A Short History of Structural Linguistics
A Short History of Structural Linguistics
A Short History of Structural Linguistics
This book is a concise history of structural linguistics, charting its development from the 1870s to the present day. It
explains what structuralism was and why its ideas are still central today. For structuralists a language is a self-contained
and tightly organised system whose history is of changes from one state of the system to another. This idea has its origin
in the nineteenth century and was developed in the twentieth by Saussure and his followers, including the school of
Bloomfield in the United States. Through the work of Chomsky, especially, it is still very influential. Peter Matthews
examines the beginnings of structuralism and analyses the vital role played in it by the study of sound systems and the
problems of how systems change. He discusses theories of the overall structure of a language, the ‗Chomskyan
revolution‘ in the 1950s, and the structuralist theories of meaning.
peter matthews is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Cambridge. He is the author of Syntax (1981), Morphology
(2nd edn, 1991) and Grammatical Theory in the United States: From Bloomfield to Chomsky (1993), also published by
Cambridge University Press.
A catalogue record for the original printed book is available from the British Library and from the
Library of Congress Original ISBN 0 521 62367 7 hardback Original ISBN 0 521 62568 8 paperback
Preface page ix
1 Introduction 1
2 Languages 5
3 Sound systems 31
3.2 Phonology 40
3.3 ‗Structuralism‘ 48
4 Diachrony 52
4.3 ‗Universals‘ 69
6 Internalised language 96
6.1 Generative grammars 97
References 154
Index 160
The last chapter of this book was finished on the day when Bobby Robins, whose A Short History of
Linguistics has been admired for more than thirty years, was found dead. It is with sadness and affection that I
dedicate it, with its presumptuously similar title, to his memory.
I was initially not at all sure how this history should be written: in particular, how selective and, in
consequence, how long it should be. For advice at that stage I am especially grateful to Jeremy Mynott and, in
a sense that they will understand, to my fellow editors of the Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics.
Conversations with Kasia Jaszczolt have since helped, at various times, to clarify my thinking.
I am also grateful to Andrew Winnard for waiting patiently for the book to be written.
Linguistics is said in dictionaries to be ‗the branch of knowledge that deals with language‘ (New Shorter
Oxford English Dictionary) or ‗the scientific study of language‘ (Collins). But for structuralists it has been
much more the study of, in the plural, languages. This was true at the outset, for Saussure, and is still true for
many as we enter the twenty-first century. What then constitutes ‗a language‘? It is easy to give examples:
English is one, Japanese another, and so on. But what, in general, are they?
Let us look again at dictionaries. For the first editor of The Oxford English Dictionary (Murray et al., 1933
[1884 –1928]), the earliest sense of ‗language‘ (§1) was that of ‗the whole body of words and of methods of
combination of words used by a nation, people, or race‘; alternatively, ‗a tongue‘. The dictionary itself was
thus an account of the ‗whole body‘ of words that constitute the lexicon of English. The second definition
(§2) adds a ‗generalized sense‘: ‗words and the methods of combining them for the expression of thought‘.
But where Murray saw a ‗body‘, The New Shorter Oxford Dictionary speaks of a ‗system‘. Language is ‗a
system of human communication using words . . . and particular ways of combining them‘; it is ‗any such
system‘, the definition adds, ‗employed by a community, a nation, etc.‘ (§1a). In the Collins dictionary, it is ‗a
system for the expression of thoughts, feelings, etc. by the use of spoken sounds or conventional symbols‘
(§1); also in general (§2) ‗the faculty for the use of such systems‘. These accounts have much in common. In
particular, a specific language is related, either by definition or by historical association, to a ‗nation‘ or other
‗community‘. But a ‗system‘ is potentially more than a ‗body‘. A ‗body‘, in the sense that Murray must have
had in mind, can be described by an inventory. A dictionary is thus an inventory of words, arranged for
convenience in alphabetic order. A grammar is in turn an inventory of ‗methods of combining‘ words,
arranged perhaps by classes to which combinations can be assigned. But a ‗system‘ is not simply a collection
of individual components. Suppose that, from an inventory, we omit one item: say, from the inventory of
words in English, we omit the word we. The remainder of the inventory is unchanged. But if a language is a
system then, as part of that system, we is related to other words: most obviously to I, you, us and others that
are traditionally called pronouns. If we is omitted, the relations that the other pronouns enter into must in turn
It is with this basic insight that, in the closing decades of the nineteenth century, structuralism began. It did
not develop fully until later, according to most commentators with the publication of Saussure‘s Course in
General Linguistics. But by then this insight had already informed the study of sound systems, as we will see
in the next chapter (3.1). We can also find at least one earlier and independent programmatic statement, in an
introduction to linguistics of the early 1890s by the German Orientalist Georg von der Gabelentz. ‗Every
language‘, he writes, ‗is a system all of whose parts interrelate and interact organically‘ (‗Jede Sprache ist ein
System, dessen sämmtliche Theile organisch zusammenhängen und zusammenwirken‘). Thus, in our
example, we relates to and interacts not just with I and you but, directly or indirectly, with all other elements
of the wider system of which pronouns are part. ‗One has the impression‘, Gabelentz continues, ‗that none of
these parts could be missing or be different, without alteration to the whole‘ (‗Man ahnt, keiner dieser Theile
dürfte fehlen oder anders sein, ohne dass das Ganze verändert würde‘) (Gabelentz, 1901 [1891]: 481). Thus, if
there were no pronoun we, the repercussions would extend throughout English generally. In a famous
Saussurean formula, a language is ‗a system in which everything holds together‘ (‗un système où tout se
tient‘). Change again one element, and the system is different.
The origins of this formula have been explored by Konrad Koerner, in an essay dealing with the
connections between Saussure and the French Indo-Europeanist Antoine Meillet. It is not, on paper at least,
Saussure‘s own. But Meillet was a young man in the 1880s; he had heard lectures by Saussure in Paris; and
by 1893 he was saying already that the units of sound in each form of speech (‗les divers éléments
phonétiques de chaque idiome‘) form such a system. The point can be appreciated, he remarks, by anyone
who has tried to learn the pronunciation of another language. But it must also apply to children learning their
first language: ‗A child, in learning to speak, assimilates not an isolated articulation, but the whole of the
system‘ (‗Or l‘enfant, en apprenant à parler, s‘assimile non une articulation isolée, mais l‘ensemble du
système‘). The passage is cited by Koerner (1989 [1987]: 405), and Saussure was not mentioned. But the
formula fits so beautifully with the ideas developed in Saussure‘s Cours de linguistique générale that, as
Koerner points out, it was later cited as if it were his. For the Russian linguist N. S. Trubetzkoy, writing in the
early 1930s, this conception of a language was one of the basic principles that Saussure had proclaimed
(Trubetzkoy, 1933: 241; also 243, with the formula cited as if it were a quotation).
Like Meillet, Saussure was a student of Indo-European, the vast family that links most languages in Europe
with most of those from Persia to Southern India. It was established early in the nineteenth century that these
had developed from a common prehistoric language; but it was not until the 1870s, when Saussure was a
student in Leipzig, that, in Leipzig especially, the structure of that language was first satisfactorily recon-
structed. It was not that of any ancient language historically attested: not that of Latin, nor of Greek, nor even,
as had still been assumed in some important respects in the 1860s, of the ancient Indian language Sanskrit.
Nor was its reconstruction simply a matter of comparing individual units. It was precisely the structure that
was recovered. Saussure‘s first book was written in Leipzig, and was itself a striking contribution to this
enterprise. It is therefore worth our while to glance at some of the details.
Let us begin with a specific problem that Saussure could take as solved. In Ancient Greek, for example, the
accusative singular usually ends in -n: hodó-n ‗road‘ or oikíA-n ‗house‘. Compare -m in Latin (dominu-m
‗master‘ or puella-m ‗girl‘) or in Sanskrit (devá-m ‗god‘). But in Greek it could also be -a: thus in the words
for ‗mother‘ and ‗father‘ (mBtér-a, patér-a). Is this simply an irregularity, by which some nouns in Greek
decline aberrantly? At first sight it is: in Latin, for example, the corresponding forms again end in -m (matre-
m, patre-m). But let us suppose, as a hypothesis, that in the prehistoric language the ending was throughout *-
m. It is marked with an asterisk, to show that this is a reconstruction and not, for instance, the historical -m of
Latin. But phonetically the consonant had, we can assume, a nasal articulation, which is preserved in both the
-m of Latin dominu-m and the -n of Greek hodó-n. Let us also suppose, as a further hypothesis, that the
phonetic element *m was neither simply a consonant nor simply a vowel. Instead it was one that could, in
general, either accompany a vowel to form a syllable (consonant + vowel + m, m + vowel, and so on) or,
itself, have the position of a vowel within one (consonant + m, or consonant + m + consonant). In that respect
it is like, for example, the ‗n‘ in spoken English, which forms a syllable with ‗t‘, again with no vowel sound,
in a word like, in phonetic spelling, [bktnh ] (button)or[bktnh hivl] (buttonhole). The apparent irregularity will
then make perfect sense. In the form that prehistorically underlay, for example, hodón the ending *-m came
after a vowel and developed in Greek into -n. In the form that underlay, for example, mBtéra it came after a
consonant (consonant + m). In that context it became, instead, -a.
For an account of this period I must defer to the masterly history of nineteenth-century linguistics by Anna
Morpurgo Davies (1998 [1994]: Ch. 9): the solution outlined is one facet of a wider hypothesis developed by
Karl Brugmann and Hermann Osthoff (Morpurgo Davies, 1998: 242f.). But it is plain already that the
argument does not affect a single unit. That the prehistoric language had a sound *m was not new: it was
obvious enough, at the beginning of a syllable, from sets of words like those for ‗mother‘, ‗honey‘ (Greek
méli, Latin mel), and so on. What matters are the relations in which it is claimed to have stood to other units.
They are wider than those borne by any unit, such as m in Latin, that has hypothetically developed from it.
But, given its role as reconstructed, it was possible to explain, by different historical developments in different
languages and in different positions in the syllable, what would otherwise remain puzzling.
The next step, or what with hindsight seems most logically to have been the next step, was to posit units in
the prehistoric language that are not directly attested. In Greek, by the hypothesis we have outlined, *m
changed, in the position of a vowel, to a. To be precise, it merged with it; so that, from the direct evidence of
mBtéra and other such forms, we cannot know that anything other than an a had ever been there. But if a unit
can lose its identity in one position, it can lose it in all. This can happen in just one member of the family;
and, in that case, evidence for it will emerge when forms in which it had been present are compared with
corresponding forms in other languages. But it could also happen, by a series of connected or independent
changes, in all members known to us. Is it possible, in that case, that it might still be reconstructed?
It was Saussure who first showed how it might. In the case of *m the evidence we cited is of an irregularity:
between, in Greek itself, the -a of accusative singulars such as mBtér-a and the -n of, for example, hodón;
and, across languages, between the -a of mBtéra and the -m of, for example, Latin matrem. But by essentially
similar reasoning it is possible to explain a whole sheaf of irregularities, many at first sight unconnected, by
positing what specialists in Indo-European call ‗laryngal‘ elements. In Greek, for example, the verb for ‗to
put‘ has a long B in some forms and a short e in others. Compare tí-thB-mi ‗I put‘ (thB-) with adjectival the-
tós ‗placed‘ (the-). The historical explanation rests in part on the hypothesis that, in the prehistoric language,
there were other elements that could appear in either position in a syllable. Some, like *m, were directly
attested: for example, in Greek leíp-D ‗I leave behind‘ the i derives hypothetically from a *y which follows a
vowel (*leyp-), while in é-lip-on ‗I left behind‘ it derives from the same unit *y, but in the position of a vowel
(*lyp-). Of others there was, in the Indo-European languages as they were known in the 1870s, no direct trace.
But suppose that, in the prehistoric language, the form for ‗to put‘ had such an element. We have no evidence
of its phonetic character; all we are saying is that it fitted into a certain system of relations. So, in the form
underlying Greek thB-this element (call it, for the sake of a symbol, *H) came after a vowel: *theH-.Bya
subsequent sound change, *eH became, in Greek, B. In the case of the-, the underlying form was
hypothetically *thH-; then, in the position of a vowel, *H became e. The variation between *theH-, changing
to thB-, and *thH-, changing to the-, is thus, so far as its form is concerned, precisely like that of, for example,
*leyp-, changing to leip-, and *lyp-, changing to lip-.
Decades later, remains of the Hittite language were discovered at an archaeological site in Turkey; it was
shown to be Indo-European, and in it, for the first time, there was direct evidence that ‗laryngals‘ such as *H
had existed. But the seeds of most of what we have said in the last paragraph were sown by Saussure at the
end of the 1870s, when such elements could be established only as terms in a prehistoric system. They could
not, like *m, be given a phonetic value. The hypothesis was simply that each was a unit and bore certain
relations, in the structure of a syllable, to other units.
Saussure was twenty-one when this work appeared (Saussure, 1879). Unfortunately, he published very little
after it, and from the 1890s, when he returned from Paris to a chair in his native Geneva, almost nothing. It is
therefore unsafe to speculate too much about the route that might have led him from this early work on Indo-
European to the ideas for which he is later famous. But what was reconstructed was a system of relations
among units. Each of the historical languages had a different system. Therefore what changed, in the
development of Greek, etc., from the prehistoric language, was in each case more than just an inventory of
units. Now the historical languages were known to us through texts associated with specific communities.
They thus had an identity in time and place, independent of the system that their units formed. Of the
prehistoric language we otherwise know nothing. It is constituted solely by the system that we are able to
It is unsafe, I repeat, to speculate about a train of thought that we cannot document. But the view that
Saussure in the end reached was not simply that a language has, or that its units form, a system. As in the
passage cited earlier from Georg von der Gabelentz, it quite literally ‗is‘ a system: ‗Jede Sprache ist ein
System‘. Hence, at a long remove, the dictionary definitions cited at the beginning of this chapter. Hence also
two immediate conclusions, both of which Saussure, in particular, drew.
First, if languages are systems they are, from an external viewpoint, closed. Each will have a determinate
set of basic units, and a determinate set of relations among them, and will be distinguished sharply both
10 Languages
from other languages and from anything that lies outside such systems. Therefore the study of each individual
language is separate from that of any other individual language; and within linguistics, if conceived more
widely as the investigation of all aspects of human speech, that of individual languages must form a distinct
science. In Saussure‘s terms this is a ‗linguistique de la langue‘ (a ‗linguistics of languages‘), which is
autonomous and whose object is limited to what we may call ‗language systems‘.
Secondly, if ‗everything‘ in a system ‗holds together‘, any change which affects it will result in a new and
different system. In the prehistoric Indo-European language *m entered, hypothetically, into one set of rela-
tions. In the development of Greek it changed, in one position in the structure of the syllable, to a. This may
not have affected the inventory of elements; but, in consequence of this one change, m in Greek now entered
into a new set of relations, the roles that a had in the structure of the language were different, the accusatives
of distinct declensions of noun diverged, and so on. The study of systems must, accordingly, be separated
strictly from that of historical relations between systems. As historians, we can describe the changes that
relate, for example, the Indo-European system to the Greek, or, in historical times, the Greek system as it was
in fifth-century Athens to that of Modern Greek as it is spoken now. In Saussure‘s terms, that is to practise
‗diachronic linguistics‘, the study of languages on the time dimension. But, to be able to carry out such
studies, we must first have established the systems that we are relating. Each system, as we have said, is
different. Therefore, in investigating, for example, the system of Modern Greek, we are not concerned in any
way with that of Greek in ancient Athens, or of Greek in any intervening period. We are concerned just with
the system that exists now. We are thus practising what Saussure called ‗synchronic linguistics‘: a pure
linguistics of the language system, to which the dimension of time and history is irrelevant.
It is now time to look in greater detail at what Saussure‘s Cours said.
We now have one structuralist answer to the question with which we began this chapter. ‗A language‘, such
as English, is a ‗social phenomenon‘ (‗fait social‘) whose existence is solely as a system of values holding in
a specific society. Its manifestations through speech (‗parole‘) are individual and fleeting. Therefore, in the
first instance, it is the system (‗langue‘) that we must study. When languages change, one system is replaced
by another. Therefore the study of changes must be distinguished rigorously from the study of a system in
abstraction from time. Each language, as the Cours insists at this point, is ‗a system of pure values‘ (‗un
système de pures valeurs‘), ‗determined by nothing other than the momentary state of its terms‘ (‗que rien ne
détermine en dehors de l‘état momentané de ses termes‘, 117).
How far was this account accepted? The second of our three points has been widely taken for granted. By
the middle of the twentieth century many linguists were to deal with synchrony exclusively. But not everyone
has followed Saussure‘s theory of ‗la langue‘. Languages may be the primary or a primary object of study.
But their relation to speech is not as the Cours said it is.
The chief, if not the only, interest of the Cours de linguistique générale was as an account of the foundations
of linguistics. Of its five numbered parts, the last three deal conventionally with sound change and changes in
grammar, the distribution in space of languages and dialects, the reconstruction of prehistoric languages, and
other topics natural in a manual of its day. These together form more than a third of the whole (193–317). The
chapters everyone now cites are part of the introduction, most of Part 1 (‗General Principles‘) and most again
of Part 2 (‗Synchronic linguistics‘), a third again. But the earliest reviewers, as Keith Percival has shown, did
not see in these the revolution that was later proclaimed. The book was seen more as old-fashioned (Percival,
That is perhaps not so surprising. For work on the foundations of a discipline need not have immediate
repercussions on the way it is practised. When the Cours appeared, most linguists worked on Indo-European
or some other family, on the history or grammar of particular languages, in dialectology, and generally in
fields to which it offered nothing new. Even a ‗synchronic‘ linguist could learn little. The treatment of speech-
sounds, for example, was based on lectures given in 1897 (editors‘ note, 63) which were already dated. For
the rest, we might be tempted to recall a remark by Delbrück cited in an earlier section (2.3). Provided that
their methods are not disturbed, practising linguists can live happily with whatever any theorist says about the
philosophical principles that underlie what they are doing. Only other theorists, of whom there are at any time
few, need respond.
For whatever reason it was not until the 1930s that Saussurean structuralism took off. To understand both
why and how it did we have to look especially at the emergence of the basic unit called the ‗phoneme‘. The
term itself (originally French ‗phonème‘) had been coined innocuously in the early 1870s for a single speech-
sound (German ‗Sprachlaut‘). At the time it was a new term and no more. But by the 1930s it was the centre
of a new and well-developed theory. Even historians of languages could not ignore it: for sound change, as
Bloomfield among others made
32 Sound systems
clear, was change in phonemes (Bloomfield, 1935 [1933]: 351). By the end of the decade there were
techniques by which, in any language, phonemes could be identified. Ten years later, as we will see in a later
chapter, methods modelled on them were affecting the description of a language generally. Finally, the theory
fitted beautifully with what the Cours had said about the object of the discipline.
Within the system, each sound is related to other sounds. It is related, first, to those from which it is
distinguished by ‗significant‘ features: English [i�] from English [0]; English [�] (plosive) from English
[�] (nasal). Such relations might be said to define what Sapir called ‗the objective system of sounds‘. But
they are also related by their patterning: in the way they alternate or in the sequences they form. Such
relations define what Sapir called an ‗inner‘ system.
By the 1920s all this was, with hindsight, clear. But it is also clear how such ideas connect with those of
Saussure. For the ‗sounds‘ we are describing have their existence only in the system of each language. The
Pawnee ‗weak r‘ is identified by the distinctions between it and other ‗sounds‘ of Pawnee; the l in English by
the distinctions between it and other sounds of English. As mere sounds they are nothing, since their physical
properties are not constant. In a system of ‗speech-sounds‘, as in the Saussurean system of linguistic signs,
there are no positive terms. Readers may have wondered why I have devoted a whole section to ideas that
were initially so scattered. But it was in them that Saussurean theory found a concrete application; and from
their synthesis the movement that we now call structuralism was born.
3.2 Phonology
The synthesis was above all that of N. S. Trubetzkoy. Trubetzkoy was thirty in 1920, and had escaped from
Russia to, eventually, a chair in Vienna. Hence, among other things, the customary German spelling of his
name. With Roman Jakobson, who was another Russian émigré eventually in Brno in Czechoslovakia, he
became a leading member of what became known as the ‗Prague School‘. He died in 1938, soon after Austria
was incorporated into another tyranny, with his great work on ‗The Principles of Phonology‘ largely but not
wholly finished. It was published in the Travaux of the Prague Linguistic Circle, whose first volume (1929)
had included his first major contribution.
Let us begin with the term ‗phonology‘. It had in origin a sense like that of ‗phonetics‘: thus, for Saussure,
‗phonologie‘ had been the study of the physiology of speech-sounds, to be distinguished (in a usage sub-
sequently peculiar to French-speaking linguists) from ‗phonétique‘ as the study of sound change (Saussure,
1972 [1916]: 55f.). But by the 1920s a new distinction was needed. For by then, as we have seen, the prop-
erties of speech-sounds as sounds were one thing; their place in the system another. In Baudouin‘s
terminology, the first was the domain of ‗anthropophonics‘; for Trubetzkoy and his associates, and in their
wake all later structuralists, the term ‗phonetics‘ was now restricted to it. The change was made by, among
others, Baudouin himself (Baudouin de Courtenay, 1972 [1927]: 280). ‗Phonology‘ was then the nearest
equivalent to his ‗psychophonetics‘.
Shifts in terminology are not in themselves interesting. But phonetics and phonology could no longer be
said to form a single science of speech sounds (what had earlier been called ‗phonetics‘). Phonology was con-
cerned with specific languages. It was therefore part of what Saussure had called the ‗linguistics of language
systems‘ (‗la linguistique de la langue‘), or linguistics ‗in the strict sense‘. Phonetics was a discipline that
strictly lay outside linguistics, and had clear links with the wider study of physiology or acoustics. From a
linguist‘s viewpoint – from the viewpoint of a practitioner of ‗la linguistique de la langue‘ – it became
In his ‗Principles of Phonology‘, Trubetzkoy began by drawing a distinction like that in Saussure‘s Cours
(27ff.) between an act of speech (‗Sprechakt‘) and the ‗language or language structure‘ (‗die Sprache oder das
Sprachgebilde‘) that a speaker and person spoken to must share. Each has two sides which are related
reciprocally: one ‗signifying‘ (‗die bezeichnende‘) and the other ‗signified‘ (‗die bezeichnete‘). So, there must
first be a signifier in each individual act of speech. This lies in the audible flow of sound, which will naturally
include all manner of features with which linguists, in the Saussurean sense, are not concerned. Thus, to recall
an illustration from the Cours, the form Messieurs! may be uttered physically in grossly different ways; but in
the structure of French it remains, for any linguist, the same word. In each act of speech there is also
something signified, and that too will include much that is peculiar to the individual context. But, in
abstraction from each individual concrete message, we must then distinguish what is ‗signified‘ in the
language structure. This is not concrete, but is formed by rules which, in a specific language, differentiate and
order units of meaning. As elements of the language structure these are finite in number. In parallel there must
likewise, in the structure of the language, be a ‗signifier‘. This is in turn formed by the rules which, again in a
specific language, differentiate and order units of sound. In individual acts of speech, signifiers are formed
from an infinite variety of physical sounds. But, in the language structure, differences must again be finite
(Trubetzkoy, 1939: 5–6).
Trubetzkoy‘s account is clearly inspired by Saussure, and the overall symmetry of his scheme is
characteristic, as we will see in later chapters, of this period. But in the case of ‗signifiers‘, we must now
distinguish rigorously between two disciplines. One is concerned directly with the physical sounds that form
the signifying side of acts of speech. This was henceforth what most linguists called ‗phonetics‘, and is a
natural science dealing with the ‗material aspect‘ of speech-sounds (‗die Wissenschaft von der materiellen
Seite der (Laute der) menschlichen Rede‘, 14). It is precisely, as a definition at the beginning of the decade
had made clear, an auxiliary discipline (‗discipline auxiliaire de la linguistique‘) ‗whose subject matter is the
sounds of speech in general, in abstraction from their functions in the language‘ (‗traitant des phénomènes
phoniques du langage, abstraction faite de leurs fonctions dans‘, if we may substitute the Saussurean term, ‗[la
langue]‘) (Prague Linguistic Circle, 1931: 309).
Phonology, in contrast, is a discipline concerned with ‗signifiers‘ in the language structure. It is the ‗part of
linguistics‘, therefore, ‗dealing with the phenomena of sound from the viewpoint of their functions in the
language‘ (‗partie de la linguistique traitant des phénomènes phoniques au point de vue de leurs fonctions
dans la langue‘). This is again from 1931; and, as the ‗Principles‘ make clear, a phonologist considers as a
‗sound‘ nothing that does not have such a function. ‗Der Phonologe hat am Laut nur dasjenige ins Auge zu
fassen, was eine bestimmte Funktion im Sprachgebilde erfüllt‘ (Trubetzkoy, 1939: 14).
The basic unit of this discipline is then, as for Baudouin, the ‗phoneme‘. But for its new definition it will
help if we look back to Sweet. For what has a ‗function‘ in the language structure is whatever, in Sweet‘s
term, is ‗significant‘. Thus, in English, the ‗l‘ of hill is ‗significantly‘ different from, for example, the ‗t‘ of hit
or the ‗d‘ of hid. It has a function in English, in distinguishing one word from another; therefore it belongs to
an account of the phonology of English. But the ‗l‘ of hill is not ‗significantly‘ different from the ‗l‘ of heel.
What is ‗significant‘ in these words was, in Sweet‘s analysis, the difference between a relatively short and a
relatively long vowel: in ‗broad‘ notation, [hil] versus [hi�l]. Therefore that alone has a ‗function‘, and that
alone has ‗relevance‘, as Trubetzkoy now put it, to the ‗phonological system‘ of the language.
The phoneme is then defined precisely by what is ‗significant‘. In Trubetzkoy‘s terms, the ‗dark l‘ of hill
would as a whole have one phonetic shape or ‗sound form‘ (‗Lautgebilde‘). The ‗t‘ of hit would have another;
so would, for example, the ‗clear l‘ of silly. As ‗sounds‘, all three are different. But a clear ‗l‘ and a dark ‗l‘
never distinguish one word from another. Therefore the phonetic feature that differentiates their sound forms
is not ‗relevant‘, in his term, to the phonological system. The features shared by both a dark ‗l‘ and a clear ‗l‘
do, however, distinguish words with, in a broad notation, [l] from words with [t] or, for example, [d].
Compare hill, hit and hid; silly and city (in a standard notation [s0li] and [s0ti] ); Billy and Biddy. Therefore
these features, and these alone, do have ‗relevance‘ to the system. The [d]s of hid or dip, for example, are
distinguished by one ‗relevant‘ feature from the [t]s of hit and tip; by another from the [l]s of hill or lip; by
another from the [m]s of him or mill; by yet another from the [b]s of fib or bill. A phoneme, such as ‗d‘, can
accordingly be defined by just the features that distinguish it, as one unit, from all others. In Trubetzkoy‘s
own formulation, it ‗can be said‘, in general, to be ‗the sum of all the features that are phonologically
relevant‘ (‗die Gesamtheit der phonologisch relevanten Eigenschaften‘) in a sound form (Trubetzkoy, 1939:
There were other definitions of the phoneme, as we will see in a moment. But none shows more clearly
how Sweet‘s insights, as a practical phonetician, could be elucidated by Saussurean theory. Each phoneme is
an element of a system in the Saussurean sense, defined by intersecting ‗differences‘ between it and other
elements. Each ‗difference‘ was in Trubetzkoy‘s account an ‗opposition‘, and each opposition (‗Gegensatz‘)
involves one or more phonetic features. For example, ‗d‘ in English is distinguished from ‗t‘ by the role of
‗voice‘ (= vibration of the vocal cords) in its articulation; from ‗b‘ by its articulation with the tongue against
the ridge behind the upper teeth (‗alveolar‘), and so on. The phoneme itself is not a sound, identifiable
independently. It is an abstraction, constituted solely by the set of ‗relevant‘ or distinctive features, such as
‗voiced‘ or ‗alveolar‘, by which it is opposed to other similar abstractions.
