Lesson Plan Letter Z

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Date Subject Number of students Grade

11 November 2018 English 25 KG 2
(Letter Z)
PDP -Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

I want to improve my teacher talk.

Learning Outcomes: Resources/Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Introduction: Foam
- Students will be able to recognize the letter z.
LC1: Pictures, Words, and sentences.
- Students will be able to blend the words with the LC2: Picture of the letter Z, Small black papers, eyes, mouth,
sound z.
and the tail.
- Students will be able to write the words starting with LC3: Play dough, and letter Z maze.
the sound z. LC4: Papers, pencils, and colors.

Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time: 15 minutes

Opening/Introduction (warm up): (Bullet points)

• I will start by reading the AL Quran AL Kareem Links to real life: (Bullet points)
with the children.
• Then ask them about the theme, new sound, color, • I will let them guess any words that start with the
and shape of this week. sound z.
• Then I will introduce the new sound z.

Active Engagement: (Bullet points)

• At the carpet, I will show them pictures that start
with the sound z.
• I will play a sounds game (Speedy sounds).
• Then I will teach the children how to write the sound
z on the whiteboard with a short story, so children
will write it with their magic finger in the air and on
the mat 3 times.
• I will do the blending with them with sound z (Fred

Guided experience ( whole group activity ) language instructions

• In the circle time when I will show the children the card with two sides one is the letter z and other side is the word
with picture (zipper) I will say: “this is zzzzz” then they will repeat 3 times. Then I will show them the other side
saying: “this is a zipper” then they will repeat it 3 times. Furthermore, I will show them some flashcards saying:
“this is zebra, zoo, zipper, zero and zig-zag”.
• When I will teach them how to write the z I will tell them a sort story about the letter z saying: “one day I went to
the tailor and I told to him that I want you to make for me a nice abaya, because I have wedding and then you
know what he made for me?! He made a zig-zag with a zebra design and a lot of zipper inside abaya!!! I was
shocked. I asked him why you made for me this abaya? You know why? Because our sound is zzzzzzz”. Then I
will say for them to write the sound: “show me your magic finger. Write with me zig zag zig, On the mat zig zag
• With the Fred talk, we will do by turns first I will say: “z a p zap now your turn” then the children will repeat.
Individual experience - Small Group Learning Centers: Time 15 minutes.

Learning Center 1 Title: Matching the pictures. Learning Center 2 Title: designing the letter Z.

Children which are a medium level will match the pictures The children will design the letter Z as a zebra, they will
with the words and other children those which are a higher stick the black lines in the whole letter and in the begging of
level they will match the pictures with the sentences. the letter they will stick eyes and mouth and in the last of the
letter, they will stick the tail.

Learning Center 3 Title: Play dough Maze. Learning Center 4 Title: Drawing a zoo.

Children will use play dough to finish the maze, they will The teacher always has on group activity which is art outside
enter the arrow and then they have to follow the arrow keys the class, and one of the groups will go out and set on the
to move and complete the letter Z to come out. table to draw their own zoo.

Closing activity: Time: 5-7minutes

I will ask the children what they learned today about the letter Z.

Assessment for Learning:

I will dictate the children first the new sound the previous sounds.
I also will ask them questions during the activities to tell me the sound.

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