully understand its import .
I feel sorry that I hv missed ur website all along. I shl visit ur site more often from now onwards to learn more on
carnatic music.

I m a music lover and enjoy listening to carnatic music and reading any write up related to carnatic music. I also hv
a good collection of carnatic books / articles on carnatic music and share the same with any one who interested in
carnatic music.




o anuradhamahesh | August 16, 2012 at 1:20 pm

Hello Ananth
Welcome to this blog. Thank you very much for posting the links. The second link says
Shudh Bilaval is Sankarabharanam. The first link when clicked alerted Trojan virus, hence
couldn’t check. Since I am not into Hindustani Music, I can’t say very authoritatively about
this topic.


35. ramya | August 21, 2012 at 6:11 am

hi mam ,
i am Ramya here . you have done a great job. Best wishes for ur future.


36. unknown fan | August 27, 2012 at 12:11 pm

Hello anuradha. I am a class IX student I am really fond of carnatic music and when i saw your musical blog, i
became very thrilled. It would be even more great if you could add more information to your content. I even
presented your research content in my school and received appreciation which is none other than your credit. so
thank you very much.
yours friendly,
unknown fan.


o anuradhamahesh | August 28, 2012 at 5:39 am


I am happy to note that my content in the blog received lot of appreciation in your school.
Kindly tell me what is your name and the name of your school. Also tell me honestly if you
presented this as your research or if you have given me some credit in your references, as
your knowledge at 14 years of age about carnatic music will not suffice to present such
content. Hope you reply.

Anuradha Mahesh

37. hemavathi | August 28, 2012 at 5:53 pm
very good information correlating the sapta swaras to naadi mandala. thanks a lot


38. unknown fan( chithra ) | August 29, 2012 at 12:11 pm

Madam, I am chithra who had recently posted you my Suggestion in your blog. Indeed i am learning carnatic music
from my very young age and thus I wanted you to give me more information so that a music learner like me would
try to learn more. your content was only used for my school assembly speech and not for any other further purposes.
and thank you for your immediate response.
with regards,
chithra { unknown fan }


39. pv gopalakrishna | August 30, 2012 at 10:16 am




40. NITHIN | September 15, 2012 at 10:27 am

Iam nithin from kerala(India)..
its nice to here about it..
some ragas makes me feel gud ans happy..
giving me a refreshing feeling..
on the other end some makes me feel so sad…
Mam can you please tell me which raghas can hear when you are happy,gloomy,sad etc..
Can you please make a comparison about different ragas….
If you can do im very much thankful to you…
my email id:nithinpulikkot@gmail.com
once again thanks a lot..
with regards

o anuradhamahesh | September 16, 2012 at 7:09 am

Hello Nithin

Just search Ragas and Emotions..your query is answered


41. Vijayvittall Kittur | September 18, 2012 at 11:14 am

Hi Anuradha,
It’s an excellent post. Very informative. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. God bless you.


o anuradhamahesh | September 20, 2012 at 12:50 pm

Thanks Vijay for the compliments..


42. shiju sasi | September 21, 2012 at 2:14 pm

This is Shiju from Kerala. I am actively studying the music therapy subject. I have recently started the internet
research on the same. When you say Hindolam has curing powers for mental ailments, are we in possession of
experimental results on the same? Could you share me more information on the research papers on Indian ragas and
their effects on different ailments?

I saw the list of ragas and their medicinal effects as explained above. Are they proven by Indian scientists? Do we
have some statistics? I did a search on music therapy advancements in USA and all. They have so much of people
aware of such things and they have divided the effect of music on different spectra to such a level that they have
categorizations such as “music therapy for alzheimers, music therapy for autism etc”.

In fact I do some blogging in similar lines on different topics on Sanatana Dharma and its virtues. The informations
would be quite useful.

Thanks in advance,


o anuradhamahesh | September 22, 2012 at 1:37 am

Hello Shiju

First of all let me tell you that I am not a music therapist nor I have a qualified degree on this
subject. I do experiments on my relatives, friends etc.But i have not written any research
paper on this. Above all i believe in the supreme power of GOD and I have complete faith in
Raga Devathas and their curing power. Music therapy can be useful to only to those patients
who have an interest in music- atleast the bare minimum of listening to music. You can
contact Nada Center based in Chennai, who are subject experts and may help you with some
proof of research papers.

43. shiju sasi | September 24, 2012 at 6:50 am

Madam, well said! There is nothing beyond aadi paraa shakthy and her yoginees as per my belief system too. But I
was just curious to know how did you get the different ragas and their effects? Are they from any existing research
or from our own sacred ancient books? For ex: you said shivaranjani for memory issues.


o anuradhamahesh | September 24, 2012 at 11:57 am

The information provided here are from exisitng research by various subject experts. Some
seminar papers presented by the experts also say these. Music Therapy is more prevalent in
North India than South India as far as I understand.


44. shiju sasi | September 25, 2012 at 6:42 am

Thank you madam. If you can share any such online research links or those seminar details, I would be really
grateful. I can have a look at those too.


45. Asaithambi manickam | October 14, 2012 at 9:57 am

Dear anu mam
The information is an output of selfless and altruistic high hard work. Thank you very much…
I pray the ALMIGHTY to give good health, wealth,joy and peace and also long life to give some more good things
to the people annd the family as well…


o anuradhamahesh | October 14, 2012 at 11:23 am

Dear Asaithambi Manickam

Thank you very much for the kind words,wishes and prayers


46. gajanana | November 5, 2012 at 7:45 am

do u have any statistical data to prove wht u concluded above?? is it experimentaly proven???for raga ,directly on


o anuradhamahesh | November 5, 2012 at 11:32 am

Hello gajanana

I am not a music therapist nor i do have a doctorate on the above subject. If you are very
much into numbers etc..I do not have. I have attended quite a few seminars conducted by
experts in this field along with papers presented by doctors on this subject.They might be
having the numbers or statistics in which you are interested. You can contact Dr.Suvarna
Nalappat who is doing a research in this subject for any details. It is only my deep interest in
this subject makes me write the article. Whatever I have written is taken from the
discussions made in the above said seminars.
From my own personal experience I have benefitted a lot with the curing powers of Ragas.
Unfortunately, I have not kept any statistics of the same. Definitely I am cured of Migrane
Headaches and stress.


47. Pushpa | December 1, 2012 at 8:21 pm

Thank you Anuradhamahesh. I have accidently visited your blog and I am glad have. My network in Auckland has
been now introduced to this. I have yet to completely read the content and digest it. What particular raag do you
think was intstrumental for curing you of migrane? I have two of my friends, both music lovers who suffer from
migranes, and particular focus on specific ragas I am sure will benefit them. Awaiting your response.


o anuradhamahesh | December 1, 2012 at 11:35 pm

Hello Pushpa

Welcome to my blog. Download the excel sheet Raga and Timings to know more about this.
These are the conclusions drawn by various experts in this field.

