Proposed Method For Predicting The Elastic Shear Force Capacity of A Cracked Web Panel

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International Journal of

Science and Engineering Investigations vol. 2, issue 19, August 2013

ISSN: 2251-8843

Proposed Method for Predicting the Elastic Shear Force

Capacity of a Cracked Web Panel
Sebastian B. Mendes
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA

Abstract-The growth of a diagonal fatigue crack in an I-shaped bounded by the flanges and stiffener plates (see Fig. 1b) [2]. In
transversely stiffened steel plate girder loaded under regions of the girder loaded under predominantly shear, the
predominantly shear may degrade the shear strength of an web panels are effectively loaded under pure shear (see Fig.
individual web panel. Analytical expressions were derived for 1c) [2]. Hence, the modification of the spacings between the
the residual shear force capacity of a cracked web panel. stiffener plates directly influences the buckling strengths of the
Several limit states were considered including shear yielding, web panels.
web buckling, brittle fracture, and impending ductile failure.
The expressions were validated with finite element analyses The ongoing passage of vehicular traffic over a slab-girder
and employed to investigate the governing limit states and bridge induces sub-critical cyclic bending moments and shear
associated strengths of various web panel geometries. Web forces within the supporting girders [3]. These forces are
buckling was found to be the predominant governing limit state directly coupled to fluctuating bending and shear stresses
for realistically sized girders. The formulated expressions may acting throughout a girder. High concentrations of fluctuating
be employed in the design and analysis of girders considering stress may form at inherent discontinuities in the girder. These
prescribed diagonal fatigue crack configurations. discontinuities are generally attributable to flaws in the fillet
welds connecting the web to the flanges and stiffener plates,
Keywords- plate girder; shear capacity; web panel; fatigue and may include incomplete fusion, porosity, undercutting, and
crack; residual strength; web buckling; fracture; stability. partial penetration [4]. The fluctuating stress concentrations
may in time cause a pre-existing microcrack to grow into a
through-thickness macrocrack [5, 6].

I-shaped steel plate girders form an integral part of slab-
girder highway bridges. These types of girders are constructed
of individual plates welded together to form an I-shaped cross-
section (see Fig. 1a). The dimensions of the plates are modified
such that the safest design is achieved while material use is
minimized. It follows from conventional beam theory that the
web plate primarily resists internal shear forces while the
tension and compression flange plates primarily resist internal
bending moments [1].
A major consideration in the design of a girder is the
avoidance of shear-based limit states including shear yielding
of the web and web local buckling [2]. The shear force capacity
of a girder corresponding to shear yielding may be increased by
enlarging the gross cross-sectional area of the web. Similarly,
the shear strength of a girder corresponding to web local Figure 1. (a) I-shaped steel plate girder cross-section, (b) girder loaded under
buckling may be increased by modifying the dimensions of the predominantly shear and subdivided into individual web panels by transverse
stiffener plates, (c) web panel loaded under pure shear.
web as well as adjusting additional parameters. It can be
deduced from classical plate theory that the elastic buckling In regions of a girder loaded under predominantly shear, a
strength of a plate loaded under pure shear is maximized if the fatigue crack may continue to propagate under mixed-mode
length-to-width ratio of the plate approaches unity [2]. For this loading [7, 8]. In the most general case, a fatigue crack may
reason, transverse stiffener plates are generally welded to the initiate in a corner of a web panel at the junction of a flange
web and flanges at varying intervals along the length of the and transverse stiffener plate (see Fig. 2a) [4, 9-14]. Primarily
girder, effectively subdividing the web into individual panels opening-mode loading (Mode I) complemented by low values

of sliding-mode loading (Mode II) may then cause the crack to the portions of plate girder that the expressions are applicable
propagate in a straight line diagonally through the web panel at to are loaded under predominantly shear (see Fig. 2a). The
an angle near to 45° relative to the flange (see Fig. 2b) [8, 15]. plate girder itself was assumed to be an I-shaped steel plate
It can be foreseen that the continued growth of the crack may girder. The individual plates of the girder were assumed to be
adversely affect the shear strength of the web panel, and constructed of high-strength low-alloy structural steel [2]. As
concurrently the overall girder, corresponding to the limit such, the steel was implied to be homogeneous and behave as a
states of shear yielding and local buckling. Furthermore, the linear isotropic elastic material [52]. Also, the plates were
presence of the crack introduces two additional limit states assumed to be sufficiently thin enough for plane stress
including brittle fracture and impending ductile failure [8]. conditions to predominate. In accordance with conventional
Overall, the growth of a diagonal fatigue crack may bring design procedures, the stress fields were derived relative to the
about the premature occurrence of elastic limit states in a girder defined coordinate axis systems and compared to the material
[16-22]. strength [1, 2]. The web panel itself was assumed to have a
depth, dw, and a width, s, designating the spacing between the
stiffener plates (see Fig. 2b). The diagonal fatigue crack of
length 2a was assumed to be through-thickness and loaded
primarily by Mode I loading with minimal influence from
Mode II loading. As such, the crack was assumed to propagate
in a comparatively straight line from a corner of the web panel
at an angle θ ≈ 45° relative to the flange (see Fig. 2b) [8].
Finite element (FE) analyses were performed using the
general FE software ABAQUS to validate the capacity
expressions. Upon validation, the capacity expressions were
plotted as functions of crack length for various web panel
geometries. Conclusions were drawn regarding the different
capacities and limit states associated with the various web
panel geometries. Finally, the applicability of the shear force
capacity expressions was demonstrated with a simplified plate
girder design problem.