The rest follows straightforwardly. As abstractions, phonemes enter into other relations: in their role, as we
have seen from earlier studies, both in alternations and in forming sequences within words. Thus, among the
rules that form ‗signifers‘ in the structure of English is one by which, in initial position, ‗s‘ may precede, for
example, ‗k‘ (s[k]um, skill, and so on), but not follow it. For Sapir such relations had established an ‗inner‘
system, implicitly distinguished from the ‗objective system of sounds‘. For Trubetzkoy, they were similarly
different from the oppositions by which phonemes were themselves defined. The term ‗morphology‘ had been
used since the nineteenth century to refer to inflections and other aspects of the shape (Greek ‗morph8‘) of
words. In studying such relations we accordingly investigate the use, in morphology, of the phonological units
of a language. In the morphology of English there are also alternations linking ‗signifiers‘ like drive, drove
and driven. Such relations had been central, as we have seen, to Baudouin‘s ‗psychophonetics‘. In
Trubetzkoy‘s account, both alternations and relations of sequence within ‗signifiers‘ were a part of
‗morphonology‘ or, more fully, ‗morphophonology‘ (Trubetzkoy, 1931: 160).
If morphonology was concerned with Sapir‘s ‗inner‘ system, the ‗objective system of sounds‘, as he
described it, was the topic of phonology itself. But, in the light of what we have said, this wording is no
longer as appropriate as it may at first have seemed. For, crucially, a phoneme is not simply a ‗sound‘. It is
instead an abstraction from a multitude of sounds, and is characterised solely by particular features that are
constant. We must therefore envisage a further relation by which, in the terminology of Trubetzkoy and of
most other structuralists, it is ‗realised by‘ or ‗manifested by‘ the sounds from which it is abstracted. A
speaker of English who utters, on a particular occasion, the word ‗hill‘ can be expected to produce at the end a
sound, [n], which we can identify as a typical realisation, in that position, of the ‗l‘ phoneme. But this sound
that we identify is not itself that phoneme. A speaker who utters the word ‗leave‘ will normally produce at the
beginning a clear [l] which we will identify as a different realisation of ‗l‘. But ‗l‘ itself is no more an [l]-
sound than an [n]-sound. It is no more than the set of features by which one ‗symbolically utilizable counter‘,
again in Sapir‘s words, is distinguished in the structure of the language from all other ‗counters‘. The sounds
by which it is realised are describable only as the concrete ‗variants‘, as Trubetzkoy defines them, of a unit of
the language structure that is itself invariant (Trubetzkoy, 1939: 36).
These points are dealt with rather briefly. But their importance in the Saussurean tradition will at once be
obvious. In the analogy that has caught the imagination of so many readers of Saussure‘s Cours, the express
train from Geneva to Paris is an abstraction realised, on differing occasions, by a different engine, driver, set
of carriages, and so on. Despite this it is on each occasion the ‗same‘ train, by virtue simply of the differences
between it and all others in the timetable. But analogies, however seductive, cannot be entirely convincing.
The development of phonology showed for the first time, through the analysis of language itself, how a
deliberate abstraction from the physical reality of speech can advance our understanding in a way that is
impossible if the physical phenomena are studied directly. To describe ‗sounds‘ as mere sounds was to
embark on a sea of infinite detail. To describe them as the realisations of phonemes was to reveal a finite
underlying order that, to those who discovered it, was exactly of the kind that Saussure had foreshadowed.
A final problem was that of method. The origins of phonology had lain, in part, in practical linguistics: in
studies of languages or dialects in the field, and in applied phonetics. Both traditions continued, the latter in
the work, especially, of the English phonetician Daniel Jones. The theory offered a foundation, therefore, for
techniques that were tried and useful. Could these now be codified?
How, in particular, was a linguist to work out what the phonemes of a language are? Let us imagine, for the
sake of argument, that the structure of English is unknown. We encounter people who speak it, and our first
task is to discover which distinctions of sound are significant. The way we will do so followed naturally from
the theory that has been explained.
We will begin by looking for word-like units that have different meanings. For example, we find that hill is
different from hit, full from foot, and so on. Let us say that such words ‗contrast‘. We then look for minimal
contrasts, between units with the shortest time span. For example, we find that foot contrasts with feet; feet in
turn with leat; feet with feel. Failing evidence of still shorter time spans, we thus form the hypotheses that [f ]
at the beginning of a word contrasts minimally with [l], [t] at the end of a word with [n], and, between them,
[v] with [i�]. In this way, we establish contrasts of sound in specific positions. Then, as a final step, we relate
sounds that are found in different positions. Thus, at the beginning of words, we have distinguished an [l] and,
at the end, an [n]. We also find sounds that resemble both in medial position: for example, in silly and fuller.
But nowhere will we find words in which one ‗l‘ is in minimal contrast with another ‗l‘. Therefore we
conclude that they are variants of a single phoneme, which we distinguish in all positions from all other
The method was developed in elaborate and rigorous detail in the 1940s, in an early paper by the American
Charles F. Hockett (Hockett, 1942). But the basic rules had been set out by Trubetzkoy (1958 [1935]: 10ff.;
1939: 41ff.) and have been taught in practice to most apprentice linguists, in one version or another, ever
since. They have thus become banal; and it is hard for any writer of a later generation to recapture the
enthusiasm that this unity of theory and method once inspired. Decades later, one American linguist who was
young in the 1930s was to describe the phoneme, not entirely in jest, as his ‗darling‘ (Hill, 1980: 75). Its
attraction was, in large part, that the theory and method were so closely linked, each new and each informing
the other.
But the link was so close that, in America in particular, the method came to dominate. In particular, the
definition of the phoneme, which in Trubetzkoy‘s account had flowed from basic principles or assumptions,
came to rest instead on codified procedures by which, in an ideal application, phonemes could be induced
from data.
Let us return once more to the ‗l‘ in English. From a phonetician‘s viewpoint, it is effectively a range of
variant sounds: those that, in Trubetzkoy‘s term, ‗realise‘ it. Thus, for Jones, a phoneme was ‗a family of
sounds‘. It was a family ‗in a given language‘, of sounds ‗related in character‘ and ‗used in such a way that no
one member occurs in a word in the same phonetic context as any other member‘. Thus a dark [n] is related in
its phonetic character to a clear [l], and there is no phonetic context, as defined by a position in the word or by
specific sounds preceding or following, in which both are found. I have cited the definition from a book first
published in 1950 (Jones, 1962 [1950]: 10). But Jones was then nearing seventy, and such definitions had
been in use ‗since about 1916‘ in ‗practical language teaching‘ (vii). A formulation similar in essentials had
been given earlier in his practical account of English phonetics (Jones, 1975 [1918]: 49).
‗Definitions of the phoneme‘ have been a topos for commentators. For many phonologists it was in the
beginning still a unit of what Baudouin had called ‗psychophonetics‘. It had a ‗psychological content‘ and
reflected a ‗psychological distinction‘ between different kinds of ‗phonetic opposition‘ (Trubetzkoy, 1929
[Vachek, 1964: 109]; 1936 [Vachek, 1964: 188] ). Phonetics, ‗roughly speaking‘, was concerned with what
one actually pronounces; phonology with ‗what one thinks one pronounces‘ (‗ce qu‘on s‘imagine prononcer‘)
(Trubetzkoy, 1933: 232). In the same vein Sapir had written in the 1920s of the ‗psychological aloofness‘ of
one ‗counter‘ in the system from another. But by the end of the 1930s this way of talking had become
redundant. We take for granted that a community of speakers share a language system or a ‗language
structure‘. This has the same effect as Bloomfield‘s ‗fundamental assumption‘ (2.2), of establishing the study
of such systems as autonomous. The phoneme is one element in their structure, and can be defined by the
distinctive oppositions that each phoneme bears to others. If our assumptions are valid there is no need to
refer specifically to anything outside our discipline.
Where a Saussurean assumed that there is a language system, a Bloomfieldian assumed, as we have seen in
2.2, that there are units that recur in utterances. Such units were distinguished by sound features, and a
phoneme, as Bloomfield defined it, was a ‗minimum unit of distinctive sound-feature‘ (Bloomfield, 1935
[1933]: 79). A phoneme too is thus a unit that recurs in utterances.
Suppose then, for the sake of illustration, that I say ‗The little bottle is still full.‘ The phoneme ‗l‘ recurs, in
this sense, five times: at the beginning and the end of ‗little‘, and so on. Its precise phonetic quality varies,
even in positions that are similar, in ‗-ittle‘ and ‗-ottle‘. What ‗recurs‘ is thus again a ‗unit of . . . sound-
feature‘, not literally a sound. But by the same token it can also be seen, as Jones had seen it, as a ‗family of
sounds‘; and it is as such that, in practice, the next generation in America went on to define it. For the method
that had been developed has in essence two steps. The first is one of segmentation. Thus, in this and other
utterances in English, we identify the shortest ‗sounds‘ that contrast: in that way we segment ‗The little . . .‘
into [2] followed by [i] (‗the‘) followed by a clear [l], and so on. The second step is one of classification. We
class together, into a single family in Jones‘s sense, the clear [l] at the beginning of ‗little‘, the dark [n] of
‗full‘ and the similar post-consonantal sound in ‗bottle‘, with (in my speech) the slightly clearer sounds of
‗still‘, following [0] instead of [v], and ‗-ittle‘. All that remained, then, was to define this ‗family‘ formally by
operations on our data. To that end, the first need was for watertight criteria which, when applied to the
analysis of utterances, would in principle identify contrasting segments. From the end of the 1930s segments
were, in a term that was usual in America, ‗phones‘. Every ‗phone‘ was then an ‗allophone‘ of a phoneme.
Hence there was a further need for watertight criteria which, when applied to sequences of contrasting
segments, would in principle group different phones as allophones either of the same phoneme or of different
The ‗in principle‘ is important. The object was no longer to develop practical methods of analysis, but to
set out the ideal procedures by which phonemes might be operationally defined. But it is clear, from Jones‘s
definition in particular, that a phoneme as a class would have to meet two main criteria. One was that its
members never contrast. In the terminology used in America in this period, allophones of a phoneme had to
be ‗in complementary distribution‘: the ‗distribution‘ of one, defined by the positions in which it is found or
of the sounds preceding or following it, must not overlap that of another. There were problems in making this
criterion watertight, exceptions had to be taken care of, and so on. But in an account which was to pass into
textbooks in the 1950s, the phoneme was defined, in part, as ‗a class of allophones in complementary
The other main criterion was that its members must be alike. In Jones‘s terms they were ‗related in
character‘; or, as the American tradition put it, they would have to meet a test of ‗phonetic similarity‘. Again
there were problems and, in particular, a requirement that all variants of a phoneme should share a distinctive
set of phonetic features, which was implicit in Trubetzkoy‘s account in the 1930s, could not always be sus-
tained. But if, once more, the criteria by which phones are established were watertight, and these and other
principles of classification were made watertight in turn, the phoneme needed no other definition. It was pre-
cisely the unit that, in the analysis of a body of data in any language, would result from the rigorous
application of the criteria which had been set out.
We will return to phonology in the next chapter, where we must consider its implications, in the 1950s
especially, for historical linguistics. From then on its development, however fascinating, is that of one branch
of linguistics, and need detain us only in passing. But in its formative period phonology was the heart of
structural linguistics. In the 1870s Sweet had believed already that ‗phonetics‘, in the sense in which that term
was used in his day, was ‗the indispensable foundation of all study of language‘: be ‗that study‘, he went on,
‗purely theoretical or practical
48 Sound systems
as well‘. This, he said, was ‗generally admitted‘ ( [1877], cited with similar passages in Sweet, 1971: vii). In
the early twentieth century many of the best minds in linguistics worked in this field, and it was in the theories
of Trubetzkoy and his contemporaries that what we now see as the main ideas of Saussure‘s Cours were first
applied fruitfully. In later chapters we will see how these ideas were also extended to other aspects of
language. But, again and again, when faced with problems of theory or method in another domain, linguists
were to turn to current phonological theories, to concepts such as that of distinctive oppositions, or to the
practical methods of analysis that phonologists had developed, both for general inspiration and for specific
The study of sound systems has in consequence remained a popular and influential subject. The editor of
Language, which is the leading general linguistic journal, reported in 1996 that in that year, of the hundred or
so typescripts sent to him, more than a quarter were in phonology as it has later come to be understood (
[Aronoff ], 1997: 466). The figures for 1995 and later years, though lower, were still high. To observers in
other disciplines, the fascination of so many linguists with this aspect of language may at first seem puzzling.
Systems of sounds are, after all, but one quite small part of the total ‗language structure‘. But it derives from a
tradition of research and teaching that was the centre of linguistics throughout one crucial and exciting phase.
3.3 ‘Structuralism’
By the end of the 1930s Bloomfield‘s ‗newer trend of linguistic study‘, as he had called it in the early 1920s,
was formally christened. It is not known exactly when or by whom the terms ‗structural‘ and ‗structuralism‘
were coined. But Trubetzkoy referred in German to ‗the language or the language structure‘ (‗die Sprache
oder das Sprachgebilde‘) (again Trubetzkoy, 1939), and this usage can be traced back in the Prague School
for ten years. For the Danish linguist Viggo Brøndal, ‗structuralism‘ was by then already known by that name
(Brøndal, 1943 [1939]: 95). It seems that the term clicked at once for everyone.
Its sense is made clear in the same year, in an introduction to phonology by the Dutch linguist N. van Wijk.
A language, as he explains in the preface, is ‗a collective possession of a community‘ (‗een collectief bezit
van een gemeenschap‘). This clearly follows Saussure. ‗In the mind of each member‘ of such a community
‗the language exists as a system with a determinate structure‘ (‗leeft de taal als een system van een bepaalde
structuur‘), and the task of a linguist is to work out such ‗structures‘. The history of a language is also
necessarily the history of its ‗structure‘; not that simply of the individual words and other units, in abstraction
from their mutual relations (Van Wijk, 1939: xiii). Phonology itself is accordingly described in his title as ‗a
chapter of structural linguistics‘ (‗een hoofdstuk uit de structurele taalwetenschap‘). In an article of the same
year, H. J. Pos distinguishes the ‗structuralism‘ of Trubetzkoy and other phonologists from the ‗nominalism‘,
as he describes it, that had informed earlier descriptions of speech-sounds. In the ‗nominalist‘ view, such
sounds were no more than noises, studied individually without reference to the mind of the speaker (‗sujet
parlant‘) who produces them. Structuralism, in contrast, has both placed them in the larger system to which
they belong and made clear that their reality lies in their relation to the consciousness (‗conscience‘) of
individuals who speak and understand what is spoken (Pos, 1939: 72–4). Pos was writing in Trubetzkoy‘s
memorial volume in the Travaux of the Prague Linguistic Circle, and phonology is central to his argument.
But similar insights would be fruitful in the study of meaningful units (74ff.).
It is perhaps a coincidence that Van Wijk and Pos were both writing in Holland. But it is no accident that
both took their inspiration from phonology. For Jakobson, commenting on Van Wijk‘s book, this was not
only the first part of structural linguistics to be realised; the phoneme, as its fundamental concept, had thereby
become ‗a touchstone of structuralism‘ generally (‗und gerade deshalb fiel dem Phonem als einem phono-
logischen Grundbegriff die Rolle eines Prüfsteins des Strukturalismus zu‘) (Jakobson, 1962 [1939]: 284).
Its extension beyond phonology belongs more to the 1940s and 1950s. But let us return, by way of
introduction, to the principle of contrast. In comparing hill with, for example, hit and hid we establish
contrasts between (in a broad notation) [l], [t] and [d]. In the same way, if we compare Walk up the hill with
Walk down the hill and Walk over the hill, we establish contrasts between up, down and over. In both cases,
we are performing operations in which something is held constant and other things are changed. Thus,
holding constant Walk — the hill, we replace up, in the position marked by a dash, with down or over. Like-
wise, holding [h0] constant, we replace [l], in the position following, with
[t] or [d]. When the replacements are made the meanings of the whole arealtered. Therefore the results in one
case show that [l], [t] and [d] must realise, or be members of, three different phonemes. In the other they
establish that there are differences, of some sort, between up, down and over. Of precisely what sort we have
not said: we will return to that problem later. But the method of comparison is the same.
If we hold [0l] constant, we can replace [h] in initial position (— [0l]) with [p] ( pill ) or with [s] (sill ); if
we hold — up the hill constant we can replace walk with, for example, run or climb; and so on. We thus
establish a structure in which units are related on two axes. On the one hand, they are related to others that
precede or follow. For example, there is a relation in hill between [h] and [0]; likewise between [p] and [0] in
pill, [h] and [k] in hull and any other elements that can individually replace either. There is also a relation
between walk, run or climb and up, down or over. This kind of relation had been described, in Saussure‘s
Cours, as ‗syntagmatic‘ (see again Saussure, 1972 [1916]: 172f.).
On the other hand, each unit is related to the others that can replace it. In the initial position in, for example,
— [0l], [h] is related to [p], [s], [f ], and so on. In the second position in Walk — the hill, up is similarly
related to other units such as down and over. Relations on this axis are said, from this period onwards, to be
‗paradigmatic‘. Our basic method, therefore, is to take a stretch of speech in which we assume that units are
related syntagmatically, and to look for contrasts in specific positions. We do not know at first how many
positions will be established. Thus we can only guess, ahead of our analysis, that [h0l] realises three
successive phonemes; or that Walk up the hill is made up of walk, up, the and hill. But, by our analysis, we
will validate relations on both axes. In establishing that [h], [0] and [l] stand independently in paradigmatic
relations we confirm that just these segments are related syntagmatically. In establishing that up, for example,
is related paradigmatically to units such as down and over, we also establish that it is itself a unit, which is
therefore related syntagmatically to, as we will establish similarly, walk. In failing to establish paradigmatic
relations between segments like up with a shorter time span (u-, say, or -p) we confirm that it is a minimal
unit. When we get down to basics, the method that distinguishes phonemes and the one by which we validate
larger units like up seem to be similar.
The term ‗paradigmatic‘ was first introduced by the Danish scholar Louis Hjelmslev, in a conference paper
in 1936 (Hjelmslev, 1938: 140). In the Cours Saussure had called relations of this kind ‗associative‘ (thus, for
an example involving sounds, Cours, 180), and many commentators, following Hjelmslev himself, have
implied that ‗associative‘ had the same sense. But Saussure‘s concept was in reality much wider. A prominent
diagram (175) shows four series of associative relations in which the word enseignement (‗teaching‘) is linked
first to, among others, enseigner ‗to teach‘ and enseignons ‗we teach‘; then to other nouns whose meaning is
similar (apprentisage ‗training‘, éducation ‗education‘); then to others that are formed with -ment
(changement ‗change‘, armement ‗armament‘); then to words of other kinds which end with the same syllable
(the adjective clément ‗clement‘ or the adverb justement ‗justly, precisely‘). In short, Saussure meant what
might be expected from the term ‗associative‘. The relation is in general between any units that may be
‗associated‘ in the minds of speakers.
In proposing the new term Hjelmslev said that his motive was to avoid the ‗psychologisme‘ (n. 3) of the
old. But by the end of the 1930s structural linguistics was not only autonomous. It was a technical discipline
concerned with problems of method and definition that Saussure could scarcely have formulated. They had
been solved, as we have seen, for phonemes, and the next step was to solve them for other units. Of the
relations that Saussure had originally called ‗associative‘, only those that formed the axis of contrast were
The American school did not in general use this terminology. But it was in America, in the 1940s, that the
basic operation was most rigorously developed. In Walk up the hill, a grammarian will also see a close
relation between the and hill, forming a larger unit called a ‗phrase‘. But why do the and hill form a phrase
and not, say, up and the? The issue was explicitly addressed by Zellig Harris, in work first published in 1946.
In Walk up the hill we can replace the hill with it, with Ben Nevis, with the mountain over there, and with
many other such forms. We can also replace it, with the same forms, when it is in other positions: for ex-
ample, in The hill is too steep. There are no replacements, on the same scale and applying so generally, for up
the. For ‗replacement‘ Harris talks of ‗substitution‘. The method by which we analyse a sentence will accord-
ingly ‗require . . . no other operation than substitution, repeated time and again‘ (Harris, 1946: 161).
From the 1940s onwards structural linguists were increasingly distinct from linguists in general. Structuralist
schools were not established equally in all countries: scarcely at all, for example, in Italy or in Germany. But
in the United States especially to be ‗a linguist‘ was increasingly to be a structuralist. Above all, it was to be a
‗descriptive‘ linguist. The term ‗descriptive‘ has many resonances, and can easily be misunderstood. But for
Americans its sense was like that of Saussure‘s ‗synchronic‘. In a leading introduction to linguistics,
‗descriptive or synchronic linguistics‘ was the study of ‗how a language works at a given time, regardless of
its past history or future destiny‘ (Hockett, 1958: 303). It deals with ‗the design of the language of some
community at a given time‘ (321).
But Saussurean linguistics also had a ‗diachronic‘ or historical branch. How was that affected?
When the Cours appeared this branch was dominant. Saussure himself had been young in Leipzig in the
1870s, when the so-called ‗Junggrammatiker‘ or ‗neogrammarians‘ formulated basic principles of change in
language. It was through their work above all that, we are told, ‗linguistics in the true sense‘ (‗la linguistique
proprement dite‘) had been born (Saussure, 1972 [1916]: 18f.). It is not surprising therefore that the chapters
of the Cours devoted to its diachronic side (Part 3, 193ff.) say so little that was new. Of the structuralists who
followed, Bloomfield had been trained in the tradition of the neogrammarians, and his masterly account of
language change, which forms most of the latter half of Language, was based firmly on their principles. They
were applied above all in his brilliant work on the Algonquian family in North America, summarised in one of
his last papers (Bloomfield, 1946).
But the foundations of linguistics were by then seen differently. For Hermann Paul, in the 1880s, the only
‗scientific treatment of language‘ had been historical. ‗The moment one goes beyond the mere registration of
details, the moment one tries to grasp the way they are related and to make sense of the phenomena, one is at
once in the field of history, even if perhaps one is not clear about it‘ (‗Sobald man über das blosse
Konstatieren von Einzelheiten hinausgeht, sobald man versucht den Zusammenhang zu erfassen, die
Erscheinungen zu begreifen, so betritt man auch den geschichtlichen Boden, wenn auch vielleicht ohne sich
klar darüber zu sein‘) (Paul, 1920 [1880]: 20). For the Danish scholar Otto Jespersen, the historical view had
‗brought about a vast change in the science of language‘. ‗Instead of looking at such a language as Latin as
one fixed point‘, and then ‗fixing‘ another, like French, ‗in one classical form‘, nineteenth-century linguistics
‗viewed both as being in constant flux, as growing, as moving, as continually changing‘. It ‗cried aloud like
Heraclitus ―Pánta reî‖ . . .‘ (Jespersen, 1922: 32f.).
But if one followed Saussure, Latin, for example, had indeed to be a fixed point. It may be that, in the
maxim of Heraclitus, ‗all things are‘ in reality ‗in flux‘. But, to study the history of a language, we must first
abstract successive stages through which, like the pieces in his image of the chess board, it has passed. Each
stage can be described synchronically, and each description can stand, as a treatment of one ‗state of the lan-
guage‘, on its own. A diachronic account is secondary.
Bloomfield‘s definition of a language was not, as we have seen, Saus-sure‘s (2.2). But for him too ‗all
historical study of language is based upon the comparison of two or more sets of descriptive data‘. To
describe a language ‗one needs no historical knowledge whatever‘; if indeed we have such knowledge and we
allow it to influence our description, it ‗is bound to distort the data‘ (Bloomfield, 1935 [1933]: 19f.). For a
later Bloomfieldian, linguistics in a narrow sense could be divided into descriptive linguistics, which was
concerned with ‗descriptive grammars‘, and ‗contrastive linguistics‘, in which different descriptive grammars
were compared. Historical linguistics was a branch of contrastive linguistics (Trager, 1949).
This new view gave rise to new insights and new problems. The earliest concern the history of sound
systems: we will therefore take that field first (4.1). But for a more general orientation it will help if we return
to Saussure‘s parallel with a chess game (2.1). Each player, once again, moves one piece at a time; similarly
changes in a language were individual, and each led from an old ‗state of the language‘ (‗état de la langue‘) to
a new one. Between moves the pieces form a determinate pattern on the board. Similarly, a language was at
any moment in one state of ‗equilibrium‘, which the next change would replace with a new ‗equilibrium‘. The
only important difference, we are told, is that moves in chess are made intentionally. ‗A language‘, in
contrast, ‗has no intention‘ (‗la langue ne prémédite rien‘). Changes occur ‗spontaneously and by chance‘
(‗spontanément et fortuitement‘) (Cours, 125ff.).
But is that always so? We must grant, of course, that no supervisory agent alters languages deliberately.
But speakers are agents, and changes in a language system must originate in and be sanctioned by their
speech. Is it likely, therefore, that all changes are fortuitous? In a game of chess, the players calculate their
moves with reference to the present and future position of the pieces. A queen is threatened and for that
reason it may be moved or the piece that threatens it may be taken. Now, once again, a language does not
calculate; nor do its speakers as a body change it consciously. But might some changes come about not
blindly but, in part at least, as a response to the state its system is then in?
Let us take a famous example, based on studies contemporary with the Cours, by the dialectologist Jules
Gilliéron. From the findings of the French Linguistic Atlas, published by Gilliéron and his assistant Edmont,
it was clear that in Gascony, from the Garonne southwards, a consonant that was ll in Latin had changed, at
the end of a word, to t. For example, Latin coll(um) ‗neck‘ had become cot. It was also clear that, in the west
of this region in particular, the word for ‗cock‘ was an innovation. In surrounding dialects it was derived from
Latin gall(us); so, in the area of this sound change, we would expect gat. But in the region around Bordeaux
the word for ‗cock‘ was instead related to French vicaire ‗curate‘; further south, to French faisan ‗pheasant‘.
It seemed, then, that these dialects had undergone two separate changes. By a change in their sound systems
Latin -ll was now -t. By change in their vocabulary, the expected word for ‗cock‘ had been replaced.
But in Gilliéron‘s account these changes were connected. For, in the same dialects, the word for a ‗cat‘
(Latin catt(us)) had the form gat; and, by the sound change, an earlier gall (‗cock‘) would also, as we have
seen, become gat. In rural communities this would have led to misunderstandings, which speakers could
avoid only by replacing at least one of these forms. Now alongside gat ‗cat‘ there was a feminine: gata
‗female cat‘. Its form was simple and transparent (masculine gat + feminine ending -a). Alongside the word
for ‗cock‘ there was also a feminine (‗hen‘), but its form was less transparent. In Latin it had been gallina:
gall(us) + -ina. But ll did not change to t between vowels; instead it changed to r: garina. The relation of gat
‗cock‘ to garina ‗hen‘ would thus have been obscure, while that of gat ‗cat‘ to gata ‗female cat‘ remained
clear. Hence, it is argued, gat ‗cat‘ was retained, while gat in the sense of ‗cock‘ came to be avoided.
Speakers then found new ways to refer to cocks.
Gilliéron was no structuralist and his general ideas must be inferred from detailed analyses of these and
other findings. But in Saussurean terms the first sound change must be seen as one move on the chess board.
By it the expected word for ‗cock‘ would become, in the new ‗state of the language‘, a homonym of gat ‗cat‘.