48. V Balaji, Bangalore | December 10, 2012 at 5:05 pm

Respected Madam – I have seen such a extensive website on Carnatic Music. Its a commendable work. Kindly let
me know which raga (and krithi) gives peace to mind, which raga (and krithi) invokes bhakthi and which raga (and
krithi)makes thoughts pure


o anuradhamahesh | December 11, 2012 at 2:48 am

Hello Balaji

Welcome to this blog. This is yet another difficult question to answer. There are innumerable
ragas and krithies by the trinity which evoke all the above said emotions. All most all
Tyagaraja compositions are soaked in Bhakthi. Same is the case with Syama Sasthry and
Muthuswami Deekshithar.

As for ragas I think Naata is one among many ragas that can give clarity of thoughts and
purity of mind. It belongs to 4th Chakra- Heart Chakra – the feeling and emotion center of
the body. It recognizes both the physical as well as the spiritual needs for human experience.
Bowli is another raga that calms the turbulent mind and promotes relaxation and prevents the
effects of chronic stress, promotes emotional well being and maintains positive mental
health. It is a bhakthi rasa pradhana raga too. Kapi, Bridavanasaranga,Charukesi etc are all
bhakthi rasa pradhana ragas. Read the Raga appreciation of Raga Hamsanada. Many of your
queries will be answered.

Best Wishes


49. V Balaji, Bangalore | December 11, 2012 at 5:15 pm

Thank You madam for a detailed reply. I honestly pray God to give You all the best to promote this divine art,

50. soulofspice | December 29, 2012 at 5:38 pm
Thanks do much for a wonderful article
I had been meaning to write about chakras & Carnatic music & hope to provide your useful reference.. Chari


51. i.s.sravanthi | January 9, 2013 at 6:33 pm

I am a practising psychologist and conducting research in mental health field,im a musician too..this article iz really


52. KS Nayar | January 18, 2013 at 11:43 pm

I had written to you earlier about listing of Carnatic music that can help cancer patients. I would appreciate if you
can do so and give me the appropriate download links. You are doing a great service not only to Carnatic
aficionados but also those people who are on the verge of losing hope to live happily. God bless.


o anuradhamahesh | January 19, 2013 at 12:35 am

Hello Mr.Nayar
I had sent you a detailed mail a couple of weeks ago. Please check your mail today itself.

Regarding music for cancer patients, I think a lot of parameters have to be taken into
consideration like which is the area affected etc. More over I am not a music therapist to
offer excellent curing ragas. But music and mantra/prayer together can bring in miracles to
any disease. Right now, my humble advice is this.

Subramanya Bhujangam is said to be an excellent CURE for all such diseases. Pray to
Lord Subramanya while you chant this everyday having implicit faith in HIM. A
Darsan to Thiruchendur Temple will also do a lot of good to you. There you get ilai
Viboothi (illai means leaf) with sacred vibhoothi inside it. You have to take a pinch
everyday and eat it after chanting the Bhujangam. This leaf is Panineer leaf having
great curing properties. But YOU HAVE TO SURRENDER YOURSELF AT HIS
LOTUS FEET WITHOUT ANY DOUBT on his ability to cure all diseases.
BEST WISHES TO YOU. Also praying to GOD for your speedy recovery.

53. shakith basha | January 22, 2013 at 11:00 am

now i have really disturb mind, when i read music therapy message big relief for my tension by shakith


54. Sanjay Chakravarty | February 21, 2013 at 7:08 am

Anuradhaji, I tried to download the Bhagavad Gita and the “Ragas and Timings”. I am not able to download through
mediafire where these files are hosted. Is there any other way I can download them. Thanks.


55. anuradhamahesh | February 21, 2013 at 7:32 am

Hello Sanjay Chakravarthy

I just checked the links. They are working quite fine. Anyway for your convenience just try these links once more.

Raga and Timings – http://www.mediafire.com/?anzxa3mu32ggo06

Bhagavad Gita – Raga Bowli – http://www.mediafire.com/?20ohymkynym

56. Sanjay Chakravarty | February 21, 2013 at 1:02 pm

Thanks for the help. I had some problem with Internet Explorer. I could download using a different browser.

57. Prizebabu | March 2, 2013 at 5:00 pm

halo,madam will u pl send asthma&allergic bronchitis related music


o anuradhamahesh | March 3, 2013 at 5:33 am

Kindly download the excel worksheet posted in this page related to raga and timings and
check for yourself. Secondly, I am not a music therapist and the topics posted in this page
are the outcome of discussions by various experts in this field.


58. Mohandas.P | March 8, 2013 at 6:01 am

Music is related to spirituality. Our Great Rishis are Great Scientists.


59. Christallah | March 11, 2013 at 9:40 am

Iam not sure about diseases like diabetes but definitely sure that music and really calm the mind, make it more
rational and give it a direction provided it is approached as we approach meditation or prayer. But always felt that
the effect is much more on people who have a musical bent of mind. To give a different view point, please also try
listening to some of the compositions of Mozart which give tremendous calming effect to the mind.


60. Mahathi reddy | March 11, 2013 at 6:55 pm

Hi madam!this remains as ur greatest contribution to mother INDIA.congratulations.


61. Sreenivasa Malavaiyavoor | April 11, 2013 at 1:37 am

Hello Anuradha mam,
This blog was very informative. Just what I was looking for.



62. senthil | May 21, 2013 at 2:26 pm

hi… wow.. great work.. excellent …keep updating please.. always thankful to u


o anuradhamahesh | May 22, 2013 at 2:54 pm

Hello Senthil

Thank you for the visit


63. Shyok Sinha | May 23, 2013 at 3:28 pm

Hi excellent work can you tell me the use and benefit of Raag Antardhwani? Thanks


o anuradhamahesh | May 24, 2013 at 3:17 pm

This was one of the favourite ragas of Pt.Shivkumar Sharma. The great musician himself
says that it is excellent for meditation..


64. mrs savithrisekhar | June 13, 2013 at 1:57 pm

i , a mother of a handicapped child with tears in my eyes typing this.my child cannot talk andcant hear and she is a
hydrosephulaspatient.. can u please tell me which raga can cure my child. i am a vocalist and i will be the happiest
mother the day my daughter will call me amma . please please guide me .i and my husband are very much worried
and disturbed.awaiting ur reply at the earliest.i dont want anything else in this world, i want my child to be

o anuradhamahesh | June 15, 2013 at 5:22 am

Dear Mrs. Savithri

TRUST IN GOD and Please check your mail.

