Example Fta Unit Root Tests: ST ND ST
Example Fta Unit Root Tests: ST ND ST
Example Fta Unit Root Tests: ST ND ST
This small guide shows you how to recreate the results for the example used in class. For the corresponding
graphs and tables see the sheets/handouts on this topic. I used EViews5.
The following steps are deliberately kept easy, using the EViews point-and-click approach. However, I assume
you have familiarized yourself with the operation of EViews and understand the various routes one can take to
obtain the results described below.
There is an EViews program (list of commands executed automatically) associated with this example that shows
you how to use the appropriate command statements and do some programming.
Additional series from data transformations are created in the command window at the top as
smpl @all ‘ reset the sample period for calculations to the total sample used in the workfile
‘ use all available observations
series lprice = log(ftaprice) ‘ create (natural) log version of the variable
Normally the unit root tests are performed for levels, 1st differences, 2nd differences of the variables. If we cannot
reject a unit root in levels, but do reject a unit root in 1st differences the variable in levels is called I(1), i.e.
needing one time differencing to become stationary. The series in first-differences is stationary and called I(0). If
we cannot reject a unit root in 1st differences, but do reject a unit root in 2nd differences the variable in levels is
called I(2), i.e. needing two times differencing to become stationary.
Do we reject the null hypothesis of a unit root (ADF, PP) or null hypothesis of stationarity in the case of the
KPSS test? Look up the correct test-statistic and compare its value to the EViews reported critical values and/or
look up the corresponding probability value to determine the significance level.