Figure 2. (a) Girder loaded under predominantly shear with diagonal fatigue
crack originating at a corner of a web panel, (b) diagonal fatigue crack within
the web panel displaying the x-y and x’-y’ axis systems. II. WEB LOCAL BUCKLING
Many studies have investigated the influence of cracks and A. Approximation of Internal Shear Stress Distribution
other discontinuities on the strength and stability of plate-like Within Cracked Web Panel
structures through the use of analytical, numerical, and
experimental methods [23-36]. Far less research has analyzed It was previously acknowledged that a web panel located in
the effects of through-thickness fatigue cracks on the shear a region of a girder loaded under predominantly shear is itself
strength and stability of plate girders and web panels [37, 38]. effectively loaded under pure shear [2]. This configuration is
The bulk of related research has concentrated upon the manifested in the form of uniform shear stress, τxy,s, acting
influence of large discontinuities such as holes, slots, and along the perimeter of the web panel (see Fig. 1c). The
copings on the shear strength and stability of beam-like perimeter shear stress is directly linked to and approximately
structures [39-48]. The post-buckling behavior and associated equal to the internal shear stress within the web panel. Also,
tension field action of uncracked web panels has been τxy,s is directly coupled to the external shear force, Vs, acting at
thoroughly analyzed [49-51]. that particular region of the girder (see Fig. 1b). The
distribution of internal shear stress along the depth of the web
It may be useful for engineers to be able to design or is nearly uniform, and thus τxy,s may be approximated as the
otherwise analyze the elastic shear force capacity of plate magnitude of Vs divided by the gross cross-sectional area of the
girder web panels for prescribed diagonal fatigue crack web, expressed as [2]
configurations so as to avoid the occurrence of elastic limit
Vs V
states in between bridge inspection periods. The objective of  xy ,s   s (1)
this research was to derive analytical expressions for the elastic Aw d wt w
shear force capacity of a cracked web panel corresponding to
the limit states of shear yielding of the web, web local where Aw is the gross cross-sectional area of the web and tw is
buckling, brittle fracture, and impending ductile failure. This the thickness of the web. The importance of τxy,s lies in its
research concentrated upon elastic limit states, and the post- direct link to the internal shear stress, which itself has a direct
buckling behavior and tension field action of cracked web influence upon the elastic buckling strength of the web panel
panels was not considered. [53].

Several assumptions were made with regard to the The presence of a diagonal crack originating at a corner of
formulation of the capacity expressions. It was assumed that a web panel (see Fig. 2b) may serve to influence the magnitude

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 2 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
and distribution of the internal shear stress, thus affecting the The shear stress field around the inclined central crack (see
buckling strength of the web panel. This process may be Fig. 4b) is determined by superimposing the stress fields of
elucidated in two steps. First, the internal shear stress field, three distinct cases [8]. The first case consists of an infinite
τxy,c, within the cracked web panel is developed based upon τxy,s plate without the crack loaded by far-field shear stress equal in
(see Fig. 3a). Second, τxy,c influences the buckling strength of magnitude to τxy,s (see Fig. 5a). The second case consists of an
the web panel (see Fig. 3b). It can thus be foreseen that the infinite plate with the inclined central crack loaded by crack-
formulation of an expression for the elastic shear force capacity face normal stress, σ’y (see Fig. 5b). The third case consists of
of a cracked web panel associated with the limit state of web an infinite plate with the inclined central crack loaded by
local buckling requires an expression for τxy,c. crack-face shear stress, τ’xy (see Fig. 5c). The magnitudes of σ’y
and τ’xy are obtained from the state of stress of an element
within the first case that has been transformed to the x’-y’ axis
system from the x-y axis system.

Figure 3. (a) Internal shear stress influenced by perimeter shear stress, (b)
critical magnitude of perimeter shear stress corresponding to web buckling as
influenced by internal shear stress.

The internal shear stress field, τxy,c, within a cracked web

panel may be approximately determined using elasticity theory.
The geometrical boundary conditions associated with the actual
configuration of a diagonal crack originating at a corner of the
web panel are inexorably complex, and a closed-form solution
is difficult to obtain (see Fig. 2b) [52]. However, two
observations are made regarding the geometrical boundary
conditions of the crack and web panel. First, both ends of the
crack are effectively restrained from opening. Second, the Figure 5. (a) Case 1: infinite plate without crack loaded by far-field shear
perimeter of the web panel formed by the flanges and stiffener stress, (b) Case 2: infinite plate with diagonal crack loaded by crack-face
plates is much more rigid than the web. As a consequence, the normal stress, (c) Case 3: infinite plate with diagonal crack loaded by crack-
face shear stress.
diagonal crack may be approximated as lying within the web
plate and bounded by an outside margin of additional web plate Considering the first case with respect to the x-y axis
representing the rigidity of the flanges and stiffener plates, thus system, an infinitesimal element at any location within the
resolving the original three-dimensional configuration into a infinite plate is under a state of pure shear equal in magnitude
two-dimensional configuration (see Fig. 4a). A further to τxy,s (see Fig. 6a). Rotation of the element by an angle θ to
approximation may then be made in assuming that the previous the x’-y’ axis system results in the transformed normal and
configuration is nearly equivalent to a diagonal crack lying shear stresses σ’y and τ’xy (see Fig. 6b) given by [1]:
within an infinite plate. The problem is thus reduced to that of
determining the shear stress field around a central crack
inclined at an angle θ ≈ 45° and loaded by far-field shear stress
equal in magnitude to τxy,s (see Fig. 4b).  ' y   xy ,s sin(2 ) (2)

 ' xy   xy ,s cos(2 ) (3)

Figure 6. (a) Infinitesmal element under a state of pure shear, (b) rotated
element with transformed normal and shear stresses.

