0 - The First Republic in Asia

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20 THE FIRST REPUBLIC IN Asia THE FILIPINOS UNDER the leadershi American annexation of the Philippines, 1) defend their freedom which they ee pec to even to the extent of fighting the powerful Americay leat of arms, defiance of America, the First Philippine Republic was aaets In 1899. This — the first Republic in Asia — lasted only for staid in month and ten days because of the capture of Aguinaldo years, one pof General Aguinaldo rejected The Malolos Congress. On the sunny morning, of September 15, 1898, the Malolos Congress was inaugurated at the Barasoain Church, Malolos, Bulacan, amidst colorful festivities. In his presidential mes. sage, Aguinaldo paid tribute to the patriotism of the people and called on history to witness the work of the delegates in writing a new constitution The members of the Malolos Congress represented the cream of Filipino society. Among them were lawyers, physicians, pharmacists, teachers, engineers, businessmen, farmers, army officers and writers. Many were college graduates and also educated in European univer sities. According to U.S: correspondent Francis D. Millet, the delegates to the Congress “were exceptionally alert, keen and intelligent re The next day, the officers of the Congress were elected by Majority vote. They were Dr. Pedro A. Paterno, president: Eo Legarda, vice-president; and Gregorio Araneta and Pablo Ocampo, secretaries. Among the achievements of the Malolos Congress ee He Tatification of Philippine independence on September oa in eer floating of a domestic loan of P20,000,000, rexiorable 9 40 9 after the date of issue; and (3) the promulgation of the Constituti on. ‘The committee © namely, FERS ¢ Albert clos Constitution. 19 membe! » Abella paquilt The Making of the Mal draft the Constitution was composed oF 1 Ti G. Calderon (chairman), Higinio Benitez, Marr Jose Alejandro, Alberto Barre to, Felipe Buencan uz Herrera, Juan Manday, Pedro na, Arsen Cy Teodoro, Agucdo Velarde, na Jose Lal 4] Rosario, Bas se Ma. de la V anton as . a Magsalin, ora ea oie the Mati oli i Ci —_ c i Ces ramet | at gna drafts submitte abini Gregor e cons’ 0 ced t o three od the Calderon Plan. Plan Paterno Plan vas the Constitutional Programme of the The Mabini Be a Plan was based on the Spanish epic. Ae Calderon Plan was a constitution written by Constaon 1 peyer and social scientist, based on the constitutions Calderon, noted Ia Belgium, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and of France, Belgium, Brazil? philippine After a thorough examination, the Committee chose the Cal- senat’ Mier . the best and submitted it to the Malolos Congress for deron Pla approval On November 29, 1898, the Malolos Constitution was approved by the members of the Congress and then forwarded to President Aguinaldo for hisapproval.’ On January 3, 1899, President Aguinaldo’s message was read to the Congress. Evidently written by Mabini who was hostile to the Calderon draft, the message expressed reluctance to approve the draft, unless certain amendments were included. The members of the Congress angrily spurned the request for amendments, and for almost a month, the Congress, led by Calderon, paged @ cold war with Aguinaldo and Mabini. Fortunately, cooler cads prevailed, and a compromise was devised. January 21, 1899, Preside ‘0s Constitution as the fund. Bi . i en Taos hiippine Republic. On the sunny morning ot Malolos Repupi £'"St Philippine Republic, popularly known as the Berasain Church’ gos MAUgurated amidst colorful ceremonies atthe This was also the first Republic in Asia. On Malol nt Aguinaldo finally proclaimed the famental law of the land. I congrn fs Maugural adq 5 essed his thet tions to thy Tess, President Aguinaldo expre ‘alolog ie Memb Songress for drafting trem ORStit crs of the Malolos Congress Ss i , H yuntty Hom ang fOtCe of g nto the armed forces for winning the © and ¢ oper aspirate *tificgs, 4S’ 2d to the Filipino people for their coOPE Cr al in , . > stated | Phipps We nation SUBELe for independence. He SH ye in coy Pu on Nn ! tio clusion, iS ato t0 live under the democratic cool na from the yoke of any foreign domina! ated: “Great is this day, glorious this 4 THE Fiast Repuouie memorable th ee forever memo. this moment in hi ich our prised to the apotheosis of Independeneers beloved people are Financing the Republic. Th e Republi financial system with some modifications All fe the Spanish Ted by Spain were, retained, except those on gamblin, : a; sources of government revenues were Eres fgthtng, New national loans, (3) voluntary contributions. 4) posta . ) pas tax, (2) tary stamps, and (5) municipal and provincial lcereeg ns ome On November 26, 1898, the Malolos Con government to issue paper money in denomination P10, P20, P25, P50, P100. Actually the Republic rel peel only the one-peso and five-peso paper bills. These bills bore the signatures of Pedro A. Paterno, Mariano Limjap, and Telesforo Chuidian. The Republic also issued two kinds of copper coins, each worth two centavos. These coins were minted at the Army Arsenal in Malolos. gress authorized the The budget of the Republic for the year 1899 was drafted by the Assembly and approved by President Aguinaldo. It appropriated P6,342,729,380 for national expenditures and P704,602 for local expenditures. The estimated revenues were P6,342,707 (national) and 826,900 (local). Newspapers of the Republic. The official organ of the First Philippine Republic was El Heraldo de la Revolucion (Herald of the Revolution). Its first issue came out in Malolos on September 29, 1898, about four months before the emergence of the Republic. Many pri- Vately-owned newspapers existed during the days of the Bet Republic. One of them was La Independencia (Independence), whicl Was founded and edited by General Antonio Luna. Its first ius appeared in Manila on September 3, 1898. After Luna’ eecat onjte 5, 1899, Rafael Palma became its editor. Another a 1 Newspapers was La Republica Filipina (Philippine Republic» tin #nd edited by Dr. Pedro A. Paterno. Its first issue appeared in "yong on September 15, 1898. In the i provinces there w' Ub} js nablshed by patriotic intellectuals. Sen SPapers was E! Nuevo Dia (The 80 Osmefia. Its first issue appear jonary newspaper of these provinca vjed and edited by ere many revolutit Most famous New Day), foun 1900. 1 16, in Cebu on Apr Ce ays of the the stirring day’ "3 ens to Literature under the Republic. During ters used their P' First pps “Philippine Republic the Filipino men

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