Best Wishes


65. subramanyam | June 19, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Namastay, can you please also give insights about Ranjani ragam, i have heard great songs like sada saranga
nayanay, really a wonderful song in a wonderful raga, really soul stirring one. There is also one song by sri chitti
babu again in Ranjani ragam which is equally enchanting. I think there is something special about this raga.


o anuradhamahesh | June 20, 2013 at 2:02 am

Raga Ranjani is very soulful and melodic. Shall add this raga too to the priority list. Also
welcome to this blog.


 subramanyam | June 20, 2013 at 9:33 am

Namastay, there is one book Ragaragini vidya penned by HH Ganapati sachidananda
which gives great insights into raga chikitsa. Though I didn’t read into the contents
but there is a wealth of information available about curative properties of music. And i
am happy that you have taken time to reply me.

66. Arvind Joshi | June 21, 2013 at 6:23 am

I have a particular liking for Raga Hamsadhwani and Raga Deshkar.I also like Raga Bhupali , but not to the extent ot
Raga Deshkar.I do not like ragas like Todi etc.What is the mystery behind this. Is there any spiritual or medical

o anuradhamahesh | June 21, 2013 at 7:49 am

The swaras forming the scale is the criteria that makes it bright or sober. Hamsadwani takes
all Tivra Swaras which brings instant shine and beauty and liking for the same. The special
feature of janta swaras and dattu swaras adds colour and beauty to the raga.

But Thodi, one of the most powerful raga in Carnatic Music has Komal swaras throughout
the scale. It is one ragam where the mood or bhavam cannot be established by the mere notes
but by the manner in which they are sung, especially the gamakams/oscillation associated
with the notes.

These two ragas show the power of variety in swaras that form the scale and their influence
in the listener. Same Thodi can be brightly sung and the song Thaye Yasoda is an exemplary
piece. The ability to render todi is often considered to be the best measure of an artiste’s


 Arvind Joshi | June 21, 2013 at 3:12 pm

Thank you very much for the prompt reply.I am sorry I do not know much about
classical music–just the tip of the iceberg. Moreover, I am not aware of the terms used
in Carnatic mucis–what are janta swara and dattu swara. I know a little bit of
Hindustani music terminology.Could you please elaborate once again on my question.

 anuradhamahesh | June 22, 2013 at 2:07 am

Janta means twin swaras SS RR GG PP NN etc. Dhatu is skipping notes in between
like SG GN PS etc.

67. Hyma | July 2, 2013 at 10:50 am

Excellent information. I am very happy to know many things. Your hard work is greatly appreciated. God Bless you.


68. Mallikarjun Iyer | July 8, 2013 at 11:13 am

useful information! How can go ahead in studying these aspects of music.


o anuradhamahesh | July 8, 2013 at 11:30 am

Just google Music Therapy study center chennai, you may get lots of suggestions.


69. hrushikesh | July 28, 2013 at 9:54 am

Amazing information. Thank you so much Anuradhaji.

Each one of us is a composite vibrational package (symphony). By listening to different ragas, we can change a
discordant symphony to a melodious one and thus evolve towards perfect health and wholeness.

I am working on the field of Conscious Evolution. facebook.com/helloworld33

Would like to bother you from time to time on music therapy, if you so kindly permit.
God bless You.


70. V RENGARAJAN | July 30, 2013 at 11:49 am

Very informative and useful.


71. Jayanti | August 11, 2013 at 4:54 pm

Dear Anuradha,
I am reading this article over and again as I loved every bit of it. Please add more of such music therapy articles on
your blog.

Thank you,


o anuradhamahesh | August 12, 2013 at 1:15 am

Hello Jayanthi

Welcome to this blog. Definitely adding more topics related to the subject of music therapy.


72. Mrs. Prabha Ramaseshan | August 13, 2013 at 4:58 am

Dear Anuradhamahesh,
Yr blog seems to be very interesting n infromative. I am a lover of music n hv to still go through yr blog completely
n sit n grasp all the information u hv written abt music.


73. bhuvana | September 24, 2013 at 7:23 am

mam for headache u suggested raaga poorvi . can we listen any songs on raaga poorvi or any particular song should
be listen on poorvi? pls clarify.


o anuradhamahesh | September 24, 2013 at 10:32 am

Even Raga Mohanam is good for migraine headache. I have uploaded several volumes of
music in Mohanam too.
You can listen to any song in these ragas..No restrictions. But you should be in a relaxed
mood completely immersed in the music..Take a 20 minute duration..In my case, I prefer
instrumental music..


74. Radha | September 30, 2013 at 3:35 pm

Hallo mam, my brother’s son is 4yrs old. His problem is behaviour disorder. He is taking homeopathy medicines. I
need your advice for that.


o anuradhamahesh | October 1, 2013 at 4:14 am

Hello Radha

I am not a therapist first of all. My suggestion is to identify the child’s talent. Harness your
son’s creative potential. Identify in what he is good at. Drawing, Painting,Colouring,
Music..,Playing cricket, shuttle or swimming..etc and start giving training in that particular
talent. If it is hyper activity, it also require medical intervention.

Improve your child’s mood and try bringing down his anger or irritation by playing Raga
Sahana.. .

Generally a child misbehaves if there is lot of stress in his life..Normal children copes up
with it, but kids with the behaviour disorder cannot stand this stress and it all pours out in the
form of anger, irritation,physical aggressiveness etc. He may also have temper tantrums, or
talk back to their parents or teachers.

Teach him Keyboard or any other instrument where both the hands of the kid are engaged.
Music can lower the levels of tension and anxiety by providing this pleasurable, non-
confrontive, non-threatening environment. Relaxation is directly facilitated by music
providing an important ‘break’ for the emotionally disordered child. The music session can
allow the child to ‘relax and have fun’ without even realizing that a therapeutic process may
be taking place.
Many parents of children having Behaviour Disorder punish their children harshly and are
very critical of them. This will aggravate the situation causing more harm.



75. vijayankottackal | October 3, 2013 at 4:17 pm

Aum Gayathri Nama:
Thanks a lot Madam.That was a lot of information and Extremely useful too.
May GOD Bless You.

76. Aishwarya rajan | October 10, 2013 at 8:39 pm

i am soooo happy after reading dis article …as i am also a beginner in classical it was soo useful ..thank u mam..god
bless you..


77. Praveen | October 12, 2013 at 8:15 am

I am suffering from schizophrenia and taking medicines from last 7 years. Can you suggest me which raaga helps
me. I will be very happy.


o anuradhamahesh | October 12, 2013 at 10:25 am

Sankarabharanam and Darbarikanada is said to be good..


