2018 Civil Law

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The document discusses various topics in Civil Law including marriage and family relations, obligations, contracts, sales, credit transactions, partnership, agency and torts.

The main types of property discussed are real property, personal property, and intellectual property.

The main elements of a contract discussed are consent, object and consideration.



Prepared  by  Atty.  Aliakhbar  A.  Jumrani  
1. What is Civil Law and its 5. Marriage and Family Relations
different branches
a. What is marriage?
2. Conflict of Laws b. Essential and formal
requisites of marriage
a. Definition and purpose of c. Marriage license,
conflict of laws including exceptions to
b. Foreign element the marriage license
c. Conflict rules in requirement
i. Personal and d. Parental consent and
family relations parental advice; effects if
ii. Crimes and quasi- absent
delicts e. Void and voidable
iii. Contracts, wills marriages
and marriage i. Article 26, 36 of
iv. Property the Family Code
d. Factors that affect ii. Republic vs.
Philippine court’s Manalo
jurisdiction: iii. Legal Separation
i. Forum non iv. Property Regimes
conveniens v. Marriage
ii. Renvoi doctrine Settlements
iii. National interest
rule 6. Legitimate, Illegitimate and
e. Enforcement of decision Legitimated Children

3. Civil Code provisions on Human a. Proof of filiation

Relations b. Republic Act 9255

a. Concept of Abuse of 7. Adoption

b. What is Good Faith? a. Who may adopt
c. Acts Contra Bonus Mores b. Who may be adopted
d. Unjust Enrichment c. Effects of adoption
d. Rescission of adoption
4. What is a Person?
8. Support
a. Kinds of persons a. Basis and amount of
b. Commencement of support
personality b. Preference and
c. End of Personality concurrence
d. Legal capacity

Prepared  by  Atty.  Aliakhbar  A.  Jumrani  
9. Property c. Easements and
a. Types and categories of
property i. Types and
10. What is ownership? ii. Extinguishment

a. Rights incidental to d. Trusts

b. Limitations on ownership 13. Accession
i. Sic utere tuo ut
alienum non a. Types of accession
laedas b. Rules on ownership
ii. Doctrine of self-
help 14. Donation
iii. Doctrine of
incomplete a. Types and effectivity
privilege b. Prohibited donations
iv. Nuisance c. Formalities
c. Modes of acquiring
ownership 15. Prescription
d. Legal remedies to
recover property a. Kinds
b. Laches
11. Co-ownership c. Statute of Limitations
d. Imprescriptible actions
a. Rights of co-owners
b. Extinguishment
16. Obligations
12. Dealings on property
a. Definition and elements
a. Lease b. Right vs. obligation
i. General c. Personal vs. real
considerations d. Diligence vs. negligence
ii. Rights and e. Delay
obligations of the f. Fraud
parties g. Fortuitous event
iii. Tacita
reconduccion 17. Kinds of obligations

b. Usufruct 18. Extinguishment of obligations

19. Contracts

Prepared  by  Atty.  Aliakhbar  A.  Jumrani  
1. Absolute Sale – Apply
a. Elements Art. 1191 and 1592 of
b. Types of contracts the Civil Code
c. Characteristics
i. Relativity 2. Sale on Installment/
ii. Obligatoriness Contract to Sell –
iii. Consensuality Apply Republic Act
iv. Mutuality 6552
v. Autonomy
d. Form and reformation b. In sale of personal
e. Interpretation property (Art. 1593, CC)

25. Warranties
20. Defective contracts
26. Extinguishment of Sale

21. Sales a. Equitable mortgage

b. Legal Redemption (Art.
a. Definition (Art. 1458, CC) 1619, CC)
b. Elements
i. Consent
ii. Object
27. Credit Transactions
iii. Price
c. Absolute vs. Conditional
A. General Concepts
1. Types of credit
d. Notes on the vendor and
vendee transactions
2. Types of security
22. Incapacity to buy and sell 3. Bailment and parties to a
23. Obligation of the Seller to
Transfer Ownership B. Loan
1. Why it is a “real contract”
a. Nemo dat quod non 2. Kinds of loan
b. Delivery as operative act C. Commodatum
to transfer ownership 1. Cause and purpose of
c. Modes of delivery commodatum
d. Risk of loss as an 2. Why it is deemed purely
incident of ownership
3. Obligations of the bailee
24. Rescission
and the bailor
a. In sale of real property

Prepared  by  Atty.  Aliakhbar  A.  Jumrani  
D. Mutuum or Simple Loan supported by a valid
1. Distinctions with other obligation
contracts 3. Delivery of the security,
2. Imposition of interest when and when not
3. Legal rate of interest required
• Nacar vs. Gallery Frames, 4. Alienation of the security
G.R. No. 189871, August (prohibition against
13, 2013 pactum commissorium)
5. Indivisibility
E. Deposit
1. Creation of deposit
2. Kinds of deposit 28. Partnership
3. Obligations of the
depositary and the I. Definition of Partnership? (Art. 1767,
depositor CC)
4. Necessary deposit • General professional partnership
5. Sequestration or judicial (Sec. 22(B), RA 8424)
II. Requisites/Elements of a Contract
F. Guaranty of Partnership
1. Definition and distinction III. Rules in Determining Whether a
with suretyship Partnership Exists (Art. 1769, CC)
2. Continuing guaranty
IV. Characteristics of a Partnership
3. Personal characteristics
and attributes required of
V. Form of the Partnership
a guarantor
4. Principle of excussion 1. Art. 1771, CC
5. Obligations of the 2. When it should be in writing
principal debtor and
guarantor VI. Rights and Obligations of a
6. Principle of contribution Partnership
among co-guarantors
7. Extinguishment of VIII. Rights and Obligations of
guaranty Partners Among Themselves

G. Pledge and Mortgage IX. Obligations of Partners/Partnership

1. Common to Third Persons
2. Requirement that pledge X. Partnership by estoppel (Art. 1825,
and mortgage be CC)

Prepared  by  Atty.  Aliakhbar  A.  Jumrani  
XI. Dissolution 32. Dual liability arising from the
same act or omission
XII. Limited Partnership
33. Proximate cause

29. Agency 34. Negligence; Presumptions of

I. What is a Contract of Agency? (Art.
1868, CC) 35. Doctrines and defenses in tort
• Elements
II. Powers of an Agent
36. Strict liability
III. Express and Implied Agency
37. Damages
• Agency by operation of law
IV. Agency by Estoppel, Ostensible a. Actual and compensatory
Agency and Doctrine of Apparent damages
V. General and Special Agency b. Moral damages

• Agency Requiring Special Power c. Nominal damages

of Attorney (Art. 1878, CC)
IX. Rights and Obligations of the d. Temperate damages
Principal and Agent
e. Liquidated damages
• Doctrine of Imputed Knowledge

X. Irrevocable Agency (Art. 1927, CC) f. Exemplary damages

XI. Extinguishment of Agency g. Death indemnity

30. Torts and Damages

a. Definition and requisites

b. Classification of torts
31. Persons liable for tort

a. Direct and joint

b. Vicarious liability


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