But the language would then be dysfunctional, since speakers need distinct forms with these meanings. In a
metaphor that runs through Gilliéron‘s own writings, the dialects affected are or would be in a partly
‗pathological‘ state (‗un état pathologique‘). Therefore ‗therapy‘ was needed; and this too was in part
determined by the state the system was then in. For by another move on the chess board an original -ll-
between vowels became or had become r; and, in the state of the ‗langue‘ that that gave rise to, the forms for
‗cock‘ and ‗hen‘ would be at best obscurely related. The ‗therapeutic‘ adjustment was made at a point where
the relations within the system were weak. The replacement of gat (‗cock‘) is not, in this account,
‗spontaneous‘, and all that was ‗fortuitous‘, in the next move, was the particular form (related to vicaire or to
faisan) that groups of speakers had recourse to.
Gilliéron died in the 1920s and was, to repeat, no structuralist. But the image of pathology and therapy, or
the general way of thinking that goes with it, was to inspire many others.
a k
Figure 1
Suppose then that in such a system a distinction between phonemes is lost. For example, every speaker of
this form of English once distinguished ‗vi‘ (in moor or poor) from ‗h�‘ (in more or pour). Like ‗v‘ and ‗m‘
these were respectively close back and mid back, and opposed as in Fig. 2 to close front ‗0i‘ (in pier) and mid
front ‗t�‘ (in pear).
0i vi
t� h�
Figure 2
But many speakers now no longer distinguish them. In Jakobson‘s terminology (1949 [1931]: 319), a former
distinction is becoming ‗dephonologised‘. But this does not merely reduce the number of phonemes. It also
alters the system. Where there was once symmetry, with a pair of front vowels balanced by an equal pair of
back vowels, there would now be asymmetry, with two front vowels, ‗0i‘ and ‗t�‘, but just one back vowel
corresponding to them.
In other instances a new distinction is ‗phonologised‘ (321). But that, in turn, does not mean simply that the
number of units is increased: we must again ask how the system at large is affected. Now it is obvious that, in
either case, some changes will impair its symmetry: thus, for speakers who have lost the contrast between ‗vi‘
and ‗h�‘, front vowels are no longer balanced equally by back vowels. But others will enhance it. Consonant
systems, for example, often distinguish series of consonants with the features ‗labial‘, ‗dental‘/‗alveolar‘,
‗velar‘. These are produced respectively with the lips, as English ‗p‘; with the tip of the tongue behind the
upper teeth, as English ‗t‘; and with the body of the tongue raised to the roof of the mouth, as English ‗k‘. Let
us suppose then that at a certain stage a language has three labials (‗p‘, ‗b‘ and ‗m‘) and three dental/alveolars
(‗t‘, ‗d‘ and ‗n‘). As ‗p‘ is to ‗t‘ and ‗b‘ is to ‗d‘ so ‗m‘, which is distinctively ‗nasal‘, is to the corresponding
nasal ‗n‘. But there might be no distinct nasal in the velar series: just ‗k‘ and ‗�‘ with no ‗�‘. So, as shown
in Fig. 3, there is what is often called a ‗gap‘ or ‗hole‘ in the system.
bd �
Figure 3
By a later change the gap might then be ‗filled‘ and the asymmetry eliminated. It may seem tendentious to use
words like ‗impair‘ and ‗enhance‘. But might it not be that, all else being equal, systems change in ways that
will reduce asymmetry? In Gilliéron‘s metaphor, a lack of balance is ‗pathological‘. A change which leads to
greater balance will be ‗therapeutic‘. It will bring the system closer to an ideal ‗healthy‘ state.
These are Gilliéron‘s terms, not Jakobson‘s; and, for the most part, Jakobson did little more than set out
logically the ways in which a change within a system might be classified. But in the final section of his paper
he insists that ‗when we look at a linguistic change in its synchronic context‘ it is within the scope of
teleology. (‗Quand nous considérons une mutation linguistique dans le contexte de la synchronie linguistique,
nous l’introduisons dans la sphère des problèmes téléologiques‘ (334).) This implies again that changes are
not blind and fortuitous; they have a purpose which, we are then told, may be obvious. Thus a specific change
might be preceded by ‗a disturbance in the balance of a system‘ (‗une rupture de l‘équilibre du système‘). The
change might then result in a removal of the imbalance (‗une suppression du déséquilibre‘). If so, Jakobson
said, we have no difficulty in discovering (‗aucune peine à découvrir‘) its ‗function‘. ‗Its task is to restore the
balance‘ (‗sa tâche est de rétablir l’équilibre‘), which had earlier been lost.
These brief remarks will not perhaps bear too much commentary. But if we take this view the obvious
question is ‗whose purpose‘? There is again no agent that watches over language systems and ensures that an
‗imbalance‘ is corrected. So what precisely did this mean?
One thing it might mean is that phonological systems are self-regulating. Let us compare, for example, a
thermostat. It is set to maintain a stable temperature: so, if the temperature falls below that level, the heating
will switch on. The ‗purpose‘ of this adjustment, if we must speak teleologically, is to ‗restore‘ the correct
temperature. If the temperature then rises too high, the heating will switch off. The ‗aim‘ is still to keep the
temperature steady. This analogy will not have been so obvious in the 1930s. But, similarly, for each part of a
language system there are properties that will, in general, be maintained or maximised. In the case of
phonology these are, or include, those of ‗balance‘. But just as in a building there are many factors, both
internal and external, that continually affect the temperature, so there are many factors that, as they impinge
on phonological systems, can lead to ‗imbalance‘. A system will continually initiate adjustments whose
‗purpose‘, if we must again speak in that way, is to ‗restore the balance‘.
If this were so, we would have no need to speak teleologically. The system simply conforms to laws that
govern it. To the extent that they are satisfied its structure is ‗in balance‘. Where they are not it is ‗unbal-
anced‘, and there is pressure to correct it. But new ‗imbalances‘ will continually arise. Sometimes they will be
brought about by changes that originate outside the system. But they may also result from changes that the
system has itself made in response to earlier pressures. Thus, in correcting a ‗disequilibrium‘ at one point, it
may create a new ‗disequilibrium‘ at another. In Jakobson‘s words, this ‗often‘ leads to ‗a whole series of
stabilising changes‘ (‗toute une chaîne de mutations stabilisatrices‘).
This is certainly one interpretation of what Jakobson said. But if we take it literally the ‗pressures‘, as we
have called them, are exerted directly on the system. The Saussurean ‗langue‘, of which the phonological
system is a part, is seen as monitoring and adjusting its own state, independently of the community of
speakers, who at any time will simply instantiate it, in acts of ‗parole‘, as it stands. The obvious objection is
that ‗languages‘ do not exist as independent entities. There would be no chess game if there were no players.
There would be no language system if there were no speakers; and it is surely on them that the ‗pressure‘ truly
The pressures implied were made clear in the early 1950s, in a series of brilliant studies, written at first in
exile in New York, by the French linguist André Martinet. At the most general level speakers need, above all,
to be understood; therefore they are under pressure to maintain distinctions between phonemes and, in this
way, between words and other units of meaning. But, as Martinet saw it, they are also constrained to spend as
little energy, in speech as in other things, as they can. ‗Linguistic evolution‘ is accordingly governed by ‗the
continual paradox‘ (‗l‘antinomie permanente‘) that, on the one hand, people have a need to communicate and
express their feelings (‗des besoins communicatifs et expressifs de l‘homme‘) and, on the other hand, they
tend to make do with the minimum of physical and mental effort (‗de sa tendance à réduire au minimum son
activité mentale et physique‘) (Martinet, 1955: 94). Such pressures are permanently opposed and never
wholly reconciled. The more clearly speakers try to distinguish between one sound and another, the greater
the effort they must make. But, if they make too little effort, the distinction will be at risk.
We may therefore expect sound changes to reflect both pressures. Sometimes, when in practice there is no
risk of misunderstanding, a distinction will no longer be kept up. Thus, in my form of English, there was no
serious danger, in most contexts where these words are used, that poor might be mistaken for pour, moor for
more, and so on. But other changes tend to enhance distinctions. In the history of Spanish, for example, a
consonant that was historically a [ts] had changed, by the early seventeenth century, to [r]: thus [katsar] ‗to
hunt‘ (spelled cazar) became, as in present-day Castilian, [karar]. In the same period another, that was his-
torically like [q] in English ship, changed to [x]: for example, [bjeqo] ‗old‘ (viejo) became, as generally in
modern Spanish, [bjexo]. Before these changes, the relations into which these phonemes entered could be dis-
played as in Fig. 4
ptts tq k
bd �
fs q
Figure 4
(compare Martinet, 1955 [1951–2]: 323). Their effect was to replace it with the system in Fig. 5,
pt tq k
bd �
f r sx
Figure 5
in which, as Martinet points out, the consonants are more clearly differentiated. In its former state, both [ts]
and [q] were phonetically similar to other sibilant (or ‗s-like‘) units: a [tq] (ch), as in modern fecha ‗date‘, and
an [s], as in casa ‗house‘, which is produced in modern Castilian with the extreme tip of the tongue against
the teeth-ridge. In Martinet‘s words, the system ‗suffered‘ from a concentration of sounds in this region (‗ce
système souffre de trop de concentration dans le domaine des sifflantes‘), while ‗other articulatory
possibilities‘, which were plainly open in a language with relatively few phonemes, were not exploited (323).
In the new system, the phonemes are more clearly distinguished.
In cases like this we can see how a system might be represented as, in effect, ‗correcting an imbalance‘.
Thus, in terms of the features that these tables imply, the change of [ts] to [r] also fills a ‗gap‘ in the ‗t‘ series
and that of [q] to [x] a corresponding ‗gap‘ in the ‗k‘ series. But the locus of change lies in the habits and
perceptions of successive groups of speakers. To distinguish the consonants in viejo or cazar some would
have shifted their articulation, at first slightly and at first sporadically. But the system could, at that stage, still
be said to be the one they had inherited. Such shifts were soon familiar; they would have become less slight
and more frequent; and finally new generations, as they learned to speak from the example of their elders,
would have interpreted what they commonly heard as [r] or [x] as indeed, in terms of their distinctive
features, ‗r‘ and ‗x‘. Their language had, we can then say, the new system. An important factor, in Martinet‘s
general theory, is the ‗attraction‘ of an ‗integrated system‘ (‗l‘attraction exercée par le système intégré‘)
(Martinet, 1955: 80). Thus, in the case of ‗gaps‘ or ‗cases vides‘ (80ff.), the system in general, in which series
of phonemes stand in parallel relations, exerts a pull on sounds that are not ‗fully integrated‘. But the pull is
exerted on a changing population of speakers, and in particular, as in Martinet‘s discussion of a later change
in Spanish (84f.), on new speakers.
In the same way systems can be seen as influenced by other systems. ‗Les langues‘, as Martinet remarks at
one point, ‗do not evolve in an ivory tower‘ (89). People who speak one language or dialect will engage with
people who speak others; many are bilingual. Nor are the boundaries of a speech community established for
all time. A population may speak language A; but then, through contact with a population that speaks
language B, they may more and more speak that instead. Later generations may lose A altogether, as, for
example, many descendants of Welsh speakers now speak only English. We all know that, in learning a new
language, we will speak it with a foreign accent. ‗Habits of pronunciation‘ will be carried over from the one
we speak already. So, when language A gives way to language B, we might expect that habits of this kind
might sometimes be retained. For example, aspects of the English spoken in Wales or Ireland might reflect
specific features ‗carried over‘ from the Celtic languages.
When Martinet was writing this had long been familiar. But here too a structuralist will look at systems and
not simply at sounds. In mediaeval Spanish, for example, there had also been a phonological distinction
between voiceless and voiced sibilants: voiceless ‗ts‘, ‗tq‘, ‗s‘ and ‗q‘ were thus opposed to voiced ‗dz‘, ‗dx‘,
‗z‘ and ‗x‘. But over the centuries Castilian in the north gained many speakers from Basque; and in contem-
porary Basque, as Martinet reconstructs it (1955 [1951–2]: 317), voiced sibilants were not separate phonemes.
Let us imagine, following Martinet, a community of Basque speakers who learn Spanish as a foreign
language. They would hear a word in Spanish with, for example, a ‗ts‘; this they would identify, as a
phoneme, with the ‗ts‘ in their own system. But they would also hear words with a Spanish ‗dz‘ and, since [ts]
and [dz] did not realise different phonemes in Basque, they would identify that too as realising their ‗ts‘. They
would accordingly pronounce both consonants alike; and, in practice, native Spanish speakers, though them-
selves distinguishing ‗ts‘ and ‗dz‘, might not usually misunderstand or need to correct them. Their
descendants then progressively speak Spanish more than Basque, and in time Spanish only. But the dialect of
these descendants, on the northern boundary of the larger area in which Spanish is spoken, would be one in
which pairs such as ‗ts‘ and ‗dz‘ were no longer distinguished. Now it was from these speakers that, as the use
of Spanish continued to spread, still further generations of Basque speakers would learn it. That dialect of
Spanish would thus become more widespread. It was also from the very north, as Martinet reminds us in
another section of his study, that the Christian Reconquista started. For speakers to the south this dialect then
became ‗a model to imitate‘ (310), and, for other Spanish speakers, the distinctions were in time lost.
The explanation for these changes is ‗external‘. Martinet was invoking the impact, on the system of
Spanish, of another system. For those cited earlier, by which [ts] became [r] and [q] became [x], it is
‗internal‘. We were invoking an inherent ‗imbalance‘. In each case, when we speak in that way, we are
dealing with an abstraction. ‗Spanish‘, qua ‗langue‘, was not directly under pressure, at one stage, to adapt to
‗Basque‘ any more than, later, it was directly under pressure to enhance its symmetry. But the mapping of one
system onto the other is essential to a structuralist understanding of what happened.
Let us return to synchronic linguistics. By the end of the 1930s, the description of sound systems had a
theoretical foundation in the work of Trubetzkoy and others, and its method was increasingly codified. But
the phonology of a language is again just one part of the total ‗language structure‘. How do phonemes relate
to, in particular, units of meaning? By what methods can these in turn be identified securely? What kinds of
relation does each unit of meaning bear, in turn, to other units of meaning?
These were technical questions, and the elaboration of techniques of description, which is the most striking
feature of linguistics in the decades that follow the Second World War, was not at first accompanied by new
general or philosophical ideas. For the most part European linguists tended to found their work on those of
Saussure, and linguists in America on Bloomfield‘s. The most exciting problems were of method, and those
that concerned the detailed structure of a language system. For Trubetzkoy the ‗language structure‘ had
already been not one system but ‗several partial systems‘ (‗mehrer Teilsysteme‘) (Trubetzkoy, 1939: 6).
These components ‗hold together, complement each other, and stand in mutual relations‘ (‗so daß alle Teile
einander zusammenhalten, einander ergänzen, sich aufeinander beziehen‘). The main task for his successors
was to say exactly how they do so, and exactly what the components are. It was in America especially that
answers were given, and much of what was worked out in this period has found its way into textbooks and
been taught for decades to generations of students. It is therefore a large part of what structural linguistics has
concretely achieved.
We must begin, however, with the theory of Louis Hjelmslev, who was more nearly Trubetzkoy‘s
contemporary. Its roots lay in the 1930s, and at the time it was felt to be so original that a new name,
‗glossematics‘, was coined for it. With other Europeans of this period, Hjelmslev found his inspiration in the
Cours de linguistique générale, and it was by him that the overall design of language systems, seen as
systems of linguistic signs as Saussure had conceived them, was most rigorously and systematically worked
5.1 Expression and content
The definitive account was published in the war years, in a monograph ‗On the foundations of linguistic
theory‘ (Hjelmslev, 1943). It was never easy, and in the 1950s was already the subject of a secondary exposi-
tion longer than the original (Siertsema, 1965 [1955] ). But at the heart of Hjelmslev‘s theory lay an analysis
of the ‗sign relation‘, or what he called the ‗sign function‘, that linked the two sides of a sign. For Saussure, as
we have seen, each sign had been a unit with two faces: on the one hand, what the Cours had called an
‗acoustic image‘, or a mental representation of sounds, and on the other a ‗concept‘, or mental representation
of meaning. Thus the sign tree, to return to our earlier example, united an acoustic image, which we might
now represent as ‗[tri�]‘, with a concept ‗tree‘. Each sign was, to repeat, a unit. In another of its seductive
images, the Cours had compared the analysis of a language to cutting a sheet of paper. One cannot cut one
side of the paper without cutting the other; similarly, one cannot distinguish either ‗signifiants‘, like ‗[tri�]‘,
or ‗signifiés‘, like ‗tree‘, unless, at the same time, one distinguishes both (Saussure, 1972 [1916]: 15). It was
for that reason, as we saw, that the ‗sign‘ could not, as in ordinary usage, be the ‗signifying‘ element alone.
But to say that a unit has two faces is to say that, between one face and the other, there is a relation. Thus,
in this example, ‗[tri�]‘ stands in a relation of mutual implication to ‗tree‘. In Hjelmslev‘s formulation, one
term in the sign relation is, by definition, an ‗expression‘ (‗udtryk‘) and the other is, again by definition, a
‗content‘ (‗indhold‘) (Hjelmslev, 1943: 44). That, to repeat, was simply a matter of definition. In using the
word ‗expression‘ Hjelmslev did not imply that signifiers had any other properties; it refers quite simply to a
term in a relation whose other term is referred to by the word ‗content‘. In using that word in turn he did not
imply that what was signified had any property other than that of entering formally into a relation whose
complementary term is referred to by the word ‗expression‘. Thus, in particular, expressions were not in prin-
ciple acoustic images, and contents were not in principle concepts. But the relation is in other respects as
Saussure, in effect, conceived it. We cannot talk of units of expression, such as, in the same notation, ‗[tri�]‘,
except by virtue of the contents that they ‗express‘; nor of units of content, such as ‗tree‘, except by virtue of
the expressions whose ‗content‘ they are. For Hjelmslev too the relation is one of mutual implication. In his
terminology, which often does not translate very easily into ordinary usage in English, the sign relation or
‗sign function‘ is a ‗solidarity‘ (45), in which each term or ‗functive‘ depends on the other.
This formulation may seem merely to restate, in a way yet more removed from the realities of speech, what
Saussure had been saying in his lectures thirty years earlier. But by defining the relation as fundamental, we
can understand the nature of such systems much more clearly.
Let us consider still the sign tree. It is formed by a relation between expression and content, in which one
term is specifically what Hjelmslev calls a ‗sign-expression‘ (‗tegnudtryk‘): let us continue to represent this as
‗[tri�]‘. The other is specifically a ‗sign-content‘ (‗tegnindhold‘), which we will continue to represent by
‗tree‘. These terms or ‗functives‘ are paired symmetrically, and in that sense the analogy in the Cours with
two sides of a sheet of paper is still applicable. But each term is a unit that can then be related to others in its
own domain. On the one hand, there is what Hjelmslev called a ‗plane‘ of expression, and at this level sign-
expressions can be found to form relations, independently of any among the corresponding sign-contents,
with other sign-expressions. Thus, in particular, ‗[tri�]‘ can be related to other units of expression, like
‗[fri�]‘ ( free) or ‗[trk0]‘ (try), with which it will be found on analysis to share smaller elements. On the
other hand there is a ‗plane‘ of content, and at that level a sign-content like ‗tree‘ can be found, as we will see
in a moment, to form relations with other sign-contents. Such relations will again be independent of any
obtaining between the corresponding sign-expressions. There is a point at which analogies cease to be
illuminating; but, having cut up Saussure‘s sheet of paper, we can then in effect take either side of any of the
separate pieces, and study it in comparison with the same side of any other piece.
Both the cutting and the comparison depend crucially on a procedure that Hjelmslev called ‗commutation‘.
Let us take, first of all, the expression unit realised, in a phonologist‘s terms, by [tri�]. This is distinct, as a
whole, from, among others, the one realised by [h0n]. But on what evidence are units on this level distinct?
The answer is that, in the sign relation, the exchange of one sign-expression for another carries with it an
exchange of corresponding sign-contents. Thus the exchange of ‗[tri�]‘ and ‗[h0n]‘ on the level of
expression must entail, on the level of content, the exchange of ‗tree‘ and ‗hill‘. In the same relation, an
exchange of one sign-content for another carries with it an exchange of corresponding sign-expressions. Thus
‗tree‘ is distinct from ‗hill‘, on the level of content, because, conversely, their exchange entails, on the level of
expression, that of ‗[tri�]‘ and ‗[h0n]‘. In Hjelmslev‘s terminology both units in the sign relation ‗commute‘;
and they are separate units only if this ‗commutation test‘ is met. As he presented it, the test applies equally
and symmetrically on both planes.
As for the initial cuts, so for all subsequent analysis. Let us compare, for example, the expression units
‗[tri�]‘ and ‗[fri�]‘. In part they are similar (‗[ri�]‘), in part different (‗[t]‘, ‗[f ]‘). But replacing ‗[t]‘ with
‗[f ]‘ again entails, at the level of content, the replacement of ‗tree‘, as a whole, by ‗free‘. Likewise the
exchange of ‗[i�]‘ and, let us say, ‗[u�]‘ entails the exchange of ‗tree‘, as a whole, and ‗true‘; that of ‗[r]‘
and ‗[l]‘ (‗[f li�]‘) that of ‗free‘, as a whole, and either ‗flee‘ or ‗flea‘. By the same test of commutation, we
distinguish units of expression, like ‗[tri�]‘, as wholes and we analyse each, on its own level, into smaller
units like ‗[t]‘, ‗[r]‘ and ‗[i�]‘.
Hjelmslev‘s formulation of this test was contemporary with the codification of procedures in phonology
(3.2); and, as applied to the analysis of expression units, it was plainly similar. In a phonologist‘s account, two
sounds must realise different phonemes if they distinguish words with different meanings. In Hjelmslev‘s
account, two smaller units of expression must be distinguished if their commutation entails a commutation of
contents. But just as ‗sign-expressions‘ can be analysed by this criterion into smaller expression units, so in
his view could ‗sign-contents‘, by a symmetrical procedure, be analysed into smaller content units. In
Hjelmslev‘s terminology, units such as ‗[t]‘ or ‗[r]‘ were ‗expression-figurae‘ (‗udtryksfigurer‘). Likewise, on
the level of content, we could establish ‗content-figurae‘ (‗inholdsfigurer‘).
‗Till now‘, Hjelmslev points out, ‗such an analysis has never been made or even attempted in linguistics‘
(Hjelmslev, 1943 [1953]: 61). The consequences have, he says, been ‗catastrophic‘, since, without it, the de-
scription of content has appeared unmanageable. But the method, as he sees it, is ‗exactly the same‘. Let us
compare, for example, tree and bush. In ordinary terms, they are words whose meanings are partly similar:
both ‗woody plant‘, but one ‗large‘ and the other ‗small‘. Therefore, in Hjelmslev‘s system, just as tree and
free have part of their expression in common, so tree and bush would, correspondingly, have part of their
content in common. Let us call this shared part x. At the same time their content would also, in part, be
different. Just as tree and free are differentiated, in their sign-expressions, by ‗[t]‘ versus ‗[f ]‘, so these must
be differentiated by parts of their sign-contents. Let us call these parts y and
z. In exchanging y and z, we exchange, on that level, the sign-contents xy (‗tree‘) and xz (‗bush‘); and at the
same time, on the level of expression, the sign-expressions ‗[tri�]‘ and ‗[bvq ]‘.
Hjelmslev‘s own brief illustration (63f.) is of nouns distinguished by sex. ‗Ram‘ and ‗ewe‘ are, as wholes,
distinct sign-contents; so are ‗man‘ and ‗woman‘, ‗boy‘ and ‗girl‘, ‗stallion‘ and ‗mare‘, and so on. In a
straightforward inventory, these are simply different content units; likewise ‗he‘ and ‗she‘, ‗sheep‘, ‗human
being‘ (Danish ‗menneske‘), ‗child‘ or ‗horse‘. But, by the commutation test, we can ‗eliminate‘ the first eight
by resolving them into combinations. ‗Ram‘ can be analysed as ‗he-sheep‘; ‗ewe‘ as ‗she-sheep‘; likewise
‗man‘ and ‗woman‘ as ‗he-human‘ and ‗she-human‘, ‗boy‘ and ‗girl‘ as ‗he-child‘ and ‗she-child‘, ‗stallion‘
and ‗mare‘ as ‗hehorse‘ and ‗she-horse‘. For Hjelmslev the exchange of ‗he‘ and ‗she‘, as parts of sign-
contents, was parallel to that of parts of sign-expressions. In replacing ‗[i�]‘ in ‗[tri�]‘ with ‗[u�]‘ we
effect, on the associated plane, a change of ‗tree‘ to ‗true‘. Likewise, in replacing ‗he‘ in ‗he-sheep‘ with ‗she‘
we effect, on the associated plane, a change of ‗[ram]‘ to ‗[ ju�]‘.
The symmetry between the two sides of the paper, or the two ‗planes‘ that make up the structure of a
language system, was now perfect. But this was not the only way in which the theory took Saussurean ideas to
an extreme. Sign-expressions and sign-contents, expression-figurae and content-figurae, all were identified, as
we have seen, by their relations to one another. But did they then have any other properties?
It might have been natural to take for granted that they did. For Saussure, a ‗signifiant‘ was again the
‗acoustic image‘ of some complex of sounds; a ‗signifié‘ a ‗concept‘ as an element of thought. For
Trubetzkoy, a ‗signifier in the language structure‘ was constituted by distinctive features of sound (3.2); a
‗signifié‘, one might analogously suppose, would be defined by features of meaning. In explaining
Hjelmslev‘s system of relations, I have myself relied on an implicit link between, in particular, the sounds
transcribed [tri�] and the abstraction ‗[tri�]‘. But in Hjelmslev‘s own account such links were of realisation
only. A sign-expression is characterised just by its relation to a sign-content, a sign-content just by its relation
to a sign-expression. Quite literally, as Hjelmslev said when these terms were introduced (45), neither of the
terms ‗expression‘ or ‗content‘ meant any more than that.
In developing this idea, Hjelmslev cited (46) a passage in Saussure‘s Cours in which, independently of
language, ‗thought‘ and ‗sound‘ are both said to be formless. Independently of its expression by words,
thoughts are a shapeless continuum (‗notre pensée n‘est qu‘une masse amorphe et indistincte‘). There are no
divisions between ideas until language comes into play. Nor are sounds any less shapeless. ‗Sound substance‘
(‗la substance phonique‘) is ‗a plastic material‘ (‗une matière plastique‘) that is in turn divided only to supply
‗the signifiers that thought needs‘ (‗les signifiants dont la pensée a besoin‘). A language can therefore be
represented by a series of divisions made simultaneously in both domains (Saussure, 1972 [1916]: 155f.). The
‗linguistics of a language system‘ does not deal with either separately. It operates ‗in the boundary area where
elements of both orders combine‘ (‗La linguistique travaille donc sur le terrain limitotrophe où les élements
des deux ordres se combinent‘, 157). Their combination, we are then told, ‗produces a form, not a substance‘
(‗cette combinaison produit une forme, non une substance‘).
This last sentence is found only in part in the written material on which the Cours is based (see De Mauro‘s
note in the edition referred to). But the formula is repeated at the end of the chapter. From whichever side a
language is approached, we find a ‗complex equilibrium of terms that condition each other reciprocally‘ (‗ce
même équilibre complexe de termes qui se conditionnent réciproquement‘). ‗In other words, the language
system is a form and not a substance‘ (169).
What Saussure meant is perhaps not so important. We must again remind ourselves that this is a book
which he did not write. But what Hjelmslev meant was exactly what that formula says. One cannot talk of
‗phonic substance‘, even as shapeless, independently of language systems. Nor can one talk independently of
a ‗substance‘ of thought. The sounds of speech exist only as a manifestation or projection, in a domain outside
the language system, of purely formal distinctions among expression units. The substance of ‗thought‘ is
likewise a projection, in a domain again outside the language system, of purely formal distinctions among
content units.