78. HariPrasad & Seshikala | October 22, 2013 at 12:56 pm

i , Hari Prasad Age : 45, married in 1999 we do not have children since 14 years of our marriage with tears in my
eyes typing this, we consulted so many doctors and hospitals and taken alopathy, homeopathy, & ayurvedic
medicines for children but their is no use. my request is can u please tell us which raga can change our mood from
all the tensions and pressures we will be the happiest parents the day we became parents please please guide us,.i
and my wife very much worried and disturbed,.awaiting ur reply at the earliest.i don’t want anything else in this


o anuradhamahesh | October 22, 2013 at 1:43 pm

Hello HariPrasad & Seshikala

To be very honest, I do not know which raga bestows you with children. As far as I know, it
is the SUPREME POWER/SOUl-the GOD ALMIGHTY, the DOCTOR of doctors is the
only source for you to turn. Kneel down and pray to HIM with all your heart. Observe Shasti
Vratham. Fasting on Shashti and praying to Lord Subramanya and chanting Subramanya
Bhujangam has brought miracle in the lives of many couples. You are fortunate that Skanda
Shashti is coming in a couple of weeks. To be very precise on Nov. 8th. I remember that a
family friend of mine who did not have kids for 16 years after marriage, did this and they
were blessed with two boys one after the other. Every month you have to observe Shashti
Vratham. The condition is that you have to visit the Thiruchendur Temple with the kid after
he/she completes one year after their birth.

Praying for you..MAY GOD BLESS YOU..

Anuradha Mahesh


 HariPrasad & Seshikala | October 23, 2013 at 7:25 am

Thanks for your valuable reply Madam

79. rajanish | January 22, 2014 at 3:08 am

For gaining confidence, which raga is useful ? Please also share your email add so that I can write to you about some


o anuradhamahesh | January 22, 2014 at 3:29 am

It is said that listening to Kalyani creates a positive frame of mind thereby increasing
confidence..My email id is anuradha7.mahesh@gmail.com. Please note that I am not a music

o Subbier Balakrishnan | January 27, 2014 at 10:23 am

Mohanam,Nalinakanthi are two such ragas which give confidence in life this is my
experience Bala


80. naval solanki | January 30, 2014 at 7:07 pm

thank you for this old is gold knowledge
please if possible then send all raag music to my id naval.solanki@ymail.com
thank you

81. Prasanna | February 8, 2014 at 12:55 pm

A friend of mine is suffering from mental depression,, reason unknown..Being unmarried she faces stress and
family pressure.Pl. suggest ways thro’ raga chikitsa mam

o anuradhamahesh | February 10, 2014 at 2:24 am

Hello Prasanna
Please note that I am not a music therapist. Please download the excel sheet provided in this
page and see which raga suits..Please check it in this topic- #5-Raga Chikitsa -Its Effects
and Timings The Excel sheet is named as Raga and Timings..Best Wishes for your sister..

82. kumudha Ingarshal | February 20, 2014 at 8:30 am

great excellent amazing


83. kumudha Ingarshal | February 20, 2014 at 8:33 am

I like your biog very much


84. Indu Arun | March 3, 2014 at 3:18 am

Dear anuradhaji

What raaga will be good to hear during last trimester of pregnancy and soothing for new born babies



o anuradhamahesh | March 3, 2014 at 3:23 am

Raga Yamankalyani is said to be very soothing..


85. sushree sarangi | March 5, 2014 at 8:36 am

Respected madam,
i am a medical student but presently i am quadriplegic. i had an accident on 12th dec 2012. in that C5 level of my
vertebrae pierced my spinal cord making me unable to move anything below my neck. i underwent surgery and
rehab. currently i am able to move my hands with little restrictions but not my fingers.typing this is really making
me tired. i have started learning classical music again. i do not wish to waste your time by saying my story further.
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Sushree Sarangi


o anuradhamahesh | March 5, 2014 at 10:48 am

Dear Sushree Sarangi

Sorry to hear about this untoward incident in your life. I am not an expert in this subject.
You need an expert’s guidance for a prolonged period in music therapy. I would suggest
Dr.Suvarna Nalappat, who is also a medical doctor doing research in Music Therapy. Her
mail id is snalapat@gmail.com. You can also think of Ayurveda Treatment along with
Music Therapy..
With Prayers for a speedy recovery..

86. Chitransh Pandey | March 5, 2014 at 1:49 pm

The information which you shared with us is indeed very, very important. We should have the knowledge of raagas
so that we, our surrounding; everything becomes harmonious.

But a question, from where can we get these various raagas? Can you send me their links since many of the raagas
are very rare to find in market or even on the internet.



o anuradhamahesh | March 5, 2014 at 2:33 pm

Some of the ragas I have uploaded in this page. It is free to download.
I have uploaded these from my collections ragawise. Will be uploading more ragas in future

87. jawahar | March 18, 2014 at 5:35 am

Thank you Madam, for the blog you had created. One of the best blog i had read through. Many more your works to


88. Maligarjun | March 23, 2014 at 5:35 am

It is really wonderful to read a blog with interesting and useful information subscribed.

We at Indore have a small charitable clinic under the aegis of South Indian Cultural Association in the memory of
one Palghat Mani run by his sons.

I want to suggest them to invite your goodself on behalf of the association to render speech with ragas and also
deliver a good programme.

May i know have the modalities to be undertaken at the earliest.


o anuradhamahesh | March 23, 2014 at 12:32 pm

Dear Sri. Mallikarjun

Please check your mail.


89. Vishwanath | March 31, 2014 at 4:41 pm

Dear Anuradha ma’am,
It’s been so wonderful to have stumbled upon your blog.
I’m a musician/composer and this gives me a whole new way to look at the way I write my music.
The ragam abheri and reethigowlai have fascinated me for a very long time..Would there be anything you could tell
about these ragams?



o anuradhamahesh | April 1, 2014 at 1:08 am

Hello Vishwanath
Welcome to this blog on music. Please visit this link for a review on Raga Reethigowlai.

I have not yet reviewed raga Abheri. Please keep visiting.


 mallikarjun janardan | April 1, 2014 at 4:51 pm

Sorry to inform your goodself that I haven’t received any mail with reply
content. Mallikarjun 9425032704

 anuradhamahesh | April 2, 2014 at 3:37 am

I have sent a mail on this mail id-mallikarjunjanardan@yahoo.co.in on Sunday, 23
March 2014. I am resending the mail once again to the same mail id. Kindly

 mallikarjun janardan | April 2, 2014 at 1:18 pm

I have received your mail and forwarded to the SICA president, Shri Srinivasan
yesterday and also spoken to him today Mallikarjun 9820843383

90. Mahesh Barve | April 9, 2014 at 5:52 am

good morning maam,
i am Mahesh Barve. Reading your blogs was the luckiest thing in my life. Till now i had been playing flute just for
fun, but henceforth i shall try to evoke the spiritual power in me through my flute. Thank you very much.

91. nataraj. b | May 5, 2014 at 10:22 am

today some hospitals using music therapy for patients.mysore datta peethadhipati ganapati sachinanda swamy also
doing music therapy for his devoties. thankyou for your healthy article.


92. srishti | May 6, 2014 at 9:18 am

Its was uterly delightful to have read your blog.I am a psychologist and want to do research on a simmilar type of
topic,kindly share some case studies if you have on my email-srishti…so that i too can carry this light forward and
help those needy who are still unaware about this bliss.


o anuradhamahesh | May 6, 2014 at 12:55 pm

Hello Srishti

Welcome to this blog. Please note thatI do not have any case studies with me..