Figure 4. (a) Two-dimensional web panel configuration, (b) infinite plate

These normal and shear stresses are assumed to act upon the
web panel configuration. crack-faces of the second and third cases, respectively (see

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 3 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
Figs. 5b, c). The stress field for each of these two cases is next In a similar manner, substituting (7) into (4) results in the
determined. complete stress field for the third case relative to the x’-y’ axis
system, given by [8]
In accordance with elasticity theory, the plane stress field is
expressed in terms of the Airy stress function, F(x,y), as [52]  ' x,c3 ( x' , y' )  2 Im Z II  y' Re Z ' II
 F2
 F2
 F
x  y   xy   (4)  ' y ,c3 ( x' , y' )   y' Re Z ' II (12)
y 2 x 2 xy

The Airy stress function must satisfy the applicable boundary  ' xy ,c3 ( x' , y' )  Re Z II  y' Im Z 'II
conditions and the governing biharmonic equation of plane The summation of (11) and (12) results in the superimposed
elasticity given by [52] stress field obtained from the second and third cases, given by
4F 4F 4F (5)  ' x,c ( x' , y' )   ' x,c 2  ' x,c3
4 F  2 2 2  4 0
x 4
x y y

such that the equilibrium equations and Beltrami-Michell  ' y ,c ( x' , y' )   ' y ,c 2  ' y ,c3 (13)
compatibility equations are identically satisfied. The presence
of a crack introduces local disturbances in the stress field
 ' xy ,c ( x' , y' )   ' xy ,c 2  ' xy ,c3
which complicates the determination of a suitable stress The superimposed shear stress field, τxy,ca, obtained from
function. The stress field around a crack may then be the second and third cases is transformed to the x-y axis system
determined using a subset of the complex potential method from the x’-y’ axis system by substituting (13) into the
called the Westergaard function method [54]. In this method, following transformation expression [1]:
the Airy stress function is expressed in terms of the
Westergaard function, Z(ζ), for Mode I loading as [8]  ' x,c  ' y ,c
 xy ,ca ( x, y)   sin(2 )   ' xy ,c cos(2 ) (14)
FI  Re Z I  y Im Z I (6)
where the coordinates of the x’-y’ axis system are expressed in
and for Mode II loading as [8] terms of the coordinates of the x-y axis system as
FII  Re Z I  y Im Z I  y Re Z II (7) x'  y sin   x cos  (15)
where y'  y cos   x sin  (16)
dZ dZ
dZ (8) Finally, the complete shear stress field around the inclined
Z' Z
d d d central crack with respect to the x-y axis (see Fig. 4b) is
obtained by superimposing (14) with the shear stress field, τxy,s,
The terms ZI and ZII are the Westergaard functions for of the first case:
Mode I and Mode II loading, respectively. Also, ζ is the
complex variable ζ = x + iy.  xy ,c ( x, y)   xy ,ca   xy ,s (17)
The stress fields for the second and third cases are The full expansion of (17) is quite lengthy and consists of
determined by employing the Westergaard stress functions real and imaginary terms. However, (17) is greatly simplified if
associated with crack-face normal stress and crack-face shear θ ≈ 45°, thus reducing the expanded form of (17) to the
stress, respectively, given by [55, 56] following:
    
ZI   'y   1 (9)  xy ,s sin(2 )a 2 (18)
  a   xy ,c ( x, y)  sin(2 ) y' Im    xy ,s
 2ix ' y' x'  y' a  
2 2
  2 2 2 3/ 2

   Resolving the imaginary term results in

Z II   ' xy   1 (10)
  2  a2 
   xy ,s sin(2 ) 2 y' a 2 2 k1  k 2 ( k1  k 2 )
 xy ,c ( x, y)    xy ,s (19)
It is noted that these stress functions are given with respect k13 / 2
to the x’-y’ axis system. Substituting (6) into (4) results in the
complete stress field for the second case relative to the x’-y’ where,
axis system, given by [8]
k1  2 x'2 y'2 2 x'2 a 2  2 y'2 a 2  x'4  y'4 a 4 (20)
 ' x,c 2 ( x' , y' )  Re Z I  y' Im Z ' I
k2  2 x'2 2 y'2 2a 2 (21)
 ' y ,c 2 ( x' , y' )  Re Z I  y' Im Z 'I (11)
Equation (19) represents the complete shear stress field
around the central crack inclined at θ ≈ 45° and lying within
 ' xy ,c 2 ( x' , y' )   y' Re Z ' I the infinite plate loaded by the far-field shear stress τxy,s (see