To understand this, it may help if we look in a different way at our analogy, in 2.1, of coinage. I can pay
someone ten pounds by, for example, handing over several bits of metal. But I do not always have to pay in
that way. I might instead write a cheque, or use a credit card, or transfer the money electronically from my
account to theirs. In each case I am paying ten pounds: that is constant. But all else is variable. In one case a
sum of money is realised, we may say, by coins. In another it may be realised only in an exchange between
computers. So what, independently of these variable realisations, is ‗ten pounds‘? It is evidently no more than
a numerical value. It is defined, in a specific monetary system, by its relation to all other possible sums: as ten
times ‗one pound‘, a hundred times ‗ten pence‘, and so on. Coins are one of the physical means by which it
can be transferred; and, in general, coins would not be coins if it were not for the units of value that they
represent. But there is no necessary connection. We can easily imagine a system of money with no coins.
As for money so, though the analogy is not Hjelmslev‘s own, for language. On the expression plane the
role of sounds, like that of coins, is contingent. A distinction between expression-figurae might be realised, or
manifested, by [t] versus [f ]. But the mode of realisation is again a variable. Writing, in particular, is an
alternative ‗substance‘ in which the same units would be realised by marks on a flat surface: ‗t‘ versus ‗f ‘, or
‗T‘ versus ‗F‘. In Hjelmslev‘s definition (Appendix, §52), substance is ‗the variable in a manifestation‘. Only
the system is constant, and it is for him no more than a network of relations, or Saussurean ‗differences‘,
among units.
By a parallel definition, ‗form‘ is ‗the constant in a manifestation‘ (Appendix, §51). We might therefore say
that, in Saussure‘s Cours, ‗form‘ was constituted by a relation between constant mental images of sounds and
constant ‗concepts‘. But just as sign-expressions and expression-figurae have no intrinsic connection, at their
level, with sounds, so, in Hjelmslev‘s system, sign-contents and content-figurae have, at their level, no
intrinsic connection with concepts or thoughts. ‗Thought‘ too is a substance, and as such contingent. ‗Form‘,
in content as in expression, is a system of relations only.
In summary, then, a language is structured on two planes: plane A, let us say, which Hjelmslev called that
of ‗content‘; plane B, which he called that of ‗expression‘. But ‗plane A‘ and ‗plane B‘ would be perfectly
adequate, since these are merely terms in a bilateral implication. The ‗form‘ of plane A (‗content‘) is a
network of relations, which structures a ‗substance‘; the ‗form‘ of plane B (‗expression‘), likewise. On each
level, substance implies form: there could not be a substance without the form that structures it. Form does
not, conversely, imply substance. It exists as a pure system of relations: like, for example, those of
mathematics. A substance, in contrast, exists only as the projection of a form, and it is only when the
substances of different languages are compared that we can talk at all of, for example, speech sounds in
general or of ‗thought‘ in general. In a passage that we have not yet covered, Hjelmslev defined a ‗purport‘
(Danish ‗mening‘) that can be abstracted from the ‗content‘ substances of different languages. Thus there is a
‗purport‘, in his illustration, common to the ‗thought substances‘ of English I do not know, of its French
translation Je ne sais pas, of the Danish Jeg véd det ikke, and so on (46f.). There was similarly a ‗purport‘,
though the term is now acknowledged to be ‗unusual‘, that can be abstracted from different ‗sound
substances‘ (51). But neither ‗content-purport‘ nor ‗expression-purport‘ exist independently of language
The symmetry of Hjelmslev‘s scheme immediately attracted comment. The ‗main idea‘, in the words of the
Polish scholar Jerzy Kurynowicz, was to pinpoint ‗structural features common to the two planes‘
(Kurynowicz, 1949: 48). The method Hjelmslev had envisaged was that of an ‗internal comparison‘ (60),
establishing what Kurynowicz describes as a resemblance in form, or ‗a remarkable isomorphism‘ (48),
between them. Though Hjelmslev did not himself speak of ‗isomorphisms‘ in that sense (compare Hjelmslev,
1943: 100f.), the term has often been taken to character-ise his and similar theories.
What is perhaps less obvious than the symmetry itself was the role of abstraction in achieving it. If by
‗expression‘ we mean sound and by ‗content‘ we mean meaning, there is, on the face of it, no parallel
between these domains and no way, in particular, of manipulating ‗meanings‘ as the commutation test
required. The symmetry was only possible in that Hjelmslev was in fact manipulating neither sounds nor
meanings, but purely abstract counters which were established solely as terms in the relations that the test
defined. Nor, on the face of it, do sounds and meanings correspond in any simple way. But the ‗solidarity‘
between ‗contents‘ on our plane A and ‗expressions‘ on our plane B had nothing literally to do with either.
The relation of sign-contents to the ‗purport‘ of thought was indirect: it had to be if different languages, with
different systems at that level, project ‗substances‘ that are correspondingly different. The relation of sound
‗purport‘ to sign-expressions, whether similar or not, was also indirect. The connections in general between,
literally, sound and, literally, thought or meaning, were accordingly very complex. But by abstraction to a
system of pure ‗form‘ the mediating ‗sign relation‘ could be made very simple.
The phoneme, as the basic unit of one level of articulation, was matched by the morpheme, or by Martinet‘s
‗moneme‘, as the basic unit of another. At this new level of abstraction, sentences were formed ultimately of
morphemes or of signs corresponding to them. Thus, following Hockett, a sentence The women came in might
be represented at that level by an arrangement of morphemes ‗the + plural + woman . . .‘ and so on. But what
then of, in particular, the word? Traditionally the sentence would have, as its smallest units of meaning, four
words. But if morphemes or monemes now had that role, did this traditional unit still have a place in the
Martinet was one structuralist who thought not. In the introduction I have been citing he put the term
‗word‘ (‗mot‘) in inverted commas, and argued that it should be discarded (Martinet, 1970 [1960]: 114ff.).
Take, for example, French nous courons ‗we are running‘. By tradition, this is a sequence of two words: nous
‗we‘ and courons, which is a first person plural of the verb courir ‗to run‘. The first person plural is
distinguished by the ending -ons and, still in the traditional account, the verb ‗agrees‘ with nous as its subject.
But for Martinet (104) the monemes that make up this form were just two. One was, as we might expect,
cour-: that is to say, the ‗signifiant‘ [kur] in conjunction with the ‗signifié‘ ―courir‖. The other united a
‗signifié‘ ―first plural‖ neither specifically with [nu] (nous) nor specifically with [õ] (-ons), but with a
discontinuous ‗signifiant‘, [nu . . . õ], that includes both. In that way the analysis cut clean across the
traditional boundary between words, which was therefore invalid. In the next section (105), Martinet also put
‗agreement‘ (‗accord‘) in inverted commas.
Not everyone was an iconoclast to that degree. But the logic of such treatments could not be ignored. If the
phoneme and the morpheme were the first great technical gains that structural linguists might claim, the word
was beginning to look like the first casualty.
second representation that specifically ‗determines‘ the phonetic form of the sentence. To be exact, a grammar
would include rules that relate ‗she‘ to a phonetic representation [qi�], ‗be + past‘ to [wiz], and so on, in the
order in which successive morphemes appeared in it.
Likewise, it was the initial representation that, to all appearances, ‗determines the semantic interpretation‘.
In our second example, the shooting of the hunters would be related to initial structures in which
hunters was variously a subject (NP[ [the hunters shoot]]) or an object
NP[ [someone shoot(s) the hunters]]); and, on that basis, we could posit rules by which it was ‗interpreted‘ in
different ways. But the structure that was derived by transformations would be in either case the same.
Therefore, while the latter would ‗determine‘ the phonetic signal, it would seem that it was irrelevant to the
In Chomsky‘s famous terminology, the semantic interpretations were determined by ‗deep‘ structures. As
he defined it at this stage in the development of his theories, the ‗deep structure of a sentence‘ was precisely
the ‗aspect‘ of a syntactic description to which, by the rules of what he called the ‗semantic component‘ of a
grammar, a representation of meaning was assigned (Chomsky, 1966: 16). Phonetic representations were
instead determined by ‗surface‘ structures. The ‗surface structure of a sentence‘ was thus correspondingly the
‗aspect‘ of a syntactic description
to which the rules of a ‗phonological component‘ assigned what were also called ‗phonetic interpretations‘.
This phonological component was in part the equivalent, it can be seen, of his or Hockett‘s earlier ‗morpho-
phonemics‘. The central part was a ‗syntactic component‘ that, as in Syntactic Structures, included
transformations. This ‗generates [syntactic descriptions] each of which consists of a deep structure and a
surface structure‘.
The work I am citing is the published version of a series of lectures delivered in 1964. But the scheme was
summarised in Chomsky‘s Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (Chomsky, 1965: 16), and it was from that
account, in a chapter that in later sections dealt inspiringly with issues in the philosophy of language and the
general history of ideas, that it first caught everyone‘s imagination. It was therefore tempting to read into the
term ‗deep‘, in particular, far more than was actually there. But its interest is again as part of a technical
scheme of levels, by which, as in Hockett‘s, a relation between forms and meanings could be mediated.
Famous as it was, the scheme was of the 1960s and within ten years was already drastically revised.
But, as a scheme of the 1960s, it is of great historical importance. With many others, it assumed that
meanings can be abstracted as invariants: the basic relation was accordingly between an abstract level of
phonetic representation (Chomsky‘s ‗signals‘) and a similarly abstract level of ‗semantic interpretation‘.
These levels interfaced, by implication, with real sounds and real meanings. But semantic representations
were not just the ‗signifiés‘ of individual signs. They were the meanings, as determined by a generative
grammar, of whole sentences. Nor were parts of meanings related one to one to parts of signals. Phonetic
representations were paired first with surface structures; and this relation was already not as simple as sign
theories had at first implied. Surface structures were in turn paired with deep structures; and the
‗arrangements‘ of morphemes on these levels, to borrow again Hockett‘s terminology, could be as different,
both in the units themselves and in their order, as need be. Finally deep structures were paired with semantic
representations; and, when the ‗veils of obscurity‘ were lifted, that relation might be as complex. For any
sentence, the relation between the ‗signal‘ and its ‗meaning‘, via the mediating level of syntax, could in
principle be very indirect.
Such schemes were therefore apt to be rejected by any structuralist for whom the Saussurean link between
the two sides of the sign remained central. By the same token, of course, anyone who took that view would,
from a Chomskyan viewpoint, be concerned with syntax only at a surface level.
Internalised language
By 1960 structural linguists could look back on thirty or more years of progress. The theory of the phoneme
was now widely accepted; and, although there were disagreements in detail between most Americans and
most Europeans, few disputed that it was one central unit of language. For many linguists the morpheme or a
unit like it was another, and the identification of these units in ‗-eme‘, as the elements of articulation on two
different levels, was increasingly a basis for the practical description of languages. Such findings had begun to
work their way from technical publications into textbooks. I have referred to Hockett‘s general introduction to
linguistics (Hockett, 1958). But it had been preceded by at least one specialist textbook in descriptive
linguistics, by
H. A. Gleason, whose table of contents gives a clear view of howstudents, in at least part of the English-
speaking world, were taught (Gleason, 1961 [1955] ). Martinet‘s introduction, to which I have also referred,
was to have a similarly wide success in continental Europe (Martinet, 1970 [1960] ).
These achievements were ostensibly founded in the thought of Saussure, in lectures that had last been given
in 1911, and of Bloomfield, formulated in its mature phase in the 1920s. A linguist was therefore describing
either an underlying system whose reality was supra-individual (2.1), or a set of potential utterances (2.2). But
both accounts had naturally reflected the preoccupations of their own day and, with hindsight, though the
structure of a language system had been worked out in some detail, it was time to ask again exactly what
reality such systems had. A new answer was given by Noam Chomsky, and the Chomskyan ‗revolution‘ in
linguistics, as it has been widely described since the 1960s, rested on it. How then did this revolution unfold?
In an account in the 1980s Chomsky himself distinguishes ‗two major conceptual shifts‘ (Chomsky, 1986:
6). The first ‗inaugurated‘, in his words, ‗the contemporary study of generative grammar‘; and consisted in ‗a
shift of focus‘, as he puts it later in the same book, from a view of language as ‗behavior and its products‘ to
the study of ‗systems of mental representation and computation‘ (51) underlying behaviour. Such systems of
mental representation constitute an individual speaker‘s ‗knowledge‘ of a particular language, and a
‗generative grammar‘, as he then defined it, is a theory of the state in which the ‗mind/brain‘ of a person
knowing a language must be (3). The second conceptual shift is said to be ‗theoryinternal‘ and to be ‗in
process‘ as he was writing (6). It led to a specific theory of genetic factors in the acquisition of this
knowledge, or the development of these systems of mental representation, which had by then, in the 1980s,
become the centre of this thought. Now the theory to which this was internal is that of, in general, ‗generative
grammar‘. Therefore it is with that notion that we should begin.
I have explained this with a care that is in part derived from hindsight. At that stage, for example, Chomsky
did not systematically distinguish ‗sentences‘ and ‗utterances‘. But if ‗natural languages‘ could be represented
in this way, the ‗fundamental aim in the linguistic analysis‘ of a language was, in his words, ‗to separate the
grammatical sequences‘ which were its sentences ‗from the ungrammatical sequences‘ that were not. It was
also, Chomsky added, to ‗study the structure of the grammatical sequences‘. But an essential task was to
indicate what members the set had. ‗The grammar‘ of a language ‗will thus‘, as he defined it, ‗be a device that
generates all of the grammatical sequences of [the language] and none of the ungrammatical ones‘. So, for
example, we can imagine a grammar of English, as represented in its written form, that would generate a set
with members such as I’m hungry, You are thirsty, Are we hungry?, He’s not thirsty; it would also say what
structure each of these has. But the set would not have among its members such sequences as Am hungry I,
Are you -y thirst?, or Not’s angry he. Ideally it would generate all the sequences, and only the sequences, that
represent what Bloomfield would have called the potential utterances of English.
This is from one page of Chomsky‘s first book, and for most readers it was a bombshell. For no one else
had taken that to be the ‗fundamental aim‘ of linguistic analysis. In the view then dominant in America it had
been precisely that of analysis: of the controlled division of utterances into phonemes, morphemes, phrases,
and so on. The overall description of a language was a synthesis to which, as Harris put it at one point, ‗the
work of analysis leads . . . up‘ (Z. S. Harris, 1951: 372). A few years later Harris too was talking, as we have
seen, of grammars ‗generating‘ sentences. But it was his pupil Chomsky who now took that goal as primary.
A generative grammar of a language such as English ‗is essentially a theory‘, as Chomsky put it in a later
chapter, of that language (Chomsky, 1957: 49). Like any ‗scientific theory‘, it was ‗based on a finite number
of observations‘; and, in our case, these were observations of what people say. A grammar of English was
thus ‗based on a finite corpus of utterances‘, taken to be in English. Any theory ‗seeks to relate the observed
phenomena‘ and, ‗by constructing general laws‘, ‗to predict new phenomena‘. Similarly, a grammar would
contain ‗grammatical rules‘ which ‗express relations‘ among both ‗the sentences of the corpus‘ and ‗the
indefinite number of sentences generated by the grammar beyond the corpus‘. These were in turn its
‗predictions‘. But how was the adequacy of such a theory to be assessed?
One obvious test was whether the sentences predicted did count as ‗potential utterances‘. In Chomsky‘s
terms, we had to determine ‗whether or not [they] are actually grammatical, i.e., acceptable to the native
speaker, etc.‘ (13). The ‗etc.‘ was important, and supplying what Chomsky called ‗a behavioral criterion for
grammaticalness‘ was never supposed to be easy. But one ‗external condition‘ of adequacy (49) was that ‗the
sentences generated‘, those predicted as well as those observed, ‗will have to be acceptable to the native
speaker‘. A grammar of English which allowed a sentence like Am hungry I, or excluded Am I hungry?,
would accordingly be less adequate, in that respect at least, than one which did not. Another external
condition was illustrated in a later chapter with the famous example of the shooting of the hunters. We saw
earlier (in 5.3) how this phrase was said to be ‗understood ambiguously‘, and how, if a grammar were
simplified by the addition of transformations, its ambiguity could be ‗explained‘. In Chomsky‘s terms, the
transformational grammar would treat it as a ‗constructional homonym‘. Such homonyms existed, by
definition, whenever ‗a given phoneme sequence is analyzed in more than one way on a given level‘ (86).
Another criterion of adequacy, he suggested, was ‗whether or not each case of constructional homonym[y] is
a real case of ambiguity and each case of the proper kind of ambiguity is actually a case of constructional
homonym[y]‘. By this criterion, then, a grammar of English which did not ‗analyse‘ the shooting of the
hunters in two distinct ways was less adequate, in that respect, than one which did.
A grammar was accordingly expected to predict the ‗sentences‘ or ‗utterances‘ of a language, and ‗explain‘
certain properties that they have. But Chomsky also imposed a ‗condition of generality‘. It was not sufficient
that a grammar of English or any other language should be ‗externally‘ adequate. For that requirement might
be met in many different ways.
100 Internalised language
Therefore, he argued, we must also prescribe the form a grammar may take. Each grammar should, as
Chomsky put it, ‗be constructed in accordance with a specific theory of linguistic structure‘ whose terms were
‗defined independently of any specific language‘ (50).
In a footnote to this passage Chomsky referred to a paper published three years earlier, in which Hockett
had proposed criteria for ‗models‘ of description. For Hockett too descriptions had to be such that, ‗following
the statements‘ that they made, one could ‗generate any number of utterances in the language‘. They were
thus predictive or, as Hockett said, ‗prescriptive‘; and the test for their predictions was, as he put it, that of
‗casual acceptance by a native speaker‘ (Hockett, 1954: 232). A ‗model of description‘ was defined by
Hockett as ‗a frame of reference within which an analyst approaches . . . a language and states the results of
his investigations‘ (210). This frame of reference would therefore have to allow an analyst to formulate
descriptions by which predictions were made. It must, as Hockett put it, ‗be productive: when applied to a
given language, the results must make possible the creation of an indefinite number of valid new utterances‘
The requirement that a description should be predictive was a criterion for descriptions; that a model of
description should be ‗productive‘ was accordingly a ‗metacriterion‘ (232f.), and one of four that Hockett had
considered essential. The others were, first, that it ‗must be general ‘; secondly, that it ‗must be specific‘;
thirdly, that it ‗must be inclusive‘.
To say that a model must be ‗general‘ was to require that ‗it must be applicable to any language, not just to
languages of certain types‘; and Chomsky, similarly, required that grammars should accord with a general
‗theory of linguistic structure‘. In arguing for this condition, Chomsky said that, to assess the ‗external
adequacy‘ of a grammar, we need to assume no more than a ‗partial knowledge of sentences and non-
sentences‘. We would know, for example, that I’m hungry is an English sentence and I’m -y hung(e)r is not;
but there would be many ‗sequences of phonemes‘ about which we were not sure. Thus, to hazard an
example, could one or could one not say to someone Be hungry, you!? ‗In many intermediate cases we shall
be prepared‘, he said, ‗to let the grammar itself decide‘, when it ‗is set up in the simplest way so that it
includes the clear sentences and excludes the clear non-sentences‘. But ‗[for] a single language, taken in
isolation‘, this was ‗only a weak test . . . , since many different grammars may handle the clear cases
properly‘. To make it stronger he insisted that they should ‗be handled properly for each language by
grammars all of which are constructed by the same method‘ (14).
To say that a model must be ‗inclusive‘ was to require that ‗when [it is] applied to a given language, the
results must cover all the observed data and, by implication, at least a very high percentage of all the not-yet-
observed data‘ (again Hockett, 1954: 232). But we may make this more precise if we think again of languages
as sets to be generated. A ‗model‘ could be seen as specifying, among other things, the form that, switching
now to Chomsky‘s terminology, a generative grammar of a language must have. A general model would have
to be such that any ‗natural language‘ can be generated.
To say that a model must be ‗specific‘ was to require that ‗when [it is] applied to a given language, the
results must be determined wholly by the nature of the model and the nature of the language, not at all by the
whim of the analyst‘. Hockett added that such a model might require us to ‗subsume . . . facts more than once,
from different angles‘. But there would be ‗a lack of specificity‘ if it ‗allowed us to take our choice, instead of
forcing‘ one or another solution. Now the purpose of Chomsky‘s ‗condition of generality‘ was to reduce the
multiplicity of grammars that, for any language, might be ‗externally adequate‘. Therefore a ‗specific theory
of linguistic structure‘, as he described it, had to be specific in precisely that sense.
In Chomsky‘s early thinking, that translated, in particular, into the requirement that a ‗linguistic theory‘
should provide ‗an evaluation procedure‘ (Chomsky, 1957: 51) for grammars. From what we have said
already, it was ‗necessary to state precisely . . . the external criteria of adequacy‘. This was in Chomsky‘s
account the first of ‗three main tasks‘ in the programme he suggested (53). The second was to ‗characterize
the form of grammars in a general and explicit way‘ (54): to specify the kinds of ways in which, as we have
seen, they were to ‗express relations‘ among sentences. But for any given ‗corpus of utterances‘, there may
still be more than one alternative grammar, each in the prescribed form and equivalent as to ‗external
adequacy‘, between which, if our theory was to meet what Hockett called the ‗metacriterion‘ of specificity, it
would have to choose. The third task, therefore, was to ‗analyse and define‘ a notion of, in Chomsky‘s term,
‗simplicity‘ that ‗we intend to use in choosing among grammars all of which are of the proper form‘ (54). The
theory would thus ‗tell us‘, for any ‗corpus‘ and any two such grammars, ‗which is the better grammar of the
language‘ (51).
This was without doubt a tall order. A grammar was, once more, a theory like, as a rave review proclaimed,
a theory in the natural sciences (Lees, 1957). But on top of that we then required a higher-order theory of, in
general, grammars. This not only specified the form that theories of each individual language would have; it
also had to show how one was better than another. Such a theory would indeed have been a remarkable
achievement. For, as Chomsky himself remarked, ‗there are few areas of
102 Internalised language
science in which one would seriously consider the possibility of developing a general, practical, method for
choosing among several theories, each compatible with the available data‘ (53).
But it is easy to see why Chomsky did consider it. The science of ‗descriptive linguistics‘, as it was then
called by Harris, Hockett and other American scholars, had as its aim the description of languages, and a
grammar, in Chomsky‘s sense, was such a description. But ‗describing‘ a language is not like, for instance,
describing a physical object. If I describe a tree, say, or a picture, someone else might then in principle
examine it and judge directly how far my account is adequate. But to ‗describe‘ a language is not so
straightforward. We may describe, in something like the same sense, the behaviour of two people who on a
particular occasion happen, among other things, to be making certain noises. But the language they are
speaking, however one defines it, does not lie open to observation in the same way. For Saussure it had been a
system whose existence was not concrete. For Bloomfield in the 1920s it had been a set of utterances; but,
even if that definition is taken very literally, we can never observe, and so describe in the ordinary sense, a
language in its entirety. So how is what we are calling a description to be validated?
The problem was faced by structural linguists from the beginning, and the programme of controlled
analysis, as envisaged by Chomsky‘s American predecessors, had been one intended solution. It had led, in
particular, to operational definitions of the phoneme (3.2), of the morpheme (5.2), and increasingly, as
Chomsky himself came onto the scene, of larger units. Now for Chomsky a ‗description‘ was a grammar, and
a grammar was, more exactly, a theory. But his ‗fundamental concern‘ was still, he said, that of the
‗justification of grammars‘ (49). A ‗linguistic theory‘ had accordingly to be a higher-order theory, which in
some way validated object theories.
The second of Chomsky‘s three tasks was, as we have seen, to ‗characterize the form of grammars‘ in
general. But for this there was another motive. For any linguist naturally had an interest both in the descrip-
tion of individual languages and in the properties that distinguish languages, in general, from other systems
that are not languages. In Chomsky‘s terms, a particular ‗natural language‘ was the subject of a particular
grammar. This was, as we have seen, a ‗theory‘ of the language. The properties of languages in general would
in turn be characterised by a higher-order theory satisfying his condition of generality. Now the primary aim
was, once more, to select for any language a particular grammar from the multitude that would in principle be
possible. But the requirement was ‗reasonable‘, Chomsky added, ‗since we are interested not only in
particular languages, but also in the general nature of Language‘ (14).
This last quotation is worth pondering. For structural linguistics had been, from the beginning, a science of
language systems. It was in essence a ‗linguistique de la langue‘; and implicitly, in any study of the wider
phenomena of ‗langage‘, the findings of this discipline, concerning among other things the character of
‗langues‘ in general, would be central. For Chomsky it was similarly implicit that a theory of ‗the general
nature of Language‘ (singular and with a capital letter) would be, at its heart at least, a theory of the general
properties of (in the plural) ‗languages‘.
In what, first of all, did competence consist? A grammar was, as we have seen, a theory of a language. But
to ‗know‘ a language native speakers must, in Chomsky‘s analysis, have formed analogous ‗theories‘: they
must as children have worked out, from the speech they heard around them, what are sentences that can be
said in it and what structures they have. In the 1950s, therefore, Chomsky had already suggested that, to have
learned a language, a child has ‗in some sense constructed a grammar for himself‘ (Chomsky, 1959: 57). This
was again a ‗generative grammar‘; and ‗obviously‘, as he now said, ‗every speaker of a language has
mastered and internalized‘ such a grammar (Chomsky, 1965: 8). ‗Generative grammars‘ were thus, in the title
of the section which includes this last quotation, ‗theories of linguistic competence‘. In a later passage,
Chomsky suggested that ‗the term ―grammar‖ ‘ could be used with ‗systematic ambiguity‘. In one sense, a
grammar was ‗the native speaker‘s internally represented ―theory of his language‖ ‘. This was what children
were taken to construct or master or internalise; and it was ‗a system of rules that determine how sentences
are to be formed, used, and understood‘. The architecture of this system was at the time the one described in
our last chapter (5.3): so, in ‗constructing‘ their ‗theory‘, children had to work out the deep structures that the
sentences of their language have, how structures at that level are related to surface structures, and so on. But
in Chomsky‘s other sense a grammar was ‗the linguist‘s account‘ of this system. So, in developing as linguists
our own ‗theory‘ of, for example, English, we would be formulating an ‗account‘ (or ‗grammar‘ in the second
sense) of an internally represented ‗theory‘ (or ‗grammar‘ in the first sense) that must be in the mind of
anyone who ‗knows‘ English.
But if Chomsky‘s theory ‗of a language‘ was now a theory of a speaker‘s ‗competence‘, what of the higher-
order theory, bearing on ‗the general nature of Language‘? This specified the form that grammars of a ‗natural
language‘ must take and a procedure that would justify a choice among alternatives. But when children learn
a language they were themselves seen as constructing grammars. Those too would be theories based on
evidence of what people say: on ‗observation‘, in Chomsky‘s words, ‗of what we may call primary linguistic
data‘. So, faced with this, a child ‗must have a method for devising an appropriate grammar‘. ‗As a pre-
condition for language learning, he must possess‘, according to the sentence that immediately follows, both ‗a
linguistic theory that specifies the form of the grammar of a possible human language‘ and ‗a strategy for
selecting a grammar of the appropriate form that is compatible with the primary linguistic data‘ (Chomsky,
1965: 25). A later section made the parallel between children and descriptive linguists still more precise. ‗A
child who is capable of language learning must have‘, Chomsky said: ‗a technique for representing input
signals‘ (compare a linguist‘s phonetic transcription of utterances); ‗a way of representing structural
information about these signals‘ (compare a linguist‘s representation of, for example, phrase structure); ‗some
initial delimitation of a class of possible hypotheses about language structure‘; ‗a method of determining what
each such hypothesis implies with respect to each sentence‘; and, finally, ‗a method for selecting one of the (
presumably, infinitely many) hypotheses that are allowed . . . and are compatible with the given primary
linguistic data‘ (30).
On that basis the term ‗theory of language‘ could in turn be used with ‗systematic ambiguity‘ (25). Just as a
‗grammar‘, or ‗theory of a particular language‘, could be a system ‗constructed‘ in the minds of speakers, so a
‗theory of language‘ in general would be in a corresponding sense what speakers, when they are children,
need in order to construct it. It was ‗the innate linguistic theory that provides the basis for language learning‘.