93. sreelatha | May 6, 2014 at 9:36 am

Hi Anuradhamahesh, I am Sreelatha a musician from Edappally,Kochi.I am very much glad and thankful to you for
such a great work. I feel the informations are quite useful for people like us. It is a commendable work. Thank you
so much for sharing valuable informations about music. God bless you for your hard work.I have sent an email to
you. Please reply.


94. Sudhakar | May 19, 2014 at 9:08 am

Very informative blog !! I also need the relationship between different nadis / nerves and melakartha ragas and their
impact on the human beings.


95. Lipsika Uday | May 20, 2014 at 11:42 am

Namaskaram amma, I am a singer(professional) sung for about 25-30 movies in telugu and very few songs in tamil
n kannada too.. I have never seen such a musical treat kind of website ever since i started surfing on the internet.. i
find each and every article of urs very very very interesting, amazing and informative.. i finished my grade 5
through london trinity college of music in western vocals, i also finished my certificate course in carnatic and
learned very few hindustani ragas, but due to my profession (singing recordings, concerts) i couldnt find much time
to concentrate on classical music. and i completly regret now for not having enough time for something like this.. i

have been working on a thesis simlar to this.. but not as much a urs.. mine is just a drop in ur ocean,, madam
is there any chance i can join and learn music from you.. online music classes if possible.. i am from hyderabad
amma.. hats off to ur passion.. ur such a inspiration to the youth of this generation..


o anuradhamahesh | May 20, 2014 at 1:53 pm

Dear Lipsika

I am not trying to be very humble when I say that I do not know much in Carnatic Music.
That is the fact. I am just sharing whatever little I know. Everyday, when I see the magnitude
of the subject, I feel that I am a small kid collecting pebbles in the shore of OCEAN
CALLED MUSIC. Also please check your mail.


96. Rishabh | May 30, 2014 at 4:42 pm

Hello Ma’am,
i m rishabh nd i m a singer but i am suffering throat diseases i.e bronchoitis and tonsilitis which are adversely
affecting my singing.
Till now i’ve not found any permanent treatment of my throat diseases. Can you please help me curing my disease.

o anuradhamahesh | May 31, 2014 at 4:33 am

I am not a medical doctor. You need to consult a good ENT and cure your throat


97. Rishabh | May 31, 2014 at 2:20 pm

by the way thank you for sharing such priceless information on your website with people
i request you that please give me “aashirwad” so that i may not get confused and destructed on my this path of



98. Krishnan | August 30, 2014 at 2:18 pm

Namaste! Your article gives the cream of your wonderful job. Thank you for the same.

You have listed the Raagas and their effects. Is is possible to get all these Raagas (rendered by one or many) as a


99. akhila adusumilli | September 17, 2014 at 5:43 pm

a very informative blog this is. thankyou very much mam for giving us such valuable information regarding music


100. Mridula Haridas | October 20, 2014 at 5:08 pm

happened to visit your blog today.. impressive!! sincerely appreciate your efforts..

101. Ramkumar V | October 21, 2014 at 3:49 am
Namaskaram Madam,

This is Ram from Chennai. Have a daughter aged 12, who has been having delay in learning, fine motor skills,
proper speech, communication, writing, etc. – still we have been trying to do her enough to make her up to speed
with other children. Lots of suggestions / wishes / therapies have been helping her slowly coming up to speed.

She is extremely sensitive to sound (even now afraid of bursts of crackers and balloons, etc.). She will go little hyper
if there is an uncomfortable sound. Have tested and seen her responding to good gentle music and trying to see what
to do using music therapy.

Saw this website and thought would be really good to have your suggestion on how to constantly have her listen to
Carnatic raagas and treat her through this.

Sorry for the big message here but would like to get your opinion on how to start.

Thank you.


o anuradhamahesh | October 21, 2014 at 4:53 am

Hello Ramkumar

Please check your mail

Best Wishes to your Daughter


o Suhas Mhatre | September 2, 2015 at 8:23 am

Sir/Madam – I am Suhas Mhatre from Mumbai. My son is 16 years old, an autistic child
with delay in learning, speech problem, some time gets hyper and become violent. I have
seen your website and found that raga punnagavarali and sahana controls anger and also
sankarabharanam is helpful for mental problems. I am thinking to make listen these ragas to
my son. Please help me how to do this, is there any procedure & what steps are to be taken?
Please spare a time. Thanking you.


 anuradhamahesh | September 3, 2015 at 3:28 am

Please read the first 3 paragraphs from this link.

But there need to be a supervision of a qualified therapist with lot of patience, who
can sit with him, especially if the child is not inclined to music. Music Therapy is not
a generalised solution.

Ragas Punnagavarali and Sankarabharanam are not uploaded here yet. Sahana you can
download from this link

Best Wishes to your son

 Suhas Mhatre | September 7, 2015 at 8:39 am

Thank you very much Sir & Madam for your kind help. I will follow the guidelines
given by you.

102. Mahadev | November 30, 2014 at 2:14 pm

Hi Anu Madam,

First time i visited your blog, and gone through some of articles by you.
i don’t know, why destiny kept me away from such a beautiful and informative blog till now,
feeling blessed,

many blessings, thanks a ton..!



o anuradhamahesh | November 30, 2014 at 3:11 pm

Hello Sri Mahadev

Firstly, Thank you very much for the blessings and compliments. Welcome to this blog on
music and spirituality.

I strongly believe in destiny and believe that everything happens for a reason and happens at
the right time..Kindly visit often and post your goodself’s comments/suggestions/criticisms..

Best regards


103. Shailesh A. Parekh | December 1, 2014 at 12:58 pm

Pranam. It’s really a wonderful blog. Your honor is sharing Divya Gyan. I’ve psoriasis. Please bless me with the
RAGA name that can help me to reduce this issue. Many thanks.


o anuradhamahesh | December 2, 2014 at 3:15 pm

Keep your skin moist to reduce dryness, itching, redness, soreness, and scaling. A generous
dose of moisturizing lotion after shower is advised by doctors.

As for raga, please check the excel sheet and search for skin disease. The system of music
therapy is still experimental. Here is the link..


104. Radhika premanandhan | January 26, 2015 at 3:03 pm

thank you mam. your articles have been of great use to me for my reference work in dance.


105. Raghavan Narayanan | March 19, 2015 at 7:13 pm

What a wonderful work and useful information. A mere thanks is not enough for this knowledgeable information.
Great work madam.


106. Radhika Hariharan | April 23, 2015 at 12:46 am

Just what i was looking for! Thank you for your painstaking research. It will benefit many


107. mukerv | May 9, 2015 at 9:38 pm

Excellent article!!!!