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 4 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
Fig. 4b). In accordance with the aforementioned  x rc  x rc 
approximations, the shear stress field obtained from this    o    

configuration is approximately equivalent to the internal shear  2 x rc 
stress field obtained from the actual configuration of a cracked Thus, the value of τxy,e-rc for any element is determined by
web panel with the diagonal crack originating at a corner of the substituting r, c, (24), and (25) into (22) and (23), and
web panel (see Fig. 3a). Importantly, it is noted that (19) is in introducing the results into (19), implicitly expressed as
part a function of τxy,s, and is therefore directly coupled to Vs by
way of (1).  xy ,erc   xy ,c xrc , yrc  (27)
Close examination of (19) reveals that the distribution of
τxy,c within a cracked web panel is quite complex. Magnitudes It is observed that since τxy,e-rc is a function of τxy,c, it is
of shear stress much greater than τxy,s are especially prevalent in therefore also a function of τxy,s. Altogether, the varying values
the local region around the crack. The distribution of τxy,c may of τxy,e-rc for each element represent an approximation of the
be approximated by subdividing the web panel into equal-sized internal shear stress distribution, τxy,c, within the cracked web
rectangular elements. The total number of elements, Ne, are panel.
arranged such that the number of element rows, re, are equal to
the number of element columns, ce. Each element is designated B. Buckling Strength of Cracked Web Panel
by its row number, r, and column number, c, relative to the A closed-form solution for the elastic buckling strength of
origin of the crack (see Fig. 7a). Also, each element is loaded the cracked web panel is difficult to obtain using classical plate
under pure shear designated by τxy,e-rc. The magnitude of τxy,e-rc theory [2, 53]. This is primarily due to the non-uniform internal
for each element is developed based upon τxy,c. Specifically, the stress field caused by the presence of the crack, as well as the
magnitude of τxy,e-rc for each element is the value of τxy,c at the complex geometrical boundary conditions introduced by the
central point of the element (see Fig. 7b). It can be foreseen crack. The Rayleigh-Ritz energy method employs the principle
that a greater number of elements results in a higher degree of of stationary potential energy to approximate the buckling
accuracy in describing the actual distribution of τxy,c. strength when complex boundary conditions are present [53].
In this method, the buckled shape of the cracked web panel is
assumed to take on a form described by an out-of-plane
displacement function, w(x”, y”), expressed in terms of the x”-
y” axis system with the origin at the central point of the web
panel (see Fig. 8). The displacement function satisfies all or
most of the geometrical boundary conditions and includes an
arbitrary set of variables, Ai, which control the shape of the
displacement function, in the form
w( x" , y" )   Ai f i ( x" , y" ) (28)
i 1
Figure 7. (a) Web panel subdivided into rectangular elements displaying row
and column numbers, (b) individual panel element loaded under pure shear. where n is the number of degrees of freedom of the
displacement function. The total potential energy, П, of the
The magnitude of τxy,e-rc for any element is expressed in panel is then formulated, expressed as [53]
terms of τxy,c by setting x and y equal to the coordinates of the
   U dV   Ti u i dS (29)
central point of the element, xrc and yrc, expressed as
2sc  s  2are cos  o
xrc  (22) where U is the strain energy density function, V is the volume
2re of the panel, Ti are the applied surface tractions, ui are the
displacements caused by the tractions, and S is the surface over
2d w r  d w  2ace sin  o
y rc  (23) which the tractions are applied. It is evident that the
2ce formulation of П essentially couples w(x”, y”) with the
externally applied stress, τxy,s (see Fig. 8). The variation of П
where re and ce are expressed in terms of Ne as with respect to Ai is then set to zero, shown as [53]
re  ce  N e (24) 
0 (30)
and, Ai

o   (25) It follows that the critical external stress, τ’cr, enabling this
equilibrium is an initial estimation of the buckling strength of
Also, θ in (15), (16), and (19) is modified to take into the cracked web panel [53].
account negative values of x:

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 5 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
 x   y 
w( x" , y" )  A cos  cos  (33)
 s   dw 
The formulation of П is developed by substituting (33) and
τxy,s into (29), implicitly expressed as [53]
dw s
2 2
2  U dx" dy"
dw s

 
2 2
Figure 8. Cracked web panel with externally applied perimeter shear stress dw s
and corresponding out-of-plane displacement function. 2 2

The initial magnitude of τ’cr may be further developed by

  xy , s
 W dx" dy"

employing the web panel elements and the previously derived  w 

2 2
approximate internal shear stress distribution, τxy,e-rc.
Specifically, the overall initial cracked web panel buckling where,
strength is assumed to be uniformly distributed among each of 2
the web panel elements. The strength of each element is further  2w 2w 
U e    
assumed to be degraded by the ratio of τxy,s to τxy,e-rc. In this
 x"
y"2  (35)
way, the buckling strength of each element, τcr,e-rc, is equal to
the product of the ratio of τxy,s to τxy,e-rc and the initial cracked   w   w    w  
2 2 2 2