But in another sense it was ‗a linguist‘s account‘ of what is innate, just as a linguist‘s grammar was an
account of what has been learned. In this way the whole programme of the 1950s, aimed at characterising
languages as sets of utterances, converted beautifully, if Chomsky‘s reasoning was accepted, into a
programme for investigating both the ‗knowledge‘ that each speaker of a language acquires and what
Chomsky called ‗the child‘s innate predisposition‘ to acquire it.
I have introduced these ideas as they were introduced by Chomsky himself, and in the words he used in the
1960s. It will be noted, in particular, that the argument rested simply on the fact that people, in an ordinary
sense, ‗know languages‘. ‗Knowing a language‘ was then interpreted as ‗having a theory‘ of a set of
sentences; therefore people ‗must‘, when they are children, form such theories. A theory of a language was by
definition a ‗generative grammar‘; therefore children ‗must‘ construct or internalise generative grammars.
They must be predisposed to do so; therefore, it was argued, they ‗must‘ have foreknowledge of what lan-
guages in general are like, they ‗must‘ have a way of choosing between grammars, and so on. So far, then, the
reasoning was purely philosophical. It started from the initial statement that each language is known to its
speakers. From that one could not rationally dissent. The rest was an analysis of what it means to have this
knowledge and to come to have it.
But could there also be evidence that an ‗innate linguistic theory‘ exists? Let us assume that Chomsky, as a
linguist, had formed a correct account of what an ideal ‗speaker–hearer‘ of, say, English must, as such a
speaker–hearer, know. This knowledge has to be acquired in childhood: therefore competence in English must
develop in that form, from an initial state in infancy in which a child has none (call it ‗S 0‘) to an eventual
steady state (call it ‗SS‘) in which, ideally, it is complete. How then do
106 Internalised language
the minds of learners get from S0 to SS? Now it might be that, if S0 were blank, we could see no way by which,
in principle, that could happen. Therefore S0 could not be blank: we would have to ascribe to it specific
features that are needed if SS is to be reached. These features must be part of just such an ‗innate theory‘.
An innate grammatical theory was alternatively a ‗Universal Grammar‘, and by the 1980s, in the period of
what he called a second ‗conceptual shift‘, Chomsky had long been convinced that there were overwhelming
arguments for it. ‗In many cases that have been carefully studied . . . it is a near certainty that fundamental
properties‘ of the grammars that children attain ‗are radically underdetermined by evidence available‘ to
them, and ‗must therefore be attributed to U[niversal] G[rammar] itself ‘ (Chomsky, 1981: 3). This is cited
from a technical monograph, in a passage to which I will return. But the argument, as he had often put it
elsewhere, was from ‗poverty of stimulus‘. The stimulus for acquiring a language is formed by what he had
called ‗the primary linguistic data‘. But the ‗evidence‘ from this is too limited for the knowledge that he
ascribed to adult speakers to have developed on that basis alone. Therefore, in his analysis, it must develop by
an interaction of the input from a child‘s environment with specific internal structures. These could only be
genetically inherited; or, in a loose sense, innate.
An early illustration was of ‗structure-dependency‘ in syntax. Take, first of all, the sentence Is Mary
coming? Its construction is that of an interrogative; and in Chomsky‘s early account of generative grammars,
just as passive structures were derived by a transformation from the corresponding actives (5.3), so the
structure typical of questions was derived, by an interrogative transformation, from that of statements. The
structure of Is Mary coming? was thus derived from that of Mary is coming. The reason given was that, if we
bring out in this way the parallel between these structures, we can ‗simplify the description of English syntax‘
(Chomsky, 1957: 65). But in Chomsky‘s next phase ‗learning a language‘ meant constructing a grammar. So,
as the first step in his argument, we assume that any speaker of English must construct one that includes this
We also assume that the rule is as general as possible. It must therefore cover not just sentences like this, in
which the subject is the one word Mary. In other cases subjects are whole sequences of words: thus, alongside
Your sister is coming, with the subject your sister, there is a question Is your sister coming?; alongside The
girl next door can’t come, where the subject is the girl next door, there is a question Can’t the girl next door
come?; and so on. A child must thus construct a grammar which includes a transformation by which all such
sequences are derived. But, in deriving what is ‗grammatical‘, the rule must also exclude what is
‗ungrammatical‘. Take, for example, the statement The girl who is invited is coming. Speakers ‗know‘ that,
alongside this, there is a grammatical sequence Is the girl who is invited coming? Utterances like these may
indeed be in the ‗primary linguistic data‘, for which a particular child internalising such a ‗theory‘ must
account. But adult speakers also ‗know‘ that, for example, one cannot say Is the girl who invited is coming?
The reason (we assume) is that, when they were children, they internalised a grammar that includes (we
assume) a transformation, still constructed (we assume) in as general a form as possible, which does not
generate sequences of words of that kind. But how, we then ask, were they able to do so?
In one seductive treatment Chomsky imagines a ‗Martian scientist‘ (‗call him John M.‘) who is confronted
with this problem. John M. would discover a correspondence between statements and interrogatives: between
sentences like The girl is coming and The girl is invited and others like Is the girl coming? and Is the girl
invited? To be precise, he ‗discovers . . . that speakers form‘ interrogatives ‗by moving the verb to the front of
the sentence‘ (Chomsky, 1988: 41). He also ‗discovers‘ that speakers can combine sentences like The girl is
coming and The girl is invited to form more complex structures like The girl who is invited is coming. How,
he asks, do they form an interrogative from that? ‗Evidently, speakers have some rule that they use to form
interrogatives corresponding to declaratives‘; this ‗forms part of the language incorporated in their
mind/brain‘; so his task as a scientist is to ‗construct a hypothesis as to what the rule is‘ (42).
‗The obvious and most simple hypothesis‘, Chomsky supposes, is that the rule obliges speakers to identify
and move the first verb. Thus, in The girl is coming, they find is and move it to form Is the girl coming? But if
that were indeed the rule then, from The girl who is invited is coming, they would form precisely what they do
not form: Is the girl who invited is coming? Therefore the hypothesis fails. Is it possible then that they move
not the first verb but the last? This too is wrong: thus, to supply an illustration, they do not move the last is in
the statement She is the girl who is invited to form an interrogative Is she is the girl who invited? Eventually
his Martian discovers that no rule will work if it refers ‗simply to the linear order of words‘. The rule that
speakers ‗have‘ instructs them to move neither the first verb nor the last; but what grammarians call ‗the main
verb of the sentence‘ (43). But to apply a rule in that form ‗one must undertake a complex computational
analysis‘ to identify the verb in question. One must analyse the structure of each statement, to identify the
subject phrase (the girl, she, the girl who is invited ) that the main verb follows. Why, ‗one may ask‘, do
speakers ‗use a computationally complex rule‘ (44) instead of one which is much simpler?
108 Internalised language
John M. is puzzled, and ‗might speculate‘ that they are taught it. Perhaps, as children, they make mistakes
and their parents or others correct them. But he ‗will quickly discover‘ that this is not so. ‗Children never
make errors about such matters and receive no corrections or instruction about them.‘ Now the rule that
Chomsky and his Martian have proposed can be characterised as ‗structure-dependent‘. Which verb is moved
depends on the grammatical structure that each sentence has. It is thus a ‗fact‘, as Chomsky puts it elsewhere,
that ‗without instruction or direct evidence, children unerringly use computationally complex structure-
dependent rules‘ and not ones that are ‗computationally simple‘ (Chomsky, 1986: 7). The mystery deepens:
why do children not make errors and not need instruction?
Chomsky‘s Martian is left in the end ‗with only one plausible conclusion‘. There has to be ‗some innate
principle of the mind/brain‘, which, given the ‗data‘ that children have, ‗yields‘ this rule as ‗the only possibil-
ity‘ (Chomsky, 1988: 44). What is this principle? It is precisely that, in general, ‗rules of language . . . are
structure dependent‘ (45). They ‗operate on expressions that are assigned a certain structure in terms of a
hierarchy of phrases‘: subject noun phrase, following verb, and so on. A child learning any language ‗knows,
in advance of experience, that the rules will be structure dependent‘. Therefore their rule for interrogatives
cannot but be as the Martian, or as Chomsky, takes it to be.
Other arguments involved more complex evidence but had essentially the same structure. Knowledge of a
certain kind is attributed to state SS: that of an ideal speaker–hearer who has developed competence, as it was
called in the 1960s, in a language. We ask how SS can be reached; and the only ‗plausible conclusion‘ is that,
in an initial state S0, ‗in advance of experience‘ bearing on its acquisition, certain general principles of
language are already genetically determined. By the 1970s, Chomsky was already claiming that ‗the growth
of language‘ could be seen as ‗analogous to the development of a bodily organ‘ (Chomsky, 1976 [1975]: 11).
Its development depended not just on the environment in which a child was placed. It was not learned,
therefore, in the sense in which we learn things by instruction or by experience alone. It ‗grew‘ by the
interaction between input from experience and specific structures that were part of our genetic inheritance.
If Chomsky was right this placed linguistics at the forefront of the cognitive sciences. In the 1960s, when
the idea was first put forward, it caught the imagination of philosophers, psychologists, and others across
neighbouring disciplines, even though, at that stage, most of what he later believed to be the structure of
Universal Grammar, and therefore what became his principal evidence for it, had been barely touched on.
Two decades later, he himself suggested that the ‗discoveries‘ he claimed might ‗be compared with the
discovery of waves, particles, genes, valence, and so on . . . in the physical sciences‘ (Chomsky, 1988: 91).
‗We are beginning to see into the deeper hidden nature of the mind and to understand how it works, really for
the first time in history.‘ One hesitates to cite a scholar when he is blowing his own trumpet, but if the
discoveries were genuine this was true. The main task for anyone who wants to understand the nature of
language would then be to extend them. It was not to describe each language individually, each simply for its
own sake. It was not even to describe each individually, and then, by comparing them, to find out what, if
anything, all have in common. It was to study directly the genetically determined structures that, by
Chomsky‘s argument, had to exist.
It was in the 1980s that the implications of this programme finally became clear. There have since been
changes of detail: many specific hypotheses, in part modifying or overturning earlier hypotheses, about the
structure that the Universal Grammar has. But Chomsky‘s basic philosophy of linguistics has not altered.
To ‗know a language‘ was, he had said in the 1960s, to have ‗constructed a grammar‘. Alternatively, we
could talk of an ‗internalized language‘, or ‗I-language‘; so, as Chomsky now expressed what is essentially
the same point, a Universal Grammar could be ‗construed as the theory of human I-languages‘. It was ‗a
system of conditions deriving from the human biological endowment that identifies the I-languages that are
humanly accessible under normal conditions‘ (Chomsky, 1986: 23). But our problem then is to explain why
individual languages, which all ‗grow‘ in minds with the same ‗biological endowment‘, are as different, even
in their basic structures, as they are. Let us suppose that, through our study of an individual language, we
discover that its speakers ‗know‘ x. This might be, for example, a specific constraint on the movement of a
unit which belongs to a specific class. We are once more convinced that their knowledge of x could not have
been acquired without the mediation of some ‗universal‘ principle. But suppose that x itself is found not, in
reality, to be universal. Thus, in some other languages, we find that units of a similar class are subject not to x,
but to another constraint y. Let us suppose moreover that, for y to ‗grow‘ in speakers‘ minds, we must again
invoke some ‗universal‘ principle. How can both x ‗grow‘ and y ‗grow‘, if the biological endowment of all
speakers is the same?
The problem was in effect anticipated by the end of the 1970s. On the one hand, Universal Grammar had to
be inherited by every member of our species; and, since any infant can be found in practice to be capable of
learning any language, there was no reason to suppose that it might
110 Internalised language
vary from one population to another. So, in Chomsky‘s words, a theory of it had to be ‗compatible with the
diversity of existing (indeed possible)‘ individual grammars (Chomsky, 1981: 3). On the other hand, it would
have to include whatever he considered necessary for the development of any individual I-language. In
Chomsky‘s words, it had to be ‗sufficiently constrained and restrictive in the options it permits so as to
account for the fact that each of these grammars develops in the mind on the basis of quite limited evidence‘.
In the next sentence, which I cited earlier, Chomsky said that it was ‗a near certainty‘ that many ‗fundamental
properties‘ of individual grammars had to be attributed to Universal Grammar. But by then it was known that
many of the arguments that justified that statement had been based on rules that varied from one language to
another, even within Europe.
The conclusion was that the inherited Universal Grammar had to include variables. By the basic argument,
certain structures must originate in S0; if not, Chomsky could not conceive how speakers‘ minds attained the
steady state SS that he ascribed to them. The principles that determined these had then to be genetically
inherited. But what is inherited had now, in addition, to include explicit alternatives. The minds of children
about to develop a knowledge of English would still be initially in the same S 0 as those about to develop one
of, say, Japanese. But the task they faced was not just to acquire those aspects of I-language which develop
independently of Universal Grammar. Within the Universal Grammar there would have to be specific choices,
by which a child faced with ‗primary linguistic data‘ in, say, English would develop an I-language that is
specifically of one type; but one faced with ‗data‘ in, say, Japanese would develop another whose type might
appear, at first sight, to be inexplicably different.
What ‗we expect to find‘, in Chomsky‘s own words, is ‗a highly restricted theory of U[niversal]
G[rammar]‘ based still on ‗a number of fundamental principles that sharply restrict the class of attainable
grammars and narrowly constrain their form‘; but, in addition, ‗with parameters that have to be fixed by
experience‘ (again Chomsky, 1981: 3f.). ‗If these parameters‘, he continued, ‗are embedded in a theory of
U[niversal] G[rammar] that is sufficiently rich in structure, then the languages that are determined by fixing
their values one way or another will appear to be quite diverse, since the consequences of one set of choices
may be very different from the consequences of another set‘. Five years later, the parameters of such a system
were compared to an array of switches. When a child‘s mind is in its initial state, each switch will be open;
and, in the transition from that to a final or steady state, each is ‗set‘ in either of two ways. But for the ‗core‘,
as Chomsky called it, of each language that is all that will be necessary. In the light of input from experience,
a child learning English will be led to make one series of choices. Each switch in the array will then be set to
correspond to one of two alternative values of the relevant parameter. In the light of differing experiences, a
child learning Japanese will make choices that, in part at least, are different. The corresponding switches will
accordingly be set in ways that correspond, in part, to opposite values. But in either case no more will be
needed for the core of their I-language to develop. ‗The transition from the initial state S0 to the steady state
SS‘ was simply, in Chomsky‘s words, ‗a matter of setting the switches‘ (Chomsky, 1986: 146).
These passages are cited from the books that mark what Chomsky himself saw as a new ‗conceptual shift‘
(again Chomsky, 1986: 6). It was a shift internal to the theory of ‗generative grammar‘; and, in the 1990s,
terminology from every phase of Chomsky‘s exposition of his ideas – ‗generative grammar‘, ‗competence‘,
‗I-language‘ – is still woven together (Chomsky and Lasnik, 1995 [1993]: 14–15). But the focus of this theory
had significantly changed.
In the beginning, as we have seen, a generative grammar was a set of rules that ‗generated‘, and assigned
analyses to, a set of sentences. That was how Chomsky had defined it in the 1950s (6.1), and it was such a
grammar that, in his first ‗conceptual shift‘, was said to constitute the competence of speakers of a language.
In describing languages, a central aim was thus to separate the sequences of words that were ‗grammatical‘
from others that were ‗ungrammatical‘. If we did not do this, we could not claim that we had correctly
characterised the ‗competence‘, or ‗knowledge‘, that their speakers had. But it was obvious in the 1980s that
I-languages include much that cannot develop by the setting of parameters. Speakers of English will know,
for example, the forms of irregular verbs: not thinked but thought, not haves sinked but has sunk, and so on.
They will know that boiler house or boat house are established combinations with established meanings; but
that bone house (in a poem by Seamus Heaney) is not. They will know that there is a sentence It will be
raining cats and dogs tomorrow and that this means that it will rain very heavily; they will know too that
there is no corresponding passive Cats and dogs will be being rained tomorrow. But details like these will not
be determined by the setting of parameters. They must be learned, from experience alone, in just the way that,
it was claimed, the ‗core‘ is not ‗learned‘.
In Chomsky‘s terms, such knowledge formed a ‗periphery‘. The ‗core‘ of an I-language was defined as ‗a
system determined by fixing values for the parameters of U[niversal] G[rammar]‘ (Chomsky, 1986: 147).
This was variously called ‗core grammar‘ or ‗core language‘; and, in a later account that was given in the
1990s, would consist of ‗what we tentatively
112 Internalised language
assume to be pure instantiations of U[niversal] G[rammar]‘ (Chomsky and Lasnik, 1995 [1993]: 19f.). But
‗the systems called ―languages‖ in common sense usage tolerate exceptions: irregular morphology, idioms,
and so forth‘ (again Chomsky, 1986: 147). The I-language that a speaker has developed will accordingly
include not just the core, but also a ‗periphery‘ consisting of ‗whatever is added on in the system actually
represented in the mind/brain of a speaker–hearer‘. In the 1990s this periphery was again said to consist of
‗exceptions‘ (Chomsky and Lasnik, 1995 [1993]: 20).
The ‗innate linguistic theory‘, as Chomsky called it in the 1960s, is accordingly focussed on the core part of
a speaker‘s competence. But the core is not a system that alone distinguishes what are sentences and what are
‗non-sentences‘. That will depend on both it and the periphery; and exactly what belongs to which is not
determined by our evidence of any individual language that we might set out to study. What is an ‗exception‘
in the periphery is, presumably, whatever is not part of the core. But what is part of the core can be
determined only by a specific theory of ‗Universal Grammar‘, whose ‗instantiation‘, on this hypothesis, it will
The primary aim is therefore to engage directly with this aspect, as it is claimed, of man‘s biological
inheritance. But the grounds on which the claim is made will also have to be more complex. In the beginning
evidence could come from a single language: if its speakers could be shown to ‗know‘ things that they could
not have ‗learned‘ from experience alone, a genetic explanation would be posited. This was made clear by
Chomsky in a footnote in the 1960s. ‗Paradoxical as it may seem at first glance, considerations internal to a
single language may provide significant support for the conclusion that some formal property should be
attributed not to the theory of the particular language in question (its grammar) but rather to the general
linguistic theory on which the particular grammar is based‘ (Chomsky, 1965: 209). I can recall one reader
who confessed to throwing down the book at this point. But, by the logic of Chomsky‘s argument, it had to be
We have seen how, in the 1980s, Chomsky could still argue in that vein. But the theory of ‗Principles and
Parameters‘, as he calls it, is a theory of everything in I-languages that is not an ‗exception‘. Its parameters
will therefore cover many things that can, in principle, be learned from experience alone. One of Chomsky‘s
earliest parameters determined, for example, whether subject pronouns could be ‗dropped‘. English was one
language in which they could not: She is coming or He is coming, not Is coming. In Italian the setting would
be the opposite: Viene. But there was no argument that, to acquire this one specific aspect of their
‗knowledge‘, children needed anything other than the evidence of speech to which they were exposed. What
was claimed instead was that this difference was one of a series by which types of language were distin-
guished. In Italian, a verb like viene can be either preceded or followed by a subject: Giovanni viene ‗John is
coming‘ or Viene Giovanni. In English it can only be preceded. This feature of Italian was then one of a
‗clustering of properties‘ that, in Chomsky‘s hypothesis, were ‗related‘ to this single parameter (Chomsky,
1981: 240). Others were of a kind that, in the 1970s, had been taken to show that language could not be
learned from experience. But, once the parameter was set, through experience that would be immediately
decisive, they would necessarily follow. In English the parameter would be set differently, and a different
clustering of properties would follow likewise. As the values of this and other such parameters are fixed, ‗the
languages that are determined‘ will, in Chomsky‘s words, ‗appear to be quite diverse‘ (4). If he is right, the
explanation for their diversity is that each parameter will have repercussions throughout their core systems.
To justify the theory, it had now to be established that such ‗clustering of properties‘ exists. But to that end
it was not enough to look in detail just at English or just at Italian. The validity of the theory depended on the
thorough study of the relevant structures in all languages, of every possible type.
But for change in systems there must be a reason; and one suggested by work on diachronic phonology
(4.1) was that it might correct ‗imbalance‘. ‗Balance‘, by implication, was a property that systems tend to
maximise. Now the properties of grammars were the province of Chomsky‘s ‗linguistic theory‘: both those
that they must have and, since he had talked in the beginning of a method for choosing between alternative
grammars, those that are preferred. It was therefore natural, as Lightfoot saw in the 1970s, that such a theory
should be taken as a key to understanding change. Suppose, in the extreme case, that a grammar does not
respect some limit that is laid down. It would then be ‗driven‘, in Lightfoot‘s words, ‗to a therapeutic
restructuring‘ (Lightfoot, 1979: 123). He has tended not to refer to predecessors in the Saussurean tradition.
But, similarly, a theory of phonology might have defined the limits of ‗imbalance‘. Systems that breached
them would be driven to change, therapeutically, in such a way that they conformed.
In syntax Lightfoot proposed, in particular, that grammars were subject to a ‗transparency principle‘. The
simpler their account of the construction of sentences, and the closer the relation between surface structures
and underlying representations, the more ‗transparency‘, as he defined it, there would be. Grammars then tend
to be restructured in ways that will maximise it. But, as earlier linguists had seen, changes which are
therapeutic at one point in a system can create need for new therapy at another. As Lightfoot put it, the
restructuring of a grammar will be such as ‗to solve essentially local problems‘ (378). But a local change will
not be inhibited if unwittingly it leads to problems elsewhere. ‗[L]anguage learners do not re-design their
entire grammar or practise sufficient prudence to check all the implications of a given change for all other
areas of the grammar‘. Therefore a fresh problem may provoke another change. ‗This means‘, as Lightfoot
said, ‗that changes may often take place in implicational sequences‘.
The assumption, to elaborate his image, was that ‗grammars practise therapy, not prophylaxis‘ (123). But
therapy itself could not be the whole story. ‗One is still left to wonder‘, Lightfoot said, ‗why grammars never
reach a state of equilibrium or indeed what set off such implicational sequences in the first place‘ (381). Why
do they not simply achieve a state that is most ‗highly valued‘, and stay put?
A similar problem had been implicit in the 1950s, and an answer, as we have seen, was that the ‗balance‘ of
a system, at one level, may be disturbed by cumulative shifts, at another level, in what Coseriu (4.2) called a
‗norm‘. Likewise, in Lightfoot‘s terms, the causes of change were in part ‗extra-grammatical‘. Suppose, for
example, that an ordering of words falls out of use. Once it was normal; therefore instances of it were part of
the ‗primary linguistic data‘ to which children were exposed; therefore the competence they acquired in turn
permitted it. But, in performance, other orderings were increasingly preferred: perhaps under the influence of
a foreign language (compare Lightfoot, 1979: 381f.), or for reasons of ‗expressivity‘ (384f.). Such causes are
beyond the scope of grammars. But children of a new generation would then have increasingly little evidence
that the ordering was possible. Therefore they might construct rules that did not permit it; that might lower the
value of their grammars as regards transparency; and, through other changes, limits laid down by ‗linguistic
theory‘ might no longer be respected.
The picture that Lightfoot presented was accordingly of ‗piecemeal changes‘, such as the exclusion of a
specific arrangement of words, that result ‗in steady complication of a grammar, rendering it . . . less highly
valued‘ (78). In his main illustration, words in English like can, may or will were in the beginning verbs like
any other. But, by what he described as separate changes, they came not to take an object (one could not say
the equivalent of I can him or I may this); other verbs came to be followed by an infinitive with to (modern I
want to do it as opposed to I can do it), and so on (details, 101ff.). Their status as verbs became less and less
transparent. What followed, in his account, was a restructuring of the grammar in which they were no longer
verbs, but formed a separate class of ‗modals‘. As such, they were subject to different rules. In Lightfoot‘s
explanation, piecemeal changes can in this way lead up to a ‗catastrophic‘ readjustment (78). As Coseriu
would have said, before ‗catastrophe theory‘ was invented, the system in time ‗overturns‘.
These ideas had been inspired by Chomsky‘s first ‗conceptual shift‘; and, since the object of investigation
was not speech but a system underlying speech, it is natural that we should be able to find parallels in work
that looked back to Saussure. But Chomsky‘s second ‗shift‘ soon followed, and in Lightfoot‘s response to that
the model of therapy, in particular, is transcended.
For ‗a child constructing a grammar‘ we must now talk of a child ‗setting parameters‘. To be precise, that is
all that will be involved in the ‗construction‘ of a Chomskyan ‗core language‘. The ‗primary linguistic data‘
that are available to children are accordingly a ‗triggering experience‘ (Lightfoot, 1999: 66f.) for Universal
Grammar to develop into the central systems of particular grammars. Changes in the basic structure of a
language then reduce to differences in the setting of parameters, in response to different triggering
That much follows directly from what Chomsky himself proposed. But setting parameters, as Lightfoot
makes clear, is a task quite different from the one that children had originally been said to face. According to
116 Internalised language
Chomsky in the 1960s, children did what linguists had been seen as doing in the 1950s. In Lightfoot‘s own
terms, he ‗viewed children as endowed with a metric evaluating grammars which can generate the primary
data to which they are exposed, along with appropriate structural descriptions for these data‘. This metric had
to select the grammar which, among other things, is ‗most successful in generating those data‘ (Lightfoot,
1999: 144).
In that account a child ‗selects a grammar which matches his or her input as closely as possible‘. But let us
assume that the Universal Grammar is as Chomsky has claimed since the 1980s. In the development of ‗core‘
structures, no set of rules will strictly be ‗constructed‘: the possible alternatives derive directly from the
system that each child inherits, and all that is going to happen, in the light of what Lightfoot calls the
‗triggering experience‘, is that one instantiation of a Universal Grammar will be activated and the others
suppressed. Nor does this require that ‗inputs‘ should be ‗matched‘. Parameters must be set easily, and the
natural process is not one in which alternative ‗core‘ grammars, each derived by different combinations of
settings, are compared to see which, with the addition of a ‗periphery‘, generates most successfully the
sentences that a child hears. It will be one in which each setting is determined by a minimum of specific
That insight is the key to everything that follows. In Lightfoot‘s theory, learning of a grammar, or core
language, will be based on ‗cues‘ (149). These are partial structures designated as such by a Universal
Grammar; and, in developing their knowledge of a language, children will ‗scan their linguistic environment‘
(206 and elsewhere) for them. To be precise, they will search for fragments of incoming speech that can be
seen as instances of them. Once a cue has been found sufficiently often or, as Lightfoot puts it, ‗with sufficient
robustness‘ the parameter that it represents will be set. But the Universal Grammar is a system, as we have
seen in the last section, in which the setting of a single parameter, which will again be determined by
experience, may have a wide range of consequences. Each of Lightfoot‘s cues could therefore be associated
with a series of additional structures. Once the first choice is determined then, without any further analysis of
the input that a child receives, their developing grammar automatically includes these also.
For grammars to be different, there must first be a difference in the ‗triggering experience‘. This must again
be due to ‗nongrammatical factors‘ (225), again involving, for example, ‗language contact or socially defined
speech fashions‘ (166). No ‗theory of grammar or acquisition‘ (218) will predict shifts in the speech of a
community at that level, and Lightfoot says very little about them. But, given that they take place, he now has
an even more seductive theory of ‗catastrophes‘. As speech shifts, the evidence for specific cues may
diminish. They may no longer be found ‗with sufficient robustness‘, and the parameters will no longer be set
as they have been. The ‗expression of the cues‘ will change, in Lightfoot‘s words, ‗in such a way that a
threshold [is] crossed and a new grammar [is] acquired‘ (166). But each cue is a structure that, once
identified, entails others. If it is not fixed, they are not selected either; and, as alternative cues are identified,
different structures will be selected, regardless of the remainder of the input, by them. In this way, a small
shift in the ‗linguistic experience of some children‘ may have what Lightfoot calls ‗dramatic consequences‘
(111) for the grammars that develop.