108. mukerv | May 9, 2015 at 9:39 pm

I was searching for the effects of Darbari Kanada and landed here!!! Thanks great site and great information


109. Raju | May 13, 2015 at 4:12 am

Very useful information Anuradha garu. could u please give some more details regarding the Ragas for Health
problems. And also if u have the Ragas(audio files) I request u to send them to my mail id-

110. Sowmithri | June 11, 2015 at 4:43 am

Excellent and stimulating article on Music Therapy. Keep up the good work.


111. arun | August 4, 2015 at 4:23 pm



112. Sam | November 8, 2015 at 12:50 pm

Thanks for such an excellent article. Thank you very much.


113. K VASUDEVAN | November 12, 2015 at 6:24 am

Thanks for the nice article on impact of Carnatic Ragas. I have also seen in some article reference to Chakras and
the 72 nadis and the impact of the 72 mela kartha ragas on these nadis, etc., Is there any raga therapy centre in and
around Madras, India. I know raga research centre of Dr Kunnakkudi Vaidhyanathan. But after his demise, I do not
find much of activity except for the yearly programmes during December – January. Can you please advise.


114. THURAI | November 22, 2015 at 2:23 pm

How can I get a CD in Canada that can help to cure mental illness with music therapy?


o anuradhamahesh | November 22, 2015 at 2:54 pm

Music therapy is still experimental. The results may vary from person to person. Secondly ,
the treatment with music therapy does not offer a generalized solution like prescribing
Crocin for Fever. There are several CDs published by many companies claiming a cure for
music therapy. Just take it with a pinch of salt.

115. vj | November 28, 2015 at 1:51 am
Wonderful information. I am book marking this site for future reference. It is true, music uplifts our spirits. Vijaya


116. bijalb | November 29, 2015 at 6:32 am

it is really good and effective information.i just want to know which is one particular raga to improve concentration
?? please rply…


o anuradhamahesh | November 29, 2015 at 12:13 pm

Please check the page 100 ragas and their effects


117. dannpaul | January 4, 2016 at 7:07 am

It is a wonderful piece of information. It is good to note the truths that are hidden in the ragas that can cure the
human body from various kinds of diseases.
Keep posting so that many would be wonderfully blessed.
Thank you once again for your yeoman service.


118. amol | March 26, 2016 at 1:32 pm

Really Useful i have decide to follow and develop habit of listening Ragas ,
Thanks for wonderful information on Music


119. Upul | April 16, 2016 at 7:20 am

Thank you very much for the service you are doing for Karnatic music. The information is very useful.

120. Aparna | September 21, 2016 at 5:20 am

mam, which raaga is helpful in treating ADHD children?


121. Ram patil | December 10, 2016 at 2:23 am

Good morning mam,I am 32age mail started hbp problam 4month ago,can u suggest me which raga is cured my hbp
problam,I am really worried about it,and how’s download it,,pliz sujest me,,9960658556


o anuradhamahesh | December 10, 2016 at 10:11 am

Presuming that hbp is High Blood Pressure, posting this link. The link is about RAga
Anandabhairavi and you can download it by clicking the download link. Please note that I
am not a music therapist and these are only suggestions. IF the doctor has prescribed any
medicines, please do continue with the same. Listening to music will not bring out an
overnight change in your blood pressure.


122. ALOK KUMAR PATI | March 14, 2017 at 3:54 pm

I want to do a course on music therapy kindly guide me . My mob no is 9040329034, kindly guide me.


o anuradhamahesh | March 15, 2017 at 8:08 am

Contact Nada Center sbased in Chennai. Kindly Google

123. Anil gs | April 21, 2017 at 3:29 am
very usefull…god… thank u


124. shelke adinath santoshrao | May 3, 2017 at 7:59 am

pls tell me, which raag improves confidence level of students


o anuradhamahesh | May 4, 2017 at 10:56 am

Raga Kalyani..But generally it varies according to individual preferences


125. Brahma | May 24, 2017 at 7:38 pm

Wonderful post and with lot of information compiled in a thoughtful way. Could you pls recommend which raga
improves child speech development process?


126. H Suresh | June 1, 2017 at 10:58 am

Hello! I am a Corporate Trainer. Looking for some understanding on what raag to play during my training sessions
to improve the participants attention & support learning capacity..


o anuradhamahesh | June 1, 2017 at 12:13 pm

Kindly check the excel sheet provided.Ragas and Timings.xlsx

127. varna | October 20, 2017 at 5:24 am

thanks a lot for your kind information

128. Jayalakshmi | November 4, 2017 at 9:26 am

Hello Madam, Kindly suggest songs for a person in coma stage.

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 About

 Articles

o #10-Attur Krishna Pisharody

o #2-Tyagaraja and His Compositions on Nada Yoga

o #3-A Study of Navarathri Krithis of Maharaja Swathi Tirunal

o #4-SYAMA SASTRI-Monumental Edifice of Carnatic music.

o #5-The Specialities in the Krithis of Sri.Muthuswamy Dikshitar

o #6-Analysis of the Krithi Sree Subramanyaya Namasthe- Kamboji

o #7-Ubhaya Vakra Raga Neelambari – Analysis of Amba Neelayatakshi

o #8-Ubhaya Vakra Raga Sahana- Analysis of Giripai Nelakonna Ramuni

o #9-Ubhaya Vakra Raga Reethigowla- Analysis of Janani Ninuvinaa


 Carnatic Music Lessons

o #15- Mythological origin of the swara

o #17-Study of Ata Tala Varnams

o #18-Dwimadhyama Panchama Varja Ragas

o #19-Notations of Sarali, Madhyasthayi & Vakra Janta Varishaikal

o #20-Briga Exercises

o #21-Analysis of Bhairavi Ata Tala Varnam

o #22-Analysis of Kalyani Ata Tala Varnam

o #23-Analysis of Sankarabharanam Ata Tala Varnam

o #24-Classification of Raga on the Basis of Gender

o #25-The Origin of Music – Sangeethothpaththi-Part 1

o #26 – Swara Devathās- Sangeethothpaththi – Part 2

o #16-The importance of Sruthi or Drone-The Concept of Sruthi

 Carnatic Raga Appreciation

o #1 – AnandaBhairavi – The Divine Raaga

o #10 – Darbari Kanada – The Emperor of Ragas and the Raga of Emperors.
o #2- Amritavarshini – The Raga of Rain

o #20-Gowrimanohari- The Raga that Steals your Heart !

o #21-Vachaspati-The Raga that Exhilarates the Mind,Body and Soul

o #22-Mayamalavagowla-The Raga with the Freshness of Morning Dew !

o #23-Sivaranjani-The Raga that gathers Strength from Sadness !

o #24-Raga Varali- The essence of Purity and Vairaga (Detachment)

o #25-Pantuvarali- The Pensively Melodious Raga !