 2(1   )     

x"2  y"2   x" y"  
web panel buckling strength, divided by the total number of
elements, expressed as  
 '   xy ,s 
 cr ,erc  cr  (31)
N e   xy ,erc   w  w 
We     (36)
 x"  y" 
Each element is thus assumed to buckle when τxy,e-rc equals
or exceeds τcr,e-rc. The corresponding critical value of τxy,s for Also, the term D is the web panel rigidity given by [2]
each element may then be determined. It follows that the final
estimation of the buckling strength of the cracked web panel, Et w3
D (37)
τcr, is the sum of the critical values of τxy,s. 
12 1   2 
An expression for w(x”, y”) for the overall cracked web where E is the modulus of elasticity and ν is Poisson’s ratio.
panel is first required for the formulation of П and the The initial cracked web panel buckling strength is then
determination of τ’cr. The geometrical boundary conditions determined by introducing (34) into (30), solving for τxy,s, and
concerning the edges of the web panel are conservatively dividing the result by tw, giving
assumed to be simply supported [2]:
dw s
s   s 
w , y"  0 w  , y"  0 2 2
2   2 
(32) d
 U dx" dy"

 d   d  D  w 
w x", w   0 w x" , w   0  'cr  2 2
 2   2  dw s
2t w 2 2

 W dx" dy"
The approximation is made that w(x”, y”) for the cracked
web panel is nearly identical to w(x”, y”) for an uncracked web e
d s
panel. The geometrical boundary conditions concerning the  w 
2 2
diagonal crack are therefore neglected, and w(x”, y”) is
formulated based only upon the boundary conditions given by where the arbitrary term A in (33) vanishes in accordance with
(32). In essence, the approximation is made that the initial calculus of variations [53].
buckling strength of the cracked web panel is dependent only The initial cracked web panel buckling strength is further
upon the external shear stress, with w(x”, y”) remaining refined by determining the buckling strengths of the web panel
identical to w(x”, y”) for the uncracked web panel. A unilateral elements and summing the associated critical values of τxy,s.
displacement function of the following form satisfies the The external stress applied to each element is the previously
boundary conditions given by (32): derived pure shear stress τxy,e-rc given by (27) (see Fig. 7b).
Equation (27) may be rewritten to be explicitly expressed in
terms of τxy,s as

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 6 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
 xy ,erc   xy ,s Crc  1 (39) The internal shear stress along dwc achieves shear yielding
first at the crack tip and last at the perimeter of the web panel.
where Crc is a constant directly derived from (19) and partially The critical value of τxy,s corresponding to Vcr thus occurs when
dependent upon r, c, xrc, and yrc of a given element, expressed τxy,s equals the shear yield strength of the web panel steel, given
as by

sin(2 ) 2 y ' a 2 2 k1  k 2 ( k1  k 2 )  cr   Y (47)

C rc  (40)
k13 / 2
The critical value of τxy,s corresponding to buckling of each
element is determined by setting τxy,e-rc = τcr,e-rc, introducing
(38) and (39) into (31), and solving for τxy,s, giving
dw s
2 2

  U dx" dy"

D  w 
 cr ,erc  2 2
(41) Figure 9. Cracked web panel with reduced web panel depth.
2 N e t w Crc  1
2 dw s
2 2

  W dx" dy"
dw s
 
2 2 The propagation of the diagonal fatigue crack originating at
Finally, the approximate buckling strength of the cracked a corner of the web panel (see Fig. 2b) is accompanied by a
web panel is determined by taking the sum of τcr,e-rc for all of corresponding increase in the stress intensity factor, K, at the
the elements, expressed as crack tip. This increase in K introduces two additional limit
states including brittle fracture and impending ductile failure.
Ne Ne Brittle fracture is characterized by the sudden rupture of the
 cr    cr ,erc   Y (42) web panel and occurs when the fatigue crack grows to a critical
r 1 c 1 length and K equals the critical stress intensity factor, Kc, of the
web panel steel [8, 57]. Alternatively, impending ductile failure
The term τY is the shear yield strength of the web panel steel is characterized by the growth of the plastic region around the
given by [2] crack tip to a critical size and occurs when the crack length and
Y K each equal a critical magnitude [57].
Y  (43)
3 In accordance with linear elastic fracture mechanics
(LEFM), the theoretical form of K is given by [8]
where σY is the yield strength of the web panel steel. Setting τcr
= τxy,s, substituting (42) into (1), and solving for Vs results in the K   o a (48)
shear force capacity of a cracked web panel corresponding to
the limit state of web local buckling: where σo is the far-field Mode I or II stress acting upon the
crack. As previously mentioned, the diagonal crack shown in
Vcr   cr d wtw (44) Fig. 2b is loaded primarily by Mode I loading with minimal
influence from Mode II loading when θ ≈ 45°. Employing the
principle of superposition, the total stress intensity factor, KT, is
the sum of the stress intensity factors derived from the Mode I
III. SHEAR YIELDING and II loading, expressed by [8]
The growth of the diagonal fatigue crack originating at a KT  K I  K II (49)
corner of the web panel reduces the gross cross-sectional area
of the panel (see Fig. 9). From (1) it can be deduced that the where KI and KII are the stress intensity factors associated with
reduction in gross cross-sectional area serves to decrease the Mode I and II loading, respectively. The magnitudes of KI and
shear force capacity corresponding to shear yielding. The KII for the diagonal crack may be approximated by assuming
reduced web panel depth, dwc, above the crack tip is given by once again that the actual configuration of the diagonally
cracked web panel (see Fig. 2b) is nearly equivalent to the
d wc  d w  2a sin  (45) configuration of a diagonal crack inclined at an angle θ ≈ 45°
and lying within an infinite plate loaded by far-field shear
Substituting (45) for dw and τY for τxy,s in (1), and solving
stress equal in magnitude to τxy,s (see Fig. 4b).
for Vs results in
The Mode I and II stress intensity factors are derived from
Vcr   Y t w d w  2a sin   (46)
the state of stress of an element in the previously described
configuration (see Fig. 4b) that has been transformed to the x’-