It will be clear now why the notion of ‗therapy‘ was no longer needed. We again speak, at the level of
abstraction represented by the core of Chomskyan I-language, of change in a system. To explain it, we must
again invoke shifts at another level, in the speech that supplies ‗triggering experiences‘. But the rest appeals
simply to the laws of Universal Grammar, which inexorably determine specific structures in response to
specific inputs.
Structural semantics
The term ‗semantics‘ was coined in the 1880s, by the French linguist Michel Bréal. As ‗phonétique‘ was in its
widest sense a science of the sounds of speech, so ‗sémantique‘, from the Greek verb for ‗to mean‘, was a
‗science des significations‘ (Bréal, 1911 [1897]: 8). How Bréal saw this discipline need not concern us. But
for a structuralist a language is a system in which determinate forms are related to meanings that are also
determinate. ‗Structural semantics‘ is accordingly concerned with meanings as terms in such systems.
Its beginnings lie in Saussure‘s theory of ‗linguistic signs‘ (2.1). Each sign, as we have seen, had two sides;
and just as on the level of expression, to use Hjelmslev‘s terminology, units were identified in abstraction
from the sounds that speakers physically utter, so those on the content level had to be abstracted from the
passing meanings that were intended. This second task was therefore, in principle, as important as the first.
But when Hjelmslev wrote he was himself among the few who had approached it seriously. We have seen
how, by his test of commutation, both expressions and their contents were divided into ‗figurae‘: ‗[ram]‘, for
example, into ‗[r]‘ plus ‗[a]‘ plus ‗[m]‘; ‗ram‘, in parallel, into ‗he‘ plus ‗sheep‘ (5.1). Another parallel, as we
will soon see, was between semantic oppositions and distinctive phonetic features in Prague School
phonology (3.2). But these were ideas that few applications had explored in detail, and by the 1950s it seemed
clear to many linguists that a great deal of the basic structure of a language could be described, in practice,
without doing so. Structuralists in America, in particular, came to see the ‗semantic system‘ of a language, as
in Hockett‘s scheme of levels in the 1950s, as a field which was separate from its ‗central‘ systems (5.2). Its
investigation could therefore, for the moment, be postponed.
For one contemporary commentator it was ‗paradoxical and disturbing to find that many structural linguists
are uninterested in problems of meaning and reluctant to handle them‘ (Ullmann, 1957 [1951]: 317). It might
likewise have disturbed Saussure, for whom each side of a linguistic sign had presupposed the other. But it
was only after this stage had been reached that earlier ideas came finally to fruition. In the section which
follows the framework is still that of Saussure and of other structuralists whose ideas were formed before the
Second World War. The central problem, therefore, is the identification of what Saussure called ‗signs‘. In
most later treatments the identity of units that have meaning is one problem. The analysis of the meanings that
they have can then be treated as another.
is ‗brown‘, for example, in English is not always, in French, ‗brun‘, and what is indifferently ‗black‘ in
English was in classical Latin variously ‗ater‘ or ‗niger‘. To underline the point that he was making,
Hjelmslev set four colour terms in Danish beside those that most nearly correspond in Welsh. One range of
colours is in Danish ‗grøn‘ (‗green‘), and of these some are in Welsh ‗gwyrdd‘. But not all: others, closer to
the range of Danish ‗blaa‘ (‗blue‘), are instead ‗glas‘. Colours that are ‗blaa‘ in Danish are again ‗glas‘, but so
too are some that in Danish are ‗graa‘ (‗grey‘). Others that are ‗graa‘ are then in Welsh not ‗glas‘ but ‗llwyd‘;
still others that in Welsh are ‗llwyd‘ are in turn ‗brun‘ (‗brown‘). In Hjelmslev‘s diagram (see fig. 6)
glas graa
llwyd brun
Figure 6
the colour spectrum is again a ‗purport‘, which the oppositions within Welsh and Danish structure,
‗arbitrarily‘ in Saussure‘s sense, each in their own way (Hjelmslev, 1943: 48f.).
The case for structural semantics rests on such facts. But the particular conclusion that Saussure drew from
them was that neither forms nor meanings had an identity independent of a system in which they were paired.
One could not talk of words such as tree or horse independently of either ‗tri�‘ and ‗hh�s‘, as mental
representations of sounds, or ‗tree‘ and ‗horse‘, as mental representations of trees and horses (compare again
Saussure, 1972 [1916]: 97ff.). Nor could one talk of either independently of the oppositions between each pair
and all others. To identify words was to distinguish simultaneously, within an individual language system,
what distinctively ‗means‘ (or ‗signifies‘) and what is distinctively ‗meant‘ (or ‗signified‘).
For Bloomfield too the essential first step was to identify recurrent likenesses in form linked to recurrent
likenesses in meaning. A speaker of English might say, on a specific occasion, ‗I planted a tree yesterday‘;
another, on another occasion, might say ‗Those trees are magnificent.‘ But to identify their language we must
abstract specific forms, like ‗tri�‘, and specific meanings, like ‗tree‘, that are linked consistently across
utterances. Now the form ‗tri�‘ was not literally a recurring sound. It was a ‗phonetic form‘ abstracted, as an
invariant, from the widely varying sounds that speakers actually produce. Nor was its meaning literally to be
identified with any of the varying objects that they may refer to. Our first speaker might have planted, for
example, an oak and, for it to be planted, it would have had to be, as trees go, quite small. In Bloomfield‘s
terms, both its species and its size would be features of the ‗situation‘ that ‗called forth‘ the utterance that is
produced (Bloomfield, 1935 [1933]: 139). The other speaker might instead be talking, in a very different
‗situation‘, of a grove of mature redwoods. But the features that concern us are just the invariants that
constitute the ‗likeness‘. We have therefore to ‗discriminate‘, as Bloomfield put it, ‗between non-distinctive
features of the situation‘, such as the species, size or state of a tree or trees referred to, ‗and the distinctive, or
linguistic meaning (the semantic features) which are common to all the situations that call forth the utterance‘
(141) of, in this example, the distinctive form ‗tri�‘. The problem for semantics, as for phonology, was to
identify such invariants.
A ‗concept‘ of a tree is one thing; features of the ‗situations‘ in which tree is uttered are another. Nor, for
that matter, is an ‗acoustic image‘ in the minds of speakers the same thing as a unit physically identified in
sounds. But, whether one was a ‗mentalist‘ or a ‗physicalist‘, the application of such theories could be less
straightforward than it might seem in this instance. Take, for example, the -ed at the end of planted. For gram-
marians it is an ending of a category that they describe as ‗past tense‘; this is also the tense of, among others,
painted in I painted a tree yesterday, or decorated in I decorated a tree yesterday. But what establishes this
category as a sign? If we take these sentences alone the problem is sufficiently simple. The ending ‗0d‘ is
constant, and in uttering it a speaker will refer to what has happened earlier than the time of speaking. But a
past tense does not always have the ending ‗0d‘: compare, for example, bought or came. Nor are forms of this
category always different from those of other categories. In I have planted a tree an identical ending ‗0d‘ is
assigned instead to a category that is traditionally the past participle; in I bet you £10, said in making the bet,
the form of a present is identical to that of the past tense in I bet you £10 last week. Nor does the past tense,
whether in ‗0d‘ or otherwise, refer always to things that have happened in
122 Structural semantics
the past. Compare, for example, its use in If I planted a tree tomorrow. The time reference is future, as it also
is in If I plant a tree tomorrow. The difference lies instead in the likelihood, as the speaker intends or per-
ceives it, of the planting taking place. Nor is the past the only tense that can refer to things that have already
happened: compare, for example, the narrative present in Then, last week, I plant a tree. If ‗past tense‘ is to be
identified by a direct relation between forms and their meaning, the meaning cannot simply be ‗past‘.
As conventional dictionaries list different ‗senses‘ of words, so conventional grammars list different ‗uses‘
of such categories. In our last example, the present plant is said to have a ‗historic‘ use; in I plant a tree every
autumn its use is ‗habitual‘; in I plant it tomorrow it is used to refer to the future; and so on. To establish
categories as terms in a sign system we must therefore identify a meaning that is invariant across each range
of uses; by which present and past tense, for example, stand in a constant opposition. But how abstract must
such meanings be?
The problem was clear in the 1930s, and was addressed in particular in two articles by Roman Jakobson.
Both dealt with Russian, one with categories of the verb, including tenses; the other, longer and more con-
tentious, with the system of cases. For cases too, grammarians distinguish different uses or ‗individual
meanings‘ (‗Einzelbedeutungen‘), and there is again no simple relation between the forms that different words
take and the categories to which, despite this independent variation in both forms and uses, they are
nevertheless assigned (compare Jakobson, 1971 [1936]: 24f.). The same problem arises; and the solution, as
Jakobson saw it, was to establish a system of oppositions between ‗general meanings‘
(‗Gesamtbedeutungen‘), by which each case is consistently distinguished from all other cases. ‗Individual
meanings‘ would then be explained by reference to these general meanings, and the individual contexts in
which they are found.
As categories are opposed to categories so, in the phonology of the Prague School, phonemes are opposed
to phonemes. In English, for example, ‗m‘ was a phoneme distinguished from ‗b‘, among others, and
characterised in part by a phonetic feature ‗nasal‘. Similarly, accusative in Russian was a category to be
distinguished from among others nominative, and characterised by a general meaning that had to be
discovered. But let us look further at the features by which phonemes are defined. One features of ‗m‘ is, as
we have said, ‗nasal‘; ‗b‘ and ‗p‘, which are also articulated with the lips, can be contrasted as ‗non-nasal‘. In
the same way nasal ‗n‘, which is alveolar, is opposed to non-nasal ‗d‘ and ‗t‘, and nasal ‗�‘ (ng) to non-nasal
‗�‘ and ‗k‘. What then is meant by the term ‗non-nasal‘? In Trubetzkoy‘s account, it meant precisely that one
set of phonemes could be characterised, in part, negatively. The three nasals (‗m‘, ‗n‘ ‗�‘) were characterised
positively, by what he called a ‗mark‘ (‗Merkmal‘) of nasality. Their place in the system was as consonants
produced specifically with air flowing through the nose. In opposition to these, the non-nasals (‗b‘, ‗p‘; ‗d‘,
‗t‘; ‗�‘, ‗k‘) were distinguished by the absence of this mark. Their place in the system was accordingly as
consonants that were not produced specifically in that way. ‗Correlations‘, as he called them, were defined by
parallel oppositions of this kind, in which the phonemes of one set are ‗marked‘, and the others are in contrast
‗unmarked‘ (Trubetzkoy, 1939: 77ff.).
This doctrine was new when Jakobson wrote the first of his articles, and he at once seized on it as a clue for
the analysis of meanings. Take, for example, the distinction in word-meaning between duck, which can be
used of either females or males, and drake, which is used specifically of males. The latter is the ‗marked‘
term, the ‗mark‘ being the specific feature by which it is so used. The other is ‗unmarked‘ and in consequence
it might be said to have two uses. If someone points to a female mallard and asks if it is the drake, one might
reply ‗No, it is the duck‘: in that case duck is used specifically of one sex. But if they point to a mixed flock
and say ‗Look at those ducks‘, it is used of the species, or the kind of bird, in general. Does it follow then that
duck has two distinct meanings? If we follow the logic of markedness it does not. Drake is the marked term
and is used specifically of male ducks. Duck is, in contrast, unmarked. But that means simply that it is not
specifically restricted in the way drake is restricted. Therefore it can be used freely, both, in one set of cir-
cumstances, of ducks that are female and, in another, of ducks in general.
The argument is modelled on Jakobson‘s own treatment of a contrast in Russian, between a word for a
donkey and another specifically for a female donkey (Jakobson, 1971 [1932]: 4). Let us therefore return, in
this light, to the distinction between past and present tense. In Jakobson‘s account of Russian, a past tense
makes clear that, specifically, ‗the action belongs to the past‘. But the opposing present constitutes instead a
‗typical unmarked category‘. It does not indicate specifically that actions are in present time; nor even that, in
contrast, they are not in past time. It simply does not indicate specifically what the past tense indicates. There-
fore it has, inherently, no temporal restriction (‗an sich zeitlich unbestimmt ist‘) ( [1932]: 8).
Let us suppose that the present is similarly unmarked in English. Plant(s), for instance, does not in itself
have a specific time reference. Therefore, in I plant it tomorrow, it can combine with an expression that refers
to the future; and, in that way, is used, in one ‗individual meaning‘, of an event in the future. It can also
combine with an expression such
124 Structural semantics
as every autumn; hence the ‗habitual‘ use, which is another individual meaning, in I plant a tree every
autumn. In I plant a tree on Tuesday it might be used with either meaning: ‗next Tuesday‘ or, conceivably,
‗every Tuesday‘. But which it has depends entirely on the ‗situation‘, to use Bloomfield‘s term, in which this
is said. A present can again combine, in narration, with an expression such as last week. Hence one could say
either Then, last week, I planted a tree, where planted is in the marked tense; or, with the ‗temporally
unrestricted‘ present, Then, last week, I plant a tree. That would be the equivalent, in grammar, of referring to
a male of the family of anatinae as either a (marked) drake or an (unmarked) duck. Similarly, in Jakobson‘s
account of case in Russian, the accusative is marked in opposition to the nominative. In his initial
formulation, the accusative ‗always indicates that some action is as it were directed to the object referred to . .
.‘ (1971 [1936]: 31). Thus, in the Russian for ‗to write books‘, the word for ‗books‘ will be accusative, since it
refers to the objective of the writing. But a nominative, in contrast, indicates neither the presence of ‗a
relationship to an action‘ nor the absence of such a relationship (32). In some uses, therefore, its meaning does
involve one: thus the word for ‗books‘ will be nominative in the passive ‗Books were written.‘ In others it
does not. Thus, as the term ‗nominative‘ implies, it may simply name things: ‗books‘ (nominative),
‗newspapers‘ (nominative), and so on.
Unmarked terms can thus have a wide range of uses. But what of those that are marked? In English, as we
have seen, the past tense is not always used of events in past time. Compare again the conditional If I planted
a tree tomorrow . . . In Russian, an accusative can also be used with prepositions: ‗onto the table
(accusative)‘. These uses are again in specific contexts. Thus, in the example in English, it is relevant both
that tomorrow follows and that if precedes. But the general meanings of the marked past and the marked
accusative must allow for them.
It follows that, in grammatical systems, the ‗marks‘ may be very abstract. In particular, they may
themselves be negative. Thus, in an analysis of tense in English, we might begin by talking of a reality that is
subjectively before the speaker: this includes both things perceived and things anticipated. Let us call this ‗R‘.
The meaning of the past tense might accordingly be characterised as ‗not R‘. In I planted a tree yesterday, the
planting is removed from this reality in one way, because the speaker remembers the event objectively as
something that has happened in the past. But in If I planted a tree tomorrow . . . it is removed in another way,
in that it is not likely. Both uses of the marked term are then covered. The unmarked present is in contrast,
more precisely, ‗not specifically ―not R‖ ‘.
This analysis of English is not Jakobson‘s; but in his own account of Russian cases the level of abstraction
was breathtaking. In the system in general, the relation of the nominative to the accusative is also that of the
instrumental to the dative: in his terminology, this is a ‗Bezugskorrelation‘ or correlation, we may translate, of
‗relationship‘. What is indicated by, in general, the ‗relationship cases‘ (‗Bezugskasus‘) is ‗the non-
independence of the object referred to‘ (65): this implicitly subsumes the non-independence, in ‗to write
books‘, of the books from the writing. In the passage referred to Jakobson remarked that it is characteristic of
his oppositions that the marked term is in reality ‗throughout of a negative type‘. The nominative and
instrumental, which are unmarked in the ‗relationship‘ correlation, are then characterised as not specifically
indicating this non-independence. In opposition to the nominative and the accusative, the instrumental and the
dative are marked terms in an ‗edge correlation‘ (‗Randkorrelation‘). As such, they indicate that the noun
occupies ‗a peripheral position in the overall meaning-content of the utterance‘ (46). Peripheries, as Jakobson
points out, imply centres: nouns in the nominative and accusative are thus characterised in effect as not
specifically having a non-central position. As the nominative and accusative are to the instrumental and the
dative so the genitives are to the locatives: locatives ‗peripheral‘, genitives not specifically ‗peripheral‘. These
in turn form the marked terms in an ‗extent correlation‘ (‗Umfangskorrelation‘). A locative indicates a
locality within which something happens: for example, in Moscow. But such a locality ‗is not represented to
its full extent in the utterance‘ (59). A locative is thus a marked term in an ‗extent correlation‘, as, he argues
earlier (38), is a genitive. For example, in ‗Ivan‘s (genitive) book‘, Ivan is represented only to the extent that
the book belongs to or is written by him. Now the genitive has, in an ‗atomic‘ treatment, many different, often
contradictory, meanings (37). Only by this degree of abstraction, to a ‗mark‘ whose characterisation is again
essentially negative, can they be united.
This tour de force was for a long time unique. But if forms and meanings were direct terms in a sign
relation, a category with varying ‗signifiers‘, as in our example from English, could be identified only by an
invariant meaning that is ‗signified‘. ‗The question of general meanings‘ had to form the natural foundation,
as it was for Jakobson, of all study of grammatical systems ( [1936]: 23). If each category has a multiple set of
varying meanings, ‗the interrelation between the signs and the meaning‘ is, as he put it, lost and the
‗questions of meaning‘ are ‗unjustly excluded from the field of sign-theory‘ (‗unregelmäßig aus dem Gebiete
der Zeichenlehre . . . ausgeschaltet‘). ‗Semantics‘ would be left without an object (24).
126 Structural semantics
The study of relations as such was developed in Lyons‘s remarkable first book, published in 1963. In later
work they are described as ‗sense relations‘ (thus Lyons, 1968: 428) and included some that were already
traditional, like antonymy or synonymy. But, as he points out, they ‗were generally treated in terms of a prior
notion of ―meaning‖, independently defined‘. For example, two words would be synonyms if their meanings,
seen as entities they designate, are the same (Lyons, 1963: 57f.). Likewise, though the example is not his, the
relation between nice and nasty would be reduced to a prior difference between ‗niceness‘ and ‗nastiness‘.
‗Meaning‘ was in this way seen as ‗a more primitive notion‘ (58), by which semantic relations were in turn
But in ‗a structural approach‘, as Lyons interpreted it, meaning is instead ‗a function of these several
relations‘. Let us take, for example, the relation within the field of colour between red and green. If something
is red in colour it cannot be green, and vice versa. Likewise it cannot be blue, yellow, and so on. In Lyons‘s
terminology this is a relation of ‗incompatibility‘ (59ff.). But to define it we do not need to establish in
advance criteria for ‗redness‘, ‗greenness‘ or ‗blueness‘. All we are saying is that if, in certain sentences, the
word red is replaced by green or blue, what will be asserted cannot then, in the same circumstances, be true.
She wore a red dress will, as Lyons puts it, ‗be understood as implicitly denying‘ She wore a green dress and
She wore a blue dress (61). Another relation within the field of colour is that of scarlet, for example, to red.
Lyons described this as a relation of ‗hyponymy‘, or subordination in meaning. But to establish it we do not
first need to establish that a meaning ‗scarlet‘ is included in a meaning ‗red‘. We are simply saying that the
word scarlet and the word red will replace each other in sentences of which one unilaterally implies the other.
Thus, as Lyons puts it, ‗X is scarlet will be understood (generally) to imply X is red ‘; but not the reverse.
Forms of antonymy are distinguished similarly (61ff.); also a relation that Lyons calls ‗converseness‘,
between words such as husband and wife. Thus, again, X is Y’s husband implies Y is X’s wife; and, in this case
at least, vice versa (compare Lyons‘s definition, 72).
Part II of Lyons‘s book is a brilliant analysis of the terms for knowledge in the language of Plato‘s
dialogues. Three verbs can be translated ‗to know‘: in the infinitive, which Lyons uses as a citation form,
epístasthai, gign(skein, eidénai. Let me refer to these as ‗know1‘, ‗know2‘ and ‗know3‘. Associated with these
are three nouns: tékhnB, which I will refer to correspondingly as ‗knowledge1‘, gnôsis (‗knowledge2‘) and
epist*mB (‗knowledge3‘). What someone ‗knows1‘ (epístasthai) is thus a ‗knowledge1‘ (tékhnB), and so on.
At the other extreme there are, for example, terms for particular occupations: kerameús ‗potter‘ or astronómos
Now the evidence from the texts is that such a person had a corresponding ‗knowledge1‘: for example, a
potter (kerameús) ‗knew1‘ (epístasthai) a ‗knowledge1‘ (tékhnB) that was specifically the ‗knowledge1
pertaining to pottery‘ (keramik* tékhnB). Such a person was also a dBmiourgós, literally someone ‗working‘
((e)rg-) for a ‗community‘ (dBm-). It was thus part of the meaning of this word that its hyponyms included
kerameús (‗potter‘), astronómos (‗astronomer‘), and so on. It was again part of the meaning of our
‗knowledge1‘ (tékhnB), which was what someone ‗knew1‘ (epístasthai), that its hyponyms included that of a
potter (kerameía) or that of an astronomer (astronomía) (compare Lyons, 140ff.).
One ‗field‘, as Lyons describes it, is thus ‗dominated by, or structured under‘ (140), words associated with
‗know1‘ (epístasthai). It is again part of the meaning of the subordinate terms, such as the Ancient Greek
words that we translate as ‗astronomer‘ and ‗astronomy‘, that they belong to it. What, by contrast, one
‗knows2‘ (gign(skein) was in general different. For example, one ‗knew2‘ a person: that is, gign(skein is found
in the texts, far more than epístasthai (‗know1‘), with an object such as ‗Socrates‘ (accusative S�krátB(n) )
(199f.). One could also ‗know2‘, for example, a fact or a name. But what one either ‗knew1‘ (epístasthai) or
‗knew2‘ (gign(skein) one could equivalently, on the evidence of other passages, ‗know3‘. As one could
‗know2‘ facts or names so too one could ‗know3‘ (eidénai) them (205ff., 219). ‗Pottery‘ or ‗astronomy‘ was a
‗knowledge1‘ (tékhnB ), or something that one ‗knew1‘; but it was also something that one ‗knew3‘ (eidénai)
and so a ‗knowledge3‘ (epist*mB). Lyons‘s hypothesis was thus, in its most general form, as follows. Firstly,
as ‗know1‘ was to ‗knowledge1‘ (epístasthai, tékhnB) so ‗know2‘ was to ‗knowledge2‘ (gign(skein, gnôsis) and
‗know3‘ to ‗knowledge3‘ (eidénai, epist*mB). That too is argued from the evidence of the texts, though in this
summary I have taken the liberty of begging it. ‗Know1‘ is used differently from ‗know2‘; and, he argues, the
two verbs can contrast. But ‗know3‘ (eidénai) is ‗neutral‘ (223) between them. In that sense the field of
‗knowledge3‘ (epist*mB) subsumes those of ‗knowledge1‘ and ‗knowledge2‘.
This is a bare gist, and more could be added. For example, someone who is a dBmiourgós (‗worker for the
community‘) could be specifically a kheirotékhnBs, literally someone with a ‗knowledge1‘ (tékhnB) involving
‗hands‘ (kheir-); the meaning of this is partly given by its hyponyms, which include kerameús ‗potter‘ or
iatrós ‗doctor‘, and by its incompatibility with, for example, geourgós ‗farmer‘ (175f.). But the method is
throughout to clarify the meaning of words such as ‗know1‘ or ‗knowledge3‘, for which I have deliberately
given no further gloss, by the relations that they contract, in appropriate contexts, with others. A structural
130 Structural semantics
analysis is an analysis of sense relations, in the context of specific sets of sentences in which words can be
It was on this basis that, at one point in his introductory chapters, Lyons assessed the analysis of meanings
into features. Such analyses were by then called ‗componential‘: for example, the meaning of mother had a
component ‗female‘ or ‗+ Female‘, that of father a component ‗male‘ or ‗+ Male‘. The question, therefore,
was whether it would help to ‗factorise‘ a relation in meaning, between mother and father, aunt and uncle,
and so on, into parts of that kind. In cases like this it could have advantages, where ‗the components to be
abstracted‘, such as sex, can then be ‗described in a neutral metalanguage‘ (80). This could be seen as the
metalanguage, though Lyons does not refer to him at this point, of Hjelmslev‘s ‗purport‘. But in other cases it
did not help. The word high is, in the illustration that he uses, to the word low as the word good is to the word
bad or the word big is to the word small. This was as easy to factorise as any other ‗proportional equation‘:
‗ax‘ (high) is to ‗bx‘ (low) as ‗ay‘ (good ) is to ‗by‘ (bad ), and so on (79). But we are still no clearer as to
what these words apply to. The component y, for example, would be common to both good and bad. But as a
component of meaning it ‗is no more easily described in terms of reference than is the meaning of good and
bad themselves‘ (80).
Lyons‘s conclusion was that linguistic units should not be multiplied beyond necessity. But by the time his
book was published such analyses were becoming, one might almost say, rife.
The first paper in whose title the term ‗componential analysis‘ appeared was by the American
anthropologist Ward H. Goodenough, and belongs with a group of studies that deal mainly, though not
exclusively, with words such as mother and father. ‗What‘, as Goodenough puts it, ‗do I have to know about
A and B in order to say‘, for example, ‗that A is B‘s cousin?‘ ‗Clearly‘, he continues, ‗people have certain
criteria‘ by which this judgment is made. ‗What the expression his cousin signifies is‘, he says, this set of
criteria (Goodenough, 1956: 195).
For Goodenough this illustrated ‗very well‘ the general problem of ‗determining what a linguistic form
signifies‘. But such criteria are analogous, he at once says, to the ‗acoustical criteria‘ that distinguish
phonemes. These can be analysed, as he puts it later, ‗as combinations of percepts which we conventionally
describe with reference to the manner of their production in speech‘ (197). For example, ‗one set of percept
values relates to place of articulation‘. Similarly, the units signified by forms ‗consist of combinations of
percepts and/or concepts‘, such as, in the field of kinship, those of the sex of individuals and the generations
to which they belong. In an intervening passage Goodenough proposes even closer parallels. The task of a
‗semantic analyst‘ is ‗to find the conceptual units out of which the meanings of linguistic utterances are built‘
(196). These conceptual units will be what is signified. What we are ‗given‘ are ‗the conventional symbols of
speech which more or less stand‘ for these units. Thus we know, from a linguistic analysis as it was seen by
Goodenough‘s American contemporaries, that there are expressions such as cousin or his cousin. The task of
a semantic analyst is accordingly like that of a phonologist who might start from texts in a written language.
These would be given, and the problem would be to establish sequences of phonemes to which they relate.
The problem in semantics is to establish the conceptual units to which, analogously, expressions like his
cousin relate.
The analogy makes clear that the ‗symbols‘ and ‗conceptual units‘ are established on distinct planes. To
find the latter, we will then begin by noting contexts in which an expression is used. For example, my cousin
may refer, on some occasions, to a person who is the speaker‘s father‘s brother‘s son: in a notation used by
anthropologists, ‗FaBrSo‘. On other occasions, it might refer instead to, for example, a mother‘s sister‘s
daughter (‗MoSiDa‘); and so on. For Goodenough such ‗denotative types‘ were analogous to a phonologist‘s
‗allophones‘ (3.2). Thus, if phonologists were in fact to start from written forms in English, they would find,
as we saw, that written l and written ll correspond sometimes to clear [ l] and sometimes to dark [n]. Their
task would then be to determine, by a test of what the Americans called complementary distribution (see
again 3.2), whether these were variants of the same or of two different units. Similarly, for Goodenough, the
next step for a semantic analyst was to examine ‗the mutual arrangements and distributions‘ of such
‗denotative‘ types, and in that way to arrive at types that are ‗significative‘ (197).