o #3-Sindhubhairavi – A blend of Folk and Classical Touch

o #4- Hamirkalyani – A cool breeze from N.India

o #5-BrindAvanasAranga-A Most Pleasing and Emotional Raga

o #6-Ritigowla – The Raga with a Mesmerising Melody

o #7–Charukesi-The Raga Close to the Heart

o #8- Mohanam – The Most Pleasing and Enchanting Raga – Truly “Jaganmohanam”

o #9 – Shanmukhapriya – The Raga with a Splendiferous Melody

o #11-Purvikalyani – An Aesthetically Melodious, Pleasant and Popular Raga

o #12-Hamsanadam – Call of a Swan

o #13–Bowli-The Meditative Morning Raga

o #14-Naatai-The Raga with an Intoxicating Melody

o #15- Kalyani–The Queen of Ragas – Showering Motherly Touch

o #16-Yamuna Kalyani – An Endlesss Stream of Flowing Melody…

o #17- Hindolam – The Raga with a Hypnotizing Melody..

o #18-Sahana – The Raga that kindles Subtle Emotions portraying Unconditional Surrender

o #19-Arabhi – The Raga with a Pleasing and Haunting Melody

 Carnatic Singing Lessons

o #10- Carnatic Singing Lesson – Thiruppugazh

o #11-Carnatic Singing Lesson-Dasashloki

o #12-Gita Govindam – Ashtapadi Classes

o #3-Daily Slokas for Kids

o #4-Vakra Janta Varisai Class with Students

o #5-Carnatic Singing Lesson – Devadeva Kalayami

o #6-Carnatic Singing Lesson – Kandena Govindana-Adi-Chandrakouns

o #7-Vakra Janta Varisai -2 Notations and Audio Lesson

o #8-Ganesha Pancharatnam Stotram-By Adi Sankara-Audio

o #9-Carnatic Singing Lesson-Karunai Deivame-Sindhubhairavi

o #2- Bhajans-Singing Lessons

 Concerts & Events

o #12-Workshop on Vocology / Voice Culture

o #13- Photographs of Vocology Workshop

o #14- Videos taken during Vocology Workshop

o #15-Lec-Dem on Introduction to Indian Carnatic Music and Veena the ancient Instrument

o #18- Felicitations by Sangam Kala Group and Kalabhavan Kochi

o #19-Carnatic Music Workshop at Bangalore

o #20-Photographs of Bangalore Workshop

o #21-Musical Offerings to Goddess Lalitha Parameswari

o #22-Live Concert-Navarathri Mandapam-Paravur Dakshina Mookambika Temple

o #23 – Vaggeyakaara Vaibhavam

o #23-Saraswathi Pooja and Vidyaarambham @ Shanmukapriya School of Music

o #24-Upcoming Navarathri Concerts-2016

o #25- Temple Utsavam Concerts -2017

o #26-Interview with Kaumudi TV

o #27- Upcoming Navarathri Concerts and Events 2017

o #28 – Seminar on Navāvarana Krithis

o #29- Concert @ International Medical Conference at Kochi

 Discussions

o # 40- A Musical Call to Senior Citizens-Part 1

o # 41- A Musical Call to Senior Citizens-Part 2

o #22-Rath Yatra


o #24-Gurupoornima – GURU, The God in our Life

o #25-Your thoughts become reality.

o #27-The Secret of Lifelong Happiness – Live in the “NOW”

o #28-Goddess Saraswathi – Embodiment of Knowledge

o #28-Why should one look into the hands in the morning ?

o #29-Why to Get up early in the Morning?

o #30-Guru Poornima 2014

o #31-The Symbolic Meaning of Characters in Ramayana

o #34-The Benefits of Singing – Harmonizing with the Universe

o #35-Maha Sivarathri 2015

o #36-Master your Mind for Eternal Peace

o #37-Pursuing the Higher Purpose in our Life..

o #38-Guru Poornima-2015
o #44- Lord Krishna – Janmashtami and Enlightenment !

o #45-Make this year TRULY ICONIC !

o #46-The 5 Biggest Regrets People Have Before They Die

o #47-Experiencing the Divine Bliss “in and through” Music

o #48-Practice Towards Progress Aiming Excellence !!

o #49-Guru-The Supreme Energy-Guru Poornima 2017

o 17-The Sage of Kanchi-Devotion through Music

o 18-An emotion called Love and its influence in your Heart – A Change for Betterment

o 19-Striking a Right Balance between Parents and Children.

o 20- Routine Customs and Manners to be followed in our daily life

o 21-Uplift /Empower Your Mind

o 32-Scientific Healing Affirmations

o 33-Understanding How to Use the Power of Affirmation

o 35-God’s Response Can Come as an Intuitive Solution to a Problem

o 43- Guru the Embodiment of GOD – Guru Poornima-2016

 Downloads

o # 170-D K Pattammal & D K Jayaram 1976 -Live Concert

o #101-Nityasree Mahadevan-Live Concert-Music Academy-2007

o #102- Neyveli Santhanagopalan-Live Concert

o #103-Maharajapuram Santhanam- Tamil Songs Collection

o #104-VA-Muthu Swami Dikshitar’s Devi Kiritis Vol 1-5 ( Collections) – Navarathri Special