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 7 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
y’ axis system from the x-y axis system (see Fig. 6). The superimposing the plastic regions obtained from the Mode I
normal stress, σ’y, and shear stress, τ’xy, of the transformed and II loadings. Specifically, the two plastic radii along the
element are expressed by (2) and (3), respectively. The longitudinal direction of the crack as obtained from the Mode I
magnitudes of σ’y and τ’xy represent the far-field normal and and II loadings may be determined and superimposed to obtain
shear stresses, respectively, acting upon the diagonal crack. the mixed-mode plastic radius (see Fig. 10). The critical
Substituting (2) and (3) into (48) results in expressions for KI magnitude of τxy,s associated with a critical mixed-mode plastic
and KII, shown as radius indicating impending ductile failure may then be solved
K I   xy ,s sin(2 ) a (50)

K II   xy ,s cos(2 ) a (51)

Under plane strain conditions, Mode I brittle fracture

occurs when KI exceeds the Mode I fracture toughness, KIc, of
the web panel steel [57]. Similarly, Mode II brittle fracture
occurs when KII exceeds the Mode II fracture toughness, KIIc,
of the web panel steel [57]. Figure 10. Plastic region around the crack tip.

Given that the crack is concurrently subjected to Mode I The near-tip stress field is expressed in terms of KI as [8],
and II loading, certain critical combinations of KI and KII may
produce mixed-mode fracture. The interaction between KI and KI p  p 3 p 
x  cos 1  sin sin 
2 
KII with respect to KIc and KIIc may be described by a simple
2r 2  2
elliptical model [8], expressed as
2 2 KI p   3 
 K I   K II  y  cos 1  sin p sin p  (54)
      1 (52) 2r 2  2 2 
 K Ic   K IIc 
KI p p 3 p
Stress intensity correction factors may be used to modify KI  xy  sin cos cos
and KII in (52) to account for the finite dimensions of the web 2r 2 2 2
panel [58]. However, the length of the diagonal crack is
Similarly, the near-tip stress field is expressed in terms of
expected to remain small in comparison to the web panel prior
KII as [8],
to an elastic limit state being attained, and thus the correction
factor is neglected. The perimeter shear stress capacity of the K II p   3 
cracked web panel corresponding to the limit state of brittle x   sin  2  cos p cos p 
fracture is determined by introducing (50) and (51) into (52) 2r 2  2 2 
and solving for τxy,s:
K II p p 3 p
y  sin cos cos (55)
 cr 
K Ic K IIc
Y (53) 2r 2 2 2
a K IIc2 sin 2 2  K Ic2 sin 2 2  K Ic2
K II p   3 
 xy  cos 1  sin p sin p 
It is noted that the use of KIc and KIIc in (50) is conservative 2r 2  2 2 
since plane stress conditions are presumed to predominate
throughout the web panel, and the actual critical stress intensity It is noted that the near-tip stress fields are formulated in
factors are greater than KIc and KIIc [58]. It follows that the terms of polar coordinates with the origin at the crack tip. The
substitution of (53) into (44) results in the shear force capacity variable r is the radius and θp is the angle of r with respect to
of a cracked web panel corresponding to the limit state of the longitudinal direction of the crack (see Fig. 10). The mixed-
brittle fracture. mode radius of the plastic region, rp, is determined by
employing the Mises yield criterion for plane stress, expressed
The plastic region around the crack tip as induced by the as [2]
Mode I and II loading must remain small in order for KI and KII
to remain valid [57]. The growth of the plastic region beyond a  Y2   12   2 2   1 2 (56)
critical size renders the fracture toughness characterization of
the web panel steel inapplicable. Elasto-plastic fracture where σ1 and σ2 are the principal stresses given by [1]
mechanics (EPFM) must then be employed to describe the
x y  x  y
impending ductile failure [57]. A new limit state may be 
postulated corresponding to a critical plastic region size  1, 2       xy2 (57)
indicating the approximate transition to a ductile failure mode
2  2 
(i.e., the transition from LEFM to EPFM). Substituting (54) and (55) into (57), introducing the results
The size of the plastic region around the crack tip as into (56), setting θp = 0°, and solving for r results in the plastic
induced by the mixed-mode loading may be determined by radii along the longitudinal direction of the crack associated
with Mode I and II loadings:

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 8 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
K I2 The trial web panels with tw = 0.15 cm and tw = 0.30 cm
rp , I  (58) (WP-A and WP-B) were purely theoretical for the purpose of
2 Y2 investigating a broader range of potential elastic limit states.
The panels were meshed using 4-node shell elements seeded at
3K II2 0.50 cm. The mesh was seeded at 0.05 cm near the crack tips.
rp , II  (59)
2 Y2 Also, the crack in each panel was modeled by assigning a seam
to a single-line partition.
The superposition of rp,I and rp,II requires that rp is the
greater value of (58) or (59). Given that the diagonal fatigue For stress analyses, the increased rigidity along each panel
crack is inclined at an angle θ ≈ 45°, the Mode I loading perimeter caused by the flanges and stiffener plates was
predominates and the contribution of rp,II is superseded such accounted for by modeling an outside margin of additional web
that rp = rp,I. Substituting (50) into (58) and solving for τxy,s plate, resolving the actual three-dimensional panel
results in configuration into a two-dimensional configuration (see Fig.
11a). The width of the outside margin, m, was approximated by
 Y 2arp ,cr setting the gross cross-sectional area of the margin equal to the
 cr  Y (60) gross cross-sectional area of the flange plate and solving for m,
a sin 2  resulting in
where rp,cr is a predefined critical plastic radius along the bf t f
longitudinal direction of the crack corresponding to the m (61)
transition from LEFM to EPFM. It follows that the substitution tw
of (60) into (44) results in the shear force capacity of a cracked where bf is the flange width and tf is the flange thickness. The
web panel corresponding to the limit state of impending ductile flange thickness was assumed to be twice the web panel
failure. thickness such that tf = 2tw, thus transforming (61) into m =
2bf. Furthermore, the flange width was assumed to be constant
with bf = 35 cm. For buckling analyses, the outside margin of
additional web plate was removed (see Fig. 11b). The crack
V. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSES was slightly shifted away from the corner of the web panel to
allow the crack to behave as a central crack while remaining
A. FE Model Overview
near to its original position relative to the panel perimeter.
A total of four trial web panels were modeled with
ABAQUS 6.11 and employed to validate the shear force The perimeter of each panel was set to have simply
capacity expressions given by (42), (53), and (60). The widths supported boundary conditions restraining out-of-plane and in-
and depths for all four trial panels were set as constant with s = plane movement while allowing side-to-side movement (see
102 cm and dw = 127 cm, respectively. Each panel was Figs. 11a, b). Each trial web panel was then loaded under pure
modeled with a different web panel thickness, tw, ranging from shear by applying shell edge loads along the perimeter of the
0.15 cm to 1.20 cm. A through-thickness diagonal crack was panel margin (see Fig. 11a, b). The resulting capacities
modeled in each panel with θ = 45°. The length of the crack, associated with shear yielding of the web, web local buckling,
2a, in each panel was set to range from 10 cm to 70 cm. in 10 brittle fracture, and impending ductile failure were then
cm increments. Also, the panels were modeled with the numerically calculated for each trial web panel and compared
material properties of high-strength low-alloy structural steel. to the capacities obtained from the analytical expressions.
The geometrical and material properties of the trial web panels
are listed in Tables I and II, respectively.


Trial Web Panel Thickness, tw (cm)

WP-A 0.15
WP-B 0.30
WP-C 0.60
WP-D 1.20


Mode I Mode II Figure 11. (a) Trial web panel configuration for stress analyses, (b) trial panel
Modulus of Yield
Poisson’s fracture fracture configuration for buckling analyses.
elasticity, E strength,
ratio, ν toughness, KIc toughness, KIIc
(GPa) σY (MPa)
(MPa∙m1/2) (MPa∙m1/2)
200a 0.3a 345a 98b 74c B. Web Local Buckling
a. General properties of high-strength low-alloy structural steel [2]. The trial web panel WP-C was first used to validate the
b. Representative fracture toughness of high-strength alloy steel [57].
c. Assuming KIIc ≈ 0.75KIc [8]. expression for the internal shear stress distribution given by

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 9 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
(19). The uniform perimeter shear stress was set to τxy,s = 150 describing the mid-field and far-field shear stress distributions
MPa, the crack angle set to θ = 45°, and the crack length set to than in describing the near-field distributions. Nonetheless,
2a = 40 cm. Plots of the internal shear stress distributions were (19) is conservative for both cases displayed in Fig. 13.
analytically determined using (19) for two arbitrary horizontal
paths designated by τxy,c(x, 25 cm) and τxy,c(x, 40 cm) (see Fig. All four trial web panels were next employed to directly
12). validate the capacity expression for web local buckling given
by (42). Each trial panel was loaded with a unit uniform
perimeter shear stress, τxy,s = 1 MPa. A linear perturbation
buckling analysis was then performed on each panel
considering the different crack lengths ranging from 10 cm to
70 cm. The resulting Mode I eigenvalues were divided by tw to
obtain the critical values of τxy,s associated with buckling. The
buckling capacities of the trial web panels as obtained from
(42) with Ne = 100 and the FE analyses are plotted in Fig. 14 as
functions of crack length.

Figure 12. Locations of horizontal paths in WP-C for which the internal shear
stress distributions were analytically and numerically obtained.

The analytically determined shear stress distributions were

compared to numerically calculated distributions by creating
two nodal paths within WP-C in the locations designated in
Fig. 12. The XY data for the in-plane shear stress was then
requested for each of the nodal paths. The shear stress
distributions as obtained from (19) and the FE analyses are
plotted in Fig. 13.

Figure 13. Plots of internal shear stress distributions along the horizontal Figure 14. Web panel buckling capacities as calculated from (42) and FEA.
paths designated in Fig. 12 as obtained from (19) and FEA. The shear yield
strength is temporarily neglected for the purpose of displaying the full extent
of the stress distributions. It is evident that the analytically and numerically
determined web buckling strengths demonstrate a relatively
The analytically and numerically determined shear stress close correlation for all crack lengths considered. Eq. (42) is
distributions exhibit a closer correlation along y = 40 cm than slightly more conservative for crack lengths up to 40 cm.
along y = 25 cm. This suggests that (19) is more accurate in Conversely, the FE results are slightly more conservative for

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 10 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
crack lengths beyond 40 cm. From (43) and Table II, the shear
yield strength is approximately τY = 200 MPa. In general, web
panel strengths exceeding the shear yield strength are governed
by τY. This is the case for the buckling strength of WP-D for
shorter crack lengths, as demonstrated in Fig. 14.