Goodenough‘s paper dealt in detail with the field of kinship on the island of Truk in Micronesia, and it is in
such anthropological studies that componential analysis was first developed seriously. But such accounts were
soon proposed by linguists also, both in America and in continental Europe; and, if we may judge by the
absence of references, for the most part independently. A field in general would be defined by the component
or components that a set of meanings had exclusively in common: for example, words for animals might all
have meanings partly characterised by the features ‗animate‘ (‗+ Animate‘) and ‗not human‘ (‗− Human‘).
Within them smaller fields would have additional components: thus the basic meanings of sheep, ewe, lamb,
and so on might, in addition, include a component ‗+ Ovine‘. Opposite meanings would be distinguished by
contrasting features: ‗+ Male‘ versus ‗+ Female‘, and so on. Eventually the analysis will reach meanings that
cannot be factorised.
132 Structural semantics
Thus ‗lamb‘ in a figurative sense might have a meaning characterised in part by ‗+ Human‘; but beyond that it
will have to be described, as in a dictionary, as ‗person who is meek, endearing, innocent‘, and so on.
Several versions are discussed in later work by Lyons (1977: 317–35). The most widely cited, however,
was that of Jerrold J. Katz and Jerry A. Fodor, which was part of a semantic theory grafted, in the same year
as Lyons‘s first book, onto Chomsky‘s formulation of a generative grammar.
The problem, as they presented it, was to account for the ability of speakers to ‗interpret‘ sentences in
abstraction from the ‗settings‘ in which they might be uttered. Speakers of English ‗will agree‘, for example,
that The bill is large is ‗ambiguous‘ (Katz and Fodor, 1963: 174). It has ‗at least two readings‘, with the bill
referring either to a demand for money or to the beak of a bird. One ability, then, that speakers have is ‗to
detect . . . ambiguities and characterize the content of each reading of a sentence‘ (175). In The bill is large
but need not be paid they will understand that the bill must be a demand for money; this ‗shows that a speaker
can disambiguate‘ (175) one part of a sentence (the bill is large) in terms of another. They will ‗at once
recognise‘ that The paint is silent is ‗anomalous in some way‘, while The paint is wet and The paint is yellow
are not. Thus ‗another facet of the semantic ability of the speaker is that of detecting semantic anomalies‘. A
‗semantic theory‘ of English must account for these and other abilities; and part of it, it was ‗widely
acknowledged and certainly true‘, was ‗a dictionary‘ (181). Thus, in the dictionary which would form part of
a theory of English, bill must be assigned at least two different sets of semantic features: perhaps, as in printed
dictionaries, by separate ‗entries‘. The features assigned to wet and yellow must combine readily with those of
paint; those assigned to silent must not. Pay must have features that are not compatible, in the construction of
The bill ... need not be paid, with those that would make up the meaning ‗beak of a bird‘. In addition to the
dictionary, a semantic theory then had to include processes of combination. In The bill was paid, they will
yield a meaning for the sentence as a whole in which the features of pay combine with those of bill only in the
sense of a demand for money. In The paint is silent, they will fail to combine those of paint and silent; and so
This ‗semantic theory‘ of a language was presented as additional to a generative grammar that, in the
beginning, did not have a ‗semantic component‘. Its ‗lower bound‘ (175) was fixed accordingly, by the
structures that that grammar would itself account for. As soon as grammars did include semantic components,
this became instead a boundary within them, initially at a level of deep structure. The upper bound was then
the limit of the grammar itself: of the system of rules that, according to Chomsky, formed, or formed a theory
of, a speaker–hearer‘s ‗knowledge‘ of a language. For Katz and Fodor, a semantic theory was required to
account for readings of sentences ‗in isolation‘ (177), not ones determined by ‗settings‘. Likewise, as one part
of a theory of linguistic ‗competence‘, the semantic component of a generative grammar had to assign
‗semantic interpretations‘ to sentences, in implicit abstraction from ‗performance‘. Katz and Fodor‘s readings
‗in isolation‘ were equivalent, it would seem, to these ‗interpretations‘.
The distinction between competence and performance was ‗related‘, as Chomsky put it, to that of ‗langue‘
and ‗parole‘ (see again Chomsky, 1965: 4). But, crucially, a speaker knew not just a ‗dictionary‘. ‗Semantic
interpretations‘ were precisely of sentences; and there a tangle of new problems lay.
of forms‘ (163). Thus, in girls, the plural morpheme is related, in one such arrangement, to girl; the meaning
of the whole, by implication, would be ‗more than one girl‘. In the girls this word combines, in a larger
arrangement, with the. This is traditionally ‗definite‘ and, in Bloomfield‘s account, is one of a class of
morphemes used in referring to ‗identified specimens‘ (203). By implication, the whole phrase would have the
meaning ‗more than one identified girl‘. In You helped the girls, this phrase is part of a larger unit helped the
girls, forming a still larger unit with you. The meaning of the sentence is accordingly a function of the
meanings of these parts and of the specific syntactic constructions (184) in which they stand. The linguistic
meaning of you is that of an entity or entities that a speaker addresses, and you is related to what follows in
what Bloomfield calls an ‗actor–action‘ construction (172 and elsewhere). Helped the girls has in turn an
‗action–goal‘ construction. Thus, implicitly, the linguistic meaning is that of ‗an actor who is addressed ( you)
having performed in the past (-ed ) an action of helping (help) whose goal was more than one identifiable
‗The statement of meanings‘ was, for Bloomfield, ‗the weak point of language-study‘ and would remain so,
certainly under his physicalist conception of science, ‗until human knowledge advances very far beyond its
present state‘ (140). We therefore had first to identify forms, under a fundamental assumption (2.2) which
implied that, whether we can state it or not, ‗each linguistic form has a constant and specific meaning‘ (145).
The morpheme girl is one such form, and in the girls there are formally distinguishable ways in which it is
‗arranged‘ in relation to other morphemes. The next and much more difficult step was to identify linguistic
meanings, both lexical and grammatical. But it is instructive to recast what Bloomfield said in terms that are
more like those of a Saussurean sign theory. Morphemes and their meanings would form simple lexical
‗signs‘. The smallest ‗meaningful arrangements‘, with their meanings, would form simple grammatical
‗signs‘. Other units, from a word up to a sentence, would be complex signs, whose forms and meanings could
be derived, in parallel, from the smaller signs, lexical and grammatical, that they include.
For Katz and his associates the ‗semantic interpretation‘ of a sentence was arrived at by a similar process of
‗amalgamation‘ (Katz and Fodor, 1963: 197ff.), in which meanings from the ‗dictionary‘ are combined ‗in a
manner dictated by‘ a description of its syntax (Katz and Postal, 1964: 12). The main difference, however, is
that in Bloomfield‘s case we can still speak of a sign relation: ‗�i�l‘, for example, was a phonetic form
associated directly with a constant meaning ‗girl‘. But in Chomsky‘s current theory, the phonetic
interpretations were ‗determined‘ by a mediating level of surface structure (5.3). Semantic interpretations
were in turn determined by a level of deep structure, and the reason was precisely that the elements and
relations which were distinguished on the surface did not bear a one-to-one relation to them.
What distinctions among meanings should a grammar then make? The years immediately before and after
1970 were a period of confusion in the history of generative grammar, in which many new ideas were
explored with more enthusiasm than care. It is therefore very difficult to disentangle a specific answer to this
question. But let us take for illustration a distinction that has often been drawn by grammarians, between
‗effected‘ and ‗affected‘ objects. The sentence I painted a picture will normally mean that, by painting it, the
speaker has brought a picture into existence. The object a picture will thus refer to something that results
from, or is ‗effected‘ by, their actions. But it is also conceivable that the speaker has applied paint to a picture
that existed already: compare, for example, I painted over your picture. A picture would then refer instead to
something merely ‗affected‘ by what happens to it. Does the sentence then, ‗in isolation‘, have two readings?
If so, the semantic component of Katz and Fodor‘s grammar had to assign both semantic interpretations to it.
Or are these readings merely distinguished by the ‗settings‘ in which it is uttered?
This distinction is one of many discussed in the late 1960s, in an influential study by Charles J. Fillmore. In
his terms an ‗effected‘ object was assigned, at the level of deep structure, to a category ‗factitive‘; an
‗affected‘ object, as we will see in a moment, to a different category ‗objective‘. But further distinctions could
also be drawn between subjects. In an earlier paper Fillmore had begun by comparing, for example, the
janitor as subject in The janitor opened the door with the door as subject in the simpler sentence The door
opened. Though he does not say so, the first sentence would fit perfectly the terms in which its construction
would have been described by Bloomfield: The janitor (actor) opened (action) the door (goal). The janitor, in
particular, refers precisely to someone who performs an act of opening. But the door, in the second sentence,
did not. The ‗semantically relevant condition common‘ to these sentences was therefore not between their
subjects. For Fillmore it was instead shared by the door, as subject of the second, and the door as object in the
first. In both, by implication, the door refers to something ‗affected‘ by an opening. He went on to compare
the role of with this key, in The janitor opened the door with this key, with that of this key as a subject, in This
key opened the door. Again ‗no constant semantically relevant function‘ was shared by the subjects: keys do
not, like janitors, perform acts of opening. A key was instead an instrument, in the events referred to by
136 Structural semantics
both sentences, by which opening of a door is brought about. Therefore the ‗semantically relevant function‘ of
this key as a subject was said to be shared by the ‗instrumental prepositional phrase‘ with this key.
On such evidence, Fillmore did ‗not believe that ―subject‖ and ―object‖ are among the syntactic functions
to which semantic rules must be sensitive‘ (1966: 21). The subject the janitor would instead derive, in a way
that is set out in detail in his later paper, from an underlying phrase whose relation to the verb is ‗agentive‘.
This was the category, as Fillmore defined it, of ‗the typically animate perceived instigator of the action
identified by the verb‘ (1968: 24). As subject or object, the door would derive from a phrase whose relation
was ‗objective‘. This was for Fillmore ‗the semantically most neutral‘ of his categories; but ‗conceivably‘
should be ‗limited to things which are affected by the action or state identified by the verb‘ (25). Keys in turn
are instruments by which doors are opened; therefore, both the subject in This key opened the door and the
prepositional with this key would derive from an underlying ‗instrumental‘. This was the category of ‗the
inanimate force or object causally involved‘ in such an ‗action or state‘ (24).
What was the nature of such categories? In Chomsky‘s system of grammar, a semantic rule was ‗sensitive‘
to deep structures. Therefore they were identified at that level. But they were also said to form a ‗conceptual‘
system, which was the same for all languages. Thus, in Fillmore‘s definition, they comprised ‗a set of
universal, presumably innate, concepts‘, identifying ‗types of judgment human beings are capable of making
about the events that are going on around them‘ (24). He therefore speaks, in his final paragraph, of a
‗semantically justified universal semantic theory‘ or, in inverted commas, ‗a ―semantic deep structure‖ ‘,
beside which the deep structures that Chomsky described were ‗likely‘ to be ‗artificial‘ (88). But, for many
who read this, the conclusion was much simpler. On the one hand there were surface structures, in which all
subjects, for example, had the same role. On the other there were representations of the meanings of
sentences, or ‗semantic representations‘. But no valid level of deep syntax lay between them. Therefore
‗concepts‘ underlying surface structures were directly categories of meaning.
The case against deep structures was first made, for quite different reasons, by James D. McCawley:
initially in a postscript to a paper that appeared with Fillmore‘s (McCawley, 1976 [1968]: 92ff.). But for those
who agreed with him, the surface structure of a sentence was again not to be specified directly. In Chomsky‘s
account, a grammar had included, first, a series of rules that characterised a set of deep structures; then a
series of transformations (5.3) that derived surface structures from them. For adherents of ‗generative
semantics‘, as the movement initiated by McCawley became known, surface structures derived similarly, by a
series of transformations that might now be long and drastic, from representations of meanings. Therefore, in
proposing a grammar, the first task was to characterise, or ‗generate‘, these. The obvious problem, which
many generative semanticists soon came to see as spurious, was how semantic representations generated by a
grammar, or what Katz and Fodor had called readings ‗in isolation‘, were to be identified apart from
‗meanings‘ in general. The only constraint was that semantic representations could be related, in some way, to
surface structures. Wherever a sentence could mean different things in different settings we could say, in
principle, that it was ‗ambiguous‘, and, in these settings, it was ‗disambiguated‘ in one way or another.
Wherever a sentence was odd in a specific setting, we could say that this was a ‗semantic anomaly‘ that
speakers could detect and that a grammar should explain; and so on.
The polemics surrounding this movement have been surveyed in a book by Randy Harris (1993), and need
not concern us. But by the mid-1970s a clear reaction had set in, both in the work of Chomsky, whose main
interest, as always, was in syntax, and in that of theorists concerned specifically with sentence meaning. Its
terms were also in part different. In particular, ideas from philosophy and logic have since then been at least
as influential as those from within linguistics.
The essential point for Chomsky was that grammars had to include some aspects of meaning. Rules of
semantic interpretation must indicate, for instance, how much is negated by a word like not: for example, I
didn’t leave because I was angry might mean either that the speaker, being angry, did not leave, or that,
although they did leave, that was not the reason. Rules must also indicate the antecedent of a pronoun that
requires one, or what kind of relation a word like who bears to what verb (compare Chomsky, 1976 [1975]:
104). A grammar would in that way distinguish what he called the ‗logical forms‘ of sentences. For example,
the logical form of Who said Mary kissed him? is illustrated by an expression ‗for which person x, x said
Mary kissed him?‘ (99). But it did not follow that a grammar had to do more. As Chomsky came to see it, it
was ‗reasonable to say‘ that, with the characterising of such logical forms, the theory of grammar, which he
also called at this stage ‗sentence grammar‘, ends (104). For, beyond that point, it might ‗well be impossible‘,
as he put it in an earlier chapter, ‗to distinguish sharply between linguistic and nonlinguistic components of
knowledge and belief ‘. An ‗actual language‘ might result instead ‗only from the interaction of several mental
faculties‘ (43). The ‗sentence grammar‘ was the domain of one such faculty, which was to become that of an
‗internalised language‘, or ‗I-language‘, in the term that he introduced a decade later (6.2).
138 Structural semantics
Beyond it, logical forms would then be ‗subject to further interpretation by other semantic rules . . . ,
interacting with other cognitive structures, giving fuller representations of meaning‘ (105).
This formulation was new, and Chomsky‘s view of grammar was at the time ‗quite tentative‘ (43). But by
the 1980s the syntactic component of what was now his ‗Universal Grammar‘ simply mediated between
‗representations in phonetic form‘, assigned by one ‗interpretive‘ component, and ‗representations in ―logical
form‖ ‘, assigned by another (Chomsky, 1981: 17). The ‗properties of L[ogical] F[orm]‘ were, he said, ‗to be
determined empirically‘. The term was merely ‗intended to suggest
– no more – that in fact, the representations at this level have someof the properties of what is commonly
called ―logical form‖ from other points of view‘. But in Chomsky‘s view the ‗representations P[honetic]
F[orm] and L[ogical] F[orm]‘ could reasonably be supposed ‗to stand at the interface of grammatical
competence, one mentally represented system, and other systems‘. These in turn included ‗the conceptual
system, systems of belief, of pragmatic competence‘, in a sense that will be clearer in a moment, ‗of speech
production and analysis, and so on‘ (18). This part of Chomsky‘s hypothesis was unchanged in the 1990s.
Thus the ‗language faculty‘, in its widest sense, is assumed to have ‗at least two components‘. One is ‗a
cognitive system that stores information‘: this includes again the ‗core‘ assumed to instantiate Universal
Grammar. The other consists of ‗performance systems that access information and use it in various ways‘.
The ‗cognitive system‘ is then taken, in particular, to interact with two ‗ ―external‖ systems: the articulatory–
perceptual system . . . and the con-ceptual–intentional system‘. Phonetic Form and Logical Form are the ‗two
interface levels‘ (Chomsky and Lasnik, 1995 [1993]: 2).
If Universal Grammar is delimited in this way, many of the crucial problems of semantics lie outside it. But
they are problems nevertheless, and in the last quarter century many have continued to address them. A
history of their ideas would take us well beyond the structuralist tradition as I see it. But, from a structuralist
viewpoint, the main problem was that ‗sentence meaning‘ has no single definition.
Let us suppose, to take a simple illustration, that a husband and wife are about to have dinner. The husband
asks ‗What are we drinking?‘ The wife replies ‗I put some wine in the fridge‘; the husband fetches a bottle,
opens it, and so on. Now what the wife has, ‗literally‘, ‗said‘ is simply that she put some wine in the fridge.
This is a statement that could, in principle, be either true or false; and, in one account, the meaning of the
sentence that she utters, I put some wine in the fridge, would be given by a statement of the conditions under
which it would be true. It is also tempting to compare this ‗literal‘ meaning with what Katz and Fodor called a
‗reading in isolation‘, or with Bloomfield‘s ‗linguistic meaning‘. But in uttering a sentence with this ‗literal‘
meaning the wife is ‗understood‘, and means to be ‗understood‘, as answering the husband‘s question. They
are going, she suggests, to drink wine; and, since she is perhaps already bringing in the food, he acts as he
does. It seems then that we need two different theories. One is a theory of the ‗literal meanings‘ of sentences.
This would be a theory of ‗linguistic meanings‘: of the semantics of the language that the couple are speaking.
The other would be a theory of how sentences, with such meanings, are ‗understood‘ in ‗contexts‘ in which
they are uttered. Since the 1970s, this has in common usage been not part of ‗semantics‘, but a
complementary theory of ‗pragmatics‘.
I have put terms in inverted commas since, although this illustration may seem perfectly straightforward,
the distinction between what is ‗said‘ and what must be ‗understood‘ was a crucial difficulty. The sentence
that the wife is said to utter is itself an abstraction. What she ‗means‘ or ‗intends‘ by uttering it is already
another. In attempting to explain ‗her meaning‘ we are, among other things, ascribing to the sentence itself ‗a
meaning‘ which is a still higher abstraction. The problem was whether we had coherent criteria for it.
In the terms inherited from the 1960s, ‗meanings‘ were assigned to sentences by a grammar, and a
grammar, as Chomsky had defined it, was an account of a speaker‘s ‗knowledge‘ of a language (6.2). It was
therefore natural to define ‗linguistic meaning‘, or ‗meaning in isolation‘, as a meaning assigned by theories
of linguistic ‗competence‘. Our wife and husband share, among other things, a knowledge of English. The
rules that constitute this knowledge will assign an interpretation to the sentence that she utters and, by
definition, they belong to a theory of competence. Such a theory is then complemented by a theory of
performance, seen by Chomsky as ‗the actual use of language in concrete situations‘ (thus again Chomsky,
1965: 4). By implication, this was concerned with principles that did not reflect a knowledge of particular
languages. Semantics, therefore, might be seen as dealing only with linguistic competence; pragmatics only
with performance.
A proposal like this was explicit, in the 1970s, in a first book by Ruth Kempson (Kempson, 1975: 207ff.).
When it was written Chomsky had yet to publish his doctrine of ‗logical forms‘, or to talk, as he soon did, of
‗pragmatic competence‘ as distinct from ‗internalised language‘. But it was already unclear whether
knowledge of a grammar was the only knowledge of a language that its speakers had to have acquired.
Kempson was also among the first to argue, as a linguist, that the meaning of a statement should be
identified with the conditions under which it would be true. That view is now widespread, and semantics
140 Structural semantics
generally perceived as ‗truth-based‘ or, in the term that is now standard, ‗truth-conditional‘. But a speaker‘s
competence, or ‗knowledge of a language‘, is not evidently so narrow. Someone, for example, who knows
French knows, among other things, when they should say tu and when they should say vous. This is a matter,
however, of ‗context‘: of the person to whom they are speaking. Were we saying, therefore, that this aspect of
their knowledge is a topic of pragmatics? If so, since pragmatics and grammar are complementary, the latter
does not cover every aspect of linguistic competence. Or was it too a topic of semantics? If so, sentences with
tu, like Tu dois sortir ‗You (familiar singular) must go out‘, have one semantic interpretation; corresponding
sentences with vous, like Vous devez sortir ‗You (non-familiar) must go out‘, have another. But suppose, say,
that a husband, on a particular occasion, uses vous to his wife. It is not obvious that the appropriateness or
otherwise of what he says reduces to conditions under which it would be either true or false.
This was one of many cases where, as Stephen Levinson was to put it some years later, ‗languages encode
or grammaticalize features of the context of utterance or speech event‘ (Levinson, 1983: 54). ‗Pragmatics‘, as
the study of how utterances are understood in contexts, would accordingly include ‗both context-dependent
aspects of language structure‘ (like the difference between ‗familiar‘ and ‗non-familiar‘) and ‗principles of
language usage and understanding that have nothing or little to do with linguistic structure‘ (9). But let us now
return to what we called a ‗literal‘ meaning. In simple cases this could be equated with an account of truth-
conditions. Thus, in our example, I have put some wine in the fridge is true if the speaker has indeed put some
wine in the fridge; and to know its meaning as a sentence is to know that. In other cases it cannot. Thus Vous
devez sortir would not have the same literal meaning, even when one person is addressed, as Tu dois sortir.
Can we say, as we at first said, that semantics is a theory of literal meanings?
Suppose, to take another illustration, that I ask a guest ‗Would you like a cup of coffee?‘ This constitutes an
offer; and, if my guest says ‗Yes, please‘, I am expected to make good on it. But the sentence I have uttered
has a construction like that of a question: Did you like the wine? or Had she enjoyed the concert? It is
therefore tempting to say that, ‗literally‘, it has the meaning of a question. This literal meaning would be a
function of the meanings of its individual elements (would, you, and so on) and of the syntactic constructions,
including what grammarians call the interrogative construction, in which they stand. But why have I uttered
such a sentence? It cannot be because I simply want this information. Therefore, just as our husband
understands, in context, that the wine his wife had put in the fridge was what she was intending they should
drink, so my guest understands, again in context, that if coffee is wanted I will supply it.
In the early 1970s utterances like this were called ‗indirect speech acts‘. Thus, literally or directly, I am
asking a question; but, indirectly, the words I utter are an offer. We might then suggest that only the literal
meaning would belong to an account of my or my guest‘s linguistic competence. That account is once again a
grammar. The rest remains a matter of pragmatics: of ‗understanding‘ sentences, with prior sentence
meanings, in use.
But suppose that, in a similar context, I say ‗Would you enjoy a cup of coffee?‘ This too would have the
literal meaning of a question; and, if pragmatics is not concerned with knowledge of a particular language,
there seems no reason why my guest should not understand my utterance in the same way. But, of course, I
would not dream of saying it. Would you like ... ? is a specific formula, in English, by which offers are made.
Would you enjoy ... ?, despite the similar meanings of its parts, is not. If a grammar was a theory of a
speaker‘s knowledge of a language, it should surely distinguish them. If it did not, it was because pragmatics
is implicitly not just concerned, in Levinson‘s words, with ‗principles . . . that have nothing or little to do with
linguistic structure‘.
Indirect speech acts were discussed by Levinson (1983: 263ff.), but not from this angle. For it was soon
taken for granted, often without explicit discussion, that a distinction between competence and performance
was not simple. As a speaker of English, I know how to phrase an offer; also how, for example, to make
requests with varying degrees of diffidence or politeness. I know that some words are used normally by, or in
speaking to, children (compare Levinson, 1983: 8); I also know the forms of speech one might use in
addressing, for example, a dog. Are these aspects of performance, since they concern use in specific
situations? Or are they aspects of competence, since they involve linguistic knowledge that is internalised by
specific individuals? The terms and criteria available were obscure and contradictory; and it was natural to
restrict semantics to a narrow path that did not stray into this quicksand. In particular, it was natural to borrow
from philosophers the apparently clear criterion of truth-conditions.
These were problems of the 1970s, and later theories of meaning have often bypassed them. But to do so is
to acknowledge that ‗distinctive‘ or ‗linguistic meanings‘ of sentences, as conceived in Bloomfield‘s structur-
alist theory in the 1930s, were abstractions that later theories, of semantic interpretations assigned to syntactic
descriptions in abstraction from ‗settings‘, had failed to define univocally.
Structuralism in 2000
Is structural linguistics still a living movement, and if not when did it die? The answers will depend on what is
meant by ‗structuralism‘; and, as we found at the outset, that is not straightforward. But for many com-
mentators its creative phase has long been over. Its heyday lasted from the 1930s, when it was named, to the
end of the 1950s; and, throughout that period, linguistics was dominated by it. But structuralism in America is
said to have been overturned by Chomsky, and by the 1970s his hegemony was world-wide. Other
programmes have emerged since, some opposed to and some simply independent of his. But few have
reasserted views that he rejected. Therefore structuralism, as an active source of ideas, is indeed dead.
This account should not be seen as an Aunt Sally. Most linguists do not now describe themselves as
structuralists, even if they work in fields like phonology, or with units like the morpheme, that the movement
defined. When they refer to ‗structuralist approaches‘ to their subject, they will mean ones that have been
superseded since the end of the 1950s. To follow these overtly would not, therefore, be a good career move.
But if linguistics is no longer officially structuralist, many linguists are still strongly influenced by
structuralist ideas. These concern, in particular, the notion of a language as a system and the autonomy of
linguistics as defined by it.
The structuralist bible is, by long consent, Saussure‘s Cours. In his classic history of linguistics Robins
summarised its contributions under three heads (Robins, 1990 [1967]: 220f.); and, in my own presentation
(2.1), I have in essence followed him. Let us therefore recapitulate them, and ask how far beliefs have
changed since it was published.
Saussure‘s first major contribution, following Robins‘s order, was his separation of synchronic from
historical linguistics. A language is once more a system and change in it will involve transition from one
‗state‘ of a system to a new ‗state‘ that results from it. To study the history of a language was to study such
transitions; therefore each successive ‗state‘ had to be known. But to study a language as it is at one time was
to study it in abstraction from its history. How it arrived in that ‗state‘ did not have to be known and, if
known, was irrelevant. Saussure‘s analysis did not come strictly out of the blue. But it differed from the
philosophy of Hermann Paul and many other contemporaries; and ‗must be seen‘, in Robins‘s words, as ‗a
major factor in the development of descriptive linguistic studies‘ in the twentieth century.
Robins was writing in the 1960s, when, if structuralism was moribund, most observers certainly did not
know it. But since then this aspect of Saussure‘s thought has been rarely challenged. For Chomsky in
particular, a language is a structure in the minds of individual speakers, and linguistic theory is a theory of
such structures. But an individual ‗I-language‘
(6.2) is again a fact of a quite different order from a change between I-languages developed by successive
speakers in successive periods. A theory of I-languages explains how individuals develop, in particular, ‗core
languages‘. But a theory of what causes them to develop differently in different periods is separate and
subsidiary. In his magisterial Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics Lyons integrated Chomsky‘s early
programme with that of Saussure, in a way that formed the thought of many who have since been active in the
subject (Lyons, 1968). But ‗theoretical linguistics‘ was tacitly synchronic. In contrast to most of its
predecessors, Lyons‘s introduction did not deal at all with processes of change in language. The logic that
then lay behind this seemed impeccable, and its consequences are still generally accepted. Theories of the
structure of languages are one thing, and descriptions of individual languages are informed by them. The
problems of historical linguistics are another; and, as presented in many recent textbooks, it is just one of a
cloud of specialities that surround the centre of the discipline.
The second of Saussure‘s main contributions was the abstraction of ‗langue‘ from ‗parole‘. As languages
were to be studied in abstraction from their history, so too ‗the linguistic competence of the speaker‘, as
Robins puts it, was to be distinguished from ‗the actual phenomena or data of linguistics‘. Robins‘s wording
may perhaps be thought to savour more of Chomsky than of Saussure; but, in distinguishing ‗competence‘
and ‗performance‘, Chomsky himself remarked on the relatedness of their ideas (again Chomsky, 1965: 4).