o #105-Sanjay Subramaniam-Navarathri 2011 TVM Concert

o #106-Shashank Subramaniam- Flute-FineArts-Kochi-Concert 2nd Nov2012

o #107-N.C.Vasanthakokilam – Old is Gold

o #108-Great Music from Jon Higgins-the Bhagavatar

o #109- R.Sriram – Veena- Live Concert

o #110- M.Chandrasekhar & G.Bharathi- Violin Duet – Live Concert

o #111 – M.S.Amma – Ramasevamandali Concert

o #112-M.S Amma- Bhajans of Sant Surdas

o #113-Madurai Mani Iyer-Concert

o #114-Neyveli Santhanagopalan- 1999 Live Concert

o #115-Maharajapuram Santhanam-Live Concert

o #117-Veena Instrumental-S.Sundar-Concert

o #118-Maharajapuram Santhanam-Live Concert 1989

o #129-KV Narayanaswamy – Mysore Concert
o #130-Sanjay Subramaniam-Concert

o #131-Abhishek Raghuram-MMU Dec 30th 2011

o #132-Semmangudi R Srinivasa Iyer-Vocal Concert

o #133-Maharajapuram Srinivasan-Live Concert-22/10/2008

o #134-E.Gayatri-Veena-MMU2012

o #135-K.V. Narayanaswany-Vocal Concert-1988-Ramaseva Mandali

o #136- Maharajapuram S Ramachandran-UTSAVAM-11-12-2007

o #137-Krishna Songs-Janmashtami Celebrations- 2013

o #138-T.V.Sankaranarayanan-Live Concert-AIIMS-Delhi-1990

o #139- T.V. Sankaranarayanan-Live Concert-Houston_TX-USA

o #140- T.V. Sankaranarayanan-Live Concert-South India Fine Arts NewJersey 2002

o #141-Navarathri Krithis-Swathi Tirunal

o #142-Chembai & Yesudas-Live Concert

o #143-Chembai & Jaya,Vijaya-Vijayadasami Live Concert

o #144-Neyveli SanthanaGopalan-MMU2011

o #145-Abhangs from Various Artists

o #146-E.Gayatri-Veena-SVBC TV Programme

o #147-Aruna Sairam-Live Concert

o #148-Vocal Duet-Ranjani Gayatri-Live Concert 2008 March

o #149-Hyderabad Brothers-Live Concert

o #150-Murugan Pamalai by P.Susheela-300th post in this blog

o #151-Priya Sisters -TyagaBrahmaSabhaConcert-June2009

o #152-Malladi Brothers-Podhigai TV Concert

o #153-Hyderabad Sisters-Live Concert 2011

o #154-Aravind Bhargav-Live Mandolin Concert

o #155-RadhaJayalakshmi-Live Concert-1962

o #156-Live Concert of Salem Sri G Deiskan

o #157-Sreevalsan J Menon-Live Concert

o #158-Mangala Krithis-The importance of Madhyamavathi in singing Mangalam

o #159-Live Recordings of Palakkad Rama Bhagavathar

o #161- Mavelikkara P.Subramanyam – Concert

o #162-A.Ananthanarayanan-Veena Concert

o #163-A.Ananthapadmanabhan-National Concert 2012

o #165-N.P.Ramaswamy – Vocal Concert

o #166- Neyyattinkara Vasudevan- Vocal Concert

o #168-Songs on Lord Muruga-Skanda Shasti 2015

o #169-Skanda Shasti and Skanda Guru Kavacham-Sulamangalam Sisters

o #171- OM Namah Shivaaya – Divine Krithis on Lord Shiva-2016

o #172-MSS-Popular Carnatic Hits

o #173-Janmashtami Celebrations-2016

o #174- Vinayaka Chathurthi Special – Krithis on Vinayaka by MS Amma

o #175-Navavarana Krithis of Muthuswami Dikshithar

o #176-MS Amma Special-Vishu 2017

o #49-Shodasa Ganapathi Krithis – Muthuswami Deekshithar Compostions

o #50-Vinayaka Chathurthi Special–Vinayaka Krithis – 4 Volumes

o #82-Pancha Bootha Sthala Krithis – D.K.Jayaram

o 160-Varalakshmi Krithis of Muthuswamy Dikshitar

o 164-D.Srinivas – Veena Concert

o 167-Songs on Sringeri Sri Saradamba

o Divine Navarathri-2016

o Holy Navarathri-2015

o #116-Aruna Sairam-Chennayil Thiruvaiyaaru 2012

o #119 – Ksethra Krithis – Arupadai Veedu-Various Artists


o 121-Bhakthi Bhajans-Udayalur Kalyana Raman

o #122-Madurai Mani Iyer-Assorted Collection

o #123-KV Narayanaswamy – Cleveland Concert

o #124- Bhajans

o #125- Amritha Venkatesh-Doordarsan Telecast-Audio

o #126-Jayalakshmi Sekar-Veena Concert- Feb 2012

o #127- Emani Sankara Sasthri-Veena Concert -1971

o #128- M.Chandrasekharan and G.Bharathi -1999-Parvathi- Mysore -Violin Duet

 Good Messages


o #33-Expect less from Others but MORE FROM YOURSELF


o #35- Things are not always as they appear

o #36-Does your child know to appreciate the Effort and Hardwork you put forward for him-her

o #37- Be Deaf & Keep up your Spirits

o #38-Stay Blessed
o #44-Meaning of Prayer ..
o #50- A Clarification – Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshitaha

o 37-A rare conversation between Ramkrishna Paramahansa & Swami Vivekananda

o 39-Life Lessons

o 40-A life centered on Love


o 42 – For those who believe and those who don’t believe in God !

o 43-Valuing Relationships

 Guru


o #3-Vidyārambham @ Shanmukhapriya School of Music

o #4-Vidyārambham 2017 @ Shanmukhapriya School of Music

 Music Therapy for Wellness

o # 9 – Musical Notes and Chakras

o #8- 100 Ragas – Their Timings & Effects

o #7-The Concept of Remedial Music

 Photo Gallery

o #8-Recording Session @Chennai for a Carnatic Track

o #9 – Navarathri 2017- A few clicks from various Concerts

 Pictures of God

o #10-Story of Krishna – Amazing Pictures of Lord Krishna

o #11-Amazing Pictures of Lord Ganesha

o #12-Amazing Pictures of Goddess Lalitha Parameswari

o #12-Amazing Pictures of Goddess Lalitha Parameswari-Set 3

o #12-Amazing Pictures of Goddess Lalitha Parameswari-Set2

o #13-Amazing Pictures of Lord Rama

o #14-Oothukkadu Sri Kalinga Narthana Perumal – Abhisheka Darisanam

o #15 – Amazing Pictures of Lord Krishna

o #16-Happy and Prosperous Vinayaka Chathurthi 2014

o #18-Amazing Pictures of Lord Shiva-Set 3-Maha Shivarathri-2016

o #19- Amazing Pictures of Lord Krishna-Set 3

o #20-Amazing Pictures of Lord Shiva-108 Poses of Shiva Tandavam-2017

o #6-Pancha Bootha Sthalams or Temples of Five Elements

o #7-Lord Shiva and the number 5

o #8-Thiruchanoor Padmavathy -Brahmotsavam 2012
o #9-Amazing Pictures of Lord Shiva

o 17-Vaikunta Ekadasi – Pictures of Lord Vishnu

 Publications

 Veena

All songs posted on this blog are meant to be sampled for your listening pleasure, but are not intended to infringe upon the rights

of the artist. If you are an artist, or you own the copyrights to any of the songs on this blog, and wish to have the song taken

down, please notify me and I will take it down immediately. Again, Music provided in this blog is mainly for educative purposes

to encourage all of its followers to discover new music and support the artists by purchasing their music, not by downloading it



« Jan

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February 2018

 #50- A Clarification – Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshitahaanuradhamahesh.wordpress.com/2018/01/19/50-… 3 weeks ago

 #26 – Swara Devathās- Sangeethothpaththi – Part 2anuradhamahesh.wordpress.com/2018/01/14/26-

…https://t.co/XscFQYOiEX3 weeks ago


2018anuradhamahesh.wordpress.com/2018/01/13/hap…https://t.co/g6Q6th0jAl4 weeks ago

 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018anuradhamahesh.wordpress.com/2017/12/31/hap…https://t.co/H2LmtuI8141 month ago

 #25-The Origin of Music – Sangeethothpaththianuradhamahesh.wordpress.com/2017/12/17/25-

…https://t.co/R2DNr4HnNr1 month ago

 #29- Concert @ International Medical Conference at Kochianuradhamahesh.wordpress.com/2017/11/28/29-

…https://t.co/W9JyFgziI82 months ago

 #28 – Seminar on Navāvarana Krithisanuradhamahesh.wordpress.com/2017/11/14/28-…2 months ago

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