C. Shear Yielding
The shear force capacity of a cracked web panel
corresponding to the limit state of shear yielding is given by
(46). Upon the advent of shear yielding, the perimeter shear
stress attains the shear yield strength. Given that the trial web
panels are loaded under pure shear by default, FE analyses
were unnecessary to validate (47).

D. Brittle Fracture and Impending Ductile Failure

The trial web panels were next employed to indirectly
validate the capacity expressions associated with brittle
fracture and impending ductile failure given by (53) and (60).
Specifically, the trial panels were used to confirm the accuracy
of KI and the web panel brittle fracture strength corresponding
to Mode I crack loading. Given that θ = 45°, KII remains
negligible and the brittle fracture strength corresponding to
Mode II crack loading approaches τcr = ∞. FE analyses were Figure 15. Web panel brittle fracture strengths as calculated from (62) and
thus unnecessary to validate KII and the Mode II fracture
strength. The Mode I fracture strength is analytically It can be seen that the FE results correlate very well with
determined by solving (50) for τxy,s and setting KI = KIc, the analytical results for all considered crack lengths. The
resulting in accuracy of KI and (62) is thus confirmed, thereby providing
K Ic indirect validation of (53) and (60).
 cr  (62)
sin(2 ) a
Since (53) and (60) are directly dependent upon the VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
accuracy of KI, KII, and the Mode I and II web panel brittle
fracture strengths, the validation of (62) serves to indirectly Having validated (42), (53), and (60) with the FE analyses,
validate (53) and (60). the shear stress capacities and associated limit states of the trial
web panels were further investigated. The web panel strengths
The web panel brittle fracture strength was first numerically associated with brittle fracture and shear yielding are
calculated for each trial web panel considering Mode I crack independent of tw, and are plotted for all four trial panels in Fig.
loading. This was performed by setting the shell edge load to a 16 as functions of crack length. Conversely, the web panel
ramp load configuration. The magnitude of the shell edge load strengths associated with buckling and impending ductile
was set to an arbitrary value such that KI exceeded KIc. The failure are dependent upon tw, and are plotted for each trial
total load time period was set to 10 and the load time panel in Fig. 17 as functions of crack length with Ne = 100 and
incrementation set to 1. The stress intensity factor was obtained rp,cr = tw / 50 [58].
by assigning a history output request for KI at the crack front
for each load time increment. Load scales were then obtained
by dividing the load time increments at which KI equaled KIc
by the total load time period. Lastly, the load scales were
multiplied by the final magnitude of the shell edge load to
obtain the critical magnitudes of perimeter shear stress. The
Mode I brittle fracture capacities of the trial web panels as
obtained from (62) and the FE analyses are plotted in Fig. 15 as
functions of crack length.

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 11 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
Figure 16. Web panel brittle fracture and shear yielding capacities for WP-A
through WP-D.

Figure 17. Web panel buckling and impending ductile failure capacities for
WP-A through WP-D.

The limit states of brittle fracture and shear yielding do not

govern the shear stress capacities of any of the trial web panels.
Web buckling governs the capacity of WP-A for all considered
crack lengths. Also, web buckling governs the capacity of WP-
B for crack lengths up to 2a ≈ 19 cm, with impending ductile
failure governing thereafter. Similarly, web buckling governs
the capacity of WP-C for crack lengths up to 2a ≈ 3 cm, with
impending ductile failure governing thereafter. Impending
ductile failure governs the capacity of WP-D for all considered
crack lengths.
It is noted that although impending ductile failure is a limit
state in itself and signifies the invalidation of the brittle fracture
limit state, the shear yielding and web buckling limit states
may remain valid. With this in mind, it is observed that the web
buckling capacities of the trial panels are significantly
degraded with increased crack length. The trial panel buckling

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 12 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01
strengths are degraded by as much as 30% when the crack the web buckling limit state with impending ductile failure
length reaches 70 cm. behaving as a secondary limit state.
The applicability of the shear force capacity expressions is Overall, the capacity expressions may be applied in the
finally demonstrated with a simplified plate girder design design and analysis of I-shaped transversely stiffened plate
problem. In this particular example, load and resistance factors girders loaded under predominantly shear considering
are neglected. An I-shaped transversely stiffened plate girder is prescribed diagonal fatigue crack configurations with θ ≈ 45°.
to be designed to resist predominantly shear forces. The girder Future work could include the performance of supplementary
is required to have an unfactored shear force capacity of Vs = FE analyses to investigate the influence of the transverse
381 kN (see Fig. 1). The geometry and material properties of stiffener plate spacings. Also, experimental tests could be
WP-C are initially selected for the design. From (1), the performed on full-scale or small-scale pre-cracked plate girders
required perimeter shear stress capacity of WP-C is τxy,s = 50 to further validate the analytical expressions. Finally, advanced
MPa. From Fig. 17, the provided perimeter shear stress investigations could be undertaken to develop expressions
capacity of WP-C is τcr = 52 MPa, governed by the limit state considering the post-buckling behavior and tension field action
of web buckling. Substituting this value into (44) results in the of cracked web panels.
provided shear force capacity of WP-C, given by Vcr = 396 kN.
Since Vs = 381 kN < Vcr = 396 kN, the shear force capacity
provided by WP-C is sufficient if the girder remains uncracked.
The girder is now required to maintain a sufficient capacity
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International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 19, August 2013 14 ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 21913-01

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