The main difference in the status of a language is that an individual‘s competence, as Chomsky defined it,
would for Saussure have been an imperfect knowledge of a system whose reality was supra-individual. In
Saussure‘s terms, a language could exist completely only as a ‗fait social‘, or ‗social product‘, in a
community. For Chomsky, the reality is precisely the ‗I-language‘, as he later called it, that is developed by
each speaker. But the object of investigation is again not speech, but what is claimed to underlie speech.
144 Structuralism in 2000
It is easy to find earlier theorists who did not take that view. ‗Language‘, in the opinion of the Italian
philosopher Benedetto Croce, was ‗perpetual creation‘: ‗language‘ here translates ‗il linguaggio‘. Each new
utterance is, precisely, new; and to search for ‗the language‘ which is its model (‗la lingua modello‘) is
accordingly to search for ‗the immobility of motion‘ (Croce, 1990 [1902]: 188). These words are from the
final chapter of his treatise on aesthetics, in which he argues that the foundations of that subject and of general
linguistics are identical. If they appear to be different, it is because we are influenced by grammars in the
traditional sense, which encourage the assumption, as Croce put it, that ‗the reality of language consists in
isolated and combinable words‘, not in ‗living discourses‘ (190). Croce‘s ideas were formed at the end of the
nineteenth century, more than a decade before Saussure‘s were published, and through his continuing
influence Italy was one country in which structural linguistics did not flourish. But even in English-speaking
countries, where it did, the object of investigation was not always as Saussure defined it. For Bloomfield in
the 1920s, ‗a language‘ was, once more, ‗the totality of utterances that can be made in a speech-community‘
(2.2). For Zellig Harris, who took this idea to an extreme, the ‗structure of a language‘ was not independent,
but a product of the scientific study of the patterns that can be abstracted from the sounds of speech. The
definition of a language as ‗a set of sentences‘ was also, under his tutelage, the one first given by Chomsky
It does not follow that Bloomfield and his successors were not ‗structuralists‘. It is perhaps significant that
Hockett, among others, did define a language as a system to be inferred from the data of speech: in his terms,
which may or may not be thought to betray behaviourist leanings, it was a set or system of ‗habits‘ (Hockett,
1958: 137, 141f.). But still less does it follow that, by the 1960s, Chomsky had turned his back on
‗structuralism‘. It would be more reasonable to argue, with John E. Joseph in a recent essay, that in defining a
speaker–hearer‘s competence as the primary object of study, Chomsky ‗introduced structuralism into
American linguistics, more fully than any of his predecessors‘ (Joseph, 1999: 26).
Robins‘s third point was that the Saussurean ‗langue‘ must be described as ‗a system of interrelated
elements‘, not ‗an aggregate of self-sufficient entities‘. Its terms ‗are to be defined relatively to each other, not
absolutely‘ (1990 [1967]: 221). For Saussure, it was specifically a system of ‗values‘, in which neither what
‗means‘ nor what ‗is meant‘ has an existence independent of a network of oppositions in which they are
paired. ‗Linguistic signs‘ were thus established by a symmetrical relation between ‗signifiers‘ and, in a brutal
translation that linguists usually avoid, ‗signifieds‘.
Saussure‘s definition of a ‗sign‘ has been widely acclaimed, first by linguists and especially, since the
1960s, by literary and other semioticians. For Umberto Eco, it ‗anticipated and determined‘ all those that have
followed (Eco, 1975: 25); and in an introduction to Saussure by Jonathan Culler, who is himself a literary
theorist, the ‗arbitrary nature of the sign‘ had pride of place (Culler, 1976: 19ff.). Within linguistics, we have
seen how Saussure‘s theory was developed by Hjelmslev in the 1940s (5.1), and by Martinet in his theory of
‗monemes‘ (5.2). It is therefore worth remarking that, in the passage I am citing, Robins did not refer to it. It
was in just this period that a general science of ‗signs‘, which Saussure had called ‗sémiologie‘, was
beginning to take shape, in France especially. But the development of semiotics was not part of linguistics. By
the 1960s many linguists did not think of words, or other units of a language, as ‗signs‘ in Saussure‘s sense.
Nor, in English-speaking countries, had most strictly followed him.
We must be careful, at this point, not to be deceived by terms. In French, the word ‗signe‘ ( [sio]) is
transparently related to the ordinary verb ‗to mean‘ (‗[sio]ifier‘). Therefore, if a language is a system of
meanings (‗[sio]ifications‘), it is natural to describe its elements as ‗[sio]es‘. But the ordinary verb in English
is ‗to mean‘; and, although ‗to signify‘ (phonetically [s0�n0fk0]) is established as a borrowing from Latin,
its relationship to ‗sign‘ ([sk0n]) is in etymology and spelling only. When English-speaking linguists use the
term ‗sign‘ it is therefore mainly, as in this book, a reflection of French or other continental European usage.
But the difference has not only been in terminology. How, for example, does one identify the morphemes in a
word like waiting? For Bloomfield they were again forms that, according to his ‗fundamental assumption‘,
should recur in utterances in parallel with meanings (2.2). But for Zellig Harris, in particular, the description
of a language was based simply on the analysis of formal patterns. These could be expected, in the end, to cast
light on their meanings. But no light would be cast if meanings were appealed to at the outset. The evidence
by which units were to be identified was simply of recurring combinations of sounds, like [0�], that could
replace other combinations of sounds, like the [0d] of waited, in the context of a set of other combinations of
sounds, like [we0t], whose members could replace one another in turn.
I have explored the history of this idea elsewhere (Matthews, 1993: 111ff.); for Harris‘s philosophy of
linguistics I hope I may also refer to a brief obituary (Matthews, 1999). It was specific to him; for most of
Bloomfield‘s followers, morphemes were still not identifiable by formal patterning alone. But by the 1950s
they were no longer anything like Saussure‘s linguistic signs. They were units at an abstract mediating level,
146 Structuralism in 2000
not in itself of either sound or meaning. As such they were related, on the one hand, to the combinations of
phonemes by which they were realised. These often varied from one ‗allomorph‘ to another. On the other
hand, they were related separately to meanings; and, in principle at least, these too might vary. When Robins
was writing, the theory of levels proposed by Hockett and his contemporaries (5.2) was already giving way to
Chomsky‘s scheme of deep and surface structures (5.3), in which forms and meanings were related still more
It does not follow, once more, that the American structuralists were not ‗structuralist‘. For what was
common to all schools was the principle, in Robins‘s words, that units are ‗defined relatively to each other,
not absolutely‘. Phonemes, for example, were identified in opposition to other phonemes. In Bloomfieldian
terms, their realisations were in ‗contrastive‘ not in ‗complementary distribution‘ (3.2). Morphemes likewise
were to be identified in opposition to other morphemes. We do not approach a language with a check-list of
‗sounds‘, like [l] or [d] or [t], that we expect to find as phonemes in it. Nor do we approach it with a check-list
of conceptual categories, such as ‗past time‘ or ‗plurality‘ or ‗the person speaking‘, on which we try to map
grammatical units.
In phonology, no competent investigator would describe a language otherwise. That in itself has been one
of the triumphs of structuralism. In grammar, however, matters are less clear, and it may help to spell out the
principle further.
Let us take, for illustration, the word we in English. It is traditionally ‗first person plural‘ and, by ancient
definitions, forms are ‗first person‘ if their reference includes ―the person speaking‖ and ‗plural‘ if their refer-
ents are ―more than one‖. The words in double inverted commas may be taken to refer to categories that
reflect perceptions of the world of which we are part. But it is easy to multiply distinctions. We might on
occasion refer to a speaker plus a single person who is spoken to (―I‖ and ―thou‖). On another occasion it
might refer to the speaker plus one other person who is not being spoken to (―I‖ and ―another‖); to a speaker
plus at least two people who include one who is being spoken to (―I‖ and ―thou‖ and ―another‖, ―I‖ and
―thou‖ and ―others‖); and so on. One could therefore imagine an account of English which would treat this
one form as a homonym with several different meanings. In Katz and Fodor‘s terminology (7.2), We are
leaving would have a set of readings in which the reference of we includes a person spoken to, and another set
in which it does not. It would then be partly disambiguated in, for example, We are leaving but you are not. It
would have an intersecting set of readings in which we refers to just two people, and another in which it refers
to more than two. On that dimension it would be disambiguated in, for example, We two are leaving. We
could easily continue: for example, a difference between sexes would be disambiguated in We are leaving
with our wives.
But that is not what English grammars do say. In other languages there are indeed distinctions like these,
between forms whose reference, for example, ‗includes‘ or ‗excludes‘ the person spoken to, or between a
‗plural‘ and a ‗dual‘. But we in English is again undifferentiatedly ‗first person plural‘. In a structuralist
account this term describes its place in a specific system, formed by oppositions between we and I (‗plural‘
versus ‗singular‘), between both we and I (‗first person‘) and you (‗second person‘), and so on. In other
languages the systems may be radically different. Some will have no form that we could call ‗first person
plural‘. They might, for example, have one which will indicate involvement of the speaker: this would appear
in a translation of both I am leaving and We are leaving. The same form might be required in a translation of
both I saw them or We saw them and They saw me or They saw us. There is therefore no distinction like that,
as it is called in English, between forms as ‗subjects‘ (I, we) and as ‗objects‘ (me, us). How the speaker is
involved, and who else is involved, could then be indicated by distinctions among other categories.
Each different language had, for structuralists, to be ‗described in its own terms‘. Like other slogans, this
can easily be twisted or misunderstood. But it meant above all that we do not look in every language for
‗conceptual‘ categories, such as one of ‗we-ness‘, which in fact reflect distinctions in the languages that we
ourselves know. Structuralism in practice was a technique by which errors like that were avoided.
But did it follow that whole languages were systems ‗où tout se tient‘? Let us grant that we must be
described specifically in opposition to I, you, and others. You, for example, is then undifferentiatedly ‗second
person‘. But there is already a complication, in that you does not always refer to people spoken to. It also has
an indefinite sense: for example, in a proverb like ‗You can‘t make a silk purse out of a sow‘s ear.‘ In a
Saussurean account, these either reduce to just one general meaning (7.1) or have separate meanings entering
into separate oppositions. But is it necessary to assume that languages are systems in Saussure‘s sense, in
which every unit has a role defined entirely by the relations that it bears, direct or indirect, to other units?
For Saussure ‗la langue‘ was a system of relations, including those that the Cours calls ‗syntagmatic‘. For
Chomsky, in the 1950s, a ‗grammar‘ was instead a system of rules assigning structures to sentences. But it
was again a system in which ‗everything holds together‘: alter or delete one rule, and either the whole is
incoherent or the language generated will be different. The generative grammar of the 1960s paired
148 Structuralism in 2000
semantic interpretations of sentences, via determinate deep structures and surface structures, with determinate
phonetic representations (5.3). To know a language was to know the rules of such a system, and this presup-
posed an independent mental faculty, ‗of language‘, whose development could be investigated separately
from that of others. Linguistics ‗in the strict sense‘ had been, in Saussure‘s terms, an autonomous science of
‗la langue‘. It was now at heart a science of grammars, whose central aim was to investigate their nature and
what made their acquisition possible. ‗Generativism‘ was in these respects in tune with earlier ‗structuralism‘,
and, to recall a general judgment of Giulio Lepschy, an ‗heir‘ to it (Ch. 1; Lepschy, 1982 [1970]: 37). But was
this conception of a determinate language system, in its Saussurean or Chomskyan version, right?
It is not my business to debate the issue. But what has become clear, since the 1930s and still more since
the 1960s, is that, if ‗a language‘ is a system like this, it will have a scope much narrower than that of any lay
conception of a language, or of what it means to know one.
The system had always been an abstraction. Thus, for the phonologists of the Prague School, phonemes
were defined by features that distinguished them from other phonemes. Other phonetic features were not
‗relevant‘ to the structure of which these units were the elements (3.2). But let us return, for instance, to the
difference in English between a clear and a dark ‗l‘. It is not between phonemes; therefore, in describing the
system, we abstract away from it. But the variation is not random; nor is it determined wholly by the structure
of our vocal organs. It is a peculiarity of English, or of specific dialects within it. One solution was to ascribe
such patterns to a ‗norm‘ established at a lower level of abstraction (4.2). As Coseriu pointed out, a ‗language‘
(‗lengua‘) was, in its ordinary sense, not just the system; but the system plus the ways in which it is normally
realised (thus Coseriu, 1962 [1952]: 68). ‗Norms‘ are of their nature not determinate.
There were also disagreements as to what precisely the abstraction should include. A language system was
a system of communication through speech, and, as such, was seen as separate from other systems governing
the lives of speakers. But what properties of speech were relevant to it? One obvious problem was that of
intonation. A sentence like She’s coming could be uttered, for example, with a fall in pitch (`) centred on the
last accented syllable: thus, with that syllable in small capitals, She’s `coming. This might perhaps convey a
sense of relief, if the fall is emphasised. But the pitch could instead rise: She’s ´coming. This might on
occasion convey a speaker‘s surprise. Were intonations like these also, in Saussurean terms, the ‗signifying‘
elements of ‗signs‘? For Martinet, a language was a system of double articulation (5.2), and such processes
were then marginal to it (‗sur la marge de la double articulation‘). In particular, he saw differences in pitch as
a continuous scale, without definite units (Martinet, 1970 [1960]: 21f.). But, for Hockett and other
contemporaries in America, a language such as English had indeed a definite series of ‗pitch phonemes‘, just
as it had definite sets of vowels or consonants. As the latter realised morphemes such as ‗she‘ or ‗come‘, so
pitch phonemes entered into the realisation of ‗intonational morphemes‘ (Hockett, 1958: 34f., 125f.).
The criteria of abstraction were to that extent uncertain. But the issue came to a head with Chomsky‘s shift
of focus in the 1960s. A grammar, as he had defined it, was a system of rules that generated a language (6.1);
and both could again be justified as abstractions. But the grammar was then said to characterise a ‗speaker–
hearer‘s knowledge of his language‘ (once more Chomsky, 1965: 4). It was therefore natural to ask if ‗know-
ledge‘ of these rules was all the ‗knowledge of the language‘ that its speakers could be said to have. It seemed
easy to think of other aspects of, as Chomsky called it, their linguistic ‗competence‘. If they ‗know‘ that
certain sentences are grammatical in it, they must also ‗know‘ a multitude of norms of usage that are not so
readily reduced to rules. If speakers of English ‗know‘ that Is he coming? is a question, they must also ‗know‘
that Would you like a cup of coffee? is a form of words appropriate to an offer (7.3). They will ‗know‘ that, if
they are trying to make an appointment, it would be normal to use a form like Can I see you tomorrow? rather
than, say, Can I come to you tomorrow? To speak the language as others speak it they must certainly have
mastered its intonations, whether determinate or indeterminate. They must ‗know‘ which forms of speech,
intonations included, are polite and not polite; that certain forms are usual only when one is in conversation
with close friends; and so on. I have put the word ‗know‘ in inverted commas, since what was called a
‗speaker–hearer‘s knowledge of his language‘ was explicitly an idealisation. The implied criterion was that
grammars were determinate and existed independently of other mental systems. But this excluded much that,
in an ordinary sense, one could say about ‗languages‘.
Within ten years it was clear, in particular, that it was seen as including only certain aspects of semantics.
The ‗semantic interpretation‘ of a sentence was, to be precise, its ‗logical form‘; and, when Chomsky
introduced this term in the 1970s, he made clear that there were other semantic rules, and other
representations of meaning in a language, beyond the scope of what he described at that time as a ‗sentence
grammar‘ (7.3). The apparent reason was that, if they were included, grammars could no longer be seen as
systems operating autonomously. The ‗sentence grammar‘ was the precursor of ‗I-language‘ in the 1980s;
and, with
150 Structuralism in 2000
the theory of parameters, the system of ‗core language‘ was defined at a yet higher level of abstraction. The
scope of the ‗periphery‘ has at best been illustrated; therefore it is not entirely evident what now characterises
an I-language, with a core plus a periphery, as a whole. But the core itself is a system that computes relations
between ‗Logical Forms‘ and ‗Phonetic Forms‘. It was an abstraction within an abstraction, and the criterion
by which structures are included in it would be simply that of relevance to ‗Universal Grammar‘.
Chomsky‘s theory of Universal Grammar was brand new, and addresses problems that his structuralist
predecessors had not dreamed of. It might therefore be argued that the ideas of his second ‗conceptual shift‘,
as he called it, are beyond my brief. But his is a very structuralist theory of how knowledge of a language is
acquired. The basic insight was that our capacity for speech is, in part, genetically determined. When this was
first proposed it was a brilliant and exciting idea; and, in the light of what we now know of communication in
other species, and of other aspects of behaviour in our own, it is at worst highly plausible. But it does not
follow that, within some larger mental structure, which in itself accounts for only part of the way in which a
community of people speak, there is a further specific mental structure, supplemented and corrected by the
remainder, which is determined solely by a series of choices among genetically determined options. This
specific theory did not fully emerge until the 1980s (6.2). But the first step was the reification of a generative
grammar, as Chomsky had conceived it in his first phase in the 1950s, as (a theory of ) a speaker‘s
‗competence‘. The term ‗grammar‘ was defined ambiguously, as we saw, with or without the words in
brackets (again Chomsky, 1965: 25). A linguistic theory, as again he had conceived it in the 1950s, was then
reified in turn, as a theory of specific mental structures from which grammars develop. Ambiguously again,
linguistic theories simply were such structures.
The theory has also raised once more the question of how language systems change. A language, in the
formula in French so often said to be Saussure‘s, was ‗a system in which everything holds together‘. But, if
that was true, why should it not persist in one fixed state? One possible answer was that language systems are
like thermostats or other servomechanisms, responding to external changes that affect them (4.1). Some
linguists have spoken figuratively as if, in this respect, a system had a will of its own (4.3). Another possible
answer was that even systems of this kind had weak links or loose ends, and adjustments at these points could
lead to changes whose effects would then be wider. Another answer was that languages were not only
systems. Thus, for Coseriu, a shift in ‗norms‘, which were not determinate and changed gradually, could
cause a system, in turn, to ‗overturn‘ into a new state (4.2). For ‗core languages‘ to change it seems that only
such an explanation will be possible. The core is a system in which ‗everything‘, in the most striking fashion,
‗holds together‘: change the setting of just one parameter, and the repercussions, it is claimed, will be
pervasive. How then can one generation come to set parameters differently from earlier generations? The
answer must be that the ‗language‘ they hear, in a wider or more ordinary sense of ‗language‘, has changed
independently. Explanations for that must again appeal to shifts in norms, or to innovation under the influence
of other languages. Hence the diachronic syntax of Lightfoot (6.3) and others.
If languages have properties that change independently of ‗grammars‘ or ‗I-languages‘, it is natural to ask
how such abstractions can be justified. The Chomskyan answer is obvious: that a ‗Universal Grammar‘ exists
as he says it exists. But what of linguists who are not Chomskyans? When Robins was writing in the 1960s,
the summary he gave of ‗the structural approach to language‘ could be seen as underlying ‗virtually the whole
of modern linguistics‘. It was in particular the foundation for its autonomy (2.3), ‗as a subject of study in its
own right‘. ‗Few linguists‘, he added, would ‗disclaim structural thinking in their work‘ (again Robins, 1990
[1967]: 221). As I write, many more might now disclaim it. But for how many is ‗a language‘ not, at some
level of reality, a system that defines their objectives?
The most obvious comment is that the discipline is no longer unified. In the 1960s ‗modern linguistics‘ was
still centred on what Saussure had called ‗la linguistique de la langue‘ (2.1). The new theory of transforma-
tional grammar (5.3) was the latest attempt to clarify the structure of the systems that were its object, and the
range of facts that such a grammar could ‗capture‘, in a phrase then very fashionable, was compared directly
with the limited success, as it was claimed, of others. This led to intense polemics between schools, whose
aims, in developing a theory of a language, were implicitly similar. Other investigations into ‗language‘, in
the wider sense of Saussure‘s ‗langage‘, were peripheral and were obliged to take account of theories of that
kind. In Chomsky‘s terms, there seemed ‗little reason to question the traditional view that investigation of
performance will proceed only so far as understanding of underlying competence permits‘ (Chomsky, 1965:
10). It is remarkable how far his contemporaries in fields such as psycholinguistics, both developmental and
experimental, have based their research on theories of linguistic structure that they took for granted.
But since the 1970s linguistics has fragmented, less into schools, as in earlier decades, than into virtual
subdisciplines, each with its own objectives. Many are indeed concerned directly with ‗langage‘, or with the
152 Structuralism in 2000
processes of speech (‗parole‘) as illustrated by a specific language. That is true of much work on semantics
and pragmatics since the early 1970s, at least as I read it. Many studies are also truly interdisciplinary. ‗The
scientific study of language‘, as some dictionaries define it, does not therefore still rest, in all branches, on the
foundation that Saussure or Bloomfield tried to give it. But many investigations do deal with specific
languages. How far does that part of the study of language remain structuralist at heart?
We must be careful, once more, to distinguish ideas that were specific to structuralism. One is not a
‗structuralist‘, for example, merely if one uses the word ‗structure‘. But the structure was ‗of a language‘, and
‗a language‘ was again an object of autonomous study. In a structuralist view, the oppositions between I and
you and we and you were part of the structure of English, and the ‗concepts‘ that they represent internal to it.
The oppositions in French between je and tu or nous and vous were part of another structure, which
distinguishes its own ‗concepts‘. We can subsequently compare such structures; we can then define a type of
pronoun system of which these are instances; we can also say that many other languages have systems of the
same type. We may then seek to explain this by appealing to the world as we perceive it, in which speakers
are distinguished from people spoken to, in which ―one‖ is different from ―more than one‖, and so on. But
from a structuralist viewpoint categories or concepts of specific languages were one thing. General categories
or concepts, which might be established independently or by comparisons between them, were another.
One foundation for this can be found in Hjelmslev‘s theory of form, substance and ‗purport‘ (5.1). But
there has been a reaction against structuralism in that form. One early instance was the assumption, in
typologies in the tradition of Joseph Greenberg, that in every language phrases can be identified directly as
the ‗subjects‘ and ‗objects‘ of sentences (4.3). But when languages are considered ‗in their own terms‘,
categories like these are not always evidently appropriate. Another was Fillmore‘s proposal, in the 1960s, by
which sentences in any language would distinguish, at an underlying level, a ‗conceptual system‘ of
‗agentive‘, ‗instrumental‘, and so on. These were universals that concerned directly ‗types of judgment human
beings are capable of making‘ about entities participating in events (7.3). Both suggestions could be taken to
deny the structural autonomy of individual languages; Fillmore‘s, in particular, a distinction between
language and other mental capabilities. But these were matters on which structuralism surely had to insist.
Thirty years have passed, in which the basis for proposals like these has emerged more clearly. But one
way to judge a discipline is by what is usually taught to students; and, in the textbook introductions that most
lecturers recommend, the foundations of linguistics are still presented, in the main, in terms in part
structuralist and in part generativist. We have seen already that on many issues, especially that of synchrony
and diachrony, these successive movements have been at one. A radical alternative, if indeed it has been truly
formulated, has not yet won through.
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Abercrombie, 34
acoustic images, 11f., 75, 93
affixes, 82
allomorphs, 86
allophones, 47
alternations, 32, 36–7, 39, 43
grammatical, 92, 99
Boas, 35–6, 39
Bréal, 118
Brøndal, 48
Brugmann, 8
change in language
compared to chess, 15, 53f., 61f.
in norms, 65f., 150–1
phonological, 55ff.
as self-regulation, 58, 69
in syntax, 62, 70–3, 114ff.
as therapeutic, 55, 57, 73, 114
and universals, 70ff., 113 –17
and variation, 62–9
on competence and performance, 103,
his ‗conceptual shifts‘, 96f., 103, 111
on deep and surface structure, 94f.
on evaluation procedures, 101f.
on generative grammars, 98 –9, 104–6
on I-languages, 109, 111–12
on languages as sets of sentences,
in signs, 11f., 75
as universal, 136, 146, 152
constructional homonymy, 99
content v. expression, 75–81
converseness, 128
core language, 111–12, 116, 150–1
Coseriu, 17, 63–6, 114 –15, 148, 150f.
Croce, 144
Crystal, 3
Culler, 145
Donatus, 81
‗drift‘, 71
duality, 84, 87
Durkheim, 12
Eco, 145
evaluation procedures, 101f.
expression v. content, 75–81
Gabelentz, 6, 9, 26
gaps in systems, 57–60
general meanings, 122ff.
generative grammars, 25, 90, 96ff.
Halle, 93
Harris, R., 137
Harris, Z. S., 24–5, 51, 90, 97–9, 144 –5
Heraclitus, 53
Hill, 45, 62f.
historical linguistics, see diachrony
Hjelmslev, 50f., 74–81, 84, 86, 118 –20,
hyponymy, 128–9
Universal Grammar
intonation, 148 –9
intrinsic meanings, 92–3
isomorphism, 80, 89
Labov, 66–8 language change, see change in language language system, see languages, ‗langue‘
structure of, see levels
as articulated, 81, 83–4
change in, see change in language
consistent, 70f.
as I-language, 109
as sets of utterances, 22–5, 97–8, 144
as social facts, 12, 63f., 143
structure of, see levels
as systems, 5ff., 9ff., 147ff.
as systems of values, 16–20
162 Index
Levinson, 140–1
Lightfoot, 113 –17, 151
linguistic meaning, 121, 133–4
linguistic signs, 17–19, 74ff., 83–6, 118ff.,
McCawley, 136f.
marked v. unmarked, 123f.
Martinet, 58–62, 67, 73, 83–6, 88, 96,
as concepts, 11f.
of grammatical categories, 122–5
as invariants, 95, 119f.
linguistic, in isolation, 93, 121, 133–4,
139, 141
literal, 138–41
of morphemes, 86 –7, 133–4
of sentences, see semantic interpretations
and transformations, 92
Meillet, 6f., 28
methods of analysis, 44 –5, 49–51, 85
models of description, 100–1
monemes, 83; see also morphemes
operational definitions
of morpheme, 86
of phoneme, 47
Osthoff, 8
143, 151
periphery v. core, 112f.
phonemes, Chs. 3–4 passim
v. morphemes, 82ff.phones, 47
phonetic forms, representations, 93 –5,
anthropo-v. psycho-, 37
as peripheral system, 87
v. phonology, 40–2, 46
as study of speech sounds, 33
diachronic, 55ff., 114
v. phonetics, 40–2, 46
phrase structure grammar, 90
physicalism, 21, 121, 134
Piaget, 69
pitch phonemes, 149
planes, see levels
Pos, 49
Postal, 134
‗poverty of stimulus‘, 106
pragmatics, 139–41
Prague School, 40; see also Jakobson,
‗primary linguistic data‘, 104
‗Principles and Parameters‘, 112f.
Priscian, 27, 82
psychophonetics, 37, 41, 46
purport, 80, 119–20, 152
of morphemes, 85f.
as norm, 64–6
of phonemes, 44
‗relevance‘, 42f.
Robins, 142–6, 151
‗sémantèmes‘, 82
semantic anomaly, 132, 137
semantic features, 121, 127, 130ff.
semantic fields, 126ff.
semantic interpretations, 92–5, 133ff.
sememes, 133
semiology, 20, 145
sense relations, 128ff.
sentence grammar, 137
sentences, 25–9, 89f., 97– 8
Siertsema, 75
sign relation, 75f.; see also linguistic signs
‗signifiant‘ v. ‗signifié‘, 16; see also
13–16, 25f., 52f., 142–3 ‗syntactic descriptions‘, 93 –5 syntagmatic relations, 27, 50f. syntax, 89ff.
change in, 62, 70 –3, 114ff.
system v. norm, 64f.
Ullmann, 118
Wartburg, 69, 73
Weinreich, 67f.
Weiss, 21f.
Whitney, 17
in antiquity, 81f.
v. morphemes, monemes, 82f., 88Wundt, 26–8